2-C THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: JUNK 13, 1915. RF.AL ESTATE MISOXIAXEOrS. I REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. About Location " When buying Real EslAte for a home, a Fpeculation or an investment, tinqiiestionftblr the thing of greatest importance is the IjOCATIOX. The lot that is SURROUNDRD by Ideal Conditions such ;s restricted build ins: sites, Boulevards and City Parka, is well located, and will be certain to increase in valtio with the build ing of modem homes around it. Can You Look Ahead? The wonderful development of thi "Prettiest Mile" dis trict, "Laurel ton" and "Belle Isle" additions in the last two years, should be ample evidence to vou that BUYERS in the MILLER PARK DISTRICT, have realized a substantial profit on their investment. In Minne Lusa You will have the greatest OPPORTUNITY ever offered in Omaha, It is a tract of nearly 800 beautiful lota that will be sold at such Iotv prices and mi such easy terms that the sale will be THE GREATEST ever made in Omaha, and every one vho buys here will make, money. Because This addition has IDEAL surroundings, is served by TWO Kplcndid car lines and for those who own cars, the finest drive in Nebraska, the Florence Boulevard. Prices lower than any choice, restricted residence lots ever offered ii Omaha. ..... Come Out Today and see the iriiiirovemonks being made. Salesmen will be on the gronnd all day. Charles W. Martin & Co. Tyler 187.' 742 Omaha Nat '1 Bank Bldg. Field Club Special f 6,'ro K.aat front, Juat north of Woolwo Ah Avenue; on th ft; 67xl feet . An excellent woll-bullt, modern, up-to-date T-room house; built by owner who is very exacting; nuirtcriuw rl oak finish; oak floors; beautiful Uv Inn room; four choice bed oom; tile bath, t 7,009 JliK 8 H;t.J Ht.; special prlc BKI BAROAIV. F.aat front. 100x140 feet, with heat'tlful shade and grounds; lar g 10-roons house; modern and u p-tort ti-; hard wood floora throughout upatalra and down; splendid hot water . heating plant; food plumbing; I area bam. A big bargain. West Farnam '1.1,fJO Hut woulrf consider reasonable nport; beautiful new homo; U fa Ing mom, aun room, recaption h . . box room, etc in flrat floor; f 'with closets; til hath and sleep ' splendid room, with complete b clneeta. ate. retire basement dl splendid hot water healing Plant leaving only rrsson for selling. IU000-)n 3Xth Ave.. Juat block, north of Anndy Rood, nart ' brick and part . , heat, two hatha; house In aptendt Vacant and ready to move In. T Ask to aaa It totiay or any day. Beautiful For Exchange One of the handsomest hemea In Omaha, cnoica resiaenoe wcuon, 47x142 ft. tlon hall, harideoma large living room haa aide entrance on to la toilet end lavatory on flrat floor. lahed In tlie very finest of quar poor naa six beautiful tied rooma, finely finished. House haa hot T'erfert condition inalde and out: . place, or would take Id a good Dundee Vacant Sbecials NMxlSS ft., the handartmeat choice Happy paid In full. r'or Immediate outs roxlS ft., three full lota, facing- north ; the middle of the blok. Prlca W, . each ur tirnu. Investment . . . ..j .... ,1or aul rt.on l-Hh M.. runnlnv lare tiouee, renUus for per D. V. Sholes HS-1 City National Bank Bide. From the Viewpoint . of Location Improvements Transportation Facilities, Surroundings, Prices and Terms There la nothing In Omaha today In the ahape of vacant property for either a home or an InveaUnant that oaii come up to Wearne Park Prices Range Prom $475.00 to $930.00. Improvements In Permanently established grades, permanent walks, cement ; gutters, boulevard streets, water and gas. Every lot is high and sightly. Street car line takes you right to tract. ' Telephone Walnut 682 Today and we will send an auto to take you out to see this beauti ful new residence addition and help you eleot a lot E. P. lies. Phone Walnut Ctt. , GOOD HOMES No. in Sr. nth Ave , c too. One resilience on 6. J7ih fft, HO"- '"' One residence on . gtkh Ave., t4.W; or T,ju fur both. I modern cottage lota each fexlM, Noa r--t-WS Crrfe-ago. - KUe resideiires oa rth ang Webster. Tnls U good. I'rlce. Itt'W McCoy &0'Doherty Til Ktate Bank Doug, lot I OWN your own home by paying rent. nmr Jih ana Msson; t-room hattce n.o WtH except pat. . IX Wead. ITar-. iimi-i t. BAlwiAIN s-reoin reeUleiice with be 'l. 