Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
2 TllE BEK: OMAJ1A. MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915, LAST FEW PLUIJS DAHGLEJJPOH TREE When Governor Hu Named Print in; Commissioner and Several Others, little Left SOME ATTRACTIVE IN LIST (From a Staff Correspondent.) U.VCJOLN. Junt . (Special.) With th appointment of Insurance commis sioner out of the way tho governor will now have the Job of selecting a print ing commissioner, member of the pardon hoard and throe supreme court commis sioners. When thee ar. appointed It fWill about clean off everything that la left on the political plum tree, with the exception of a few partially dried up and Inconsequential plume. The prlntlnK commissions Job li an attractive one, Itecauae It pays Sl.tno a ;year and does not require very energetic wortr or Ions; hour. The lucky Incum bent can alwaya find time to attend to a little private bualneea and be quite regi lar at the ball gams, without Interfer ing with the dutlea of the office. Pwar Cteadldatea. There ara four candidates who could easily be prevailed upon to take on the 'duties. They ara E. A. Walrath, Oar, ma. secretary of the senate; Mark Par kits of the Fremont HeraM, Do Tanner of South Omaha and MoGaffln of David City. As far aa 'the appointment of a suc cessor to Edward O. Msarl as a member of the pardon board, there appears to be no candidates, aad Xufl will probably succeed himself. Ills term expires Jul I. The problem befor the governor Just .now la the appointment of threat non Dart lie a democrats to the positions of '' "uprcme court commissioners. The last legislature passed a bill creating three - new Jobs of supreme court commissioner to assist the present court la getUns; away with litigation. However, tha leg islature failed to appropriate any money to pay salaries, nd so it Is up to tha governor to find some good attorney who have made enough in the past so they can afford to live without a salary in tha future, trusting to tha next legis lature to appropriate tha money to pay them their salaries, which amount to liOOo a year. Few Are Wllll.g. However, tha governor has been In formed that there are a few men who ara so rich they cast live on nothing until the next legislature meets, and they may he appointed. Ona of tha nonpartisan democrats is a republican. Ex-Attorney General Grant Q. Martin la said ta look with longing eyes toward the Job. Mr. Martin was In tha atata house several years, first as deputy attorney general and then as attorney general. Having; acquired tha state house habit and hav ing saved enough from tha magnificent salary tha state pays its attorney gen eral, ha la wining to taka a chance on the lob. Another la Fred O. McOorr of Beatrice. A. B. Churchill of Omaha ta another man who feels ha can taka rhanoe, so It la aald. These three appear to have the boat show, should Judge Dean of Broken Bow not make up his mind to accept one of the positions. Tha Judge was here tha laat week, but did not ay pear ta be ."hankering" after any Job which had no salary attached. Much of the charm of tha position was taken away by the .legislature when It attached a provision to the bill which prohibited any commissioner being a candidate for supreme Judge during the term in which he Is serving as supreme court commissioner. At first the ap pointment looked like an alluring ona, as It would be a good grooming Job for tha judgeship, but after tha provision waa , discovered which eliminated tha comml. sloner from being a candidate for pro motion the Job lost much of Its' value to many would-be candidate. BCDY OF UNIDENTIFIED MAN FOUND IN CREEK ' BROKKX HOW, Neb., June W.-tPpe-. rial Trlifiram The body of an uniden tified man, apparently about 35 years old, was found In : a creek a short distance east of Mason this morning. Iha body 'ind been In the water probably ten days. A letter found In tha pockets waa ad dressed to Johnson Bregar to some placa in Oklahoma. It had an Austrian post mark. BeMdes tha latter there waa a t bill, some change, a rosary and a socket knife In the pocketai rekes B).w Nates. ' UROKEN BOW, Neb. June M.