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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1915)
the iu;K: cimaha. itesday. .mm; i. i:i.v Nebraska LONG WINTER BAD FOR BASSJN LAKES Bune Warden Eutenbeck Heart that Cherry County Fishing Not Good. OUSE JOURNALS NEARLY READY (From a Staff Corrsapondpnt ) UXCOUN. June 14. (Special.) Reports tome to Commissioner Qua Rutenbeck of tha fish and came department that bass fishing tn the lakes of Cherry county Is tot aa good as in former years because kf the long and aevere winter. It ia said that the tern hanging on so late caused the fish to smother. ' As a result, the shores of the lakes are oov rad with dead fish. On account of the careful work of the Omaha club, which has a "roost" at pewey lake, the fish were saved because holes were cut In the Ice, which let tn ii and allowed foul air to escape. At least this Is given as the reason, as tow dead fish are found along the shores pf that lake. Lleateaaat Dew on Vlalt. Lieutenant Roderick Dew, formerly of "Tecumssh and for three years Instructor In Spanish at West Point military acad emy, was a caller at the stale house this Wornlng and visited a short time with Secretary of State Pool. For aeveral (rears he was In the Philippines 'n the government service, but Is now r.n his way to Texas to Join his regunent the , Seventeenth, at Eagle Pass. Lieutenant "ew is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. Kirk bride at Lincoln. H. 8. Kirkenbride, cashier of the Iranklln Exchange bank, the bank of mhlch State Treasurer Hall is president. Is now a part of the office force of the tats treasurer, Deputy Treasurer Mur- jjr naving returned to his former piece In the Franklin bank. Treasurer H.n t baa HA r - j v j I'imcu a aepuiy to rill the vicantn MBtiaoj . . wuacu vr . ir. Aiurrav irsignanon. Holt County la Pay. state Auditor Smith has received a mes tage from the county clerk of Holt county btatlrg that the board had made ar rangements for raising the amount owing Ihe state on the old Insane account and Vould remit the same as soon as col lected. Th eamount due Is $3,213 and will be raised by a SDecial lew House Journal Ready. The first few copies of the house Journal were received by Printing Commissioner ?-eudl today. This ia considerably in ad Vance of the record of previous years. C. B. Cowl. Weds Mrs. Tlerney. C. B. Cowles, former land commissioner Df the state, was married today to Mrs. Margaret L. Tlerney of Lincoln. Mr! Cowles is cashier of a state bank at Falrbury, but It is understood will take UP his residence In Lincoln. Mrs. Cowles Is the mother of Mrs. John G. Maher of this city. Franklin to Have New Hotel Soon (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June , 14. (Special.) After several attempts oa the part of Colonel Philip Ackerman, hotel commissioner, (he town of Franklin la to have a new hotel, 'or at least the old one is to be re modeled so extensively that It will be practically new. Some time ago the hotel inspector re ported to the department that the Com mercial hotel at Franklin was in bad rendition and unfit for occupancy. Colo pel Ackerman took the matter up with the parties owning the building, but rould accomplish little until he threat ened to close It up. Now he has received word that the owner has agreed to re model the building entirely, expending liooo. Tha letter states that if the' commis sioner will locate a first class hotel man for them their Joy will be complete. Commissioner Ackerman this morning received the blue prints for a new hqtel at North riatte for approval. The hotel will be three stories and will oe of pressed brick. BACKS NEW AUTOMOBILE THROUGH A STORE WINDOW BBATRICB, Neb June 