Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Advertising it th penda
lam that keeps baying
and selling in motion.
Partly Cloudy
VOL. XLIV NO. 309.
Om Trains) wad at
Bote! sTewg gtaads.
Some of Them Think it Will Lead to
Friendly Settlement, but Others
Insist Torpedoing Mast
Go On.
Two Great Annies in Oalicia Face
Each Other Across Wide and
. r. . fh I j
Crooked Stream, Await
in; Advantage.
BRITISH ADVANCE GUARD crossing: a stream in the invasion of German East Africa.
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Nebraskan Says Change Not Enough
to Justify Him in Withdrawing
Hit Resignation from
Gerard Officially Announces Deliv
ery to German Government of
American Rejoinder. ,
ficial announcement of the delivery
of the American note to the German
government reiterating Insistence
that submarine warfare conform to
the laws of humanity and Interna
tional law was received today from
Ambassador Gerard at Berlin.
The message came at the close of a
day marked by a more optimistic
feeling in official quarters that the
German answer would forestall any
possibility of war between the na
tions and also avoid a breach of dip
lomatic relations. --'
TmiiIm Relaxed.
Apparently there wa a general relax
ation of tension In the International
situation. President Wilson apent part
or the day at golf and let It bo known
that later in tho month be planned to
take a short vacation at hie summer
home in Cornish. N. II. No answer to
the Amrlun rejoinder la expected for
ten days at least, and there is convic
tion hera that the' Berlin authorities will
await the arrival there of Meyer Ger
hard, official representative of Airtbae
ador Bemstorff. before their answer ia
Former Secretary of State Bryan, who
resigned hie portfolio rather than sign
the second note to Germany, issued an
other atatement late today, declaring!
that the note was materially revised fol
lowing the presentation of his reels-nation.
The revision, Mr. Bryan averred,
softened the note, but wa not sufficient
to Justify him In withdrawing nle resignation.
"It ! true." said Mr. Bryan, inn i
saw the final draft of the note Just
before my resignation took effect, but
it Contained an Important chae. I
had no knowledge of this change at the
tima my resignation wag tendered and
1 , Not Maefc softened.
This change, while very much soften
ing the note, was not, however, sufficient
in my Judgment, to Justify ma in asking
permission to withdraw my resignation.
As Germany had suggested arbitration.
1 felt that we could not do leas than
reply to thin offer by expressing u. wW
Ingness to apply the principle of the
peace treaties to the case."
"What was the chango in the note!'
Mr Bryan was aaked.
"I cannot discuss thit," he replied.
It wae euggested that the clause added
to the note wae that anylng the United
States would entertain auy evidence Ger
many might have that offlclala of this
government had not thoroughly performed
their duty in examining the Lunltanla
before its departure to eee that It waa
not armed for offensive action. Mr.
Bryan only smiled et the suggestion.
I.aaslnSJ .
Secretary Lansing also declined to dla
cusa change made In the note-
The cl-iuso joforred to follows:
If the imperial German government
should' deem Itself to be In poaseaalon of
convincing evidence that the officials of
the government of the United States did
not perform those duties with thorough
neae tho government of the United
Btates hopes that It will submit that
evidence for consideration."
"IrreipcctWe of whether that clause was
inserted or not," Mr. Bryan wae asked,
'does it not open the way for further
negotiations with Germany?"
-I can only rtlterate what I have said,
that the note was softened," Mr. Bryan
replied, "tut not sufficiently to Justify
ma in asking permission to withdraw my
Replies Charges.
in his statement tonight Mr. Bryan re
plied to published rliarges of Inconsis
tency he-n'Je he signed the first note
follow Uu the IsUfcltanla incident and re
fused to rign the second.
"The notes," he said, "must te consid
ered in connection with the conditions
under which tpey were sent. The first
note presented the case of this govern
ment upon such evldsnce ae we then had.
It was lUe the plaintiffs statement In a
case, his claim being based upon the
facts as be presents them, f did not
agree entirely with tde language of the
first note, but the differences were not
so material as to Justify a refusal to
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather.
Temperatar at Oman Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
i a. m t i
a- in 63
'7 a. m 5
a. m S7
t, a. rn M
10 a. in 62
11 a. m
12 m.
