Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1915, Image 1

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    Text of Uo So Note to Germany is Given Out
JL Jljl
Omaha Daily Bee
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VOL. XLIV NO. 307.
Oa Train 4 at
otel Mews Btaads, So
Wearied Muscovite Forcei in Ga
lioia Seem to Have Succeeded
in Gaining Breathing
Claim from Petrograd Contradicted
by Berlin, Which Eeports Cap
ture of Stanislau.
LONDON, June 10. Careful read
ing between the lines of the various
official announcements of the last
twelve hours leads British observers
of the situation on the continent to
the belief that the wearied Russians
have' been successful in gaining a
breathing space along the eastern
front. Furthermore; evidence of the
stubborn opposition which ahe Aus-tro-Germans
are said to be .meeting
rear the renter of the line in Galicia
Is declared here to exist in the state
ment from Petrograd that' 2,000
Austro-German prisoners have been
taken In a series of counter attacks
pear Jfrzemysl.
According to Russian reports th
Austro-German offensive . In southeast
Gallola has not been able to cross tho
river Dnelster at any point other than
Zurawna, which la forty miles from
Members and which they reached last
Berlin contradicts this with the state
ment that the right wins; of the army
under General Llnstngen lias advanced
ten mile further and occupied Stanls
lau, an Important railroad center.
French AdraaM Slowly.
In the west the French make their
tifrual report of slow progress, a,ccom
psnled by the repulse of German counter,
attacks. The French claim and Berlin
admits that the French now are In oc
cupation 'of the entire village of Neu
vtlle St. Vaast while only a fraction of
"The Labrynth" is left tn German hands.
From other portions of the French front
come reports 'of minor advance.
According to Vienna the efforts of the
Italian to cross the river laws near
Corlsia , have been, repulsed after a
serious engagement. Tt would. . appear
evident that the Italian have met the
first difficult problem of their, invasion
of Austria In their endeavdr to cross the
I son to, although they claim to have a
foothold at some places on both banks.
' French Official Report.
PARIS. June 10. (3: p ', m. The
French war office this afternoon Issued
s. report on the progress of hostilities,
There was all last night a very violent
artillery engagement in the. region be
tween Lorette and the sugar refinery at
Souqhes. At S, o'clock at night the enemy
delivered an - attacit which was, how
ever; at once repulsed.
"The Germans bombarded Neuvllle Bt
Vaaat. but they mado no endeavor to
recapture It. We made further progress
yesterday In "The Labrynth."
In the vicinity of Hebuterne we main
tained all our advance on a front of
1,800 yards long and for A depth of about
1,000 yards. '
There Is nothing further to report
from the remainder of the front."
Berlin Admits I.oa at Collier.
BB5KUN. June lO.-tBy -Wireless to
London, :B8 a. m.)-Only one German
hip., a" collier, was flunk by a Russian
submarine In-the. naval engagement of
June t in the Baltic sea off the Gulf of
Riga, according to reliable Information
obtained here. It waa stated that a Ger
men vessel that was sailing by the side
of the collier was only slightly damaged
by the asme torpedo, but was able to
make port.
Denial was made of a ieport published
In the Army Messenger at Petrograd
that there were explosions on other ves
sels attacked by Russian submarines or
that any other damage waa done.
The Weather.
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Iclnlty
-Partly cloudy; slightly cooler.
Te.ier.tor. at Oiuaha teetereUy.
Hours. Peg.
I a. m
a. m 4
1 a. m
S a. m 1
a. m 70
10 a. m 72
. 11 a. in... 74
U m 76
1 p. m 77
I p. m 78
I p. m 7S
4 p. m 80
i p. m n
p. m 78
7 p. m 77
5 p. m 78
Comparative Loral Heeor.
v 1(15. 114. 1911
Highest yerterday 80 W) 73 74
lowest yesterday 4A 6K
Mean temperature 71 79 60 H
Precipitation T -.W T
Temieratur and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 70
Kxresa for the day..;..'.:.'.."....