14. (Special.) Loaing control of his automobile, which he had Just brought from Omaha, K. II. ryble, a liveryman from Odell, backed the machine Into the front of tha Fair atore Saturday night, breaking the plate glass. He waa arrested and taken to po lice station, where he gave a char It for 1100 to cover the damage to the building, lie stated Jhat tha clutch on the machine falied to work and he waa unable to Stop the car. He was allowed to proceed on s BRENNAN MAN HALF SUBMERGED IN LAGOON HASTINGS. Neb., June ll-fSperlal Tel Igram.) Sitting half submerged In water ill night, unconscious from exposure and his horse drowned. Gird Harms of Bren nan. was found In his buggy In the mld lle of a lagoon near here this morning. Driving to his home last nlKht Harms fell asleep. The horse - walked into the tagoaa and drowned, but Harms didn't raka up until brought to a hospital here. He will attempt to drive to Brennan to morrow with another horse. i Mir key Home Farm gold. OSCEOLA. Neb., June 14. (Special.) The aale of ex-Governor Mickey's home placa took place Saturday, being dis eased of at referee's sale. J. W. Flllman acting as referee. Th farm is one of the best fn the county, only a abort dis tance south of the city limits, and waa disposed of to make settlement witn the fie Irs. A large number of bidders were pi stent, the purchaser being W. 8. Helts jnan, who gave 1203.15 an acre. Mr. lleltsman experts to make his home there as soon as he secures possession. A Mistake Made ay Maav. Pon't wait for rheumatism to Indicate flaeased kidneys. When you surfer pa'ns and aches by day and steep dis turbing bisdder weakness by night, feol tired, nervous and rundown, the kidneys and bladder should be restored to healthy, strong and regular action. It Is g mistake to postpone treatment Foley kidney pills put th kidneys In sound, healthy condition snd keep them active tnd strong. Begin taking today. Good results follow the first dose. Sold every a here Advertisement Government Denied Appeal in National Cash Register Case WASHINGTON, June 14.-The suprema, -ourt today declined to review the re versal by the sixth trilled States circuit court of aupesls of the conviction of nf flrlala of the National Cash R-gistcr compnny of alleged violat'ona if tho Sherman anti-trust law. Hy tola' d.iiaion the government lost the most important criminal prosecution that has yet come to trial under tho Sherman law, and what was regnriled by former Attorney Qenernl Wickersliam and Attorney Oeneral Gregory as prob ably the most far-renchlng suit of Its kind In the government's long list of prosecutions of "trusts." The circuit court reversed the convic tions of President John H. Patterson and other officers of the National Cash Register company, which carried Jail sentences, although It did not deny the government the right to proceed in some otner way. The convicted ortirisls con tended the supreme rourt had no Juris diction to review the action of I he court which had upset the lower verdicts. The government's case contained many sensational allegations of unfair competi tion and monopoly, and in Its appeal to the supreme court for a review referred to the defendanta as "steeped In de liberate guilt." Department of Justice officials made no secret that they considered the efficacy of the criminal section of the Sherman law was at stake In today's case which was lost to the government. Woman Asks Half Million Dollars Damage for Injury NEW YORK, June H.-The first of two damage suits for sums aggregating I7.tO.000 against the Long Island railroad company came to trial in the supreme court In lng Island City today, the complainants being Mrs. William S. Lalmheer and Mis. 8. Osgood Pell, widows of New o'rk society men who were killed tn an automobile accident at a grade crossing at .Long Beach in Au gust, mx Mrs. Lalinbeer, who was severely in jured In the crush. Is suing for 500.