PA THE OMAHA SUMA. HKK: .WSK 13, l'Jld, pilfer Ih. i I tft SdDeei: i 1111 11,11. I t ill I IB llMB r 35 I For ffte Street I Girt Graduate j Beautiful Flowers., j i i i i ij Let Us Handle Your j Decorations j Hess & Swoboda l 1415 farnam Street Phone Douglas 1501 I COUNT We have the finest assort ment in Om aha. Every flower cut fresh. D ON ALL GRADUATION GIFTS Useful graduation Rifts nro the most pleasing, to both the recipient nnd donor, especially when they possess beauty in udditton to usefulness. Our stock contains many revelations in gifts of jewelryfor oither'sex. A. S. RI JEWELER Kipert Watch and Clock Impairing. 221 V2 SOUTH 16TH STREET. l"ormly Lindsay The Jwlr.) PS The Woman's Exchange NEEDLECRAFT SHOP Lobby of the Doe Building Gifts for Girl Graduates The following Is an itemized list of what we have to offer as a suggestion to the Graduate: Beau tiful hand made Table Runners, Piano Scarfs, Lunch eon Bets, Sheets and Pillow Case, Towels, Dollied, Center Piece and Hand Painted Cbinu. Give Her Something Lasting to 50 tower Titan Department Slofe Ask. TAHI.K KI NNKR8 Imported linens, crochet insertion and ends; two yards long. Imported linen crochet and fringe trimming. Linen table runner with crochet cluny. Piano Scarfs, crocheted 6-lnch butterfly edge. rrscii ci-oths Handsome SG-lnrh round lunch cloth; 8-inch hand crocheted linen rluny edge. 4 8-inch square lunch cloth, in cut work. 4 8-Inch square lunch cloth, beautifully embroidered. T.ITTIXO In any pattern you wish and sold by the yard. ( lUK'HKTINO ny the Yard. Orders taken for Whist Table Covers and Luncheon Sets. CAKKH The very finest fresh Home Made Cakes are awaiting you. nnv cloth cm mothers rek these. Dainty hand embroidered Slips and Dresses, 00c to $3.00. Flannel Skirts; Crocheted, Tatted and Embroidered Caps, Nlgbten gales. Bootees, Hand Made Felt Shoes, Towel and Bib. MRS. C. S. MARSHALL Shop rtione, Doug. 3879. Residence Phone. Walnut 838. ADDRESS ALL MAIL TO LOBBY OF BEE BLDG 1 '"V Dr. JobB Manh ! . . : - , 2 -a- i Something Every Graduate Should Know Dentistry in Parts Why We Employ Specialists The modern way of doing difficult things is to divide them into parts and employ specialists on each part. That Is the way we practice dentistry. There are four specialists In thl office beside Dr. John Ma.'h, each working at the thing he does bt-st. There are specialists for filling teeth, for crown and bridge work, for artificial teeth, for inlays, and. in fhort. for esch of the Elx dental branches. Dr. John M.-trh't part of thr work is not only consultation and diagnosis, but lie personally sues each case is treated properly. .aK ,f - Ir. M. Marh THE Wm&Tf& Largest and Best Equipped Dental Rooms in the West Located Third Floor, Paxtoa Block. Corner of Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. St. McXartln For Good Photographs go to THE SKOGLUND STUDIOS 1520 Douglas St. Douglas 1375 24th & Cuming St. Douglas 2343 Hand-Bags, Trunks and Leather Goods BUY FROM THE MAKER TACTOar pkicxs 05 Tmtnrxs A LEltllS GOODS. An extremely interesting; col lection and variety of ''golnif away" articles at factory price. No middleman's profit to pay. You buy direct of the maker at the factory price. A visit to our factory and display rooms will prove profitable to you. We manufacture harness, sad dles and traveling roods. "TE1 LXATHXa SHOP" Alfred Cornish & Go. 1810 VASWAX ST. GRADUATION DRESSES PARTY GOWNS We make a specialty of cleaning this kind of apparel and do more cleaning1 of this kind than all the other cleaners in Omaha. "There's a Reason" We clean them better and more satisfactorily. If you want your fine clothes cleaned right and so that they look like new when they're returned to you send them here. We guaran tee all work. Price $2.00 to $3.00. THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers" CUY LIGGETT, Pres. 1515-17 'Jones St. Phone On no- Qfi.1 'II. Read These Offer ings for the Sweet Girl Graduate. WILSON WILL NOT HORRYJ MEXICO SeTtrsl Weeki Probably Will Fas Before America Takes Any Further Step. REPLIES FROM CHIEFS AWAITED WASHINGTON, June 12. Sev eral weeks probably will bo allowed to pass before the United States takes any further step In the de velopment of ita policy toward Mexico as announced by President Wilson In his