Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Aaitriani Announce that Wfrhip of
Lirerpool Type Wu Torpedoed
t j Submarine. .
Burrnm asd b.tjss sinrs susx
IXNSBRCCK, June" 11. (fey
Cornier to tfce Swim Frontier and
Genera, 10:U a. m., Via Parts, 2:50
jv, mO Announcement baa been
made bera by the Augtrlaat that one
of tbelr submarines yesterday sank
a British cruiser of ' tb Liverpool
trp at a point thirty miles oft 8t
Jean Medua, in ths Adriatic.
The Liverpool U a lisht crulr built
In IMS. It H IU feet lone a feat beem,
M l feet deep and displacement, 4.SJO tons.
It wu built to travel t a peel of
tnrentjr-ftve kaota and carry a. craw of 171
officers and men. It was armed with
two ti-lnefc runt, ten four-Inch ifirna and
two elgtiteen-lDcn torpedo tubes. Bt. Jean
Vedua, a aeaport on the Albanian coait
between DuraJcao and Du'clgno
fp11ae atak Intrk.
UAAA LITIS. Holland. Juno 10. -(Via
london) Tho BrUiaa flahlnc smacks
Welfare and Laurratlna were attacked
and i.k by Zeppellna in the North Baa.
Tho crews which took to thrtr boat wars
picked op by a Patch smack and broofht
Ship Torane4 Wltfeoait Woraio.
CARDIFF, Juno tL-CVU lndon)-Ths
Olaacow eteamihlp Strathcarron waa tor
pedoed yeaterday without warnlnc by a
Herman submarine white outward bound
from Barry. The crew, which put off 1
boat, waa , rescued by a ateatxMir and
leaded bets.
i J,t i
Ths Strathcarron waa veaeet of MOT
tons built is 1 at Greenock and was
owned by the Strathcarron ftteamahlp
company f Olaacow. It sailed from
Havre May a for Barry, wbers it arrives
Juno I and was reported to have entered
tho kovernsent Barrios.
Three Other Salve Soak.
tOKDOX. June U.-The RueeUut bark
ThomasSna has been torpedoed and sunk
by a Oermaa aubmarlBa off tho south
weat ooejet of Ireland. Tho members of
the crow of ths saUlac ship have been
landed at Queenatown.
The Ruaaiaa steamer Danla has been
torpedoed by a German aubroartne. Ths
members of ita craw were aaved.
Tbs Ruasiaa steamer Danla was of 1.UI
tans net (14 teet on and was built at
Sunderland In J 906. It waa owned by ths
Northern Steamahlp company, limited, of
Patrorrad. Maritime records ahaw that It
has bean runnins between Liverpool and
The Swedlih steamer Otaso, bound for
Hull, was torpedoed and sunk last nlchL
Ths Otatfo. .of S7S tons net, was Ml feet
ions and was built In 18X1 It was owned
In Bloveeborf. Sweden.
ing secretary of state. His
name is attached to note
to Germany. ,
traband ontralisports as tbey sow carry j
I troops.
"Personally I would Itk to sea ths uas
of submarines abandoned entirely, Juat
as I would like to see aa abandonment
of the use of aeroplanes and Zeppelins
for the carrrlnr of explosives, but I ant
not aanfruina enourh to believe that any
affective Instrument of warfare will bs
abandoned as lone as war continues j
The very argument which the artvo- '
cates of peace aaraJnrA the submarine,
ths aeroplane and the Zeppelin are ad
vanced la favor of then by those who
conducts war. The more fatal a weapon
Is the more It Is In demand, and it is ,
not an unusual thine to aee a new In
strument of deatructlon denounced as In
humane by those whom It Is used, only
to be employed later by those who, only ;
a little while back, denounced It.
Hot Merely to OmMa-Aaaertoane.
"The above eurreellona are reepert
fully submitted to those of German birth
r deaeent, and they are submitted In
ths mum spirit to naturalised OtUens
from other countries. To ths naturalised
ettisen this Is ths land of adoption, but
In one sense K may bs nearer to him
than It is to us who are native born, for
thoae who ooroe hers are cltlsens by vol
Sntary ehotne. while ws are hers by ac
cident ef birth.
"They may be said to have paid a
hltlier compliment to ths United States
thsn ws who first saw ths light under
the Stars and Stripes. But. mors than
that. It is ths land of their children and
their children's children, no matter for
what reason they croased the ocean.
