iJlK HKK: OMAHA, TJUKSDAV. .IT NT. 10. M 11 r BWArPFRS COLUMN BOYol Here's your rhsnre! Have two ML steering sleds, both alike. Will trade for bicycle. Ailtrpn 8. c. (C!, Hee. KINK bay borne. weighs ntxiut 1.1'"', fine driver; afraid of nothing: bunny ntid turncJi If desired; would trade for cheap auto or truck. Tel, South 14HH JlAMONI -1ii0 karat diamor-d In Indira' Tiffany mounting, (old ring, platinum head; price. $loo. Want motor- ycle or piano. fr offer. S. C. 107;. ne. FOR SALE Cheap, whole or controlling Interest In cld-established manufactui Ing business; now t tinning tvrd doing good business; Includes patents end Rood machinery; Invoices 1'i.OOti; will trade. W. M. Pierce, Superior, Neb. t I I IjAUNCH Have 10-foo; launch, cost Hi) j new, will trade for seoend-hand auto, i Addreaa 8. C. lo&a. He INDIAN" motorcycle and new clue-car; late 1914 model, twin cylinder, two Sd. complete electric equipment, 1915 ' Improved kick starter; new tire; all par- j reel condition, lout low. went rorci or light roadster; no other propositions too aldered. Address P. C. 1"T2. Bee. MOTORCYCIJ3 1915 model li II. P. twin cylinder motorcycle In A-No. I condi tion, and has been run less than 500 miles. Will trade for Kurd or light car Address P. C. Ti3, Pee KODAK "An sco" folding pocket, else U414; double lens, automatic shutter: rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; Ilka nw; together with complete outfit. Including new 85 developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case. etc. Want visible typewriter In good condi tion. Address 8. C. 105, Pee. TOOL. GKINDKR Heavy. substantial grinder, hand power, for bench work; never used; has ball and socket joint, permitting wheel being adjusted to any position. Win swap for anything: of value. Address H. O. lWfl. Hee. OriCKBN 8 Thirteen thoroughbred nuff Orpington hens: one prise cockerel! for baby rab or cwlng machine. Address H. C. (. Bee. A 8i7i ADDING and listing machine in good working order to exchange for a light autorrobllo. Address fl. C, 1ST. Hee. PHONOGRAPH Wlson. fit records, in good condition. Will swap for chicken, ducks, etc. Address. P. C. 1070. Bee. PIANO One new mahogany uprlslit piano, beautiful case, bench and scarf 1o match. A bargain, or what have you to offer me. Address. S C. 1074, Hee. PIANO Fumed oak rlnyer piano, used one yesr, cost ItfO; 90 rolls best music. Would trade this for automobile, or what could you offer and could use. Address, S. O. 1075. Pee. riANOB Swap for or on an auto or lot or lots; will pay difference: if you have anything get In touc't with me, as I have other stuff to exchange; givi complete description. Address H. C. IlKW. Ren PIANO A dnndy Decker Bros, square piano, fine for starting to learn, what could you offer me for this. Make offer. Addreaa, 9. C I07H. Bee WANT te swap diamond ring for hous painting. 8. C. 821, care Bee. TYPEWRITER Have nearly new visible tvpewriter to trade for small sh'o, typewriter desk, bj-ass office ratling; or curtain rolling ltt diameter, or will pay crsh. B. C. 1(81. Bee. HEAL, ESTATE contract, 1.U; for lots or auto and lots. Web. 4103. HTENOTYIE Practlcahy new, used less than a month. Will trade for anything of equal value. What do you offer T AU tres. 8. C. 1073, Hee. UNUSED American 835 adding machine for trade. Will sell cheap. Address Y-449. Bee. WILL swap $260 gilt edge security for Ford car or roadster. 8. C. K2, Bee. PIANO Elegant piano; swap on auto; will pay cash difference for good trade or will swap piano for a lot or equity In a well located lot. Address H. C. 1081. Bee. ROOMING house. 2222 Farnam St.. to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. BABY BUGGT Large wicker buggy and reversible wicker top. cost thirty-five dollars, used one year; fifteen dolls rs, or what have youT Address S. C. 10s0. FOR RENT Apartneats Ma Flats. T'.KIO DOUG LAB ST.. rooms VW up- COOL, ROOMS. 88 week, - Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffa THE THOKVALD-6-room apartment, L'24 Park Ave., will decorate to suit Reference, Harney 6610. ' 2328-80 6. 