-Spe. rial All preparations to handle the crewels expected here at the state Bun- .sy school convention June IS to IT ara now complete. In place of a contention halt, a large tent Is being erected on the chautauqua grounds capable of stating 1 x people. A convention special over tl.e Burlington will be run from Falls City to Broken Bow. It will stop at all stations between Lincoln and Troken Uo and pick up passengers from the I'nlon Pacific and ft Joseph roao at Grand Island. About fifty farmers of the county, who lest grain and alfalfa in the recent hall norm, have reported to the Insurance agent in this city. It Is estimated that In lossea will aggregate anywhere from III. to 1U..000. There were several seri ous losses not covered by Insurance. Tha loss la chk'kena and bogs will also teach a conwlderable sum. Stella News Notes. hTKLJUA, Neb.. June It po-'a.) lliavy rains lately hava created Interest by some laud owners along tha Muddy for drainage ditches. It la estimate I that one overflow on tha crop will damage fully as much aa the ditch will coat tha (aimers. A big Increase In land price at tsalem Is cited. M. L. Dowell, a Falem merchant, purchased a farm on the Ne maha at administrator' sale four years sgc at KM aa acre. There were Ml acre la the tract A few day ago Mr. Dowell . told the land to two farmer in the . neighborhood for I HO en acre. Tba en gineer of the drainage district placed the UmwMs at trt an acre, wblUi were to e-rtia within, tea years from the com- ' pl tun, of the ditch to th lands .axed. . Mm Blff l. . KlUuAlO.ST. Neb., June 1. -(Special. )- IWrgler entered th saloon of ftsMer A ?.&k.oa and the pool ball of Ott Lau- iil.urW at Moras Lluffs Friday night . amd made easy with stuut ft la il.enge ' i d a f-tiaatlty of y -bla they se- i ft-i In the saloon. . - Hmr Mere Tfeaa (Ula lee K b u uf Lit wuuuua always he 4 good .. M n. If your digtietlon Is faulty i i.ati.u i- din 4 Tolltli v-illdu you good Britain Pulls Men To Work in the LONDON, Juno 11 Continuing hi cam paign to bring about an Increase In the cutput of munitions of war, David Uoyd Oeorge, minister of munitions, spoke at Bristol today and mada the declaration that War Secretary Kitchener already had given orders that certain British workmen be released from duty in the trenches In order to return to Kngland to re-enter factories In nd of their servleaa. WABH1NOTON, June l.-Or1nsnc. of ficial of tha United States artillery It we learned today are faced with a seri ous problem because of the number of highly trained civil employe at govern ment arsenals who have gone to private arm and ammunition factories since the European war began. These men here been offered extraor dinary advance In pay by holdera of huge contracts with the belligerent govern ment and several commissioned officers, experts In ordnance manufacture have BRYAN INSISTS EEPLY REVISED AFTffiHE QUIT (Continued from Pag On.) sign It, Then, too, I was at that time hoping that certain things would be dona which would make It easier for Germany to acquiesce In our demands." Mr. rryan then repeat In his state ment tho three things he ha emphasised In his proposal, namely, thai the United 81 a tea should offer to employ 4he prin ciple f Investigation embodied In thirty treaties with other nation, take action which would prevent American eltlxena from traveling on belligerent ships or American shirs carrying contraband of war, and that this government should protest against interference with Amert cn trade with neutrals, Kelt l Was HU Daly. "No one will b happier than I." said Mr. Bryan, "if tha president' plan re suits In a peaceful settlement, but no one was In a position to say what effect our not would have upon Germany or what result would follow If It In anger broke off diplomatic relation, and I waa not only unwilling to assume tha respon sibility for the risks inctirred-rlsk which no one could with any degree of accuracy measure but I felt that, having dona all I could In the cabinet. It waa my duty to undertake outside the cabinet the duty upon which I have entered- I have no doubt that the country will unanimously support tha president during the war. If so great a misfortune should overtake us, bat 7. believe that the chance of war win be lessened In proportion as tha country expresses Itself In favor of peace not 'peace at any price' but peace la preference to a war waged for tha redress of such grievances a wa hav against Germany at least against war until wa hav given to Germany tha opportunity which wa ara pledged to gW Great Brit ain, Franca and Russia to hav every difference of every character aubmitted to an International commission of In vestigation." Will Amaoaaee Ptaas. Tha former secretary, with Mrs. Bryan, left tonight for Old Tolnt Comfort to re main until, Tuesday. Upon hi return Mr. Bryan expects to announce hi plana for tha Immediate future. Mr. Bryan