TIIFi BKK: OMAHA, SATUKDAY, JUNE 12, 1915. 20 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETlGRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ran of Cattle it Light, but the De mud on Part of the Fackeri ii Heary. BHTEP COimiTUIS TO BE FIRM SOUTH OMAHA. June 11. 191s Cuttle. Ho. Sheep. Recelnt were: Official Monday 4 C " '' Official Tueday 4.t.-t 10..KI f fb-tnl Wednesday ... 4 11.01 Official Thureday $,7 U.i Kstlmate Friday ." I.anl 1,M MS It l.uuo Demand for Cash Wheat i$ Light and Market Set Back Another Four Cent. CORN MARKET FAIRLY ACTIVE 14,524 Five daye lotala 1.M fUme ds laat week..l7.W 67,625 Sum t weeks mo 20.121 Heme i wki mo W.2W W-;i fi.ma 4 wki aco 17.17 .' fme daira laat ear...ll.HT . Th following table shows tha recelpta of cattle, hose and sheep at tha South Omaha llv stock market for tha year tu date, as compared with laat year- isli. 1914. 1n. Ic Cattle 4.'A.X $70.M W.4 Hoga 1.40.771 1.11M) JO.W6 JShep HZ.U l.M.J 7I MK The following tale ahowi the average rk-e for hum at the roi'th Omaha, live :ork market for the laat few daye, with comparisons: Date. HH4.iH.iiia.lia.nM i ly I7. 1 Wsy 2. May 2t liar 10. Hay Si. One 1. June I Ju, dun Jud .una june una June June June 11. 7 I ha 7 47H T SSI ! l T 1 l"al 7 J 7 iZ 7 41 I Oil 4S S Ut 17! 7 Ml 4l f m e Ml 7 8 I 04 t M 1 JO) Ij i4 T7 7 14 7 Ml i 7 n 7 Ml I It I I I ul I l; t in ( kit 18 14 I tt 7 36 k 1b W 7 M as S OL 1li 7 SS i (3 M Al 1 7 & Mil 77i 7 4-ii k&l Ul 7 U 7 7 44. i W t Si J w T S7I I SHI 7 45 Wl 36 7 4.) 7 H I 47 7 43 Ml 1 OMAHA. June II. 115- The demand for raah wheat waa -rerdlngly light today, and the market received another aetback of 4 cent. The wheat receipt were very light and there waa only a few cara aold. The rorn market was ralrly artlve and there waa a pretty good demand for all Hill ytnow corn aoia an uvinw ac lo m centa above the mlied. The mar- ira vain 1 ui wi hkih, inc. n w ln very little demand for that cereal. i ne oat market declined c. The price of wheat la not low, and. with th new crop at hand aod with huvere raiitlnua. the bull aide will con tinue unpopular for aome time. Th-re will be a fair-ailed movement of new wheat In the near future, and the ques tion now la whether or not the buying power will be equal to the movement of grain. Clearancee were: Wheat and flour equal to 6;4,f) biithel; corn. K6.00O buahela; oata. 74. VIO l.uehels. Mverpool Knot wheat. 7o to So lower. Corn, Hd higher to Hd lower. Primary wheat recclpta were M8.000 huahel and ahtpmenta M4,lX buaheui. agalnat receipt a of ' 477.01) tmahela and ahtpmenta of (80,000 buahela laat year. lrlmary corn rex-el ft were MO.OOQ buah ela and ahlpmenta M6,nnD buahela, M"lnt recelma of A,0no buahela and ahtpmenta of KMI.ono buahela laat year. Primary oata recelpta were 424.000 buah ela and ahlpmenta 427,000 buahela, againat recrilpia of a,ono buahela and ahlpmenta of mT7,0D0 buithel laat year. CAKU1T KFX'BIPTS. H'heat.Corn.Oata. CATTLE Recelpta, M uauai on Friday, wera comparatively, una 11. in fact, thara waa hardly enougn of a aupply on aale to afford a eat1eiertory line on the con dition of the market. Demand from p'-" era waa apparently ery urgent and there waa little or no lnqlry for ehtpptng ao ecnt, ao that although there were com paratively few cattle here, they moved very elowlv and at pricee not materially different from yeaterday. For the week tiie trade ha been la very aetUfoctory nape aa far a the good to choice fln Inhed beevea are concerned. Theae enow ail average advance at liajrlic. On the other band, the medium ami common lallv anWhlna