Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1915, Page 8, Image 10

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    T71F, IU;K: OMAHA, I'HIDAV, .JUNK 11. 191.-..
By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, June 10, 1915.
HOOP skirts are here.
We may like them or we may not, approve or bo agin 'em,
but here they are and they were introduced with eclat at the
Pickens-Paterson wedding of Tuesday evening.
For future statistics Mrs. Pstersorj may feel assured that nhe gave
the boons tbelr Omaha launching when, at her request, her maids appeared
la the dainty hoop skirt frocks. They proved to be a most attractive style.
The attendants, who were Mrs. Paul Gallagher, Mrs. Ralph Peters,
Miss Gladys Peters and Miss Daphne Peters, have fallen In love with the
vogue and promise to be true devotees. They appeared charmingly un
conscious of the demureness of their gowns. Mrs. Ralph Peters' and MIks
Gladys Peters' hoops were of crystal, Mrs. Paul Gallagher's of Irrl
descent bands and Miss Daphne Peters' of pale pink satin.
Fhelpi-Printi Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Henrietta Trim,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Augifat
Prlns, and Mr. JR. Ooodwin Phalps, was
celebrated last evening at the Plymouth
Congregational church at I o'clock.
Rer. Frederick W. Lavltt performed
tha ceremony.
Tha bride wore a sown of soft whit
tin an tralne. The bodice wn of shadow
tare with trimmings of pearla and long
tulle alt-even. Her veil was held In place
with a sfvrey of III Ira of the valley and
aha carried a ahnwer bouquet of bride's
rosea and lilies of the vallrr. '
Mlaa Elisabeth Frani-ea Hitman of North
Platte, Neb., was the maid of honor and
tha brldevmalds were Misses Inea Cast
berg. Kthel Kurs. Mary Chssa and Cora
Jones. little Miss Florence Kurs carried
the rings for the double ring service In a
ralla Illy and roae petals were strewn
before the bride by Misses Helen Tearaon
and Ruth Vennto.
The groom "we attended by Mr. Wll
llsra Alvin Korrey aa beat man and tha
ushers ware Messrs. Stuart Owen. John
R. Willi ms. Carl Cain and I-ee Hohsnn.
Following the ceremony a reception was
held at the homo of the bride's parents
after a trip west. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps
will be et home In Omaha.
Out-of-Town Wedding.
A wedding ef Interest to Omaha was
celebrated today In Pant Monica, Cel..
and was of Miss Louise Fearon of
Hants Moni.w, and Mr. Robert Driscoll.
Jr.. of "l-ead, . D.
Miss Fearon Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Edward Fearon. who made their
home In Omaha until their removal to
California a few yeere ago. 8ha attended
the Bacred Heart convent and finished at
Rochester. N. T.
Mr Prlscoll Is a graduate of Harvard
and im the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
It, nriscoll. He Is associated with tils
father In the banking business at La(V
The young couple will spend their
honeymoon on tha coast and before re
turning to lad will be the guests of
Mrs DrlscolVs sister. Mrs. James P. Mul
queen. In Council R'uffs.
For Bride-Elect.
Miss Augusta Messmer entertained at
her home a. mlacellanooua shower Tuee
day evening In honor of Miss Auna Orieb,
whore wedding to Mr. Joseph Haucler
will tske place on Tuesday, June 1.
The rooms were decorated In pink and
green,; with large bouquets of white
t-oses. American beautloa and carnations.
Those present wars:
Misses Mlsses-i
Marie Juki. Clsra Munch.
Peart Hrotlbetk, Agnes Hartung,
Kate Wachtler.
rusie jvonin,
Margaret Hchlnker,
t'hrlatena Federle.
Teresa Wlnkelhagen,
Rosa Htaiidacher,
Mary Kchlcker,
Armella bchlnker.
Marie Kroskocil,
Kate rVhlnker,
1-udmllla Orieb,
Ruth Matson.
Kllsabeth ith.
liartara Kautti,
Auguaie Mcssiner.
