Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 6-B, Image 26

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    TIIE 0MA17A SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 13, 1915.
The flee Publishing: Company, Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha postofflc aa econd-cla matter.
Ky carrier By mall
per month. per year.
Daily nd Sunday
Dally without ISundsy.... c
FTvenlng ami r-unoay v-jj
without Sunday
ttunria Bra only
(tend notlra of rhanse of sddrce or cmp
trregalartty In delivery to Omaha Be. CI
Remit tr draft. express n- poatal order. Oaly tw.
rent poatase atamp received In payment of email ac
counts Pereonal check, ax rot on Omabe and eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha Tb Be Building,
outh Omaha ZT1S N street.
Coum-ll Iiluffs 14 North Main it reet.
.20c I.0S
aridrcoa or c-omplslnta of
to Omaha Def Circulation
Lincoln 2 Little Building
ago em Hearst Murauin
New York Room IM, 2 rirrn avenue.
Pt Loula MS New Hank of Commerce.
Waehlngton 726 rourteentn t.. t. w.
Address communication relatln to new a and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee. Kdltortal Department.
BUte of Nebraska. County of Dousias. si. :
fkwlvh. Wtniuma drf'lllfttlftn maneaar. lavi that
the average Sunday circulation for the month of May,
mi. waa w.wq.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Maflsjr
Ktinerrllicd In my presence and (worn to before
ma, thia M day of June, 1B1&.
Kabacrtbrra leaving- the city temporarily
honld have The I tee mailed to them. Ad
drrss will be) changed ai often a requested.
Thought for the Day
5et7 by Mr: Htritrt H. Bollard
Build a littl fenct of trutt around today;
Fill the tpae milk lovinj work, and tkertin $tay;
Jjook tv4 fArouoA th thtltiring bar$ vpon te
' tnorrot,
God will htlp thrt bear vhat coma of joy or
sorrow. Mary F. liultt.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
After a resignation from the cabinet what?
and au revoir. Dr. Dernburg. Bon
The weather man eera to be having trouble
getting hie bridal veil on straight.
To cur speed-tempted autolsts:
Slow down on city thoroughfares.
Safety first.
Notwithstanding reports to the contrary. the(
Russian bear has a few claws left.
After stopping off in Omaha, "Liberty bell"
takes the O. L. D. route. No offense to the
Lincoln Highway. f
It is for the courts to say what punishment
fits the crtme of starting a divorce suit during
the joyful wedding month of June.
The most aroaslng part of the whole Incident
la the wonderful success achieved by Champ
Uark la so for "not sayln' a word."
Peace Is drawing strength from unexpected
quarters. Chairman Walsh of the Industrial
Relations commission refuses to break Into the
Suggestions tor starting a probe on tax
lodging cornea from various quarters of the
state. Some people are happiest when they
Hart trouble. '
The Internal Revenue department rules that
base ball is not a circus. The mere fact of the
aame looking that way occasionally Is not con
elusive. Play ball! ,
But where the blow falls hardest is on those
long-waiting democratic office-seekers depend
ing en the former secretary of state to land
them In a soft federal berth.
Colonel Roosevelt has come out of the
Loulaiana canebrakes long enough to say be Is
agin' Bryan. The two colonels never did show
any signs of doing team work.
Jf men hope to hold tbelr place in society.
aggressive organization Is urgently needed to
rcure a share of the spotlight for June bride
grooms. Shining by reflected light is humtlia
tlon rubbed In. 1
Beady for the Waste Basket
How deeply Imbedded in the inherited tradi
tions of medievalism are all our diplomatic
usages aud etiquette is Illustrated again In the
circumstantial account of the transmission or
"notes" between Washington and Berlin aa ex
plaining the slowness and seeming delay. Ac
cording to authorities professing to speak "by
the card," all these documents have to be trans
lated Into code word for word to Insure utmost 1
tcrecy and then decodixed ' by equally labor
ious process of re-translation. It is said that It
took three hours to put President Wilson's first
note to Germany into the diplomatic code al
though it measured but 1,500 words, which
must alto be "keyed" by way of further pre
caution and the whole Job had to be done over
In reverse when ft reached our embassy in Ber
lin before delivery to destination in the Oer
ruan foreign office.
