Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1915, Page 8, Image 8
THE nEK: OMAHA, MOXTUY, .TUNE 14, 1915. J , a 1wri4VWVM1 ywr,,,yr-jevs ii ii ii i i n I ik aft t a ,k i a it t) a ft . V ft f 1 lHtUM Mi jajU4je"A.i JJM Xtf l"rtj MMIMi l) If you have in your too-big house a few one-room homos for desirable people tell about them in the furnished !.( room column or a no dco ana aon t lorsot to rcgisier your name in tne tree rurmsnca toon. Bureau ior j muiim. . - . . iMraairrnreiv 1? I J B I II t II H t i I f t f I 1 I tS I p ' amhM ' T WANT ADS W ant ao received at any time, bt t tnturo proper flu sirx-ntton miiot b Tf nti Wfor It clock noon for evnln Mnion anH T J r- m for mumjnn 8'i orJ ditlnm Want r--l fr imrli hour Kill txt under tba beUln, ' loo Ll to t la-tfy," C BH RiTJW. . fevrn c.n,cutlv ttmca, 1 cent ft oM erh lnartion. Thr tlnifa within on wlt, I1. ent word h Insertion. On tjrae, 1 cfntu a word. CHAJME UATK8 Sovcrt ronnccullva Utnca, ceata a lln Tnr tlmoa wlfhla f n waelt. 19 wnta line rarh Insertion. One thne II renia a line. Count ix aceraica wurrtx to a Una, cbarga. a renta. An aflvertiaement Inaerted to r rn until diecnnt.nued nuat b atjpp4 ay written orlr. . A! elnlms for errora tniiat n mao wtthln fifteen lea ftr lb lt tnar tkn of the advertisement. Ton ran nlaca your want aa la TT.a Be fcy tle'hoie . , TKUKTOONK TTLER W TODATS OOMPLKTR MOV1K rROCiPAMS rclolrely in Tho IV LAKTKRN alldee for raovlea. Pend your copy to VV'a can rrprcxluc photo r will prpr your copy. Wa wBl oolof aa directed. Baa Pboto DapC, 103 Be Bid. Dlwa r!l.ITM KO. 8. TARVAM. Mr. Jrr Vlxtts HI Uom Town, Vita. A Night Out. -ree Ka. A Leon In Romanre. Fn., laf M AND HaLiINKT llotaa of raramount Pleturaa. j'Rinckhh.' tu;-i iK.raiA3. Harry Mver Rose Theby tn Muni tli-ne Oamitier In Vomn Hter" Hny. Arrn the Footllrhtu, two-reel (Irani. VARIR. JW I-Ol liUAS. J!r. Jarr and the tn'riBl-tiiit. Vitaa;ra)h. -ot!y W'e'd' Allil. l-reel Kaiem. The Khi-rlff f-iory, liiogrnph., aerlb. ALHAMmiA, 1814 N. 34TIC. Dpvrator of Hlg Sandy. to-rel llroncho. The VVIdhlng Mntie, Amorlran drama. Miihi-I wilful Way. Kcvelone comedy. 1iA;.iON4N " 24IKA K rTaTRBKT. The i'urult Ktetnal. 2 reel Iirp. I .over' l.iicky Predicament. Joker font. JudKinenl of Men, Vict, drima. i ltA.N K1.1N. IIIU AND FRANKLIN. The troyer. three-reel Kalem. Hoohley'a Haby, Vltayraph. FrU)LI. MTU AND Kl'UAUUlfl. An Uyll cf the Hill. 2-reel Htx dram. Toil of Youth, Laemmle drama. I'okr nnd Jah. fitrlmif comedy. iram "TlicHler licautiful," IS at liinnay. hr, a of Jiitllu, I-r. dr. feat. Hobert KdlHon. "i'lie IJving loth, t-r. Society. Do Wouldn't KUy Down, Key. Ford, rUer HII'l'tilHtiiMK, Xli ( I MINO. Kvmpathy Kal, Re. J.f. fet. Cioight In the Act, Key, com. I'ereliiteiu. Win. Reanty or. Hea Nympha, -r. Key. com. '.V Y' . . I'iT MAN rl .TluHuTT K "m Jler Adopted .Mother. Hig V iliama. Mix mi nl Mvxinn, Nestor coniiily I ulike itlicr t iirl. -reel i a v a u ?- t-A i a vV k i.r.Tf uklt' Ulack Hi'X, No. u, -.e,.j nuclei. i'."ie eml Taonuv 'Ar . uriniu. 1'nrk .lolinnieA, I, no. comcity. IaitiIh')!', jtiu AwirLmTH(IiriTtC l.ui Hp and Uli! Mutch. flv reel of high c aune.iy l.nut time tontht. :'alT;i.. a.w uXvT.Mt.uVr si. Mtcr Rogue of Kuroi, street Rig v. K'ircq T'lem', .Idker roinely. Knuth, AIR Th') M K PAVOR1TK. 1711 VINTON. .iu KliAlliHivr't tleir, l-n.i liuiu, And He Never Knew, Prin. Ixiv In Armor, heystona comedy. AI'i'UJ', lL LhiAVKN WORTli. In it'.e volf lcn. Lub. Tno AvaketitrtK, Vita. annvr and the Man. Kl. ARROR AND A R HO It, Tom Wlw In a Ucntliman from Jiils- ill. In i reel. Tonight only. 'Lt MhlA. . viilu riot 111 loTlt, Th, OiMliei.. -reel ta. M"an and Morals. K. Tho Utferty Party, Kal. - ytMlOrt'f 11 1 H VIN iVJ'. Runaway June', lant ei ImKle. '! he ihe Lttflit, Domino. I'..r Better Hut ore. Kev. I AVuhliW AlulMIL, l.lil VINIO-.S. .Molly of the Mountains, -ree llioncho. Tiifl India fhnngcllng, Rel. dr. llr luckles Ijoss, Key. iomedy. i'ATHTiT. TTieVTNfoXI 1 lie W lid Knulne, Kal. , The RreHth of Arahy, 'JMecl Mta. Swcrtle In B'Klevllle, kiss. ' r.. ! Vi"s,t'nt i rt. Too Slufly Ciook. Nest comedy. A rhot la tlie Derk, IU' druina- Wi', lt,K VINTON. Tiie Pursuit Ktemal. -rel Imp. Wul a Blind Man Haw, D-rerl ijiein. dr. H ben They Were Pi-KOs, Nest, comeily. i'AKTIM r AND LEA V liTwiTRTlT? t.ti tie Oti I of tbe AtfV, 8-rrrl Utm. I ney W ere lleroe. Nestor. The AIIUI. Trnp. 7 reels of pictures, T. VK-Ni-tiA, lUi mj. Ukti Four reel cf M utual tAoturaa, Weal. FRANKrra AlRIxiMW th & Fai nam. N enrsnce $-reel Kni,y diajua. Monny Jim at Marui Uias, ItarapU r. i'd y . Mu.siiui. . 1'AH.NA.M. t rancs X. Bushman. 'Tinny." I reel. Tom Wise in "Th Msglc Rotiie." "Tie laers Visit Arcs,1w," Into the Night Besia KE.VWIN'. in. MAIN ST. I he Torrent, two-reel (Maxte Waliamn. A Htool Pigeon Revenge, L-Ko comedy. 1 '..irir.mda of On iSv.iney Aversi. t'asavll stla'ta. I I 1TF No. '6 BROADWAY. 1 ne hnow-Hurner, S-r. Vsaiisy Drama! Tl i)..-! or xniMiiig lom. m-iui fr'l I at" llasiaph 'om. M,'H"''Af. 