C. Orieb, .
M. Hug. .
J. Al.ssmer.
Fleuoxei Fut.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Ranter entertained
Wednesday evening lu honor of Miss
Kmma Rarner, a June bride. The color
(.heme was pink carried out with sweet
leas. Tlace cards were laid for;
Mesdamea - Mesdames
W. C. Heal. . B . Hamer.
A. A. Hcatli,
MUaea lltaeea lUmer, Ljdla Ramer.
Mraars. Mcnrs.
W. C. rw-al. N. 1. Cahow.
A. A. Heath. M w v.
Miss Eleanor Fuller and Mr. Nathan
Hubbard were heard la song recital last
evening at the studio of Miss Florenoe
Baslcr Palmer. Mr.. Paul Keeea was at
the piano.
Tuesday Ereninr Club.
Miss Mabel Graham entertained. the
members of tha Tuesday livening ciub at
her home this week. Those present ware:
Xliases Misses
Mary Holbrook, Mabel Jsry.
Kalherlne Oranvllle, M adge Howard,
Floren'-x Hollwook, Mas Howard.
Irma KlUlISUra. Amy Kltiwllltam,
I'hliomena (torman, Mabel (Jreham.
lioa. Oorman,
Cornelius Psley,
I arles Taylor,
n, Mahoney,
Kojtrr Mvlnttston.
Flank McMahon.
F. Inborn.
iWalter Adams.
Joseph Morse
of luincoln.
tVorge Graham,
Himh Orahain,
F. Templeton
of CliU'aao.
Thomas Uraham,
Weddin j Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortts Meyer announce
the niarriage of their daughter, Minna,
to Mr. Pells Kaerter, which was cele
brated on Monday, June 7, at Krlstlanla,
On tha Calendar.
Tha General Henry W. Lawton auxil
iary to lee Forty camp, Cnlud States
- War Veterana, will hold Us regular meet
ting in Memorial hall June IS, 11 Sk
At the Field Club.
Mr. O. C. Montgomery will give a alag
dinner this evening for twelve guests.
Garden Club.
The regular meeting of the ' Garden
ciub was held yaatardar. Mrs. Osgood
f'.tatmau was the hoateas. and a paper
en "Mo!s." by Mrs. Chartes T. Kountsa,
waa read during the aftarnooa. The club
will be entertained VTednoaday of neat
ek at the borae of Mrs. Charles T.
Koantse, Those present Wednesday were:
Mefrdamee Medaiiiei .
C. w. l.yumn, Harry P. Whltmore.
" H. hui,n. . J. 1 Poresl laiiai
Chartra 1. Kountse. Maiuiwravn.
At Eeyiuoiir lake Club.
Mesdames La. M. Lord and John Beklns
riilertajined tha esecutive board of the
Oioaha Women Oolfere at luncheon to
day, and the afternoon waa spent oa
tne links. There were twelva guests
Mrs. C. P. 8. Tubln gave a brldga
linn iieun of amteen covers today.
A inll lin bron party today waa coin
luttd of Hmlm'i J J. McAllliitcr. M.
Hrx Osgood TEasLman.
I. . King, A. 8. Mldlam, James Coir. J.
II. l'arratt, J. IC Hetlnur, Oeorge Mac
donald. John .Urton and Miss Ida Kaley.
Mrs. Orant Parsons will chsperone a
dancing party of thirty-five members
Saturday evening. The guests wilt be
young people from the t'niverslty of
With the Wayfarers.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Anderson are vlalt
ing In Ohio and In Indlannpolls. The
National l.lva Stock convention, to which
Mr. Anderson goes as a delegate, con
venes in Indianapolis this week.
You nrvcr tasted
daintier, li.hter, flufBer :t
biscuits than those yAViV
baked with Calumet W If-'
Tlicy're alwajt SW , :. .
eooddtieioHi. U .
Fur Calumet In'
urrs perfect
uiruccr 1V1&M V
WerUT Par fMd
f..Hinw. Chk.aa,
I is
fails EpttlnM,
f'raM, trUraaa
I'I'i His
'i i, 7.1 r .