Total deficiency slaoe March 1 64
Normal precipitation IS inch
Kxreas for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. . 66 inches
IVflctency since March 1 M Inch
Itefiotency for cor. period. 1914. .M Inch
Excess for cor. period, 1913.... 186 Inches)
Heoorta from Statloae a T P. M.
Station and State . Temp. High- Rain-
m v earner. 111. m. eat. fall.
Teyenne, cloudy , M
lenver. clear 73
Ies Muines. clear Tl
l.nder, part cloudy 68
T-onh Platte, Part cloudy T4
' Omaha, clear T7
purtiio. clear so
Rapid City, pert cloudy.. 4
Halt Lake City, clear W
banla Ke. clear . 7
Phiidan. cloudy 3
Kloua .'ltv. clar 78
nittimnq, pari ciouay.. 7
T indicates tra- of prednltatinn
U A. WEIJH. Local forecaster.
Bryan Asks the rn lu
Pass Judgement on Him
WASHINGTON, June 10. The
text of Mr. Bryan's Statement fol
lows: "To the American people r
"You now have before you the text
of the note to Germany the note
which It would have been my official
fluty to sign had 1 remained secre
tary of state. I ask yon to sit In
judgment upon my decision to resign
rather than to share responsibility for
it. I am sure you will credit me with
honorable motives, but that Is not
enough. Good Intentions could not
atone for a mistake on such a time,
on such a subject and under such cir
cumstances. If -your verdict is
against me I ask no mercy; I desire
none If I have acted unwirely. A man
in public life must act according to
his conscience, but however conscien
tiously he acts, he must be prepared
to accept without complaint any con
demnation which his own errors may
bring upon him; he must be willing
to bear any deserved punishment,
from ostracism to execution. But
hear me before you pass sentence.
Agree la Purpose.
"The president and I agree In pur
pose; we desire a peaceful solution
ol the dispute which has arisen be
tween the United States - and Ger
Governor Morehead'i Proclamation
Handed to City Clerk by Mes
senger of Postoffice.
At 4.21 o'clock yesterday Messen
ger George Lyon of the postoffice
handed to City Clerk Flynn the
Greater Omaha proclamation, signed
and sealed by Governor Morehead.
At the expiration of ten days, ac
cording to the merger law, the con
solidation of Greater Oman will be
In legal operation, but as the tenth
day from the receipt of the procla
mation by the city clerk happens to
be. Sunday, June 20, the city com
missioners will not attempt to exer
cise their jurisdiction over the an
nexed territory until Monday morn
ing, June 21.
The proclamation issued by the gover
nor la a formal typewritten document,
setting forth the law and quoting the
election commissioner's certification of
the vote cast at the Greater Omaha elec
tion on June I. . .
The city clerK. has filed tbe proclama
tion with the city records and will pre
sent It to the city council next Monday
morning at the regular meeting of the
committee of the whole, unless the city
legal department should advise holding
a special meeting- to take cognisance of
the governor's official declaration.
Tuesday morning the governor's office
telephoned the city clerk that the procla
mation had been mailed., Tbe clerk sent
a special delivery stamp to the post
office with a request that the letter be
hurried along to Its destination. Within
forty minutes after the train reached
Omaha the proclaraatoin was in the hands
of the ctiy clerk,
Rumors reached the city . hall during
the afternoon that further atempts will
be made by South Omaha men to get
the consolidation case into the courts.
but none of the rumors appeared to have
any substantial foundation.
Keaoedy Gives Detrree.
GALEFBL'RO. 111., luno mTV,
of doctor of laws waa conferred on ex-
congressman. John 1 Kennedy of Omaha
at Knox college commencement today.
Greater Omaha Proclamation
Whereas, In keeping with and as directed by the provisions of the
law of the State Nebraska, I, the undersigned governor of the State of
Nebraska, did on the 28th day of April, 1915, issue a proclamation calling
a special election to be held on the 1st day of June, 1916, In the. metropoli
tan City of Omaha, and the city of South Omaha and the village of Dundee,
at which election the question of the consolidation of said cities and vil
lage would be submitted.
