Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
The Dee is The Paper
7 Mk fori if roa plea to
absent snore Uli l.w Sara,
asv Th In aaue you.
VOL. XLIV NO. :iio.
Oi Train and at
uTotel Hi! Stsaas. Se,
Memorial Service. Are Held for Rer.
Homer T. Wilson, for Nine
teen Years in This
, Office.
Reply is Made to Message of Good
Wishes from President Wood
row Wilson.
Features of the afternoon sessions
of the convention were presentation
of a gavel to the retiring president,
V, .T. Schoenecker, Jr., memorial
service for the late Rev. Homer T.
Wilson, chaplain of the association
for nineteen years; and presentation
of 33 Gideon Bibles, to be placed in
the rooms of the Fontenelle hotel.
W. H. Morgen or Nebraska City
made : the speech, presenting the
gavel, which is the gift of Post D,
Nebraska City of which Mr. Morgan
is president.
"Mo. eugga. nliupe. wa-shu-sha toma
hawk," said Mr. Wilson, using the Indian
language. . This, . he explained means
' "Hello, friend, I come to give you tha
( gavel." The navel la made, as the
l speaker explained "of the moat hlirtorlc
woods In Nebraska." The description was
published in The Boo Monday and Mr.
Morgan said lie hoped it would be uel
to such adantago "that the aralps of
10,000 more renegade commercial Indian
may Boon be dangling from the associ
ation's belt."
Honor Late Chaplain. .
Memorial services for the late Rev. Mr.
Wilson were ojcned with prayer by Rev.
A. A. Brooks, national chaplain. Mrs.
V ..Marlon Hlllard Crump sang "Dear Prom
f Iscd Land" with violin obllgato by Mlsa
Madge West. Rev. Mr. Brooks read the
scripture' lesson and then delivered an
eloquent and touching memorial address.
The closing hymn, "Nearer My God to
Thee" waa sung by the audience.
' The 330 Gideon Bibles were piled at the
front of the stage. On the inside cover
of each is a photograph of the deceased
and beloved chaplain with this inscrip
tion: "Placed in this hotel by
"Nebraska Division, Travelers' Protective
Association of America
"As a memorial to
"Rev Homer T; Wilson
"Late National Chaplain.
"He died at San Antonio, Tex., Wednes
day, February 10 and is buried in Mission
Burial Park.
"No more will we be greeted by his
smiling face nor welcomed by his warm
hand grasp as we meet in our national
conventions. No longer will we be en
thused by his magnificent eloquence and
lifted to higher Ideals by the power of his
elegant words. The world has lost one of
its greatest orators and the commercial
men their best friend. His Influence has
been of lasting benefit, teaching us that
it is not all of life to live nor all of death
to die; that a boundless eternity com
pensates for a brief ' earthly existence
it rightly lived and that
" Lives of great men oft remind us
We can make our lives sublime.
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time,' "
Reply to President.
Committee on Constitution and By
Taws Amendments Alex Lawrence, Jr.,
Pennsylvania; W. V. Dixon, Indiana;
E N. Mulkey, Texas; William Konn.
Wisconsin; C. W. Outhwalte. Louisiana;
John A. Schake, Missouri; W. W. Welch,
Illinois; D. W. Sale, Virginia; R, 8.
Fletcher, Tennessee.
Hargent-of-Arma N. Stanley Brown,
Nebraska; H. E. Lentbecker. Maryland.
Committee to Kctiye Report of Hv
. i i w W Pirkttr. Mftrv
land; Carl Finck, Kentucky; W. C.
Johann. Wisconsin; A. U Byrd, North
Carolina,; David Jonee, Pennsylvania.
Committee on Resolutions T. W. Van,
Missouri; eOorge M. Armor, Maryiann,
V. J. McCarthy, Arkansas; P.- R, Emery,
Pennsylvania: E. E. Leb, Indiana.
A committee was appointed to send a
reply to President Wilson's telegram of
good wishes, which was read at the
morning seaeion.