'iej.' hiluAbWAl, IVtn-r. J-reel Kslem Drama. ! h Xsniei.liig ul. Vllarih 'onie1v, fr i '(. 7 MwJaUwI iT t n Mi-'sereer, t-r. Pi O. Artist and to Veiirefwi One. Victor. 'io liiaits an-i a hiiln. N.tsr Wsaabav. ftTU AND N. it.-.r.. I e V n 1 g Woman. ?-re F.djsori, 'lie eMrr.i'f rf hiora t-'incui.i-, b,' Vita. 'uA''-' '. i1 11 AND O. I f.fri t!e Ki!, Iteriurile dearr.a. I i h ii ted sreer. J-r. I. ho coo.edy. ii'Ml-;t'M. -ITH AND U. I .. .a- r of Kli n',!) "rr, eoi'i-dra. '.: t Kll,. AVHM'!.',;!:TS e 1 AXXOUXCKMKXTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS- Ro Comfortable Yourself anil Fnniih ('oihfort For Yohr Customers ami Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent fifflr Koom 10x. HCH(IO), liONIiei Ft JR 8AIK The Fchool Iltrct or H.-hiivler, Neb.. h ready for relertlon 46.iM in bond, lerlng Interest at t per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, dated July 1. imi, with option of (laying on any Interest payment date. None will be redeemed within five year, flealed bids for th purchase of these bond will lie received by the H5rretary of the Kchool hoard at Bchiiyler until noon. June if UMft. All bids must he accompanied by certified check payable to Hchool District for J per cent of amount of bid. Hoard re serve right to reject any and all bids. Bond, are readv for neelsiritlon in, their hl.,- k. k.. .i.."i .Ii". proved by the Ht4e Auditor' offlie. Full Information msv be obtained from the undersigned. UTTU HI'KhnW, l Me-retary. V hem ver oir!re vonelderlng eelllna or buying a us.'d and von want full value for your money or you want people who ate. willing to pay for what they era Fettlng yoii will have no regret If you buy or od vert Ue through the used tar column of The He. Phone Tyler ' A I 'TO trunk In first claaa conditlun for or trane. rag I'ark Ave. HLlLDINti IAT IN TRADE FDK .I'ili -''-AH! AITO. rMH'aiAS 7TS4 AF1KR p. M. lH)l tLA8 Mi OIIA1.MKRH. MIX KOADHTRRH. iiaknkvI!4V.CaLl MR- ANOElliW jl RJCVVARD for any magneto we can't repair. Colis repd. ftaysriorfer. 210 N in o FOR KALK-Ij!te model car, a-cyllndr, -'"'"""""nger. 711 8tnte Rank Hhlg. Flvr-iasMenaer Maxwell .t?ft F've-imsKengnr Velie 75 Flve-pannenger Rulck 27R Five-paseenger Hiegal...,. ivi "Little" RoadstrK. j-5 Hupp Roadster j) Umpire Roadster jo Three-quarter truck I. jki TMK AI TO C'LFiARIVU HOITHE. Far nam. Tel, Dougla 8310. I'OR SALE 1M3 Pullman touring car In fin condi tion, liwly painted: l ot) rash will take It. 18KD CAR DK tA RTMK'NT, ytH Farnam St. F'hon lHugla 4IK. KKV.' Fnrd auto deliver bodlea otalT etylea. open or closed, always on band. Our prleea will aava you money. Ke Johnson-lMnforth Co., i5Z9-JlB No. Kth. C. ELJiASSKK. expert radiator and lamp buy itt. dealer. Vnt an auto. C- J. Canan. McCague bldg. lnduatrtal Uariiga Co., Huth tk Harney fetal ONE l.Ono-pound trurK at a bargain; lightly used. 1119 Farnam. NKMRASKA Uulrk Jjervica motion, Ult Kama in Ht. Phon ixiugla atotaneyalea. "FLKSCTIER FLTCU" I LKABKS TIIR UUIF.R. tleaohnr Wotorcycl Co., ltl C'apltul Ave. AMl'bKMEXTS t h.ifr lying machine, meny-go- rounu, outaoor moving picture sliow nd all kinds of attraction and show. ThU will lie the flint time the county seat of Fremont county hn celebrated In several years, and w will have a big celebration. AuNlren J sine Esden, Bld tiey, low, WANTKD MKURY-UtvMOUND AND OlJIMl CONCKfiSIONS 1X)R Rl!l CEiLKH RATION Batunlny. July I, nt l'lerce, Nob. First big celebration in I yeaia. Address Adolph Maatallr, chalf ntan ooncosslon committee. HL.NlNKKH t'HAXtXH If your Hueinesa Chance will stsnd rttd lnvt stle tion and I Just what It I advertised, vr If you are looking to start In buslnee for yourself you Will he per fectly satisfied If you Use th Tiuainea Obano c.iumn of The Ilea. When buy ing oreelllng a biislnes Phone Tyler bmo. W tiALE-O.ily restaurant. In - . town, six furnished rooms, pr price am. JIM WRAf. 8lux t.tty. Business Chance 1-OR WALK Uaroware atock, building and fixtures; location good live loan n eastern Idaho; one of the best grain ..u nwt srowuir ,ction in the tt; 7""" year, Ji,x .A.UUie T lee. 'ii .V''f. ,n out af busluoss eU o OANUKSTAD. 404 Be U dg. lour;J. ater, niachin and aupiulu lrou(i l-u,! lvf. ait. iFNTT-Wtll set !rV-acro farms in Red River Valley (Minn.i, rot build. L,,".,Jr.,!UpP','. n4 ho" 0,1 i'ajment nd 40 year in which '., offer ,lot a'1 Ju ! H. G. leniplton, sol lin Illtig.. Omaha. ' IXMt" hArfKrT) bakery, '' loea t !i.Hl lKlJ """naa, bargain I R r'A 1. eatHtu Kuslnra pis. es supiillod or h'ndjedjjljsiates, F. V, R,,ie,t, Omaha. roil ALE Uood tluee-chalr barlwr ahon located 114 Fast Third St.. Grand Island. Nb. W. A. Breakenri.! 4. I OK bAI.F.-A live buaiuea m Ol.laboiuT til of ,; In buslnrs center of eitv; trstalilisbed nine yrais, bualm-M Include Mabulid coal and fed business. Junk. Jiid-s and furs;1 gotd oftk and stor builduis. new warehouse; bet of ref. ereii. ..s Address B"R1 Reix.. Okl. I'jN'i. buw card. Claik A ScnT liTu.C Cr-MI.NT ,lai. for aale, well e.jiuT'i' J. "'y one in tana ij fifteen humlix.1. W Mte Y li Bee. 1 1 lt ALli k1 fountain. hn.