Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 7-C, Image 19

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY NKK: .IINT, 13. l!15.
Council Bluff s
Minor Mention
CeaacU aiaffe Offlee (
Tee See la et 14 sTert
TSlspaoae 40.
Davis Drugs,
Vlctrola. Ho. A. Host Co.
Woodrlng L'ndartaaing Co., Tal. IA
Gardner Press, printing 501 1st Ava
Law la Cutler, funeral director. Phone 31
For wall paper, decorating and paint"
kia aaa Borwhk, 211 feouth Main.
AND ffiXTUHKs. Phone
Dr. H. A. Woodbury, dcntnu moved to
806-306 Sspp black.. Phone Ulack UU.
Mutual Bld. and Loan Asa n. IZi Pearl.
Furnituro and chattel I nana. i usual
rate. Eetab. 2S years. A. A Clark Co.
The Boa id of County hupervisora spent
nearly the enure dn yesterday cheesing
up tha county treasurer and making tlm
regular aeiui-annuiu settlement. Ttio bal
ance sheet ahowa that 1 reiis'irer Ohrls
Uenaen had on hand and In banka In tne
county the sum of 8146,91 13.
A tranacrtpt of the application for
lettera of administration of the estnte of
John F. a wealthy resident ot
liunlap, Harrison county, was fled in
probate court yesterday. Te uroperty in
volved la staled to be In excess of H'J.o0.
W'llllam F. Merrltt, a aon. Is to be tf-e
administrator. One lot valued st tt.ijofl,
la located In Council Bluffs, which makes
It necessary to docket tne case In the lo
cal probate court. Mr. Merrltt died
March It, leaving aa his heirs, three chil
dren. A aummer campaign to keep tip the re
celpta at tha Young Men's Christian as
sociation haa twen Inaugurated by tha
Board of Directors, who yesterday di
rected that a quiet effort be made to
secure new members among the business
men. It la believed that during the aum
mer the business men can receive the
greatest physical benefit from the physi
cal culture paraphernalia at the Institu
tion. Every year the activities of the as
aoclation drop to low ebb during the sum
mer, aud there la comparatively small in
come from memberships and other
aources of revenues, wnlie the expenws
necessarily keep up. Secretary Hadley
and a committee of the board have gone
over tha expenses and reduced all ex
ipendlturea for the summer to a mini
mum, and now the board members are
seeking sustaining memberships to keep
up tha Income.
The monthly report of the police de
partment, completed yesterday, showa 1K3
arrests for the month of May. represent
ing twenty-three classes of olfenses
agalnat atate and city laws. There were
alxty-two arrests for Intoxication and
less than 10 per cent of the person wer
residents of Council Bluffs, and flfty-aix
of the remainder were held for investiga
tion and violating city ordinances. The
next largest number were gatuered n
on vagrancy charges, seventeen In num
ber. There were eight arrests lor larceny
and twelve accused of being disorderly
and disturbing the peace. There were no
arrests for serious Crimea and no such
offenses were committed In the city dur
ing the month. During the month there
were only 130 lodgers accommodated, fur
the previous two months the number
reached 1.000 Der month. The other work
of tne officers covered u wide field and
waa of the usual varied character.
Mrs. M. J. Bollinger will return this
evening from Rochester, Minn., where
she was taken by Dr. Bellinger several
weeka ago for an examination by Drs.
Mayo. The noted surgeons advised an
operation, which waa performed Imme
diately, with most successful results.
Friends of Mrs. Bellinger will be tie- i
lighted to know that aha will return n I
a condition of almost complete recovery
and wUl be delighted to meet tuem at
her apartments In the Grand hotel. Dr.
Bellinger, who haa mado several trips to
Rochester alter leaving Mrs. Bellinger
there, has arranged for tha trained nuraa
who haa cared for her from the first to
accompany her to Council Bluffs, 6 he
will arrive about 10:30 tonight. Mrs. Bel
linger haa beep writing most cheerful
and helplulvieUera ta-Jver friends hero
for the last' week or more. Indicating the
happy frame of mind that marks her re
turn home. . " " ,
J. W. Casey, a former well known Coun
cil Bl ufts man, who haa been held to tne
grand Jury cm the charge of being Im
plicated with young Wade, Jitney driver,
in the losa of a Jiuiey car in hla charge
lielonglng to Mrs. ' Plersail, originator of
the Jitney business In Council Bluffs, has
submitted statement ehowlng that he waa
In no measure responsible tor the disap
pearance of the car. He also shows that
instead of beiuK lu .Omaha for two daya
without knowledge or consent of tha
owner of tne Jitney ha had driven to Mis
souri Vahey and Logan on business mat
ters for which he had arranged. On their
return from Missouri Valley at night ha
bays they were followed by two alrangers
in a car whoae driver asked permission
to follow closely on account of fear of
losing his way. Casey saya in his state
ment that after reaching Council Bluffs
before putting the Jitney In the Piersall
garage ba accepted the Invitation of tha
utrangers to go to Omaha and get a
drink. Tha car waa atolen Immediately
after Wade, tha driver, in whose custody
the car still remained waa induced to
leave it for a few minutes. The car, a
Ford, baa not been recovered.