ahowlng graaa. hea been hard to MI at unevenly lower future. In a word all claaaea or buyer ure paying mora attention to quality than recentlv, and while the well fatted and flnlehed are aelltng to better "Jvan-ta-e than a week ago, the half fat and graaay klnda are unevenly lower and Eard to move. . . In cowa and helferg the market naal been pretty much the aame aa In beef teera. Oood to choice dry-lot atock he found a ready aaW right along at atea.ly tigurea. whlie the graaay Bluff '"mlng In competition with aouthern cattle ha been running toward a lower bala and how all of a lOfflta decline for the week. Veal calvea are cloalng nout 2"0 ktgher, with beat vealera up to 11060, but bulla, ataaa. etc., are hardly aelllng aell aa a week ago. . Volume of bualnea In itoek cattle and Ceding ateera liaa been comparatively low all week, with no material change b price. Httlotly good to choice radea St all weight have boen ex-arce and ftuotably atrong while the medln m and ?ommon klnda have been In Indlf ferent reoueat and have aoM unevenly througn- Uuotatlona on cattle: Oood to cholea yearllnga, &.lf 15: good to choice corn Jed beevea. $ " to good corn ied bvea. S.1j; common to fair cornfed beevea, $7.(000; good to choice heifera, $7.0tvf7.76; good to choice cow. MWKQ7.M; fair to good cowa ); common to fair cowl. 4 00.7a : good I lo choice etockere and feedera, I7.e.10: fair to good atockera and feedera, S7.0V4J ?.; common to fair atockera and fead ra. le.OWi.oO; atock heifera. W.0n4S7.; lock cowa, I6.754J6.tr: atook calvea, t.Xit ; veal calvea. fg.00jri0.2e; fat bulla, vtaga, etcH Si.KW.SC; stock bulla. SiOOtf 1 iv HOOS-Thera waa a fair Friday run on and, aome 120 cara. or ,7 head enow- jng up. wiin ioe rxvrpuon vi wuhumi hTa la the llhteat run of the week. Tntal for the five dura la 4S.6f.l head, be ing l.ouo amaller than a week ago, but p.0 larger than or the same week I'h. aurr.lv rrji largely to heavy butch- r end heavloe tnla luorulrig, and ship ping hok'i on the light mixed order waa acarce. wnai waa uori iuuwu wmrij m nearly steady price, but shippers com ulaliied that Quality waa not nearly so ood aa on other days of tha week. Moat t the ahipplng aalea were made around ;.4ii7. v.ith a few aa big a m wi.v, auuaitng yeelentay's top. owing to t'ie increaaml percentage of tieavy hoga the avenue auowed a full fcoiOj utcitne. Bulk vt tha killer sale was mail around 17. HflM. with a good showing of heavies aa low aa 17.20, and aome big rou(.h paokera down to tl.UU. The bulk of ail the aalea waa quoted ait 7.VU7J. and ihere was a sprinkling on Ithir aide of theae figuree, tops reaching 'i Ut. This moiniiig aread of fi.Mu; 7. bo waa tne wiueai tor a lung time. blittP-iteoeipla Ihla illuming totaled four cars, or about l.om head, and, aa one of theae was consigned direu. tha day's offMrluga conMatvd of only three) tars. Total for tha week Ja . head, being over l.Ouu abort of laat week, ana 7w smaller than both laat week and a year aao. Thla week's run Is smaller than fur any similar period sine Christ maa week, lAt7, when only 6.20 head Wer received during the fliat five day. twee, wliU'b, have been strengthening tip all week, continued firm today, and aome good US-pound range stock landed aa high as ta.00. For the week prices are easily to a quarter higher, and, aa It waa dmimn! rated yeateriltty that choice atorJi would reach S4.?6, tope are too better than laat week'a closing quota ttona Tula week'a strength In ewea has borne out the prediction made laat week by aome of the local sheepmen that If laniba continued to hold eironger