K7 ,1 "im !
r a, f 1 AiJ'xM, m
iv " y
r ' m fir I
( N
w a a
m. - , , g-
II 1
I X 1
It M
I W -y a Si J
! fi
fV 'SJU. 'tl I lit' a II d
Ferional Mention.
Mies Henrietta Re hue returned from
a short stay In I-inr.iln.
Mlxs Helen I.aursn e Is vlsltlnr rela
tive in Ccrar Rapids, Is.
Mrs. C. R. Wilson has returned from
a three months' visit In California.
Miss Roue Summer of Chbsgo hss sr
rlvrd to be the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Mm. A. Finher left Isst evening for
Atlnntic City, where she will eppnd the
Minn Inls Howell !rft last week for
Oxford, O., to attend he commencement
at the Western College for Women.
Jim Harry V. Ilurkley and cousin, Mrs.
Charles Fox, attended the alumnae ban
quet at HL Francis academy In Council
Mr. Kenneth Norton ias returnel from
Cornell university, where he took his
first year of work In architecture. He
Is now a member of the Alpha Delt fra
ternity. In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Kdmond Dennett has left for Isl
ington, Kjr., where she will be the guest
of Mr. Kdward Freeman.
Mrs. I,oiifa Hllverberg left Tuesday eve
ning for Chicago to attend the wedding
of her niece. Miss Ruth Rllck, and Mr.
l.dwln ItecHer, which ' will be celebrated
Sunday evening at the Lake Side club.
Hiihh! Jones, asalsled by the bride's
father. Rabbi laaae Blick, will perform
the ceremony.
Fremont Club Entertained.
' Mrs. Kdward Penan and sister, Mrs. A.
C. Overgsrd of Fremont, entertained the
Rachelor Girls' club of Fremont wt lunch
eon and cards this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Pegs ii. This club Is one of the
oldest clubs In the state, having been
organised when the members were fifth
grad 'lioolmto In Fremont. AP the
members are present and former Fre
rm.nt girls. The decorations this" after
noon were in Killamey roses, asparagus
Seamless Hosiery
Women's, Men's and Children's
Fine Cotton Seamless Hosiery-
Fast' black and fancy colors,
Worth to 12J4c, special f 1
per pair . , . v I2"C
Can You Imagine Womens and
Misses' Silk Dresses for $3.00?
Special Shoe Sale in the Basement Friday
Prices rcry low and Takes above the ordinary
ISO Pair Women. Fin Oxfords and Pumps Patent leather, dull
calf, champagne kid, ate. All good -styles, alses broken; practically
all sixes, bowerer, In tha lot. Every pair worth 13.60 to 15.00:
piled on tha bargain tables for
Mary Jane Pumps for Women
Patent leather or dull leather,
light turn or welted soles; broad
toea, low beels, ankle straps.
Worth to IS. 00, J1 QQ
pair DXe70
Barefoot Sandals for Children
All else s to 1. Special
pair ,
Tennis Shoes for Men and Boys
All sites. Good rubber soles,
strong canvas tops,
Men's Furnishings
Men will be able to save money Friday on these of
ferings. More than usual reductions have been made on
high grade garments.
Special Lot of Men's Kibbed and Porous Mesh Union
Suits In white, ecru and fancy mixtures. Worth fi A
to $1.25. Specially priced, suit, 50 and OlfC
165 Dosen Men's Athletic Nain
sook, Balbrtggan and Lisle Shirts
ana Drawers, wortn to
16c. Garment, 2S and
About 5 Dosen Men's Negligee nd Golf Shirts Broken lots
from our big shirt purchase, worth to $1.00. Base- Cf
oient special.... OUC
Cambria and Nalnaovk binbroldery
KJ and lnaartlone Ip te
6 lochia will. tpMlal.
Womau's Fine Cotton Veeta se
All aisee. Worth te 1IS a. C
98c SPREADS. 50c
One lot of Crochet Bed flpraada. else
Maraeillea Bolalera Sllaliily f g
lad from diapiay. tday. ijyfj
VstiiK. i'r d re und
The mem-
Otto Pol 1 1
of Fremont,
John Hetn
of Fremont ,
Otto Hchurmsnn
of Fremont,
Cluy Hnlr.l
of Fremont.
