Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Omaha. Daily
Om Trains aad at
loUl Hew Bleats,
Peace Propaganda of Former Secre
tax yof State Flsdi little Fa
tot in Administration
' Circlet.
Vice President U Satisfied with
Wilton's Communication to
. ' Germany.
WASHINGTON, June 11. The
cabinet met today with Acting Secre
tary Lansing sitting In place of for
mer Secretary Bryan. While the
situation with Germany was dis
cussed. It was agreed nothing more
can be done on the German situation
pending a reply to the latest Ameri
can note delivered today by Ambas
sador Gerard to the Berlin foreign
Applr Facts.
While the president expects a prompt
answer. It is realised that It may be two
weeks In coming. In the meantime Ger-
many will be Informed of the facts gath
Vered by the American Government In con-
raction with the dropping of bombs rora
an aeroplane on th American steamer
The meeting today " beld In Presl
dent Wilson's private study In the White
Hons proper. .
Official refused to make any comment
on Mr. Bryan's statement of last night
and his announced Intention of Issuing
others. There were outward Indications
faTeneraUy are not pieasea. xn ctouiei
dlacuased the Mexican question. ,
Marshall Like Wttea Note.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 11, "I hare read
with a Terr treat deal of pleasure and
astlafsctlon today th official oremunl
catton to the German government." said
Vice President Marshall today. "I shall
he greatly surprised If' there shall be
found any large number of men In
America, who do not. fully approve of Its
tone and contents. The president la
meeting conditions, and no difference how
touch we may all desire . arbitration and
universal peace.' conditions-' are not
changed by such desires. He speaks the
voice of our common humanity. And I
' J man government does not coincide wiin
i""-ihls views. . . i. . .
' VI hope that my advice to my tellow
Cltlsens to stay away if possftale from the
one of danger will not be construed into
. a right of other to disregard the in
' ell nets of our common humanity. We
are a peace loving and ' a' peace 'seeking
people, and we will meet the powers of
the world on that basis whenever It may
be possible to devise a workable plan.
But unto, that time comes there are few
of us who will not Insist upon our rights.
--"The president could not consent jto
principle which would not put the 'gov
-eminent behind an American wherever
he may lawfully be. however unwise that
American's conduct. This Is the tredl-
tlonal course insisted upon properly by
I tha American' naoole."' .
' .-
YANKTON.' & r.. June iL-Bpeelat)-A
letter has Just reached here from
Robert Warren. In England, to his father
here,' Dr.- -H.- K.- Warren,- president of
Yankton college, that Robert, who had
been on the Red Cross work In Belgium,
had been for four days in solitary con
finement th the 'north of Franco, a Ger
man prisoner, charged with being a spy,
Toung Warren' won the Rhodes scholar
ship and was at .Oxford, when the war
broke out.
i Ctaadroa Has RmS Clab.
CHADRON, Neb.. June 11. -(Spec 11.) A
called meeting-of tho owners of autos In
this town resulted in the formation of
the Good Roads club, with the follow
in officers: President. W. A. Car mean;
vice president. Edward .Whits; secretary.
G. C. Bnow; treasurer, & E. Morey.
June 16th has been designated as the day
to Improv the road west of town, which
will be graded and graveled by volunteer
The Weather.
Forecast for Omaha. Council Fluffe and
Vicinity Showers;
not much change in
Tessyeratmr at
' Teeterder
S a. m
fa. m
7 a. m
f a. m
. a. I'V- ....
10 a. m
11 a. m
U m
1 p. m..
t p. ru
5 p. m
4 p. m.
6 p. m
p. m- ..,
T p. ni
5 p. ro...
Local Btecera
Wit. 1814. lli U1L
Highest yesterday .
Iiwet yeeterday .
Mean temperature .
Temperatura and
w n ; 3
t8 64 64 64
..... TJ ' 70 4 "4
00 .et .00 .IS
precipitation depar-
turvs from the normal
Normal temperature
. .14 Inch
. J im h
."E5 inches
.1.1 Inches
. 48 Inch
.1.7 Inches
r p. as.
Kxcena for tha dir.
deficiency el nee March I
uniuu precipitation
Left.ienoy for tr.e day ,
Total rainfall store March 1...
Deflt-lency slnos March I
reflolen y for cot. period. 1914.,
Excess fof cor. period, IMS....
Hesrts froaa gtatlaaa at
Statloa and State Temp. High
of Weather. - I p m. eat.
cneyeane. elear .