't a L tk t., rented. LrMiittiig II i-r rem. trie t.'.K. la ibuice part tl .li). AdJrca V i'.i. Bee. offer. East front on 4ttt PL, near Dav at front; stucco construction: large llr all. kitchen, large butler's penny,, lea our very nice large roomy bed rooma. Ins porch on second floor: boa les two ath on third floor, and storage rooma. tided Into five rooms, uil jjltu'terou. No .better bunt house In Omaha. Owaer Farnara. -weal, front I wa can offer frame houee; with rooma, hot water d conditions newly deooraled throughout Ma ML'ST and IS OOlNii TO BE KOLU. Home and on one of the prettiest atreeta and nu wrga veetieuie, large recep room, bealdoa a large library; dining ran open poron, wnn port-co-chere: besides kitchen. Downstairs la all fln- teraawed oak, with oak floora. Second with two tine hatha; well arranged;' water heat; largo garage for two care. N. hi Neb. farm. Prloe $26,600. Hollow corner, with all special paving k -.1. xs TtA -vv on Burt Ht, between 48th and Ma for all. Muat (ro-want 60h fita. an offer, bark to 17th Ave.: double front: with month. Cheapeat Inalda tarcaln Jrfered. Company Telephone Douc'aa . Terms: $5.00 to $10.00 Cash and $o.00 to $10.00 Ter Month, and Paid For Wright Offioe Phone Douglaa tilt week days. SEVEN'-ROOM MODERN HOU8E FOR ONLY $..8(0.00 A good, wall built house In good order. -rse corner lot framing south oa caved street with a nice view of Carter laka. aear Kountae park, convenient to car line. ; , 8 ix-room house Light oak finish new and itp-to-datb Three rooms down and three on, sleeptn porch, attic, full basement Only Mi Kouotse para district W. H. OATK,8, 4T Omaha Nat Barjl Bldg. Iotiglaa OH. afARCT. Fine modern home; large m,f'T,.n"r. H'1 ?lc aad lawn: bear FU.I4 Club. tWsy terma Hareey fcMS o il.6 ULTe l-rooni houae. newly U-rZ 'r?,i treea, one and cne-hall blocka from tar line. 8. UH REAL ESTATF MISCF.LLAVEOUR Two Beautiful New Homes On Easy Payment Plan. See Them Today Sure. On la a -room btinralow, brand new and modern throughout, with oak In principal rooma. Thia house cnly H block from car line and In beautiful loca tion. Terms, $300 Cash and Monthly Payments to Suit. The other la a large 7-room houee. H block from car tine. In beautiful new ad dition; houee la all mouern, with oak In Uvlrur room, dlnlna room and aun room; there la a large brick fireplace In the liv ing room and there la every dcnlraWe built-in convenience. Thia beautiful homa ran be bought on the following terma: $500 Cah and Monthly Payments to Suit. Telephone Walnut 6S2 today and we'll be pleaaed to send auto for you to coma and make Indirection. E. P. Wright Reildenc phone. Walnut 62. Office phone, Douglaa House Bargains I BOOM 8, Just north of Bemla Park, modern excopt heat, on high ground, near Kamey street car line, and apJen did school, for S!.4fl0. on easy payment a. Thia la a good, clean home; you will Ilk It. S410 Beward fit 7 ROOMS with sleeping porch, new. oak finish, very attraotlva and up-to- date. Thia la Field Club district, built laat year for a home, but owner now advanced and muat leave. A great bar- gain at W.toO. No. IOCS 8. Kth. Can ar range easy terma. A very tmllar houee at corner of Wth and Cass Sta. for H.850. on easy terma. Thia la near th Harney street rar Una and Caaa St; la to be paved thia eeaaoa. WIH lease to good party for 1 or t yeara If not aold at once. A new house In Montclalr Addition, aaat of UemU Park, for 4,)0. Haa S large rooma and la very complete. It la 8in7 Nicholas. Harrison & Morton ia Omaha National itank. U. til Inside Lots $1 down $1 a week Vf offer four lota near 4Rth and Ctarlea