Announcement was made of appoint
ment of committees as follows:
Committee to roceleve Report of Na
tional Becretary-Treaaurer Fred N. Pal
iner, Texas; H. I., Iiarwood. Virginia: J.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather.
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Partly cloudy.
6 a, in
6 a. m
7 a. m
a. m
9 a. in
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
1 p. m
.... W
.... 0
.... f.'J
.... 7
.... 7
.... 9
.... 71
3 P.
4 p.
o p.
7 p.
m .
1915. m. liil.i. 131..
.. 75 S2 M K.'
. . 5 03 t
...67 It KO 7
,.. T l.US AC T
Highest yesterday .
Iwcst yel-iday
Mean teiiiin.-ra.iuie
'iemieiatiM-A and precipitation depar
tures from the normal.
Normal temperature 71
Deficiency for the day 4
Total deficiency since March 1 M
Normal prestation 17 Inch
Defk-lerw-y for the day 17inrh
Total rainfall since March 1...I 17 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 inches
Excess for cor. period, 1. .1 5X Inches
excess lor cor. period. 1913. . .1.27 inches
btattou and State
Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather.
Cheyenne, cloudy .
Davenport, rain ...
Denver, clear
Jkjs Moines, clear .
Lander, part cloud)
North Halte. clear
Omaha, cloudy .
Pueblo, clear
7 p. in. est. fall.
, 70
'Rapid City, part cloudy.. 63
halt Lake City, clear ... 7.'
toanta Fe, clear
Hheridan. cloudy
Niui City, cloudy 6i
Pslentlrie, part rloudv 70
i iniiraies trace of preclnltation.
A. WELdli, Local Forecaster.
HEADS OF UNCLE SAM'S MILITARY MACHINE Secretary of War Garrison, General
Hugh Scott, chief-of-staff, and Colonel Clarence P. Townslcy, superintendent of West
Point academy. Photo taken during commencement exercises.
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Dorsey Evidence Convicts Him
Without the Testimony of
Negro Conley.
ATLANTA, Ga., June 11 Solicitor Dor
sey, arguing today before Governor, 8la-
tonJkglnsCXeO Mi. Frnk' filBU'Tf"""
for commutation of bis death sentence,
declared that even It the testimony "of
James Conley, the negro factory sweeper,
w ere eliminated, Frank" had been proved
guilty of Mary Phagan's murder by the
testimony of other witnesses at the trial.
Mr. Dorsey sought to show by the rec
ord that Frank had a fair trial; that
the evidence proved that Frank, and not
Conley, committed the murder, and that
the trial judge was sufficiently convinced
of Frank's guilt to refuse him a new
trial. In reviewing the record the so
licitor cited alleged contradictions In
Frank's testimony before the coroner and
his statement at the trial. He said that
the record showed Frank never accused
Conley of connection with the murder
until after the negro had been arrested,
and also that he never told officials that
Ctnley could write, although he knew It
when detectives were seeking to prove
that Conley wrote the "murder notes"
found beside the girl's body. -
Chang of Vfor Not Asked.
Regarding the" first point,' Mr.' Dorsey
said counsel never asked a change of
venue and that there was no antago
nistic sentiment toward Frank prior to
the trial.
"There were developments in the trial,"
he said, ' "which might have been' calcu
lated to incense the people because of
the harrowing details of the .crime. The
state supreme court, however, ruled upon
this point that there, had been no show
ing by' the defense that there had been
any demonstration in the .court , room
which could have been held to -have de
prived the prisoner of a fair trial."
Judge Roan himself ' declared the' so
licitor said he had a fair trial.
"The record shows," "he continued, "the
demonstration by the crowd outside thi
court room was not heard by the jurors,
and that there was nothing to Justify the
allegation that the crowd In the court
room shouted to the Jury:
" 'Hang Frank or wo'll hang you.' "
The state and federal courts, said . Mr!
