Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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TllH ULK: OMAHA, NAiUKDAi, Jl.Nhi 12, Wl.
By MELLIFICIA. Friday, June 11, 1915.
NEVER waa there a time when Dame Fashion was no prolific In her
model of hair dress.
She has made It possible for ever? wonts to look her bent
and make the most of satisfactory or unsatisfactory features by
adopting the most becoming style of hair dressing. 1
A certain Omaha gentleman holds the Idea that the common fault of
women is that they fall to realize the Importance of making the most of
the crowning glory, the hair.
It has prored to be the common fault of men, too, for the story Is told
of a prominent merchant In our midst who purchased In the far east a
toupee of handsome teiture, which proved to be most becoming.
He first wore It at a small dinner, and the newness of the head dress
caused admiration from all, so much so that one of the guests, the wife
of one of our well known barristers, arose and, In the most Improptu
manner, recited a poem to the newly acquired toupee.
Either the poem or the toupee was wrong, for the gentleman has not
appeared In the new bead dress since.
MME. JOFFRE, wife of
the French commander-in-chief.
While her hus
band is directing the fight
ing in France Mme. Joffre
is doing heroic Red Cross
At the BrandeU.
V Mr. and Mrs. Archie Carpenter gave a
box party lt renins' at the Brandela
theater when the Rabbi Wlae lecture was
the attraction. The guests were:
Prof, and Mrs. Ttalaay.
Prof. sn4 Un. Ramsey.
Mr., j. K. Jenklna.
Misses Misses
Fetma Anderson. Alice Hftat.
Mi k. rmner Williams.
Another boa was occupied by:
Mr. and Mrs. f. J. McBhane.
Mr. Joseph tier den.
Mine S utile Harden.
Mid U.ler.
Mrs. William J. rove. Mr. and Mrs.
V. Ill Burns and Mr. I-awrrnre Blinker
formed a box party.
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgs Brandela enter
lained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Louis In their
bet, and another boa was occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Hay ward and Mr. and Mrs.
t. H. Payne.
Entertain, at Whiit. '
Mrs. W. Q. Goodrich entertained lha
'members of the Omaha Whlat club at
luncheon at her home today.-The guests
nf the Club were Mddiimi J. E. Davis
of Dts Moines. Rhosdes. Peters, Arthur
'Uuiuu. Itolcom. Those present were:
' Iter.
W. K. Poutant.
T. V. Or.-.
, llxserald.
.1. N. Hal'lK'In.
!Mary CrelKli.
V. J. Hrnalrh.
'.V a. Kdwarda,
Meed antes
nmi Haverstlck,
W. II. Wilbur,
K. W. tunther.
I. C. Gibson.
W. C. Hututerland,
Aithtir I Into,
I. V. 8holes.
At Carter Lake Clab.
The Carter Ik Kensington club held
1tS firat meetiiiK Thuraday at 1 o'clock
'l.inhn at the club house. Purple and
yellow clovers, and Individual bouquets
of. paneles decorated the table. The bus
iness meeting followed the luncheon, at
iwhloh tlte following officers were elected:
Mrs. Alvln IS loom, president, and Mrs.
'I P. Ileeney. secretary. Mrs. H. B.
Wunrach and Mrs. R. B. Newell were tits
sueata of the club. Those present were:
Meedamea . Mesdsmes
.!. K. Ivsrt. V. I,. Keller.
llenn Pelivprsw, Alvln Hloom,
R. U. Grayson.
W. K. Van Cott,
M. E. Jay-cox.
A. J'ureneon,
'Max HmUh,
J. Rohacek.
Paul Mi-yer.
Mih Hutu Berg.
J. 1'lckman.
J P. ileeney,
A. Jaesar,
W. Kchwarlck.
T. K. llanford.
Charles Iundy,
Children'! Party.
Mrs. Mead gave a children's party this
afiernoon at her home In honor of the
fourth birthday anniversary of her grand
cl.lld, Miss Jane Howman. The follow.
Ins were preaenti ,
I.lly Atkinson,
l.jrlnUr Norton.
Kins Knjclander,
J:iia belli Xabrlska.
