Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Do You Want
To be Well
Or Sick
Of course I want t bo well.
r yon think I am trying to beat
sort. sick benefit Insuranc com
panyf You will look & Ion while
before you will find my body who
will admit that h-,does not 'want
to be well. ,
All riaht, let me put the ques
tion In Another , way, then. Do
you want to be well bad, enough
to ' tak tb bieana of getting
Yes, If t knew what the means
were. But there la n use of
Vour wringing' Any, old shoo talk
on me aboat aom remedy' you
know , that will cure thl and
nM that. I hav heard that
sort of talk a good while. It
down't r with, ma.
.', Never" mind. I am not. going to
reaommend. any y remedy. 1 will
Just let the"ether fellow do It who
took tha 'remedyA Wilt you lake
the , troutol to read ItT' Here
"ft la; . ' '
Rev. sVCottrsnp. D. a Meth
odist Episcopal . Bishop, says: 'I
have used: Parana la severe, cases
'of neuTal'aia. Sold laud cough:
and find It to be one of the moat
raJ uaMe remedies on the ' mar
ket. "HI address Is Hotly Sprints.
Ml a. . , . . ,
It iron won"t bellev what the
preacher " tells you. I guess I
shall have to ' conclude -that you
want to be sick; 'that you do
not want to be wall. ,
I .
I CI J D 1
I Salaried People I
If you .are receiving a regular
salary yu ar in tha best posi
tion possible to solve th problem
of how ! provide for-tha future.
when-age or slckaesa will In-
evltably Interefere with your
earning power. if you wlah tn
protect yourself, fleqioelt some
amount regularly in a' SAVINGS
ACCOUNT In, this bank.,
4 paid on duDoalt.. .
" I
24 th and M Street
H. C. BG8TW1CK, Prwaldent
F. It, GKTTV, OaahUr.
All Bnfciss Gbstincd
fo Great Achiavcmint
.. To be born la to bo treat. For there
arc fvwlbilltlcn ln cvry tiny bumaa In
... fti.i
"- I whatever U done to
' V jj y v 9 , the Bother, to re.
"v c llve kef of dbtresara
during .ber trying
months, will surety be
of ssarkadr kenstt . to
1 Afnan tfia sterlln
aids is a spleodld es-
teraal ' redtedy known
Mother rriena."
what Is tailed an
" I eaibrc
eaibrooaUon. It Is
plied to . te .abdominal - aauaclea, grnlly
ruulied ' In by your own - toad guided
by your own tnlod. It makes. th. musrka
pliant, they erpaod quit, nkturaliv aad th.
effect upoa tliei nerves Is such thai tkey ad
ijurt themselves to tb. process of axpaoslaa
so that pain from this aourre la almost elunl
ttated. Womea who use "Mother! Frlead'
ster to taa abteaca of morning sickness, tbey
sua relieved of a great many minor dls-
, all appreneasioa disappears aad those
peculiar eei-rou. "dsets" no loiurer disturb
th nlftiU. It Is wall aasjed "Mother's
r'iiend.n Oct a bottle today of any drug
gist Tbea st one. writ, for a most enter
taining aad Instructive book for ail pro. pec.
Us mot Intra. Addreas Bradaeld Beguialoc
Co, TO Lamar Bldg Atlanta, tia.
' This book .xplaia. th physical action of
'"Mother", mend.' Uils why rt enforces
etrnigtb to tbe Binaries and relieve nsdu.
strata.' ft also contains letters of enperMac
rroin many nappy aiouers. 'It M Just sucn
bandy little buuk a. ery woman will at
im recoiuii as Jut wht ab bad always
wiabrd tti read )ala facts about keraelf.
It book Is mailed fro. W aoy address,
tite fur it lodsy.
Have Yoa Good Teeth?
Without good teeth It I. Im
possible to maatlcat your food
properly therefor your dtaevllon
cause, aolsvnad blood poisoned
blood causes itmplea. beadaoliM.
drowsiness, rheumatism, - kidney
trouble general tearing down
of your system.
f . . V V1TAUZKU A1H.