and Howard atreeta, 1375 each; i sown, i per weea. inev have aewer, padlng. water and gag, all In and paid for. They an, on grade. Aleo two lota west of above on Charles street, K9 feet east of the city limits. We offer these two for W76 each; tl down, 11 per week. The lota are known aa lots , 7, 23 and to block 4, and lota U and 1. block t, r 1 """""era at iiinwoaugn a aaaition to Walnut Hill. A. P. Tukey. & Son r-none Lioug. tni. 1WT-1 W . O. w. Bldg Four Room Cottage $1,200, Easy Terms tNtndy mo honse with city water, gas and nice bath complete; good lot In splen did location near Bemla Park and only one-half block to Harney car line; paved atieet You can't beat It for the money. AuMbTliUrvU-VVAljfill UO. Tyler ItM. (Hate Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR RKNT. The east half of a very desirable stucco and frame double house In an exception ally good neighborhood. Thia la a i most new, right up-to-date and haa living room, dining room, aun room, kitchen, 1 bedrooma and sleeping porch, IM. Hevea rooma and hall, suictly modern; hardwood finish In first story; 3 tied, rooma upstairs; hall, parlor, dining room, conservatory, kitchen, one bed room or den and bath on first floor. Thia house fionte on a paved street. blocks tro car line, and has a largo lot with ahruba and ahade, IJu. Nine-room modem house, with larga grounds, ahada treea and ah rube. 166. fleven-room modern brick house, 4 bed rooma, near ilanacora park, Nine-room house and barn, t block from car Una, IM. J. II. LUMONT CO.. 41-lt Bute Bank Bldg. Ph toug. C0 This Is the House You Have Been Wanting A new six-room, story and a half house on comer lot In West Farnam district; every modern convenience and beauti ful design; hardwood oak finish; built-in rak colonnade and bookcasea; Vrench glass door to den; clothes chute, full ce mented basement witi floor drain. The house la built 'or convenience and wear without sacrificing beauty la de sign. It Is worth S3.3O0. Will aell fur U.uOOi, fSOO down. t per montn, Shuler & Cary 1 City -National. To Close Estate 14.000 Fine plooe of B. 4b M. Uackago, MxlM feet; nothlog better for the price; Just think a moment less than tea per front foot. Caa you beat HT Hnre u an apportuntty to aeeura cnoice property in a coming retail dletrict, located on Cutnlng Ht, near tth tit; Mxli feet alley In rear; paved street Thia la a bar gain. I a-Vacant lot en tsth Ave., between istea aaa uuravtta ia; alaa lie feet; large enough for two email cottages; better pick thia up Cutck. C. A. Grimmel to Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. Mli CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Paxton Blk. Doug ain FOUH-ROOM house, almost, one er. 11th and M. Bargalo. Also -room house IV, arrea, on KWt Crook Blvd. City water, electric light, close la. A. W. onea. Mouth Oman a Money to Loan , Have beautiful building lot which I wfll furoleh tha money and bulk! a modera houee to euit Smill flrat payment; baJ aaee oa easy aaoatniv terma K. P. WRIUHT. Telephones; Douglaa a-'s. W el But aq.-. BARtlAlN t-ruom modera eeit ket east front, paved street, ae tncuataraaca. Reaaoaable. Call Walnut tiSa o fH SALB e-rtoii mod. houae. oa car Hoe. Call Tyler tOi. m RF.AI, K8TATE NORTH RIDB J Htlch. Hin hou.ca vn Louiesrd. Ju.i finl.hed e-'U d-iwn. p.laiue per mouth. Initulre at line M. MIU rt. for kes. All oa finish nnd nioarrn. U. A. rJcklra or J. Paul E:klea o REAL ESTATF XOKTH SIDK My Fine Home For Sale Am leaving city for California an-1 offer for aale my 7-rcxm hunnc: modern In every reepert. Houee on ground la 2Rni fret, with larae front i:nd back porch, all screened, alao etorm eah for porch and houee. Vcetibule elth clowt and. mirror door. Living room acrone tne front of houee, 7,2 feet, with fireplace) to celling. Kram crlllnKn In living room and (lining room. U nit In b.iok. encl huffi t. I lining room he pnneled weln cotlng nf qunrler-iiawed o;ik and Is Ux feet Hunroom l Uxll feet and la In