.rtsrjorlo Moore,
Unrilt Oould.
lrethen Jamleaon,
Kline tx-tii iioman,
Jane Axtrtt.
George Mlckel, )r..
Lilian tlaveratlrk.
Ueanor Kovint.i
Maraaret Ksstinan,
Hertha Uradlord,
Martha Bradford,
I rothv Knna.
Hetty Eraser,
lurnke ttntith.
Norton TroxcU.
Tor Bride-Elect
Hi v. v. Krcppa gave a luncheon
Thursday at her hone complimentary to
Mies Jeule t'lerson, who wilt be married
next Tuesday. The guests entertained
K. O. k repps.
A. J. Hi'i ecu,
K. y.erman.
K H. Heyaeii,
T. A. Krlppsn.
1 S'slrbrother,
K. O. H tutor.
A. K. l-eire.
II. C Teul.
K. J. N'tasen,
M isaes
tl. Ixiwney
For Min Reynold!.
Mrs. Hush Robertson snd Mlea Pauline
Wssterfteld will glvs a progressive dinner
this evening In honor of Mlas Call at a
Reynolds, a June bride. The courses will
be served at the homes of Mis Marsamt
Pranta. Mlas Annetta Nurse, Miss Grace
Bennett and Miss Westerfield. The guests
wu Include I
Mears. and Meacfamee--
H Konertson. Charles Lang,
ttederlrk JJrlsul.
Mlaaes Mlaaes
Psi-tha Vaualm, Ksther (Jrsss,
I thel Klewitt. . Margaret Mcrarlan,
Mary Altce fid well.
Meeara. Meaars
Prederlok Klewitt. James Westerfield,
Pamuel Millard. James Huaton,
Hubert Merryman. Paul flamuelacin.
Robert Nurse, Wood bridge,
Harold Merry men.
Mrs. A. u. Bharpe win give a uincneon
Saturday at her home In honor of Mla
Callsta Reynolds and Mrs. C. Kllllan of
an Bernardino. Cal. The luncheon was
followed br cards Tellow roses and yel
low shaded lichts decorated the rooms
and yellow butterfly place csrds marked
the names of:
Mlsa Callsta Reynold.
Meadamee Meartamea
Ralph Cunningham, H. F. Btrub,
Ulenwood. la.; J. If. hnarpe.
G. H. Ixomia, J. C. Eleeter,
C. F. Urhmin, A. O. Hharpe.
KYederlck Palkblll, . C. M. Plvdsrds.
Jsmes Emerson,
At the Field Club.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. A. Cameron will en
tertain twelve guests at dinner Saturday
evening; Miss Marjorle llowland will
have four; Mr. I II. Pilehaua elsht: Mr.
C. H. Montgomery alx; Mrs. P. C. Hyson
six, and W. H. Herdman eight
The luwa Ktate College club will enter
tain at dinner this evening st the Field
Informal Luncheon.
Miss Anna Campbell of Glen Park ga.s
a luncheon at her home In honor of Miss
Mildred Tltsel, who grsdustes front the
Heneon High school this. week. The
luncheon wss carried out In the color
scheme of green and white, with table
decorations of the same color. Ths guests
Misses Misses
Ruby Davey, Mildred Tltsel.
Irene Moulthrop, Anna Campbell
Jeaais Beills,
At Happy Hollow.
Mlas Marlon Carpenter entertained the
members of the Wellaley club at luncheon
today at the Happy Hollow rlub.
Mrs. Inaao Carpenter will glvs a dinner
of twenty-two covers tomorrow evening.
Mlsa Mildred Rhode will entertain
thirty-six guests at dinner Saturday
A mualcal program will lie Riven by
Mlsa Hasel Silver, soprano, and Mr. Kd
ward Clark 'cellolat, Tuesday evening
of next week. Mrs. Walter Stiver will
be the accompanist.
Pleamrei Past.
Mrs. If. C. Buck was hostess at the
meeting of the Swastika club on Thurs
day afternoon at her boms. Prises were
awarded to Mrs, Frank Bwerlnaer and
Mrs. Buck. The elub will be entertained
In two weeks st the home of Mrs. Reeder.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Louts Kuh and Tlechner Kuh of
Sioux Falls, g. I are visiting Mrs. Kuh's
parents. Mr, and Mrs. A. Block. .