20th. 8-r. and bath. 814 to 818. newl remodeled; also storeroom. Red .1857. THB5 NATHAN apartments, ciherman Ave. and Spruce St. Elegant three and four-room apartments, nearly new build ing; large rooms, oak finish, artistically decorated. Fine screened porch.. All con veniences. Splendid surroundings, very reasonable rent, only a few minutes' ride downtown; also beautiful five-room apart ment In Harlan Apts., one-bait block south; oak finish, flrt Place, screened porch, very reasonably. See Janitor Apt. No. 1, Nathan, or call office. SCOTT A HILL CO., 307 MoCagueBldg. Douglas 1008 SEVEN ROOM flat, strictly modern, L3 Cass. Walnut 20B2. ST GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. 118 N. 3lst Ave., se lect West Far asm district. Fnone Web ster 1474. . 4 ROOMS, new Flo-Lea. 20th and Cap! Inl Ave. Llaht and ooaL 835. PETERS TRUST CO. D. 898. o VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam heated apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. NICE -r. modern flat, 610 S. 27th St., 830. C. G. Carlberg, 813 Brandels Thea. Bldg. FOUR nice rooms, close In. Red 48"8. Itusiral aaii Hoora. WITH board, suitable for couple. Webster 6104. A LARGE southeast room, suitable for two; table unexcelled; beautiful lawn. 124 So. 24th St WBlWtK, 2ul3 Walking distance; V weea. IX) DOE, ?6U Table boarders. Harney 1.141 MiMiern, suitable for rouula. Web. 47'J TWO front rooms with board, single or tosjetner; home privileges. Weo. 1WZ. LARGE rooms: single or en suite: Hans com Park district. Private bath; good board. Hamey tumo. tub B. 2th Bt. LARGE front room and board for two gentlemen; walking distance; private lamuy. 424 jones. Lougias sias. ELMWOOD PARK suburban home, block to car, cool rooms, excellent board; trees, lawn, home privileges; reasonable. "Walnut 1774. 782 ST. MART'S AVE. Walking dis tance; home cooking; 84 60 to 16 week BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets. In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney 4tl. Faratshed Rooms. Nicely furnished rooms, close Web. 8.108. electric light: all modern: privilege of house and piano; private home; ral4s rea- s nble. call Douglas 4169. CARS, 1710 Modern close In; 82.00 up. CASS ST.. 3030 Nicely furnished. In mcd rn private home; reasonable. 11. &76. PRIVATE family, best location, walking alliance, every modern convenience. Nice home for right parties. ZiX N. 2id or. rnone uougias 7;.l. I A ROE south modern room, with board private family: fine location. H. vkti. NEWLY furnished rooms with board Private family; walking distance. Tel 2124 CASS Irge. i ool, rooms. Porch lawn, garage, no signs In windows. TWO exceptionally ulre large rooms Pi private family for r ntlemen who can furnish references. Every modern con venience. 2o04 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. Rud tUO. lu DOUGLAai; 82.60 up; also houw. keeping. 08 NOR 1H n.sT HT.-Irge front rooms. nicely f urnlnLed. Walking distance. lougtas 6iT RKFINED young man ke4ng beautl fully furnlsliMd. hiah class bachelor quarters within walking distance of busl iims district, would like t- hear from one or two young men desli ing to share same. Room 104. Bee Md. HARNEY, i3i Cool rooms, mcclv fur-ifhed. for nr.vr Famishes Rooms. 04 ST. MARY'S AVE -Pleasant room; private fsmtly. 4110. LAROK front room and ale-ova: newly furnished; Ideal place for 1 gentlemen; fine residence district: walking distance; also large, cheerful south room; reason able. Hirney WW. :i Park Ave. THE OLOA. 19'.1 Dodge; large, cool rooms; beauti ful lawn, board If desired. Home cooking. IVM.il. NUT rmm, rinse In. Phone Red 4t". KARNAM Kxlra nice, large, cool, front, modern; aslklng distance; im-ala If de sired. Call mornings or evenings. H. 40, Karallie4 Hoases. A NICK, clean, all modern aouth room In private family: suitable for I young men: HI a month; breakfast If desired. 3iU Css Bt. FINK house, for summer, f-r., furnished. Wsl. 137. 4013 Nicholas ft. References required. raraUMFd ll.f kli rtoesno. ROOMS for housekeeping: strictly mod ern; for adults only. Tel. Webster WA. DAVENPORT 2616; two s-room apart ments furnished complete with gas and light. DO I win. 2il Nicely furnished house keeping looms, IS.'tO per week. H. 60VX. KOUTJf,th tt Housekeeping rooms. Unfurnished llonsekeeplna Rooms. CASS. 2412. Nice, clean, two. three r four room. Reasonable. Car line. Ilsaiekrepiag Rooms. IX FAR NAM Nice housekeeping rooms. reisonsble. DAVENPORT. 