-p pi ice. lable. steels, chairs, silverware "and gl'issware included. A barxalri. Addruss V nliiir W, 4nnesa, luulai, Nrh I'Rl'G fiK'RE FOR SALE, bNAP. AD DRESS Y-ii M-.H. 1, ,,. . .. , ;; . rr:.-:- , 1 . . ' tuilna' of civanv, v, hol- nitie and i- lull; sodi fountain; up-to-date ttiaciiti,. ) . only (lusluens of Oils kind in county et tun; gixxt location; chep runt; buis; laje A. il. Mi, Russell, Kaa. 'IHcT'-CI.An limsssse pallor, Kteileot location, business good, sU ki-.m, iihh for soiling usn Wsliun, J4 Nsilii Blk. EUrcATIONAL tOli aai th foliomsru acnolaraiilia la a flroi class Onuitia lusines Coiinsv: One unlimited combination busiuaa and shorthand course. ( Oil un!liuiied steuocraphls cour. One three launiha' business or leuo- graptilc course. ' Vi 11 be oid at a discount at U office ef 1 h (uiiei a l-e Boyles College Dy Bciio-,1, Night hcl.or.l. .on. (.let busn.ess cours. commit, in eliortuJ,d iir yl COUIS. Soiu el telrlsr-by rours. civil service brr l. and lltl. btioleiiLs Ail'iiitl.. . t k..- J N Mic, plione or rail f.,r 1x .. i i,.!og,, II. M. e.. l I I- -;. 1 rrsiUulit I Tl. D. lew. L) ies tiM , liusi.ii, Neb , -imti m. y. iwj, AHiiia venwortn. AUIO Clearing House, Lr Farnam, u sen usea cars, t rtnne liougiasss Overton a for leaky radiator, iuo. FOH 8 A LA I''or Fale hore I rlnWTM'nll'm tht I of the utnv'Pt liniiortam e to every reirr, aa thl column off"ra me ereu tlonul opiiortiinlf ie every iy ant a sir II V'mit 1 will wll your article at Ita fi.ii value, t'lione Tyler I'araltirr, lleBeebolal ftoexle, Rt. tCIJl'SE tm ranare. No. I', two nvena and a warming; oven: perfect coniiltlon; an ovon never leen l.nhted; onit $40; ml) 'II for l Harney uir;. x ) Kl HNITt'UK HAK(AINt CD be.l at It I i-Krh: table, hltrhen and china rahlnet. I M l'-e tnea, W n move, tfi !rer. )ir) X. 24th Pt. Wel.eter lJ- ! j)KSiCH b"ht and av-fd. j. O. Hoed. - ia)7 Knrnain et. I. i-'l "hVITI'KK andriii"(i tor Tr D. to!".. RKJ, niatlrema, springs, shades. I). KM. Cti.NT KNTH of house t 1707 Ilrd. In chiding furniture and fio piano: murt he wiM tv .!l .1 plnno. fall or Phone Webster TJMl. 1 llorae Vrhleles. BOLD. , ', ' ' , . ... FARM wagon. Ktroud. auth aVAinea. psalter, ". asu asitea. 81'ERKOTTf E matrlr make tba best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are !.': Inchea, stronger and mora "rr? Practically iiireproor. tc i hundred at Th jte of floe. TWBLVK single comb While Ihorn hen, one cockerel, 110. O. Carlson, Walnut CA STR' Nt chick: 2 for 2'k-. Tyler 2h. fcmaP wheat, loolh! Wagner, sof N. ).' Typewriter. TTPEWRITFRS sold. rmel. repaired. Contrl ypwrlter Kio. teflt Farnam. PPFt'IAL price of.n.6 on the following machines this week. Will hlp any where on five day' frea trial. A written guarantee with each machine lor oris year. Term If desired. New No. 4 Rex, never Used Nearly new . Bmith-Frerater 10. New Corona. Latest model No. I Oliver. i I te model No. Royal. t Two fine No. t Monarch. Nearly new Fox Vlelble. tktra fine No. 10 Remington. - Also three American adding machine at to. ni'TT. TYPFWRITKR EXCHANOK. Xl . lMh 8t., Omaha, Neb. Phone P. ft I. MIseellaBeoa. FOR SALE N.w and eeond-han4 carom and Docket billiard table and bowling alley and aocessorlca; bar fixture of all lclnd; eay payment. Tne' xjrunwic hHlko-Collendcr Co.. 17-41 . H.h 8t. KlJOCTstlC VIBRATOR 1 erf ect condi tion, cheap. Hammer and masnage move ment a. Harney KC4. 12M No. Slat Ave. UKOClvHY tore fixture for sale, &4th and Chicago. Phone Douglas 5iZ. TOOIjS, shovels, pick, Jackcrew,, win dow glass, 2 cerpenter benches; ti each; in match rnachlnee. tOc each. 1 hot water holler complete, ti; combination electrlo future zro each; Iron bed complete, 2; good horse, .); harness, 10; good ax pr... w.a-on. U c Jgn Tel. Harney JS 70S B. 81st Ave. rtfi Clf Ooldrni Wet Whiskey. 4 full M- I quart bottled In bond, pre-t4-"-,,-,vy paid. Cackley Bro., Omaha. New id -hand motor, dynamos, magneto, etc., mechanical repair. La liron . Klectrlc Work,S18-20 8. 13th Bt o 1IEIJ WANTED FELALB . Clertosl 4 Off law. . TOUNX3 lady for office poMtlon; must bo good penman Apply 131 Woodmen of the World lJy St'LH'lTOH, salary and, commission; of fice clerk, good at figures, 140. Watt Reference Oo., H'n Pr Uriels Theater Bldg. UeHsvkeeaier 4 Uouiestles. WANTED Woman cook, Detention Hos pital. Telephone llealih Office or Dr. Connell. WANTK1 X girl for general housework. Mr. A. T. Kanchett, l' So. Sth Bl.. Council Bluff. IIOl'HEKEF.PBR wanted on farm; no children. Addres Y frfift, Bee. WANTE1 Uood cook and general house keeper at once; good wsgca. Apply 14 Lothrop or plune Web. Uft or Tyler 3077. WANTED-Flrsl-clas Mlrl for general housework; good cook; neat, compe tent, permanent home for rljht girl. Phone Harney SM2. (ns0 Harney St. GIRL for general house work, 3 in fam ily, liarney 603ri. WANTKD Young girl to assist in light housework and car of year-old baby. Call Webster tt'tl. - WANTED A competent cook: reference required, 3 n family. (07 Bo. luth 1st. H. w WANTKIV-Position a housekeeper in outskirts of town or country. 