Dorsey, held that Frank had not been de
prived of any right in that he was ab
sent from the court room, -at the request
of the trial Judge, when the verdict 'was
The courts also held,: he said, that alle
gations of mob violence were not sus
tained. '.
Minister I rin t'Jeinener,
Mr. Dorsey waa Interrupted to allow
Rev. C. B. Wllmvr, a local' Episcopalian
minister, to present a petition from At
lanta, ministers urging commutation. Dr.
Wtlmer urged the governor to decide the
case "on Its merits and on Justice, with
out regard to any form of prejudice."
He said commutation was Justified by
the atmosphere of Atlanta before and
during the trial by the manner in which
the evidence against Frank was obtained
and by the reasonable doubt of Frank's
guilt, which, he fcaid, still existed.
Resuming. Dorsey replied briefly to Dr.
Wilmer, declaring he felt the state had
a clear case against Frank without using
the testimony of the negro, James Con
ley. He offered In evidence affidavits
from th sheriff and several aeputles. In
which they denied thrat there was evi
dence of mob violence in the court room.
Negro Lynched by
Mob at Toccoa Ga.
TOCOOA, Ga., June 14 am tephena,
a negro, accuaeed of attacking a white
girl, was taken from the tepher.e county
jail early today by a .nob of armed men,
hanged to a tree and shot to death.
Whe Day' War News
aw there has been av renewal of
fnrlona flsrhtlne; and, aceordlna- to
n. official announcement from
Berlin today,- the Trutonle allies
havte aralnel an Important victory.
' A lireae dispatch from Petroarrad
artvea another version of what ap
parently waa the'aame battle. It
Hit 20,000 men of the Antro
tierman forces were killed, the re
mainder be In a routed. ,
1 fljfH f rir(t eHin tt uaw. 'Hie A e i1 wimi A
war office 'today announce that
the French had sustained a severe
defeat near Arras. The French
mllltarr authorities asserted a
' German' work had been raptured
near Lorette,
8,300 tons, was sunk off I.nnd's
End by a German submarine. The
rrew was rescued.
JIRAVY FIGHTING has been re.
sumed on Oalllpoll peninsula be
tween the French and British
forces and the Turkish army
which Is defending the approach
to Constantinople. The Turkish
war office announces that nttacks
of the allied forces aiialnst the
riant wins; of tho Turks were re
pulsed and that ' the attackers
were thrown back to their original
positions, with havr losses.
GERMAN SUBMARINE set fire to n
Innlsb schooner after placlaa; its
rrew on nnother Danish I sailing;
vessel, - whle- hwua - permitted to
OCCUPATION OF Cariathtau town
of Vnlentlnn by the Italians Is an
nounced officially at Rome. Along;
the Isonso river a battle of lara-e
. proportion has been In pregress
for several, days. . -
been sunk In tho White Sea by n
Greek War Party .
Wins at Election
of Parliament
PARIS, June 11 A disnatch from Ath
ena to the Havas News Agency says that
me candidates of the party of M. Ven
lselos, the-former Dremler. who cava nn
office -on account of his policy in- favor
of war on the side of the allies, were
elected, in .Athens and that elsewhere
throughout the kingdom . his partisans
were successful.
King. Constantlne has not yet been told
of the result of tlie election, as his nhv.
slcal condition still causes anxiety.
A change of ministry mill h imnndhi.
until Parliament meets and the session
may be postponed by the government
for forty days. ' The present rablnot ran.
seuuently may remain In powe.- until
me ena or August.
The party of M. Venlselos Is s.iir..i
of a majority In Parliament, says Paris
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
company. Partial returns show that this
party has secured more than a !
In the chamber.
Flag Day Exercises
at Betsy Ross House
PHILADELPHIA. June 14,-The one
hundred and thin v-im- .i.,. ..
the adoption of the American flag by the
continental congress was observed by
patriotic exercises today In the Betsy
Xinmm h. ,k . v
w-- mwo, wucrv mo iirst emoiem was
made. School children figured largely In
the observance. ,
riss- . .i.. .k . .
w t-uicrvvii ac in
dependence Hall. There the Louisiana
state flag waa raised over the old state
bouse to commemorate the fiftieth year
m uis nuw or in civil war. The flag
la the gift of th Louisiana Historical
President Says it is Embodiment of
History of People Striving for
Great Ideals.