2i18, TWO OR THREE! FRONT HOUSEKEEPING HOOMS L.lsrfct HoaaehrcttlBK Roaasa. COOl. rooms, with alcove, kltohsnette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Muffs. la. iloasea aae c.oltaarea. Worth. NORTH SIPK, P.CK)MS AND HALL,, Vft. One block 24th Bt. lines; cast front; stilctly modern. O lCEEKi; REAL ESTATE CO;. )01S Omaha National. Dougias 271R. Hit N. il.'d, 4-room fist, steel rsnge, gas stove, kitchen cabinet; water paid. RASP HROS.. louglas lfig. "oath. For Rent Month hair of double brick house T rooms, 4 bedrooms, all modern, at 13U South ZUh i-t., nesr Park school, one block east of Hanscom park. Tel. Harney 1S09. 1748 8. JSTH-S-room cottage, modern, 8018 bt. Mary'sv. 7-r. modern house. D. 914. -R BRICK. 112; PART MOD. Extra choice. m 8. 18th. R 4902. O 4-ROOM house. 811 H. 26th Are. 'West. WEST FARNAM. 7-R., 46. 118 N. 88th St., near Dodge; very choice, handsome finished brick; sleeping porch and sun room. ARMSTRONG-WATV3H COMPANY, Tyler lfi3. State Bank Bldg. Mlacella&troae. A LI, MODERN. 818.00 140J N. 40th PL, 6 rooms. t'XI.00 241 N. 18th St., 8 rooms. 128.00 8818 Charles 8L. 8 rooms. IIS.00 217 Park Ave.. S rooms. 823 M 3 Jones BL, 1 rooms. 12K.0O 8827 Cuming St.. S rooms. iao.00 SKt) Myrtle Ave., 6 rooms. 836.008404 Hawthorno Ave.. 8 rooms. 8.16.003003 Dodge St., S rooms. 840.00 212 N. 24th St.. 7 rooms, APARTMENT. 835.00 22H Park Ave.. 4 rooms with heat Doug. 392. 919 City Nations!. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses. apartments and flats that are for rent This Hat can be seen free of chaign at Omaha Van Storage Co.. sj P. i"tn r-i SEE the Central Furniture Stores. FREE RENTAL LIST. 3.209 CASS, 4 large rooms, strictly mod., practically new. nice yard, .!". 26M St. Mary's Ave., rooms, IX. 131? Jackson. 4 rooms 820 213 N. 18th, 8 rooms, 825.- Others. Ill NOW A LT. Brandels Theater Bldg. Gordon Van Co. Si Stoiage. 219 N. 11th St. Tel. D. SM or Web. 132. SEVERAL 86 to 824. Tel. eves. Wal. 2087. 6. 8309 Ohio St., S-r. 12, 1S64 N. 16th St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat 815. 43 18 N. 2oth Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 8:3. 4213 Farnam St., -r., mod. ex. heat. in.60 2612 Sherman Ave.. 6-r.. all mod. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block. D. 1781. o JC RgG(1 rclk,n0 1VV,U 1207 Farnam. . moving, storsge. 6144. ALL sites. 83 per month up. 607 PHXton. TTnilfcfV Creigh Sons 4 Co., Bee. "Illdg. ( ROOMS and bath, modern; barn, storm shades, large lot: H block from car. 2218 Kinney. Webster 828. FIDELITY Bca FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. ISth and Jackson Sta. T ROOMS, all mod.. Bern Is park. H. 204. Maggard's s"a and Sto.-age Call us for es- tes for mov- ing, packing, shipping. I Vn ll gins 14M. 1711 Webster St Globe Van & Storage Btnres. moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and 2 men, 11.25 per hr.; storage 82 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 St Ty. ttO. lores sia oirtevs. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building' Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. tare ssi Of tire. A nice office In a good location, make your business plans successful. THE BEE BUILDING THE BUILDING THAT IS ALWAYS NBff" furnishes Just such combinations. Office) Room 103. MODERN store, 16th St., low rent, near postoff'.oe. U. P. Stebblns. tiOOD LOCATION. 18 N. 24th. lsxfiO. mod. ex. furn.. 83 60. SC N. 24th, 24x, mod. ex. fumaon, 82. being 24th and Lake, good transfer point and two car linee. Key 2517 N. 24th. WANTED TO BCT WE pay Chicago prices for aumlnum scrsp csstinKS. Paxton-Mltchell Co Yale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1418. OFFKK'B furniture bought and solj. 1. C. Reed. 1207 Fsrnam. Doug. 414 WANTED To buy an invalid chair. Chirles Schwenck, R No. 8. .so. Omaha. i-llghtly used hi l grade plana. D. S017 REAL ESTATE FARM A RK(H 1.4Mtg KOR ItLE. 4 allforata. Will exchange Good California land within 1. minutes ride of fcacramento City, the state capital, for lilgh cIkms Omaha income, good Nebraska farm. This land is highly productive; not ordinary trading stuff, and only good propositions villi be entertained W. T. Smith Co., D. S18. City Nat. Bank Bldg e REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Your Money Ts Safe If Invested in Benson Garden Acres Did you ever