11. lflwv WANTED Woman- for trenoraT house work; email ismlly, modern house: 10 blocks north of Kiug park. I'.nnaon&Ht J. WANTLlXTuuekeeper; Call Walnut a40 at l'tft N. 40th 8t. GOOD white girl for general housework, references required. 707 N. Sid Ht. H. Ri44. V ANTlJj EUeilenced maid for general hoiiseaork. Call Harney WANTEI A rook; no waahlng; private family; 10 per week. Tel. Walnut. MAID tor general housework. Xj Call fornla St. (ilKL for general housework. Popple ton Ave., Phone Harney 6!ma. WA S'IKIe Reliable ekleriy woman to aa-i-lst with light housework; good home; modern wases. Wetmtcr tC'. KXPEhl ENCHIt while cook. 1 in family; reference reouired. 601 8 Still Kl. Harney J, 4. EXPERIENCED laundiva wanted. Cass l. CURL for general homework. Foeier, ?f llarr.ey Ht. J. E WANTKD-A good girl for general house. work In fainiiy of 1: t;- t'JS if satis factory. Mrs. 00. Barker. Jr.. W al. I.l. ' ' " " " 1 1 M Ireellaaevat, WANTE1V A few refltved. neat appear ing ladles, to work under instructions. Permanent position. No money required, 1 sir (alsry. AdJies Utopian Supply Cos, PbllaileipTTla. Pa. TOO NO women coining to Omaha aa stranger ar Invited to visit tl. Voung Women Christian association building at bt. Man' Ave and Uth ft.. wtui they will be directed to suitable board tug place or otherwise aeetsted. Look for our traveler's guid at On'on station. UAliV rsrrlsae al market pile. Call Web. 4n. th and Knsvler Ave. bAH earuave al tuaiket pi le. Web. eiMi. 4th and IVw ler Ave, MKIJ WAXTE1J MALE Cterioal sa4 Of floe. HFfiT COMMERCIAL POSITIONS Rogeia Refernu i'Vj.. e- hlste Bank. WE need several good men that r ItKikles; for rrmi.uit cunuectkin ltii Huo.l. tellable firn.a. suck as asetatant biHiekeer, retail arug clerk, tetsal uo.tu log. city coliei lor, experienced; brlcht young insn fr peiiernl i : .1. work. Ateiy iUljWl v-VlxiNbiMJCU, il Pee li.Ug. Kil ARK I-LUji IN HvfOAUB HoUUei. vie inn im ii'i.iu ti i fin vcmi. CvXii'K' I VllXC ItKtKMI.NI'i-: CO., Is foy Nl .,ft( A S.- T V alt 1 1 K 'v I ' il, p. f I'll . - 1 liieterisl. ttJ. so. 'I ti.-a lll-il; ijt Al l: ii'llii.., ,-U 1 ,M.iOr.3 V. i ; h - ! :!: I 1. A I'.. IN!' A' lui 0;,iii .'t Lai. blJ HELP WAXTh. .MALE llerlewl aal Office. STEVO.. private jwretan : yotmg man of good Ismlly. well educated, oxperl enceO; tK-sltlon 1 one of very frte fu ture and cannot be had bv anyone not furnishing post of reference. Give uge, experience, reference, etc. Address F Sot. Bee. Aaeota, Salesmen aollcltars. GENERAL AOKNT WANTK11. For St-to of Nebraska A reliable man with abllliy to handle lemen. Will require an Investment of II.OA Write Pale Mannger, P. O. Box JtTel, New Or leans. AUK NTS AND toLlllTKS VVANTIOD T canviss In the country among farmer on a OA!!I SAIARY BASIS, for a standard article. No experience neces sary, but to those who can produce, busi ness we can give steady and permanent employment. Write t't!ir, giving age nd ny reference v iu may wish, and If any experience ennvnaaing state na ture of ejne. Don't write unh-na you mean business. Address Y o'A. Dee. W .T r.l ortortion stock mi esiimil far Neiiraxk. Adnress F. 47R, Ree. K TO i PROFIT daily felling our new household article; W.60 premium with each II. M sale make quick profit. Mum ford A Larson. W Walker Bank lildg., fait Lske City. Utah. WANTED, AN OIL KALESMAN to ell to the consumer In an eastern Ke br.k teridtory. Twenty-five per cent commission paid. Goods sold on trial nd credit. Only experienced men tto4 pply. Addreos, Y 5.1. Omaha liee. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor eervlc fra. Cheap power Inquire The Bee 'Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room lOt. EXCELLKNT proposition for two goad men In Nebraska. Call or writ, slutuai Benefit, Health and Accident Aaaociatioa - City Nat'! Mank Bids. SALESMEN WANTFJ To e!l our up-to-date and extensive line; outfit free; cah weekly. Addrea Capital City Nura cry Comp.iny, Patera. Ore. Factor mt'l rmdes. Drug store snap; )ot. Knelst. Be Bldg Tri-City Barber College. Tuition tlb, on account of big trade. Wage for a and 10 cent work. Electric" in a age taught. Hydraulic, chairs. Catalog frae. 1124 Douglaa bt , Omaba , Position Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO. JfRS Farnam Bt.. - feYe Catalogua, y OMAHA, NF.B. WK need men: had to turn down two job per week lately. Get in. Learn 1 vy our jnciuoa. , itei one o: meee joos. Catalogue D. B. frea. Nebraska Auto mobile School, 1417 Dodge St WANTED Wen to learn tbe barber trade. The world constantly need more bar ber. Our graduate earn good wages. Few weeks completes with us. Prepare now for coming season' rush. Writ Molnr, 110 H. 14th Bt.. Omaha. SHOEMAKER of good experience) wanted. Apply 1J N. hUh St., Omaha, or Acrne Phoe Shop, Grand Island. Neb. WANTKD Mn cook for cafe. Box 2W Walthlll. Neb. Address MOHLLlt BAlvBER COLLEGE v ' Special summer rate. Catalogue mailed free. 110 Bo. 14th Ht., Omaha, WANTED At once, first class sign painter Write or phone Lincoln Sign works. 