1 p. m...
1 p. m...
I p. m...
f p. m...
p. Dl...
p. m...
7 p. m..
CosaaaratlT Lara I Her org
1U. MUX. 1HI2.
Highest yesterday 75 hi M ft
xwest yealerOay M e m . 61
Mean temperature .4., S4 74 72 78
Precipitation ,. .. .00 1 44 .ft) ,w
Temperature and' precipitation depar
tures from the 11 -rmaJ:
Normal teniperan.i e 71
Tellency for Ui- day j
Tola! deficiency ln' March 1 60
Normal precipitation . .17 111. 11
TWh-iency for the day 17 Inch
T'.tal ralnfa I slwe Minh !.... 71 Inch1
'eflcttmy since Man h I l.M ln hes
Excess for t or. period, nil 1: tn. h
taoeas (or cu. period, Ul.'l.. ...1 41 juclies
Also president of the Colorado division.
Join with Other Organizations and
Hold Their Exercises in Han
soom Park Sunday.
Thousands of persons gathered in Han
scorn park In the vicinity of the grand
stand Sunday afternoon for the national
Flag day exercises of the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks.
Other Flag days in former yeara have
been celebrated by the Elks in Omaha,
but perliaps never attended by a larfcer
crowd of men, women and children than
the celebration Sunday afternoon. Na
ture semed to have had the day hand
made for the occasion. It was not too
hot, and yet not cool enough to make it
uncomfortable In the shade. So thou
sands were waiting for the procession of
veterans, cadets, militia. Elks, bands
and other organizations that marched out
to the appointed place at 1:30 o'clock.
During the morning team were busy
hauldlng chairs and benches. As tbe day
gave promise of being ideal, the manage
ment looked .for a large crowd and ar
ranged en especially Urge number of
seats In order Just west of the bandstand
and Improvised speakers' stand. It was
arranged that thousands could hare
seats, and yet when the exercises . were
on so, huge -was, the mass. of, humanity
that elbowed for standing room that
those who came late could not have told
where the seats were supposed to be. j ,
tart to the Park.
At 3 o'clock the Omaha Drum corps
gave a concert in front of the Bike'
hall on Fifteenth street. Following this
the Omaha Postofflce band gave a con
cert there.
Shortly after 2:46 Major E. E. Ster.
rtoker of the Nebraska National Guard,
officiating marshal of the day, gave the
command and the column of state mili
tia, Spanish war veterans. Naval cub.
Boy Scouts, Omaha, Council Bluffs and
Plattsmouth Klks, Grand Army veterans.
Loyal Liegion, Grand Army of the He
public. Women's Relief corps, county and
city commissioners, moved forward to
ward Hanscom park. The Grand Ahmy
men and a number of other organisa
tions rode in automobiles, while the uni
formed men. such as the slate militia,
marched in formation.
Omaha, Council Bluffe and riattsmoutb
officers of the Kike participated in the
ritualistic exercises at the park. The
Omaha Flks' Male chorus fumlshe.1 vocal
music, while the Omaha Postofflce band
rendered patriotic air that Pleased the
Prayer was offered by Rev. r. J.
Mackay, chaplain of the Elks' I- tige.
The opening exercises were conducted by
Exalted Ruler Toting and the flag lec
ord ritual conducted by Emmet Tinley
of Council Bluffe, with the Elks tribute
to the flag by A. J. Bee son of l'latts
mcuth. Caase far ftratlta.
Senator Hitchcock, the orator of the
day. speaking on "The Meaning of the
flag." praised the spirit that brings
about Flag day celebrations, pointed out
tho vast number of places scattered half
way round the globe where the day waa
being celebrated and congratulated the
nation on its peace in the far of the
trouble in JCurops.
"At this time particularly, whan Eu
rope ia In the throes of awful destruc
tion." said the senator, "w have cause
for gratitude. At this moment, when In
Europe wo soe the very foundation of
HvllUatlon tottering, It Is our proud
hope that America shall become the con
science of the world. And In tho present
world crisis our hope is that the flag
in the handa of Wood row Wilson will
be led through with high honor."