And Whereas, a copy of said proclamation was filed with the election
commissioner of the county in which said metropolitan city g located, pro
viding that at said election there would be submitted the question to wit:
"Shall the city of South Omaha and the village of Dundee be consolidated
with the metropolitan city of Omaha." The ballot providing In the usual
manner for a "yes" and "no" vote.
And Whereas, the election commissioner has filed in the office of the
governor of Nebraska the return of said election, as follows;
I certify that the combined vote In said cities and village, la favor of
said proposition by voting "yes" on the proposition "shall the city of South
Omaha and village of Dundee be consolidated with the metropolitan elty of
Omaha," 11,428, and that the combined vote against said proposition by
voting "no" was 1,685: The majority In favor of the consolidation was
9,843. Witness my hand this 2d day of June, A. D. 1916. ,
HARLEY G. MOORHEAD, Election Commissioner.
Now Therefore, I, John H. Morehead, governor of tbe State of Ne
braska, pursuant to the power in me vested by law, do hereby declare and
proclaim the consolidation of the cities of Omaha, South Omaha and vil
lage of Dundee, s one city, the said consolidation to take effect and be
come operative ten days after this proclamation is filed In the office of tbe
city clerk of said City of Omaha.
Given under my hand and the great seal of the State of Nebraska this
the 10th day of "June, A. D. 1916.
(Seal!. . . - JOHN H, MOREHEAD, Governor of Nebraska. -
Attest. A CHARLES W. POOL. Secretary of Stat.
r- ft? '.
many. We do not only desire it, but
" uu r(UIII ici i VI Via ivi iv, U i v
we differ Irreconcilably as to the
means of securing It. If it were
merely a personal difference It would
be a matter of little moment, for all
the presumptions are on his side
the presumptions that go with power
and authority. He Is your president,
I am a private citizens without office
or title but one of the hundred mil
lion's of inhabitants.
"But the real issue is not between
persons; it is between systems; and
I rely for vindication wholly upon
strength of the position taken.
"Among the Influences which gov
ernments employ in dealing with each
other there are two which are pre
eminent and antagonistic force and
persuasion. Force speaks with firm
ness and acts through the ulti
matum;' .persuasion employs argu
ment, courts investigation and de
pends upon negotiation. " Force rep
resents the old system the system
that must pass away; persuasion rep
resents the new system the system
that has been growing, all too slowly.
It is true, but growing for 1,900
years. In the old system .war la the
chief cornerstone war which at its best
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Important Point Near Gulf of Triests
and Near Port is Captured
- After Battle. .
ROME, June 10. (Via Paris.)
Efforts of Italian troops to force a
passage of the Isonzo river are being
stubbornly contested by the Aus
trian s, but are meeting with success,
according to a statement signed by
General Cadorna, chief Of the general
staff, issued at the War fflca last
night. ' ' . : .' .
The communication follows-:
' 'With the object , of repulelng the
enemy from' the dominating positions he
still holds on the right bank of the laoiuo
and establishing strong positions at the
passages 'of the river, we continued our
operations on June 7 and i. The enemy
offered a determined' resistance, favored
by the lay of the ground and strong for
tifications. Our passage waa made more
difficult by. numerous obstacles placed
on the bridges and In the roods and also
by the flooded ground along the lower
course of the river.
- Moafalcoae Captored.
"Kverywhere our troops fought with
ardor and tenacity and succeeded In talt
ing Important positions, which enabled
us to occupy the city of Monfalcone. The
fire of our batteries considerably dam
agod the enemy's artillery at a number of
points. '
"In the difficult region of Monte Nero,
a successful attacit on our part led to the
occupation of positions from which the
Austrlans fled, leaving 100 bodies, which
we buried, and sixty -wounded.
"Near Caportotto seventy Bosnian sol
diers surrendered.
"In other regions along the Isonso we
made over 400 prlsoneH.. Our losses were
unimportant, Prisoners say the Austrian
tosses were considerable.