recent statement warn ing the factional leaders to "accom modate their differences," and restore peace to the famine threat ened country. In th. meantime replies from Villa nd Carransa will be awaited; the gov ernment will watch with interent the ef forts of the belligerent factions to hurry a seUlemrnl of their differences on th. battlefield and the American Hed Cross will ko ahead wtth ita work of relieving Blarvlns noncoiiibatauta. ' It la renarded aa probable the next action by th. tnlted fetalta wilt not be taken until a perma nent suereaaor to Mr. Bryan a secretary of state has been named. Has M'!r4 Villa. Condiler Agent Carothera advlaed th. Rate department today that he had telegraphed Oeneral Villa in behalf of Georg. Marks and S. Franklin, believed to be American citlsena who ar. under death eentence for alleged circulation of rouriterfett money. Mr. Carothera said he would leave his post for Chihuahua to take up th. case directly with the Villa authorities. He has been instructed by tlie fit lite department to Inelat that no summary measures be taken agalnat the two men. t Addition! reports of distressing condi tions in various parts of Mexico were re ceived during th. day at the fltate de partment and Red Ooss headquarters hr. I'rgent need of food among th. native of Lapas, Lower California and vicinity wss reported. In the (tat. of Temaulipas. dlspatchea said, the food eltuation was extremely critical, the na tives being practically without any means of subslatance. A nieaeage from Purango said that un it additional supplies were received there soon. th. people would be oinpelled to Hce on green mats, during August and September. Uaadlfs Hull (vxauea. Rt. PASO. Tel., June It. Ocil Boyd, seed !, son of J. J. Boyd, a mttlcmsn of M I'mo, Is held by bandits lu ea:ern Chihuahua for K.0 ransom. Word of tbe detention was brought U tie border by (iordy Boyd. II years old. a brother, aft-r a fifty-mile walk. Ar. rntinent ere inal smiuedtutely to -ward the ransom money to th. spot .'!, tied by the bandits. The two bo s i i . lined by PanJita mliUe rounding up cattlo under an escort of Villa soldiers from whom they became separated. Canoeists Join in A Social Evening At Carter Lake The cheer of a cool night on th. water, singing, story telling, a social good tlm. around a flickering eampflr. and fin ally delicious buns with welnles, roasted over th. coals, mad up th. program of Carter Lake club's Canoe Association campflre cruise at the lake lsst night. Nearly loo enthusiastic canoeists from th. Carter Lake club nnd the Yomtf Men's Christian association park In light canoes Joined forces for a sociability cruise around the lake. Then they all landed among the b. trcm near th sit. of th. old Iiod ami flun club and built a campfir., around which a Jolly hour was spent. A mala sextet from Mill!. Kyan's studio sang, and Qlen Psxson ant Olen Pmlth of th. Carter Lake club, provided mandolin and guitar music. Miss Wini fred Mcott gave recitations, after which many of th. canoeists were called upon to tell stories, or fish yarns. Th. lunch was one of th. most uii.loyahl. features of the evening, as everyltdy was hungry after the endue In the cool air. Mr. and Mrs. U. N. Aulahaugh and Mr. and Mr. Ham K. Ilanford if Car ter l.ake club's Canoe association, were the canoe experts, who navigated the cruls. and Its attendant f est 1 lilts to a successful conclusion. Other campfir. cruises will be taken at intervals dur ing the summer. Class Day Exercises At Saratoga School Oaaa day .xeroses of the eighth grade of th. fiaratoga school were hold at th. Pearl Methodist church Friday afternoon and were larsely attended by parents aul friends. The program was entirely In th. hands of the children mid was as (ut lows: i PART I Instrumental TIio Wh.eriiiK Wind.. Wolleuhaupt TUilh Peterson. , Swing 8ong Bchool. Greeting Margaret TI;onipsoa. Violin Solo Hxth Air Vurloe Dancla Waiter Rankin. Hawaiian Kong Peace JdcMevn. Beanie Tlmm. Debate Resolved thai the Northern Kection of the t'nited Pistes Offer tirealcr Attractions to the Parmer Than the Soutnarn Section." Affirmative, lxran Oreen and J.orl Tyson; negative. Kodroan iirown and A'teri Kiaure. PA HT II. numb Bell Iji III-H m t Anderson. Pti.lip Strell, Poster H.aUdoll. Orlando Bruaner. LroUis