Italians Advancing
Yet Nearer to Trent
VERONA, Italy (Via. Chlasso ant
Paris). June 11-The Italian advance on
Roverto. in Tirol, thirteen miles south
west of Trent, and Mori, eighteen miles
southwest of Trent, has pushed so clous
to both towns that either they have
already been taken or are about to be
occupied, according to report from the
SECURE THE $18,000
LOS ANGELES, Cel., Jun ell-Arthur
Ta Vlasers waa married here today to
Miss Myrtle Bush, thereby complying
with thv terme of a will by whijh he la
to inherit fls,0X.
The will was made by Vlsaera' grand
fnther In Holland, Ml' h., and required
that Viskers he married I y September I.
Vlfesera' wife died a bo in a )ear ago.
a -Lament in Note
Opposed to.naracter of Up
right Friendship.
BERLIN (via London), June 13.
-The Berlin morning papers gen
erally comment more or less extend
edly on the American note along the
lines followed by the Saturday even
ing papers.
While there is a general disposi
tion to recog nlse tbe friendly tone
of the note and tbe fact that It makes
further negotiations possible, the
press is divided, roughly, into two
parties,' one of which appears' dis
posed to enter Into negotiations look
ing to a compromise on a new basis,
while tbe other, by Implication or
expressly, rejects any departure
from the course heretofore followed.
Among the representatives of the lat
ter Idea is the Tagllche Rundochau,
which declares that while the note Becks
a way to compromise, it seeks it along
lines "which must result to the disad
vantage of Uermady."
Oplaloa of Raadsrhaa.
The Tagellche Rundschau continues:
"The note, .therefore, la calculated only
to postpone a settlement of German
American relations, and not bring It
about.' The friendly tone we acknowl
edge, but the declaration the sinking of
the LuHltania was unparalleled In war
fare seems opposed to the character of
uprlgb friendship."
The Rundschau defends the sinking of
the Irfisitaiila, and in conclusion de
clarer: "And the watchword Is: The
torpedoing will go on." "
The Kreua Zeltung emphasize Ger
many's right to prevent the shipment of
ammunition te an enemy by every tneana.
It also la unable to see what England
can offer In return for the abandonment
of the submarine campaign, "since the
plan to starve Germany has finally
Count von Keventlow in the Tagea
Zetturig says: "If President Wilson per
sists in his refusal to recognise the
Garni a declaration of aVwar sou, we
are net able to odnceive of an agreement
o reven a' real unfieratandlng."
Citizen Detains
Motorist Speeding
. Away from Accident
"John M. Shary, of the Clarlnda apart
ments. Is the type of citixen I like to
see," was the comment of Police Cap
tain Heltfeld, sfrer Shary, In an auto
mobile had overtaken and detained J.
C. Hardman of Valley, when the latter
hurried away from an accident In which
be had been a principal last night
The accident occurred at Thirty-first
and Harney atrAAts. Hnrrlmiiri'a auia
J and a motorcycle being ridden by Al
)lert Hogle, J846 Decatur, came together.
Ilogri was seriously hurt, and waa lying
In the atreet beneath his wrecked ma
chine, when Slmry brought Ilaromaif
back and notified the police.
Hard man was arrested and a complaint
of reckless driving lodged against him.
Tollcc surgeons attend to Ilogel's hurts.
West Point Turns
Out Record Class
TVE8T POINT. N. Y.. June 18. -The
largest claas ever graduated from he
Vnlted States Military academy received
diplomas at the commencement exercises
on Trophy Point. 1M cadets being
banded their sheepskins by Colonel Clar
ence P. Townsley, superintendent of the
The secretary of war, Llndley M Gar
rison, delivered the graduation aidresa,
which waa brief and made no reference
to current International affairs.
The five honor men ol .the class were:
William R R. Covell of Washington, 8.
C; Edwin R. Kimble of Texas, ,'oseph
D. Arthur of South Carolina, Ernest P.
Miller of Iowa and John 8. Rragdon of
War Victims Aided
By University Club
George H. Harrtaa ef Omaha, repre
senting the general committee of the
Refugees' Relief fund, an organisation
whiiae purpose la the assistance of war
sufferers, addressed letter to members
of the t'nlversity Club of Omaha. In
forming them that the club will co-operate.