They net only share with us the) shaping
of our destiny, but their desndants
have a part with on re In all ths bleeslnts
which ths present gwnerstlon can. by
wise and patriotic action, bequeath to ths
fenerations that are to follow."
Bryan Telia German
. Americans U. S. Is
v Perfectly Neutral
(Continued from Fags One.) -
any European power the naturallisd
cltlxea from that country would bs
aa quick to enlist ai reaUve-born dt
ixeni. ' 1 '
Glue) to Reweat ttateaaeat.
-"As I am now speaking .to. German-Americans,
I am clad to repeat
in publlo what" I fcav often said In
private and would bare said in public
before but for the fact that it would
not bara been proper f f one, In tajr
official position to do so namely
tfcat In case of war between the
United State and Germany If so
Improbable a supposition can be eon
idered German-Americana would
le aa prompt to enlist and, aa faith
ful to the flss; as any other portion
of our people. What I hare aald In
regard to the Gtraan-Americana la
D aa introduction to an appeal which
I feel It my duty to make to til em.
' "First If any of them hare aver,
i.-i a moment of passion or excitement,
nuspected the president of lack of
neutrality or lack of friendship tow
erd ths German government and the
Herman people, let that thought ba
forgotten never again lo ba recalled,
i have since my resignation, repaired
numerous telegrams from German
Americana and German-American so
cieties commending my action; 1
think the senders of these telegrams
understood my position, but that no
one may mistake it let ma restate it
The president is not only desirous of
pace, but be hopes for it and ha has
kdopted the methods which he thinks
most likely to contribute toward
friendly" settlement, break off diplomatic
relations and thus- create a condition out
sf Which war might come without the In
tention of either country, I do not ask
yea .to minimise tho saroestaess of ths
president's statement; that would bs un
fair, both to hint and to Germany. The
sinking of tbs Lusitanta sannot bs de
fended apon tbs fact as ws understand
them. . The killing ef Innocent woman and
children csnnot bs Justified, whether tbs
killing la by drowning or starvation; no
nation can suooeesfully plaad tbs Inhu
manity ef 1U enemies as aa excuse for
Inhumanity oa Its own part. While It Is
true that cruelty Is apt to begat cruelty.
It osanot ba said that Xlke cures Uke.'
Always Applies.
"Even la wsr ws ars aot absolved from
ebllsrationa to remedy events by ths in
fluence ef good example. Tt your lights
so sms.s Is a precept that knows no
times nor seasons as It knows neither
latitude nor longitude.
"Third: Do not attempt to connect
the negotiations which are going oa be
tween ths United States and Germany
with those between the United States
and Oreat Britain. The cases are dif
ferent, ' but even If thsy war the asms
It would be necessary to treat with eeoh
ration ' separately. My parsodal prfe-
eaoe has 'been to repeat our snslstene
that the" allies Shall not Interfere wua
ear commerce with neutral countries,
but tho difference oa this point was a
matter of judgment and not a matter
ef principle. In ths note to .Oraat Brit
ain dated March , this government said:
Relies Assaraasss. . .
la view of these assurances formally
given to this government It Is confidently
sxpeoted that ths extensive powers con
ferred by tho order la council on ins
executive effloara of the crown wtil be
restricted by 'orders Issued by the gov
ernment directing Uta exercise of their
discretionary powers la such a manner
as to modify in practloal application
those provisions of the .order la pouacll
which If strictly enforced would violate
neutral rights- and lnUrrupa legltlroat
trade. Relying oa tho faithful perform
ance of these voluntary assurances by his
majesty's government the United States
takes it for granted that ths approach
sf American merchantmen to neutral
ts situated upon ths long Una of
coast affected by ths order In oouncll
wtU act bs lnterfsrred with wbsa It Is
known that they do not carry goods
which are contraband of war or goods
destined to or proceeding1 from porta
within the betUgsrsnt territory affected.
, Will Insist FoattUa.