otiartersawed white oal(, and has two French door of bevel plate glass leaJ- Ing Into living room. Kitchen I of large i ie. tn all uito-lalc convenlencea; pantry and renr entry A mcl-vli -ath I on first and second floors. Three large ' l efl rooms, with closets on won I floor, i finished In oak, with mahogany and while I tnamel fnih. Ierpje rtore room. Full i remented basement, with heavy hrlck foundation. l.ot Is 4xS!! fee. I'lng larger than four orillnery city lots. A. R. Thatcher 8f.f.7 Florence Boulevard Fhone V. 4173. Two Fine Lots $450 Each Located on th Ave.. Just south of F.lll aon. Have tewer, water, ga and perma nent aldewalk In and paid for. Can ar range reasonable terma. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 73D Omaha Nat. Kk. Hldg Loug. 4W. Price $2,750 $250 Cash $27.50 Per Month will buy a brand new all mod. 5-r. bunga low; rooms all large, living room, dining room and aun room finished In oal-, witn oak floora throughout house; dining room has window Beat, plate rail and paneled wall: colonnade openings between living room and dining room; large kitchen, with pantry and ice box room: bath room enamel and tile, wlih hlirh-grade fixtures; full foundation, bsaement cemented, floor drain, furnace hrat hot water connection; fine eouth front lot on grade. V block to car. located at 44iO Bedford Ave. House will be open today from 1:30 to B p. m. Come out and Bee this wonderful bargain. Rasp Bros. 11 McCague Blug. Doug. IBM. Going To Move Thn buy b'l rlICTl Y MODERN RESI DENCE! FOR OWNER; Oaa. Electric Light Furnace, Bath. Hot and Cold WATER. Porcelain bath and lavatory. Laundry basement. ft reened Bleeping oreh. Awnlnga. PRCSSED BKlCUC FOUNDATION. Beautiful Iron fence. Rhade. Lawn. Photograph of property 14'on application to OWNER, W. C. TiOUX, 2il3 North 2(th Avenue. (28th Avenue and Lake Street.) o Nifty Bungalow Bargain Vestibule, living room, dining room and aun room, finished In oak; bedroom and kitchen finished In yellow pine, with birch doors; bath room la whlta enamel; oak floora throughout; two front rooma have beamed relllnga; dining room has plate rail, panel wails, window seat and bookcases; sun room haa windowa, with a 8. 10. exposure; house la 1 stories, but Id floor Isn't finished; could fln'sh 1 rooma; high-grade fixtures, guaranteed furnace, floor drain; lot 40x127; paved street; location and neighborhood la fine; near 19th and Laird Kia.; about luOO cash and rest monthly, or lot aa first payment Rasp Bros. K McCague Blug. Douglaa J6AS. Six Room House Overlooks Carter Lake Do you like boating, swimming and flatting? Then you want to buy a homo not too far from Carter lake, ao you can enjoy your favorite sports many hours each week without neglecting your busi ness. Wa have a dandy all modern, prac tically new two-story house on high ground, not far from the lake and only one block from the Bherman Avenue car line that we can aell. Tha house Is prac ttcally new; well finished In oak down stairs and selected hard pine upstairs Has flrat claaa heating plant, plumbing: and lightning equipment and la alto gether desirable. The lot la a good one, oti a paved street In a nice neighbor hood. The property la a bargain and la sure to please you. Key at our office. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1531 Btate Bank Bldg. Bungalow A aplendld new bungalow, ( rooms and bath, with beautiful oak finish and flocra. Built-in book cases and buffet set tn bevel plate glass. Large attic and base ment CJaa.le iin.fol ll.liilna , - ui uwu-tniwn lumace. iarge lot. located ut f owier Ave. Price JW. taay terma. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4770 N. 24th St. Lot $1,500 i0xl3S Just north of Saratoga, raving all pe'd. Fine (hade. ARMSlltONG-WALSII CO. Phone Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. 