In sending conttihulons to the relief
Members are Invited to direct that their
accounts be charged with regular sub
scriptions to the cause, not exceeding S5
a month. Those who deatre to aid the
refugeea of destitute war sufferers of
any particular nationality or to have
their subscriptions turned over to sny
other relief organisation have that prlv.
Ilege, according to Central Harries' letter.
WON ROB, Neb.. June IS Special Tel
eaism.) Tire supposed to have s'arted
by sparks from a locomotive totally de
stroyed the T. B. Hord elevator at
Oconee, four mllea east of here, at
o'clock this evening. The tiulldinh' con
tained very little grain and the loss
which ia about I3.u0. ia on the bfualng
V f
... .
Rev. F. T. Rouse Talks to Graduat
ing Class of the High School
at His Church.
Baccalaureate services for the gradu
ating claas of Omaha Central High school
drew to the First Congregational church
and audience of seniors and their friends
whtch tested its seating capacity yester
day morning. A serman by Rev, Fred
erick T. RMSue, which abounded In prac
tical suggestions, a charming musical
program and the solemnity of the church
rites' combined to make the occasion
memorable and valuable to the graduates.
Rev. Mr. Rouse's subject, "The Abound
ing life." was devoted to a plea to his
young hearers to avoid "time serving" In
the work which they may do, to gain a
broad view of their relationship to the
world and to devote themselves to genuine
service, In which they would find satis
faction and happiness. Ha said In part:
The Abuadaat Life.
"What better theme could I take for
you who are thus on the threshold of a
potential life of greatest Interest, than
that of life, "The Abundant Life."
"I have an exceeding desire, not only
that you should live, but that you should
live abundantly; go I will venture to give
three suggestions, on, on how, to live,
but how to live fully, freely, abundantly.
"The three laws of the abundant . life
aret To think; to feel; to. serve, One la
not really alive till he is ailve mentally.
He who knows the sclenoes, history, art,
literature, lives a thousand lives.
"He lives mora who sot only thinks,
but feels. You must get the world Into
your heart. To feel, - to sympathise, to
love, cannot be taught In books, if you
only thinto yon are an adding machine
if you feel, you are a man, a woman.
Wrk tor Service. .
"The third law of life Is the law of
service. Tou think you are working for
your salary; but. If you are alive, you
are working for the service. He only
really lives who gives. This Is the third
degree. This is that which makes you
like 'God who gives' and above ltta
tribes who take.' Ask Milton how much
he got for his 'Paradise Lost.' Ask
Tennyson how much his 'In Memorlam'
is worth. Ask the Italian, as I once did,
how much the Milan cathedral cost. The
little wernan who kept our modest pen
sion rebuked me, saying, 'You Americano
all the time ask "quanto costs?" How
much cost? We say. It cost as much as
a . morning In May.' That la the price
of your work; In that way alone can you
"God has been plowing deep the fur
rows of tho surface of this earth. Ho
has been aubsoltlng tho entire human
area. He has been enriching It with
fertilizer made of human blood (without
which there Is no remission), lie is sow
ing It with the seed of thoughts wrought
of human anguish and the tears of
womankind. (The blood of passing eras
Is the seed of coming eras.) Since the
last graduating class met here a year aKO
events have taken place that have not
had their parallel In human history.
Knter Sew.' World. .
"The old world passea that a new
world may take its place. You are going
out into a world that is ready to be
built anew. It has been dissolved, It is
In Its nascent state. You are to rebuild
It anew.
"Now is the time to get In your seed.
"First The world must be humanized.
'Above all nations ia humanity.' Th
old rule is worn out: "Thou shslt love
thy neighbor and hate thine enemy.' It
doea not work. It has been rudecd to an
(Continued on Page Two, Column 'lhri
British Liquor Board
Given Power to Put
Ban on All Treating
June 13-The ttasette bss
issued the text of the oritur in council
creating snd defining the powers of
the central cunrtol of llcjuor traffic
board, to consist of a chairman and such
other persons aa tbe minister of muni
tions may appoint to control the sale
and the supply of intoxicating liquors
within prescribed areas.
The board is given wide powers to regu
late the hours of sale and even to pro.
hlblt entirely the aale of liquor and
otherwise accomplish Its ends.