Taft's Dental Rooms
151 T lXH'ttLAS STREET. '
saaMSBBgSNaBaawnnsgaatjBa" "bmmbm
C v it now With Shtrw.a-W.n.unCa.'s
which never falls. It goes twice as
ikr m ihm of tn adulterated brands.
,4-lb, Pk7 0S H-lb. pkg. 14,
I- lh. pkg.. 2 bs. for 4(J.
'i-lb. pkg., iile per lb. . .81.10
II - lb. hutkets,'8lc per lb. g2 01
66-ib.' but-keu,-( aoc lb. Sll.1.0
Mail Order Shipped Promptly . par
ijAprea. . , . ,
Shtrcsa & I'cCcnnell Orcg Co.
. Oosiia, Tsa. ...
The fure way to atlsfy
your wants i through aae
of the waot ad pag-eg of The
Lii -Try a Bee want ad.
Shot and Shell from-Oani Accn
lately Aimed Destroy Buildings
Fire to Eight Milea Away.
(Correspondence of The Associated Tress.)
; TARNOW, Austrian Gal Id a, June 7.-street. Omaha, la such a man. -
i The Oerman forty-two centimeter No, air, the purpose ha had In view
mortars, with which, L4k was battered was not to become a lands- pe gardener,
'into. submission, are declared not to have) or an expert In the construction of lawn
been as effective as ths Austro-IIun-i mowers. Neither was he nocking to qual
, Kalian weapons of the same caliber two fy as a iMlmonloo rook.
of which were used against the Russian He was pursuing a series of courses in
'troops In Tarnow In the great May vie education thsf would finally round hlra
Jtory In west Oallcla. They have left a out Into shape, to hold a high position In
few, but unmistakable algna of their- the educational world.
power. In the shape bf demolished houses; He cornea from a race of teachers. His
an big craters in Tarnow, nrea at range
of from five to eight mllea.
Tha first shell, landing In ths city at
the time It was occupied as a Russian
headquarters, caused the Russian' general
and ,ls-.taff tabnden their comfort-
able quarters In Tarnow, the largest city
.In the radius, of many mnes, and decamp h
(t , a wot ten mile, to the rear. ThtraJ
.after the Austrian fired only five shot.
iiivi iiviii tnmr uiji iiiui mt m ,i,it, ii.w .iijt
tor It la, After 'nil, an Austrian towh and
they had no t desire to damage, unneces
sarily their own property.
belle Urns lata Sapply Trala.
the . ndvanclnr Austro-IIungafian
army Slowly pushed forward against
Tarnow-the spot to which the Russlana
ciung longest aunng mo Dig may oattio p,.,r. u m.tructor in Dummer academy
in an attempt to sav the enormou. Monuu Ttam.A to r(.main ,
quantity of supplies stored In thl vicinity ' th work , y,. chlirrla.. of
and to give othr parU of their army a llMtlm Mti nfumai to preachlng
batter cbamv to retreat undisturbed, thejjat Halston Neb
big .Uteen a-donhalf-lnch twin, weraj Th ' bu
Iwlrui sags sail fasjraM Ia anAla fArvt mi rt lr r I
wuld drop .he.l. Into th. .uppllth, BoBton UBlveT.lty, of
.lM"oath.inWattempUngtoMviTh,, cav, nlm th, ,WB, drmn9 J
Tha oorrerpondent of Tha Associated;
m, nvw Twuni nw munioiu in wcn
am aiut tnlitdla Oallcla an which the areat !
victory of tha allied, Oerman and Austro-!
Hungarian armies wa won, has not
been permitted to see tha new guns, but
he has seen th. sites from which they
were fired and th. destruction caused
hw h hn. Ar an tha rtmi ware
concealed behind a vUlag.. whera th.
glasler I. now replacing window pane. mgea goa-master or the
deatroyed b the eoncuasion of the dls- d"'tlnl. of strong men-stepped In; Mr.
charge. At another place th. gun. were ree, was mastered, and on July IS h.
emplaned near a railroad rtatlon-thls '" to ""rry Miss Franca. Cook, of Boa
spot having, been chosen for convenience toB at the Coo summer home there.
In erect'ng th. guns In their foundation Boon after th" "rrlage, th. young peo-
of cement In th third .It. tl.ey were
located In a valley.