5005 North 24th St. Flva rooms, modern except heat, located on tOxltf ft lot on paved street, paving all paid. There are beautiful ahade trees In front and lota of shrubbery and ahade In rear with fine out-buildinga apd chicken yard, entirely fenced. Thia prop erty caa be seen by going direct or call ing ua tip and we will take you out Price and terms reaaonable. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Omaha Nat. H. ludu $100 Down $18 Per Month New, never occupied, five-rom cot tage. Splendid growing relghborhod. iioap like thia are taken quick. Holler phone today, Icuglas a7. Saunders Co. iriMS W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas !. POST BCRIP-Prloe Jl,60. As it stands Its all modern except beat and bath. I'-atb room ready for plumbing and fix tures, and bath and heating plant will bt Installed for a littl-a more money. ' Only $495 (Worth Double) S-room house, ami barn, ocated north, near Hlierinan Ave. car line; haa city water and gas. The house ia In good re pair; suitable for two email families, and la a great bargain. For parllculara phone Douglas 4"-l Kountze Park Residence BVroom horae. and garage lOOxlQ. The owner haa authorised ua to aacrifloa thia f 'ne home, which repreaenta a value of tittM. for j0. a good, reliable party nav tako thia property on a payment of ll.eilg cash and balance monthly. Oarage i-usa vv. cee uiia quicikiy, Shuler & Cary l). 43. C-4 Stale liank Bldg REAL ESTATE XORTII SIPK Unequalled Bargain: New 8-Room Resi- j dence, $5,400 i On Pratt Street. H;t went of ?4th. We ' hnve one of the blrg"t bargain to be found In t'.io north en l of town. We would ! i'efv aovl-oilv to ljv i lot In this dl- 1 trlct and tuiild this hoi.se within Il.O of the price we have olitnined on the me. No description can rlo Justice to th'a beaut fill home. The rooms ere lrge, I the oak la of the bet ot talnahle. There Is a fine fireplace. l.i;llt-ln bookcases, , beamed cellinns. In fact, every conven-I'-r.ce anil ariuit..- feiMri- to ' f"JHil i ! homea at twice the pile. The lot haa line shade and there I a f.rst. rla' garsge In the reer. The Improvementa are i only about Sl months oid. Owner has Kwl reason for selll'i. Don't delay looking at this property If you are In i the market for anything In tnl district, i A KM STli(JX( - WAIvSlI tXJ. Tyler 15M. tle Pank Pldg. 5-Room Bungalow Brand new all modern atucco bungalow. Walking distance. Frontaere m feet; lawn sodded. Full cellar nnd screens. Mftin living room finished in oak. Bedrooma In white enamel. Mullt-ln oak bookcasea. Built-in Bowell kitchen cabinet. Beautiful lighting fixtures. If aold this week, t2 "9 t-V) rash, balance mnnthlv. fre It todny. 221". Clark fet. Built 3 only 1 left. H. A. Wolf Ware Block. Douglas HOW. VERY FINE HOME WITH LARGE GROUNDS MUST BE SOLD House haa hall, living room, library, I timing room, ail finished lit hardwood, j hardwood floors upstairs and down, five, i rooma and modern bathroom on 2d floor, I HOT WATKIt HEAT, beet of plumbing. I soft water upstairs and down, full bae i ment, laundry with atationary tubs, house is nicely decoralen and in best or oraer one of the beet built nouses in the city, ground fronts aoutn on paved street, welt located, near Florence Blvd. Will exchange for smaller nlnce. W. H. GATES, 17 Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. P. 12M. LOOK at 3u2 Charlea St and 4114 Orant ft. Nonresident owmer suy aell them on easv terma. F. D. Wead, lsol Far ram St. FOR SA LB Modern R-r. house, and ten lots, all In fruit. Call Benson 4"! or 22. UNIMPROVED The alehtllest boulevard corner In Clalr- tmont Addition. 100x126. Conner Miami 6t. and Fontenelle J'lvd., t2.2M. x. a. ciiAilY & co., Paxton Blk. Tyler SKX' 8 ROOMS FOR $1,950 4243 Burdette St., all modern except furnace, full lot, shade and fruit paved street, close to car line. See me quick stout th'a If you want a snap. TKBBFN3. 1G OM. NAT. UK. D. S82. 