Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    THK OMAHA Sl'XPAY HKK: .irXK X l!U5.
7 A
Takes Number of His
Watch; Gets It Back
iterentr years, but. Ike niet frlen.l..
j lder hsd never sounded It real depth
Ti- net! -lay tne watch he hsd earriifd I
for twenty yeers wss stolen, lie went to
the police with the little book snd told !
Son of Champ Clark
Will Be Married
hone of representatives, wss announce t
today. Th wedding dat hss not been
set. Mr, Clsrk Is a clerk st the speaker's
tabl In the house of representatives. He
Is 3 years of age and his bride-to-be Is
two years his) Junior.
About two weeks ago Fader's brother
sent him a little memorandum book with
an Identification page In It. Oae of the
blanks or. the page wss for the number
of Ms watch. Under never had known
th number, so he opened th heart of
his friend and got St the secret. He en
tered it in the llttl book.
or Ms loss Friday th wntch was re
turned to him. It having been found on
th pron of Jess Avery of Pouth Omsha,
who was arrested on suspicion. A rh(rn
ef larceny will be filed against Mm.
When William E. Bader. painter, was
prachistrd frc-m school twenty years ago
his mother presented him with an onen
faced .liver watch. It was a friend-for
COLUMBIA, Wo, June 15. The engage
ment of Miss Helen Morton Robnett of
Columbia snd Bennett Clark, son of
Champ Clark, speaker of th national
Apartments, flats, house and cottage
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
He "For Rent" Ad.
Pe Want Ada rrotrac ttemilts.
Of German, British, French, Italian
nd Rnwian Ancestry, They
Sing "Die Wacht am Rhine.'
IMd yon ever hear colored children
larlng "Die Wacht am Hhein?"
Ringing it with abandon, with gusto
and with a care-free swing that
ahowed the words were as familiar
to them at the words of "America"
and "Old Kentucky Home."
This was the sight exhibited to
those who were present at the first
rehearsal of the rrand children's
chorus for the Omaha Saengerfest,
which was held in the Auditorium
Saturday morning. A number of
the 2.000 school children partici
pating are colored.
Enough children were there to half fill
th big lower floor when Prof. Theodore
Rudolph Reese seated hlmiielf at the
piano on the stage and struck the first
And when Prof. Ferdinand Stettlnger.
director of music In the public school,
smote his palms together the Juvenile
multitude rose as one boy, or rather as
one girl, for nine-tenths were llttlo
maids and burst Into the beautiful tune
and words of "Alle Voegel Bind Sehon
Da, Alle Voegel Alle."
Worthr of Ornni.gpn,
Why, It would take grown-up choruses
a Jong while to reach the degree f
perfection which these Juvenile hundreds
have reached already and, seemingly, by
Without a pause at the end of the first
selection. Prof. Reese at the piano
guided them Into the second, "Homo.
Sweet Home'' snd so, through the pro
gram they alternated, German and Eng
Most ef the children know all the songs
by heart.
Whether the music of the German com
positions is more catchy and lilting and
inspiring or whether there Is something
In the soft sibilants and thrilling gut
turals of the German speech, the fact
remains that th children sing the Ger
man songs with greater gusto than they
do th English ones. Close observation of
the colored contingent revealed the par
adoxical fact that they sang "Bah Eln
Knabeln Roseleln Btehn." with greater
Joy, confidence and tunefulness than
they did ' 'Way Down Upon th Buwanee
All TaVe Part.
The battlefields of Buroi seemed a
mere mlasmlo dream, a nauseous night
mare, as American children of German,
Austrian, Italian. Scandinavian, Russian,
French, British and African ancestry
Joined Joyously In the Inspiring strains of
"Die Wacht ant Rheln" and then rolled
Joyously and, perhaps, a little more so
Into the well krtpwn and especially bo-lovd-of-chlldren,
The children's part of .the great Saen
gerfest will b the last matinee concert
of the big singing meet which will bring
OcVmari sinters from 100 Cities to Omaha
In July. The child voices will be reinforced
by an orobestra of fifty-five pieces.