Tha Council Biuffa Elks are to join
the Omaha lSlks In the observance ot
Flag day at Hanacom park, tomorrow
afternoon. KnuM Tinley will deliver tha
address recalling the history of the flag,
and hla presence on the program makes
it certain that a very large crowd of
Council Bluffs Klks will comprise the
party that will accompany hla acroas
tha river. The atart la to be made from
the club house at MS p. m., and the
member are privileged to bring their
families aa tha services are to be public.
Those who have automobiles and room
for mora paesengera than their immedi
ate family will have an opportunity V
take as many guests aa they desire and
a pleasant afternoon la assured, if the
weather permits. Tha local lodge desires
that all meet at the club house and go
In a body te join tha Omaha lodge at
their club roma and parade to Sixteenth
and Leavenworth atreets, where street
cars or autoa will carry the Elks to the
park. Painter Knox. A. L. English and
William Bchnorr are the rommittee in
charge of local arrangements.
Stranger Run Over
And Killed by Train
An unidentified stranger waa Instantly
killed under the wheela of a Rock Island
train yesterday at the Chautauqua
switch northeast of the city limit He
attempted to board a train and fell across
tha tracks. Hla body waa rolled along
and mangled by a dozen or mora cars
that passed over 1L
Tha accident happened at MO o'clock.
Train No. 1067, an extra freight, east
bound, had gone onto tha sidetrack to
permit a westbound train to paas. It
waa moving out at a apeed of about six
miles an hour when the roan is supposed
to have attempted to climb on. He had
been seen In tha vicinity while the train
waa waiting, but no one saw the accident.
Tha local yard officials and Coroner
Cutler were notified. The man's head
was crushed and only a amall portion of
hla face remained. Ha had 70 centa in
change, but no papera In hla pockets.
The figure of a woman'a head waa tat
tooed on his left forearm. The clothea
Indicated he was a worklngman. He
wore a soft brown hat and was appar
ently between 25 and yeara old. The
body Is being held at the cutler morgue,
but with little hope of Identification.
Ilarrlage Licensee.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to tha following named persons
Name and Residence.
Victor A. Patterwon. Omaha
btgna Ottoaon. Omaha
Vernle Mattox. Crescent
Mabel May Vincent, Crescent
W. H. Vance. Omaha
Margaret Gold. Omaha
Francis M. Morse, Council Bluffs
fclvlna R. Turulpeead. Council Bluffs.
... n
... 1
... 19
... 16
... a
MEXICO President R. Garza
photographed after the dinner
at the National palace.
I' ' J t ' m Mi s ' M Is M 1 Mils m llli VJhJ f IU ?iif H'i
Tribute of Marvin
To Retiring Partner
C. N. Marvin, editor of tha Shenandoah
(la.) Sentinel-Post, paya tha following
tribute to A. 8. Bailey, who has beon hi
tuslness and editorial associate for a
score df yeara and who .has rf tired tnta
week from active work to spend iuletly
th remaining years of his life. Mr.
Bailey Is more than 80 yeara old and all
of his aotive Ufa has been spent in coun
tiy newspaper work:
"A. 8. Bailey, who has been wlUi tha
Sentinel-Post for more than twenty years.
retired from active service Saturday night.
I can think of no other tnatance In
which a newspaper man has continued
In the harness pulling his toad day after
day along with younger men until past
his eightieth year.
"Though he accumulated little ol this
world's riches In a material sense, ha
has won riches In a long life of purity,
ot devotion to high Ideals of right, of
earneat service in the cause of pea e and
honor and honeaty in tha world.
"I do not want to wait until ha is dead
to speak a word of praise for him. In
many years of association with him I
learned to know him intimately, and I
cay without hesitation that I have not
thus known any other man so nearly free
from guile.
"If he ever committed an evil deed I
did not sea It; if h had an evil thought
It never found voice In my presence. Ha
fought vigorously for justice, for liberty,
for mercy, In his own way, with tha pen,
writing as few men can write, but for
himself ha sought not fame or riches or
pewer, a giant for others, a weakling for
"Ha saw vice In tha abstract, but for
him it bore no temptations. Ha was ob
livious to tha lures that destroy men by
the million. Ha told ma not long agr
that In all hla Ufa lie never aaw a woman
whosa actions Indicated Impurity. To him
all women were pure. To his temperate
life, its absolute freedom from all forms
of dissipation must be ascribed hii abil
ity to traverse his four score years and
reach that goal with mental and bodily
vigor almost unimpaired.
"His life Is an example to youn; men
who think they muse sow wild oats, who
must eat of forbidden fruit and later Buf
fer the fruits of their folly.
"It is better to have lived the lowly
life of A. S. Bailey, doing good, thinking
noble thoughta all tha day long, setting
an example of purity to others, and In
tha eventide of life to count every man
your friend than to have been a kln and
caused countless thousanda to mourn.'