2415 EVANS lx rooms ano" sun room. Fine place; quarteraawed oak finish. Bookcase, col on' a Jcs, etc. Large lot with fine shade. Will sell for J600 cash and 140 per month. .IKFF W. BEDFORD, &. SON SOS State Bank Bldg. Douglaa X90. NEAR 24TH AND CUMING -room house: good lot; brick pavement, all paid: house la tn first class condi tion; rooms are large; price hta been (l.OOO, but now reduced, to (3,000; $600 cash, balance tW per month. C.G.CARLBERG, SU BrandeU Theater Bldg. WANT AN OFFER. KOUNTZQ PLACE. If you know a bargain when you Bee It. come with us and look at a Tina 6 rocm house, all modem and also. new. Owner been asking 13.800. He wants to sell and you can buy it for a good deal leas than It'a worth. Another one built 4 or 5 yeara ago. with out regard to expense. It cost tll.OOO. We wlU -Bubmlt a smaller plaoe 'n ex Chsnge on this property. : PAYNE INVESTMKNT COMPANY, Phone Douglaa 1781. SPECIAL. THIS WEEK Look at 2035 No. lth. almost new. I rooma and bath, all modern, large attic, nice large lot with shade trees and fence, paving all paid; only (2.S60. P. J. TEBBENS COMPANY OM- NAT. BK.' PHONB D. tia $50 CASH Balance 120 a month. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room and pan try on first floor,, stairway to . large floored attic with ample apace for two ! bed rooma and bath, oiectrio lights with elegant fixtures, city water, (ink In ! kitchen, full cement basement nice lot Price 1,8jO. Open for Inspection today from 1 to 1 eul6 No. 44th &L Just south of Konteneilo park. C. G. CARLBERG, S1J Brandela Theater Bldg $5.00 CASH Balance fS per month puts yoti In pos session of a home site situated at 35th and Grand Ave. High and sightly. Haa water and a.dewalk. Last frunt Price 1300. w. farnam; smith & co., - 1330 Farnam 8t BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful S-room. strictly modern home, in splendid condition; good loca tion; elessntly fin shed inside; aa good as now; large lot ; cistern. Price 14.700. Call ?Ma Wirt. Phone Web. Hew after a. m. TWO FINE BUILDING LOTS Routhwest corner of 17th and Burt fts. Wl'l sell for ensh or on reasonable terms. Corner lot 11.100. lot next to oor- ner I1.0C0. WALIACE BENJAMIN, Room 1 First National Bnnk Bldg, Phone 201 Council Bluffs. o S.asi CAlJH. (or acreage or vacant lot). balance monthly, buya 7-room modern home near school, csr. Miller Park and Fort Omaha. Tel. Web. 41 U. Walker, 4610 N. !4th Ft. o EIGHT-ROOM moder houso, rrsctkally new on paved street and car llrj; owner leaving city. W. 433. 1615 N. Sad. o V. 1UL ruaV e a great sacrtUoe on my beautiful, new oak finish bungalow; Must be seen to he appreciated. Call owner. Webster JStfl o FOR 8ALK. Special t rice, 113 Hurt. Nice home. Douglas 13 o PRAIK1 PARK Ueautlful home, six rooms and bath: oak finish first story; fine trees and hedge: moat artistic resi dence district In Omaha: atreet paved and parked; community brick garage and club houae on car line, near achoola. stores and church; no saloons. t3U rash and t-1 luouthly. B. J. ScannelL 1. KMi or W. 3S1I. REAIi F.ST A TK SOTJTH 8 TDK Just Completed 8th and Dorcas One S-roora' modera hoesa. Two b-room houses. Clothes chutes aad other ooaarenleoeeav Very easy tarma. American Security Co. 17th and Down las ftta. Douglaa lLL LOT I)R S-VLE One of the moat beautiful lots tn the city. eOxl0. one-half block from Heiisooin park south on Cd Ave , U.0U0; good terma . V. M. NASH & CO- " REAlFStTATE. - fOC Bee Bldg. Red -. Sunday U. UXi ! REAL ESTATEMISCELLANEOUS Exceptional Bargain As.::' :' ' Jir v; :-'riN f 1 1 ! i s : t U - . V. : ' . , , .. , . ....... - ( , This seven-room, all modern home. Paved street. 54 feet frontage. All taxes paid. House in very best of condition, $3,35 ). Terms. Located 2214 Willis Ave. You had better hurry if you get this. . . Norris & Norris 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. H hi Alt L8TATK SOUTH SIDE Handsome Residence Beautiful Grounds Heart of Field Club District, $10,000 Eight rooma; all mud era up-to-date house; wisely planned and carefully built One of the very best double east front corners in this choice residence sect.on. Grounds are Increasing in beauty each year. Good garage, with cement drive. Attractive summer houae on lawn. Lots alone are worth half the price. Improve menta couldn't bo duplicated for less than I8.WW. If you are Interested In something really fine, call us up. f-hown by ap pointment only. ARMSTRONG-WAUSH 00. Tyler 1538. Btate Bank Bldg. 2524 S. 45th Ave. $5,200, Easy Terms Wo have Just been requested bv the owner, to get an offer on hla new house Just completed. 