Judging from this rehearral. the first
rehearsal and on In which the vocalists
were accompanied merely by a piano, the
children's chorus of 2.000 voice, with
onchestra accompaniment, singing the
time-tried and well-loved songs of both
American and the fatherland will be an
attraction worth going far to hear and
! L i r r- f
Omaha Delegates
Return from River
Meeting at Dubuque
Frank J. Hughes and E. J. McVann
have returned from Dubuque, where they
were sent as delegates of the Omaha
Commercial club to the meeting of the
Upper Mississippi River Improvement as
sociation conference. Mr. Hughes was
appointed as one of th members of a
working committee that Is to gather all
possible data between now and October
on th subject of how much freight there
ib In sight that might take advantage
of river navigation on the upper Missis
sippi and Missouri, and also ss to what
capital might be available to go Into a
river navigation enterprise.
Th Omaha delegates say the meeting
wss well attended by representatives of
f 11 the upper Mississippi river states. The
working committee Is to report to th
general association at the next meeting
October 13. One of the notable things
about the meeting In the minds of the
Omaha delegates was the marked Interest
taken by St. Louis delegates. They be
llv that St Louis has awakened to the
possibilities that are in store for it if
Mississippi river navigation Is properly
developed In th upper reaches of the
Judge W. H. Munger
to Retire in October
Who will be appoint 1 to the federal
bench for th division of Omina and
what. If any, effect will the retirement
of W. J. Bryan from President Wilson's
cabinet hav on th appointment?
These are two question that art get
ting much discussion in the federal build
lag and among members of the bar.
Judg William II. Munger, the ln
sumbent. will be 70 years of age on the
13th of next October. This Is the age at
which federal Judges can retire on full
pay and It is well Known that Judge
lunger's wish is for retirement snd the
pending of his latter years as h spent
Sis early years as an For
a number of months he has been ill and
hi plao has been supplied by judges
from various near-by districts.
T city commissioners hav received
from Joha Polian, secretary of Omaha
Central Labor union, a written protest
against engaging the postofflce and other
nonunion bands for concerts In the uWlc
parka Particular objection U !sed
sgalsst the pontofflce band on the
giound that when employes of the Post
offio department received their six-day
wk aaa eight-hour day they were ss
tsted by organised labor of the co"Htrjr,
and the oontantioa Is mad ttiat this band
la ompUnf unjustly with union mu
Theod (j Beirens
Mayor of South Omaha Gets Into the
Damage Case Brought by McNeill
Against Parents of Wife.
Thomas Hoctor, mayor of South
Omaha, yesterday figured In the evi
dence la the $15,000 damage suit
brought by George H. McNeill
against Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jew
ell, parents of his wife, as a friend
of Mrs. McNeill, who was once cen
sured but later forgiven by her hus
band. Mayor Hoctor's name was
mentioned In testimony brought out
by attorneys for both plaintiff and
McNeill testified h hid found his
wlf and Mayor Hoctor sitting In clos
proximity to each other In the tatter's of
fice two years ago, but that he had after
ward forgiven them. It was rot th
mayor's acts which had parted and
his wife, h contended, but he asserted
the separation was due to the efforts of
her parents, whom he is suing cn the
ground of aileped alienation of her affeo
tlo'is. Mr. and Mrs. McNeill were living
in South Omaha at the time.
A letter written by McNeill to Mayor
Hoctor, In which th relations between
the latter and the husband and wife were
referred to, was Introduced In evident
and road In court. Judge Troup and at
torneys for plaintiff and defendant united
in a unanimous decision that this letter
should not be given to the public It was
locked up by order of the Judge.
Bis; and Little Fellows.
The letter began "Dear Tom" and re
ferred to a certain 'little fellow" who
had been a clos friend of a "big fellow"
who later became mayor of a city. Th
'little fellow," it said, was proud of his
friendship with the "big fellow" and of
the fact that they had office together,
and had helped the latter in his political
But, the letter continued, the "llttlo
fellow" married, and so great was his
confidence in his greater friend that he
told him of difficulties which had arisen
between himself and his wife. . Tl "big
fellow," said the missive, cam to be in
the "little fellow's" home and after he
begun taking meals there wanted to pay
for them. The money, being refused,
then was given to the baby and was used
to buy articles for the home, it recited.
Then there came a time, sstd the letter,
when the "little fellow" reproached his
wife for making known to the "big fel
low" that money was needed for certain
gome thing rsuse a scar upon friend
ship, continued the letter, but old friend
ships are best after all. The epistle closed
with a poem upon "Friendship" and the
expression of a hope that If the "big
fellow" should find th "llttl fellow" In
a position to do him a favor that be
should atk for 1L
Another letter was Introduced by th
defense in which McNeill told bl wife
that he believed It wss best that they
should part for at least one year.