owe would ahar In the gtneral uplift, laat week'a close waa the row point for the year In the aged sheep trade. ' Ciuotatlona on sheep nnd Inmbe: Iambi gwd to hoh-e, SlO.arTno 75:. lambs, fair to good, S6uulO.S5: lamb, aprlng. $10 0m J 1Tb; ewea, good to choice, t6.bmt)CX ewes, lair to guoa, M.wmit.oo. Chicago 1 Minneapolis I'M Duluth 13 Omaha 24 Kaneea City Ill Ht. lioula SO Winnipeg 16 rales reported todsy: 6- m 27 M M Wh eat-No. t hard winter: 1 car. SI .11. No. t hard wlt.ter: I car. 11. lot. Hve No. S: 1 car. 11.074. Torn-No. 1 white: 1 car. 70c. No. t white: 1 car, to. No. S white: 4 cara, Wc. No. 1 yellow: 11 cara, ftfei. No. S yellow: cara, 0c. No. t mixed: 1 car. Wc; I cara, Wt'o. No. I mtsed: 5 cars, c; S car, 7c. No. I mixed: 1 car. 7W. No. mixed: 1 car. CiHo; I car. (T7c. Pample: 1 car, 4c: car, 30. ats Standard: 1 car, 44ic. No. S white, cara, 4Jo. Tno. 4 white: S cars. 43e. Sample: 1 car, 41Vo. Omaha Caah' Prices Wheat: No. S turkey, O llMll.U; No. S turker, Sl.ll 114; Tlo. I hard. I L10Sviri.il: No. a hard. ll.on'AWl.lu'; No. hard. $1 OOftl.W; No. spring. Sl.004,1.10: No.. S durum. SL1SOI rs; No. durum. Sl.llvl.li. Corn. No. white, apvufrtpkc; No. 3 white. SviirwHc; M.. A v 1 . 1 1 CMU.HIU. N1a a wl. II- MUA W4c; No. 4 'white, SSV4c; No. I. yellow, fUf&c; No. S yellow. b'Wr; No. i yellow, t74t'irH4c; No. S yellow, 7mto: No. yellow, 7144'74e: No. t mixed. M'.itWKNc; No, S mixed, 7fio.; No. 4 mixed. 67VMJT744C: No. S mixed, tiftiirc: No. mixed, 67tN7Vr: sample, mixed, 6Xd : Oata: No. S white, 44Htf44c; stand ard. 44tt44'c; No. I white, 44-.')c; No. white. 4a.4.1'c. Parlev. Malting. Kt Mr: No. 1 feed, 2IV. flya; No. 2, I.W J1.07Vki No. 8, Sl.06tiT1.0ftH. CHICAQO GRAIN AND PROTllIOt CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKKT Wrak-. Cattle Vaeettled lloaa ftheeit Steady. PH1CAOO. June 12 fATTUi-Recelpta l.l'O head: market unsettled; native lx- sers. t-7r'(J'.&0; weetern atefta, 14 Sib; Kuwe and lielfera, Ui&'u&.tt, calves. II I ."5. M Mi Receipts, l,aJ head; market weak Pf lower; bulk or aaJea, 17 7 litn, iTKitii.ia: mum, Wltsalm: heavy. TfOi-al.fc; rough, S7.Ouv7.lS; piga, Sc..t HIIKKP W I-AUBB Receipts, (.ino hrNil niarket steady; ahe p, Iuing7.i0; lambs, 7 Ting 10.56; springs. Ivuwull.w. krts were firm. Ready to wear lines for fall will be ready July IS. I ftRvV TURK UE.IERili MARKET Qaotatleas af the Pay VaHeas Cvaaaaadlttea. NTCW YORK. June ll.-FXOUR Barely st.-aly. VIIKAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 red, t1.2v. ani No 4 hard. tl.SMV c. I f.. New Vork, export billed; No. 1 northern, Duluth, ll.AV and No. 1 northern. Manitoba, c I. f., Uuffalo. Futures unsettled; July, II .is. i:im.-urot firm: No. 1 yellow, mc, prompt ahli-ment. uatk-tl nrm: atannard. t4"4c; ro. I white. Mc: fancy clipped white. UVk'f t"c. HOPR Qulot; slste. .common to cfioice 1M, Itui3c; Palfle coast 1914, l'JtalJc; 1M, Vifl'IOO. HIDKA-Dull: Bogota. Sic: Central America, ffic l-FATHKR rirrn: hemlock firsts. 32c: seennda. riic. PROVISIONS Pork, ateady; meas. S100 fjl (: family, S'.'l.oufriM.m; short clear. Sl Wtt.M. Ffeef, quiet; meaa, tli.Vm ; family SIS W-30.60. Lard, easy; middle weM, f ae.Sri. TATtxiw-ulet: city, 6e; country, c; apecial, Vc BUTTER Firm; receipts, 11.601; 4o to He higher. EOOS I'nsettled: recelpta, 1S.7M cases; fresh gathered extras, S2'''liS,c: extra firsts. IUfl4c; aeeonla, iftuflSo; flrata, lS42oVtcj nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy, NHir'i&c; nearby hennery, browns, 22'4W?Hc. ClliuEflTa fnettled; receipts, 1.S01 boxes; state flate and twins, colored or white specials, l&H&lMaC; average fancy, Wp"lltac. POl L.TRT-Alive. firm: western chick ens, broilers, fowls, 16V4jiltio; tur keys. li-tflKc lreaed. Irregular; western roasting chickens, fresh, 2uiKi-; broilers, 2c; fowls, 14H3lte; turkeys, iy17c. Mlnaea polls Grata) Market. MINNEAPOUft, June 11.' W11RAT July, 1 IKS: Beptember. S1.0KV; No. 1 hard. 11.24; No. 1 northern. 