Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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SUrt Oat it Eight O'clock to Look
Orer the Merged . City to As
certain Heedi.
The city commissioners were im
bued with the spirit of Greater
Omaha when they all agreed to go
' out with Commissioner Jardine to
look orer various sections of the
city where improvements are needed.
Thursday afternoon Mr. Jardine said In
Women Keeping Up
Farms of France
the department of Menrthe and Moaella,
Of tJo communes comprising this !epart-
the commune that were not affected and
TO per cent of the acreage of the com
manes that were devastated and have
since been liberated. There was not only
a lack of male help In this work, but It
was seriously compromised by lack ot
horsea. To facilitate the work the gov
ernment advanced the sums necessary
for the seed snd sgrlculturat ImpterrenU
on anticipated Indemnities
The creaking, lumbering .two-wieeled
curls loaded with carrots, turnips, cab
bases, onions and other vegetables, driven
by tnen In capes resembling the Alpine
chasseur's beret, that were to be encoun
tered In tha streets of Pads before tha
war, are now driven by women. It Is
due almost entirely to them that Parts
Is not deprived of the famous cauliflower
from tlismbourcy, the celebrated whlta
turnips of Crolssy-Bur-Hein. the carrots
ot Mnntesson and the delicious green peas
of I'lamart, aa well as the luxurious ss
raregus of Arieneutl.
Jones received t wad reported at 11, W
for his contract. Jones knew a sprained
tendon had ended Ma base ball useful
ness. Oakes did, too. Oak a Kited Jones
how much he expected to save thin
season A figure waa named and t hi
de! followed.
B.ent, tit were taken by the Germans
and 171 of them are still occupied or are
so close to the fighting line that the In
habitants have been unable to return.
In tha balanca of the department women
replacing men have succeeded In seeding
the full acreage of oats and wheat In
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
PARIS. June T. The suecess with which
women have contended with difficulties
of farming Is Indicated by a report from
Apartments, flats,
and eottegee
cheaply by a '
Jnaee Makes 1m Swim.
In connection with tha release of Pavy
Jones, Rebel outfielder. It develops that
sen be raatedqulckly
Bee ' Tor Runt"
' W.nn
I r
! wi
tffect to each commissioner: "Be ready
at o'clock In the morning and so with
me to look over a lot of work and
scene of prospective work. I want your
advice and I want to explain aome mat
ters which you will be able to better
understand when tha documents are
brought up In the council meeting."
Every commlsslonr was on tha Job at
s o'clock and at :U they were oft tn
automobiles. Commissioner Dresel caught
the spirit of '15 and he, too, conferred
with his colleagues regarding several
natters which were gone over "on the
Nona of tha matters In hand was of
any serious Importance, but it was the
team work which counted. In tha
neighborhood ot Flfty-fltst and Center
.streets tha oommleslaners agreed that
!tha cltlaens In that section should be
considered more than they have been.
It was agreed that tha placing of a cul
vert at a certain point ' and some road
Improvement at a small expense would af
ford easy access to the street car line
and would obviate a circuitous malk of
several blocks.
Commissioner Hummel of tha park de
.pertment Is taken with the Jardine plan
of administration family outings and he
Ideclarea that the starting time should be
1 a. m.. Instead of o'clock. More trips
'will be made by the commissioners.
tSkmmlmil i n..i i,.
- Do Yota gaffer wttk Colds?
Take Dr. King's New Discovery, the best
ough, eold, throat and lung medicine
made. Tha first dose helps. 800. All
druggists. Advertisement. "
Big Doings Are on
Card for Outing of
Commercial Club
Plx hours or eport, competition, musle,
d it 7 o'clock beefsteak dinner are
romlsed the Commercial club member
will go to the Field club Thursday
afternoon, June 17, for tha big afternoou
and evening outing of the club.
A yellow handbill Is out on this subject.
. It aska that the members let the club
know by Monday night If they will attend
the big doings.
"Take .a day off. Tou deserve It.
Obey the impulse of early summer,"., says
tho handbill. "Chain your worries to
your desk and coma out and gambol on
the greens, .you don't need to be a
Field club member to take part in this,
Every Commercial . club member, la . Idi
vlted. Don't work Thursday afternoon In
the face of the doctor's warnings, Old
Dec Eastman of the entertainment com
mittee prescribes more out door exercise
for you!" " -
Prises up for the golfers to
snap, at Uks carp In a pond. Tennis is
also to be Indulged in by thoae who prefer
it to goif. Then, ot. course, there are no
restrictions If any cars to take up foot
racing, pitching horseshoes or,, compete
In the high Jump. - '- ( - -.