Adopt New Plan
To Govern Traffic
At the next meeting of the Board of
Fire and Police Commlalsonera, Commis
sioner Klgan will suggest the adoption
of tho avstera used by tha Omaha police
department to eecure obaervanca of tha
rules governing automobile traffic Coun
cil lSluffs has no other rules than the
state laws, and very often unneoesaary
hardships are lr flic ted upon strangers
who coma to tha city and unintentionally
violate aoma of the restrictions placed
upon drivers of cars This especially re
lates to leaving cara on the streets in lo
cations not designated by the ultce de
partment. In Omaha the atranger who
Innocently vioTatca this rule fin '4 a card
attached to the wheel of hla car contain
Inj a friendly warning and designating
tha offense committed, with directions
how to avoid a repetition. In the Bluffs
the man's car la taken to tha pi lice sta
tion and discovered there when tha owner
cornea to report Its supposed theft Ha
la then compelled to pay a stiff fine for
an offense he had no Intention of commit
ting "We don't want Omaha peopla and
(on left) and Duval West,
given the new special envoy
& DUVU' VViST. .
strangers to get the Impression that we
ara 'laying for them,' and thus create a j
Justified prejudice against tha town," said
CommisLsoner Elgan lust evening. "I am
going to try and secure tha adoption or
tho warning card system. A seilcus case
has just been called to my attention by
Carl Woodward of the Woodward Candy
company. Euch things seriously hurt the
town.". ' ,
Commencement at
School for Deaf
The annual conmmencement of the
Iowa- School for the Deaf will be held
next Monday, when a clasa of alx grad
uates will receive diplomas. Dr. II. W.
Rothert, superintendent, haa Issued spe
cial Invitation to Council Biuffa people
to be present
The commencement will be unusually
Interesting thla year, on account ot the
fine exhibit of the work of the pupils
that will be open for Inspection. J. H.
McConlogue, chairman of the State Board
of Control, will deliver the commence
ment address. Ha will tell something of
tha work the state Is doing in providing
educational facilities for all classes of
boys and girls.
Tha now easy acceaa to tha school, by
means of the street car service and the
concrete parvement that leads to the
gates of the Institution, will cause an
unusually large attendance this year.
The graduatea are: Annetla Howard of
Leon, who Is tha valedictorian of tha
class; Ella Waschtowsky of Dea Moines,
Ethel Dunham ot Marathon, Ira Rlcketta
ot Eprtugvllle, Sidney Smith of Council
Bluffs and Charles Klnscr, jr., of
Promise City.
The commencement exercises will be
held in the evening, beginning at 8
o'clock. Tba following Is tha proKram:
Invocation Rev. Frederick W. fcvans.
Opening ltemarka Superintendent
Henry W. Rothert .
Salutatory-Oiarlea Samuel Klnser, jr.,
read by II. K. btewart.
Language Excerclsea With the Manual
AlDhabet-Primary sraua pupils, Miss
Uarnrrl H. Watklna. teacher.
Clasa Becltation toran History pixin
grade. Miss . Winltrei ouck waller.
Class Recitation (manuau ejivti govern
mentPupils of tha tenth grade, R.- K.
Stewart, teacher.
Hunday - school Lison torau rirsi
grade B. Miss Annlo B. McCortle,
Tha lASt Rose or Summer Two pupils.
under direction of Miss Veager and Misa
Flaa Drill Twelve small pupils, under
direction of Miss Kgan and Miss Buck
waiter. Pantomime "A French Duel." hovs or
the tenth grade, manual, arranged by J.
Bchuyler lxnr. Interpreted by Miss Mar
garet H. Watkina.
valedictory Anneua virsinia itowara.
interpreted by K. L. Mlehaelaon.
Class Poem Mill Climbing, tne grao-
uates, read by tha superintendent.
Address and Presentation of Ulplomas
Hon. J. H. McConlogue, chairman of tha
Board of Control.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tha following real estate transfers filed
Friday were reported to The Bee by
tha Pottawattamie County Abstract com
pany :
Fred Rapp to W. If. Bell, lot 10.
block P, Curtlaa Ramsey's Add., '
w. d IZ.Ka)
Emll Kuehl to Town of Treynor,
lot Si, except nau feet. Hock 1, ).
P. Treynor, w. d
O. H. HartJ.i. et all. to August Bala
welLS, lot a. Olderog a Add. to
Treynor, w. d
William J. Martin, . t 11I, to liannnh
Armstrong, lot ". block I. Will
lams' Add to Hancock, w. d
Four deeds, total
.. K.3UQ
A. B. Gaa Stovea and Ranges flee tha
new self-lighter on these stovea P. C.
Da Vol Hardware Co., E04 Broadway.
Move meats of Ore a a Mrararra.
Frt. ' Arlrsd. (all4.
KtW TORK Pwusis Owais.
UUKPulL, N on b. nil
OKNOA Calabria
KtW YORK bucno Ait
KtW tullK N AmtwiUa...Cauwroiua.
Council Bluffs
Owens Pleads Guilty to Forgery
and Gets Ten Years in the
Alfred Crosby Owens, who assert that
he Is a lieutenant romminr in the
Vnlted States navy, a graduate of An
napolis, owner of an English title, a close
personal friend of the lord bishop of
the Fplsropat church at Aberdeen Got
land, was given a sentence of ten years
In th- Fort Madlmn penitentiary yi ster
dny upon his plea of guilty to the iharge
ol forgery
Crosby Is a puxxle to all who h-.wv rome
in contact with him. Timl h" I" mn
of more thnn or.tlnnry nbilHv tlne-
nent is evident and that lu- H a rl.illful ,
swindler has been proven. Some of those
who have studied dim c!v. - ly believe he
Is the victim of obsession. Ills caieer in
Council Bluffs was short.