"On the Tyrol-Trentlno frontier our
forces continue In close co-operation In
their action against positions which must
be occupied in order to force the enemy
to disclose his defensive preparations and
permit the development of ulterior oper
itiona. "Notwithstanding the determined re
ilalance of the enemy oui troops have
approached beyond the frontier close to
(Continued on -Page Two. Column Three.)
Rejoinder to Note Claims Right to
Destroy Any American Ship Car
rying Contraband if Dam
fes Are Paid.
Germany Insists that Case Must Go
to Prize Court for Determina
tion of Facts.
WASHINGTON, June . 10. Ger
many's latest note to the United
Slates on the sinking of the Amer
ican sailing ship William P. Frye by
the Prlns Eltel Krledrlch, received
here today, makes the far-reaching
claim of a right to destroy any Amer
ican vessel carrying contraband,
while agreeing to pay damages for
tbe act. .
Two points made by the I'nlted
States are rejected by Germany. One
was the statement of the American
government in its note of April 28
that prise court proceedings meant
unnecessary delay, all matters con
cerned being susceptible for prompt
settlement through diplomatic chan
nels, and the other was that the de
struction of the Frye was "unques
tionably a violation of the obligations
imposed upon the Imperial govern
ment under existing treaty stipula
tions between the' United States and
iTUBSla." ' . ''!
Under the Prussian-American treaty of
I S3, the binding force of which was ad
mitted by Germany In its note of April
I, the right of ottixens of either country
to ship arms and ammunition, aa well as
all other kinds of contraband, in their
own vessels waa granted In time of war,
but each party has the right to detain
such contraband and make payment for
it If confiscated.
Ealaraes Treaty of li'iH. '
The note from Germany today enlarges
upon the treaty of 1828 by clatmlnK that
while the treaty did not specifically per
mit the destruction "oTa ship, -fft use
less, if ' its . contraband could not be
stopped in any other way; it could -in
the extreme case be effected by the de
struction .of the contraband aad of the
ship carrying it." '
The effect of Germany's answer today,
If its assertions are accepted by the
((Continued on Page 1ve, Column Two.)
The Day's War NewM
tbe Baltlo provlaxeea of Rnasla ta
iadtreted by the , official state
neat today from Berlin. It la aald
the Rasalaas Broacht reinforce
ment a la the district sooth of
flhaTM aad that the wins of tbe
Oersnam foreoa which bad bora at
tempt la aa oaclrellng movement
of the Dabyaa river waa wlth
drawa. REPORTS FROM Parle aad Berlla
respecting; the ,altaatloa la the
west abow that a aertea of aporadle
aatacemeats la la prosjrreaa. Oa
eacb aldo minor aaeceaaee have
bee a woa.
ITALIAN ARMY which Is lavadlaac
Aastrla la tbo dlrectloa of Treat
baa made a farther advene. Tba
Aaatrlaaa destroyed aad cvaeaated
a fortress aoatb of Rovereto.
which foar were trawlera, have
bee a saalc by Gormaa aabmarlaea.
faleoa la'aaaoaaced la aa offi
cial commaalcatloa from Rome.
Ceaeral Cadorala, Itallaa chief of
staff, reports that tbe towa was
occapted after etabbora flcbtlag
aloagr tba laoaso river. Moafal
coo Ilea tbre mllea aat of tbe
river aad a boat aa eqaal dlstaac
aortb of tbo Oalf of Trlest. It Is
slsteea miles aorthweat of th city
of Trieste.
th Aaatrlaaa aad Germaaa la (
I tela aro elalmad la Vleaaa, where
tt Is said tbe advaac' aoatb of th
Daelater ta eoatlnata. la ceatral
Oallela, however, th Rasalaaa ap
parently ar resisting th advance
with am eaeeeaa.
two. more British trawlers. Tba
crews of both veaaels wer reacaed.
Germaaa lost oa veaael, a collier,
la th Baltic cagagemeat of last
week aad that a destroyer was
damaged. It la aaaerted la Petro
grad that a German traaaport aad
torpedo boat wer eaak.