WASHINGTON. June 14. Presl
dont Wilson, speaking at Flag day
iUflJxJje&ini& Aortay, , urged, Aloerr
leans to remember their patriotism
on other darg than national holidays
and to carry the flag of the country
ever in their hearts.
The president made no direct ref
erence to the European war or to
International questions, but he was
applauded wheneyer he . made any
reference to the patriotism of - the
people of the United States. The ex
ercises were held on the south steps
of the Treasury building.. When the
president arrived a large audience
stood and cheered until . he waved
his hands for silence.
Introducing the president. Secretary Mc
Adoo said the meeting was to pay homage
to the Pag "of our country at a time
when If has a deeper significance than
ever bo-fore In the world's history, when
it is the hope of rtvlllzfttlon."
The exercises were attended by Sec
retary Lansing. Secretary Danjels, Sen
ator Simmons an-i many other govern
ment officials. A chorus of Treasury do
parlment employes sang patriotic songs.
Fin si Embodiment of History.-
'for me," said Jhe president, "thi flag
does not express a mere body of senti
ment, it is the embodiment, not of a
sentiment, but of a history, and no man
can rightly serve under that flag who
has not caught some' of the meaning of
that history. '
You do not create the meaning , of a
national life, by any literary exposition
of it. but by the actual dally 'life en
deavors of a great people to do the tasks
of the day and live !up to the ideals of
nopesiy ana righteousness and Just con
duct And, as we think of these things, our
tribute Is to those men who have created
this experience. Of these men we feel
that they have shown us the way.. They
have not been afraid to go before. They
have known that they, were speaking the
thoughts of a great people, when they
iea tns,t great people along the paths of
achievement. 1 There was not a single
swashbuckler among them. They were
men of sobtrt quiet thought, the more ef
fective because there was no bluster In
It. They were men who thought along
the lines of duty., not along the lines of
self-aggrandiscment. . They were men. In
short, who thought of the people they
served and not of themselves. '
Multitude Body of Natloa. -
"While we think of them and do honor
Uxthem as those who have shown us the
way, let us not forget that the real ex
perience and life of a nation lies with th.
great multitude of unknown men. They
constitute the life and body of the na
tion. Thla flag la the essence of their
(Continued on Page Two. Column Three.)
Members of the T. P. A.
attending the national con
vention, are the tfueau of
Omaha thia week. We ex
tend one and all a hearty
welcome. Omaha hat and
can have no more effective
on-the - job- all - the - time
boosters than the traveling'
Though First Day Passes Without
Trouble, the Department Takes
Measures to Handle Any
Great Thoroughfares in Poorer Dis
tricts. Black with People Trudging-
to Work.
CHICAGO. June 14. The first
day of the big Chicago street car
strike passed without serious mishap.
No surface cars were run. and only
a few trains on the elevated. There
was nothing resembling regular serv
ice except on the suburban lines of
the steam railways and these were
far from adequate. A brick thrown
through a window of an elevated
train win the only violence.
Varlnua Resolutions I p.
The strike wni the big question before
the regular meeting of the rlty council
tonight. Various resolutions looking to
a settlement were proposed. One would
pledge the rlty, which la a partner 111
the profits of the surface lines, to pay a
proportionate shnre of any advance
granted the men. Another suggested
that a mediation board of five aldermen
be appointed.