lioi er. t.era'.d lv!e and Verne Hrant. Song spring )lns t'oine White Mattel piiKnni. Concert Recitation a Three Wise Women. b Three Wise Men. t Three Win Couples Trio Barcarolle Violet Hroichle. Kthel Uynuin and Kulh IVtrmou. Play Th. Fairest Ki'tiit Eighth U (ilrla AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Rev. Titui Lowe Delivers Com mencement Address to Magic City Graduates. SCHOLARSHIP TO MISS WYUESS Pointing out that the great things of the world are yet unaccomplished. Rev. Titus Low. of Omaha, led his listeners Into a simple, yet significant discussion of th. problems tha must be met be fore th. greatness of th- ruture can be fully realised In Ms commencement ad dress delivered to tn June graduating class last evening nt the high school auditorium. Rather than round out th. Issues oT his message to the graduate with stolid reasoning, the speaker con fined himself to an occasional J'.'k. or humorous Incident that made his speech Loth convincing and pleasing. The foundation of ull auwess Is laid by the ability a student has to utilise available brains, the tpcaker stated: "A' grouch never i-i succeed, ulti mately. You n.unt I'm have i sunny dlpoallon." "In the apex of s min i soul 1'iere is Infinitely more siiiiehlue than rain. It la up to you young mm and women to find that sunshine and make go id In the finding." Be aa America. "Be an expert. lxvo your Job. Don't hat. It because if you do you will never i succeed," were two of th. frank ddvlees th. pastor (mad. to . th. graduates. "Lastly, be an Amerksn. When I say an American, I don't mean a Qcrman American, a Scandinavian-American or a Anglo-American. I mean an Ameri can. Be on. and you will win tut In i he end." At th. close of bis address. Rev. Mr. Low. told of a man who waa born In a manger, who grew physically and morally strong in the carpenter shop of a poor, but pur. home in a faraway land. "I do not need to say th. name of th. man. You all known Ilia nam. Re Ilk. him. That's all I hav tn say." Th. auditorium was well filled and rounds cf applause sounded aa President Richardson of the eclvool board passed cut the diplomas to the nineteen grad uates. Superintendent K. V. CI raff of th. Omaha public schools spek. briefly. Th. high school crcbestra gav. th. muslo of thj evening. Alaaaal Meet Tealght. Alumni of th. local high school will hold a meeting this evening at th. hlga school auditorium at o'clock. President Jean Betger la scheduled to occupy th. chair and th. meeting of th. members) of tli. association mill be given over to the discussion of plans for a big alumni rvceptlon and dan.-, to b. given soon. Ner Way t Steal Ails. A aew stunt In th. way of stealing automobiles came to the eye ( th. po lice last .venlng Ad unidentified man. about IS year, of a applied to Mrs. J. M. Crlatenson at her home, Ml North Twenty-fourth meet, with a written order from her husband slating that she waa to let th. "gentleman" hav. th. us j Give Her SOMETHING DIFFERENT hot her graduation gift Our large stock of rare oriental pieces, Jap anese kimonos, etc., offers you a splendid opportunity for gift buy ing. Let us show you through our shop. (fflk The Alia Shop flTTfcj 7BBJ 5c Palm Beach Suits Dry Cleaned Yes, we call for and deliver at this price Lowest in Omaha GRADUATES' PARTY DRESSES AND GOWNS Send us your finest gowns you need cleaned for your Summer Vacation. We guarantee all work. Our lrices Ar Always Very Reasonable. Empire Cleaners & Dyers riume DourIus S8K9. 322 gOUth 14U Street. "r : JJ I I I SETTLING THE GIFT QUESTION The graduate can Lave no better gift than a Conklin Self -Riling Fountain Ten. Ask us to show it to yon. I ALL SIZES ALL POINTS I "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT FILLER" i OMAHA STATIONERY CO. 1 "Stationery Tbat Satisfies." I juy boutn 17th Street. Phone Dmio-in- car s WW. of th. family automobile. Lter In the evening th. polio were notified by a somewhat exasperated hus band that the order was bogus and the man had made off with a valuable flve passenger touring car. ' Helitlan treuard nf Asaaalt. Steve Cirsouanskl, Belgian laborer, who attempted the strongarm act on Captuln of Police John Zaloudek last Thursday afternoon when the latter attempted to arrest him on the charge of assault and battery, was