7 rooma, fin s'ued In oak and birch, oak floors throughout. iimu iromnii., v, it-v nun. can i irool one block from car and boulevard. A ieautiiui location, exceptional construc tion and should pleae the most critical. Glover & Spain . S9G2. . 1 City National. 80 Choice Lots At Blgt and Center Sta., in Ecker tnaa Place. Special sale, $5 cash and 1 per week, about June 20. There are 15 good home owners In the addition now and we will restrict it to decent houses. The new street car extension passes It; large shade trees on many of the lots; 3 blocks to city school. We hope to have the plats, with prices, ready to mall to early applicants some time this week. Harrison & Morton 915 Omaha National Bank. D. 814. Field Club Your Own Terms Dandy (-room modern homo on corner lot south and eaat exposure, block from car. Owner will make very attractive terms and the price right Why pay rent when you can buy vn same basis. Glover 8c Spain D. S962. l City National. Hanscom Park District Six-Room House Wa have a verv nrettv new home, only 'two blocks from Hanscom Park, that can be sold 'n eay terms. This lVHje la oaa flnlnhad with beam celling, built in bookcasea. etc.; fireplace, toilet and laundry In basement: lot dsxLS. Price fi.0. Located at S33 "Walnut St. A small cottage would be accepted In trade. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. -tJTO. For Rent $3t.0ti 10-room modern flat near Union depot. Good for roomers. S-.0. b-room cottsge, finished In oak. Eouth front $!.60. New cottage. All modern. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 17th and Douglaa Kta Douglaa C01S. 123 South 37th St. Must be Sold Wants Offer Two-story, t-room, modern hou.e. built by former owned for bta home, having largo reception hall, living room with fire place: attractive dining room; all finished in quarter-sawed oak; aleo convenient kitchen, front and rear vestibules on first fl.or. Four large, attractive corner bed rooms with correcting doors ourelde siceptng porch and two complete hath rooms on second floor, one finished in tile. Third floor has maid's room and storage room. Cemented basement, fur nace het, laundry connections, etc. I( fclxia; ft., asphalt paved street, alley In ear, shade trees and ahrubberv. Only one-half block from Farnam car Una and ntar some of Omaha's best residences. rice f,ua Terms . easy. Key at our offioe. Immediate poaaesaloa. George & Company Phone D. TM. SOI City Nat. Bank Bldg. Field Club District This beautiful new home haa large porch acroaa the entire front Vestibule and mat clooet. with plate glass mirror door. I irge living mom. loiJS, oak finish, beam ceiling, fireplace, bookcases. Dining loom beautifully finished In oak, buffet china cabinet window rest small tlcaet 'or tab e leaves, etc Kitchen omplete lr. every detail, with latest built-in eWga cabinet; cloth ea chute to basement Large rear entry. Raar porch. Beautiful oak Stairway to second floor. Four large bod looma, with utrror tlooro. Complete bath rotirn, with, clothes Ttute to oaeement. aiairaray to attto. Full basement with laundry tuba, toilet frclt cellar, floor train, shower bath. Prioe e,ju, Located 4111 Walnut Street Norris & Norris 40 Bea Bldg. Phono Dougrlag 4I7e. I REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS lilt 7-m p t- HEAL KSTATE SOUTH SIDE 910 So. 35th Ave. 7-Rm. House Near Field Club Price Cut to $3,300 Here is an excellent 7-room. all modern hcuse, on 36th Ave., ona block south of Leavenworth and a short distance to Field club. The houee la not new, but Is In first-dims condition, about 1700 having been spent on It during tha laat year, making It practically aa good as now. The rooms are large and airy, and there la a sleeping porch on the second floor. Eaat front lot overlooking boulevard: sflendld shade trees. In order to move thia property at once owner has cut price tc where it la easily (400 under value. Reasonable terma of sale caa ho ar ranged. The Byron Reed Co 2U 6. 