At 1 o'clock last Sunday morning
Owens called up Secretary Iladley ot the
Toting Men's Christian association n the
telephone and announced that ho was
Rev. Mr. Buxton, rector of St, Paul's
church, and that he wished to acquaint
Secretary Hadley with the fact thnt Mr.
Zimmerman, a greatly beloved nephew,
bad Just arrived In town for a brier visit
at the rectory and that the yount man
wished to Immediately connect himself
with tha association, also stating that he
desired to take out a membership for tha
purpose of securing a room In the build
ing which he would occupy while visiting
his uncle.
Oa Ilaad with Cheek.
The voice at tha other and of the wire
asked Mr. Hadley to ahow tha worthy
oung man every courtesy possible The
voice Bounded Ilka that of Rev. Mr But
ton and. although at that moment Sec
retary Hadley realised that tha rector
ahould be In hla pulpit conducting the
regular morning services, no suspicion
was aroused.
In due tlma tha young man appeared
at the association building and Informed
Secretary Hadley that he waa the
nephew. Ha showed great familiarity
with the work of the Toung Men's Chris
tian association and appeared to hava a
very pleasing personality. Ha told Sec
retary Hadley that ho had a IS check
with which to pay the membership and
a week's room rent and asked to ba given
the change. He was assured that 11 was
unnecessary: that the check need not ba
cashed on Sunday and he could keep it
until Monday. This appeared aaUafao
tory. Mewa to the Clerarrroan.
About tha tlma church services were
over Secretary Hadley called up Rev.
iMr. Buxton to congratulate him on the
visit of his nephew. It was all news to
I the clergyman, who has) no such nephew,
Police officers were called In and tha
young man was taken to the station. On
the way he ampted to swallow the
check, but It was choked out of hi
mouth, and became the evidence upon
which tha charge of forgery was baaed.
Paraphernalia for elaborate schemes of
getting money were found In Owens
possession. Including letters written on
stationery of the lord biahop of Scotland,
several on stationery of Washington and
Philadelphia clubs; which ha admitted had
been printed for him In Chicago. When
his guilt became Incontrovertlbly evident
he admitted his purpose to defraud, but
stilt stuck to all' ot tha remainder of his
stories. He begged as a special favor to
be sent to the penitentiary as tha last
hope ot getting. a chance to break, the
drink habit, which he said, was tha cause
of his misfortune Ha thanked tha
court for Imposing tha long aentenoa, tha
only one possible upon hla plea of guilty.
Water Base Ball
Played at Manawa
This afternoon tha fit-it game of water
baaa ball ever played on tha American
continent will ba pulled off at Lake
Manawa, beginning at i o'clock. It will
be a contest between Council Bluffs and
Omaha teams, and Mayor Dahlman will
pitch the first ball, It waa expected that
Mayor Snyder would also take part In
tha opening ceremonlea, but owing to the
illness of Mrs. Snyder, an official rep
resentatlva of the city will taka bis
It will, ba played on tha surface of
Manawa in front of tho boat club and
Fish and Gams club houses. Tha players
will all be. first-class swimmers, dressed
in bathing suits. . Tha bases, pltohers"
box and home plate will ba buoyant rafts
sufficient to sustain tha weight ot two
or mora men. Tha ball will ba nvtda of
cork. All ot the fielding and all of tho
(aaa running will be done by awhomlag
Tha bases wUl be anchored so they can
not move. Life belts will prevent any
of tha excited players being drowned.- it
will ba the most novel and exciting cams
of baae baU aver aeon in this vi:lnlty
t nd tha conviction Is that It will become
speedily a national summer sport.
An association, of which Ed M. Cola
Is secretary. Is putting on tho attraction.
A circuit. Including Dea Moines, Stoug
City, IJncoln and St. Joaeph, has been
I artially arranged and games for cham
pionship honors will bo played.
Tha personnel of the two teams, whoa
positions will not ba assigned until to
day, follows:
Omaha Aquatic Club Peta Wendell,
"enter field: Harry Williams, pitcher;
Claude 8hrum. catcher:
first; Swede Anderson, second; Wea Wil
liams, third; AJax Anderson, left field;
William Westlund, right field; Chick
Dobyus. short atop.
Council Bluffs Charles Benton, Splka
Puryear. Gain. Ouren, Bob Boratow,
Henry Henderson, John Allavie, i'aul
Honham. 11. I). Riley. William Mc
Murray. Convict Gives Life
to Save Fellow
JACKSON. Mien., June U.-Harry
Burns, a convict In the Michigan atata
prison here, lost his Ufa yesterday after
having saved a fellow prisoner from
Two Inmates of the prison ware painting
a huge vinegar vat when tha man Inside
was overcome by the f umee. Tlie aecond i lecture and messasea Morning subject,
prisoner called for help. Burn, responded 'Tr TCXX uXZll
and climbed Into the vat. He succeeded service Tuesday at 8. Ladles' Aid nies
In pushlr.g the unconscious man through ' aage service Wednesday at t ilt. Class
tha peMng. but himself fell back Into 1 1rture Thursday at 1M1 and 8.
tha Unk. lie was dead when dragged out ; hurchUjhs. ""t:
by other convicts. 1 tendent and Founder-Services morning
Burns, whose home was ia Detroit, was and evening at 11 and 7 45 Morning sub-aervlna-
a sentence of from four to four. Je'-t, "Mental Disturbance." K. veiling
teen yeara for forgery.