The llyuur board also is empowered to
pivvent the practice of treating where
it sees fit.
A novel provision la that the board
may take over eehtons n areas m herein
munitions of wsr era manufactured or
without licenses dlspensa liquor under
Is supervision In facturles engsged la
government work. I'nder this plan in
luxtcatlng heverea-ee In moderate amounts
mould be a sure! to II. . worker.
...- ..... j...
Arrested Charged
With the Murder of
Scott's Bluff Man
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb.. June l.-(Rpe-clal
Telegram.) Pan Jordun has been ar
retted, charged with tbe murder of Jo
seph Layton. The coroner's Jury ad
journed until Monday. After hearing
evidence, the Jury derided to keep Jor
dan Under police surveillance.
Today R. N. Fulton of Peatrlce arrived
with his bloodhounds -Dr. Crawford
bringing them by automobile from Al
liance. Each dog. after taking the scent,
followed the same courae from the win
dow through which the ahot was fired to
the kitchen door, and when let In the
house where a number of people were.
It Is said they tingled out Jordan.
Searching the premises continues.
Jordan, It Is said, Is Lay ton's father-in-law.
Fifty En Route to the Coast Stop Off
for Visit with Their Local
. Countrymen.
A party of fort' Chicago Bohemian
American men and women In charge of
R..J, Paenka,' editor of the "Chicago
Daily Bvornost, arrived over the North
western Sunday, morning at' 11:40 end
departed , for th. west at 4 p. m, after
having spent sn enjoyable between
timing, visit. '
The party as . originally planned '-' last
year Included sixty from Prague, Bo
hemia, but owrng to the European war
tbe visitors from across the Atlantic had
! to aliandon the trip. This eicursion was
arranged by the American Stato bank
of Chicago, a Bohemian-American Insti
tution. These Chicagosns eapeot to be
away about four weeks, their Itinerary
Including visits at Ps it , Lake City, tien
iL'iego, I -os Angeles, Ran Francisco and
Yellowstone park. , (
Met mt Train.
Vaclav Buresh, ' Bui Havelka, F. J.
niha, F. J. Kutalc and S. Serpen wet the
party at the train. After dinner at the
Union depot an automobile trip around
the city was given, and then the travel
ers enjoyed several hours of sociability
and entertainment at Tel Jed Soke! hall
on Houth Thirteenth street.
incidental to the crslon, an effort
was made to stimulate local Interest In
raising a fund for thu allovlatlon of the
people of Bohemia. Net prooeeds of the
evening entertainment wre given to the
Omaha. Bohemian National Alliance.
which already has about ll.."rt toward a
national fund of t.V,000. F. J. Kutak,
president of the local branch, during the
afternoon outlined the objects of this
The program for the visitors included
music by the Bohemian Men's Hinging
ulub; a poem by Mrs. F. A. Sodlacek;
recitation by Mrs. Josephine Jnak; ad
dress by J. T. Votava. and selections by
a quartet. Mr. Psenka of Chicago re
.While being taken over the city the
visitors were impressed with - the im
provements snd points ct interest, and
they all erpreased gratification for haw
ing had the privilege of a topping over
here, even If It waa only for a few hours.
Chicago Street Car
Men Submit Offer
CHICAGO, June' it Hope of averting
the threatened strike of the- street car
and elevated company's ' employes bare
t'aa brightened tonight, when union of
ficiate submitted a plan of arbitration
to Mayor W. If. Thompson.
Tin proposal of the workers, however,
in s ibjert to certain restrictions.
On of these Is that no run hall be
lea' than nine houre or more than elevan
hoMs, and no run shall pay less than
nli.a hours pay escept Sunday. It was
also stipulated that the companies should
make an answer to the proposal ot the
men by noon tomorrow.
The traction company officials had
previously offered to arbitrate the wage
demands of the workers.
Breslau Is Reported
Severely Damaged
PBTROORAD. June 11 (Via 1-ondon,)
The Turkish cruiser Mldullu, formerly
the German cruiser Breslau, was dam
aged. Just how severely te not Known,
lr. an artillery duel . with, two Russian
torpedo boat deatroyere near the Boa
phorus, Friday night, according to a Rus
sian official statement. It la slated that
the cruiser was etrurk by several shots,
that an explosion waa heard aboard and
that fir was seen at Its bow.