"There Is no doubt that our government
wilt Inafat npoa this position; that Is aa
Important thing, ths data of ths note Is
set material. My reason for deal ring to
have ths matter presented to Oreat Brit
ain at once was not that Oermany- had
any right to ask it but because 1 was
anxious to make It as easy as posslbls for
Oemiany to accept the demanda of the
United 8tatee and cease to employ sub
marines against mere bant men. There la
so reason why any German-Americana
should doubt the president's Intentions
In this matter. I am sure that every
one will on reflection recognise that our
duty to prevent loss of Ufa U moro ur
gent than our duty to prevent Interfer
ence with trade loss of trade can be
Sompsnaated for with money, but no
settlement that the Vnttsd rules and
uerman y may reach can cell back to
Ufa thoae who went dowa with the Lual
Unla end war would bs ths meat ex
pensive of all settlementa betause it
would enormously add to the number of
tns aeao,
(Continued from Page One.)
rrarpnee the Saaae.
y difference from him la aa to
method, not aa to purpose, and my utter
aucea since resigning have been Intended
ufaisiuM puoiio aenument In sup
port of bis efforts to maintain peace or.
i vise a familiar phrase 'peace with
honor.' But remember that when I use
tbs phrase 'peace with honor I do not
use It in the same sense that thoae do
who regard every opponent of war ss
favoring 'peace at any p.Ue.' 'Peace at
ay price' Is an epithet, hot a true state
ment of any one's position or of ths
pallry ef any group. The words are era
ployed by Jingoes sa an expression of
contempt and are applied Indieartnunataly
to all who have faith In tbs nation's abil
ity to find a peaceful way put of svery
cffleulty so long as both nations want
P4MU.. The alarmists of ths country have
had oontrol of ths metropolitan pres and
tiiey have loudly proclaimed that th
prolongation of negotiations or ths sug
gestion of international Investigation
weald bo a alga of weakness a im every
thing Is weakness that doea not contain
a hint of war. The lingo eeea la the
rialow of promise only one color red.
Daty of Ufrus-tatricsu,
"Second: Knowing that the preaident
dwtres pcaoe. it la your duty to help
1 tm aecure It. and how? By exerting
your Influence to convince the Oermaa
(overnment of this fart and to psreuade
UtuH eoterutiient to take no etrps ttutt
o ii i--al In t'.t d:ri-!!r-n tf r,
Caa Timet V. S.
rourtn: i pope that Germany will
soqutssee la ths demands that have baea
made, and I hops that It will acq u lace
m tnem without ceodiUcna It oaa trust
tns united States to deal justly with
w oa the consideration of any changes
that It may Propose la the International
rules that govern ths taking of prises.
Ths more generously ft acts la this mat
ter ths greater will as the glory which
ft will derive from it It has raised
suestloa which Is now receiving aerioua
oonatderatloa, aamoly, whether ths In
troduction of ths submarine necessitates
any Changs In ths rules governing ths
capture f prlsea.
"The position seemingly take by Oer-
many. namely, that It Is entitled to
drowa aoBoempetaate, because they ride
ith sobtrwhaad. Is an andenable peal
Uoni the most that It cculd insist upon
ts that In view of I ha Introduction ef
this new weapon of warfare, new rules
shvuld bs adopted separating passengers
from objectlonabl cargo.
Oaly Slla-at Chaaawa.
"If ths use ef the submarine Justifies
such a chaass la 'the law of blockade
ss will sennit the eordoa ts be with
drawn far enough from the shore to
avoid tbs danger of submarine attack,
may it not do found poesibie ta aeeure
an International .agree meat by which
Baeaeagsre will ba exc'.uoed from ahlpa
carrying centrabaad, ar at least from
tliose carry4 ng ammualUoa. It would re
quire but a aiight change la the shipping
law to amka thla separation and belllg
lereat nations mlgt.t as restrained from
1 - a
' ..'j- rr las Lu that, tl.e Oermaa I unnecessarily inrvaeius fe ooacraueaa
grstrtmi-nt n.Uht. (i'.j siring of alut If they were CorapeUvd to
and forty-nine machine guns and cap
tured (,709 of fl oars and men.
' Ths text of the communication fol
lows: "By herole efforts our. troops Thursday
repulsed ,011 the rtght bank of ths Dnels
tor liver great forces of ths enemy who
had crossed near Zurawna. ssst of 8try.
Oa the front from Julakow to Slawkt the
enemy sustained great lossea Aitar a
hard fight ws captured 17 cannon, 4T ma
chins gruna snd took prisoners in of
ficers and t.MO men. Among ths pris
oners ts ens entire company of tho Prus
sian rusilier Quarda
Freaek Official Report.