(XX, and Mrs. Pell for l2M.(m. Mrs. Pell's suit was called today. Among the wit nesses who were expected to be called was William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., who was riding in an automobile Just behind the one occupied by Messrs. Lalmheer and Pea. Will Completely Mutualize the Equitable Life NEW, YORK. June 14.-Complete mutuallzatlon of the Kuultable Life In surance society Is the pUn of Genotal T. Coleman Dupont. who has Just bought the majority holdings of the stock of the society from J. P. Morgan. Reports that this Is the purpose of the new owner were confirmed today by his representa tive, here, Hugh McAtamney, who aaid that General Dupont would soon offer policy holders a two nr three year option on the stock.: ,r . ' - c It is believed that General" Dupont, who now holds t02 shares, will let it go for what he paid for it, plus interest for the time the stock Is in his manda. That price has not been UscIosed, but It' Is believed to be well upwards of 11,000,000. Biggest Flag in World Presented to ' City of St. Louis ST. LOlia. June 14. What Is described as the largest United Kates flag was presented to the city of St. Louis dur ing the nag-day celebrat'on here today. The emblem Is 150 feet ty seventy-eight feet and weighs 400 It wai given to the city by the Million Population club. In a recent parade 160 men and sixty boy scouts were required io carry It. Warden Catches Man Who Leaped Fourth Cell Tier NEW ' TORK, June 14. Hymen Lleb man. a prisoner in the Tombs who was to have been placed on trial today for murder, Jumped from the fourth tier of the prison cells today into the amis of Warden Hanley. The hitter had heard the keeper's shout, looked up and braced himself to catch IJebman. iJebman re ceived only a shaking up and a few bruUee. Waidcn Hanley was ' bruised slightly. Motoring Party Near Harvard Hurt HASTINGS. Neb, June 14. (Special Te!eKram.) MIfs Mary Burghart of Fair field had the ligaments in ber chest badly torn and Miss I.ulu Jackson. Ralph I'erdon and Roy 8later of Harvard were Injured about 8:30 o'clock last night when the Bluter ar overturned off a cement culvert Into two feet of water near here. Fenlon Buys Hotel From David City Man DAVTD CITY. Neb.. June 14 (Special Telegram.) P. B. Fenlon. for many years a traveling salesman out of Pavld City, baa bought the lease and furniture of the Perkins hotel from George Wunderltrh. Its takes charge at once. ICWA GRAIN RATES TO KANSAS CITY TOO HIGH WASHINGTON. June 14. The Inter state Cotrrmerce commission today pro aotracesl anreasonabl and unlawful Joint class fTvfsht rates already cancelled on carload lots of grain from Iowa pilnts te Kansas City. Mo. The rates com- "Hfnd of by the Kinxu C'tv Board of Trad eceedd the ttal of Ihe arrermcdlat Irx si rates, snd th rorom1 afoei fh and them to he In violation of th knar and short haul dans, Flepnratlnn to the Board of Trade wsa refused b-tr-T'ire ft wsi. not an Immediate party af fected kr the rates. The Pee Want Ada are Best Business Corartera. TYPICAL MEMBER OF THE 00V ERROR'S STAFF. TV COLONKL HEVRT RCVIU.FF IN THK PARADE. ROURKES RETURN IN FOURTH PLACE Victory at Lincoln Yesterday Ad vances Marty's Lads a Peg and They Are in First Division. WIN SEVEN, LOSE TEN ON ROAD This afternoon Pa Uourke's gallsnt band of hopefuls will play their first game on the home lot. after twenty days of Invasion of hostile territory. The Rourkes do not come home covered with glory and the personnel of the team has been altered a