Mrs. Mabel Mirlver Hrown of Hennlbsl,
lo.. la spsndlng a few weeks with her
parent, . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Shrlvcr,
Twenty-fifth and Parker streets.
c -
at" f .s eajvrr r a
1 J ' ., I
Bat in This Caie it Waa from Drink
ing; "Juice" from a Quart Bot
tle of Olirei.
11. (Special.) Over 1,000 fond
parents, "sweethearts" and "Just vis
itors" invaded Camp Stritzlnger
armed with lots of "eats." The at
tack began early in the day by peo
ple who made the trip from Omaha
In cars, but the concentrated attack
crtne toward 10:30 a. m., when the
special train polled into the Burling
ton station loaded to the guards.
Eleven cars made up the train. It
was met at the station by the town
of Malvern with all available auto
mobiles In the surrounding country.
The visitors were rapidly transported
to the amp grounds. The whole
town came nut to the ramp. The
stores closed up and everyone came
Out to see the dress parade' and the
ball game between the cadets and
the town team.
The game resulted In a victory for Mal
vern by ths score of to .
The fhst vlrtim of the food brought
down by the visitors wss Robert Odell,
Otherwise-known ss "Boob" Odell. He
msde a bet of X, cents with one of the
frllow that he could drink the "Juice"
out of a quart bottle of olives. He drank
the Juice, but spent the next two hours
with the doctor working over him with
hot wster bottles, etc.
Another enterprising youth ptsrted auc
tioning off ereral pies his mother had
made for him. He reached ss high as
ccits ff.r one.
The result of the morning Inspection of
quarters wss as follows: Heoond bat
talion, first; first battalion, second, and
third battalion, third. For the companies
D got fl-et. K second and A third.
Company C, under Captain Johnson,
won flret In line Thursday afternoon.
Company D came second and Company E3
third. This Is the second time thst Com
pany. C has taken the first plsce. The
third battalion . has won the "clean
streets" every time that has been pos
sible. The winning of places at camp will
have hearing on the results of competi
tion. They will count a certain percent
age toward the result.
Her scant Keating and hie rooks pre
pared a meal fit for a king Thursday.
They had chicken to start with and Jcllo
besides other dainties. But the attendance
at tho maa tsblcs was very slight and
the majority of the cook's works of art
went bcjgltig.
Miss Agnes Nielsen
Faints from Heat
tVhst Is recorded st police hesdqusr
tera as the first heat prostration of tho
season occurred Thursday at p. m.
at Sixteenth and Kiu-nam streets.. Miss
Agnes Nielsen, 110 South Thirty-third
street, fainted snd was taken home In
an ambulance by Dr. Charles Shook.
Hes.t and humidity la thought to have
ben ths cause.
It. A. Weeman. 1 Oak street, who
wss struck by a taxlcab at Sixteenth
and Jackson streets on Thursday even
ing, died at St. Joseph hospital. Weeman
waa 74 years old. The taxi driver .was re
leased by ths police under !Mn0 bond,
signed by Dr. C. C, Allison.
FOR r.lEfl FOR 170L1EII
Every new and popu
, lar Shoe Stylo is always
shown first at the .
You will always get real
shoe satisfaction out of
Walk-Over Shoes
03.50 to 07.00
Ask It ie our new Sid Laet Scots
Phoinix Guaranteed Hosiery is all
cole s for Maa and Woman
:H s I ,11 I
a1 1 "S aak SS aa ea. peat
sinful if " fun 9
317 Couth 1Glh Street
Sereral Large Orginisationt to Pass
Through Enroute to the Pa-
cifie Coait
Next wee la going to be a bus? one
with the rsllrosds operating between
Omaha and the coast, ths officials as
serting thst at that time the rush of
business to the expositions will set In.
Several special trains carrying eicursion
Isls are scheduled to pass through Omaha.
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock through
Omaha ths Burlington will handle a spe
clsl train of Swedish-Americans from
Chicago. Hera this trsln will stop only
long enousrn to receive orders.