1 8. Hth Ht., Uncoln, Tel. B-ii-ioO. WANTEIV-Good workmen on western -b..? SJ UfiM V? v..hnnd 'SLifw-e dwT-M Ben'"miB ioung Co., Milwaukee. W la. MlsceltasewBa. WANTED Nanei of men. II or ever, winning government Job. IS& month. Ma Pull Bwtefe.ry, Addres T 40. Be. WANTEr l.Oi'l men to eat ham nd eggs, lfa. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. WANTEJ-Rallway niaU clerks. 175 a month; Omaha examination coming; saniplo questions free. Write immediately. 1 rauklln Institute, Dept. rL E. Hoc neu ter. N. Y WANI'E"Je' men to wear tatlor-mad suits, tt o!f. Friedman. . lill Douglas. SITUATIONS WANTED AMBITIOUS young man wants to go to work; a good education; good at fig ure, also good uennian; 'experienced in general office work. Telephone Doug. $4M. Addres, K W2, Re. j LADY want day work. !oug. 4oM. POHITH'N wanted by truatworthy and energetic young man. Beat references furniehud and not afraid to work. Phone Dougla Mfd. THK Servant Girl Problem rolvd. The Bee wdl run a Bervaut Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dealred results. This api'lle to resident of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blufta Bring ad to Tho Be office or telephone TjlwUOJ. WAN f Car of a feeble-minded patient Address. P ". Hee . CHAUFFEUR watiU position; experience. Phono Web. i43. year WORK Wanted University man, a rank failure a beugar; too cowardly to steal. Anything at living wage, quick. Address, C Bee. Ol'Ntl man from High chool wants light, steady work. Red ft'W MAN and wife, want position oa farm. Have o boy gd JO ana s. eier- ences. Address O t. nee. MIDDLK-AliED man wants work around th house In exchanne ror ooara nu room. Adlrss, r. orv. lice. COLORED lady desires steady position at general houauwork. I'botie narney ii 1. Uooli, iKineel aud reliable colored girl . nd situ, 11 amau laniiiy. as in.- enil house maid or cook; competent and willing; uood plain cooK. wenatcr POSITION on ranch bv young nutu of good habits; employed at present, but wish to rsturu to ranch work. Addres &uf, S. 1h. Omaha. PitrtlTloN by wauhmaker in country town, extwrtenced, beet reference fur nlili"d. E. M. C, uft H. 3tkh. ome-na bTTiNEB.- men: laJy, eyed 11. desires l-nouen: capable bookkeeier, at.-no.i spin 1 and of tee clerk: also coin elline kbiliiy: earned I promotion last Job; good lefereuies; will consider ny Ihlng a'oov Answcre rouf identlal. Atiilieas, K 1", cr Pee. RKKINKD middle-aged lady dealie a posttieii aa housekeeper or car fir In valid, child nurse or aged peopl' horn. PI one Web ! EXPl'HlICNi'l'.D young man want ateadiy work in pnvate 'family; house rleei-ing cr gardenlnx. porter. Janitor; honest, olet and willing to work. Ad dress A 47. Bee. WAN! iU-Wurk a laundress, ran give beet of referene. Call W'eb. l.-et ESPt.KlE.Nt'Eli iMakeir, leu eais' en-rveme; can give rrlorvac.' A ei. I.tK-iT AXD IO C NO OMAHA tt Ctil'NflL b'iRLET railway company. Ptra iia iikMi lost some ankle would do well to call up 111 ofilc f tt. Omaha A Council Lilufia Street Railway loiukidiiy to aai-ertain wheUier they lsfl il In luf street car. Mftni i,rli each day ar turned, in nJ tbw - o.i.fetti it arikiui, to leelora tin 111 to th ii.iuf u oarer. Call Doug 44. LOST ASD VOl Xl I.! cr Found d In t'mana' li-t end Found medium nieann tho immediate re turn of that article if advertised In The Fee, the lx,-t aid Found pnier. W REWARD for white long bslred dog lost on N i4th St.. .n Wrdnrso-ay night. June 9. Return to T. J. Buckley, Hotel Neville. v PERMOXAL TH V. Halifi'li .ii-A nnv"TnT" ilst i la I home o licit your olf rlothum, liirnlture, inaga lne. We collect. We distribute, l'hoiie Douslu 4'1 end our wayon tslll ra'l. I'sll and Inspect our new home, Hlo-lluV, 1114 Dodge Bt. t'AitTV shipping automobile to Onkland, Cl., alioui June 2fi, desire party with same purpose to Join and tltvldo the ar load rale, thus gretlv lesonl g cost to each. John A. Wakefield, 101. (miaha National Bank Bldg. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger re inrlied to visit tbe Young Women' christian -ooltlon building at 17th Pt. and 8t. Mary' Ave., where her will be directed to ullable board ing place or othorwlse assisted Loo it for our traveler' aid at the Onion station. GORDON, DoukIss TIM. llagaxlne Man. Phone PET STtK'K ONE white, on golden Persian cat for sale. S517 rloulh 3th Ave. Tyler 9S4.- 8WAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted tc Swa. Why not advertise something tht you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? H vusla you nothing- to loin the Swappers' Oltib, and you will fln, it lots of fun swapping thing. Wi Pe Room 111, nee ruos:., or pnone Tyler 10110. Al TO Have a good Jitney auto for clear lot, or what have you? Address, B. C. 14. Bee. 1 1 DENTAL work to exchange for paint ing a 7-roora cottage. Address H. C. liWo, Bee I WANT automobile. W hat do you want In exchange for It. Addret. g. C liL r.e. auto mobile A For" other utoraobile bargains see tba Automobile'" claaalfl- cation. . ETO.