Remembering that all these whole "notes"
lc original readable English are given publicity
through the press the' moment final communi
cation to the kaiser's government waa Insured
and thus made available to friend and foe alike,
! the codifying and decodifylng would appear to
I be a huge joke were It not for the seriousness
of the subject matter. Why In thia twentieth
century should governnenta try to talk to each
other not only In cryptic language, which de
ceives no one, but also go to the expense of time.
money and trouble to provide a pretense of
secrecy when there is no secrecy nor would such
secrecy be of any advantage If It could be pre
served T
Some day yes, we hope some not distant
day we may be big and brave enough to throw
all this diplomatic tom-foolery into the waste
mr Yxcrrom mosxiraraB.
Aircraft in War.
Among modern achievements undergoing the
fierce test of war, aeroplanes stand out aa the
moat Important new factor In land operations.
They have become the eyes of the armies, the
skypllots whose wide perspective furnish com'
mending generals with essential information
about the enemy.
In this activity aeroplanes thus tar have
ahown their greatest usefulness. In , part at
least they are responsible for the unprecedented
use of entrenchments, having compelled fighting
men to dig themselves Into open and coverei
trenches and forced to resort to every available
utethod of screening artillery. So thoroughly
are concealments practiced that human eyes
privileged to view the firing lines rarely see
ttlgna of actual war. Swiftly moving aircraft
render perilous even preparation for open field
attacks In daytime, which accounts for the fre
quency of night attacks when aerial eyet are
The use of aircraft for raids on enemy coun
trie, have not as yet produced results com
mensurate with the risk. Dropping bombs on
cities distant from the battle lines has not
altered the progress of the war. Even the huge
German Zeppelins have failed signally a a fac
tor In the fighting. Their vast bulk makes a conspicuous target for artillery, which
explalnt their raids exclusively at night The
euperlority of the swift moving aeroplane over
(be balloon was strikingly proved in the recent
.uccoaaTul attack of the Canadian aviator on a
i aiding Zeppelin.
Aa a factor In army operations the aeroplane
iis already won a place of supreme importance:
Ju further development under the stress of war
gives promise of wider usefulness.
A Proper Measure of Prevention.
Through advertisement ' of the telephone
company In Chicago papers, subscribers are
notified that employes sent for any reason to
enter private premises are each to carry Identi
fication cards bearing photograph and auto
graph of such employe to be demanded and veri
fied In case of the slightest doubt s to his right
of entry or that the person Is what he rep-
resenta himself to be. This strikes us aa a
move In the right direction, that should be fol
lowed, as It probably soon .will be, by all public
service corporations that employ meter readers,
teeters, Inspectors, repair men, etc. As patrons,
we are expected, If not required, to admit these
men to our houses and offices, often taking the
chance of throwing our doors open to impostors
or suspicious characters. The rule, too, If good
for public service corporations, would apply
equally to municipally-owned utilities.
The enforcement of some dependable system
of Identification before admission to private
premises should be viewed not as reflection on
tl)e employe, but as a precaution really for his
trotection,v as well as for the protection of the
householder. While resort to the ruse of per
sonating a meter-reader or repair-man may be
rare In Omaha as compared with Chicago, there
la every reason why we should have the benefit
of the same measure of prevention.
A Touch of Human Nature.
In the Michigan penitentiary at Jackson a
convict saw another In Imminent danger and
sprang to his rescue. The life was saved, but
the rescuer died. Her is material for reflec
tion on one of man's noble attributes one that
knows neither race nor clime, nor poverty, nor
riches. No tie of friendship or affection held
these men; It may be doubted If either knew the
other'a name, for men In prlsoa are usually
merely numbers. The dead man saw the living
In mortal peril, and without a thought of conse
quences thrust himself between death and the
victim. ,
It was an Impulse that seems common to
humanity. No crisis, great or small, develops
but someone arises to meet it. Frequently
"the native hue of resolution la sicklied o'er by
the pale east ot thought," and the Individual
loses a chance to bd a hero. But the Impulse to
help a stricken brother, to assume sudden and
unexpected risks. Is common enough, and Is on
of man's most praiseworthy, traits. Not all
heroes wear Carnegie medals, but the world had
Its heroes long before Jhe Institution of the com
mission on award, and most ot them are too
modest to wear a medal. It given one.