To Sleep Well In limerr.
Sl'ht Inflammation of the bronchial
tubes cauaeS a distressing cough and
makes refreshing sleep Impossible. Foley's
Honey and Tar compound covers raw. In
flamed, irritated surfaces with a sooth
ing, healing coating and stops that an
noying tickling, relieving the racking,
tiring cough. Tike this splendid cough
medicine with you on summer trips. , It
is good for coughs, colds, croup,
bronchial affections and la grippe coughs.
Sold everywhere. Advertisement.
JUNE sales here are performing a marvelous service to men and women of Greater Omaha
helping them live better, dress better and at the same time save money- Are you taking
fall advantage of the opportunities? Read Saturday's specials every one of them is an exceptional value or it would
not appear here. Your satisfaction is assured with each purchase.
Framed Pictures
Third Floor.
Thre Big Special Iiota Ollt
or brown frames. In wide as
sortment of popular subjects,
values to $3.00. Oftf
Choice $1.98 and".. OC
ROo Framed ' Pictures, big as
sortment of the most O Q
wanted subjects, at.. JJJC
Hand Bags
TVo of the greatest val
ues ever shown in Omaha.
91.00 Hand tags at ,40c
91.50 Hand Bags at 5c
Up-to-date styles, all leather,
ilk lined, with neat fittings,
values you'll find you? cannot
duplicate elsewhere.
Friendship Link
at 23c a Link
Something new in Jewelry
which is bound to meet with
popular' favor inasmuch as
these Friendship Links are
not only novel, dainty and
possess a sentimental value,
but are expensive, J.3c a link.
"We have them exclusively
for Omaha and this partiou-.
lar bracelet is the only make
that locks automatically.
Each one is guaranteed.
You may start with one link
and form a bracelet by slip
ping other links on a velvet
ribbon which we supply.
Give on to your friend.
Let her 8tart a Friendship
Specials in Silverware
910.00 Chest of Silver 2$ pieces.
choice of 12 patterns, tff rr
Saturday )0tO
8 salves. 6 forks, 6 table and 6
tea spoons, i sugar shell and 1
butter knife.
Odd Pieces of Silverware that
sold up to 13.00, choice Satur
day 08t
German Silver Mesh Bags and
Vanities, values to $5.00, on sale,
choice 1.00
2.V rlterUng Hat IMns JOc
$1.00 Alarm locks AUJ-
Solid Gold Shell Kings, guaran
teed for 6 years. In fancy cluster
stone settlers, plain signet or
cameo styles, sale price Satur-
r 15
Women's Underw'r & Hosiery
at Most Attractive Pricings
No matter how low the price, the high
quality is always maintained in these
specials. (
Crepe de Chine Gowns, made to sell to
$6.50, Saturday .$3.98
Crepe de Chine Corset Covers; U $2.o0
valnes. Satnrday 08fi
Muslin Skirts, Gowns and. Combination
Suits, to $5.00 values; beautifully
s Corset Covers and Drawers; values to
k ' r ... J 75 special . . . .' 25p
A Big Special Manufacturer's Stock Purchase
Ladies9 Silk Parasols
On Sale Saturday at Less Than
An immense assortment of the new summer models and colors, con
forming tilth the summer dress parasols made to sell up to $5.50.
Your choice of the entire lot in
Children's Paraifbls from 10 "P to $2.50
Saturday's sale at one 59
Ribbon Sale
A complete line of plain
and fancy ribbons, suit
able for hat trimmings,
sashes, etc.; on sale Satur
day. Ribbons worth 36c, yd., 10
Hlbbons worth 85c, yd., lOe
Ribbons worth lOo. yd., 2Je
Ribbons worth 76c, yd.. IJ9
Ladies' Neckwear
New Quaker Collar and
Cuff Set; special,
at .25 and 49
Lace Collars, lBc, Sflc and 4 c
Auto Cap at . . . .40c and PAc
Auto Rcarfs at . .89c and 09o
A big Job lot of Fancy Collars,
made to sell to 60o, choice Sat
urday 10
$1.50 values, in black or col
ors and stripes; great snap
at $1.10
$1.00 quality, in black or
white; all sizes, at 75
All best colors at, pair 497
to 50c values, all colors, 29
We carry complete lines of
"Women's Phoenix Silk Hose
in all colors.