Tha Bee Want Ads Are Beat Business
Rev. Oliver noiphln. Rt. Paul. Minn.,
comes to preach on tha anniversary of the
church he helped to build fifteen years
ego. He was assistant to Father Judge
wher tha cornerstone of Sacred Heart
church waa laid by Bishop Scannell on
September t. lfKtt, on which occasion Arch
bishop Olennon preached the sermon.
Since then Father Dolphin haa been as
sisting Archbishop Ireland In the cathe
dral of St. Paul, until appointed to hla
present pastorate at Anoka. Minn.
Today tha Sacred Heart parish will
have a triple celebration. It la tha feaat
day of the Sacred Heart of Jeeua; It la
also the titular feast of the parish and In
addition It la the anniversary of tha dedi
cation of the church.
There will be a solemn high mesa at
10:, at which Father Dolphin will preach
the sermsn.
He will also be celebrant of tha mass,
at which the deacon and aubdeaeon will
be Rev. Thomas Wallace, S. J., of Crelgh-
ton university, and Rev. Cornelius Col
lins of Sacred Heart. Tha pastor, Father
Judge, will act aa master of ceremonlea.
"Larry" McLean and
Dick Kinsella Fight
In Swell Hotel Lobby
FT. LOUIS, June K.-A battle In a
fashionable hotel lobby here early this
morning ended Lawrence (Larry) Mo
Lean'a playing career with tha New York
National The prlnclpala In tha fight
were McLean. Manager McQraw of tha
New Tork team,; Dick Kinsella, soout for
the Qlants, ana a dosen other men o'
unknown Identity.
MoOraw announced tonight "I am dona
with McLean. He will never play with
New York again." According- to Mo
Oraw and Kinsella, MoLean cams Into
the hotel lobby with a gang of ruffians
and accused Kinsella of Inducing Mc
Qraw to suspend htm for ten days, after
which ha attacked Kinsella.
Kinsella continued: "I picked up a
chair and broke it over McLean's head.
That scared his gang of ruffians and
they fled. McLean continued to fight
until McQraw and I chased him to the
street where ha Jumped Into an automo
bile filled with women and begged for
McLean before entering tne naaa nan
diamond was a heavyweight pugilist. Ha
Is more than six feet tall.
A badly battered lobby, much broken
glass and furniture this morning gave
testimony of the ferocity of tne right
Hanscom Parkers
Planning for Fourth
"Safe and sane"wtl ba tha watchword
of tha Hanscom park dlsinci wnen
Fourth of July rolls around.
At a meeting of the club last night.
presided over by M. J. Oreevy, tha Fourth
of July committee reported that already
auftlclent funds had been collected to
Insure the employment or a brass nana
and leave enough to pay for free lemon
ade and crackerjack for tha kiddles of
the neighborhood. Tha club will pro
vide a gigantlo fireworks display In tha
evening at Thirty-fourth and Wright
A vote of thanks was tendered City
Commissioner Hummel for his prompt
action In placing steps In tha aouthweat
corner of the park, at the raquest of
the club.
Tha club will now get after tha city
In an attempt to have the district sewar
connected with tha South Omaha system.
Insuring mora efficient service.
Mlseella areas.
r.l.. Itnllnsaa A aarx-la tlon. W. U.
Kastner. I'resldent-At 3:30 at United
Evangelical, l-0 Franklin. Oosrel Mission. 1M4 Davenport,
A. M. Parry, Superintendent Services
every niKht except Saturday, mmuay
school at l; C. L. Porter, superintendent.
United Brethren, Nineteenth and Loth
rop, W. . Jones, Tastor Services at 11
and . Sunday achool at ln. Christian
E:ndeavor at 7. Prayer meeting Wednea-
day at 8.
HoDe Mission. Thirteenth and Dodge,
Overholt Bisters Hervloes every night ex
cept Monday. Sunday: Preaching at
10.30. Sunday school at !:!K. Class isatt-
'.ng at :o0.
Tha Associated Bllile Students will
meet in l.yiic building. Nineteenth and
Farnam at 3. I R. lionian will lec
ture. Tonic. "Ulorloua Celestial va
Glorious Terrestial." The public la In
vited. Seats free and no collections.
Reorganised Church of Jeaua Christ of
Latter Day Saints. Twenty-fourth and
Ohio Sunday achool at i. Children's
dav exerctHR at 11. ReliKto service at
I 15 Preaching at S by Paul N. Craig.
At !0 North Twentieth. South Omaha,
Sunday achool at 11 and preaching at S.
People's. 615 North Eighteenth, Charles
W. Savldge, Pastor Sunday morning,
"Mr. Bryan Assigns as His Reason tor
Resigning from President Wilson Cabinet
Th'a Principle, That L-va. Not For".
Must Rule. IS He Right?" Rvenlng,
lelebratton of Children s day. Sunday
school at noon. Gospel meeting Thursday
Second Progressive Spiritualist, 2709
Leavenworth. Rev. V. A. Thomas, ' D. 8.