The convict who died that his fellow mlaht
live had at least that much of nobility In his
nature, and his self-sacrifice must strengthen
the belief that some good exists In all men.
Feryenion of Book Tastes.
A picture In Life presents a most clever
satire on the superficial character of present
day book reading. Two open shelf sections ot
a public library are labelled to Indicate the
contents. A btudlous, sober-faced old man,
looking through his spectacle, is pouring over
a precious volume Just taken from Its well filled
stack neatly labelled "Shakespeare, Hawthorne,
Dickens, Thackeray, Eliot At the other side Is
a variegated lot ot men and women, young and
old, scrambling for a pick ot the books remain-
irg on depleted shelves bearing 'the Illuminating
rames "Myrtle Mush. The Countess, Katherlne
Klsamore, Natalie Nutt." Translated into word
drawing, the good old substantial works of what
are known aa the standard authors remain dust
covered and readerleas, mere reminders ot by
gone days while the effervescent, sentimental,
passing, transitory output ot the so-called popu
lar authors have their brief run one after the
other because they appeal to a passing fancy or
happen to hit upon a fashionable 'fad. Is the
rlcture overdrawn? Perhaps. But alas! there
Is much more truth than poetry In It.
Court Control of Kewipapera.
How William, Howard Tart could suggest to
the New York constitutional convention that the
freedom ot the press should be constricted to
prevent "newspaper trials' Is a little difficult to
understand. . To prohibit the newspapers pub
lishing court proceedings would simply confirm
the Judge In their autocracy, and, as history
teaches, w have much more to fear from Judie
cial tyranny thaa from newspapers overstepping
the bounds of propriety. The Bee ventures to
prophesy that if the suggestion were to be
adopted. New York state would need a lot of
new jails to hold all the newspaper editors who
will be la contempt of court
Helping to make Omaha beautiful Includes
the necessary effort to keep It beautiful
COUNT on William Jennlnsa Bryan to anise what
to Mm aeetn to be the paychtiloalcal moment for
a apectactilar rerformance. Mia whole puhlio
career has been a atrtea of aenaattonal exploits ap
peallnf ttronsly to the Imagination, but falling ahort
of holding the sober second thought.
I attended the historic VN Chtaaao convention and
heard the fnmoua "Croee-of-gold" speech which won
him his flint presidential nomination. .To an outsider
It doutitlars looked aa If It were all wholly spontane
ous, but In fact It waa carefully thought out and pre
pared far In advance. The only truet-to-luck part of
that dramatic act waa In choosing the time for at ag
ing It, which had to wait for the favorable opening.
And, aa I have often remarked, the wonderful re
sponse elicited by that oration was due as much to its
contrast with the dull and tiring speeches delivered
bjr those who preceded htm aa to Its own resonant
At the 1904 Rt. touts convention, which Bryan
startled with his midnight outbreak over the Parker
gold telegram, I was again present, snd no unbiased
observer doubts that had not the nomination been
already actually made, Parker would never have bean
named. deaplU all the pins set up snd all the deals
entered Into to Insure that result
Because of other engagements I was absent from
both the Orsnd Island convention and the Baltimore
convention, where Bryan played very similar roles,
though with foredoomed failure fh the first and un
expected success In th second. On all these occasions
that have brought him Into th glare of the limelight
and Perhaps his resignation as colonel of th Second
Nebraska should be mentioned In th sam connec
tion hi Judgment baa been seriously questioned even
by his clotest friends and admirers, stthough hi
audacious courage and sublime confidence in hi own
peruv power and In hi ultlmafa vindication ha
been universally conceded. ,
Bryan must b a believer In his "star" newspaper
men who were with him over th election each time
he ran for th presidency Insist he was really cock
eure thet h was a hot to win out and genuinely sur
prised at his defeats which everyone else clearly fore-
ssw. I hav not th slightest doubt that right now
he has thoroughly convinced himself, regardless of
the opinions of others, that his resignation from the
cabinet and th program he ha mapped out Is th
supram call of duty.