1.2oa,itH.nT; No. S northern, Sl.lltiTl S. FIjOI'R Declined: fancy natents. SAftO: first cleara, picn; aecond clear $4.20. n A nut: TVKK. RTE ll.Uw'l 12. BRAN t'nehanged. COBN-No. S yellow, aai-fno. OATH No. S white. 4fr346c FLAX-SI. 711.77. Cottoa Market, NEW TORTC. June ll.-K-OTTON-ffpoL quiet; middling uplands, t.The: sales. 371 bales. Th cotton market closed firm at a net advance of t to 9 point Futurea closed firm; July, 1.64c; Octo ber. S2c: December, 10.19c; January, 10 2ftc; March. 10.4c Futurea opened steady; July, t.4&o: Oc tober, Sft4c; Iecember, 10.11c; January, WlfW; March. ia40c. I.IVERPOOU June H.-XyTTON Spot, ?ulet; price steady. Oood middling, 9M; middling. t.S7d; low middling. 4.SM. Sales C,000 Piles. Oaaaba Hay Market. OMAHA. June 10. HAT-Cholr tin- land. 118 orvfrll so; No. 1. lit Sfflt.00; No. 1 H0 8iailM; No. S. S7.00AJS00: eholce midland, Sll60nS.O0; No. 1, SlSMVsaiM; No. S, SlO.Ouflll.'); No. a r7.0Q(t00; rholoe lowland. sn.oini.B0; No 1. SinsOLOO; No. S. S ftomO.OO; No. S, MOOg.OO. STRAW None on tha market: choice) wheat la quotable at S4.0OH6.60. ALFALFA None on the market: tin demand to speak of exoentlng for choice and No. 1 old; No. 1 and. choice alfalfa Ik quotable at S11004P14.00: No. x. tsomfs 11.00. Cloalas Feat area of tha Tr-edlagr aad CI Prieet Hoard of Trade CHICAOO. June 11. Notwtthatahulng that wheat at one time broke today to a new low price for the IBIS crop, the mar ket taken as a whole had a decided tip stand. Influenced by opinions that sooner or later export demand would coma with rush. Closing quotations were atrong at lo to 4o above last night. Corn gained lfnio to lSffflVo net and oata To to lflU'ieo. In provisions tha outcome sried from So to 47Vo decline. Desertions In the hear aide of tha wheat market ahowrd a notable Increase, with aome commission houses raising tha cry that an approach to dollir wheat In war time had gone altogether too far. Re gardless of a fresh decline at Liverpool, ne maraei nera was given a swift ad- anco almost as soon as tradlnc be ran Wet weather In the aouthweat. where the harvest 1 at hand, had a dullish effect, especially as reports from Kansas said close examination of tha crop seemed to Indicate that filling had made no head way, -men came a quick sag In value, accompanied by assertions that export ers were persistently holding off. mier developments that soma Euro pean business had been done In Chicago helped materially to put tha wheat mar ket again on tha upgrade. It waa defi nitely announced that ISO.OOO buahela of in rno. i red winter had been sold here for export. The moat actlva buvera or July on the final advance were concerns largely Identified with the transatlantic trade. - Complaints that owing to wet wsathar corn la getting a late atart in many of the chief producing atatea tended to make that cereal relatively firmer than wheat. Kesiaaa, seaDoara demand for caah corn was again In evidence. Oata traders gave most of their attention to tha course of a leading speculator who covered short sales to the extent of 2,000.000 liushels. "" iw waa tea ravoraoia man. has recently been tha case. "top loss selling carried provisions sharply lower. Weakness In the hog market, together with a fail caah demand, appeared to be mainly re sponsible for the break. Futures ranged as follows: Artlclel Open. I High Keaeaa City 11" Stark Market. KANSAS CITY, June II CATTt,H Recelpta, x head; market ateady; prima fed steers. Sft 044.0: dreaeed beof atoan. 