Children's Fibre Silk Hose
50c quality, at, pair. . . .35c
Women's Knit Union Suits
to 75o values; all styles
19S 25S 39tf and 50
Italian Silk Vests and
Bloomers ; to $4.00 val ues,
98S $1.50 and $1.98
Women's Lisle Vests, with
Crochet Yokes; all sizes and
styles, at 35 and 19
Bungalow and Fitted Aprons
made to sell to $1.00, on sale
Saturday 49
Children's Muslin Skirts, t
$1 valnes, prettily trimmed,
at 35
Special Sales All Day Saturday in
the Busy Shoe Section
Men's Shoes, values up to $4.50, in all leathers button, laco
or bluchers in shoes or oxfords. Three lots, three prices,
at ...$3.00, $2.50 and $1.98
Women's Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps and 2, 3 and 4-strap san
dals, welt solos, values up to $4.50, in patent or gun metal.
Three lots, three prices $3.00, $2.50 and $1.98
Boys' and Youths' mule skin indestructible Scout shoes, for boe who
are a "terror" to the ordinary shoes Sl.SO
Children's kid Mary Jane Slippers, with twin soles ..75 and 50
Child's White Canvas button shoes, sizes up to 12. $1.20 values. 75?
Mtelaon and tYossett Shoes for Men trover and Queen Quality
Shoe for W'oinen
-?wK, J. .
Columbia Grafonola
firmly cements the home circle.
It's worth twice the price in
the comfort and pleasure it
Hayden's are Omaha distrib
uters. Ask about them.
Many Splendid Savings in
Men's Furnishings
"Wise ones will make a big
saving on summer needs by
selecting here in Saturday's
$2.00 SHIRTS, 69c
New nobby patterns in Soi
settes, Madras, Penan gs,
French Hatinettes, etc; ac
tual values to $100, with 100
doz. in the lot; choice, C9?
$5.00 SILK SHIRTS, $3.45
$3.00 SILK SHIRTS, $1.98
Just 25 dozen of these
high grade Tub Silk Shirta
in the lot. They're beauties
and would sell regularly at
$.',00 np to $5.00. Chooso
them at $3.45 and $1.98
$4.00 Auto Gloves, Saturday $1.15
Just 72 pairs of high grade Auto Gloves. All small
sizes, 7ti to 8; black and tan; will be closed while they last
at, per pair. . . . : $1.15
A splendid opportunity for Lady Drivers.
The Best in Men's Hoee
'Interwoven" Silk Hoso at
35; 3 pairs $1.00
to $3.50 values, in high
grade lisle, Derby Ribbed,
Kte., in such well known
makes as Roxford, Porus
Knit, "Etc. Over 2,000 gar
ments in the big purchase,
at 98 and G9f
$1.00 Union Suits, 49c
Men's Mesh and Ribbed
Suits, Regular and Athletic.
Men's 60o Balbriggan, Mesh or Ribbed Underwear; shirts
and drawers; all sizes; one sale at. .29
Hayden's Former Prices $4.98 to $6.49, Choice P &
Your opportunity to secure a
beautiful trimmed hat at .
At Less Than
A final clearance of about 300
pretty hnts, large, medium and
small effects,1 in variety of styles
. to please) all. Choice of black,
white and colors.
$3.00 Kid and Velvet Tans
$1.00 Children's Leghorns.
Panamas, $5.00 values
Cordurdy Tans, $2.00 Values.' ! . ". . . .-.$1.49
$1.00. Ostrich Pompoms at 49
Panamas, to $2.50 valnes 95t
Suit Cases and
91.75 Matting Suit Cases, extra
large alxe, at. 81.00
Leather Traveling' Bogs, to $7.00
values, all leather lined, 16, 17
and 18-lnch, two lots,
at ......... 84.05 and $2.05
H Wardrobe .Trunks, $20.00 to
$4o.OO values, . floor, samples,
slightly marred, but otherwise
perfect; on sale at $12 95.
814.95. 820.00. 830.00
Saturday Snaps in
Corset Department
$5.00 Standard Make OortuU
slightly soiled, medium bust, extra
long skirt models; to close Satur
day, choice 81.98
SNemo Corsets, extra long hips, me
turn bust, broad graduated front,
t 83.00
Itraasleres, combination of lace and
embroidery; fasten In front; big
special value Saturday, at,...49
(sanitary Napkins, 40c doxen values,
at, dosen 23
ftoyc' 91.50 Wash Sulu, big assort
ment for selection, at 80
97.00 Panama Hats 84.05
94 AM Panama Hats 82.95
Just 20 dosen fine ' Panamas
in the splendid lot. Make selec
tions as early as possible. They rv
9.00 Htraw Hats. . .... .81.75
A specially choice 16t of Men's
high grade Straws. Not one
worth less than $2.60 and $3.00.