hit. but' Marty's boys have been battling desperately and they will be given a royal reception when they trot out to combat the lowly lLnks from Lincoln today. Seven games were added tothe victory column on the road trip, but those seven wins were rather overshadowed by ten defeats. Of the remaining gamea one waa tied and two were postponed. But for all that Omaha returns In the first divi sion. I'ntll a few minutes before b o'clock yesterday nftonoon the Rourkes wero In the second division, but the victory over the Links put our boys up another notch and in the cherished territory. Omaha is just three games behind the league leaders now. Pes Moines and Topeka are tied for first place. Denver Is just two games ahead of the Rourkes. It was learned yesterday that Oliver Wendell Holmes, the pitcher procured from the Venice, Col. club, was given tho gate after his punk exhibition at Wichita. Rourke Is hot on the trail of another right handed pitcher and has hopes of landing one. According to the dope the Mr. Thomp son person who heaved the victory at the capital city yesterday is burdened with the first name of Cecil. This may br may not be true, de don't know, but a fiend for records who knows the life history of all athletes extant volunteered the Information and swore to Its ac curacy. As It has been Impossible to learn Mr. Thompson's first name by queries to Denver and Lincoln, the fiend for record's information sounds plausible. Tho lineup of the teams as they will battle today la as follows: OMAHA. 'Position. LINCOLN. Kchlelbncr First Williams Breen Second I.lovd King Third Daley Whalen Short McGafflgan Thomaron Left...: Wolfe Koraythe Center Hehrieber Krueger Right Mclntvre Kafora Catch Yauls Illolgetta CHtch McAlllHter Hitilman Pitch Nurveson Thompson Pitch B. Hohrelbcr Johnson Pitch Powell Kverdon Pitch Khmsn I-ange Pitch Sullivan Mich I . Resame Athletic Relations. STANFORD ITN1VERBITT. Csl.. June II Athletic relations between Btanford and the University of Nevada, discontin ued three yeara ago, have been resumed. It was announced here today, and their Rugby teams will meet at Reno, Octo ber Z3. Compels All Impurities To Abandon System Blood Trouble Can not R main If Properly Treated. Tber ts tn g. H. ".. tb famous blood puri fier, s priH-rtr (but sbauilutely compels hsrcD ful influences to OlsUitefrate sod lose ttrlr Ideality No mn:tr what they sre called our how destructive they are tber Is lu H. h. H. a poiaerful. searching counter influence to sQUlDllst ttae oioat eruptive germ, tsusi-s the Diurous llnine. to covert It Into an inert substance that Is qukkly thrown out of the blood snd cut of the body by the skin, limes, kidneys, buwelt, sol d"royed 111 the liver. There Ii mt I single s lvanre In med 1. 1 o todar ilia c In any hpiihs Is an lmrr vernal' over K. H. K. S'Tgerv Is a wonderful. ina terfu! si'lenc, but shan It o-me to pnri'rlnj' tbe bkxMl H. 8. S. slsuds uloue. Thi in.nii!. o' doctors hsv preat-rllieii It. T!.clr jiatleuta do not always kaiw It Is f. K. K . Ikhi they lasve the tr-atmeut to the il h tor ho pitcltly. Put fs'r-niud'd doctors long ago rvsllsed tiat lo th" vn'tsble usture of M. H. R. wars c-rtalu Ingredients Hist to 1'ie hliKid In If'kneka' wr' J'il it eaat iitlsl us i:)' !! ah building clotneii's of tne grsins, ments, fsts snd suEsrs of our dolly f m1. The svsrog drartor Is huiasue snd of trutued iutelltgsuca. He has seea the re-oTerls from orxr cases of blood trouble br use of b. X. H a bottle of B. H. K. today of any drugs. st. Accept ao subatltiir. And If you wish proper advice on anv 'form f blood trouble, write to the Medd-sl Adviser. Tbe Hwlft Kpe rifle Co.. Hii Kwift Kldg., Atlanta, Ga. it ia oris anils duiag so. . KL0NTZ AND SHAKER FAIL TO SAYE GAME Both Used Against Rtdi on Lttter'i . Ground, but Are Unable to Win. BEATRICE OUTPLAYS PR0HIBS HASTINGS. Nch.. June 14 -(Special Telegram. --Kalrnurv lost a snmc todsr. T to a. The visitors used two pitchers. Klonta was replaced In the noinn I hy Shaner after throe hits an. I three run, with now. out. I. ml Ix en s -ored ae"1nst him. ;-hsnr finished 'he asm s'"-. ing three hits and four scores. Score: PMHRI KV HV-1IN! KB II O A K. 