PARIS. June p. nv)-Tbs
French war office Issued the following
statemont this afternoon oa the progress
of hostilities:
"There la nothing of Importance to add
to ths announcement given out last night
with. the exception of further suooees la
ths labyrinth,' whore we have continued
to force ths enemy back, and soma
pre glass to ths east of 'ths labyrinth.'
where we occupied several Oermaa aids
treaohea. -not far from the highway from
Arras to litlle. . 1 . ,t .
'.Un-lhs vegtoa orHebuterne ws have
extended our advance mads to the north
sad to ths south of ths battls front en
Jurat f The oocupatkm -. ot. evaraj
trenches st this point gave us 100 pris
oners and several -machine guns.
"In ths Dardanelles we have consoli
dated th results obtained Vy .us In the
ftghtliuj of June .,.-
"At the right end of ths Tavtns ef
Kerwve Dere we were successful with
minor engagements In making further
prosToea. ........ 7
tTisonera . wno rell . into . our hands
eonflrmed ' previous' reports that the
losses ef the enemy have been consider
able.'" ,
Raaelaas Take Muy Prise stare.
OENBVA. June Tx Tla Paris.) A dis
patch to ths Tribune from Innsbruck. In
ths Austrian Tyrol, purports to gtva de
tails or Ruasiaa successes In ths Del Ida
campaUrn. The dispatch ssrs:
"The Russians bombarded tho Austrlaa
positions from Stanlalau to Bortnlk on
left bank of the Dneliter. They have J
anvetr ins Jtusinens aeross tbs river,
taking a large number of prisoners. The
Aastrtaoa also bavo been obllgad to fall
back across the Dnelstsr at Bukasowla
Ths Russiaas stopped ths advance ef aa
Aastriaa column marching on Koloroa. i
The actloa was fUrce and the losses 1
heavy aa both sides."
' Oeewtaa Official Report.
BtaUN, JMtva 1L la IvndT-1
Oermaa army headquarters today gave
out the following official statement:
-waetsro theater: An advanoa mAe
by the enemy northeast of ths Lorette
hills and repeated attacks against our
posmons north and south of Neuvlils
failed. rUrhUnc at clcss auartsrs In ths
trenches north of Ftonrle continue
Southeast of IUbutarne and at Beau.
snoot attacks of the eaom
aulaad ysstorday and durinr the
Only la the district ef Serre-Marne the
s Tenon mads an Inconsiderable advance.
"TBS French attempted last n!e-ht n
take away from us the tranehae which we
eapturea ta Champagne oa Juno t. Ths
French attacked with strong forces which
exienaea along a large front to the
north of MeanU and as far aa the north
of Beauaelour farm, Tho attack broke
down comletely with very heavy losses
to tns rrenca. Repeated atUmpta to
meae night attacks were stopped at
their rery start
Easttra theater: On the lower Dubvta
northeast of Ftrgolaeeveral Ruasiaa at.
taoks were repulsed. The enemy lost 300
Duuuteaaxern theater: The situation
among ths Oermaa troops fighting n
wauvjiis is vncnangea.
a A aTPsa. a . aa. ase. ase. aVgaa sa. ew" aaaar srbb pa aw a osaw a a aa aaaf sm. sm srast m S) ahsf
Rraeat U. Lafkla.
QLENWOOD, la.. Juno ll.-fBnarfel t-
saest 1 l-unua died at a sanitarium
In Lincoln yesterday snd will be buried
at Glen wood oa Saturday. Mr Lufkln
was bora and grew to manhood la Olen
wood. and for many years was employed
la clerical positions In mercantile houses
here. Ha later bought aa Interest with
D. I Hetnahelmer company, then of this
place,, and front here axnt to Fairfield,
nee., wnsre aa was Interested In the
dry aoods bust twee with the same people.
ne leaves two eaughtera, both at Fair
field, aad a brother, Ed, a ad alater. Mrs.
Cora Laifktn-Wtckman. both of 1.
A age lea, Cal. Hs was la his forty-seventh
year. Funeral aervloea will ho conducted
from the Congregational church.
Jeha II. Valeatlae.
MASON CTTT. la.. June lL-Speclal
Telegram.) Joha H. Valentine, one of
the oldest Royal Arch Masons la ths
stats, died here at the age of tM. '
Ths Bee Want Ada Are tteet Bueineee
Thread Silk Hose That Wear
these hare lisle tops and Boles, and
come in both regular and ont sizes
75c a Pair
Infants' Socks
A complete assortment of in
fants' lisle socks at
25c and 35c
Also Thread Silk Socks in pink,
sky and white.