Children's 50c Mala , .25
25 dozen Wash Hats, all col
ors Just the thing for summer.
Drug$ ani Toilet Goods for Saturday
1150 bottle Oriental Crm...
SI. SO box- LcTrefls or Asurea Pow
der, for SSo
60c box Imported Rice Powder.. SPo
lOo Powder Rogue l I.tixe SBe
Joe Jar Pond's Vanishing Cream ISO
1.06 bottle of WoodwortU Violet
Toilet Water SSo ,
iOc bottle Brllliantlne for the hair SSo
Iee rihainpoo for tho hair aso
I)jer Kiss Face Powder and Puff 80
11.00 Hal Hepatlra for 9e .
f 1.00' HorllVe Malted Milk Stc
11.10 Horllrks Malteed Mllk...a3 7S
16c bottle Kyeol lSe
10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive So
Four 10c bars Peroxide Soap.... too
Five 10c rolls Crepe Toilet Paper
'Jbo box Horax Chips I.. ISO
60c bottle Phennlas Wafers SSo
iic bottle !r. Hlnkin's Tablets. . lfto
tl 60 Red Rubber Fountain Pyrin
for SSo
12.00 Combination Hvrlngo Sl.aS
$1.00 WellliiKton Comb. Syrlnire
auarsnteed 3 years 8.00
June Sale Women's Ready-to-Wear Outer Apparel
Offering for Selection Delightfully Broad Assortments Reflecting
the Newest and Most Becoming Style Ideas at Surprisingly Little Pricings
115 Beautiful Tailored Suits $20.00, f
$25.00 and $20.50 vnlues : $i V
The fabrics are silk fallies, poplins, nobhy
checks and English novelties, serges, gabardines,
etc., in all the season's newest colorings.
Hundreds of Charming Summer Dress Styles
in the most, popular silks and nets; all colors,
all sizes and in almost endless variety of beau
tiful designs; big special purchase made by our
buyers now in New York ; values from A 1 r
$22.50 up to $.32.50; choice. plv
Other Splendid Summer Dress Values
at $5.00, $G.50 to $12.50
75 Handsome Silk Taffeta and Oloth CoatsMade
to sell at $18.00 and 820.00; choice $10.00
New Dress Skirts of All Descriptions Wash
skirts $1.50 up. l'nlm Beach skirts $2.75 up. Ele
gant silk skirts at $5.00, $6.95, $8.95 up.
Virtually a Thousand Styles in New Waists Lin
geries, georgettes, crepe do chines and novelties;
exceptional values at. .$2.95, $3.05, $5.00 and $7.50
We Have Not Forgot ton the Children. Never
has our children's section been in better posi
tion to supply the every wish for the children's
wardrobe or at more pleasing pricings.
Oilldrvn's Bummer Dreasrs, big special pur
chase, values to 92.50, all sixes 2 to 14 rears,
at 95
lleantiful White Dreaaee, greatest assortment
ever shown, all stses, 81.&0. 91,05.
82.05. 83.05. 85.00 up to ...-87.50
la the) Domeetlc Room Haturday
9 12.50 to S20.00 Waah Drew, fl.OO Beau
tiful 'plain and fancy Voiles. 811k Striped ma
terials, fine Batistes, rice cloths and dotens of
other fine fabrics In white and all colors. A
clean up of last season's finest garments that
sold at $11.50 to 120.00. your choice 81.00
No. C. O. O.'s, Exchanges or Returns. A
Limit of 3 Dresses to a Customer.
Read This Big Special Price Cutting
Grocery Sale for Saturday
Quality goods aad a sarin of t5
to bO oa te east of Utrtag.
II lba. best nure cane granulated
augur 914)0
48-lb. sacka best high grtCHe Diamond
ii flour, nothing finer for bread,
plea or oakes. aafk S1-S0
10 lbs. best white or fellow corotnesl
for 830
11 bars Beat 'Em All or Diamond (
soar v IM
I lba. best mixed chick feed . ...S5e
f cans oil or mustard sardines . .Se
I largs cana condensed milk . ...S5e
8 small cans condensed milk ....Sfte
Tall cana Alaska salmon lOe
The best domestic macaroni, vermi
celli or spaghetti, pkg TVse
IS. C. corn flakea. pkg So
It-os. pkg. condensed mince meat s
Large buttles Worcester sauce, pure
tomato catsup, pickles. assorted
ktntis, or prepared ntustsrd, but., IV,l
Kimy VJueen olives, uuart 'Ma
IJ-os. lara pure fruit preserves . .SSo
Try VV. U. C. or Krumblea for break
fast se
Advo Jell for dessert, tha Jell that
whips, pkg. TWO
4 lbs. fancy Japan rice, lSe quality,
.t S5a
4 lbs.' best hand picked navy beans
at So
Yeast Koam. pkg e
Herehey'a breakfast cocoa, lb. ..SSo
Tne beat tea aiftluga. lb S4a
O old en Kantna coffee, lb 90s
boxes parlor matches ISO
UTTxa. Eoaa awo caasaa
The beat crearfiiery butter, carton,
Per lb , 30c
The best creamery butter, duIk.