Strike Ttee to Mark.
In Tarnow on. shot .truck, apparently
by-.rror. a peasant. Thou, of brick. It
In nnar a mam of helrks eilrlnllal V level
,i,w w... .- .il
apparently been .wallowed up In th.
j crater mad. by th. hunting shell. Three
irersona were killed In thi. bouse. A.
block away is on. of th. city schools.
which tha Austrian, believed rightly was
being used a quarter, for Russian sol-
dlora. A geplng sleft. thirty feet w de
and extending from cellar to roof of tha
four-atofy buUdJn,, how" .with what.o'
precision th. gunner, found their mark.
A'end school building. hnlf nllo
away. wa. hit aquaraly on tha roof. Th. )(lat w., w,t "M"0
wail am tha .Ufa . toward th. court y.M ; frt, N,w 0rleaM wUn M fo;
1. torn out bodily. On th. .Ida facing .i,,-.,, . . . . Z
tha street a tw.nty ft In dlam.ter J JLi1 JSBJ" ' ''
wa oarv.4 aeat.f. In tha thick, J cnJ"B uph c"aI
brick and concrete, waif. th. aiverture I?" "ehar1n Um whola of th. cargo
being aa nicely -rounded a. If th. clrcl. IJv.rpool authorltlog now fear this
had been laid out with a pair of com- "rmrt wUl be so advantageous
passes.. Th. brtok work cirri, cam. out "at ether shipper, will follow suit and
with such accuracy and fore, that It ha UM neheater mor. freely, thereby re
left It. Imprint, again a. a carefully dup" Liverpool', income from dock
rounded ecrm-clrrle, In the hlgl fcir of 1 dUM Wharfage and ship .tore.
grated Iron .' efor. . th. school building,
Tlie rnof ' U. of 'course, gone and from
various windows th Interior woodwork
project lat tangled, masses, , .'
Herses aad Mrs Blown t Pieces. .
noth.r .hell struck th. cavalry bar
rack, in th. great court yard In which
Russian soldiers at th. moment war.
busily loading supplies for tha retreat
Horse, and men were blown to piece, by
th. air' pressure from th. esploalon or addressing the Norwegian people through
killed by th. shower of brick., roof-tiles th Qeneral Pres. bureau In a letter at
and fraumanta of shell. In th. lew onn- which the newspapers took offense, ha
atoiy building surrounding th. barrack . been even more widespread than was In
square, la at on. point a great gap which ! dtcated In the cable reports,
th. correspondent paced out as twenty- ' from the outbreak of the war Count
four yards wide th meaaur of th fore. ' von Oberndorff 1. said to have attempted
of tha axploalon. ; to exerclae a strong pressure on the Nor-
Th. new forty-two centimeter shells ! wrgian press, and to havo bean success-
weigh over 1.609 pound mor than those
of 'the Krupp gun, and each shall costs
over ISOO.
(Correspondenc. of tb Associated Press.)
BOULOGNE. Franc. June 11. A trib
ute to th. Midler-priest of France la
raid in a pamphlet Just Issued by th
Countess d Coureon. .
Th. number of" priest. In tha French
Urmy od M.Ooe, drawn from many
MiNiniit . nnlari V , Certhuslana Jesuits.
Dominicans. Bales iana. Norbartlnes and
BndlotlM. Meaiwho , hold nigh offlo
In tha church are frequently private in
th army, and often their Inferiors In th.
priesthood ar. their superiors under, mlli-
t tary . discipline. Th. younger men serve
In th first line, tho older men ar em
ployed as stretcher bearer, and hospital
orderllva. Th actual military chaplain,
ar alway. men oyer tf year, old and
their work U entirely ecclesiastical.
The moral influence of the soldier-
priest, at th f lont among th men is
immense and Madam do Courson tails
many- ancdot of tholr courage, good
humor and splendid flghtlftg spirit. There
ar descriptions of maa. being celebrated
by, thee soldlr-prlat under th mest
difficult clrcumstaneas.
( Correspondence of th. Associated Pre.)
NISH, Berbi. June ".-The typhus epi
demic Is lessening hi fore sine th
greater number of aick mow recover,
whereas formerly the. greater part died.