Misses' Flat or Ribbed Silk Hose,
splendid for wear, $1,00 a pair.
The June Clearaway
of Suits
$ll!.5. $14-7-5- $21J?.
All our hand-tailored suits are offered at
these three prices. It is a value-giving event
of interest to women who desire distinctive
drees and very moderate prices.
Palm Beach Suits
Exclusive Models
$12.50, $15, $16.50
A Vacation Stfggestion:
Vacation days are Juat ahead and
our spare momenta aro devoted to fig
urine; out where we ahall spend them.
How prod active of happy memories la
the vacation rightly planned and well
carried out, and what a really traglo
thing when a holiday so long an ob
ject Of pleasurable contemplation Is
spoiled by aome avoidable mistake.
Of equal importance
with the itinerary of
your trip is the planning
of your wardrobe and
suitability to the needs
of your vacation.
Our friends judgo us by our char
acterbut tho acquaintances we make
while traveling, upon whom much of
the pleasure of our vacation depends,
hare only our appearance to Judge
us by.
Bolect your vacation wardrobe care
fully let It express refinement and
taste, and yon will find your ploaauro
greatly Increased.
Not many clothes Not
necessarily expensive
clothes- But becoming
and suitable clothes are
what .. you are going to
need. ;
., .. :-l , - ? ' . .
Before -tuylng ' anything, why not
take a llttlo trip through the different
sections of this stors devoted to summer
apparel? . Ton will find many helpful
auggastiona and at price that all can
Saturday 50 Fine Goats
Go in the Annual June Clearaway
9Jj io $12?i?
This is a most opportune offering
as the coat season is just approaching
The Store for Shirtwaists
WASH BLOUSES new specials are offered Sat
unlay for
$1.00, $1.25, $1.65, $1.95 and $2.25
This store within a store gains in popularity, daily.
It is a pleasure to show you the new arrivals at your con
venience. '
Silk Gloves
For Summer i
Kayser Long Gloves,
white and colors,
75c to $2.0(3
Short Gloves, 50c to $1.25
Short Chamoisette Gloves,
50o quality, - - 29 c
Last Saturday Many v
Women Were Disappointed
in Not Obtaining
a 69c Petticoat
We have been abla to obtain only ten .
dozen more of these regular $1.50 Sateen
and Halcyon Petticoats for Saturday &t
- - 69c
Colors:, Black, black and white stripe,
. blue, gray, and other spring shades. A'
Sale Starts 8:30 A. M.
Regular Thompson & Belden $150 Petticoats, G9
June Clearance Sale Saturday
of the Finest Millinery in Omaha
Three Hundred1 New and Fresh Trimmed Hats
Because we have an absolute clearance four times
a year we have maintained the reputation of having
the most Fashionable, as well as the Finest Millinery
in Omaha. More than two hundred beautiful new
trimmed hats within the last five days have been added
to our stock all will, bo on sale Saturday, tomorrow.
Dress Hats
Light and Dark Shades, Also All-Black
$60 to $75 Trimmed Hats, for $30.00
38 to 50 Trimmed Hats, for 23.00
25 to 35 Trimmed Hats, for 15.00
12 to 22 Trimmed Hats, for 8.00
Tailored Hats
Large and Medium, White, Black and Pink
$12.00 to $ia00 Tailored Hats, for $650
6.50 to 10.00 Tailored Hats, for 5.00
3.75 to 6.00 Tailored Hats, for 2.75
Children's Trimmed
Hats, worth $20 to
$5.00 all at 75c
Extra large line of
Sport and Outing Hats,
Pamens, Felts, Leghorn.
All at Va and less for this
Toilet Goods
A sample line of Tooth
Brushes, special for Sat
urday only J ...5c
Rubber Cushion Hair
Brushes, regularly 65c and
75c, .Saturday 35c
Special sale of Kail
Brushes .V&
Arbutus Talcum, large
bottle for 17V.C
Massatta Talcum for. .10c
For Summer
Women's Gauze .Vests,
low neck, sleeveless, extra
good quality ...... .120
Women's Gauze Lisle
Vests, low neck, no
sleeves, plain or fancy
top ; . .33c
Women 's Gauze Union
Suits, low neck, no sleeves
fitted or wide knee. . .35o
Women's Gauze Union
Suits, low neck, sleeveless,
fitted or wide knee, all
sizes . . . : .50c
TUr4 rieee.
Thompson-Belden & Co.