stop to think that it is a good idea to have at It ast a part of your monev invested in land, elosc to a frnywinsc city like Omaha? As sure ap Omaha continues to grow, your' money invested in Benson Garden Acres will also increase in' value. Acreage property has proven to be the safest and best: investment of any kind of vacant property, for the reason that your taxes are very little, compared with vacant property lo-1 micu wiunn me cixy iimus or umana. You should look over Benson Garden Acres us soon as pos sible, as it is the finest acrenge subdivision ever placed on the market near Omaha. "We make terms as low as $10 Down, $10 a Month on an Acre $10 Down, $7.50 a Month on Half Acres Benson Gardens is loeated on "West Main street, paved load, just west of Benson; close to school and car line. Jitney automobile service along the north side of tho tract summer and winter. Half hour service mornings and evenings and hourly during the day. Call or write for more particulars about Benson Gardens. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTAATB FARM A RAXCII LANDS FOR SALES Callroraisw Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 18-I4 City Nat Bfc. T. Wig Iowa. HAVE TOIT A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Went Ad Me dium." Twsnty-flve words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and .very Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen a is oa twelve different days for 12; or SO words, 4: or 78 words, 84. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, luO.OOO readers dally in four jrraat states. ARB TOU OOINQ TO BUT LAND If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal, it has lands advertised In It from nearly every stste, so that you can find lust what you are looking for In Its columns. It keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities In all parts of the country, gives tou personal help In finding land. Sena c today for a year's subscription, or lue for three months trial. It will be stopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate jourtnal. T"r. Iowa 40. 80 OR 140 ACRES, good heavy soli. In well-settled part of Todd county, Minn.; food roads, schools and churches; price, 15 to 820 per acre; terms, 81 per ncre cash, balance 81 per acre a year until land Is paid for; 4 per rent Interest. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Kaasaa. TWO Kansas bargains; one a well Im proved 160 acrea near Republican City, Neb., all in corn and wheat; 89.601) buys It. Including stock, crop and Implements; Immediate possession; no trsde. The other 140 acres, well Improved, nesr Kansas City, all In corn and oats snd alfalfa; will exchange this for good Omaha Income. W. T. Smith Co., D. 2M9. City Nat. Bank Bldg.- Mlssonrl. PMALti MISSOURI FARM. 8." cash and 85 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land, close to three big markets; write for photographs and full Information. Munger, II. 171, N. Y. Life, Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. oath Daketa. AN OPPORTUNITY TO OCT A FIRST CLASS SOUTH DAKOTA FARM. A section or leas of land 8 miles from Seneca, Faulk county, Mouth Dakota, for sale, will take part in trade. Will sell only one or two quarters If no more de sired. Oood level lend, black loam soil, no sand. Buildings cost 84,800. Corn, wheat and alfalfa country. 6U0 acres cul tivated. Rented for this year. Price 836 per acre. Terms: $3,000 cash, $,0U0 mortgage at t due In 1930, balanee of $10,400 taken In trade or second mort gage at 6 for 10 years. The quality of this land and the price asked are guar anteed to be right. Write or call on Arthur J. Eaton, Faulkton, South Dakota, owner. Nebraska. Farm Renters Attention HERE'S A CHANCE TO OWN A F1RHT CLASS FARM OF 29 ACRES ON TERMS WHICH CAN BE MET OUT OF YOUR CROP INCOME. This fa nr. Is not on the frontier, but only 4 miles from a railroad town and county seat, with a population of 3,4ki, In a well settled county having 23,0uA population. The land is all choice level creek bottom land except a knoll of a few acres on which the buildings are sit uated. The improvements are not ex tensive, but include all buildings neces sary for farm use. Three acres are in orchard. 