Davenport, elver
Denver, clear
Is Mulnrs, cnxidy ..
North Platte, cloudy .
Omaha, clear -.
rtitl City, rain
Pnertdan. rala
hux f'lty, rlcudy ...
"M tndlnalea traoa f
. S
, 7
Local rareoaeter.
perate fighting along the western front.
Federal Grand Jury Investigrating-
Affidavits that the Big Ship
Carried Onni.
NETW YORK, June 11. The fed
era! grand Jury, now In session here,
it was stated today will make a thor
ough . Investigation to determine
whether there was a conspiracy to
defraud the United States by per
sons, who obtained the affidavits
submitted to the State department,
In which It was asserted the steam
ship Lusltanla carried four guns
when it left here on its last trip on
April 30. The inquiry may last for
several weeks. Roger Wood, the as
sistant United States district attor
ney, who is. directing the inquiry,
said that the grand Jury would fol
low the evidence as far as it might
lead.. He declined to make any pre
diction as to who might become in-
vlored. ........ '
The arrest yesterday of Gualav 9tahl,.
a German reservist, who made one of the
affidavits' gwetrio the German Embassy
for submission to the State department,
Is regarded by the federal prosecutors as
only an inoldent ot what IS likely to be
a far-roaohlng Investigation, etahl, wry
Is charged with' perjury in repeating be
fore the grand Jury the substance of his
affidavit, is held in 11,000 ball for a hear
ing, before a United States commissioner
Thus far Paul Koenlg. also known as
Btemler. who the federal authorities say
Is bead of the secret service department
of the Hamburg-American Sieamshlp
line. Is the only roan they name us being
Involved In the alleged oonsplraey. It
was stated' today that Koenlg revealed
to customa officials here the fact that
Stahl waa In Albany after agents of the
Department of Justice had been search
ing for him for several days. The 'pro
ceedings asalnat Koenlg were Initiated
to establish the charge that ' he used
Improper influence to Induce Stahl to
make hla affidavit.
Joseph Weir, Anton Grieve and a man
named Bruckner, who also made affi
davits in the Lusltanla case, have been
questioned by agents of the Department
of Justice and can be summoned before
the grand Jury if their testimony is de
sired. Their affidavits tended to cor-
ro oo rate Stahl's statement that the
Lusltanla was armed.
Ure Must Appear in
Court and Tell Why
He Holds State Coin
LINCOLN, June 11. (Special Telegram.)
County Treasurer ,W. G. Ure of Doug
las county has been given until. June 17
to appear before the supreme court and
answer' a writ of peremptory mandamus
Issued on application of ' Attorney Gen
eral Reed why he - should not remit to
the staU treasurer 1170.000 alleged to be
due the state and 'held by him aa ac
cumulated funds since January 1.
C , ' . . . . .
"J am not surprised by the bringing
of the mandamus suit.", said Mr. Ure.
"and I Welcome It as a means of testing
the position taken by me In this matter.
My position 1s that proper receipts have
not been returned from the office of the
state treasurer for money sent from this
office and until I should have assurance
that such receipts would be forthcoming
I have taken measures for ray own pro
tection. I am glad that the supreme court
Is to pass on this Issue."
Thousands of Horses
Break from Corrall
ALTON", III., June 11. Five -thousand
horses Intended for the British and
French armies, frightened by sn elec
trical storm; broke from a stockade at
East Alton last night snd overran the
surrounding country.! The horse had
been bought by the British and Preach
governments and were held la the stock
ade awaiting shipment to Europe.
. For the rest ef the night the horses
galloped over the country trampUnj down
aardeos and lawns and knocking down
feaoes and young trees. They overran
the towns of Blast Alloa, Beabow City
and Wood River. They delayed a pas
senger train aa the Chlaago A Alton rail
road. WhsA the head light oa the loco
motive showed a bu-.h t nurses blocking
the right-of-way the train craw c-peasd
fire with revolvers, killing , two and
frightening the others away.
At damn Preach sad Urttlsh array offi
cers begna soonrlng the country te round
up the horeea.
Bryan Tells German' Americans U. S.
Perfectly Neutral;
WASHINGTON, June 11. W. J.
Bryan's statement, sddressed to the
German-Americans, follows:
"June 11. 1915.
"To the German-Americans;
"Permitt me to address a word
to you aa - one American citizen
speaking to tellow cltlsens in whose
patriotism he has entire confidence.