There ' la now no complaint about th
need of doctor, for many have bean sent
t Serbia from th Vnlted We tea. Ureat
Britain and other countries. Tha mala
work to b don la th cleaning up ot
th outlying districts and disease bread-
Ing grounds. New buildings for th re
ception of patient during th hot weather
have been erected outside of Ntsh.
(Cortwspondcao of th Assoc la ted Pre.)
MANCHESTER, England. June 7.-Ow-Ing
to pressure t secure discharging fa
eltttlea at Liverpool aeveral cotton (trnw
hsv be-n approached by owners of shle
I'lttg arriving lu Liverpool to divert their
Omaha Boy Works Way Through
School to Enter the Ministry
To rake leave, mow lawns, and turn
flapjacks In reslauranta for one's sub
sistence, when offers to tearh on a sal
ary, offers to prenrh on a ministerial
stipend, and offera to go Into a military
J or naval career, are constantly beclcpn-
Ing a yming man. Is an evidence that a
man has a purpose In view.
Claude L. rake, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Peake. TA South Thirty-fifth
father and grandfather were teacher,
and all but one of the uncles and aunta
on hi father s side were teachers. Kven
his slater. Mies Olenn May Teake, Is
tndUr teacher In the Omaha schols.
, ..,. .r. ,.,.,,.
WMhcd dln cut ,,,.
n, tcn(1ed furnllcM , Dvptuw
and ... .
degree after degrees of scholarship upon
; himself. In those nine years he has re
fused an appointment to the Annapulls
Military academjr, refused a position as
Instructor In the Pepauw Methodist col-
'lege, refused to remain nermann in
,h .m,,0v of the Wemem fm ti.
KTXiM comp.nyi .fu,e1 a permanent
hM unt0 'lni,eIf
Ooea Bolivia.
Then canw an offer he did not refuse
" " -u,y "w "onvia.
f " "ve-year contract as a professor In
b, Methodist. Mission school at that
How many more degrees he would have
ln"l,ed acquiring no one can say. but
pie ar. to aall for Bolivia for their fiv.
years of work.
Young Mr. Peake returned to Omaha
Haturday for a short visit with hi.
" "" for Bouth America.
Osaaka li lab gebttnl f J m Ammtm
The youna' man hmm InnumMliU trtw,Am
m Omaha, havlnc been reared here. In
1M h wa graduated from the Omaha
Huth school. lie was captain of Corn-
Peuy A of th. High School Cadet, that
yr. It was upon his graduation here
that he was offered the appointment to
Annapolis Naval academy, which put
'him In a position to make an early cholo.
a career. On refusing this ho went
haLia M.h.., -.,.v-tek-- x. .-
Norwegian Press
Criticizes Germans
(Correspondence of tho Associated Press.)
CimiSTIANIA. Juno 11. The criticism,
of tho action of Count von Oberndorff,
the German ambassador to Norway, In
ful in keeping it from publishing criti
cisms of German methods of warfare and
th. treatment of Norwegian merchant
ship, particularly. HI. Influence through
th. Norwegian foreign office was aald to
have been Indicated by occasional note,
front the department Of foreign affaire,
requesting that certain report, unfavor
able to Germany were not to b mentioned
in a critical light tor th sake of Nor
way, neutrality.
Th. torpedoing of th. Lusltanta wa.
th. first occasion on which the Nor
wegian press voiced it. criticisms of Ger
man methods, and th. articles that fol
lowed treated of the incident in strong
terms. It appoar. that the coincidental
receipt oi two anonymous tetters by Count
von Oberndorff concerning th emperor menniy snip. For four years he con
of Germany led th. ambassador to Issue I tinned his experiment. In wireless com-
an address to th. Norwegian people
through the General Pres. bureau. Some
of th. leading paper, refused to publish
his statement, while those which did
print It accompanied It with strong ad
verse comment on the propriety of hla
One of th examples of th outspoken
way In which th newspapers treated the
incident Is seen In tha Norwegian Shipping
Gasette, which says:
"When th. representative of tha Ger
man emperor chooses to address the Nor
wegian people over th. head of King
Haakon and his cabinet, ho ha thereby
relinquished the respect generally shown
representatives of foreign power at th
Norwegian court."