7 M)8.0O; western steers, S7.268A.&0; gtock ers and feeders, 16 40tt40; bulls, S4.009 .; caivij, .ai?iriu.uo, HOOS-Receipt. S,W; market higher: bulk of sales, tl.VWI.tV; heavy, t7.AJkfrT.7ft; packers and butcher. S7.aB,go; light. I7.1MJ7M; pigs. S.ft0".W. "' SHEEP AND IAM-Ba-Recelpts, head; market steady; Inmbe, Sjl. Outfit ftrt; yearling. S7.76U26; wethers, S0.C0iB4S.76; ewea. S&.60t00. St. Joseph Lira Stark Market. HT. JOSEPH. June 11. CATTLJO Ra le " xead. Market steady; steer, S7.0OBS.26; oows and heifers, ti.6OM.00; calves, S6(Af).9.;s, HOOS-Reoelpts, 4.000 head. Market on lights steady, henries lower, too. 17 76; bulk of aalea. S7 (KvtR.TB. SHEEP AND I-AMB-Reents. STO head. Market steady; lambe, .60lL0ft 'Wheatl July. Sept. Corn, July Feut. Oats. July fept. rork. July. Sent. Lara. July fept. nibs. July 1 0ft 1 0RU 1 0SH 1 0614 72W 73V 44'4l 4ft 40, 4m 17 7 IS IS ft7H S Sft 10 40 fcwpt.1 10 76 Us. Close. ITes y. 1 04VI 02SI 17 SO IS SO R7 as 10 4S 10 77 7241 444 404L 17 Oft 17 40 44' t 7S 10 ITHl 1 4l 1 OS I 7W 7S 441 404 1 064 1 04 7IS 714 44 sh IT Sft I IT MS 60 tR6 10 4ft I 10 34l 10 74l 10 774 6141 80 10 Chicago Caah Prlcea Wh . ki- $l.lV No. I hard. Sl.2144il.sS. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 7J4t(74c; others nominal Oata: No. S white. 4otH8Wc; atandard. 4S4jj4c. nuiiuiHii; no. a. si. is. tiarley: i-i75c. Seed: Timothy, S.WiM.w: clover, s.i uljiiu. I'rovlalona: Pork, fcUftfllOli. Ht'TTtR Weak; rreainary, S.27c. nuur-nrniu, JU.MJO cases; un- ininr'ii. IWATOKH-Receipts, IS cars old: 23 cara new; marast uncnanged I"Ofl.TRV Alive;' lower; fowls. Mc. Kaaaaa City Grata aat Pravtsiaaa. KANHAS CITT. June 11. WHEAT No. 2 hard. SI lStyl IS; No 2 red. Si t,; July, h. a 1 - u 1 - " " - CORN No. S mixed. 71 ATI "Ac: No. I PT. M)L'1S. Juna 11 -CATTLE Re- I white. 72c; No. 1 yellow. .i'u.Jc; july. cflpla, u had: market ateady; native 1 71 Vu71 V. Ivcmbr, 80S''rvV. l-ef ateera, ;.fcxi'i.;i; )tarltngs, ateera 1 OATt No. S white, 4CiSti4c; Ne. 2 nnd lielfera. .'..; cowa. i.0uai7u0: mixed. 4li4Z,-:c. rtoikera and f'rders. S4 j.iihern I Hl'TTtH 4,'reamery, !7c; first. lie. The Drexel Kid 8ayi: "I never knew a kid to get licked for scuffing Steel Sboda. It can't be did." . For wear, for style, for general satisfac tion we know of no boy's shoes that will cxcell our famous v 1 TEEL HOD HOES We have seen them outwear two pairs of or dlnary. Boys' shoee time and . time again. They come In Button and Blucher. Boys', 1 to 6 Vs. ViJH); Little Gents', to l!Vi,t2.23. Parcel Pott Paid 1419 Farnam (3 JUNE CLEARANCE SALE OF LADIES' SUITS This is an absolute clear ance of all our ladies' suits and wo have priced every garment so that by Saturday night every one vill have found a happy wearer. The prices we are quoting are by far less than offered by other stores for the same quality of merchandise. Come here Saturday and share in this festival of ex ceptional bargains. All our Ladies' Spring Suits and Costs, at one-half pric and less All our Ladies' Spring Silk and Wool Dresses st one-halt price. Indies' Genuine Palm Beach Suits, with label, at .-911.50 Ladies' Summer Wash Dresses, at 81.50, S2.50. JK.1.75 and $5.00 Handsome white wash Skirts, at 81.00 Fancy well made House Dresses, at S1.0Q White Silk WaiBts, at . 