The Bryan debacle filled the house and supplied a
windfall for the boa offlc for Stephen Wise' lecture.
HI subject. "Is War Cureless?" Just fitted In with th
hour and h treated It In a powerful Impreaslon
making way. A a whole, overlooking the side sal
lies, his talk was brilliant and seemingly Inspired.
But Dr. Wise's bold badinage and keen satire are slsu
telling. I wonder If everyone who heard caught th
not of Irony In hi profit thanks for th handsome
personal tribute to him In the Illuminated letters ot
his nam surmounting our municipal welcome arch.
From his mere words on would Infer that the deli
cacy of th compliment quit overcame his modesty
and biased a path straight Into his heart P. B. Does
not someone In authority In the city ball possess the
hardihood to have that hideous arch removed and, If
w must retain It re-locate It at a more suitable spot,
wher It will not destroy the beauty and symmetry
of th most consptouous clviu and architectural center
of our cltyT
What give the Ak-6ar-Ben 'initiation entertain
ment their hold year after year It's th clever
idea, th melodious muslo. th spicy yet free-from-
ffense character of th stunts and th constant up-to-dateness.
To the first-timer th Ak-Bar-Ben show Is
a stunner, and to those or us who have gone through
the 'mill twenty-one time It exhibits steady improve
ment What f remember most of my Initial entrance
Into th mysteries of Bamson wss a steady pummellng
with air-Mown bladders swung by strings attached
to sticks tn the hand of a star athletic team. Mem
bers of th Initiation crew were chosen, then, not for
their sweet vole or shapely figure or accomplish
sent as dancers, but for brawn and muscle that
would enable them to deal properly with refractory
novitiate. Thnca Chang In the Kingdom of Quiver.
Twice Told Tales
Keat Ills Promise.
Little Bob wa playing at quotts In th yard whan
be hurt his hand wtth on of tb Irons.
"Oh, the devil!" h exclaimed Impatiently, "I I -Hi
mother, who heard the ugly exclamation. In
terrupted htm. ,
"No mora of that young man," she commanded.
"no more such exclamations. Never us that word
again." ,
' Bob. a dutiful son, promised never to us U asain
and had his hand handaged and went on playing.
Bunoay cam ana n went to Btmday school as usual.
When he rwturaed home his mother asked him what
th lesson waa about
"It was about when our Lord was temntad br
by by." Bob explained hesitatingly, "the the-gentleman
who lives down below." Ioulsvlll Time.
Tw Views. , ,
Richard Hardlr.g Davis said at a tea In New York:
"Th Oerniana. vry tint thev take a drink ttr
their glasses solemnly and say.' Ood, punish Eng
land! They say. Mod punish England.' when they
meat and whea they separate. Bills Inscribed 'OoJ
punish Bngland' are poated up la publto places, and
people all over Germany wear button and brooch
wun -uoo. punun -England' written on them.
"That's on side of th picture, th German aid.
Here's th other aid, th Cngllstt side:
"I Journeyed recently throuarh a attaint Rnrti.h it.
lage. Ther was a bust of Bismarck on the village
green. Beneath tn Dust the old vlllag gardener had
" Ood forgive OermanyV "Washington Btar. '
,Tt Isaadat Sagaa,
Mr a. Eddy had suddenly become wealthy through
the death of an old unels, and had begun to eiimb
Into society, fh endeavored to create th Impression
that her new manner of living wa nothing unusual
to her.
On afternoon ah became engaged In conversation
with a prominent woman.
"Are you familiar with th Norwegian sagas, Mra
Eddyf queried th woman.
' - 'Indeed, no; not the least bit! replied Mr. Eddy,
hastily, "I always make th servant knew their
plaoea" Philadelphia Ledger.