(Correspondeno of the Associated Press.)
rARln. June T. Sun baths for th.
treatment of wounded soldiers ar aald to
have greatly facilitated - th healing of
wounda Monsieur d'Arsonval recently
explained th .ystera devised by Joseph
V allot to th Academy of Science. Th
patient, ar 'aheltered from the wind
and they receive sky radlatlona as well
as rays of th. sua. th air being lalsed
to a temperature of from 100 to lie de
gree Fahrenheit The conditions ar
obtained by th us of absorbing screens
of canvaa painted whit and stretched on
wooden frames. The bath I formed by
thiee vertical screens si feet high aad
five feet wide set at an angle ot rW de
frees so as to reflect the sun's rays In
tide, the top being left open.
lie Want Ads i raJ'iee R
li -;ti .
X -. if
CLmBe, I.'Fkake
As he appeared nine years ago on com
pleting the High school courso In
Into the office of Iho Western Union
Telegraph company in Omaha, whore he
was employed for a year, during which
time ha saved what money he could,
looking toward the dny when he could
prooeod wtlh his education.
treat-ked at Ralston.
Then he leaped at. a single bound to
Depauw Methodist college In Indiana,
where he was graduated In 1911, after
supporting himself four year, by odd
lobe, however humble or - menial. Re
turning to Omaha for a short time, he
was licensed to preach by tho Han scorn
Park Methodlnt K pi sou pal quarterly con
ference. He preached a year in the mis
sion church at Ralston, Neb., and then
In another single leap he landed In Bos
ton, where ho entered tho School of
Theology of the Boston university. Be
sides Jugging dishes and knives and forks
there, he got a position for odd hour,
with the Western Union company there.
for he had an excellent letter from tho I
Omaha offloe. The second year he did
mission work in the churches of Boston.
Tho third year, which Is this year, he
taught in Dummer academy In Suuth
Byneld, Mass., a suburb of Boston.
Young Mr. Feake now has attached
to hi. name a chain of college degrees
that would make a. French philosopher
wroth with envy, Yet young Peaks Is
not flushed purple with pride. He accepts
it as a mattor of fact that he has gained
the education he ha. toiled for, and now
tarda ready to begin to dispense his
learning to those who hunger for it In
Sea lord" T
Clever Inventor
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
IiONLON, June 11. Admiral Sir Henry
Jackson, who ha just succeeded Lord
Fisher as first sea lord of the llrltlili
admiralty, has long been known here as j
"th. cleverest man irt tho navy." Ho is i
the only naval officer who haa been '
honored with election as a Fellow of the ',
Royal society, this hlKh scientific honor j
falling to him In 1W1 for his researches
In electrical physics.
Admiral Jackson was one of the earliest '
experimenter, in wlreles. telegraphy, and
wa associated for many years with Mr.
Marconi. He Is a specialist also In naval
torpedoes. Ho has only once In his
career commanded a group of ships at
sea. . .
Just past year, of tun, the new sea
lord In younger by fourteen years than
his predecessor. He entered tho navy In
1S8 and st first specialised In navigation.
But tho possibilities of the torpedo, which
had only been Invented In a very crude
form In exercised a fascination over
him ' and he soon transferred to that
branch of the aervlca.
The only vessel on which he ever served
as navigation officer was an old battle
ship, to which was appointed on the same
day a young lleutonant, John Jalllcoe.
now commander-in-chief of the war staff.
fpeclollslng In torpedoea. Admiral
Jackson attained a wide knowledge, both
practical and theoretical, of electricity,
for th. torpedo officer of a modern ship
la responsible for the efficiency 0f th.
wholo of th. electrical equipment of th
vessel. .Tt was In lfiOl that the Idea of
employing ' Hertalan . waves as a means
of communication first suggested Itself to
hlin. At that time the navy wa seeking
tor some method by which a torpedo
j boat could announce It auproiich to a
Sir Henry remained responsible' for the
progress of wireless telegraphy tit the
navy until lOub. when he becamo a rear
(Correspondence of the Associated frea.)