20 acres in timber, 170 acres In crops and tame grass, and the balance In pasture. All ran be cultivated If de sired; no swsmp land; no overflow; no s ravel: no stone or other defects. It lies 4 miies back from the river. Price $lu0 per acre. An Omaha business man owns this farm and will give some good thrifty farmer having machinery and live stock and a little money a chance to pay for this land In Installments. Terms $B,00 rash, balance 82.&UO per year at 4 per cent. Interest payable annually. The in terest Is incluaed In the 82. too annual payment, so that 82.600 Is the most that you will have to pay In any year, but you can pay more If you want to. See us at ones. Don't let this oppor tunity slip. J. H. Dumont&Co. 414-18 State Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6M. COUNTRY HOMK NEAR OMAHA. 811.0T4) buys a hl hly Improved farm, consisting uf about 51' acres located on oi.e of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-minutaa' ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, lame hay; nice, large, beaut'ful hade trees and all kinds of shrubberv and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This Is an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stuck of any kind. Living spring In pasture. C. R. COMBH. CIS Brandels Theater Bldg . Omaha. D. 3914. SPLENDID improved quarter section. Johnson count v, one mile from town; 100 acies In coin. acres In wheal, L'i aores In blue grass pasture; sacrifice price to quick buyer; terms csn be made. Must be sold in ten itiivi W. T Kmllli I 'a I City National Bank Bldg. -o FOR SALE Best large body high-grade" medium-priced land In Nebraaka; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bsch. Neb. Wubl.st.s. FOR ALB By owner, two fine fruit and dairy ranche.; a bargain, atop and see them on your way to the fair. C. E- Folmabee Okanogan, Wash. REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST 5o8 BUYS a good three-room house; electrlo Hyht Cai: after 8.80 p. ni., or Sunday. '15 Burdette. REAL ESTATE AlUEAUK FIVE-ACHE FRUIT FAIiM NEAR COUNTRY CLUB Improved with good two-story, seven room modem house; having hot water heat, fine barn; garage with cement floor, two large chicken houses, with runs; good well and windmill, with com plete water system, operated by air pres sure; bearing fruit of all kinds, beautiful shade tree, fine lawn, cement walka, con venient to street oar line and good school; something very desirable and must be seen to be appreciated. Prloe nd terms on application. George & Company Tel. D. 7b. 908 city Nat. Bk. Bldg. RKAL ESTATE LOANS F. M. PENNKT. M City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. FARM MANS. FARM IOANH. A PER CRNT TOI.AND TRI'MBC'l.U 448 Bee Wldg. $100 TO 810.000 made promptly. 5 D? 1 ' t mv. Kjiup., ,0iii MUM rkriwii OIA CITY and farm loans, S. 8Vt. 4 per cent r- iramjnt or jo.. is ptste name. WANTED Oood farm and oity loans at lowest rates. I'eters Trust Co., 148 Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W, rarnam emun at v o., i.iiu Farnam Bt. CITY property. Large loans a specialty! W. H. Thomas, 228 State Rank Bldg. rarnarn ftmitn c Co., 1380 Farnam Bt. MONPJY on hand for oily and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KBKFE REAL ESTATE CO., IQlf Omaha Natlo n si. Phone Douglas 871& SEE us first for fsrm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Cis Omaha. 6 flTV ii.vd r rx P..ik... V a a. n J. V. VAT, IlW C VIA 19 Tlwm. .,4..i m,.HA T3I8 v-A4s u i atuuejis) v i4Vsi.g 8IU, REAL EST A IK WANTED LIST real estato and rentals with DON ELSON R. I. CO.. 301 Oru. Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE A GOOD TRADE Will trade Casper. Wo., lot for ladles diamond ring or A No. 1 Remington typewriter and cash. None but Omaha buyers in tills addition, the lot Is worth $100 or more. Taxes paid, no incumbrance. Address L 644, Bee. FUR Kxchange Quarter section eastern central Nebraska land. Level, smooth, no waste, alkali or gumbo. Six mile county seat. Main line Union Paciflo railroad. Want merchandise or Imple ments. Postofflce Box 718, Central City, Neb. A BARGAIN if taken at once; all mod ern 4-room house: maple flooring In living and dining rooms: large shade trees, bearing cherry trees: other shrub bery: one block from rsr line and school. Phone Web. 2013. o REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE) Good