81.00 Choice of any Ladles' Hat In the house, values to $10, at 82.75 Big sample line of Men's Spring 8uits at June reduction prices. 89.50. 812.50 nd 810.50. Come in and see them. $r A WEEK PAYS THE BILL AT THE UNION I Oil Union mttogC OMAHAV I'KOl'LKS STOKK. f VUflllle1 Don't Buy Stale Coffee We tiare just Installed one of the finest coffee and pesunat rnetster In the city and we will roaat fresh coffee and peannta -erriry .day and yon will be able to get fresh hot coffee and peanut every day and save front Bo to 10c per pound on every pound of coffeo you use. Her Is our prices on coffee and not to be changed:, 20a Pantos, lb....... .lfto i SBo Mexican and Borata, lb. SOo to Oolden Santos, lb. SOo I 40c kind Bosato and Java. lb....SM 20o fancy Pantos and Borate, lb. SOo I 4Bc kind Fancy Java, lb 40e 4S-1K saok Hoar 4SttBklsS. Slokla or Xlko Saturday fl.SS IS lha. Ware Oaae Oraanlated aturar for 91.00 1 So cans Tall Pink Salmon for...lOe Zarao cans Peaohea for 100 10o cans Blackberries So ltd cans Sweet Potatoes TVs Fresh Peanut Butter, lb 10a lOo pk. Com Flakes So 10c cans Peas '. So 10 bars D. C Beat-'Em-AU or Latin dry Queen for SSo peolal Sals oaiTollaS Soap Genuine ionrtorted Caatlle and Olive Oil Soap will be placed oa sale Saturday only; rerular 10c bars for So AH Domestlo Oastlla or Tar Soaps; regular. 5o bars for So MEAT SPECIALS Home Made Sausasre Pltr Pork Loin Roast l9Ha Pork Shoulder Roast t'io Pork Chops and Pork Pteak ... 1410 PorUrhouss and Sirloin Steak.. 1TH0 ...... .100 llme Made Hamberaer lOo Comoound Lard, per lb. lOo Mail ordars chipped at above prices. - Xall Orders Shipped at Above aMoa. We Pallver Tree alverywljere, riorsBea, Seauraa and Souta Omaaa. . Telephone DeaaTlaa 130. Advance BlearanGe Sale Being overstocked with spring and summer merchan dise, we decided to take our medicine right now, and therefore we cut the prices to cost. 39c . $4.35 26c Men's and Young Men's Belts 25c Men's' Suspenders, st 16c Men 'a Garters, at $1.00 Men's Khaki Pants .'....' 60c Fast Color Work Shirts 60c Dress Shirts, . st 16c Arrow Collars, at .' 16c Hose, all colors, at 60c Dress Caps, at (2.00 Sample Hats for dress $1.00 Straw Hats, at t 76c Silk Auto Hats, at $7.60 Men's Suits $12.60 snd $10.00 Men's All- 5 ;$7.45 $1.26 Men's and Young JC Men's Pants I OC $2 Men's Dress gl OC Psnts D1 4a Men's 2-plece Under- 1 rt J wear . A C Men's Union Suits, 35 C $1.00 Boys' Sample Hats atsaJl $2.60 Men's Dress Shoes Boys' Tennis Slippers, at $1.75 '..39c S. E. Cor. 12th and Farnam - in i in i i n i 3. E. Cor. 12 th and Farnam i HE REAL liEALTIl TREAT FOR THE KIDDIES IS A DISH OF PURE, Delicious & IVholetoQe 0 -E It Is absolutely narmless and contains nothing but the purest of nutritious Ingredients. DeUria Ice (Yearn Is made In the most sanitary ice cream plant In the city and by skilled Ice cream makers who hare per fected the art of making It. In short it Is the real hot weather food and-th food you and all the family should eat, enjoy and thrive on. Order a Quart from Your Druggist or Confectioner It Is Soli at All Leading Fountains FAIRMONT CI.EAr.1ERY Twelfth and Jones Streets GO. PIO PORK LOINS; fresh, not frozen. FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS . . . . ..11 ..'.10 Steer Pot Roast . . Pi Pork Roast . . . , PI a Pork Butts Young Vaal Roast . Yoana 'Veal Chops . Porterhouse Steak . Lamb Leas Mutton Roast . . . . . Ppare Rlba Salt Pork ,...10Ho ,....SHo ,...11144 ...llHo . ...ISHo . ...lSHo ....!S4iS SHa sh Swift's Premium and Diamond C Hams ISHo Skinned Hams . -. .lSH Small Hams 104a Kxtra Ian Breakfast Baoon. . 