Co ante sand d lemon pp will cleans
enameled war effectively.
Contemplating th population of th en
tire earth, ther are thirty to the squat
Th Juice of raw potatoes win remove
stains from the hands and also from
woolen fabrics.
Massachusetts students of wireless have
hsd good success with experiment send
ing and receiving messeges with aerials
laid on th ground.
Th greatest danger In inhaling th
fame cf wood alcohol Is their effect
on th optic nerve, .which often results
In total and incurahlo blindness.
Aluminum cap and msaks through
which hot or cold water can be circu
lated have been Invented by a Vienna
surgeon for use as surgical compresses.
An acre of banana, will produce more
than en and a third times as much food
as an acre of com, almost three times as
much, as an acre of wheat ot potatoes
and four time as much as an acre of
tinwt i s ra4 MkX7
The Omaha Wheel club' spring meeting pulled off
flv Moycl rata, the contestant being John p.
Hitchcock. Thomas P. Blackraore, Boy Runlo. Parry
BadloUt Harry Morford, O. H. Gordon and T. H. Mer
riam. At th eloa Mr. Hitchcock gar his exhibition
on th wheel la an effort to lower th record mad
last year by Wastbreok In 1 and aueoaedad la aaak-
Ing th mil tn (
Th Capitol Hill ra ball nln laid out the High
school team by B to t.
Captain C. U. George of th Pullman Oar company
and Miss Elisabeth C. Clark of Jersey City were mar
ried at th residence of Rev. Wtllerd Bcott UOS Park
Tb Mlsse Emma and Lauta ffoagland hav re
turn) from Cincinnati srhara tnsy hav been attending
A Nebraska Commercial Men' aasociatloa wa
called by tho sacra tary, George a Crosby, t anset at
Pax ton A Gallagher' ffloa t transect bualaae of
Mrs. Kara Millard aad Mies Carri Millard have
gone to Now Torts.
A rala aad hall storm wa th aftermath of th
destructive a lad stores of yesterday.
Miss Blna ML West, who wa re-elected
supteme commander of the Ladies of th
Maccabees of the World, declined to have
her salary raised from S6.000 to $10,000 a
year. That Is vary unusual for a na
tional flfcer to do, aad It la a matter of
congratulation that It Was a woman who
set th example.
Two women in Bt Loute hav written
tat songs recently, that of Mr. Meyer
having been sung at 6t Joseph at the
state club meeting. Mrs. Edward B. Wat
son ha also written a very pretty little
song that was given publicly for th first
tlin at th annual frolic of the Woman'
council, and was sung by th Bay View
At the meeting of th council of th
General Federation of Women' Clul
In Portland, Or., Mrs. Thomas a. Win
ter of Minneapolis suggested that each
club woman in th country, that la, 2.000,
000 women, deny themselves a pair of
silk stockings each year and give th
money to the endowment fund ot th Gen
eral Federation. Th plan was endorsed
by th women present
Miss Virginia C. Qilderateeve, dean ef
Barnard collage, was th speaker .it the
annual meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa,
the first time a woman ha ever Veen
honored by being permitted to be the
speaker. Miss Glldersleev took advan
tage of th opportunity to deliver a poch
on auffrag. 8h says that women u-a
not adopting th medical profession to
aa great extent of lata years, but that
more of them are taking up architecture,
and many more have gone into th
ministry during th last tan year.
Bcientlflo pursuit also call many women.
People and Events
Cape Cod, th peninsula of Massachu
setts, I no longer a cap. It has been
mad an Island by th completion of the
Cap Cod canal.
By a "new process In th manufacture
of cotton, it la said to be possible to mak
a product which will take th plac ot
bunting In making flag.
Th United State navy will eatabtisb.
a wireless station on Cap Cod pectally
equipped to guide vessels along th At
lantic coast In tune of fog.