1 H., Pastor Bervtces
at 11. 2;J and i.
subject, "Prince of Pea'e." Sunday
school st 10; Miss bertha Vernon, super
intendent. Young People's oclety of
Christian F.ndeavor at :48, led by Mrs.
Minnie Reeves.
Rev. Frederick T. Rouse to Preach
Baccalaureate Sermon to High
School Graduates.
The baccalaureate sefnvn for th
fraduatlns clssa ot lt Omaha High
school will be preached at the First Con
gregational church Sunday morning by
,Hev. Frederick T. Rouse, The class will
meet at the high school and mach In
body to the church one block east ani
will occupy aeata together In the central
portion of the church.
Children's dav exercises will be held In
the majority of the Omaha churches
Sunday. Pome ot tha churches hold these
exercises In the morning, others In tho
evening. Among those who will hold '
children's exercises are Westminster
Presbyterian, Calvary Baptist. Ucrman ,
jarmmiifii i irniouu. vuiii. pn.-r..,
Orace Baptist. Flrat Methodist. Kountso I Frsnk Myer. supcrntendent. Preaching
. i ,,,IIM, iinml" "i subject, "A t'lllsen and his Hplrlt-
MemortaU Orace Lutheran , Uraoa . lm, illty. chlldren'a dsys exerrlsia at
Evangelical and Crnlral uniteu i resoy
The baccalaureate exercises of the Com
mercial High school will ba held at tha
Kountse Memorial church Sunday morn
ing. Rev. Oliver D. Ballsly will preaoh
tha sermon.
Mrs. O. M. Nattlnger will address tha
Forum of St. MarVe Avenue Congrega
tional church at IS o'clock. Sunday, on
the Immigrant question as presented by
Dr. Stetner In his book. "From Allen to
A special song service will ba held at
the Immanuel Lutheran church Sunday
evening, atartlng at S o'clock. Mrs. Edith
Soderberg. Axel Helgran. Bernard John
ston snd Clanda Coyla will deliver soloa
Miss Oustafaon la organist and Bernard
Johnston choirmaster.
' Baptist.
Orace, South Tenth and Arbor, Rv. K.
B. Taft, Pastor M-n's prayer meeting
at Sunday school at 10. Morning-
worship at 11, topic, ' Association " Ith
Christ." Junloa- meeting at S:4R. Fap
tlsh Young People's union at T. Chll
dren'a dav exercises at 8. Mission Sun
day school at S, JU10 rloutn Fourth.
vir.t Harnev Street and Park Avenue,
Rev. H. O. Rowlands. Minister Morn
ing worship at 10:. subject of sermon.
The Divine Multiplication." Evening
worship at 8, subject cf sermon. ",c,l
Ism and Its Relations to Organised Chris
tianity." Blbla school at H. Oeorge V at
erman. superintendent Young People a
service at 7.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Pinkney,
Rev. Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Morning
worship at 10 80. A program will ba
Mnriral hv tha children of the Bible
achool, In the ohsarvairt-a of Children's
day. Young People's mavt'ng at 7. Even
ing worahlp at 8. subject aelected. The
ordinance of baptism will ba adminis
tered with the evening service. Prayer
and pralao service on Wednesday even
ing at 8.
Calvary, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth,
Rev. J. A. Maxwell, Peator Morning,
"Tha Bible a Mesaaga From Ood." Even
ing, Chlldren'a day service, beslnulng
at 7 ai nilUa arhnnl n t noon. O. W.
Noble, superintendent. Young Taopla s
meeting st 8 80, led by Messrs. Von
Langs. Metcalfe and Dresden. Muslo by
young men. Prayer and conference meet
ing of the church. Wednesday evening,
subject, "A Sinner Justified."
North Side. Twenty-second and Loth
rop. George L. Peters, Pastor Blbla
school, 9:80 a. m.; morning servlos at
10:45, theme, 'The Power of Faith;"
evemlng aervle at 8. theme. "An Impor
tant Question ;" Endeavor, Intermedia te,
ft p. m.i senior, 8:48 p. m.
First, Corner Twenty-sixth and Har
ney, Ilev. Charles ri. Coboey, pastor
Morning worship at it, "The 1 nuron ana
Benevolence. Kvening worship et s.
Life Lessons From God s Great Out Of
Doors." strreopticon by Will Parkr.
Young People society or t hrtslian en
deavor at 6.46. Bible school at :&.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ Scientist. St
Mary's Avenuo and Twenty-fourth
atreet Servlcea at Jl and 8. Hub lent. "Ood
the rearver of Alan. Sunday achool
(two aesslons) t:4K and 11. Wednesday
evening meeting at s.
Second Church of Christ. Scientist.
Dundee Hall, Underwoud Avenue and
Fftleth Street -Services at U, subject.
"Ood the Preserver of Man. Sunday
achool at 8:16. Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8.
First, Comer of Nineteenth and Daven
port, Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor Morn
ing worship at in SO. Baccalaureate ad
drvss for the Omaha High achool. Sun
day achool st 18. No evening service.
Plymouth, Eighteenth and Qmmett F.