All manner of vehicle was press dlnto
rervlce, even roller skates s mo Tig trniM
of the younger generation, but tens of
thousands walked to their places of em
ployment. The great thoroiig-usres
through poorer districts were black with
people trudging to work. They over
flowed from the sidewalks onto the
pavement., The streets had the appeal
ance, excefft for the general good humor
with which the situation was accepted,
of the avenues of soma city in the war
sone from which the population was
flying. i
Asks for I.OOO Mors Cops. ' 1
The quiet of the day was not accepted
by the a ithoritles as assuring continued
tranquility. Chief of Police Healey
asked the finance committee of the city
council for an appropriation of W7,fc4
to employ 1,000 extra policemen to be
available In event of disorder when the
companies make a real effort to operate.
The committee decided t otak th chief's
tequest under consideration for two
weeks. '
A drUxllng rain most of th dy added
to the dlsoomfort of the elty. Owners of
iitbmbblTes "driving" t' or from the ,clty,
submitted ' generally ..' to the amiable
brigandage or those seeking rides. Few
machines traveled with empty' seats.
I . ' i.
Charges Head of the
Naval Academy Is
Acting Improperly
ANNAPOLIS, Md., June H.-When th
court of Inquiry Investigating Irregulari
ties in examinations at the naval acad
emy reassembled after luncheon recess
today.' Congressman James Hay cf mid
shipmen's counsel, addressed the court
to the effect that the evidence of Mid
shipman Ward and others indicated that
witnesses were being tampered with by
the superintendent of the academy be
for they gave their evidence.
That Midshipmen Moss, Duncan and
T. W, Harrison of 'the last third class,
who have been recommended for dis
missal for "gouging" were no more guilty
than the majority of the class. In the
opinion of their classmates, wss de
clared today by Midshipman Clarence O.
Ward before th naval coon of Inquiry
Investigating irregularities In examina
tions at the Institution.
It also was the general belief of the
class, he said, that the Integrity of th
three defendants was such thst they
would not stoop so low as to steal an
examination paper.
Moss claims to have received through
the mails from an anonymous source
packages that he believed to be legiti
mate "dope" for Informatioii, but which
the academy authorities contend he and
all others who saw them should have
known were official papers prepared for
the last examination in the modem lan
Several witnesses had test! fie 1 that
they had been told by Admiral Fullam or
his aide that if they took a certain stand
In their testimony they would be placing
themselves In the same category wtth the
seven original defendants.
Congressman Hay characterised thla as
Intimidation that "shocks tha sense of
decency of the whole country." He asked
for a ruling In the msttor and tho court
was cleared while the members took It
under advisement.
When the doors were reopened the
president of the court announced that he
had directed that a letter b sent to
Admiral Fullam, requesting him not to
give any advice to nor discuss with any
midshipman reporting at his office the
matter of their status i.s witnesses.
West Virginia Must
Pay Twelve Millions
On Before War Debt
WASHINGTON. June U-The supreme
court today decided the long-standing
Virginia-West Virginia debt case, hold
ing West Virginia should pay H2.SH,.t
as its net share of the Virginia debt at
the time of the partition of the states.
French Ship Sunk
by Submarine
IXINPOX. June 14 The rnrh
schooner ZMamant has been sunk by a
German submarine off Pendlne, Wales.
Th crew waa given two mtoute to tak
to Boats and was landed at Plymouth.
Big- Hole Torn in Side of Steamship
Bunker Hill by Billings'
Pleasure Craft.
MOW YORK, June 14. C. K. O.
Billings' steam yecht Vanadls reached
Glen Cove. L. 1., early today with the
body of John J. Drown of Boston,
roe of the two victims of a collision
in Long Island Bound last night be
tween the yacht and the big passen
ger steamer Bunker Hill of the Met
ropolitan line. The body of the
other victim, George H. Kendrtck,
also of Boston, was brought back to
New York by the Bunker Hill, when
It returned earlier in the night with
a hole In Us side thirty feet high and
nearly twenty feet long.
Brown and Kendrirk and three
others Injured in the accident were
passengers on the Bunker Hill bound
for Boston. The Vanadls rammed
the passenger steamed In a thick fog
off Raton's Neck, at the eastern end
of Huntington bay. The yacht
barked out of the hole In the Bunker
Hill's side with Its bow smashed and
festooned with Iron bedsteads and
other furniture swept from the state
rooms of the sound liner.