per lb. 88o
tenry No. 1 country . creamery but
ter, par lb 88o
I'ancv dairy table butter, lb . . tie
The beet full cream New York White,
Wisconsin cream or Young America
cheese, lb gQ0
Jenny Bros.' famous brick cheese,
per lb aoe
The best atrlctly fresh eggs, pee
doxen , fl.ia
Fa mp yoar Pineapples now,' the
seaaoa will boob close.
Per duxeu 91.10, SOo
Knch loo. SUe
I-'er crate ta.5
Tha best Old potatoes, pack of 15
lbs., . for soe
New potatoes, peck of It lbs . 46o
New potatoes, fer lb 'c
S bunches Trash radishes ....
t bunches fresh onions
. Kresb asosragus, bunch
neaaa rresii lear lettuce ...
rsncy rip tomatoes, lb
F'resh spinsx Ii. pck
rancy wax or green beana. id. ..l&e
S bunches horns groan beets or
carrots So
New cabbage, per lb IS(
Laxge timer lamoaa. Soa lSe sOe. SSo
. , .in
. . be
. loo
Mothers, Attention
Boys' Suits Less than C6st
Boys' Suits worth $5.9.),
Hovs' Suits worth 7.50.
Hoys' Huits worth $H.50..
Hoys' Suits worth $10.OJ.
All our fine hovs' cJothiriar the best the market pro-
duces-iveu at this price.
All this season's new stock in Kuicker Pant Suits. All
sizes f) to IS years. No exchanges. No C. O. D.'s. Kvery
sale must be final.
r try in..
;s new nasn duns
$1.59. 12.50 and fZy6 values 81.00 nl 91.50
Vestees, Middies and Oliver Twist styles. The greatest lot of
values shown in Omaha.
Lawn MowersSome Bargains
for Saturday Special Sale
tt ik "Bwlft Cutter," 11-ln. cut.
blades, fully warranted fta.48
IS. 60 "Uold ('rest,- high wheel,
ball bearing Lawn Mowers, lt-ln.
cut HH
17.11 "Pastime." high wheal, ball
bearing Lawn Mowers, four
blades. A very easy running.
very high grade mower ...94.49
Grass Catchers, up from SSo
Hey the Swaths, light or heavy.. TSO
Scythe blades, any length, wtr.
ranted Ta
IAc Orasa Hooks lio
4 5c Oraas Hooks aao
Oe Oraas Hooks 44o
wiiri uornrTarar
Hmall Refrigerator, worth IT.OS;
apeclal Saturday 9S.S9
10-lb. capacity Refrigerators. In
f olden oak case, regular price.
1110. apeclal 910.T9
10-lb. capacity Whlta Mountain
Refrigerator; oak case, whits
lined, regulsr prloe. 111.60,
sale price Slt.SS
Ill-lb. capacity aa above; regu
lar price. 126, sale pries Sgl.OO
caaaar doom, acaaaa
Any slao green finish Screen
boors 91.11
Any slsa fancy oiled finish
Hcrean Ioota ,.919
Here an Windows, adjustable.
at , Boo, ttso a&d ase
19JS Fre$h Drnted Spring Chickem, lb. 32c
First quality
Ixilna, lb.
Mrst quality
Ruaat. lb
hirst quality
Rosst, lb
First quality
Steak, lb
Firet quality
Ribs, lb
First quality
Heef. lb
k'resh Horns
Sausage, lb. . .
Steer Pot
Steer Round
Fresh at pare ,
Rib Boiling
Made Rulk .
roa aATormiAY
Diamond C ' or Armour's
Star Hams, lb 194e
No. 1 Ptcnle Hams, lb 10V,e
No, 1 lcan Baron, lb ls'ie
No. 1 Bulk bacon, lb. . . . . . ,llo
15c Pails Iard, compound. .. .Su
For luaches and plcnlo parties
wa have a full line of
t'ooked Meats. Just what you
Our Meat Deal, la the Home
of Quality. '
Haydon Droo.
pays Try Hayden's First Pays