fined 3i In Judge Reed's court yesterday for hi trouble. Ryaa aset Style 4.ola Hood. Reports from Yankton are to the effect that Johnny Ryan and Reddy Styles, two South Omaha veteran men who signed up with the Tank ton town team managed by Bill Schlpke sev eral day sgo, sr. doing great work. The firet thrt. games In which the Rmnh Omahans played wer. won by good core. Ryan led each with two and three-bagger hits and played his plac at hort with credit Huron. Scotland and Yanktoa college ar th teams that wer defeated. Miss Graham Katertatna. Marl. Graham entertained at her home last Friday evening complimentary to her cousin. M'ss Kathrtne Ht.wart of tloux City, who Is visiting at th. Orahrtm home this week. Those' who att Misses Kathrtne Htewart. Mary Klipt. rick, Mabel Lee. Olady Wright, huby Wilfht. I.Ida l.orlmer. (Irac. Walker, Helen Kutat, Iura Madison. Moon, and Marl. Graham. Ilaa.ra ts Miss Wyaeaa. Miss Mary Wynesa won first hot.ors. re ceiving th. scholarship fo the entire year's beet work. A two-year course at th. University of Chirugo la th. con sideration. Forest Dennis won second r.onors; Mabel Lee, third, and Ixiretta Meany, fourth. Th. latter finished th. ccurs. in three and a 1-slf years. Th. iraduatea are: Agnes Real Margaret Carley nuuif i nui r oi eat j h nnls Frank Faux FTir-mett lioctor Mury Kli l.Mi trk Mabel 1 oris l.i-i'lteiu Aiig.iU- McArdl. Paul Mc ride KHeen Mil v l.orell.-j Meti.y Auk ihi i lucres Vletor listhiak Ixus llUkaid Kale ShniintthAn Maryyneis Julia y.cleny t llsres'i Der Okmervaaee. Children's day wtll be observed at all the churches of the city at soma time tomorrow. Several of the Sunday schools of the city ar. giving over their usual study hour aa well as th. devotional hour lor tn. presentation ef special program In response to the event. Other are giv ing their programs in th. evening in the Place of the t o'clock evening devotional services. Mission for rhlldrea. Day. Children's Day will be celebrated at th. Interdenominational church at Thirty eighth and I streets, with a large special program. Th. West Q Street mission nnd the Highland Interdenominational mission will take part la the program. Sunday school will be held at 9:5 o'clack. Hapllsm and reception of members will follow with communion service at il o'clock. A basket dinner will be held at noon. At 1: the Sunday school 1U parade. Edward Well and Resale Rhyno will be crowned king and queen of the parado In recognition of their Derfect reenrri tn attendance and lesson, during the year. in. Children s Day program win nun at 1 o'clock with all thre. missions tak ing part. Toung People's meetins- will b. held at T o'clock and evangelistic ser vices will tak. place at I Rev. William J. Shallcros of Bel lev ue will preach the sermon. Rett Mea K.leet. Waahakle Tribe. No. 39. Improved OrJr of Red Men, held an election of officer) last Thursday evening at their hull at Twenty-fourth and O streeta. and Wt.i the following men to office during the coming year: Prcphet. C. J. Southard; Kacheni, C. O. Rrlgifs; Senior Sagamore, O. II. Sueinulck: Medicine Man. F. O. Ueck; Trustee. Fred Paro and William ( eorneman. Historian lloaor Uea. Judg. J. j. iireen. president of the South Omaha Historical society, has re ceived a communication from Charlea S. Payne, secretary of the Slate Historical society urging that the second Sunday In June, the thirteenth, be et aaida and celebrated as Pioneer's Day by members of the local organisation. The state sec- I retary has sent aimilar eominunlcat'ons to president of the different socletle of the state. Th. plan of celel ration urged by Payne la to have all the churches of the city fclve special servWs tn honor of the day. In the afternoon members will make the trip to the grave yards to honor the dead pioneers of the city. Tomorrow will mak. the tn'ital Celebration. Ma ale City !. Howard Roscrans was arrested aod retained In the oltv Ja-1 yatidsy after Boon by Itetective leplnskl on the chain of beating hi wlf and children. Th N. C. a. dub will give a big picnic at th. Country club ground aest Sun day ft i m nl r. ml .iTaln . . I ... - " v. cinuiis, . 