A Cleveland woodworker ha mounted
a work bench on wheels and tows It be
hind bis automobile, using th power of
th auto to drive a band saw' and other
A new Iron mine now being opened In
Minnesota has an estimated content of
4.000,001 tons ot or. It will b worked
by the open-pit method prevalent In that
A rancher ha applied for rental of m
acres of th Pike national forest Col
rado. to b used In connection with pri
vate land for raising lk as a commercial
One of th gasometers of th Nwtown
Gas company. New Tork City, which is
175 feet high and has a holder 1 feet
In diameter, is believed to b th largest
In th world.
Two million fruit tr. occupying be
tween SS.000 and .O0O acres, mostly irrl
gatsd lands, ar being plsnted In th vari
ous districts of esstern Washington and
Oregon. Idaho and western Montana.
tv, mintarr nurposes a United Btates
army officer ha designed an automobile
that will carry fourteen men, with full
equipment and three days' ration. MO
miles on oa filling of it iui ioa..
a manaaer in Hungary sells
seats In accordance with the sis of hi
patron, th shorter being eatea in me
front rows and th taller behind them. dotlara "for aarubblng of
th tombton of my neighbor In th
was on of th peculiar be
quests in th will of Mra. Margaretta H.
Schmidt of Bellevui. uu
vine rnnaraaatlonal mlnisUr donned
overall" and shingled a church root at BU
Louis, Mo., th other day. Tny ooasteu
that they could do It and th pastor of
th roofless church called th bluff.
a .minui flower crow on th Isth
mus of Tehuantepec. lta chief peculiarity
I th habit of changing IU color during
th day. In th morning It is whit, when
th sun is at IU senlth It Is red, and at
night It Is blue.
Pour surviving members ot th Min
nesota Old Settler' association with reo
reerhin back to IMS. held n reunion
at Minneapolis, Jun 1. Three ot th
m aver SO rear of ag and the
kid of the venerable quartet Is past SI
It wa th fifty-ninth annual reunion ot
th association.
n.. nf ahoaa ever 'mad
i. I'ltv now adorn the "toot!
wooUtwa" ot Samuel D. Crowley th big
patroimaa who guards swaastnaas at
ri.ii.nih Uain street. Th ahoaa
ar sis It and ar Uk Inch in length.
Across th bail thy ar ink men ana
tb InsUP measure fourtoea Inches. Kadi
ska weigh on and three-quarter
Harry O'Dell got aut of hi automobile
in rukAin. N. v.. to crank th engine.
A h labored with th rank a emsil
boy pulled tb clutcn lever, in car
knocked O'Pell down, but h scrambled
up and started - to run. Th tnachin
chased him and caught hlra after a few
yard and ran over him. O'Dell sustained
three fractured rib and a. broken hip,
among other injurlee ' " i
la DaavUla, Pa., two men. In dlggtag
fera root on aa island below that town,
unearthed aa lroa box, tnorusted with
rust and having a vary appearance ot
having been ther for many year. Ota
breaking tb box it wa found to
ootttam sUver oolna worth OIT.UOO. Th
entna u aa llHiou aad Boaniah eoirw
ago. The find ha revived aid tradition
of the Island having bees a tiding place
frqueated by Caytaia Kldd.
Texss bossts of blooming watermelons
Isrgs enough to stuff th mouth of six-teen-Inch
gun. Lone stare hot air Is
manufactured on the spot.
A Chicago court Jolted a dentist who
sought ro collect a bill for professional
servlc from a girl who had been hi
sweetheart. "A labor of love," remarked
his honor, "cannot be transmuted Into
cash. Judgment for the woman."
An unromantlc mutt In Pennsylvania
Jars the merry muslo of ths center alsl
by raising in 'court th question: "Who
wns th wedding presents T" When
bridegrooms come out ot th trance what
they say must not be taken seriously.
Promiscuous Issuing of prescriptions for
spirits frumentl In dry counties is classed
unprofessional and decidedly obnoxious
by th supreme court of Missouri, which
upholds th SUt Board of Health in re
voking the license of offending physi
A publio school savings bank In New
Tsrk closed Its first year with deposits
of $11,000. Three cigarette shops and on
candy store In the neighborhood were put
out ot business sine th bank started
Th possibilities of thrift rightly di
rected, are Immense.