'l II V. lllMbrnd rl I 1 in SOlunn !h . 4 t 1 t ( onlr. IH . V c lrl pw t I I 1 0 t 1 lirumm. Ih . 4 i d 1 lVr--l. If . 4 I I S 1 Hlrh'rdm. (! I I t 0 OOhM. Sb t I ft " lrn n If . . . 8 TM,!nt. .1 4 lb ('NX ton, M. fVnl-oT, "Jli Ffin, r... Klnrtr. J-hnf. S - 1 1 Id 1 ft ( OCamrlwII. rf 1 (I t ft i Wn.loll rl . t J 'Hmltll. I I t ftKM;. a t ft ft ft Tfitiln . . : IO 14 I Tolali . . 3! 1 1 I I llnstlnsa 0 4 ( t 0 0 7 Kalrburv 0 1 i 0 0 0 0 J a 5 Tiire-hr hit: Ismh. Two-hase hits: Hirhsi'dson. l'ellew. Isse on balls: Off K1irtT J; off Shsner. 1; off Smith. 5: off Ttih v. 2. struck it: Bv Klonts. 1; bv Shaner, 9; hv Smith. : hy Riley, I. Double nlav; Conlev to Conbov. Stolen bears: MeCabe Drumm, Weldel. Time: 2:15. I'mplre: Mulr. Beatrice Wallop York. YORK. Neb.. June 14 fUpeclal Tele Riaio. In the poorest game seen on the linsl lot this yesr Beatrice walloped York. to o. It war a see-saw affair and nfter tie P,-ohlhs were two runs to the ::ood, tbcv kliullv handed the name to ibe Mllkskimmers throunh Inexcusable trror ! nor ha.. runnln" S- n : BKATHICR YOP.K AH H O A R AH It O A K rillniai. Ih. J I I a Hlee. Ih.. .4 IS I a Hrannan. ID I 0 tin n. Ih... I 1 12 mark, rf ... I 1 0 Hiiatar. c I A 4 Naff . f X 1 Ki.ii'tn a . I J iKkliart. It. 4 t A I OMurphr, cr.. I 3 4 " OTnttan. Jh .. I (I 1 Id SWetMl. It . 4 1 1 a I OHokawltt. Ilit 1 I I I 1 avian. ....! 1 I 9 (1 i (i Plana, rf.... 4 1 I (1 0 (I "alnaa. r. ... I (I I a A Arikr.ia V... 1 A I I Ibivaina. p. . I Adams s . AAA 4 I Tntali... m I 17 U 4 Total. 11 to II 17 I vn-tr1r a n o J i York 0 0 0 0 1 or o-t 10 0 o- s Tvo-ha.A Mts: Murehv, I.orklnrt. Neff Htolen baaoa: Totten. Bus'er. Double olaVT llockewlts to HI 'e, I hi' k hart to Hrown, Kortmn to Vlllman. Bases on hslls: Off Hkyock. 8: off Huogins, I: off Ailams. 1 lrf-ft on bases: York. ;'., 1'i'lti'lce 4 Hit hv plti'hed ball'- Totter. Buster. Hits: Off Muggins. (I: off Adams. Struck out - Bv 'kvock, by Hugnlnv. I: bv Adams. 1. Time: 7 0S. rnir.inv Sinister. Islander Win Twice. GRAND ISIAND. Neb.. June 14. (Hoe ciiil Tcb'grsm In Ihs otiin'on of mny or the fui s. Grand Island won th game twice today. In the seventh, when 1'in- ire Monroe '1e"lnrcd Henry left third too early on CrcHl.y'a sacrifice fly. end citll"d him out at the plate, and In the ninth, when T.ohen scored on his single. Downcy'r fwcrlflce snd a wild throw by Dye. Thleaaen, allowed one hit In th) second and one in tne ninth Roth lean s Wffl Every phase of American newspaper opinion upon the Lusitania tragedy and the consequent correspondence between this government and Germany, is brought out luminously in the issue of THE LITER ARY DIGEST for June 12th. President Wilson's demand that Germany rest her case upon the higher principles of common humanity, rather than upon points of international law, finds a solid expression of encouragement and sup port from the American people. In this number of THE LITERARY DIGEST there are many other features of interest and value to every American, among which are: Germany As Plaintiff in Atrocity Court The Steel Trust Found Guiltless "Przemysl" Again To Kelp Mexico Save Herself Underwater Nibbles at British Battleships A New Canal to an Inland Empire To infuse Personal Morality Into Nations Fc