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In Sunday's Dee
PRESIDENT WILSON, who has phrased the note to Ger
many as he wants it, notwithstanding objections, of his
secretary of state.
.... r
.V; '"V;" A.
v.V -A..' Vi
Z' ., ; ; ..f
Text of American Note
To German Government
WASHINGTON. ' ' Juna '10.-Th
tait of -thfli American rejoinder to
the. German, government's reply to
the ; note following the sinking of
the LuBltania follows:
"Tbe secretary of state 4d' interim
to the American ambassador to Ber
lin. "Department of State, Washing
ton, June. 9, 19 IB "American Am
bassador, Berlin:
"You are Instructed to deliver
textually the following note to the
minister of foreign affairs:
"In compliance with your excel
lency's request I did not fall to
transmit to my government Immedi
ately upon Its receipt your note of
May 28 In reply to my note of May
16, and your supplementary note of
June 1, setting forth the conclusions
so far as reached by the imperial Ger
man government, concerning the at
tacks , on the American steamers
Cushlng and Gulfllght. I am now
instructed by my government to com
municate the following In reply:
Not with Gratification.
"The government of the United
States notes with gratification the
full recognition by the Imperial
German government . in discussing
the cases of the Cushlng and the
Gulfllght of the principle of the free
dom of all parts of the open sea to
neutrar ships and the frank willing
ness of the imperial government to
acknowledge and meet its liability
where the fact of attack upon neu
tral ships ''which' have not .been
guilty of any hostile act' by German
aircraft or vessels of war Is satis
factorily established; and the gov
ernment of the United. States will in
due course lay before the Imperial
German government, as It requests,
full information concerning the at
tack on the steamer Cushlng.
"With regard to the sinking of
the steamer . Falaba, , by which an
American citlcen lost bis life, the
government of the United States is
surprised to find the Imperial Ger
man government contending that an
effort on the part of a merchantman
to escape capture and secure as
sistance alters the obligation of the
officer seeking to make the capture
in respect of the safety of the Uvea
of those on board the merchantman,
although the vessel bad ceased its
attempt to escape to escape when
torpedoed. . These are not new cir
cumstances. They have been in the
minds of statesmen and of interna
tional Jurists throughout tbe de
velopment of naval warfare, and the
I government of the United States
does not understand that they have
ever been held to alter the principles
of humanity upon which it has In
sisted. Motive of Germany.
"Nothing but actual forcible re
sistance or continued efforts to
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escape by flight when ordered to
stop tor the purpose of visit on the
part of the merchantman has ever
been held to forfeit the lives of Its
passengers . or crew. The govern
ment of the. United States, however,
does not understand that tbe Im
perial 'German government Is seeking
In this case to relieve itself of lia
bility, but only intends to set forth
the circumstances which led the com
mander .of the submarine to allow
himself to be hurried Into the course
which he took.
"Your excellency's note, in dis
cussing the loss of American lives
resulting from the sinking . of. the
steamship Lusltanla, adverts at some
length, to certain Information which
the Imperial German government has
received with regard to the char
acter and outfit of that vessel and
your excellency expresses the fear
that this Information may not have
been brought to the attention of the
government of the United States. It
is stated in the note, that, the Lual
tanja was undoubtedly equipped with
masked guns, supplied with trained
gunners . and . special ammunition,
transporting troops from . Canada,
carrying a cargo not permitted under
the. laws of the United States to a
vessel also carrying passengers and
serving, in virtual effect, as an
auxiliary to . the naval forces of
Great Britain. Fortunately these are
matters concerning which the gov
ernment of the United States is in a
r r-.!tlon to give the Imperial German
government information.' Of the
facts alleged In your excellency's
note, it true, the government of the
United States ' would have been
bound to take official cognizance In
performing Its recognized duty as a
neutral power and in enforcing its
national laws. It was Its duty to see
to it that the Lusltanla was not
armed for offensive action, that It
was not serving as a transport, that
it did not carry a cargo -prohibited
by tbe statues of the United States
and that if in fact it was a naval ves
sel of Great Britain It should not re
ceive clearance as a merchantman;
and it performed that duty, enforced
its statutes with scrupulous vigilance
through its regularly constituted of
ficials. Berlin Misinformed.