An ornate certificate and large golden
Seal constitute a rich side lln of the
New Tori City marriage bureau. Bride
are fascinated by the decorated paper
and bridegroom dig up up liberally. An
official stumbled onto the graft and
heartlessly squelched a good thing. '
Ther Isn't much doing between sunup
and sundown In Fairmont W. Va. Bo
when flv of the town's Hebes, , In
abbreviated skirts, frolicked In th water
of th Monongahola th mala population
scooted for th river bank. The. rush
at th rear crowded the front row into
the water, giving th first comer a
deserved ducking.
Opposition against transporting Liberty
Bell from Philadelphia to Ban Francisco
(persists. Daughter of th American
Revolution have Issued a vigorous pro-
teat and newspapers are agitating aban
donment of th trip. The Philadelphti
Ledger urge that a committee of
metallurgist from Franklin Institute be
appointed to determine whether the his
toric rello can stand the journey.
Rounding up professional beggars In
Brooklyn led to several discoveries. One
confessed that hie "blind" sign was a
blind and that he owned two houses In
Boston. Another flashed a typewritten
paper stating . that ha was rendered
speeohless by falling off a bridge, but he
put up a warm scream against a work
house sentence. - Eighteen other had
various Imaginary affliction to lure the
nickel of charity.
Baltimore American' The present aft
Is making it appeal to men to be clothed
about by th righteousness of rellslon I
with a garment. The Ideal of religion is
to present every man faultless In the
presence of the Heavenly Father.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: A local evam
gellst predicts that the waters ef Lakq
Erie will turn red with blood, and that
w shall have a hailstorm In which each
hsllstons will weigh sixty pounds. W
shall hav to buy distilled water, but
there will be a compensating saving In
th ice bills.
Houston Tost: Dr. Jacobs preached
yesterday on "Why Young Men and
Young Women Fall." S me of them fall
because they get It into their heads that
in order to be in the swim they must de
vote nearly all their time to frivolous
pleasures, and when that Idea gets Into
a young head there 1 no room ther for
Brooklyn Eagle: Publicity is something
that Is sought In ons way or another by
every living enterprise. The church must
seek It not In a way to produce a lust
or unjust Impression that It Is eommer-
ctsllslng Itself, but to familiarise the pub
lic with Its real appeal. The brass band,
th sandwich man, th poster, offend s
mny a they attraot, and thoe who ar
offended are the one who could accom
plish most for the churcn. Th message
of the Almighty to His children Is what
the church convey. A olemn message
demands dignity In spreading it as well
as dignity In Its human formulation.
Little Glrl-My father say be ha often
Seen you act.
Pleased Actress What did he y he
saw me In. dear?
Little Girl In the seventies. Puck.
She There wss a man on the crowded
car that I cams home on who is a perfect
He Why, dear? '.
She Why. I trod on his feet a doxen
times and he never offered me his seat.
Boston Transcript.
"Whv do you never take your family
out in your car?"
"Got seven In my family."
"Well, you have a seven-passenger
"Yes, and when It's full people think
I'm operating a Jitney bus. 'Louisville
"What wa the subject of your com
mencement essay, Jene?"
" "What Astronomers Know of th In
habitant of Mars.' "
"Why such a queer subject?"
"I didn't have time to write much.
Philadelphia Ledger.
i-i- J!
Pittsburgh decide that pig pens within
the city limit are a nuisance and must
be abated.
Portlund, Ore., this spring added 31.000
roue bushes to Its growing stock. Port'
land leads th world a th rose city.
Topeka and adjoining town In Kansas
are buying gasoline for 10.1 cents a gal
Ion. It Is cheaper to burn gasoline than
wear out shoe leather.
. Fifty thousand pies or consumed every
day In Bt Louis. This fierce appetite is
th on explanation offered for putting
sinker on the parkway project . .
That Indian prince who moved into the
west a fsw wee ago suffered a touch
in Bait Lake Clfy. "The capture of the
thtef brought a reward of $100 In cash
from the Punjab purse.
New York's famous Madison Bquare
Garden, which has sheltered all kinds of
shows, has surrendered to the movies.