Wednesday noon the Northwestern will
bring a special in from Chicago carrying
ths American Federation of Mualcal
Clubs and the Women's clubs of Chicago
and Illinois. There will b on this
train, thst here will be turned over to
the fnlon Pacific, after a stay of two
hours In the city.
Thursdsy st t In ths afternoon a spe
cial will arrive over the Northwestern,
csrrylng or more postofflce elerks
from Chicago and the east enroute to
their annual convention on ths coast.
Here they will remain one hour and be
turned over to the Burlington to be
hauled west. The train will be made up
of fifteen sleepers, besides ' ths usual
quota of baggage cars and a dinar.
Bee Want Ads rroaoce flesults.
Real Old-Fashioned NSiM
Ginger Snaps 5f i I
j Made a little better by l
1 1 - their pure ingredients and 1 1
baking in the Sunshine. It I
I is this wholesome goodness that I J
makes you always prefer j
B&kexl in Onuaha
If you will writ us, giving your name and address
and your dealer's name, well gladly send you our
oaruhiM Surprtte Box, Fre containing
o kinds for you to try.
II a I2PE-UEB Biscuit Qokw t
flta '. Balkan Sumthlm Blsemtta tl
At the Country Clab. . '
iteaerv'itlons for dinner at the Country
club Saturday evening have been made
ft-r Air. and Mrs. A. O. Beeson. who will
Lave aixteen n't-nto; Mr. Colpetser, four,
anJ Mr. E. W. Roall, ten.
i i i it i
Creightoa Class Keunion.
Tii sixth annual banquet and reunion
t the f'lasn of IMS of Crelghton univer
sity wss hekj at the Loyal fyotel Wednes
day evening. Twenty-seven members
wete pnaent and the honor guests were:
rrfKldcnt; 3. X. McMenamy, ' Rev. A.
Wlae and Ilev. W. B. Qulnian of ths
Crelghton faculty.
Tlic fellowlng offter for the ensuing
year were elected: Mr. Cheater C. Wells,
president; Mr. Ambrose J. Oleaaon, vice
resident; air. Theodore B Nelson, see
rctaiy; Mr. John V. Bevertdge, treas
urer. 'lens for a rlass luetnurlsJ were formo
latd. The girt' Is to be a decorative
Hrchay to the college grounda. In value
about t:.ta. Mr. Theodora R. Nelson
was toaatmaater a ad those responding
were President UcMenajny, Mr. Ambrose
J. Uleeaon and Mr. Preston T. McAvoy.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
In a Store for Boys and Men.
Get a pair like Dad'i. School
Shoes, Outing and Barefoot
Sandals at low prices at
314 So. 15th St.
The summer trip
A bottla ol LmS Sliaupoo Is a haady addition to tn
trsveling kit aa4 oav e4 a food hsa4 cleaalag often
when oa lha roa4 or la camp. Tho Lsa botila is baavy
and strong and of shape easily packed. The cap Is always
aaremovmUa uatU tke lever is raised.
It la as easy to shampoo la s Pullman as at boeae and
It doee reireaa ooe so at the end of a tiresome day.
Lee's Liquid SWavaoo U the real hair soap that
mtuht Utif owl toothat Wares the hair and scalpels,
aaormsi and odor kens the hair eeeds o atw training
Travelers froaa Omaha oaa greatly aid oar eaJloaal
adverOaiag by lnrtigmiing hUe at hocoe. It Is not at
ail aaoummoa for Uavelers to he asked a boot goods ad
vertised trooa their home tows. Be Dreoarad to sirs Lava's
liiuid Ebaojpoo a Huie hoavai ti yo fiod it as good as we and others say.
4 oa. bottle. It ho.xpoos, eta. Mailed aoywWe la U.S.
Uea.botxsWcs. 11 esv bonis gtSg. !(! 4 ess. . .