17th St Douglas 7. Lots At 6th and Dorcas Shimer's Addition Will have aewer, water, aaa and cement sidewalks. Houses will lie start ing up soon. Prices $400.00 to $7X.00 . ' Easy Terms. Salesman on ground Sunday p. m. American Security Ca litli and Douglaa jta. Uougias SQ13. PRICE REDUCED See This First $3,900 buys brand new, strictly modern home, oak finished; six large rooma bo aides bath, den and Bleeping porch. Btalrway to storeroom tat attlo. Full ce mented basement; furnaco heat Finn light fixtures and window shades; dec orated throughout; sodded yard. Located close In, on largo corner lot at 10u2 So. 2&th 8t Room for another house on rear part of lot. Paved street Terms, 0) cash, S35 monthly. Good lot taken aa part pay. Phone Charles Horn, Owner, Walnut 821 2V LOTS COVERED WITH FRUIT 7-room house, -electrlo lights, new fur nace, fine well, 7 blocks from car. near ibth and Center: a bargain at RuOO. but owner eays will sell for H600. . Ooo.l terms. See It Sunday. Call Harney 3923. LIN A HAN REALTY CO., no Bee Building. Doug. 1904. FOR SALE or rent, 7 and S-room house; easv terma 1430 8. 7. Walnut 1725. BKST home banraln.; S rooma. modern; terms. 515 So. 32d Ave. H. 7616. o 24T1I AND FARNAM sold for $100,000; wo are offering ftth and Dewey avenue for 12.0u0; lot 45x68; oc cupied by triple flats, renting for 190 per month. Are you as far sighted aa tha purchasers of 14th and FaraaraT It so, you will buy this. C.G.CARLBERG,- - SlJBrandels Theater Bldg NEW HOUSE IN FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Hall, living room, aun room, light oak finish, sleeping porch, four sleeping rooma. lot tf xHl. on paved atreet Nice homo for some ona at a low figure for quick sale. W. H. GATES, 447 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Douglas 1291 REAL ESTATB-WE8T SIDH Beautiful Mercer Park Where every lot fronts on a boulevard I all apectala In and paid. Including pair ing; served by three car lines; line nat ural timber; a aafe building restriction; no apartmenta or flata allowed; our price and terma are reaaonable; let ma show you tha property, also tha beautiful homes now being erected her. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., ITX Farnam Bt. Doug. 10M. Cathedral District If you are looking for a new a-room completely modem house be sura to sea the one at 4420 Wakeley Ave. (between Davenport and Chicago). Thia houae haa Just been completed. Ia on a large eouth front lot MxlA. haa looms, large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Ihrce bedrooms and bath second floor, basement cemented. You will have to see this house to appreciate It tovO rash and the balano Hue rent. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas ai. V. Hue Blig. Dundee Home Bungalow atyle, 7 extra largo living rooma and bath; living room croaace whole houae; dining r torn and large aun loom flnlahed la oak; large kitchen, handy pantry and Icebox room, with oak floora. Handsome open stair to second floor, which :a finished In hard pine, with cak floora. Very beat of plumbing and guaranteed furnace; combination light-' lug futures; shades and conipleto set of screena. Outside la very artistic, having atucoo dorrnera and plenty of brat-keta ine 60 ft. lot, nicely aodded. Located right la tho haart of Dundee and la a big bargaiu at fcMMl But quick return and email profits Is our motto; therefnra RJ will buy thle lovely homek Term can be arranged. Call ua and IM ua ahow you this houaa. It will please you. Rasp Bros. 1M MoOag-u uuc, Dougia