-v.. :
"'-V v
v .. .v; v
Local Exchange has Prepared
Royally Entertain Numerous
Visitors Tuesday.
A couple of hundred real estate
men from various parts of tbe east
ern and central states are to stop In
Omaha most ot the day Tuesday, en
route to Los Angeles for tbe conven
tion of the NaUonal Association of
Real Estate Exchanges. The Omaha
Real Estate exchange has completed
arrangements for the entertainment
of the delegates here during the day.
The special entertainment committee
has planned to give a breakfast to the
earl; arrivals, which will be the delega
tion of forty from Indlanannlla and from
seventy-five to eighty from Kt. Paul,
Minneapolis, Duluth and Winnipeg. The
tndlanapolls Uelzgatlon will arrive at T,
the Minneapolis special at 7 30 and the
Chicago special at 1:30. The Northwest
ern 1 railroad, working In conjunction
with the president of the Minneapolis
board and the committee of the Omaha
exchange, changed, the time of arrival
of tho Minneapolis special from 11 o'clock
to 7:30," in erder to give the Omaha ex
change a. better, opportunity, to arrange
their entertainment hare '
.The Omaha deiegatiorr will leave with
the Minneapolis special.- ,
Premium! Me Mere.
'AmensT tbe many prominent men who
will arrive on Tuesday will be found Mr.
Taylor, president of tho Chicago Real
Estate board, who boasts of the fact that
he represents the largest real estate board
In the world.
From Minneapolis will come F. A.
Smith, vice president of the national
association and a man who has visiCed
here on several occasions.
From Duluth will come N. P. ITphant,
who is not only president of tbe Duluth
Real Estate board, but la also president
of the International Realty Associates, a
corporation that recently purchased Bre
voort Place in Omaha. Mr. Uphsm Is a
very ardent advocate of Omaha, and, aa
ha has been here several times In con
nection with the Realty Associates, he
needs no special Introduction.
From Winnipeg will come the Jovial
Jim Scott, who is president of the Winni
peg Real Estate board.
Colonel William McCheiney, chief coun
sel for the national association, who at
Columbus, O., made a wonderful address
snd who holds the title ss being chief
orator of the Chicago Real F.state board,
will be here.
From Indianapolis comes Colonel W. P.
Bockwell. vice president of the national
association.. Colonel Bockwell halls from
the home of Vice President Marshall and
Ponator Kern, and boasts of the fact
that Indianapolis haa been favored with
more national officers than any other
city In the T'nlted Ptatee.
From Gary, Ind., will come Kdward P.
Wise, vice president of the Indiana Real
Estate association, and prominent in
Men ef Promlaewee.
From Fort Wayne comes President Lee
J. Nlnde, vice president of the Indian
apolis Real Estate association, president
of tho Fort Wayne board and chairman
of city planning, and graduate of artistic
home builders, and deserving of untold
prats for the development of Wlldwood.
the most beautiful addition -In Fort
Wayne. .
Waterloo. Ia., will be represented by
G. B. Brebner, who Is secretary of the
Waterloo Real Rstate board.
Council Bluffa haa been invited and
will Join the Minneapolis special and will
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Danish Lutherans
Elect Their Officers
CLINTON, la., June 13. The closing
session of Uie Psnlah Uvangelleal Luth
eran Church of American today elected
Rev. E. A. Faber of Newll, la., aecre
tary; II. P. Raamusaen, Chicago, treas
urer; II. Hermansen, Nyatad, No'j., trus
tee; Rev. M. F. Blltchfield, Chicago,
examiner; Rev. B. H. Hansen. Iea
Moines. N. C. Nlelson, Elba, Neb., edi
tor of, the denominational - paper.
Newell, la., was chosen for the next con
vention. .
CINCINNATI. O., Jun 13e.-Helns Har
denberg, aald to ha a member of the
aviation corns of the German Imperial
army, and who la believed to be wanted
in connection with tbe Investigation Into
the Lualtania disaster by the special
grand Jury In New York City, waa taken
Into custody hers today by agents of the
Department of Justice,
Heavy Fighting- Also Continues in
Baltic Provinces and on East
Prussian Line.