The equally famous Eden Muse ot Twen
ty-third street, the last of its class, has
gone the amusement discard.
Boston is gradually coming Into Its own.
The Board of Street Commissioners or
dered certain downtown sidewalks cleared
of all obstructions. Poles, posts, clocks
and th Ilk must go, so that pedestrians
may hav e'esr swing for hands and
A Wichita Jury decided In an elderly
breach of promise case that the mtttened
widow did not deserve much, but th gay
old flirt of 67 should pay for the fun. His
love letter showed a total or Sto kisses
sent by malt. The Jury put a bargain
figure of 95 cents on each kiss and re
turned a verdict for $323.
A peculiarly sad tragedy happened In a
Denver cemetery last week. Overcome by
grief and blinded by tear, Mr. Lena
Hlggin slipped at th graveside of her
husband and In falling struck her head
against a tombstone, fracturing her skull.
Th injury caused her death aad she waa
buried teste her husband.
A, witness In a divorce case gave an In
teresting sketch of dsnclng society In
Now York City. "I waa at a subscription
done," sh testified, "where there were
100 guests. I danced with the defendant
H told me hi wife was th only painted
thing in th room. H stepped on my
toes dreadfully, and I bad to turn my
head away to avoid his breath, which was
very offensive because of th stuff he
drank. I heard him say to hi wlfs,
'France, you mak me tired.' Other
wise It vas a lovely party." Sure, Mike.
u.innru nO AUhVCII OUB.
"What I object to." said the thoughtful
young woman, "is the idea ot taxation
without representstlon."
"If I were a married man," responded
the admiring youth, "I'd be glad to take
my wife'a advlo on how I voted. How
would you like to have mo represent you
at th poll?'' Washington Star.
"Guess I'd better order a few going
away gowns," said she brightly.
"Mx on the going away gowns, my
dear,': said her husbsnd gloomily. "I
can't afford to tak you anywhere this
summer, '
"All right" waa th cheerful response.
"Then 1 11 Just order a few staying at
horn gowns." Louisvlll Courier-Journal.
"I was Queen of th May," boasted th
"And I waa a June bride." quoth the
econd. .... ....
"Pooh," exclaimed the intra naugniny.
"I'm the sweet girl graduate and the
world is mine oyster."
"Well, you won't find any pearls In
your oyter." remarked their father, who
had paid for their dresses. Philadelphia
Mary Aldls. In Chicago Herald.
A prayer la forming on my tightened
grant that I may keep my oul
from hate!
I have known love, I have been pitiful
Lord, I would keep my grief com
passionate! Paln-msddened cries I hear from out th
L'pstaring at me, faces of the dead;"
Those silent bodies seem to cry aloud,
Thosa silent soul are still comforted.
And we ar her to bear th weight of
keep th poison from Its awful
Lord, let me be a they ar ere I hate,
Let m love on! This, this I what
I ask.
However long th way, ther ' I a
Borne wher beyond th storm there lie
a land
Where Peace abides, wher lov shall
live sgaln
And men ahall greet with friendly out
stretched hand.
While tittle children laugh, and women
With happiness O. Lcrd, until that
Keep Thou my soul, keep Thou my
Keep Thou my trust in Thy far-seeing
Illinois Central ft. R.
To All Principal Points, Via Direct Routes:
Atlantic City, N. J $51.35
New York .. $48.85
Boston, Mass '. .$47.85
Portland, Mt $49.00
. Bangor, Me., t. .$52.55
Lake George, N. Y $45.30
Saratoga Springs, N. Y 44.05
Alexandria Bay, N. Y $40.30 .
Buffalo, N. Y S38.55
Montreal Que. $41.30
Quebec, P. Q $40.20
Toronto, Ont $30.20
Kingston, Ont $40.10
Cltolce of Circuitous Route to New York
and ' Boston a Slightly Higher Rate.
Optional Oman. Lake and River Tripe.
Ticket on bale Daily.
lnfonuAtloa and Attractive literature Freely Furniahe4.
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40T Bo. loth SC. Omaha, Neb. Pheme Doaia 64,