'It is able, therefore, to assure the
imperial German government that
it has been misinformed. If the
imperial German government should
deem Itself to be in possession of
convincing evidence that the officials
of the government of the Untied
States did not perform these duties
with thoroughness the government
of the United States sincerely hopes
that It will submit that evldenc for
"Whatever may be the contentions
(Continued on Pag Two. Column Two.)
Note to Kaiser, Made ' Public,
Friendly in Tone, but Insists
on Demands in Original
Fact that it Was Torpedoed With
out Warning Stands Out
Before All.
. WASHINGTON, June 10. The
United States in Its latest note to
Germany, made public tonight, for
mally asks the Imperial government
for assurances that measures here
after will be adopted to safeguard
"American lives and American
ships' on the high seas. The
alternative in case of refusal Is not
ststed. It was this note to which William
Jennings Bryan refused to attach his
signature, resigning instead his
portfolio of secretary of state and
thereby precipitating a dramatic
cabinet crisis.
Robert Lansing, secretary of state .
ad interim, signed the communica
tion which went forth with the ap
proval of President Wilson and his
entire cabinet.
Friendly terms characterise the docu-'
mont, which renews representations made
in th American note that reached tier
many May 16 after th Ixisltanta was
torpedoed and sunk with a loss ef more
than 100 American lives.
Tbe German government', It Is declared:
"Must have been misinformed" when It
assumes that the Lusltanla carried funs,
as official information ia at hand to
corroborate the original contention of th
Washington government that the Lusl
tanla. was an unarmed passenger ship,
which, since it did not resist eaptpre,
could not be sunk without transferring
passengers and crew to a place of safety.
Th communication Informs Germany ,
that it la on the principle of humanity
aa well as upon the law founded, noon
this, principle that the United Btatcs
must stand.
Slsaaly Paeaeager Shi a.
Opportunity Is .given to Germany to
submit any evidence that American of
ficials did not execute their task a thor
ouajhiy In Inspecting the Lusltanla, beforu
It sailed but th cardinal fact that Iho
liner w-given no warning and wado
no rest' oic and waa primarily a pas
senger tip the American government
decta "throws Into the background
any i-A' 1al circumstance of detail and
lifts .ai case out of the class of ordi
nary subjects of diplomatic discussion or
of International controversy."
The Issuance of another statement by
former Secretary Bryan coincident with
th publication of the note today added
to the surprise In official quarters at
the character of Mr. Bryan's argument
High officials said th note employed th
very process persuasion which Mr.
Bryan coadvoeated and did not neces
sarily lead to war.
Bryan's Former
Secretary is Dead
ALBUQUBRQUHl N. M., : June .-
Harvey B. Ferguson. 7. former congress
man from New Mexloo, who recently re
signed as private secretary to William J.
Bryan, died at his home her today of
apoplexy. Mr. Ferguson served as dele
gate In congress' from New Mexico in the
fifty-fifth congress and waa th first
congressman from New Mexico following
admission of th state In 19U. H was
re-elected for th alxty-third congress In
WIS and defeated for re-election n lSlt
At th conclusion of his terra he became
private secretary to Mr. Bryan, a post
he held only a few months.
londoa Bridge la feUlng down.
But tell lue I ahoulT worry.
xaeyu aaverUae It now as J una
ad seU tt la a hurry.
Irvom bave ola chairs or loths.
Throw tfceta not away.
Advertise theoa la 'Tor Bal,N
And ssU them any Say.
If you were to turn to the "For
Pale' columns of The Bre today, anl
rad the various ad vortLement
grouped tosjetlier there, you would
coiiitt. to the com IumIoii that this col
umn aa one of the reat-Ht market
places in the work!. Article of
every decrli ion from used uianua
to second hand stoves are 1r
tlaed. Some area. I baxaalua. Wlum
yo'i have aotuetiilng to sell, telspbou
Tyler 1040 aodj
put it iv Tine numt bed