It is natural that In a contest be
tween your fatherland and other
European nations your sympathies
should be with the country of your
birth. It Is no cause for cqnsure
that this Is true; it would be a re
flection upon you if it were not true.
Oo not the sons of Great Drttaln
sympathize with theirs? Is not the
same true of Russia and of Italy T
Why should it not be true of thoee
who are born In Germany or Austria?
The trouble is that the strength on
both sides have mistaken a natural
attachment felt for birthplace's tor
disloyalty to this country. ,
neat Evldeaee f Neutrality.
"The president has been unjustly
criticised by. the partisans of both
ides,, the very best evidence-of his
neutrality. If he had so conducted,
the government as to wholly please
either side It would excite not pnly
astonishment, but misgivings. 4 for
partisans can ,not give an unbiased
Judgment; they will of necessity
look at; the question from their own
point of view, giving praise or blame,
according as the act, regardless of
it, real character, helps or hurts the
side with which they have aligned
"The fact that the administration
has received more criticism : from
German-Americans than from those
in sympathy with the allies, is due
U. S. Is Preparing a"
New Note to Britain
On Shipping Question
WASHINGTON. June It It wsa stated
officially today at the State department
that while officials had been for more
than two months assembling data on
which to base a new note to Great
Britain on Interruptions to American
commerce by British naval operations
there was as yet no indication of when
the' new communication -would be ready
for transmission to London.
It is intended that the new representa
tions shall be so complete In detail as to
preclude protracted discussion. ,
As ytt Great Britain has made no reply
to the last American note on the orders
In council. There is a belief in some
quarters here that It is unlikely a reply
will be made while the situation between
the United States and Germany contlnuea
It is intimated that the Washington
government note , might go forward as
soon as it was completed without regard
to the status of ; the negotiations with
Convict Gives Life
to Save Fellow
JACKSON, Mich., June 11 Harry
Burns, a convtot . In the Michigan state
prison here, lost his life yesterday after
having saved a fellow prisoner from
death. ,
- Two Inmates of the prison were painting
a huge viegar vat when the man inside
was overcome by the fumes. The second
prisoner called for help.' Burns responded
and climbed into ths vat ' He succeeded
In pushing tha unconscious man through
the opening, but himself fell back Into
the tsnk. Ue wss dead when dragged out
by other convicts.
Burns, whose home was in Detroit, waa
serving a sentence of from four to four
teen years for forgery.
Befugees' Train
. Reaches Vera Cruz
VERA CRUZ. Mez., Thursday, June
10. Via Galveston. .Tea.. June ll Ptvo
hundred fvrelgnars, refugees) from Hex
lee City, reaohed Vers, Orua lata today oa
a special train, under tho suparvtstoa of
Arnold ShankUn. American ooturui gen
eral at Mexico City, and John B. Hutchi
son. British consul st Vera Orua, . About
oc third f the party was made up ef
Americana The refugee reported that
oondttionfl la Mexico -City were un
Canadian troops on the march after participating in the recent des-
. .wjd V..
.AN - ,vf
ft-, f '
Asks Aid for Peace
to the fact that while both sides are
at liberty, under international law,
to purchase ammunition n the
United States, the allies, because of
their control of the seas, have the
advantage of being able to export
It. It Is unfortunate that partisan
supporters of Germany should hare
overlooked the legal requirements of
the situation and have thus ralsun
derstood the position of the adminis
tration. ' , '
Cannot t'haace Laws.
"The administration's position has
not only been perfectly neutral, but
it could not have been otherwise
without a palpable and intentional
violation of the rules governing neu
trality. This government is not at lib
erty to materially change the rules of
international law during the war be
cause every change suggested is dis
cussed, not upon its merits aa an ab
stract proposition, but according to
the effect It will have upon the con
test. Those who wanted to lay an
embargo upon" the shipment of arms
defended their position on th ground
That It would hasten pae, but It is
strange' that they coult have . over
looked the fact that the only way in
which such action on out part could
hasted "peace -would have been by
helping one aide to overcome the
other. -, ,
. ."While the attacks upon the' presi
dent by the extremists of both sides
were very unjust, it was equally un
just to suspect the patriotism of
those who took sides. I feel well
enough acquainted with, -the Euro-pean-born
Americans to believe that
In a war between this country and
(Continued on Page Two. Column One.)