LONDON'. June 10 "Am 1 going ta
Ida the army and allow monopolists to
grab our food supplies and make it well
nlh Impesslble for my dependents to
exist?" ia the question that young mm
ask who have held back from enlisting,
declared A. J. Williams, organiser of the
National t'nlon of r.allwaymen. before a
labor conference at Cardiff. To break
up the present moro,Kllrs. Williams
moved resolutions ad-lreeaed to the gov
ernment, which were unanimously passed.
The government was called on to as
sume control of tho wheat ships. fl th
maximum prl-es of coal, fix ccasl ship
ping rale and ccntrul railway freights.
(Correspondeno of th Associated Press )
BKKLIN. June 7. An official report on
labor conditions In Germany durng tie
year 1914 ha Just been Issued. It shows
that th total number of strike which
occurred ia 1914 after the outbreak of the
war was twenty-four. Involving only I. WW
work people. They were all settled
promptly and not a single strike was
under way at th end of the year.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottagca
can be rented qu ckly ano chta-ly by
I if Tor Item."
New WMte Coats in a Sale
Smart models worth
Mall orders careiuny taaen care oi as long a
tbe coats last.
Dainty Summer Dresses
That really will surprise you with their beauty.
The materials are polka dot, striped and Imported flowered voiles, pongee and French linens; also
natural Palm Beach. The many varied styles are beyond description, but they come In short and
long sleeves: pleated skirts or with flounces; many are ruffle trimmed; satin or. velvet belts are a
pleasing feature. A few models have organdie collars and cuffs.
Most unusual
Other prices where value Is very
Charming embroidered or
gandies, sleeve and a
new style collar cool,
airy and delightful.
1 nOQLT fo)l
5-qt. Bize, regu
lar 30c, spec. 17c
8-qt. size, reg. 39c, spec. 26o
10-qt. size, reg. 49c, spec, 32c
12-qt. size, reg. 59c, spec 41c
r0c kind, 5 strings .38c
45c kind, 4 strings 33c
$42.00 A. B.'GAS RANGE
ONLY $34.00
Health is the
Sunshine of Life
Duffy's Pure
Molt Whiskey
Las' brought sunshine to
many, whose lives were for
merly obscured by dark
clouds of ill health.
Its use before meals and on
retiring as directed, soon
brin9 about gratifying re
sults. Today is a good day
to begin. .
".t Butty's aad lees Wall"
At most druggists, grocers and
dealers. $1.00. It they can't sup
ply you, writ us. Medical book
let fre.
Th Duffy afalt walskay Co
sWc bests, at. T.
! fiilNi MM U ihU
$15.00 a makers'
overstock, Monday
, $q6o
the saving to you Is almost half. Judging from tho
numerous calls we received Saturday many women
were unable to get down to the store and so we shall
extend the eale over Monday.
As for tho Stylos, they Include the latest belted
and flare effects. Tailored In serviceable white chin-.
chllla, wafi'le cloths and cords with black velvet to .
enrichen the collars, cuffs and belt. The buttons are
white ivory and black. Coats that you'll recognize
as 15.00 values, tomorrow $8.00.
obvious, $5.00, $7.50, 812.
New Waists
Sprclal Value In Embroidered
Organdie, with Quaker col
lars and cuffs, dainty embroid
ery, some are lace trimmed.
This waist will launder very
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
See our line of Lawn Mowers.
Prices from as low as S3.25.
65c best quality only 48tS
60c kind, good steel, 30.
J&Uju Osa 1$
t&y wvt MT&o
Jl lUlliLilM U A
you will sea fashlonaDia
women wearing white coata especially dur
ing evening promenade. This overstock
cornea at the very height of tha geason and
S15, 817.50. $22.50.
New Pleasing Creations In
crepe de chine, Jap silk, pure
linen, French batiste, French
voile and polka dot Swiss or
gandies. Many of them are
easily recognized as high, price
waists. Monday at
95c Enterprise,
special .... 76c
85c Rollraan, special. : . . .62o
50c Goodell, special . . . . .42c
Aluminum Jar Fillers '
Special price 8c
Wool Wall Dusters
Regular $1.00, special. . .63o
$25.50 Peerless
Refrigerators $19.80
mao uIjl4 lUovt
0-7-JlA4 jbf
pays big dividends
a -Huanl