Bungalow Bargain Vestibule, llvltg ruum. aining room and sun room, finished In oak; bedroom and kitchen finished In yellow pine, with birch doors; bath room Is white enamel; oak floors thrjiighout ; two front rooms have benined coalings; dining room has plate rail, panel walls, window seat and bookcases; sun room has 6 windows, with a 8. E. exposure; house is 1' stor ies, hut td floor Isn't finished:, could fin ish S ronms; high grade fixtures, guar anteed furnace, floor drain; lot 40x177: paved alreel; location and neighborhood Is 'ine; near 19th and Laird Sta.; about 8W cash and rest monthly,' or lot as first payment. Rasp Bros. I') McOague Hidg. Douglus I'M. SNAP In Prairie Park district, 8-roora cottage, modern except furnaos: block from car line; close to Saratoga school; 8300 down, balance as rent. Inquire M. L. Endres. 2410 Ames Ave. Web 8188. o t ELEGANT lICNGALOWii 8 At bargain prices. 128 Sahler: 4-r , being finished. 1714 Sahler. 5 and dining room I porch; finished In oak and white enamel. something that must be seen to be ap preciated. Call Owner, Webster 4m. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, 81.UU). Right near Miller park and Laurel ton. a goud 6-room cottage, with I large cor ner lots; plenty of fruit and shade: a mighty good home for someone wantlng clilckens and garden. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. Ware Block. BARGAIN BY OWNEtt A beautiful S-room. ttrlctly modern home. In splendid condition; good loca tlon; elegautly flu shed inside: as good as new; large lot; cwtern. Price 8J,J. Call VAj Wirt Ihone Web. aftm 8 a. m. TWO FINK BU1LDIN0 LOTS Southwest corner of 27th and Curt Sts. Wl'l se'l for casn or on reasonable terms Corner lot 81,100. lot next to cor ner D.OcO. WALLA BENJAMIN, Room I First National Bank Bldg. Phone 'JUi. Council Bluffs. o 84) CArili. tor acreage or vacant lot), balance monthly, buys 7-room modern home near school, cur. Miller Park and Fort Omaha. Tel. Web. 4141. Walker, 4510 N. 241 h Ht. o KIGHT-B.s)M modern house, practically new on pavt'd street and car lru; owner leaving city. W. 4534. 1515 N. 83d c RKAL ESTATE WEST SIDE $5,300 84u2 California rHreet, 8u,8T4l: by owner; new eight-room, complete: all hardwood; modern b'inw. RKAt, ESTATE ROITII RIDE Hanscom Park Modern Cottage 7 Large Rooms Only $3,500 No. HIT 81. d St. fine large lot with beautiful shade and shrubbery; house Is old, but mighty well built and a delight ful horns. It Is the cheapest property In the district; 81,O)0 cash required, bal ance Building and loan company mort gage. Don't disturb the tenants, but make appointment with us to see ths plitce. AKMSTPvONG-'WALSII CO. Tyler 1M4. State Bank ldg. 8-R. HOI' just finished. Modern, oak finish. Rig native srads trees. On boulevard. tfriO cash, bale no like rent. Call a. A. Fckles or i. Paul B?klea. FOR SALIC or rent, 7 and -room house; eay ternisx 14i S. T. Walnut ITSfc, A BAKUaVIN In West Hanscom Park, bungalow, I rooms and enoloaed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, pine and birch finish second floor ana fireplace, houae all complete with storm windows and screens and lighting fix t" res. for 88.808. slake an atpolntment with owner and builder to see It- Harney It IB. riNE HOME FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. NEW HOU8E. Oak finish, large living room across front of house, aun parlor, sleeping porch, well built and up-to-date; four sleeping rooms. Owner verv anxious to W. II. GATES, 44T Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1304. REAL ESTATE VACANT 1HK BAROAIN- LOOK. If taken at once, equity In two lota, Fnntenelle Park Addition. Bnap for Im mediate salo. Cell Webster 6v4. o Add For Sale R K REAL ESTATE MlfMJKLLANEOUS Price $2,750 $250 Cash $27.50 Per Month will buy a brand new all mod., 8-r. bun- fralow; rooms all large, living room, din ng room and sun room finished In osk, with osk floors throughout house: dining room has window seat, plate rail and paneled wall; colonnade opening between living room and dining room; large kitchen with pantry and lcebo room; bathroom In enamel and tile, with high grade fixtures; full foundation; base ment cemented; floor drsln. furnscg heat; hot water connection: fine south front lot on grade; t block to car. You should see this wonderful bargain. Rasp Bros. 104 McCagne Bldg. Douglas 1HT4- Great Sale of Ackermann Place Lots To take place soon. See ua for particulars Harrison & Morton !18 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Dong. 114. $3,000-$200 Down Payment Oood six-room house with lot 1H0 feet deep, In good neighborhood, on paved stteet. all modern. Bargain. Phone Douglas 862U today. Saunders Co. 1215-14 W. O. W. Bldg. Money to Loan Have beautiful building lot which I will furnish the money and buitrl a modem house to suit. Himll first payment; bal ance nu easy monthly terms. 