-W1II trade for chicken., two white iron beds, on full size, one th re-quarter, one cheap wicker baby biggy, one baby jumper, one pre.ttv angora kitten. These good are all In nice, clean condition. Addres H. C. 10. Bee. DHNTAL work to exchange for a karnt or karat H diamond. Address 8. C. 10, Be. x FOR 8ALe Cheap, wnole or controlling interest In oM-eatsblieheH miknufMCtur- Ing busine; now running r.d doing aoq numiwsi; mciuae paienta and gooa machinery; invol;ea S.Otsj: will trade. W. I IT-,"-.;, nn iit'i, iieu. LAUNCH Have K-foo: launch, cost Slu new, will trade for secend-hand auto. Address S. C. WJ, Be. "INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car; late 1914 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electric equipment, MIS improved kick starter: new tires; all' per fect condition. Coat 1370. Want Ford or light roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Addreas 8. C. 1072. Bee. KODAK "Anaco" folding pocket, stxo Vξ double lens, automatic shutter; rising, lowering; and laterally shifting front; like new; together with .complete outfit, lnoludlna- new ts deveJonlKa- ink printing frame, tray, carrying case, etc. Want visible typewriter In good condi tion. Address 8. C. lOKfi. Bee. NO. K LARGE Preeto tank for fireleas cooker, or what bave you. Address B. C. 11K. Bee. CHICKF.NK Thirteen thoroughbred Buff Orplngtoa bans; one prise cockerel l for baby cab or sewing machine. Addrevs S. C. li, Bee. ' PAYING clean business, well located, fine ohanc for tailor, will swap for anything can get 2.0tx) on, no business chances agent need answer. Address ti. C, 3090, Be. TOOL ORINDER Heavy, substantial grinder, hand power, for bench work; never used.; has ball and socket Joint, permitting wheel being adjusted to any position. Will swap for anything- of value. Addres 8. C. 10M, Bee. HAVE a good Concord top buggy In fin ahape to trade. What have you to ex change? Address, 8. C. 10n, Bee. XTSTTS ADDINd and ll.ung machine in I good working order to exchange for a light automobile. Address H. C. 10K7. Bee. PIANO A dsndy Decker Bros, square Piano, fin for starting to learn. What could you offer me for this. Make offer. Address . o. 10", . Be. HAVE moat beautiful White steamer car In first-class shapa except one broken con; coat to replace coil 114. What am I offered Uie way- car -Stand? Address B. C, 109k. Bee. ED1BON plionogratm and 33 records, flivo corulltlon, cost new ksV. What have you to trade for this? Address fl. C. 1091, Bee. PIANO Fumed oak player piano, used one year, cost o; so roll best music; wotild-Urade thl for automobile, or what could you offer and could use? Address 3. O. 107S. Bee. MOTOROYCLF,-191o model U H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle in A No, 1 condi tion, and ha been run lens than 60O mile. Will trade for Ford or light car, Address 8. C. luk.1. Be. AUTO A Rest class four-passenger tour ing, four-cylinder Overland auto, fully equipped and In first class condition, for contract or repair work on house. L re quire the repair on my house and will sacrlfic true value. None but responsi ble person considered. 8. CllOtJ, Bee U I J AT I. - w v.ii, -vun -m r-l i r t. rvjiarlor or nian)e ci-x k- In personal I prrrpei ertvT H. C. llvl. Bee. AUTO TRl'CK, in first-clans" condition, for sal or trade. 8. C. 1", Bee. BELGIAN HARK Three pairs, four months of age. W ill trade for chickens or good grindstone. Address S. C. 1M. Be. TRADE, good note, IU1, for diamonds or motorcycle. Guy w. Dodson, Stella, Neb. ROOMING house. 223 Farnam St.. to trad for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick d-al. PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lot; will par difference: If yoa have anything get In touc'i nltb me. aa 1 hav other stuff to xchange: complete description. Address U. C. H39. Be NEW MONARCH Typewriter, 1100 ma chine, trade for automobile, one with delivery body preferred. Will pay differ ence. ZXU Hamev ht. Phone Doug 47J. W ILL swap I2&0 gilt edge security for Ford cr or roadster. s. c . ri. Vi II, L trade all or half Interest In we. I tatabllahed rent estate business In Omaha (or real estate or automobile. Ad- drers, S. P. V4. Bee. PAINT c2-gallon barrel oiltstd house pwint. best quality. Will exchan,e for diamond, borse, cow or chickens. A de crees 8. P. 1111. Bee- WA'IX'H-Wlll exchange fiwis watch ledy' !: prli-e. t-o. What have youT Addres S. p. 1110. Bee. MAN High-grade piano. Will ax el ange for lot or diamond, or auto. Mali offer. Addeee 8. C. 1IK. Be PA1 N'i 1NG VS ant to swap fr painting and papering. Ad Ires 8. P. ll4, Pee. KODAK .'ot p.:, Ewalnian lenst fine coadiiion, 4x5, ttt csainys and lunar tube. tvtAsxt, or other personal property ! takes it. At a snap. 8. C. ll'-l. Bee. S11ME fine Buda water glass-holders and 4 dosen spoon, also to creain coox Hav quit drug business. 