Hrown was picked tin from the wster
by the rrew of the yacht with both legs
broken. Il died an hour Inter. Kendrirk
was crushed to death as he sat at dinner
in the dining saloon of the Bunker Hill.
Deekhanda tiuau for Boats.
The lifeboats of the Hunker Hill were
swung out on their davits and filled with
passengers, but when the ofl'lcers dis
covered that the steamer mas intact
below the water line they bade the pas
sengers return to the decks. Htories told
by some of the passengers rexardlnar the
behavior of the Hunker Hill s crew await
official Inquiry. It waa said that some
of the negro deckhands rushed for the
boats and refused to surrender their
places. The coroner's Jury at Olen Cova
began nn Investigation this morning soon
sfter the Vanadls arrived.
Brown's death wound was received when
he lay In bed, was the opinion of Cap
tain Partington of the Vanadls. When
th Vanadls backed away from th
Bunker HUI It carried on Its sharp bow
sprit two Iron beds. In one of these beds.
Captain Farrlngton believes, rovn lay,
falling, bruised, cut and unconscious Into
the water as the colliding craft cleared
sach other.
. . Taeat Madly Dna4.
Tits Vanadls lay, a sorry looking wreck,
at anchor at Olen Cove today, prepara
tory to dry docking. Its entire front was
crushed m. U bowsprit was broken off
Short and i its r forward timbers ripped,
torn and splintered to within three feet
Of the water line. Two blows, apparently,
were struck by the yacht, the second after
the recoil of th first.
When th Vanadls anchored, Coroner
Luystsr went aboard and took the state
ments of It officers and wireless oper
ator. Mr. and Mrs. Billings and Andrew
McLelgh of Chicago, Mrs. Billings' father,
left for New York soon thereafter.
Supreme Court
Refuses to Review
the Caminetti Case
WA8HINOTON. June 14 -The supreme
court today declined to review the convic
tion of F. Drew Caminetti of Sacramento,
Cel., on charges of violating th white
Slav law. ....
The court's refusal to review Cam!
netti'a conviction would seem to indicate)
a similar disposition to the case of Maury
F. Dlggs, who was convicted with him
after a sensational trial which attracted
national attention because of th prom
inence of Camlnettl's father, the com
missioner general of immigration; the
resignation of th United States attor
ney, McN'ab of Ban Francisco, under
whose Jurisdiction the proseoutlon came,
and a controversy with Attorney General
McKeynolds and Secretary Wilson of tho
Department of Labor, when President
Wilson took a hand and appointed a spe
cial prosecutor.,
Apparently no further legal remedies
lie between Caminetti and a jail ten.
Caminetti was convicted after a sensa
tional trial which attracted national at
tention becauso of the prominence of
Camlnettl's father, the commissioner gen
eral of Immigration, the resignation of the
United States attorney, McNsb, at San
Francisco und?r whose Juri.Hlon the
prosecution came and a controversy with
Attorney General McRaynolds and Sec
retary Wilson of the Department of
Labor, when President Wilson took t
hand and appointed a special prosecutor.
Apparently no further legal remedies lie
between Caminetti and a jail sentence.
Later former Senator Bailey, as counsel,
applied for a review of the conviction of
Muary I. Dlggs. The court toon the Ap
plication under: ronsdsratlon. At the
same time attorneys obtained leave to
file this week an application for a re
consideration of the refusal of the court
to review the Caminetti caae.
Not Construed by
Supreme Court
WASHINGTON. June W.The .unr.m.
court today dlstxissd of tha iu,i
Kentucky Wbb-Knyon liquor oases
wunoui aetermining th constitutionality
of th Webb-Ksnyen law, or passing on
its construction.
Th Kentucky case was a prosecution
of th Adams Express company for
bringing liquor for Personal uss from
Tennessee into Whitley county.Kmtucky.
justice Day. for the court, held It
was bound to accept the decision of Ken
tucky cc.urt of appeals, that the Webb
Kenyon law was not applicable.
I'ndcr that derlaion the conviction of
the express company was set aside.
Heary Fijhtinf is in Progress Along
Line Extending from the Baltic
to the' Roumanian
Force Crosses River Into Bessarabia
and Occupies Position on Rus
sian Soil.
BERLIN. June 14. (Via Lon
don.) Official announcement was
made here this afternoon that Gen
eral Von Markenzen has occupied
the Russian positions along the entire
front In the eastern arena of the
fighting from Cyernlawa to 8lenawa.
LONDON. June H. Although the
French would appenr to be unrelent
ing In their offensive work, which is
netting them slow progress in north
western France, the situation In the
eastern arena of the war, where the
Auatro-Gcrmans are straining every
nerve to deliver a crushing blow to
the Russians, remains of the utmost
importance. No confirmation has
yet been received of the report that
the Austro-Germans have rooccupled
Zurawna, but further to the south
they are across the river Dnelster
and on Runslan soil in Bessarabia.
Activity am Rasters Front.
Not for mouths past has there been
such general activity on the astern
front. Checked at the center of the
Gallclan line . the Anatro-Germans have
developed an Austrian offensive c n both
wings at the same time and thoy are
starting another battle in Poland to the
north of Prsasnysx. There Is confused
fighting going on at the same time in
the Kaltlo provinces, so It may te said
that the contenders are at grips once
more from the Baltlo to th Roumanian
Th atand which the Russians have
been making recently in OaJIcIa Indi
cates to British observers that their
shortsge of ammunition has been over
come. It was thla shortage, according
to the belief here, that enabled the
Austro-Germans last month to sweep
across the country and take Prsetnysl In
such record time. - 1 - , ;.
"In " Greece," -the followers of ormer
Prsmlor Venlselos wh teklgned becauaa
Orec would not enter the war on the
Sid of the allies, seemed to have tha
upper hand. Judging from th early re
turns to th general elections held la
that kingdom. Indorsement of the
policies of M. Veriselos may have a bear
ing on Greece's future vourse of action.
French Official Report.
PARIS, June 14. The French war of
fice this afternoon gave nut a statement
on th progress of hostilities, which reads:
"There Is nothing of real Importance
to add to th announcement given out
last night Belgian troops threw a bat
talion over to th east l-ank of tha Year,
to the south of the railroad bridge go
ing to Dlxmude and organised themselves
cn the ground thus gained. Also they
destroyed a blockhouse cf the enemy in
the vicinity of the chateau of Dlxmude.
"In the section to the north of Arras
yesterday saw the development of vari
ous Infantry actions. At the,, end cf the
day one of these advsncea made Us
masters of a German work to the east
of Lorette. Another engagement resulted
In our losing, after a violent bt-mbard-
nien, a portion of the trenches occupied
by us during the afternoon,- at a point
to the north, of .the . sugar refinery of
Souches. .'
"There has been nothing to report from
the remainder of the front." -
Bryan Will Propose
Plan to End War
WASHINGTON, Jun 14.-Forratr Sec
retary Bryan announced through friends
here today that he wilt lasue a state
ment proposing means of ending th war.
The statement, which will be - Issued
Tt-tsday or Wednesday, will not deal with
his resignation from tha cabinet, but with
"the war as it is, the causes that led to
11 and the way out."
The statement will be entitled ' The
I Causeless War.'' It waa said It would be
j Mr. Bryan's last "for th present'-
"The maid waa In the garden.
Hanging up the cloths;"
I wonder where they got her."
Bald th Pansy to the Hose.
"They must har used a Want As
She does ber work so wwll" .
The Daisy could have answered.
But Dalaie never tell.
When you want a maid, laundress or
cook, uae a Want Ad. Teleui.uu
Tyler lOOt.
rtrr rr n in omajka hi.