15. P. WRIGHT. Telephones: Douglas Wit. Walnut 52. o. HEKK'H A HNAI'. Vot in Mnrningslde addition, 886. Ijot In Homestesd add. to Ho. Omaha. Cost 80. new 8175. Lot In Pullman place. Coat $0, now IL60. PHONE DOintlUAS 3MJ7. BARGAIN 7-room modern except heat, ast front, paved street, no Incumbrance. Reasonable. Call Walnut 1152. o lit. 40 will buy for good man a bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, almost uew and mod ern except furnace, near Miller lark, then 8&.40 monthly and no more. If smaller Is wanted. I have J-room plain house with 1 to 4 lots, 88 80 up. Tel. Doug las 2107. Kvsnlngs, Walnut 2CS7. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. New, modern, six rooms and sleeping porch, pressed brink foundation, paneled walls, lieamed celling, built-in buffet, beautifully decorated, one block to car, ten minutes to 14th and Farram Bt. An Ideal home, cheap and easy terms. OWN, Douglas 153. FOUR-ROOM house, almost one acre, ltth and M. Bargain. Also 4-room houss 1V acres, on Fort Crook Blvd. City wster, electric, light, close in. A. V. Jones, South Omaha. o CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Pax ton Blk, Doug. 1107. MEDICAL RUPTURE Rapture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The majority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and children. The cost is deter mined after examination, and time re quired to cure two or three weeks. Call or writs for further particulars. Prank H. Wrey, Suite X. Bee Bid, Omaha. Neh, e PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for 000k or. rectal diseases with testimonial. DR E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee liidg. lUHiWAY TLME CARD tHIUII BI'A'I'IO.N Teatk ss4 Muss, t hleage Jk. N orthv.es tera- NORTH. D.P.I4. Arii. ill Si pm I I 14 ia I 44 pm ill U ia a 7 It ia I 7 14 ia a 4 46 pa ill 61 pa I 1 .41 pa 114 44 .a I 7 M la llu 16 ia 7 M sm 11114 im IU .14 ia Twin (Hr KiprMe... 1-ikola Pumuii, ... Sloul City Uactl .... btlnaeapoll. Kilrm. ...I 1:4 .a .. B 7:41 la .. I I II piu ...I 4 II pm lm Cltr LlmiiM. .1 I 9 pa EABT. Dsnv.r ppMlal l.rroll LrfH-.l Ii.wk.re Kipr.ai Chlcsu Lrs Carroll ladl CIU.IO Hp.:l.l 4au Fr.sclK. LlmlU4. ..a 7 oe .m . .. 7 44 m ..alt M pm ... I X pa ..I 4 SB pm . .sll 44 us . .. I 0 om 0vlu4 Usilltt. Orason-Waaalsflos L4BIU4..B I II pa Los Aogat. Llaiud...... ... I 14 pa MT. rbutroo Ijoo.1 s 8 M sa Lioolu-balia. I 14 .m s :8o pm UiM.uls-l.ons yts. B I It pm ai4:ll pm Haotmi.a Sup.r1or b I 14 pm b I '. pn Iloa.oood-Hut HprliiB. I I U pm l i pa t'sapor-Londar I III pJ .11 04 am Waba.b Osiab.-stt. Leu Kipnms s I 14 pm 1 I 41 la Mall iu. Caproas S 7 41 .m all M pa OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Handy Weighti of Cattle Seem to Hare the Preference at the Stock Tarda. OOOD QUALITY OF LAMBS HHTTH OMAHA. June . IMS. Receipts were: Cr.ttle. Hogs. Sheep. Offlclsl Mnndsr 4 0RS 7.4X4 t'l Official Tuesday t.f.JH Ifl.Sil $,.' Kstlmate Wednesday.. 4.SJ0 10,9 l.ono Three days this week.lt.8M Same days lst week.14.iT4 Nam days 1 w'ka ago in MP Hams days 8 w'ks ago. 16. MO W.147 41. KM 8.M 4I.H.M 1K.W7 4.8S1 (.040 S.H1 .6 8.467 .wh days 4 w'ks ago.U.'wn ame days last year.. .4,814 The following iihln shows the receipts of cattle, hoss and sheen at the biuth Omaha live stock market for the yr to gate, aa compared with last yvar: 191V 1814 Irtr. Dec. C snt.vw l. Hogs Matte l.XUAM X4.JK? Bheep M1.8I4 LOIO.1'71 48.86$ The following tabls shows the average price fur hogs at the (Vjuth Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with compart sons : Date 1818. lB14.l(8.HH.lull.li10 1. II. - oa 8 lb 8 Sll I 4BI 4 dUI 8 481 May 84. tt I 8M 7 441 8 881 I 7 4Mi 4 i4 8M (87 8 1U 1 l "I I 14 8 I7 7 14 ft, 7 " 1 (74 I 881 88 7 11 t Jl 7 U IM til stay J. May 84. May r. Wsy 88. 