"Vou accused your wife of being Inti
mate with Tom Hoctor and afterward
apologised to thsm both, did you not?"
Attorney Baker asked McNeill during
"Well, I did not consider It was an
apology," was the reply.
Office, 15th and Harney tta.
ATTENTION TO IT and bought
a lot last summer, It would hav
saved ms lots of trouble and this
trip In this bad weather."
The lady who said this had read
our public notices and been Im
pressed with the wisdom of our ln-advance-of-need
policy. She bad
Intended buying a lot. but put It
off as people sometimes unthink
ingly do.
As a result, ah found herself put
to much greater Inconvenience when
th selection of a lot was suddenly
forced on her. In addition to th
mental burden upon a house In sor
row, weather conditions contributed
to th genaral discomfort.
Will you profit by her xprlneT
Wouldn't you rather pick out so trie
bright, sun-shiny day and attend to
this matter while condition most
favor it?
Call Douglas 829 or Walnut 820.
Sunday, June 13, 1915-
Beeord and
complete lis.
-Burgess-Nash Store News for Monday-
, Agent for Omaha for th
famous Chlcksttng Piano.
-Phone Douglas 137
Business Hours
BEGINNING Monday and un
til further notice, this store
will be closed dally at C o'clock
excepting Saturdays, which, as
usual, 9 P. M.
The opening hour will con
tinue to be 8:30 A. M.
We believe this extra hour
each day of mental and physical
rest during the heated term will
enable our hundreds of em
ployees to render you better,
more Intelligent and more cour
teous service than ever before.
AVe are confident, too, that
for the sake of the good accru
ing to this army of workers, that
you will help us by your patron
age to condense the day's busi
ness into shorter hours.
HAVK vor mirn
It's worth planning for. to ar
range things at home to have
the morning hours for the trip
down town.
We know in some households
this in difficult, but you'll find
yourself repaid a hundred fold.
When the rush beeina later In
the day It's Impossible to serve
one as we desire.
In the morning hours you'll
not be obliged to wait ror atten
tion, stocks are In perfect ar
rangement and there's a free
dom of mind In decision when
one Isn't conscious that evjy
body is In a hurry.
Will you help us to be of
"greater service to a greater
number" to serve you beat to
our satisfaction and to yours?
Monday, June
14, is National
Kvery one should show their
colors by displaying the "Stars
and Stripes."
V. s. wool bunting, silk, m islln
and cotton bunting flags In all
sizes, mounted or unmounted, lc
to IO.
r. h. vlaq iu'xtixg, anc
24 inches wide.
B nrgess-Kash Co. Basement.
Dainty Embr'd'ry
Flouncings at 59c
27 and 4 0-lnoh organdy and
batiste embroidered flouncings,
very fine and sheer quality.
llotuuintfs at 80c
18 and 27-inch fine embroid
ered organdy and batiste flounc
ings, for children's dresses.
Flouncing at 15c.
18-Inch Swiss and nainsook
flouncings, corset rover embroid
ery; also fine Swiss and organdy
edges, 6 to 9 Inches wide.
Embroideries at 10c
Swiss edges. Insertions and
headings, splendid selection of
new designs.
Net Flouncings
White embroidered net flounc
ings, 18, 27 and 36 Inches wide,
an exceptionally pretty selection
at 75c, sjl.oo and f 1.25 the yard.
Bnjgsse-Wash Co. Mala moor.
Special June Clearaway of Fine China
Including Such Makes as Haviland
Coalport, Etc., at 25 to 50 Undcrprice
TH,B china represented In this clearaway movement Is from the most
famous manufacturers in the world Coalport, Royal Worcester,
jones & Son, Shelley, Adderleys. Haviland, etc.
The offering Includes:
Service Plate, Luncheon Plates,
Bread and Butter Plates, Cream and Sugar Beta,
- Ten Cups and Haiirern, Bouillon Cupa and Saucera,
After Dinner Coffee Cup and 8aucra, ,
Many pretty patterns and shapes for selection, specially arranged
on tables for easy selection. ' 8
argss-Tsh Co. ronrth moor.
A list of special values of unusual importance that will Interest
Women's ajl.OO Ixng- Hilk Gloves, 40c.