Ttaddeii (J'ltrin
of Fremont,
Warren Vsn"e
Mends men
Allan Palmer,
Kuwerd Peasu,
A. C. Overgard,
Mona Turner
of Fremont,
Ktta May
of Fremont,
France Mav
of Fremont.
?rtha Hheard,
Mary K. Welty.
Mennle Uoarre.
Mergsret Homers
of Fremont,
I .aura nridge,
Mona Bridge.
of Ion AnK' I' S.
W. I. Reynolds
of Fremont,
Archibald Kmliti,
Frsnk I. Klllck.
Alfred Tousaiin,
At Happy Hollow.
Mr. and Mra Norrla Brown will enter
tain at dinner thla evening for their
house gueets. Miss Oela Vlsh and Miss
Mary Tanginr, of Lvklns. Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Reeaon and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Webster had dinner
Wedneaday evening at the club, in honor .
of the first wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Webster.
Mr. J. J. Dodds will entertain twenty
giists at a bowling party this evening.
Mrs. F. M. Tanner had four guests at
luncheon today.
Mr. W. A. Khodee will entertain thirty
sis guests at dinner Saturday evening,
and on Monday of next week Mrs. W. R,
Williams will entertain In honor of the
kensington club of the Daughters of the
American Revolution.
Dana Hall Commencement.
The annual graduation exercises of
Dana Hall at Cambridge. Mass., were
held Wednesday. The fqllowlng Omaha i
girls received diplomas: Misses Reglna
Connell, Adele M. Davis. Ruth M. Fits
gerald, Frances P. Leverty, Helen E.
Pearce and Isobel Vlneonhaler.
Entertains at Kensington.
Mrs. C. M. Schlndel and Mrs. Rruce
McCollough gave a kensington. followed
by a I o'clock tea. this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Schlndel In South Omaha.
ferns and deep pink peonies,
bers present were:
Well here they are, ' GOO splendid
dresses that were made to sell up to $7.50
and they go on sale in the Basement
Friday for $3.00 each.
There are styles and colors galore
silk poplin, crepe de chine and lace com
messaline, stripe silks,
taffeta, messaline and foulard.
Superior styles, plain and fancy
dresses, and so on.
Nobody's three dollars ever
bought so much real worth. These
dresses are well made, right up
to date, all good colors and styles.
Come and take your choice f orx
Friday selling-, Q f"
Juliet Rubber Heel House Slip
pers Soft kid. All
sites. Special, pair. .
Men's Outing Shoes Service
able, aoft and easy. All sizes.
Specially priced,
Children's Ankle Strap Slippera
a All
Patent leather. Every
sis to S. Special
Women's White and Black
Pumps The new styles. All
sties for Friday,
Odd Lots of Men's Shirts from
our big shirt purchase. About
S0 shirts, worth 60c. QQ
Special, each.. a7C
pn. ru. of Mill Knda of Full
Blsached Tabl. Iamaak the in
linen flnlaiied kind. All Id 4Mf
l-ard length tach
Bamnanta of Wuh and Fancy
T rimming. l.area I'p to out
yard long, amcb piece
10c NAPKINS. 5c
! dien Mercerised Napkina Ham
med r.1y to use. lt-lnrn si a. r
All neat paitrrtia (mill sac- Z)C
onda). (ipax-lal, ea h ...
Whit. Silk eella ragular
ulaxly t 4
for :4c. imperially in
i r1
The rooms were decorated w It h peonies
and Klllxrncy roeea. About fifty guests
were entertained. Tomorrow afternoon
.the same hostesses will entertain fifty
sural a at an auction bridge party.
it Settlement News.
ifi' Vr. John O. Lent of Lincoln will arrive
june is 10 iase cnarge or xne ooya ror
the summer at the settlement and Mrs.