emphasised that none of hi predecessor haa served more hair at hi desk a greater number of days In tha year and added that Mr. Bryan, who had shared the strain with him, wa also In need of a rest REALTY MEN TO . STOP OYER HERE (Coatlnuad from Page One.) partaks of the entertainment that tha Omaha exchange will tender all visiting deleaate. Coming down eloaer to home.' th Oiiiiln exchange will leave tha difficult part of th entertainment to tba toast master, E. A. Benson. . Mr. Benson baa gained prominence throughout the east; In fact. In all the cltle that ara me in here of tba national association, ha ha qualified and 1 In a class by himself aa a toast master, and many of the delegate who ara going to Omaha on Tuesday hav already asked whether or not they a 111 hav th pleasure of meeting lilm aaaln. A part of th program at Los Angeles la tha staging of "Th Day of th Old" and "Th Day of th Gold" and "Tha Daya of '." Ona hundred and fifty men are working, getting this affair ready, and thsy ara organised under a system that will avoid all confusion. On hundred and seventy men will be used la different places, and every mem ber of the Los Angela board will hav a part In the play. (The Mission play will take placa Tuesday night On Wednesday afternoon the delegatea will be guests of Venice, which la tha Atlantic Citv of tha west coast Presi dent Billy Mines made tha statement a year ago that one-half of tha Inhabitants of Los Angslea were angels. Mr. Inger- aoll has not been able to see any with wings, but ha baa seen thousand of fatrtra- The Feaata Extraordinary, Wednesday night will hav six or seven bands, who will furnish th music for this wonderful affair, which will probably be the fea ture of th convention from a pleasure standpoint Tha prominent society men end women of Los Angeles are going to attend and welcome all visitor. There are twenty-seven special oonvea tkn committees, each committee having certain dutlea to perform. HYMENEAL Uarrt-AUe. FHBMONT, Neb., Jura 11 Special.) Richmond V. Garrett formerly superin tendent of tha Scrlbnar schools for sev eral years, but new superintendent of th Mammoth Spring (Ark.) schools. waa married to Miss Martha Allen Leach of Wlateraet la., at tha brlde'a home Wednesday of last week, according to announcement reeelve-1 by Fremont friend. They will corou to Fremont to make their home with Mr. Garrett' father, William Uarrett for tha summer. removing to Mammoth fprings in the fall. Ash-Whtter. ATLANTIC. la.. Juna U-tKpecUlH- Mkss Eleanor Marie Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Grant Whitney of this city, and Dr. WlllUm reward Ash of Cuuacll Bluffs, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ash of thl city, were mar ried bare PaturJay at 4 o'clock at tha eclury of tH. I't-ter rnd Paul Catholic church. Rev. Father t'aly w( Miming i lit I.1.IIMI. f U. horn Firing Line Munitions Factories also gone Into private employment The reult has been to threaten serious em barrassment In keeping the American army properly supplied. Official of tha departmsnt. it was learned, have been looking over the law to sea what ran be done to retain Its trained men. The fflrers csn of course be held by not accepting their resigna tions. It is also found that In 10, when complications with France threatened, a statute .was enacted providing a fin of SCO, and Imprisonment for three months for any person seeking to Induce an em ploye of a government arsenal to leave that employment during the life of hi contract with the government. The statute had never been repealed, but no attempt to Invoke It ha been made within the memory of any living man. Army official are said to feel that It may be necessary to bring It to bear to protect the government' own supplies of arma and ammunition. nte of tha contracting parties. A wed ding supper waa served at the horn of tha bride' parent following tho cere mony. The young people left in the evening for Chicago on a wedding trip. Tha groom I engaged In tha practice of medicine In Council- Bluff. Ha wa graduated from crelghton college in' Omaha last year. Tha bride U a very popular young woman, daughter of tha president of the Whitney bank here, and a granddaughter of franklin H. Whit ney, founder of Atlantic. TO THINK, TO FEEL, TOJERYE IS LIFE (Continued from Page One.) absurdity. The new rule is going to be tried: Thou shalt love thine enemy and do him good. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.' Some mar till say this is not practicable. Well, how practicable Is tha jther rule? It la costing the world a billion dollar every 'twenty days, and a mllikra live every six moBlhs. and a million widows, and a million cripples, and a million beggars. It does not pay. owe Ministers Marrow. "Second Tha prejudice of creed I go ing to be eliminated. Wa have talked too much about doctrine, and too little about love. A brother minister of mine refused to go Into a certain uplifting! enterprise with another minister, saying, 'I do not expect to sea that person In heaven; how can I work with him hereT Above all creed 1 eervlce; and wa must form an alliance and defensive with all those who love their fellow men. Br their frulta ye shall know them. "Third There la on more great and peaceful war In which you can hopofully enlist that I th war. for social better ment. Winston Churchill rightly ssld. 'England must b socialised.' Tha third motto I would hava you learn la: 'Above all vested Interest 1 society.' , "You are to ellro'nat alums; you are to open prison doors; you ara to wipe out the cursa of drink; you ara to purge tha poison out of octal lire. Tou ara to emanclpat the press, to eliminate the delaya of halting Justice, abolish usury: and establish th tight to work, and th obligation to work,' Tot ara to make a new humanity, and' fullfll tha greatest of prayer. 'Thy kingdom, com on earth.' Her la your moral equivalent ror war. If you want to spend your billions, spend them here; If you want to giv your Uvea, glv them here; If you went t find eternal glory, find, It here. Ha only really live who live to serve. Thl 1 th abundant Ufa. Thl la th eternal Ufa. Thl Is th life of him who aid, 'I came not to be ministered unto, but to minlater." Omaha Peony King Lived in Cuming WEST POINT. Neb., Juna U (Special.) J. F. Roaenfteld, tha peony king, who obtained first prise at the recent peony show at Omaha, was a former resident of Cuming county. UntUI ha moved to Omaha, a few year ago, he had tha garden spot of tha county on hi farm two mile east of Wett Point, a slx- acr peony field, which was visited an nually by hundreds of people from all parte of eastern Nebraska. His ship ments of peony bulbs went to all part of tha United States. His moving to Omaha gave him bet ter shipping facilities, enlarged his sphere of operations and enabled him to plant and cultivate a forty-aire peony field, the largest field of Its kind In the United States. Lincoln Gas Suit Hearing in St. Paul (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June 13. (Special.) Federal Judge Page Morrla of St Paul has been secured to hear tha auit Involving dollar gas for Lincoln, but tha casa will be, heard la Bt. Paul. Attorneys, wltneseea and othcra Inter ested will loave Unooln tomorrow for tho Minnesota town, where the case will be placed on trial soma time during tha first part of Uia week. Lincoln already haa dollar gas, th or der going Into effect the first of this month, but th case involves rates back for seven yeara. and tf tha case la oat to the company will force It to refund many thousand of dollar to consumer. LEARNING TO DRIVE, RUNS HIS CW INTO RIVER NORTH PLATTB, Net... June li fflpeclal Telegram.) Kobert Dean, a local business man. wa pinned under hi overturned automobtl thl morning' in tha Piatt river. Ue waa aaved from drowning by thoaa who saw the axx't dent While learning to drive his csr Dean attempted to cross the South Platte bridge near this city. lis , lost control on the bridge and the car went off Into tha water. RUSSIANS ORDER 250 ENGINES IN THE U. S. PHILADELPHIA. Juna 11 -Alba B, Johnson, president of the Baldwin Loco motive Works in this city, ssld todsy teat h had received a cable message from the Russian government awarding a contract to the company for Tti loco nn. fives to be comil-td by the . nd f thn mMwit vesr tmm U - 4 A Am .li.,, l.i- GERMANS PLEASED WITH NOTE'S TONE Text of American Reply Published in Berlin and it Makei Faror able Impression. CERTAIN SETTLEMENT POSSIBLE BERLIN (Via London). June 13. The text of th American note was published today In tha Berlin after noon newspapers. Definite state ment aa to tha attitude of the Ger man government with respec; to the note are not yet available, but In cir cles, which, while themselves not of ficially responsible, are often good barometers of the sentiment in re-! sponsible quarters, the note seems to have made adltlnctly favorable impression and is believed to offer the possibility of negotiations on which a satisfactory settlement might be reached. Tha conciliatory tone of th not ap parently has evoked a responsive atti tude her. Individuals, who In th earlier stage of th negotiations, displayed stiff necked adherence to their own views, which made discussion almost Impossible, ara now willing to talk of compromise in which the compromise would Yot be all on on side. Last Word with KaWer. Th official viewpoint probably can be correctly appraised after conferences be tween th Imperial chancellor. Dr. von Bethreann-Hollweg; th foreign secre tary. Herr von Jagow, and r preventa tive of the army and admiralty, the naval and general taff. Th emperor. It I believed, wilt speak the final word. It I understood that these conferences will begin Immediately. Tha answer will certainly not b drrlted. and the lines of the German policy probably will not b definitely decided . upon, before Dr. Anton Myer-Ocrhard, the special envoy from Count von Bernstorff, tha German ambassador at Washington, ha arrived and made hi report. Both th Lokal Anxclgcr and tha Voa Icha Zeltung hall the second American not aa opening th way for further ne- ! gotiationa between Germany and tho United state, which both profess will straighten out the situation. The naner. admit that tho not contain little that , ta MAW kill . L. ,. ... - . ' ""r rejoice at its friendly ton. Opeaa Way i Parley. Th Vosaische Zeltung says: 'There la no difference of opinion about th desirability of saving Uvea The note open th way for negotiation between Germany and America reraniinv Germany can do and what America must j oo w protect lives in th futur." Th Lokal Anseiger savs: "From tha wording of th note, aa It la now published, ona sees that the an nouncements sent out broadcast by the enemy that tha not would be an ulti matumnothing ls waa to be expoc tod- were wholly baseless. Th .form la friendly and It contain no asperity, a had been announced,. "Tha new not I really a roundabout expression by President Wilson of hi original standpoint and It will b a mat ter of further negotiations, during which tha German arguments .will be repeated and their Justification proved. "It would be prematura to go Into de tails, and especially of a technical na ture, nowi It la enough to be satisfied that th Wilson note Is so 'constructed as to admit th possibility of additional negotiations. Ha himself ahowa a desire for such negotiation. He suggested that the German government produce) further proofs substantiating th claim regard ing th Lusitanla, and declare himself ready to act a an Intermediary betweoa Germany and Great Britain regarding mutual conoeMion so far as submarine warfare la concerned. MleM Hav Heea Mara Valaakle. "True, thl offer would hav been of considerable more value if th president had explained that he was willing to make auch proposition, whereas ha Inti mated that Germany and Great Britain should Initiate tha suggestions. "However that may be, th United State will se from further negotiation that Germany ha an honorable desire to treat a friendly suggestion In a friendly spirit. "At all vents, th situation created by th publication of tha note la auch that th hypothesis heralded throughout the world that America also was In th rank of our enemies 1 now shown to be one more th old case or in wtan being) father to the thought" Captain Perslus, the naval expert of th Tageblatt. writes: "A harmonising of vlewa is possible and tha Washington government show a clnoer disposition to reach an under standing. That la tha keynote of the American cote; there Is no sabre-rat tling." Captain Perslus assumes that th Ger man answer will remove th laat obstacle tn tha way of eliminating all difficulties. A he understands tha American note. It by no mean takes th view that th Garman admiralty must order a suspen sion of submarine warfare befor nego tiation can proceed. Britain riraf Offea. II regret "that tha United States haa failed duly to appreciate Germany' prevtou offer to place restriction upon tha activity of th submarine, provided th British abandon their effort to starv Germany," and add that It I certain that no satisfactory solution 1 possible unless Great Britain makes this concession, as Great Britain "was tha first to break the International law." Ha concludes: "Wa hav firm confidence that lit friendly relation between Germany and th United State will smooth the way to a complete understanding and thug glv victory to justice and humanity." DEATH RECORD. Alfred Gteraart. OdCEOLA, Neb.. June l.- Special.) Alfred Gterhart an old and highly ra spected oltlsen of Oaoeola. paaaed away Saturday afternoon at S 0, after a lin gering Illness, He wa surrounded by all member of th family but on aoa shun th end came. Arrangement for the funeral will not b completed until this son I heard from. Tba deceased waa born in Trumbull county, I1L. and a a at yeara of age. He came to Polk county bi UTS from Hsory county, I1L During th last few yeara ha had re sided la Oaceola, Mr. Glerrhart died about a year and a half ago. Bt the t-fctld'a r.,-l fe Sertaa Croup and whooping cough are child- liens ilm nl. lr. King New Discev- riy i wii. i u ned; It kills the cold feri.i .u m lugista Advertisement Section Hand Slain In Bunkhouse Eow OOALLALA. Nob., June 13. 'Special Telegram) John Pollet. a Turk section hand, waa shot and killed Inst night In the bunkhouse. Four Greeks were oc cupying the bunkhouse. Sheriff Beal haa them arreeted and in jaiL Chris Fran Hncos, a Greek boy. 11, In said to have admitted shooting the Turk. He claims Pollot came to the bunkhouse drunk and noisy and ehot twice In the celling. The Greeks were In their hunks and had lie en asleep when he came In. Franclncos asserts the Turk commenced curving him and started towards him and then he shot the Turk three times, killing him. His story Is corroborated by the other Greek. .evrs Xotea of Weat Point. WEST . POINT, Neb., iune U-tSpe-clal.) Kay O. Hulburt, who for some time was assistant editor of the Cuming 'County Democrat, ha accepted the post- A TV n oir is typical of the light bottle as a container for beer. The light bottle is just as capable of withstanding the damaging effects of light, as an army of straw men would be to protect a city against a battery of artillery. The Brown Bottle is the Super dreadnaught in the Brewing Industry -impervious to the damaging effects of light-the best known container for beer. Drink Schlitz in Brown Bottles, and you have beer pure and wholesome un til it is poured into your glass. It costs no more than light bottle beer. See that crown is branded "Schlitz" Hie Beer tion of associate editor f th Journal of Osteopathy at Kirks vllle. Mo. Rev. S. p. Priehem I th new. paator of th Congregational church at Beamer, succeeding Rev. David Tudor, who has had charge of both the Wirt Point and Beemer churches for th last year. Rev. Mr. Tudor m 111 now devota hi entire time to th affair of this parish. Postmaster Hsrstlck lias received no tice of the appointment of Ludwig Wal ter a rural mall carrier from thl office. Mr. Walter waa successful among six teen Hpl rants who took th civil sen-Ice examination her. The Business Men' association of Went Point haa raccived word of tha Intended visit of the Omaha Commercial club to West Point on June The citlsens will make all possible preparations fur tba entertainment of th visitor. Th neighboring town of Wiener has just held an election for th purpose of voting bond for a hew high school build ing. Bonds for KO.OOO for thl purpose were voted by a handsome majority and work will commence on the structure as soon a funds are available. aw Phone Doug. J5J7 ScUlU Bottled Baar Depot 723 & 9th St, Omaha, Neb. Pbon 424 ' H7. Oerber 101 & Mala 8t, Council Bluff You will know what Advertising is Bobbie waa very- ay with pa ' per and pencil. "What are yoa doing Bobbie P asked mother. "Making a plotnre of Ood." "Bat Bobble." protested mother, "nobody know how Ood looks!" "They will whs I get my Plo rare don.." You rosy b a business man who has nothing - to do with, advertising. You mar think that the convention of the Aaworlared AdvertUinff Clubs of the World at Cliteago Jane 20 to 24. rnnnot ponelbly in terest you. If you will attend Just one convention you will know what advertising is. More than that, you will insist on being an advertiser, Every possible kind of In formation about It sent on re quest. COaTTXsTTXOB COIOCCTS . Advertising Association of Chicago, Advertising Bldg Chicago. Hi. Boston : AtlaniijcGttj 1 Pliiladelplua ! - Atlantic Coast A Long Island ' j And Canada j x Birect Ttxuta orVia. " , Washington Lines ever rvwiMryTOii liinw. mr Moarwmt W. It. KOWLASD. TVo. Pom. Aat, u. X 1 ZSUtTc CEHfGiTVSCCEy ANTHRACITE THE COAL THAT SATISFIES More Heat V U11 Aih-No y Smoke - Ak C Your Dealer. tC07o effidencj tai$ what you want when yoa place an order for engraved plates. We pat snap in ear woik, we have icork men that we can rely upon. AMltEMCXTS. LAKE nAHAUA 1 Discing- (irUw awJtfc OnktrtMl Uo-ou aad ataay otaa i aamelii.j Fr. AaaaUwtea. Tear riaaloa Vew. J