'CL!tv 11!J( will be had at the club pavilion and refresh ment will be served. The Eagle will give a dance this even- mo ui vnir nsai. ,x weniy-iiuro. ana is street. The local order of Moose will also give a dance at their ball. Twenty, fourth and M streets. Misses Tynon and Shlrry of th Haw- Ihnmn u.hAAl t rm tnln.r u.m - i . ....... . ., v m i, 111 cunuuii s aummer achool. at their building at cmnieenin ana oiiaiouri avenue. The session will open Monday morning at t o'clock. Th. Independent Order of Odd Fellow will hild memorial service at tlielr hall. Twenty-fourth and M streets, next fcun- ftilV .OmUHA. mt k'nlm.1. A . . 1. has been obtained to mak. the memorla address. Caareh Note. Ptist Itaptlsl, '1 wenty-tath and N. Rev. Ulltiun K. HUl. Pastor Preaching, Jl a. in.; tiunday achool, 40 a. to.; young people' meeung. :J0 p. ill.; Chlldieii clay program. 7.30 p. in; prayer and Rlble study meeting every Wednesday evening at $. St Martin', Corner Twenty-fourth and J. Rev. John WaJlls Ohl. Rector Serv ice (or second Sunday after Trinity: Celebration holy eucharist. 7:30 a. in . Sunday school, :& a. m. ; matins anu litany, 11 a. in.; evensong at 7:tx Stran gers tvlway v.ejcome. Hillsdale Baptist. Forty -third and I Bible study hour at 10 in the morning. ..leaching service. 11 a. m.; tliildi-en't day exercUed, p. m. Public wel come. Boiith Omaha I'nlfed Presbyterian. Twenty-third and H, Rev. Albert N. Por jer. Pustor Sat belli .clrnol. ;S a, tn., .'ollowed ty CMIdren's day service at 11. fhe program will connti of rccitat'.o.ns. sonr awl exerciaea, given entirely b the children. It will Interest both niu and young and will be profitable aa well as devotional. Everyone IS welcome. Junior mooting. S p. m : Christian I'ulon, T p. in.: liibl study, 7:io p. rn.; preacn ing at p. m. bv th. pastor, subject, "Speaking to Young Men." First Presbyterian. Twenty-tl.lrd and J. Kev. R. U Wheeler. Pastor Sunday school. 9M a. m ; morning sermon at It; evening sermon at (; all preaching by PHSlor; Ciiri.ilisji Knaeavor, p. m., topic. "Clirlrt's Call to the Toung Men of Today." Choir will sins. Charles Le Cock, organist of the Ilrst Congrega tional churcn of Omaha, will pluy th orsan in the absence of the regular or unlt. First Methodist. Twentv-nrth ar.d E. Rev. J. w. K'r.pctrlck. Pastor-Morning eenlees at 11, with pastor t:i paltiu Clilldrens day wtll be reli-brated durl-ig the rooming devotional hour at 11. A special program haa been prepared. Jun ior league, S p. m ; EpwortQ league. 7 p. m. Public invited. Iefler Momorlal Methodlat. Fifteenth and Madison. Rev. Henderson, Pastor Child ren'a day observance at 10 a. m arecial program; Father' day will be observed In connection with the pro gram. Fpwnrth league, T p. m.; evenlnc ennon by th. pastor at 1 Ptibllo wol-ooiua. RUSSIAN CABINET IS TOTTERING NOW Premier Likely Dropped and Talk of Duma Meeting and Coalition Government Heard. CHARGES OF GRAFT ARE MADE BERLIN, June 12. (Via Lon. don.) Reports received by the VosBlsche Zeltung Indirectly from Petrograd point to the Dossibilitr a ministerial crisis and the retire ment of Premier Ooremykln. A meeting of Duma leaders last Satur day. with President Michael Rodi zlanko In the chair, at which a rt quest to the emperor to convoke the Duma at an early date wag adoDtad. had. according to the newspaper in formants, tbe purpose of starting aa agitation for coalition ministry. Princ. Manueroff, the reports continue, presented a reolution that Duma Im rredately after Its convocation mva .ml address to th emperor snd demand a mlnUtiT in which parliament would be representee Member of th. extrems right voted for the resolution la prln. clple. it : atated. President Rodtlanko went to th meet ing after long conference with Or and Duke Nicholas, cmmander-ln-chlof of the Russian forces at headquarters. LONDON. June li-The Petrognd cor respondent of th. Morning p0t sends th following dispatch: "A universal demand has arUen la Rursla for the re-assembly of the Duma within th. next few - w-bi w avr as oouDie purpo-K1rt. ta assure tu. gov ernment of the united tupport of th. whole people In the pr.;t utlon of th. war; second, to deal vlth th. nrtuct cf certain rlasses In nttemptlng to turn the stste of mar Into an opportunity for enriching themselves at the expanse of national Interests." Proakl Walt Klgraa. 1tnk, Whlt-. bantam, and Jtmmy Blackburn hav. aigra4 for a June aiton round private bouk