W. Leavitt. Minister Morning service at
io:n. Children a day program by the
Bible school. Evening service at 8. Sub
ject, "The law of Conciliation. Ia Bryan
RlghtT" Young people's meeting at 7.
St. Mary'a Avenue. Twenl y-aeventh
Street and St Mary's Avenue, Rev. G. A.
Hulbert. pastor Morning service at 10:80.
Dr. J. T. Jones, nastor of tha First Con
gregational church of Council Biuffa. wll
preacn. BUDieot "f ollowing me uieam.
Kelly chorus choir. Sunday school at It
Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio. W. S.
Hampton. Pastor Morning service at
10:3). Sermon to eighth grade atudents
ot the public schools. Evening service
at 8. Selected subjoct Sjnday achool
at noon, L. Stegner, superintendent
Senior Endeavor at 7. Intermediate En
deavor at 1 Junior Endeavor at I.
All Salnta, Comer Twenty-alxlh Street
and Dewey Avenue, T. J. Mackav, Rector
Holy communion at 7:3). Sunday achool
at 10. Service and sermon at -U. Sermon
toplo, "Tha Olft of Healing."
Ft. Matthlaa, Corner ot Worthlngton and
South Tenth. Albert E. Welle. Pastor
Holy communion at. 8, . Supdsy school at
10. Morning prayer and sermon at XL
All are welcome. Seats are free.
Church of the flood Shepherd, Twen
tieth and Ohio. Rev. Thomas J, Collar,
Rector Holy communion at 7:30. Sunday
achool at t:. Morning prayer with eer
mon at 1L Evening prayer with sermon
at 8. aummer.
German. Comer, Eighteenth and Cum
ing, F. Oatertag, Pastor Children's day
program at 10 :. MlHslon sermon at i.
Young People'a eoclety at 7:16. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8.
Orace United, Comer Camden Avenue
snd North Twenty-eeventh Street.
Thomas M. Evans, Pastor Sunday school
at in Chlldren'a dav exerclsea at 11. Dr.
Metsger of Western Union college will
speak at 8. Keystone league of Chris
tian Endeavor at 7. All are welcome.
First United, 3420 Franklin. Rev. J. M.
Runcle. Pastor Teachers' meeting nt t:80
Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 by
D M. Metsger. La Mare. Ia Mission
band at 8 Iloltneas association at 8:80.
K L. L. E. eoclety Tueeday at 7. Even
ing K. I C. E. at Christian Endeavor
uidon at Third Presbyterian church,
Twentieth and La-avenworth streets.
Wednesday. Midweek Prayer service
Thnrsday. Toung People a Missionary
contest at 8.
' Latheraa,
Grace English. 13J P-juth Twenty-sixth.
C N. Bwihart Minister Children's day
urogram at 10. Sermon at 11; "Cleansed
or Coated." At . "Tha Christian's Com
mencement" Luther leagi-e at 7; leader,
Miss Emma Ttoelcke.
St Mark's English, Twentieth and Pur
dette, L. Groh, Pastor At 11. "The Great
Supper; All lr.vltert." At . eormon by
thn pastor's' son. H. N. Oroh, returned
mlstflonarv. Sunday achool rt :4S. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor
at fit
St Paul's. Twenty-fifth ' and Enans,
Rev. B. T. Otto. Pastor Services st 10.
Sacred aong eervlce st 8. The selections
will be rendered In Knullsh snd German
by tho choir, and the Sunday school and
day achool. and will be art-anaed accord
ing to tho tonltia of the cborcTt year from
Advent to Pentecost Sunday achool at
Zlon, Thlrty-alxth Street and Lafayette
Avenue, A. T. Larimer. Pastor Sunday
school at 4i. Servlcea at 11 and 8. Prof.
f.lni'a Itoander, Wahoo. S'eh.. w tit l,nv
cbarpe jftlie services both morning ant
evening The Hunday school trailers v. Ill
niivt Monday evening. Jure 14. Mil
week eervlco Wednesday evening at
Choir practi.a Thursday evening at .
Koun'M Memorial, Twentr-slxih Ave
nue and Farnam Street. llv. Oliver I.
Baltsly.. I-h. 1., D. 1)., Pastor: Her. C.
Franklin Koch, Associate 1'ae' or Mom
lug worship a. 11; baccalaureate Hernial
tn graduating class. ;ommercll- Hlun
school. Evening worship at ; "Convln'-ed,
but Unwlllin " Sunday scho"! at 9 f:
Oa"ar V. Omxlman, t uperiiitendnt. Lu
ther league at 1. , - .
First, Young Women's Christian. Asso
ciation. Drtwln Hart Jenks, Lv P.. Pastor
Morning service at to 30, followed bv
Sunday school, Frank :J0. Clark, superin
tendent . ,. i
Jennings Memorial. Fifty-first and
Hickory 8nrday school at in. An ad
diesa by M. I Stone at 11. Evening, an
address to "young men" bv 3oin Dale
at . Hpeclal mt sic and a cordial Invita
tion Is extended to the above services.
"'"nth Oinnha First. Twen'V-thlrd and
.1. K. 1.. Wheeler. D. IX, Pastor Hlhle
i Ihm'1 n in.: momlmr service. l a.
yung people's meeting, 7 p. m.;
nlng t-rrvh'e at ; prayer meeting
d:i-t!ny evening at 1
tlerman. Fleventh and Cenler. Rev. O.