Serbian Troops
Reported Moving
Toward Durazzo
LONDON, June 1L (Serbian troops are
reported to have occupied the Albanian
town of Elbaaaan. sixty-four miles south
east of Scutari, and are said to be march
ing in the direction of the Adrlatlo coast.
This Information was contained In a
private message received at Berlin today
from Athens and telegraphed to London
by the correspondent at Copenhagen of
tha Exchange Telegraph company. '.
A dispatch from Rom to the Bxohanre
Telegraph company says the Serbians
have occupied Tirana, a town of Albania
twelve miles southwest of Crola, and are
now marching on th Albania seaport of
Durasso. , ,
Albanian Insurgents, the dispatch says,
havs proclaimed a republic. .
NISH. Serbia, June 1L (Via London.)
Serbian' troops have ' occupied strateglo
positions In Albania. Tbey entered tb
Albanian town of Elbaaaan at the request
of the people. ; according to Serbian gov
ernment officials, who say the Albanians
fear the Austrjans' and ths Turks.
Cincinnati Stock
. Yards Quarantined
CINCTNNATI, June 11. A now order
of Quarantine, on account of th foot
and mouth disease, which affaots th
Union Stock yards here, earn from the
government bureau of animal industry
at Washington yssterday. It was issued
on the report of the state veterinarian
at Baltlmor that a shipment of hogs
sent from this city on June 1. had been
found Infected.
Tho yards will be shut down until of
ficials, are satisfied all danger la re
moved. Omaha i the leading! mar
ket for agricultural imple
ment. Last year the total
of the farm machinery dis
tribution from thie point
ffr ctfited 112.232,795,
Some farm machinery!
y H t r AT tC I T YQ H H " W f . 3 T
r 'i n i mi f -
Bejoinder to Kaiser's Reply it De
livered to German Foreign Of
fice This Afternoon. -
BERLIN, June 11. The note
handed by Ambassador Gerard to
the German foreign office today is
regarded in diplomatic circle here
aa decidedly conciliatory In tone, far
more than the first stories reaching
here by cablegram had led the for
eign diplomats to expect.
BERLIN, June 11. (Via London.)
Ambassador Gerard presented the
American note at the German foreign
office at 1:10 p. m. today.
The American . note, though
printed in full and given the greatest
prominence in the Berlin - newspa
pers, was not accompanied by edi
torial comment In the. editions ap
pearing tip to S o'clock. """
The headline of the newspapers
varied la wording, but were similar
In tone. Among the captions were:
' "America Stands Firm.". , ,
"A Very Solemn Warning.
"GraTe American Warning 4 to
Germany." . , , .
'A Grave Appeal." .
Usalig tits with Cable!. ,
WASHINGTON, June 11. While
the State department had bo. ad rices
from Ambassador Gerard .that 'the
American note to Oermany had been
received In Berlin, they ' assumed
from news dispatches last night an
nouncing Its arrival that the ambas
sador's messages were again being
delayed In transmission. They ex
pected the communication would be
In id before the foreign office tome
time today.
It became known today that although
the note waa shown to Fonnnr Secre
tary Bryan by direction sf President
Wilson, just before It wss dispatched.
It was not altered after Mr. Bryan had
seen It. Acting Secretary Lansing, who
showed Mr. Bryan the note, said today
that "not a word or - letter", bad been
changed. Mr. Lansing had not signed
the not as secretary ad Interim, when
he took tt to Mr. Bryan, and at that time
by the term of Mr. Bryan's resignation,
th latter was still secretary of stats.
Immediately after the conference, Mr.
Lansing- signed the note and Mr. Bryan's
resignation became effective.
Mr.. Lansing attended today's cabinet
meeting by specif io Instruction of Presi
dent Wilson, t He was not present at the
opening of the session, 'taking the ground
a tt waa expressed at the Btate depart
ment, that he 1 should not attend unless
invited, in view of -the ad Interim na
ture of his appointment
; ' Kills Girl and Self
. NEW x YORK, Juns n.-rxedsrick 3.
Hussenlus, Bald to be a member of a
Swedish noble family, but eetranged from
his relatives, today, shot and killed his
fianooe. Miss Mai in quia t, a young musto
tescher, In Central park and then seat a
bullet into his own brain, causing death.
A park polloemaa, who beard three
Shots, Sound th ooupl clasped In each
ether's arms. The pistol was In Hus
senlus band.