LONDON, June IS. Another big
battle Is being fought along the line
of the Dnelster river In Oalicia, In
which the forces of Russia are pitted
against those of Austria and Ger
many. Those German troops which had
crossed 1 the Dnelster at Zurawna
having been driven toacfc, and the
Russians In eastern Oalicia and
Bukowina also having been forced to
withdraw to the river, the two armies
now face one another across the wide
and crooked stream, each making
thrusts in an effort to gain the initia
tive for an offensive.
The Austrian in their official report
claim to have succeeded In crossing the
river to the east of Horodenka, a move
ment which. In view of their recent ex
perience near Curewna, might prove
Lerabers; Still Objective.
The Austro-Oermans. however, still
have Lrmberg as - their objective and
they are not likely to allow any reverses
they have suffered near Zurawna and
east of Prsemysl to put them off. fto
that fighting as severe aa any witnessed
in recent weeks mare be expected dur
ing the next few days.
Heavy fighting also continues in the
Baltic provinces and on the Eaat Prus
sian frontier, In which both sides claim
advantages. With tbe view doubtless of
preventing the Russians from sending re
inforcements to either of their wings the
Germans yesterday delivered an attack
along the Rawka river between Bolimow
and Zochacsew, the scene of important
battles last, winter when the Germans
tried to reach Warsaw by the direct route
from the west In yesterday's attack the
Germans claim to have broken Into the
Russian positions and to have, taken S.000
prisoners. . '
At various points between Rhelms snd
north of Arraa tbe French continue their
attaoks,- -which they report to. have been
successful, but which the Germane, on
tbe other hand, Invariably state have
been repulsed.
taatlawoaa righting la West. '
Although no big forward movement has
been made, the fighting Is almost con
tinuous along tbe line from the sea to
Champagne and In the Woevre. The
British and Belgians, although they are
not doing much attacking, are playing
an Important role In these operations,
for to them falls the task of holding '
large Oerman forces on tbelr front by
threatening an offensive and thus pre
venting the Germans from sending relief
to those troops which the French sre
The Italians have scored another suc
cess on the Isonso river by the capture
of the town of Oradlsca, and It la re
ported that they are carrying out a
strong offensive all along the river aa
far up as Tolmlno, which they are en
deavoring to outflank.
Unofficial reports state that the allies
are making steady progress en the Galli
pot I peninsula, but no details are given
and official confirmation Is lacking. .
Today's report of German submarine
activity, shows that one steamer and
three trawlers were suna. eineo oaiur- last German submarines have sunk
fifty-four vessels, ef which seven wtre
neutral. The others comprised two
French, two Belglsn, three Rusntsn snd '
forty British. Of the British -easels,
thirty-two were fishing craft. In addi
tion, two fishing smacks were sunk by
a Zeppelin.
Woman Admits that
She Is German Spy
TORONTO, Ontario. June IS Ieuia
Markafeit, a girl of 1, who haa been un
der arreet here since May M. hag ad
mitted to the police that she Is a Ger
man spy. She hss been remsnded to Jail
for a week. .
The girl states that she was born In
Alsace snd when the war began was liv
ing In Buffalo. She made Niagara Falls.
Ontario, her headquarters in assisting
Herman reservists to cross over to Buf
falo. She is said to have paid vlstta during
the winter to the various military camps
snd to hsve made an extensive tour of
the Canadian west.
Austrian Aeroplanes
Shell Serbian Town
NISH, Serbia, June 13. (Via London)
Three Austrian aeroplanea yesterday
dropped boniha on Kragojevata. killing
or wounding twelve persona. Serbian
aeroplanea pursued the hostile machines,
t rinsing one down. Another aeroplane,
with two German officers, waa captured
at Agripalaoke.
IF I could reasonably ahow you an
Investment where l.00 would
grow into $10,300 in one year, and
with it a monthly salary of 10o,
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I have such a proposition- I do not
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nsitv aeekara. but If you have the
money and are willing to work. w
will give you a poelttve guarantee
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show you how S.0t)0 will grow to
llu.300 the first year.
For farther parttotOare abewt
tble opportunity, ewe k Vm
AA aeoUoa ef fa ee too.