. utt0.n ,enSt!, white only, pure silk, double tipped fingers.
(Main Floor).
75c Htainited Baby Iressen for 10c.
Baby dresees, made up, for ages to 4 years, white lawn, repps,
colored linens, etc.. values to 76c. (Third Floor).
811k Ribbons, Values to BOc, at 23c.
Fancy ribbons, including Dresdens, Jacquards. satin striped
moires and fancy checks, 6', 4 to 7 Inches wide. (Main Floor).
Women's 17c Hummer Vest at 10c.
Low neck and sleeveless, full taped Swiss ribbed, splendid value
at lie, Monday, 10c each. (Main Floor).
Women's 50c Silk Mnle Hose, 25c.
Imported black gauze, full fashioned, full regular made foot,
double garter top; also embroidery Instep (Main Foor).
Women's 10c Summer Vest at 7)c.
Low neck and sleeveless, good quality white ribbed cotton, vary
special. (Baaetnent),
81.50 Earthenware Casserole Monday, fl.OO.
Brown, wnite lined earthenware casseroles, with heavy pierced
nickel plated frame. (Basement).
$3.25 Round Damask Table Clot lis, $1.50.
Blue damask, 62-lnch sue, scalloped edge, neat new designs.
(Main Floor.).
Heavy Turkish Towels at 15c.
Extra heavy Turkish towels, the quality made especially for the
U. S. Navy, special at, each, 15c. (Main Floor).
Ten-Piece Dining Room Suite
Worth $278.50, Monday $232.50
TEN piece William and Mary style dining room suite, In quarter
tawed oak, fumed finish, consisting of china closet made of quar
ter sswed oak with four display shelves, buffet with large linen drawer,
ailvcr drawer, napkin drawer and two compartments, dining table with
B4-lnch top when open extends eight feet encased legs, serving table
with large linen drawer and shelf, dining room chairs with cane back
upholstered in a No. l Spanish leather, arm chair the same construc
tion ss regular chairs sells for $2 78.50, Monday $232.50.
Very Special Price on Single Pieces of Suite
China closet, described above, fumed finish, regular price 50.00,
reduced to $4U.oo.
Buffet, described above, regularly sold at 160.00, Monday $50.00.
Serving table, described above, regular price 30.00 Monday re
duced to $25.oo.-
Dinlng table, described above, well made and finished, worth regu
Uliy $60.00, Monday at $30.00.
Dining chairs, same as described above, regular price $12.00 sale
price Monday $10.50.
Arm chair, construction the same as dining chairs, regular price
IIS. 00, sale price $ I O.
Bnr Wasa Co. Third moor.
Jot SMinnuniw Air5 Kfein
Dame Fashion's Newest Expression in Crisply, Cool, Summery
Dresses With Their Fascinating Freshness and
Individuality Featured Here in the
"Summer Girl" Dresses, $5 to $10
THE "Summer Girl," which we feature for Omaha exclusively, combines to. an un
usual degree the distinguishing features; exclusiveness, gracefulness of form, refine
ment of style, with n serviceability made to withstand the severest test of every day use.
The extreme simplicity of fastening no button's or hooks makes it the ideal out
ing garment easy to put on and off.
The wide variety of attractive materials, including butcher's linen, Palmetto cloth,
polka dot cotton, poplin and striped middy cloth make three or four of these dresses
an attractive addition to the summer wardrobe.
Bnrrsss-Hasa C oa rinor, .
3 Big Wash Goods
Specials in Basement
THE sort that are certain to
bring a big response Monday
15c and 25c mh Goods at 7 He
The fabrics range In width from
27 to 40 Inches and come In a
great variety of pretty patterns
and colorings, including seed
voiles, tissues, crepella cotton,
plaid colored solsette and linen
colored batiste. The entire lot
Monday, at 7 He yard,
25e and 85c Imported Madras
at 18c.
A big range of neat stripes and
checked madras for dresses, men's
shirts, boys' waists, etc., 32 Inches
wide, Monday, lc yard.
10c Batiste and Lawns at 5c.
Sheer wash goods, floral, rose
bud, spray, stripes, checks, dots,
etc., In pretty color combinations
on sale, In waist and dress lengths,
Monday, 5c yard.
gJs-sss-sTastt Co. Basmat.
$1.00 Hand Bags 69c
SNAPPY styles, every bag real
leather, moire lined, some
have five fittings, In black only,
all the new up-to-date bags in
cluded In this lot. Not a bag
leas than
It r .! i
aarrs-ash Co. Mala rloov.
69c L.migpfc
Something Special in Linens
Monday for the Bride-to-be
INCLUDING the finest product of famous looms, the worthiest de
signs of art, exquisite needle work here for your selection.
rattern Cloths, $5.75, $7.00 and $0.75.
Two yard pattern cloth, beautiful aatln finish, moravlan dam
ask, artistic designs, rose boquet, bridal wreath, Hococo, American
favorites cluster, etc., price, each. $5.75, $7.0o and $0.75.
Also pattern cloths in $Vi, 2V nd 3 yard sites at proportional
Napkins to match, th dosen, 11.00, $9.75 and $13.50.
Real hand mads Madeira napkins, exquisite needlework and. designs,
th dosan, $4.00, $4.60 and $ 80.
MADxraa. iuhcxxoh ti
Madeira luncheon sets, th set, $4.60, $5.00, $8.00 and $7.80.
BlIIAXrilT CX.OTKB, $3.75 TO Ilia
Hemstitched Damask breakfast cloths, 60 and 04 Inches square, cloth
and Si dusen napkin to match, th set 1176, 14.76 and 15.60.
Moravian satin iUamaek, hemstitched cloth and natklna to match,
quality unsurpassed, design are the work of art, heavy sstln Damask
with woven colored centers and borders, slses 46, 64, S3 snd 72 Inches
equal-, wltU to dosen napkins to match, th set $5.7S to 117.60.
Borgess-sTash Co. Mala Floor.
Five Groups For Monday Selling
IT'S doubtful If there is any other silk that enjoys such great popu
larity during the summer season as pongee. These fiv special
values for Monday:
8 1 -Inch all-silk pongee, at 80c,
XU-birh all-silk pongee, at 40c. '
80-Inch all-silk pongee, at 08c.
80-Inch heavy all-silk pongee, $1.50.
40-lnch heavy all-silk pongee, $1.05.
Fancy Silks, to 85c, at 47 He.
24-incb all silk foulards In neat designs, plain and fancy inessa
lines; 32-inch all silk pongees, natural color; kimono silks in pretty
Moral and Japanese designs; silk poplins and tub silks, In neat stripes. .
$1.50 to $'J.OO Fancy Hilks at 87 He.
Remarkable values and a remarkable range of selection. Includ
ing: silk poplins, chiffon taffetas, striped chiffon taffetas, all-silk
crepe de chines, brocaded crepe de chines, Japanese tub silks, messa
Hues, pongees, etc., 36 to $2 Inches wide.
Burg MS-aTasb Co. Mala rioor.
Join the New Era Sewing Machine Club
STANDARD" Rotary Sewing Machine
Only a Limited Number of Machine Offered This Way
MO.05 JX0.55 81.05 flit, ft 5
lt V? k if th Wek list W k list Wk
TO .00 1.10 l.eTO
Ind W h tlth Week find Wsek
.15 .05 1.15 1.G5
Ira Wsek llth Week lira Week 1 1 r4 Week
iaO .70 1 20 1.70
4th Wetk 14th Week 14th Week llth Week
25 .75 1 25 1.75
Ith Week llth Week llth Week llth Week
.SO .HO 1.30 1.80
Ith Week llth Week llth Week llth Week
.35 .85 , 1.35 1.85
Tth Week 1Tth Week 17th Week 7th Week
.40 .OO 1.40 i.oo
Ith Week llth Week llth Week th Week
.45 .OS 1.45 p.
Ith Week llth Week th Week
.50 81.00 1.50 1.05
HUi Week loth Week I Oth Week llth Week
A $65.00 (LIST PRICE)
Six-drawer style, the world's best ma
chine, lock and chain stltcb. central
needle style.
Cash Dividends 10c
Copyrl wh 11.
fiolf Hupplics
Tennis and base
ball goods in gener
ous assortments
(fourth Floor).
lr-rt . T TT
First Payment
Immediate deliv
erythen every
week you pay 6
cents more than
the previous
week's payment.
Ten rents on each payment can be saved by you if you want to
reverse the payments and pay them all or In part In advance.
Darrses-Wssh aewlnc MacMn Section Third floor.
1 t Tea Stoon.
Sllverplated, set
of 6 for AOc, each
10c, (Main Floor).