In Kussenlus pocket waa a note wbloh
read In part:
"In well considered covenant, not Im
pulsive, not Impassioned. Believe that
it is for the best."
TOPEXA, Kau., rune tL Kansas to
day again fears a serious flood. Heavy
rains along the entire Kansas river water
shed yesterday and today caused most of
th smaller streams to leav their banks.
Inundating adjacent farm lands.
The situation today seemed more serious
at Topaaa where the crest ef th high
water oa-ased by rowail rains in th uspsr
raaohee ef the Kaaaaa riror reanhsd her
and oomMnad with on of th heevai
rain in ths btstsry ef the local trottad
Slate weather bureau. 4-7T in whs falUag
in Topeka ra the last twentr-fsur harnr
Several rastaant aertlans aa flooded. K
j Uvea has bean reported last.
Possession of This Important Place
Endangers Communications of
the Anitriant.
UDtNE, Italy, June 11- (Via i
Geneva and Paris.) Italian forces'
today are advancing through Predll I
Pass, on the Junction of the Lalbachj
railway at Tarvis, which lies about
six miles on the Austrtaa side of the
Italian border. Trains of Italian
wounded soldiers are arriving at
INNSBRUCK, June 11. (By
Courier to the Swiss Frontier and
Geneva, Via Paris.) Italian forces
have captured Floekln, In Austria,
close to the frontier. The possession
of this location is important, as it
endangers Austrian communications.
Tloeken is fifteen miles south of
tbe main highway between Lalbalch
and Innsbruck. .
Aaatrlaa Claim Victory.
COLOGNE. Oermany. Juno n.-Vla
tendon.) Tha correspondent of the
Cologne Oaaette, attached to the Aus
trian army headquarters In the south,
says, In a dispatch, that the firat con
siderable battle of the war with Italy
baa been fought In th region of the
I on so river and that It resulted favorably
to the Auitrlans.
The Italians attacked Gorilla, Oradlsca
and Fonfalcona, supporting their ad
van re with artillery fire from pieces of
large and email caliber. The Italian ad
vance, th correspondent saya, was
checked by the Austrlans' fire on their
flalika. - -
Bays Battle t'adeelded.
GENEVA, June 11. -(Via Parle.-A Lai.
bach dispatch lo the Tribune sayst
'The Italians began their march
against Gorlala onthe morning of June
I. When the first .detachment were near
the city, Austrian artillery opened fire
and heavy masses of Infantry which were
thrown forward forced the Italians to fall
bark several times. Italian , artillery,
posted east of the city, opened a great
gap In the Austrian ranks, but up to tbe
morning of June neither side had gained
a-decisive advantage. The Austrlans lost
from 1,0000 to 10.000 men. Oorlila Is over
flowing with wounded, who are being
cared for at private houses, because ef a
lark of hospital space."
Wilson Would Amend
Treaties that Conflict
With Seaman's Law
WASHINGTON, Jun U.-Th United
States ' has . Instructed Its diplomatists
abroad to ask for ths annullment of those
paragraphs of commercial treaties whloh
conflict with th new seamen's law.-
1 Aa the seamen's law dees net become
effective until March, 1916, for foreign
ships there Is much time for diplomatic
exchanges. President Wilson signed it
during ths closing hours of the last con
gress and let it become known he thought
he could handle the objections to it with
full recognition of the rights of ether
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France
and Belgium and ' other natlona with
which the United, States has commere
and navigation treaties niaile representa
tions that the bill's provlaiona raising the
standards of labor and affecting the
equipment of ships which visit American
waters conflicted with their rights under
The provisions of tbe aot apply, te
American vessels earlier than to foreign
ones, and one company which manned its
ships -with Chinese crews already has
glvsn notice that it will discontinue sail
ings. Order or Cavalry
to Leave Mexican
Border Withdrawn
WASHINGTON, June 1L Possible lnter
farenoe by local Mexican officials along
the border with plans of tbe Red Cross
to distribute through, American officer
and Its own agencies food supplies to the
famine-threatened Mexican peopl Is th
reason for orders from the War depart
ment to delay the departure of three reg
iments from the border to th Philippines.
: Th American troops cannot cross th
border without instructions from Wash
ington, but In view of the possibility of
resistance by the Mexican officials the
War department intends to have at hand
means to nforo any orders that may be
given by President Wilson. Tb regiments
affected are th Fifteenth cavalry at
Port Bliss. Tex.; th Twenty-seventh In
fantry at Oalvaston and tb Ninth cav
alry at Fort Douglas, Aria.