Lens will assist Miss Adams In the work
of tha playground for the summer vaca
tion. The Junior players of the settlement
will have a tennis court In the yard of
the Hmith - Lockwood whip factory
grounds and the Brownell Hall school
tennis course will be used by another
settlement band.
With the Visitors.
I Miss Elsie Ray of Uncoln Is spending
a few davs with her rnuiln Xll, H.n.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward
Noble of In
Mr. and Mrs.
dlanapolis are guests of
William K. Bolln.
. Miss Ruby Randall of Columbus, Neb.,
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
The Cup
II. J. Hughes cot toe
Ecoeomies tine Basement
" " '
nd Remnant, from Stock Thous
ands, of yards of seasonable wash
fabrics, oallcoaa. percalea, light shirt
ings, batiste, lawns, etc
While they last Friday,
Fine Quality nresa Zephyrs In all
the wanted stripes, plaids and checks
faat colors. 10c and g I
12 He values; Friday, DC
SS-tnch Dress PerraJa Ilgbt and
dark grounds, neat dote and at noes;
lengths up to 10 yards.
lOo value. (Specially priced,
17 inches wide. Beautiful printings
this season a choicest designs.
Remnants up to 1 yarda.
10c and UHo values; Fri
day, yard
27-Inch Genuine Renfrew Crepea
Voiles, ate.- Remnants ana
full pieces to select from.
loo value, yara...
, . . . A
!2-lnoh Genuine Engllah Phil-tins
Madraa Book fold and plain flat
loiu. All tna leading anin-
tng atylaa, faat ootora. l(o
vaiue, yara. ,
. , . . . .
Mercerised Noreltl.a and 27-inch Silk
frlntahed Poplin. Suitings. 1 A I
eto. All the wanted shades. lUC
lie and lo valusa, yard....
Beet Grade Apron Gingham Com
pares with Amoskeag or Lancaster
Full aasortment ail the wantec
we eHittn
eheoks and broken tweed
effects, faat Indigo dye.
Worth SMc, yard
IS-lnch Unbleached Muslin Goo
standard I L grade, aoft
finish, easily laundered,
c value, yard
tf-lnch Beat Grad. Bleached Muslin
soft finish, free from drees-
ya?d R',)Ir price ,Hc OjC
Slxlt-lnch Bleached 8ee,mlaas Sheet.
Beautiful aoft flnlah. for domestic
and hotel uae; I-inch hema, fA
torn and Iron.d. 70c valu. Drfl
IVtday, each ef
42 and 4(xtf-lneh Bleached Pillow
fiitpa to match. Soft flntah, (
ready for uae. 12 He value, IUC
Drugs & Toilet Articles
Liquid V.neer lc else, 29c
Wizard Floor Polish tt else AAf
can k r"c
K.le Naptlia 8oa IS bare 38c
Ivory or Wool Soap a bars 19c
Whit. Naptl.a Boras Soap OO-
10 bare for "ov"
Johnann'a Floor Was 1-lb. eQ
ran for
liolman'a P.roxld. Soap C -
S bara for
Peroxide of Hydrogen 1-lb. . A
bottl. HC
Ravea Toll.t Boap
large rak.
Golden Rod Washing Powder 1 n.
t packagea C
Pearl White Soap IS bers 29c
Pure Castile Soap J-lb. bar 21 C
J. A P. Coats' Thread Chain
brand, fcpool
J. Jt P. Coats' Croohet Cotton
- a pool
Wooden Coat Haagere
I for -
Wash Trtinaalnga Worth Ic.
" Ppeclai" Hoae Sup-
purtera pair Notion Box.a.
It-yard bolts of 11m Levi
Blaa Tap bolt
Ocaaa Pearl Buttons regular
loc vaiua, card
. 5c
Welsh Says it is
Different When He
Has Taken an Oath
Colonel L. A. Welsh, weather forecaater,
was the victim of a Joke by which he
waa compelled to testify under oath that
he wae unable to tell when warm
weather would come to Omaha, when he
gave evidence In Anton Zallnsky's dam
age suit aaainst the Burlington railroad
In Judge Troup's district court
He waa called to teatlfy concerning the
condition of the weather in January. 1911
During cross-examination he wae eur
priel by this question:
"Colonel, when will we have warmer
weather here?"