8. C. 1101, Bea. CEMfcNT NV'snt to swap for hum 3 rement block or a cement machine, or Cement work. S. P. lb. Bee. TO t'ONTRAlTliHa-Wtnt to swap a first-class, fully ulpped car, in per. feet coo'iuloa. for a Urns lions and repali on bul'duig Not an lie wagon a car. 8. C. 1 1 - i. Be. f'O po Ti N A new, never used, wrtUilc elf-vending sajiltary popcuru machine; tlie lateat out; a suooey maker; Inex pen sot to openu. Post at factory to.). Bought for the Pl exposition, fell down on ciMieession. lte(iuirs no attention, w ill iwii (or aatiuigt cwnrr can us. S. C. 11T. Be. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will TjleflFG the niOSit Critical: JJltOc lUba CllWOOi. AflSTRA Kerrg!; ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Cnarantee and Ahstrct modern abstrnci ortice. SOS 60. 17th St. Phone D. I4J. IFKI) ABSTRACT CtV. oldest abstract office, in Nebraska fx Rrandei Thee. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. IlWOlUlt, C. P. A... Addrea 43 Ramre Bloa. T'hone Doug'rv 7( ADD19IG MACHINES. Adder Mfh. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. t. 5.K8 AM ATfciCR FIKlslllMO. FILMS develored free If purchased from Photo Crft Shop, 414 Bee Bldg. Dept. 1. APPHKVOkcK CilRL. Oppenhelin hair dressing. 2S6 City Net. 4 iUCilllbtil. KVerett R. Podds. 12 Paxton Blk. d. tm. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlklnson, Kll Paxton Blk. D. ;H. AtCIIOKEHa. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-16 W. O. W. R. Ji I Nat'l Pale Auction Co l.UT W". O. W. I TTTir -rTT.Tr; I i.,si'nvu, ' 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronising a home Co. Doug 2Rl. , AlTO RADIATOR HGPA1R9. Omaba Radiator Rep. Co., M Far. T KWL BAKKRIaiS. Z. K. BKRDTm, 1506 N. lth. Web. S29T. BUDDING. 0MHA PILLOW CO.. tm Cuming. Dougla HT. Renovates feather and mattreaaes of all kind, makes leather mattresses and down 00 vers. BUB PRi.VllNU, HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 103 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltcbell Co.. 7th and Martha SU. iKb. Fdry. ft Mfg. Co.. llg IV. K. Web. TSrt BU1LDINU WkklKDBl. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 4 HON. CARPET HUli CLEANERS. r Omahit Carpet Renovating Cat Doug. 1(171. CABI'li.MtKS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 123 B.22d. Douglas 6620. 1 Lcsaard ft Bon. 1908 Cap. Ave. T. 163X S CHIROPODIST. . Carrie J. Burford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 46S7. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL, ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Baird Bldg. I). 8461. CIVIL, aUNUlNaiaiUS. - . M. 3. I.ACY, &1S BEE BLDG . DOUG. 471a, CLEAN AND, DYERS. Howard's Pantaiorlum; 320-2 8. lDth. D. 54CJ ROYAL Dry Cleaners. . 3231 Leavenworth! D. 1Mb CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION OO.'S Western representative of VELVKTTLB COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 11-11 City Nat. Bk. Bid?. D. 1472. COSTUMES AND LODOKy SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodg regalia and Costume. Theo. UtMn ft 8011. li.14 Howard. D. 4116. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic, . D. iSTl. Li , a ! is. aa Try Mackle' firt. ISIS He.rney. Doug. 1441 Down town restaurants. Dougl lunch, day and night 1711 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Trry Dresama-k'g college, abth ft Faro 4m. V &UITS. gowns. In homes. WaL 2S7. DRESSMAKING. 1717 Chicago. D. 8128. MISS STURDY. I41 CASS. RED 7324 . DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 180 N. 12th. D. 6071. DE'I'ECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, IU Neville Block. EvI deuco secured In all cases. Tyier 114. DEN i ts 1. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 31 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckos. TH City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Room. 1M7 Douglaa D. zlfX DRUtaS. DRUG8 at cut price; freight paid on 110 order; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 11 N. loth. Terms. I ELEtTRuliYSlS. Uloa Allender. H24 Bee Bldg. . Red SP65. KVERYTUlNa roB WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, bos pleating: covered buttons, ail sixes and style's; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 3u0 Douglas Block. D. IjA. NEW YORK aampl store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits aud dresses sacrificed. 204 N. lrith St EVER I 1IUAU 'UH MEN. ITS getting warm now. Special summer ratea, 46. 50. Y. M. p. A. Jf CRN ACES AND ll.NWOHK. HABERSTROH. 4ot Hamilton. Wal.'STX JrLORiSTS. BATH'S, florist, 1804 Farnam Su D. 3000. U. HENDERSON, 151S Farnam. D. 12U. Mvuit'St Florist Teletirak Del. Aua HESS ti &WOPODA, 14U Farnam Et A. DOXAGHUE. Itl2 Harnoy. Doug, loot SWAN SON. th florUt. Web. 4129. Ko. 701. It AT tlKA W liNU. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsel. 11? City Nat A IX kino hats cleaned. 10JO Harney Bt AMV.P1CAN Hat Cleaner. 