These regiments were to proceed to
Manila to relieve thro other regiments.
It la said at tb War department, how
ever, that th suspension of order I
only temporary. . .
Man from tho Eitel
Held in Spain Left
Ship at Buenos Aires
PARIS. June 1L A dispatch received
tonight by tbe Havaa New agency from
Algeclras says it has now been learned
that the man arrested there and at firat
described as tbe oommander of tho Ger
man oonvarted erniaer Prtns Xatel
Priedrioh, la not in raot it entnmaador;
but Is either soma ofOasr of th wiitsst
or th ahlpg oVwtoc I
Th usxt waa CI whan tb Prlna ZXtol
Uims4 at Bsssno Aire hafns gneuf ta
Newport Kewa. H was Jsst 1a a hso
pUai at Boono Also and whea ha had
seantni hi baexfiB spit ran via oh
aa Itahaa steaxxtSmp. Bis satieaaUty
waa gawsai d and ha, was taUaraed at
Otaraltac. whaes ha now la.
German and Austrian Troops Which ,
Foroed Dneister Near Znrawna
Are Finn; Back, with . .
Heavy Log,.
Regarded as First Beal Check to'
Teutons Since Start of New
Bush Through Galioia.
LONDON, June 11. British ob
servers of the war. forming their
opinions on the, latest dispatches
from Russia, believe that the Austro-
German forces threatening Lemberg
from the ' sonthesst have ' been
checked in their advance. Ru-eta,
they declare, has delivered a return '
blow, and a hard one. The ' great
masses of German and Austrian
troops which have forced a passage
cf the Dneister river near Zurawna,
acrordlng to the latest announce
ment f the Russian War office, have'
been flung back with heavy losses,,
In both men and material.
Leathers; Temporarily Safe.
Thus for the moment Lemberg Is
thought to he safe, for nowhere etas
along th Gallclan front have- the Ten-,,
tonlo allies been making progress re
cently, with the exception, of course,' of
their southern extension Into Bukowtna.
News was received yesterday that Rus
sian reinforcements were moving south -along
the Dniester river from Mlkolalow
to Rohatyn, but It was hardly expected
here that they would achlov such quick -
results. If this victory has been derisive.
It Is the first real check delivered by the
Rusalans since the start of the new
Austro-German rush through Oalksla.
Here it Is chsractartaed as giving re- -newed
faith to Great Britain and Pranc
to the recuperative powers of Russian
Nothing new has been heard In London '
concerning the fighting In the Baltla '
provinces. '
The Italians now are leas than twftnty
miles from Trlest, the , chief port of .
Austria. '
On th western front th methodical"
French advance would appear for. tbe
moment to' have eeaeeJw t,.n. the
other hand, th German counter attacks
do not seem to. have been successful.
! . Rwsstaa Of nlal Restart.
' PSTROORAD, June 11. An official an
nouncement from army headquarters ;
given out today recite a Russian sue- '
eess en tbe river Dniester. ' After hard '
fighting th Russians yesterday took -.
from the antagonists seventeen cannon
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Three.)
The Day$M War News
rea4 ar Ambassador Oerard
tltl a ft era ova 4 th German for
ela of flee.
made at Vienna of the slant; la .
' the Adrlatlo by aa Aaatrlaa sab.
marine of a British eraleer.
ITALIA INVASIOlf ( Aaatrl aves
th oaatora f rootle ha mad tar-,
' ther headway, aeeordlagr to a re- )
port from laashraek. '
HBAVT PIQHTINO ' aa ' Gallrpoll '
gtoalaaala has followed th Pre ark 1
, ail British off ewelv . saavomeat .
- aadertakea a woelt aare. . A mm.
aasjt from Coastaatlaapl states
that th F reach and British lost '
a.OOO saea hilled oa th algbt of1
, Jut B-. .
' eteamer Daala, rose, aad th ,
' baric Tosaaalaa hav bee a soak.
by Oaranaa sab-marl a. ' Tbere
waa aa loa af life. '
th North tea were, attacked aad .
' asak by Eeppelta.
ateamer Itrathcarroa, 8.800 teas,
aad a Rasslaa bark. No loss of :
Ufa I reaortea ta say ease.
- it
Tour .
Everybody Honda Baa
Wans Ada.