1SS Busar Cured Bacon .1SH t-lb. Pall Purs L-urA, rerular price 76c, special SOo UWmOZAXM From I to S P. M lamb Chops Be From I lo 19 P. 11 Pork Chdps 10o Olini tf riADrfETT iei0 Harney Ot I WMhalW lllfnilhai S Phoaa Dastlaa 17M Hitri. t-'. ivu'H.Si; rows and heifera. H O tuit'i; native islvts. i oinO.to. lliMJt Keceipts. . head; market htKKer; (! and lluhls. Jt.ay7.lii, nilrrd i,d tfutclierf. S;.Stsc;.fc; pood hea.v, II. it w" "0. MiKKP AND LAM US Recelpta S.U0 1 I i-il; niarktt steady; rllpptrd muttons, . ..uu. lilppeil lanili. tf.iioy lu.Sa; KliiiiiS Umba, liUAO-o-U W. Us fltr Live Stark Market. tilOt.X t'lTY la., June 11 CATTLE I.ncniin, htad; uiarktt steady; i.atlve irrs. S it; butchers, S.'nti t; can mit HA-uv'J. ohIvs, tS.WylJ.jy; bulla, Mam. etc.. fS.7bua.7t. uGlS Hooipta. h.'iQ heal; market lldjr; hravy, 17 iU .14; lulled, S7.S9 p ,.. HhL IT.RmjI.Su. bulk ot as.Ua, S7.2S 7 t. CHFEP AND UAMBS rUoelpta. M Ure Stark ta Slsat. riwvlpi of live auxk at the five prln tlll western markets: Cattle. Hurt. 8hrep. '!!' eo l. It ft .( M.,ui It y (..but) 60 Ki.s city .... -ft !.) Si.) M luls U 7 .) fcoulli , Omaha 4kM .,' l.tMl seconds, vac: twikliksT. 1W". K.i JUS rlrsts 16c; se-ouds. 12c. I'Ol'I.TRV Hens. 11c; roosters, broiler. IMj Wo. I l. l-oala Urwla Market. ' PT. Il'ti, June U.-WMKAT-No. ll red ' II 1"; No. t hard, nominal: July, i II ti.t': rVptember. $1.14. t 'ORN-No. I. 7Sc; No. t white. T4c; July. ' TSSc; 8ptiuler. 7:c. ... ' OATS rIO. s wmie, "li uiy. ixc; Bcptrtnber, 75c llvrMl Grata Market. IJVKH IfKlL.. June 1L WH EAT-lpot, ' weak- No. t northern iKiluth, ll7V1;' No. S hard winter. llsSd: No. 1 Manitoba, ! 11 7d . No. . 11 No. S. II Sd. j ITJHN Spct, dull; . American mixeo. j I i new, s Id. Isasr Market. NEW TORK. June 11 WTO A H-H w. firm; eentrltusal, ltc; inolaava. 4.12c. Refined, ateady. Futurea sdvsnced Ifll IHilnts early today In suipaih with the fit in spot market. 1 lais llrr ti.Mtaa Market. NKW YORK. June It DRY tVIDDtt It aa announf el today that pi Ure are to be adanced on dumratlc fu by Inl I j i ST nianufKctiirrra on Jny 1 Cotto.i fc.ioila aud srns were Qulcl Woo) lour- The Ilouseiviie Who Cares Will appreciate the many tasty dishes that can b prepared from i SPAGHETTI Evary packace cootaina a aunt bar ot recipe of nutritious aael economical diaaes that avarvona wtll an)oy. At all tha E Afa :iriMHeit- HINNF MM, m mmtr aa FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS 10 PIQ PORK LOINS; fresh, not frozen . Young Veal Roast 11 H Young Veal Chops 14 He Steer Pot Roast 10 Ho Pig Pork Roast B9e Tig Pork Butts ll4e Spare Ribs 84e Bait Pork Hc Porterhouse Steak 17 He Swift's Premium and Diamond C Ham teiic 6klnned Hams ISic Sugar Cured Ham.'. 10 Uc Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon 18 He Sugar Cured Bacon ...... 124 c 3-lb. Pall Pure Lard, . regular price i fie, special 83c THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth fie and 10c Store. 1X3 South 16th St. Tel. D. 2807. AMHCET1. loo hou am uojrm SIX MOTORCYCLE RACES . AT STaDXtTaf STB1BWAT aasiT Omasa Wednesday 1 natuxday STSSniro .. Sunday Jbsvt aTaaai AAy enneaBrwloavawBsi' AMVSK.MCS.TS. RRAHDEISTodyT,s nuns ' Tedar aa fraai Ttirea V8Sks :ao. S:S0 M- a KL1NOR OLYN'H SensAtional Drama 1 -, ft Pn.it 3 Matlaaea, 10e BrvealBr, loo aad SOo CkUdrea TaSet IS "Tears Hot Adaxltt4 4 Tinea Daily 4 . SiOO, SiSO. T. 8:S0 . am. A lt A0 Tk rhoto-Ur aeneaUoa. THE KOSSE CF CCHDACE ASapted from . SseeriaalS W. KaaXaaaa's atartUna- Book. ZsaOy Kaunaes. AOai vra lea-SOa. A deal Cosh Discount on Your Groceries Compare ottr every daj piicea with others and ae tt yourself on hundreds of Items at THE BASKET STORES . Your co-operation helps us bur carloads and make prices like these: Haiti!' jajss), jrxo. Mason. SSs LMen Dints Sura Real. BOa Maaon, SSo Doaan quarts . 