CIO. IL IXE CO., Laboratorie Omalia, NibmU
HAVING neither prophets nor sons of prophets connected with this institution we can't
be SURE about the weather, but common sense, just plain horse sense, tells us that
I 33
Is Surely Time to Begin to Get Ready for Summer by Baying Proper Clothes.
i. eg
a ffVMjuu,
- lZ UV? t s-VrJwV
km HmJ Pirw
III i iM fi a ( W j-
tsJFf l ml I k
That same eqnine quality certainly jolts us with the fact that we have summer goods
a plenty to selL So here's Publicity to the Prices that will start the movement.
One thing the cool spell has done, it has en
abled us to secure a supply bf Palm Beach
Suits for Women.
The famous "Keuyon" line is confined to U.
In addition we show leading styles from ap
proved tailors: Prices, $10, $12.50, $15
t'oats $7.50 and $8.50
Skirts $3.08 and $5.00
Junior Suits for small women and big girls
at $10.00
Saturday we will place on sale at clearing
prices our entire stock of Silk Poplin Suits.
The popular summer fabric in, navy, black,
tan and leading shades.
Suits heretofore $35.00, for $22.50
Suits heretofore $50.00, for $32.50
Active apparel features la which our supply Is no
table. Fibre and Silk Sweater Coats, express shipment
Just in.
White Wash Skirts. Welts. Cords and Gabardines.
Summer Bilk Blouses, the new tints and stripes.
Saturday Sale of Children's Colored Cotton Dresses
An appealing election of patterns in material both substantial and thin secured at a price
concession. Sale also includes a few slow ones from our own stock. These prices will accelerate
the movement of both. Ages 3 years to 17 years.
AT 50 8 pie a did
plaids, checks, stripes and
plain colors. Wonderful
values for this little price.
AT 80et Durable
ginghams and practical,
plain dresses. Ought to
be $1.60.
AT 81.20 Finest
materials in the newer
Ideas. Middys and pleata.
ruffles and plains. $2.00
jL 3 1
We have all that Is new, all that Is popular and we
like to talk about the goodness of some numbers we
have carried for a long time. We think there can be
nothing better for the price than our boot silk for f0'
no better wearer than the Wayne Knit number at 75gt.
Absolutely superior Is our Pure Silk Stocking at 1 UO
AU these In Black. White and Colors.
Aa Indestructible Stocking, a box of four pairs,
guaranteed to sar four months 81.00 for the box.
Reticule seems a better word, but It's less used and
might have to be explained. We mean
Two lots selling at the popular prices or $1.10 and
$5.00. They are of aoft leathers and silks, and Just the
shapes that are fasafonable; $M0 ones, $1.1$; $5.00
ones. $3.$ 6. Saturday at 10 o'clock.
wouldn't be too much.
AT 82.29 Some of
our very best Dresses, that
have sold at $5 and $6.
Opportune offering of two numbers of Bummer
I Lion Suits that we know are right at Sale Prices Sat
urday. No. $45 has sold for $1.50, in regular sixes, Saturday
l'rtce 08
No. $45 has sold for $1.76, In out sixes, Saturday
Price 81.10
No. fJl is a Globe Suit. No. SOT , is a Merode Suit.
Both sell at $1.00; Saturday price SOC
Our Nushape Suit at J0t excels la value for the
ZSe Fine Usle Vesta..... IQc
50c Mercerised Veals, to clean up several small lots,
Saturday. I for 81.00
Covers If) and
at . .
very fine.
trimmed Night Oowne
82.08 and 82.08
Night Gowns
.08 end 81.08
7H? and $1.18
Sold at $3.00 to $5.00.
Some special prices Saturday.
Black Walnut Blocks, a delicious cream, chuck
full of Old Virginia black walnut meata, priced for Sat
urday, 30 a pound.
Very rich, no ordinary butter, but selected cream
and the tang of the flavor leaves a pleasant mem-half-pound
box, 15.
A rich center of opera cream, rolled In Texas
pecans. It has a drawing look; 40 per pound.
Special Candies. Ice Creams, Cakes, to order. Ask
for Cobb at Kllpatrick's.
f f raw in iii I infvel tWte erf As kM. Bmrntf) 9m eW Wpean ia hi
mm s tte !. r tw imaav ft
" UtMtlay.UaaliWi t
jp-a,-- taysge. ... . i