1516 Harney. GOLD AND SILVER PLATlt. WE replat everything of metal. Omaha PlatinM Co..' 1S?J Hn-ney Pt. Kat. lkwi. ICE. Lakeside Ice Co, FO ICE "VHOiJE WEBSTER ! Gaersl Offlc, IJlh and Manderaon bis. JEWEL.EMS. LttPKY wadding rinc at BrodevaarTa JlBTltES 'F 1HE PEACE. II H. CLAIBORNE. 112 Paxton Blk 7KI. Notaiy pub., depoaitlnu '"-- P. W. BRtTT. 301 BakeTblock. R. L.1E tlulh loXHIIIIOA. MARTIN CROA ft CO, Exchang bldg. quality and expert service' that "ilGHTlNG! IXTl BfcJ. WIRING. DURIQN Th"jy ,,m',('" r'" M ASl KSKS. 1-1 .TTTsnd mas , alcohol rub. tura I-- 110 Wilson. 1ST.J Farnam, room I. Douglas 1751. Open evenings and Sunday. Miss Staples. Kv. open ; Sun.'lO-I. D.713 Mass. Bitunders-Keniiedy Bldg. D. 7 IX. B.Brugman, mas..2W Karbach Blk, R. 2737 MASSAOB C30 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4371 Clara Le. bath and ir aasng. Douglas I75L BATHS, 814 Ralrd Bidr7l"th and Doug. 1 , - MASSAGE CVll D. 8227 for appointment MASSAGE:, 17n Dodge. MJsa Btcole. Miss Walton, Mm. R. Neville Blk. M. HALLO RAN, baths, r 228 Neville blk. MISS GILBERT, massage. 109 S. 17th Pt. MISS JACOBS, Man.. R. 124, Neville Blk.' MINING feNUlNKUR. AY II A Py to consult W. H. Godfrey 0.1 mining bttstnest. 7 Ftate Bk. B. 4341 MOTORCYCLES. HARLKY-DAVIDPON MOTORCYCLE". Barsreln In used machine. Victor Roos, "Th Motorcycle Man." -gzog LeavaJiwoKh. MOVING PICTl'RW MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Potig. Mottoa - picture machine and film bargains. W S3 rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchang. 540 Paxton block. MOWUHI SHARPENED. CAIAED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; aaw filing. Doug. 7438. . MUSICAL, INSTRUCTION, RATES. Harp ft Piano. 06 Lyric. D. 8704. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. TX)UG LAS 24H. , - MHIEHV SKKUa AND PLANTS. FOR BALE Extra .fine cane seed at 11 Per bus., sacks e0o each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. ocuLiais. ' .'".''''", pin ' - iiivm, 7QII can. Dr. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHVStClANb. Dr. Peterson, COS Brandels Bldg! D. 2H JOBF.PHINB ARMSTRONG, tit Bee Bldw. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUOH MTMANUS, .417 N. 40th. II. 673. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint CO. Red 4909- . PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMFRICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St. PATENTS. D. O, BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tet Red 7117. H. A. Rturgea, 36 Brp.ndeia Theater Bldg. s PIANO UEFINISH1NG. GTTNxTRAL overhauling, 80 years, exp.' References, 703 17Ui. Red bMO. John Baer. iiATlNG, D. B277. Acrre Plating Co.. Ill 8, 16th St.- PR1NTING. WATER8-BARNHART Pta. Co.. nualit printing. 11. joug. ziw. on e. iam or. CENTRAL PRINTING CC DOUG. 1734, X ,1. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas 444. SAFE AND TIHS LOCK EXPERTS. CI A TJTJn Opened, repaired, comb. f n iLft clianged. F. E. Davtn t s-'W ruirt 1404 TMWtse Tl 1IUL SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., MS 8. 12th. D.em. HOB REPAIRING. ' FRIEDMAN BROS., shoo rapalr. 318.11 Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. W4 Farn'm. R.S44I EWINU MACHINES. Wrent, repair, sell needles and parti for all sewing machines. , e "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CTCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. ItSSV STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Compayiy. 119 S. II. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Dour l i'OUE AND OFslCE VIX1 UREsT TOWEL. SUPPL.IES. OMAHA Towel Supply. HOT R IRh. D. 2t. TAILORS. CKA8. C. LANDERYOU. 10 N. IStJt 8t Palm Beach suits to order. 1815 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING ft STEINLE. 1101 Farnan, St. TYPEWR14EHS a'OK .RENT. RS,NT OUv" Typewriter I mo. for U. Oliver TypewrlterAgency. 190s Farttant Butu Typewriter Exchange, 316 a llth Bt All make lor sale or rent RENT a "Remington." not Just a tvDa wrlter. low rent. Call Do-ia-laa ilLP WATCH SPECIALISTS. ClhtUanaen, 2d ft Paxton Bk.. II yr. exp. W EDO IN is SIATIonerT; Wedding tiincuaiamtnix. DoUf, pf, WINES AND LltiUORk. " " ALEX JETKS. 201-1 8. lJth St. Wbiea. Lquurs. cigars plat dinner, u to , ioc. HENRY POLLOCK IJQUOR HOTISR FOB ItKXT : J Apartuaeats and Plata. iT.h,? K"T i'""nt dvrtle.menis apiiearln rn the ror Kent column of Tl iWe dallv cji not le beat for variety that will Plaaaa and fill the need. f Jny ona de siring to r.V)t. phone Tyler ! 107 ho. th Ave.-EleiFanTTrooru brick" Every convenience. Doug &tfi7 "r,L- TWO Woom mouern "Parilneiua. off of Farnam, In the "Page" hls-h H... fireproof bi.ndl.ig. Harney 15 C''"' VERY choice 4 or i-room aleain huiMi . .""n West Karram st iruiV ,.V.....7"V e.rnam Bt. ... minniivfi. ivy A R V A M ST. reduced rent, 4-room inent Come quick, our los youalm" acancle. won l Uu,t long. b" fcetestlnam CU,L Ltl ! S. !,T)f. -r.. mo.1., IteiM iarliuei,l. tne 1 i,u, v ,,7" ' nd Poppusion. Conrad lW ja (,'.' Ttiettr. Douaia liTL Uraa-