8ur Seal, S7a Maaon, 67o Dosen half aallons Sura Seal, 87e Maaon Caps, doaen ISa. Rubbers our Tip brand. Kxtra heavy lOo srade, dosen Sol S dosen ISo Now is the time to buy fruit iara; your grocer makea more If you delay. Wholesale prion Is up $1.00 per gross; therefore, we are foroed to limit amounts to each cuetomer. nror asrrsi x.wixra ruiot- Jumbo. SOS slse, dosen lao. Larae, SSO sis, dosen. .lee Any slse. per bos SHsa $00 else, etc., means the number of lemona In a box; the boxen all being; the aame also. El k horn 10c can . ... To doa. SSo to can So doa 30 By tha case Tl small cans fl.ST Larire slse, 4S cans S3. 13 OAJTBTaO feULX Cottage lOo cans.... Tot Bo cans.. ..So Carnation or Pet: 10c -cans. . . .Set 6e eana....4o Klkhorn la a good buy. . maa Table BAM- .S-lb. So sac So S-lb. 10c saok So 14-lb. too sack '. .ISo -Bnlic KlaTk Or ad a 280-lb. Ilbl S1.4V 100-lb. sack ..Aao 1 1 Ibw.' for . lOo $t 00 slas SSo tTsuaoo- S0e slse IBc slse. notrm- What la left on' hand roe at the following prloea: Nebraska $1.66 48-lb. sack Gold Dust 81. BO Nebraska 78 14-lb. sack Gold Dust 78 These are not our regular brands: all stores may not have a big supply OaUCK rOOD 10-lb. sack Sl.SOl 11-lbs SBo. We have been out' of this, but the ear Is on track and we have been promised a delivery to each store FYkWv afternoon or early Saturday morning. Beet- - - Sa w IS lbs T lbs $ lbs -rara oar avajrriATED stroAJS- 100 Pound Sack SIOO...... . ...... 60 . ...aoo... $1.00 Amounts Limited. Cane aa.es laa. lbs. lbs. Kach of tha above Items and several others we buy In carloads. Tha more you nelp us our in carioans. tne natter we can seep prices low. vua aaavax i der. specially selected to please careful buyers. It la well fed, tsn- julcy and full flavored. Tt helps the family enjoy the meal. Every quotation spells an every day price saving for you at THE BASKET STORES No. No. No. No. No. No. University No. at, 810 North 10th St. No. S2, 1406-J North 24 th St. No. 24, 1807 Vlntoa Street. No. S4, 204S1 Farnam Street, No. S, SSI 8 North 24th fct. No. 20. 4108 North 24th St. Omaha. Lincoln, Havelock. 19 Pounds fcr $1.00 Best Oranulated Sugar. Buy now before the advance. . S pounds apecial coffea 81.00 Single pound as Kanoy blend coffee. IW Iba tl-OO The beet fie coffee la tha cltv 4 pounds for 81-00 Teaa. any kind, per lb. Oa SO Sugar aold with II. OS other goods r.aOyunc-Tca Co. raeaa Boa?. Swta. OS St, lata M. 8;TiiiTr;'v:Traraffag:r:rywl,v:,;ll r. j "a ' 1 1 1 i i aei-iJ ... 27, 839 South 18th St 28, 21 Military Avonae. 20, 1702 South 10th St. 80, 2700 CMminf Street.. 81, 2001 North 80th St. 82, 8740 Main St., llrruion. 11 ace and tJoUege View. ju..gjfMii,iJ'.iMiiil mm m . .... Fourth of July Special ipeiVYhlskey Battled la Bond 4 rnit QOAJBTB s a qt- Aies Whiskey . . . . ...... $LOO 9 qL Port Wtne 1-60 1 qt. Blackberry Cordial .TO 1 qt- Apricot Cordial ....... .75 1 qt. Koch and Rye Cordial.,., 1.00 1 qt. Banana .Cordial 1.00 Regular price Is ...88.00 Front bow until July 4, prepaid, $4.50 rmoM yvstsi loth rnrpi SaeUI.Tata.lSlS niUUl WMa aa OrAar af BS-OS au Over of Wkiakey, Wlasa aa a bottxb or wrtra; w i s at oxass, oovnnrA. rioai ios rtcBT, cokucaiw ato csvoWbt otkaaai XU-EIS' SOSSSt OS OAiTX.KALAJrB MAT. JAKE KLEIII-FAMILY LIQUOR DEALER 1314 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NED. Sg20 sxrsiss raVBYAXB. FREE!