Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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rilK OMAHA SUNDAY BKii: JUXK 13, 1915.
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As it seems to be the fashion to make June, or mid-season, announcements, here is Reo's. We will
continue to maintain Reo Standards in every regard and in every detail of the product and we
will redouble our efforts to make more good Reos in hopes some day to catch up with the demand.
IT WAS THIS POLICY of adhering to the high standards set by Reo in
the beginning that placed Reo in the splendid position it occupies today
so that policy will not now, or at any time, be departed from.
REO IS ONE OF THE TWO OR THREE makes of automobiles that enjoy
practical immunity from competition one that can shape its course without
regard to anything any other maker may choose, or be forced, to do. .
EXPEDIENCY NEVER HAS been a controlling factor in the Reo policy
because the product has always been so good that, never since the first Reo
left the factory has it been possible to make enough cars to supply all who
wanted Reos. .;
REO POLICY FROM THE FIRST was based on the one idea of permanent
satisfaction to the user. And only by building cars of quality regardless of all
other considerations could that Reo objective have been attained.
TODAY, PRICES of many materials that go into motor cars are higher than
ever before. Leather, steel and all products into which copper enters are
higher than when the present prices of the two Reo Models were established.
LOOK UP THE QUOTATIONS and you will learn that that is so.
NOW IT HAS BEEN OUR PLAN to increase the price of Reo cars whenever
we felt that, by so doing we could make them better. Reo preference never
was based on price but on the quality of the Reo product.
DISCRIMINATING BUYERS have always been glad to pay Reo prices for
Reo standards of excellence and the backing of the Reo guarantee financially
second strongest in the world and in integrity good intent second to none.
SO AT THIS JUNCTURE the logical thing to do would be to increase the
price of both Reo models to make up for the additional cost of manufacture
for materials average higher and cost of labor as we make Reo cars is
not less than when the present prices were established. .
THAT WOULD BE THE LOGICAL MOVE at this time did we believe that
the high prices of good materials would obtain for long. But we don't. We
believe it is the result of an extraordinary condition and so is only transitory.
OF COURSE THERE WOULD BE another way; namely, to cut the size of
the car wheel base, width and length and depth of seats and to skimp the
quality in countless ways that it could be skimped. Ways, too, that the average
buyer could not see and would not discover for a few months.
BUT THAT IS UNTHINKABLE such an expedient never has and never
could occur to the men who make Reos the men who set the Reo standard.
NOR WOULD REO BUYERS that select clientele that has always shown
such a preference for Reo cars accept such a product at any price.
THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED to wearing real leather shoes and they' will
not consent to wearing paper or cloth shoes now just because the price of
leather has advanced.
NOR WOULD THESE ACCEPT a car so skimped in sire you could get five
full grown adults in only by using a shoe horn I Nor one with a "safety
factor" just sufficient to "get by."
THEY HAVE BOUGHT REOS BECAUSE they knew the Reo standard of
"50 per cent oversize in all vital parts" could always be depended upon even
though the maker had to pay more for steel and other metals.
REO POLICY HAS PAID it has justified itself in every way that gratifies
the hearts of men who like to make honest goods. And it has paid hand
somely those who were so wise as to select Reos, for they have found that in
all the world there is no other automobile of so low upkeep cost such
' wonderful consistency of performance and so few repairs.
TODAY THERE ARE 60,000 Reo the Fifths in use. Think of that number
of delighted owners singing the praises of Reo everyday. For you never yet
met a Reo owner who wasn't a Reo booster. Never one that wasn't more
than satisfied never one that was quite willing to admit that any other make
of car could be as good as his Reo.
OF COURSE .IF YOU ACCEPT mere "specifications" as value there are
several claimants.
BUT IF YOU MEASURE values as they are and compare every detail of
design and of construction the work, as well as the material: if you appraise
experience as an asset and the Reo guarantee a bigger one:
AND IF YOU ADD the good intent that you know goes into Reo cars then
Reo The Fifth has no rival, no competitor no peer. And today there are
few who even try to dispute the ground. That field has, by common consent,
been yielded to Reo and Reo quality was the reason.
AND THE NEW REO SIX, "the Six of Sixty Superiorities" is today the
most popular Six in America if demand is any criterion.
SO WE'LL CONTINUE to maintain Reo standards in every detail. Well con
tinue to make Reos just as big and just as good and at the present prices
even though prices of some commodities that are vital to the permanent
stability of the car have advanced.
THAT IS OUR "ANNOUNCEMENT" and that is our attitude toward the
tens of thosusands of friends who have bought Reos on the basis of Reo
quality and Reo standards of making cars and of doing business.
WE HAVE TO APOLOGIZE for only one thing in the Reo policyour inability
to make enough to supply you all. And that is because our policy has been
never to run after the fleeting fan torn of quantities never to seek the kind
of prestige that mere numbers gives but to make only as many Reos as we
could make and make every Reo good.
FOR WE FEEL that every Reo car carries with it the Reo reputation and
so in each car must be incorporated all there is of Reo engineering skill,
Reo experience and Reo integrity.
SO IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH which means if you hurry and get your
order in at once to get a Reo this season, you'll get that kind of an auto
mobile and at a price that cannot be equalled for the quality because there
is only one concern that makes cars of Reo quality and at Reo prices.
Lansing, Michigan, U. S. A.
nrVTV fw 2027-29 Farnam St.
UKJ 1 I mC. phone Doug. 8554
11 A
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