The weather forecaster answered: 'I
cannot say. I am under oath."
ammer Toarlst Kaearslona.
Effective June 1. Nickel Plate road will
sell reduced rate tickets to various east
ern points. Confer with local agent or
write John T. Calahan, A'. Q. P. A.. 6S W.
Adams St., Clilrago.
that cheers
Wholesale Distributor.
Men's Clothing Dept
Filled With Star Bargains Friday
Yes, we've plenty of them, still we
urge you to be prompt, for every man
who sees these suits will agree with tls
that 6o little money has not brought
so much real value in men's suits ia
many a long year.
Men's Suits
Sizes 33 to 44, at $7.50
Pure all-wool worsted and caaslmere suits-
newest models, new colors, new materials and
new styles. A savins; of 3.00 (J Cf
to $4.00 on each suit J
Don't miss this great opportunity to get a
splendid suit at a great savins;. Every suit
well made and splendidly styled, Jj- f(
Special Friday .. VWtVU
Slip-On Raincoats
In all sties, 34 to 60. Regular Ai QQ
$5.00 values Jl.0
1601 Pair Men's Worsted Work Trousers
$1.60 values. Special Friday, ftQ.
260 Pair Trousers Pure all-wool worsteds
and easslmeres. $1.60 to $3.00 J1 QQ
values, pair P 1 aa70
Union Made Overalls. 49t
Clean-Up of
Friday aid Saturday ia Basement
$3.50, $4,00 and even $5.00 Suits
Most of them have two Ja TC
pair of pants '
The best suit value of the season. A
splendid selection of neat patterns In all
shades, plain and mixtures. Every age,
6 to. 17 years.
$6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 Long Pant (
Suits for Boys every age, fJ r A
14 to 19 years ....tpfeJll
Various styles to select from In neat
grsys. browns and blue mixtures. Friday
and Saturday special.
Splendid Wearing Knickerbocker Pants
All tweeds and easslmeres, in neat AQg
patterns. Pair Xe7C
Full Cut Boys' Blouses Light
Pattern effects, plain blue and
black sateens. Each
I e
Extra Special for Friday
About 65 Dozen Women's Elbow Length Gloves
In Silk or Chamoieette at 35c a Pair
The silk gloves are double finger tipped and guaran
teed pure Bilk, they as well as the chamoisettes are guar
anteed washable. The silks come in black, pink and a
few. white; chamoisettes come in white and natural color.
They should sell at considerably more; values up to 69c.
At 35 a pair.
For Friday. 60 Pieces of All
Linen Heavy Scotch Make Table
Damask 70 Inches wide. All
pretty patterns. A big str
value for one day, yard luC
Strip Dress Linens, in white
and colored ground. For dresses
and outing suits. Pretty, soft,
light weight. $7 Inches rip
wids. Yard aOC
i" " !:..."!ii,;ni
inf. Ujr,"'-"VvV, ' Jivrim
Wash Your Hair
See how quickly and
freely It lathers In hard
or soft water: how
quickly It thoroughly
cleans the hair and
scalp; rinses easily and
leaves not a trace of
soap to attract dust.
Perfect for bath
or toilet
Your Dealer Sells It
Women's Fine IilnenwaaTe Handker
chiefs Lace trimmed and fancy
white colored rolled hema: embroid
ered comers and all embroidery.
snen's Plain White and Col
orad borders. Six for 2So
or. each...
Boys' Suits
and dark
15c CRASH 10c
One Case of Mill Ends of Crash
Bleached and unbleached, all
llnen crash; heavy and absorbent.
The quality for wear. 6 f
and 10-yard lengths. Yard IUC
New 14-Inch. Latest floral and
rosebud printings for cool sum
mer wesr. In this special sale
for Friday, -a n l -
yard laC
mi m
ft MS -
art.rt.t rwxxrjzz: