THE OMAHA. SUNDAY HKK: JUNK 1.1, 1915. 5 A LONDON CALLS NOTE "FIRM, BUT PACIFIC" Wilson's Reply to Germany Dmdei Interest of British with Re ported Rnss Victory. TEUTONS BELIEVED CHECKED Ten Health Rules for Babies Cut the Death Rate in Two T R. WITH WILSON: I WINNER IN THE FIFTH GRADE ESSAY WRITING CONTEST. 50 For This Bed Davenport DENOUNCES BRYAN Colonel Fledges His Support President and Asks "Has War Broken Out?" to I Russian LONDON, June 12. The Ameri can note to Germany, which is con sidered here as "firm but pacific," divided the interest of the British public with the successful counter thrust against the German lines in Galicia placards of the evening newspapers announced the receipt of the note there was a general rush for copies as the text had been anxiously awaJted. It arrived too late, how ever, for comment in the evening editions. The Russian success naturally has caused gratification and relief and now military experts expect that there will be a repetition In Galicia of what occurred before Warsaw last winter when the Ger mans Buffered enormous losses In their efforts to break the Russian front on the Bzura and Rawka rivers. As on that occasion Russian reinforcements arrived In time to force hack a portion of Gen eral Linsingcn's army which had crossed the Dniester river, near Zurawna, before It could be strengthened and entrenched. Teuton ItrpnrK 5llent. The German and the Austrian reports make no mention of the fighting; In this region, but from an account Issued In Petrograd the Austro-Germans must have suffered very heavy reverses to have lost seventeen guns and 7,000 prisoners. In fact military men express the be lief that very few of those who crossed the river could have draped. The Russians also claim that further up the Dniester, directly south of Lem berg, they have pressed their opponents back and have taken another 1,000 pris oners while near Mosciska to the east of Pi-zeinysl they say the Germans suffered very severely when they attacked the Russian position. In eastern Galicia and In Hukowlna the Russians continue to fall back to the Dniester under the Aus trian pressure. Following the example of the Italians, who occupied Avlona. an Albanian port on the Straits of Otranto, the Herblans sre marching acrovs northern Albania to wards the port of Durazzo, while the Montenegrins are making for the port of Alcsaoo. still farther north. Overran with Bauds. For some time Albania, has been over run by bands, which It Is alleged were or ganized by Austrtans and Turks to harass Serbia, and In fact these bands have more than once Invaded Serbian territory. The opinion la generally expressed here that these occupations will spell Tbt end of Albanian Integrity. Heavy fighting continues along the Ital ian frontier, particularly on the River Dsonso, where the Austrian are making their most determined effort to stem the Italian advance. Today's toll exacted by German subma rines la five vessels: The British steamer Btrathcsxron, the Russian steamer Panla, the Swedish steamer Otago, the Russian bark Thomas Ins. and the British trawler Intrepid. A British warship also was attacked by a submarine in the Adriatic, but reached port slightly damaged. Russia's Greatest Ballet May Come to Omaha Next Year The roneral representative of the Book ing and Promoting Corporation of Aeolian Mall, New York City, Maximilian Elser, jr., was In Omaha yesterday. Mr. Elser tame here with Ben Stern representing the Metropolitan opera house Interests. Mr. Elser's bureau conducts the pro motion and publicity for the Dlaghllew llallet which the Metropolitan opera di rectors will send to Omaha next year If end!ng negotiations go through. Besides handling the publicity for ths Metropolitan Ballet company, the Book ing and Promoting Corporation manages such great musical artists as Olive Frem stad. the Metropolitan prima donna; Mar gerete Matzenauer, likewise a prima donna of the Metropolitan; Ernest Sehell ing, pianist; Francis Macmlllen. violin virtuoso; Beatrice Harrison, 'cellist; Fellcs Lyne, coloratura soprano; Jose Mardones, basso of the Boston Opera company, and others. For the Muslo League of America, which is sponsered by Mrs. Otto H. Kahn, Mrsi E. II. Harrl man and Mrs. Wlllard Straight, the Booking and Promoting Corporation ar ranges tours for artists like Paul Reimers, tenor, and May Peterson, re markable young - American soprano. In addition the Booking and Promoting Corporation books the tours of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, which is conducted by Josef Stransky and man aged by Felix F. Lelfels. Laramie Lad Takes Two-Eighteen Trot iAS FRANCISCO. June 11. After taking two heats and clinching the race, Laramie Lad, owned by McDonald of Indianapolis, was nosed out of tha third leg of the 2:1S trot at the exposition meet today by The l'roof. Best time, S:10i. Bud Noble, America's veteran driver, made his first appearance In this rare, piloting Kinney De Lorex, who was dis tanced In the first heat. Bradmont took the 2. IS driving club pace In straight heats with a best time of 113C Pace, 2:17 class, brought out a big field and the winner was not deter, mined until the third beat was finished. Honors went to Potrero Boy. Best time, t:08i- Tomorrow' program includes the 1:10 trot for the first of tbe 130,000 purses of the meet. Experiment Points Big Help to Farmers That the great work of the experi ment station of the western states is not yet appreciated by the general pub lie was the statement made by President Raymond Pearson of Ames Agricultural rolleBC in an address to the Commercial t-.lub men at noon, Friday. He said tbe experiment stations are constantly work ing eut practical problems for the ad anreinent of agriculture, but that the public does not realise where this real wugies originate - - . rvv . - . 'a; . - " .. ... . . I I i) k fch i. 't -r:.;'?.:s:-f ' x H If :-:i;v'-;'N-;..r. ,V::.;:-;,v-.;; v..'. .;:;':.. v , ISSUES A FORMAL STATEMENT NEW ORLKAXS. June 12. - Ap plauding President Wilson for his stand in the diatigreetnent with Sec retary Bryan over the issue between the United States and Germany. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, In a signed statement received here to night from Breton IMr.nd. l,a., pledged his support to the president in all steps he may take to uphold the honor and the interests of the United States. What T. n. s. "According to Mr. Brysn"s statement," Colonel Koovelt says, "he has left the cabinet because President Wilson, ns re gards the matters at lusue wlt tler mrny, ref'tses 'to follow the precedent eei In the thirty all-inclusive srhlirntlon I commission treaties recently neKo'leted, and declines to suspend action for a year while a neul-l commission Investigates the admitted nurder of American men, women and clu'dren on the high ", and further declu-es to forbid American (Flftenth street, a student at the Kdward cltiaens to travel n neutral ship in ac- j RosewaU r school, won first prise In the ' will, t Urn nnn A I I . .r.nU.I , . ,,MV nunmiHt'nn httM l.fir lh MtlanliA ! it-- ; fi, : ' I m Terms S1.59 Cash; S1.25 a Month at the UniOH OUTFITTING COMPANY J)olores PirLsch. IMwanl Kosewater School. Little Miss Dolores I nrtsch. 11'U Pjuth 111 z u MRS CALRA STILLMAis, rKKSIDENT OP THE BIRTH CONTROL LEAGUE, WHO ADVOCATES "MONTCLAIR BABY RULES." Ninety-four babies out of every thousand born In New York died last year. Only thirty-eight babies died In Montclair, N. J., out of every thon sand born during the same period. Much credit for this low rate of Infant mortality In the latter city Is given the Montclair Day Nursery, which pre scribes the following decade of baby health rules: . First (Jive a baby pure milk and watch Its feeding very closely. Second Keep everything connected with a baby absolutely clean. Cleanliness in the house accounts fdr a baby's health. Untidy babies are usually sick babies. Third Never let a baby get chilled. Keep its bands and feet warm. Fourth Regulate a baby's day by the clock. Everything about Us wants should be attended to at schedule time. Fifth Diminish a baby's food the minute signs of illness appear. Most babies are overfed, anyway... , Sixth Weigh a baby every week until it is a year old. Its weight Is an Index to Its health. ' Seventh Every mother should get daily outdoor exercise. It means better health for her babies. . liighth Every baby should be "mothered" more and mauled leas. Babies thrive on cuddling, but they can get along on a lot less kissing. Ninth -Don't amuse or play with your baby too much. Its regular daily routine la all the stimulation. Us little brain needs at first. Tenth Don't let too many different people take care of the baby. Even members of the same family make a baby nervous If they fuss around him too much. us by Germany Its'. 'f by antrum '.resty. "Of course, I bran My applaud h- de cision of the prealdivt and In crMinnn with all other A merle. -ns who are loyal to the traditions hsml d down b., the men who served under Washington anl by others who followed 'liant nn.l le in the days of Uncoln, 1 pledw my heartieat support In all the st"r he tskea to uphold the honor the In terests of this great republic -vhl.'ii are bound up with the maintenance . ' demo cratlc liberty and of a wise spirit o hu manity among all the nations of man kind." Ilea "W ar tlroken Oat f Colonel Roosevelt was told of Secre tary Bryan's resignation late Thursday when several members of the Louisiana Conservation commission Jnlne.1 tho Parker-Hoosevelt party at Battledore tsland. On receiving a bundle of news papers, the first he had seen In several days. Colonel Roosevelt Inquired: "Has war broken out? Had I tetter return Immediately?" Ho made no comment on the resignation of Mr. Bryan other than his written statement which he prepared today. ALLIES' HORSES HELD FOR RANSOM German Farmers in Illinois Demand Money for Damages Done by Runaway Brutes. ABOUT 700 DASH FOR LIBERTY ALTON, 111., June 12. About 700 British and French war horses, part of a herd of several thousand horses which escaped from a stockade here during an electric storm last night, tonight' were being held for ransom by German farmers whose lands the horses overran and damaged. Rumors that German sympathizers had the l"-foot breach In the stockade wall through which the animals escaped were dircussed but were generally dis credited. The farmers, who rounded up small herdu or the stampeded horses, declared toright they would lefuiie to surrender the anlmiln until assured by agents of the British tn-t Fronch governments they would be compensated for the damage caused by the er.lmals nd for the ex pense Incurred In coralllng .hern. Four hundred nor" wers returned to the stockade after a spectacular roundup, extending through the streets of Alton, Benbow City anl Woodrlver. ilora than a score of horses were ktl'cl by trains during the n'ght, and about an eiual number died as the result rtf eating green corn and wheat in the field j, More tiian a thoussnd horsas still are at large. - and Nepal, the highest known mountain In the world. He will be accompanied by several persons. Tbe trip will require seven months. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheauty by a Bee "For Rent." NAVAL ACADEMY CHIEF ASKS INVESTIGATION ANTNAPOLJB, Md.. June 12. In an au thorized statement tonight. Rear Admiral Fullan said he would welcome a search ing investigation Into his administration of the Women's ChrMtiun Temperance union for pupils In the fifth grado. Uttls Miss Tartsrh's runny was the bast one turned In by any fifth grade student In Omnha. Her tojilc was, "What I know about Narcotics and Stimulants.' Tha Women's Christian Trmperance union contest was open to pupils In the fourth. fifth, sixth, seventh nnd, elshth Kr' with awarded for the het essay written by pupils of each grade. THE DAVENPORT IS EXACTLY Ao lLLUjIRAlfcL? ABOVE fj The illustration pictures EXACTLY for you this handsomo davenport. It is hJOLlHLY constructed ajid finely finished. The regular price on this hed davenport is $22.50. The special price is only $14.50 a most ununal value. as superintendent of the nival academy. He expressed strong indignation at what he considered reflections nd Insinuations sgulnst him nnd tlio offlns s under his command in the course of the proceedings before the court of Inquiry which Is in vestigating the Irregularities In vxamlna tl"ns at the academy. German Women Give Lectures on Economy GENKVA, Bwitserland (Via Paris). June 12. letters received In Qeneva from Berlin set forth thnt the women of Chsr lotteburg, a suburb of Berlin, have or ganised and are giving lectures to the people upon the most economical methods of living In time of war. They are mak ing house-to-house visits among the poorer people and worklnk themeslves in the kitchens with the Idea of showing how to prepare appetising dishes from the simplest materials and giving advice upon every sort of domestlo questions. Palm Beach Suits! Wouldn't You Like to Keep Yours Clean and Snappy the Whole Summer Long? Better say to us: "Dresher, I'll make you custodian of my summer wardrobe: keep my 1'alra Beach Suits clean; keep my flannel trousers white: clean, block and trim my Panama hats, etc." Do that and you'll keep cool, look precisely neat; feel AB SOLUTELY comfortable and SAVH MON1CY by tha transacUtfh. Start calls to us tomorrow. Dresher Bros. phone Ty,er $57,000 Plant at 2211-2213 Farnam St., Omaha Bo You Expect to Place a Piano or Player Piano Bn Your Home At Some Future Time? flow is the Tine to Buy Robert Strehlow Gets Drill Honors MIL.WAUKEK, Wis., June 12. Kpeciul Telegram ) Hobert Klrehlow of Omaha, cadet of St. John's, is one of the three who remain for the highest Individual drill honors, having remained aftce the entire school had "drilled down." With bis two rivals he went through the man uat of arms for an hour to determine which Is to get the medal. The announce ment of the winner was wlthhell until' tomorrow. I Dean C. Cook of Wausa, Neb., gradu- ates alth this year's class and gets a! commission In the 8tate National Guard . of Wisconsin with his diploma. DR. COOK ON HIS WAY TO CLIMB MT. EVEREST BAN rRANCIBOO. June ll.-Dr. Fred erick A. Cook, explorer, arrived here on his way to India. He said he would at tempt the ascent of Mount Everest of the Himalayas, on the border between Tibet ?j The Very Plate to Buy The Time to Buy Because recent special purchases ami on unusually largo number of exchanges have resulted in the accumulation of entirely too heavy a stock quick reduction is the order, and the quickest way we know is to place prices on the instruments that will crystal ize yonr determination to have piano (some time) into a (now) as yon see the offerings. u as soon The Place to Buy Because we offer you only pianos we can and do gunrantoe, asking at any tinu only fair prices for dciendablc instru ments, and at this time offering you spe cial values seldom equaled never sur passed. Come in Monday or early in tho week and let us show you these. Splendid Bargains in Pianos and Players No schemes, no club pianos just a straight out and out sale of dependable pianos at prices which make them unquestionably unusual values, and every one of them guaranteed by Hayden Bros. A small sum down will bring the piano or player piano into your house at once balance payable in any reasonable amounts or manner that will best suit yourown convenience. A careful inspection of these piano values and critical comparison with offer ings elsewhere will quickly convince yon of tho superiority of our great June Sale bargain offerings. , Just a Fow of tho Snaps You'll Find Hero: 1 Conover at $150.00 1 Epworth at. . . .$125.00 1 Weiler at $1 10.00 HAYDEN'S 1 Sttinway at. . . .$300.00 1 Brush & Oerts . . . $125.00 lMeisterat $125.00 Headquarters for Everything In Muslo 1 Emerson at. . . .$100.00 1 Bweck & Kelso. $125.00 1 Chickering at..$ 50.00 THE CONSTRUCTION ilaaaMsaasssssssasssjasBaMSHBasssssssssssBsaBsssinMSMnsassssss It Is of KanlD oak. and tha top arm rostn arc fin ished in American quartered oak. It takes but & minute and a single motion to ron vert it from a davenport to a fall rli bd. and la op-holb-terAd in a apwlai gradn of fabric-old leather of laat lag quality. THE PRICE and TERMS Our ability to sell a largo quanUty of these davanporta enables, us to offer you thara. at tho remarkably low pries or only 014.RO, and tbe lib eral terms give you a year In which to pay. Don't let the lack of ready cash pre vent you from getting a davenport. r HAYDEN'S 1 1 ' ; DIRECT ACTION GAS RANGES America' foremost gas range. Buying a Direct Ac tion Oaa Range la one of tbe best household investments (hat you can possibly make, aa they pay for themaelvea over and over again In tbe cost of gas they' save you. The oven of a Direct Action Qaa Range la ready for bak ing aa soon as lighted. You bake biscuits In 10 or 12 minutes. Our salesmen wlU gladly demonstrate a Direct Action for - you. Moderate prices Easy terms. QJ QP For This Big Ot.uU 4-Passenger Lawn Swing Built of hard wood, heavily reinforced and braced. Up rights painted red; seats natural finish. 87 nr For This $12.50 1 .90 Auto Hood Go-Cart Folds compactly, strongly made, gear highly enameled, upholster ing in fabrtcold leather, with the .popular auto hood. fi)iiMi;)fi!?Ji3i3iff v. 04 7C For an om0 All Cotton Mattress They are full weight and are made of a special grade of all cotton, have a roll edge and have an art ticking of a special grade. Easi ly an 8.50 value. t - - - V air S6.95 For a Splendid Patent cold circula- X rf $20 Pedestal Table Saves American oak finish, extra you ice. large barrel pedestal. Si O50 For" This Massive The Best Home Outfit Vaiues in the City Three Rooms Furnished complete, 875.00 Your Own Terms. Four Rooms Furnished complete, 899.00 Your Own Terms. ' Five Rooms Furnished complete, SI25.00 Your Own Terms, v ' r Union - w tfitunsq Lf3 OMAHA LCOIU6CrJJCKS0H STST I'Miri-I S KTI'llr., .1 1 1 i flf.i.r'.i USE Bee Want cSp,