reign Raps at the President Putting the Screws on Persia What the Religious Press Thinks of Billy Sunday "Win-tiler oho ngret-B that Billy Sunday is "the groitofit soul-Thinner fAne tho . days of th Apostles' to quote one of his admirers, 01 that "Hell is Billy SundaV main utoek in trado" to quote one who questions the man uiid h's methods, all who read thiR week's "Digest" will obtain an illuminating knowledge of how Sunday is .lutiii'Kl bv the Editors of religious papers in America the result of a poll taken among them by tho Editors ,f THK LITKKARV I HQ EST. This issue of THE MTEKARY DRIEST is also particularly interesting from the illustration view-point, and irHutl.-.-, mops, photographs, and the most pointed and laughable cartoons from the press of the world upon the subjects uppermost in the public mind. Week by week "The Digest" publishes not only the most irr partial and comprehensive story of the war, but it reveals all. shades of'public opinion upon those topics, which nxo of most importance to thonghful people everywhere in the fields of Science, Politics, Invention, Literature, Art, Religion, Education, Industry, Spot, Drama, Etc. v ON SALE BY ALL NEWS-DEALERS EVERYWHERE TODAY10 CENTS The Jfcrarx Dltof 1 FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher, of ('id fit TH-Mlni:. In Mdi '"st ipIh 11 mid Miiirv iinv.-i specisMitsr roteM t-mr: KUHKiiI.k (iliANt IKI.tMl AH II O A T. AH II n A r nroitrl'k. Sb 4 1 r,M-n jt. . . i n J ft m 1 a m ...-. i I - - i SB I rrl. It . 4 Kmrtn rf . 4 ( n .hH. cf ) Mo.kei-. l. . t Prin, ih . . I mti. e S Tht-miin. f I ft J f I ', Yt II 1, . 4 1 t til. nrr. If . . 4 0 01 nht . r . . ? I t IVcnti . f ., t I I I'lslre :t. . J 4 rl.iinrt. as. 1 4 ftThlra.rn. s . i 1 T I II ft 10 S 1 II T.i il. One out when Inning run scored. Norfolk fl ooooooo ft n Urand Island 0 0 0 0 (i 0 0 0 I I Two-baas lilt: Hynek. Three-baa hit: Henry. Sacrifice hits: I've. Downey. Crosby, fiiolen bases: Roben. Chllgord. Bases on balls: Thleaaen. 1 Htruck out: By Thlcsann 7; hv Thleman. . louble play: Kcmpln to Olllla I'mplre: Monroe. Will Form a Clearing House for B.B. Players CHICAGO. June U.-Msgnatea of the American association at an informal meeting hero tod a, resolved lo form a bureau for the purpose of getting Infor mstlon on yeung ball players and Hat ing those who may be available for serv ing In Its rsnks. They voted also to allow t. W. Mimeri of Clevelsnd to transfer his team to Toledo whenever a deal la arrniiKed for Its Installment. None la pending now. It la understood. According to President Chlvlngton, who presided at the meeting the bureau will be a clearing house for young hall play ers out of Jobs and will provide a definite line of talent which will be used In strengthening the teams of the associa tion. BIG FIELD OF STEPPERS READY AT MASON CITY MASON CITY. Is.. June 14-(Speclsl Telegram.) A field of 110 hnrres Is here tonight to compete In the races of Tues day, Wednesdsy and Thursday. Purses totalling 4.rl are hung up. Judge Tal botl of PnntlsC, III , Is starter and John (. Shfrwln of tha supreme court, John Hammll. state senator, and B. P. Kirk, rlerk of the supreme court, art as uugef. The state shooting tournsmeiu also opens tomorrow for a three days' meet. Obregon Denies Report He is Dead WASH INK TON, June 14.-Tiv Car ranxa agency her today had no confirma tion of the rcportd del th of Oeneral Obregon, who had his right arm shot sway In the Imttle at Ieon, but re ceived a telegram send by Obre.on yes terday at Lagos. Uiisr.sjuatn, saying: "I sm Improved anl expect to jecover soon." I Bee Want Ads Produce Result G ermany i State League Schedule 'Again Being Changed j HASTINC,.". Nab., J one 14 -"pclsl Te1eitram.)