T .Mlrr. 1'asHor Sunday chool at 10:
HO. 8i-oal mnlo snd annd nrosram.
All Oerman-spcaklng people are cordially
Hanscom Park, Woolworth Avenue and
Twontr-nlnth Street, Rev. C W. McCas
1.111 r 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . ...
will, 1 mlui Mill IllliR lfrHT Ml 1" . n.
Children a day prosrrm Chrlstclng of
he babies. Evening service et :45. Ser
mon bv the pastor. Knworth lesme at
8:40 Midweek prayer service Wednesday
evening at s.
Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and
Irlinore, F.arl K Bowen. Minister Ser
mon bv Rev. D. C. John at 10:'. Sunday
school at 12. Children's meeting at J.
Kpwnrth league at 7. Evening service at
: Mls nnihaker. Prayer meeting at 8
Wednesday; M!ss Viola Olerlch, leader.
Children's day service Juno 90.
First. Hh and Davenport. Titus Lowe.
Minister 45 a. m , Sunday schi-ol, T. F.
HlurKves, superintendent; 11 a. m., morn
ing worship, chlldren'a day exercises; 7
p. m., Epworth league, fine meeting for
all young people: h p. m.. evening wor
ship, aormon by tha minister, "The Great
American God." A cordial invitation to
Trinity. Twenty-first and Blnney,
Thomas Plthell, Minister Children's day
Service, 10:30; Fpworth league, 7; evening
eervlce, S, At 7 George Bhutta will sneak
on "The Forward Movement ln Meth
odism" At s the pastor will speak In
"Some Things Ws Ou"ht to Know." The
annual official board dinner, Monday 8:30.
In the parlor of the church.
Dlt Memorial, tenth and Fierce. C
N. Dawson, Pastor Sunday school. 9:li
a m.. Dv. J. L. Frans, superintendent;
preaching, 11 a. m., sermon to rhlldien;
l.pworth league, 7 p. m., Mrs. Dawson,
leader; preaching, 8 p. m., "Peace;"
prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. tn.;
children's day will be observed tn the
morning service.
Grove, ' Twenty-second ' and Seward,
Rev. Griffin O. Logan. Minister Morn
ing at 11. sermon by Rev J. M. Lrldy:
evening at 7:80, sermon by Rev. Dr. I.
8. Leavitt; Ep worth league, 8:30 p. m..
evening at 7:30; Ep worth league, 8:30 p.
tn.. baptising sermon by Rv, Dr. I. 8.
Leavitt; Sunday achool, 11:80 p. m.. mid
week prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8:30
p. m.
Benson, Rev. A. J. McClung. Pastor
Sunday achool. 10 a. m.; morning wor
ship at 11. Rev. J. R. Lines will preach;
Junior Christian Endeavor, S p. m.; the
Children's day service of the Sunday
achool will be held at 46 p. in.; tha
evening preaching servlc will be a
union open air meeting held on the lawn
of the Baptist church at S o'clock, prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at .
Ultra. Twentieth ana Leavenwortn
a. m., Sunday achool, with men's Bible
class; 10:46 a. m., Chlldren'a da: exer
cises; 3 p. m , Junior and Intermediate
Christian Endeavor societies; f:46 p. m.,
Christian Frfideavor prayer meeting; 8 p.
m., evening worahlp and sermon by Rev.
Ralph It Houseman.
Falrview, Pratt Street and Fortieth
Avenue Bible school, I p. m : afternoon
worahlp at 8, "Our Home. 6n Tuesday
evening a prayer meeting will be held nt
the church. On Friday evening at 8 tho
Endeavor Bible leason, ethg'ns; and good
time at the home of Mr Sallender, SM.I
North Thirty-seventh stret, to which all
are welcome.
The tihurch of the Covenant. Pratt
and Twenty-seventh, Charles h. Flem
ing. Pastor Morning worship at,
"Our Bulwark;" Bible school, 12 m. ; En
deavor, 8:46 p. m.; evening worship at
7:30, this service la In tha haada of tho
Bible school,' who will give a Chlldren'a
day program: on Wedneaday evening at
the home of Mr. Guthrie. 6102 North
Twenty-second strcat. the mid-week
aervlce. led by Fred Tallmage.
North. Corner Twenty-fourth and Wirt
M. V. Hlubee. D. !.. Pastor Children's
day exercises at 10:30. Christian Endeavor
at 7 o'clock. Sermon by tha pastor at 8.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8.
Castellar Street Sixteenth and Caatel-
lar. Rev. C. C; Meek. Pastor Service at
11 and 8. Sunday achool at 8:45. Junior
Christian Endeavor at 8:30. Intermedi
ate Christian Endeavor .at 7. feenlor
Christian Endeavor at 7.
Ixwe Avenue, 1023 North Fortieth,, A.
F. Ernst Minister Special Chlldren'a
day exerclsea at 10:30. Junior Endeavor
eoclety at . Senior Endeavor aoclety at
7:16. Praise service at 8, "Isaac Watts,
the Father of English Hymnody." Par
ents having infants to be baptised may
present them for this sacrament at the
10:30 exerclsea.
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