-The schedule of the Plata I lesciie Is being re-aranged to Include. evrnty games Instead of eighty from the time the lea sue waa reorganised on a alx-cluh basis. Tills mskes the closing shout August IH or V. President C. W. Crawford of th Kalr burr' Stub waa conferring with President Miles todav with the result thnt tho Kalrbnry club will be given an additional Sunday game. Falrbury Is one of the best towns on the loop and It Is believed th arangement will be sstlsfaclory. The revised program will he ready for ajbmlsslon In a few davs. . Res Want Ads Produce Results. lecklnaat Throws nnikrle. LOO AN, la.. June 14.-(Speclal -Msv-nard Peckenpaugh, th Iogsh wrestler, won from Klmer Outhrle of Hutchinson. Kan., at Magnolia Saturday evening. Outhrle Is an experienced wrestler and full of tricks of the game, and threw Peckenpaugh In nine minutes. However, the Logan boy pinioned Quthrle'a shoul ders to the mat In the next two falls In six minutes each. Make it Easier For Baby in Summer Many of the Hot- Weather Troubles Can Easily 4 Be Avoided If the mother will see to It that the bowels are kept regular, much of tha Illness to which children are most sus ceptible during hot weather can lie prevented. A mild laxative, administered t regular Intervala, will prove an excel lent preventive of summer complaint that are caused by Inactive bowels. The combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, sold In drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Hyrup Pepsin. Is excellent for chil dren, being pleasant to the taste, gen tle yet positive In astlon, and free from' opiate or narcotic drug of any description. It acts naturally with out griping or other discomfort, and Is altogether dependable. The rleanalng of the bowels will most effectively check an attack of diarrhea by expelling the foreign matter and poisons that Irritate and Inflame the tissues. TH o i ii riEcrole Moral Aspects of Asphyxiation Do Our Stomachs Feei? Our Good Lumber Not All Gone War by Night Sawdust as a Famine Food for Germany A Shockless Railroad Crossing Subterranean Opinion in Germany Psychology of the "War Lie" What the Art-World Lost With the Lusitania The Japanese in the Philippines the Ftraoui NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK INTERESTING HORSE RACE AT FAIR ON SATURDAY AN rRANCTfin, Jnns 14.-Iiitrest Itl the expnltlon sharness meat st lb Tsn-ama-Paetfle exposition femtsred this wee In next Saturday's card, which Includes a 1:00 paring event with tJO.ono id yrlxes. Hcrsemen debated If If world brlrg forth another spark of fortune as did last Sat urday's 2:10 trot, with the same stakes, which the bay horse Pprlggen, consid ered a slim chance, too kin three st-aight heats. There wss no racing todaj. PURDUE STAR ATHLETE IS ALSO STAR SCHOLAR LA FATKTTE. Ind.. June 14.-Harry B. Routh of Loganapert. Ind., has bm named by President W. K. Stone as the athlete of Purdue t'nlvcrstty who. dur ing th Isst four years In school, at tained the highest standard both on the athletic field and In scholarship. He will be awarded the conference medal. Pelersharst Defeats Oaktlal. PKTER8BVRO. Neb., June 14-(9p-clsl. Telegram.! Petersburg defeated Oakdale by th score of 5 to J. Scor: H H C Petersburg . i 0 0 0 0 1 1 I ' IS s Oakdale 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 O X 7 1 In every home a bottle of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pspsln should ha on hand, ready for use when occasion re quires. It cosla only fifty rents a bot tle and la soldi In drug stores every where. A free trial bottle ran be ob tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwvll. 45.1 Waahlngton St., Montlcello, 111. i th i? ssTMstaMMstilaasl