8ei 41WI 7 87; t Oil 8 W I 84! I 4 8 V 19 4U . w 1A way u. June 1 J un. s T 47W 3 I I1! 7 H 8 04 i w IF I 7 84S T St June 8. June 4. ' JS i i June 8. Jjiu a t 41 I 1M I 7 l 8 41 17 8 r 01 June 7 t 11 7 SI 7 H 8 W 7 17 June 8. June 8 T4JH. 7 Ml T 80! 7 42 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stork yards, South Omaha, N.b., for twenty-fnur hours ending at 8 o'clock p m., yesterday: KRC1UPTS--CA HLOADfl. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. H'r's. C , M. 4V St P. I Wabash Missouri Padflo.... I'nlon Pa-illo 8 4 88 J5 71 18 35 4 (M 4 I 82 4 1 1 C. N. W.. east.. C. Jk N. W.. west.. 0., St. P., M. 4k O.. C. H. A U.. east... C, I. V.. west.. 45 C.. R. I. A T- east U 0 R. I. 4k P.. west .. Illinois Central.. (.'HI. at. West.. Total receipts ..Jn 141 1 DISI'OSITIUN HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Morris A Oo 4R4 1.4M4 Hwtft Co 770 Cudahy Packing Oo....l. Armour A Co 817 Hchwarts A Co 1.887 8.108 I. 288 1.470 457 8D1 ,f. W. Murphy Lincoln 1'ai'klng Co.... t8 Mo. Om. Pack. Co. 10 8. A B 14 Swift, from St. Joe W. II. Vanaant Co IS Benton, Vansant 4 K, 18 Mill A Bon 14 r. B. Iewis f 848 J. II. Pulla. U P. Huss V' Kellogg Tt H. r. Hamilton , in Hulllvan Bros 8 Christie Hlgglns 4 Hurrman ' Hoth 14 Tanner Bros 8 John Harrev Dennis Praneia s Other buyers I lit Totals 4.48 10, M0 1.808 CATTLE Receipts were much ths same today as a week sgn. but the quality of the offerings was better than It has been 1 -t - v.i.n.. v.l advices from eastern markets reduced supplies this week and a general Improvement in the demand both for local and shipping ac count enthused considerable life Into trade today, and from a seller's point view it was a very eausiamury Strictly desirable beeves, both heavy and light, sold to rather belter advantage than yesterdsy, and the movement was fiee from start to finish. Hsndy weights seemed to bare the preference with all classes of buyers, but weight did not cut much figure, aa quality and ths medium snd common oattle of all weights were uncertain and uneven sellers. Quotations on csttie: Oood to choice yearlings, 0 -"a w iu , auvq " ........ ------ fed beeves, 8k." 85; fair to good corn led beevea, 8H.1(0t tt: common to fair cornfed beevea, 87.W-J4.00; good to choice 1 1 . a-r install fai n salmi" r4t ear llfjll 4 I , ItiWwVU, WU 8.ku4r7M; fair to good cowa, fc754 80; common 10 lair cows, .inv.iv, Buuu , . M M SflSfg 1A, choictt lurxen ana TMrs, ii.yuj. iv, - 1 a .tAoltSiM nA saswlak8SB sft DM IWir wW W iiwt,lg esag wv. jg, l.faOi coinmoi to lair stockr nd tock cowa. ti.7HiMi.7a; atork oaJvaa. f M tags, etc.. 8t.50tf7.iS; stuoa bulls, lu.uutf l.tsi. Representative sales: BEEF HTBER8. N. A. Pr. N. Av. I'r. 8 W14 44 1.... 1K 4 (4 RAILWAY TIME CARD Hate si PcUlo rmlSB4 Ltrolteg s 4 California Mall a 4 Oiuhs giyrsss Altssta Cisrass U. Iiiiiim UaUUMt sit i bar a 4 Mia l:tt sn M pm aU .44 a . a 1 8 Bs :W 1st 44 pm 04 pm M ia :Mpm U pm 44 pm 4 an :4 pm :Bt pm 4 Is M is Color U Ss;i sll ass Frssrlsc. LlBlitwl sll l-.,IIIo Uaiiud ......... r. n.iA .ltiiMtnii LAaiisa..slO Nans Plstt. Losal a 4 U si Orss4 Ialaa4 Lxal . si Slrumlburs Ul aU 41 ps llllaols t.mrsil Chits. Ltwltes a 5 40 psi a 4 t hlow. K'srw a m a I Alliloa-Cwkaals 8 4 IS SB II tkicagro, Mllwaakee 4k I'ssl Psriria Umltsd BtMpm til rtilesso RimcI.1 si Ch1-0 Psylisiit plai a till sia all r-slitorols kail s 5:M Ma a I Mt.Mli. Loci a4.Bi all Chicago Great Weetersi Twin Cllr Llsilug s4 4m a 8 T.ls Cltr iprM sm s I rnicsto kiimas a 4.04 sm a I Mlsaoari 8'aclfle . . SHMMB . I S . M . n sm M pa o. pa II is II sa 11 ia M pa M u M) ua IS pa 40 pa a! c' 4k BC L tpr.......ll U bb a 4 . . . . ft tt. km a e pa 4 pa t hlcage, Rock Island 8aclfl BU8T. Rixkr MounUla Uisli4...-a 1:88 11a ill CIlcMgo iml rtauis bl4 v4 ast bi4 Clls Uslly I6pr 14.14 m 1 4 Chitil. N'4 apr a 4 W pm Dm Mulnw lcll rM.nau.. 4 80 sis sll CuUi-Nl)fS. Umltti..! 4.04 a I Cbl -N.b. Usllt4 U Llnoals.s 111 .nil Cjlor4o A onrsrsla Kip ...1 1 4S m a 4 OklslMSi. T..U EipraM. .s 4 M sta sll Kocsr MensUls Umlu4....U.ii pm a 1 46 pa m pm 4 pm a pm a sa m ia :47 pa M pm M .a w ia BI RL1N6TOM STATION Teatk mm Ml.!. Barllagtea LINI IXstw Ualt4 Nsbrlska Lisl N.brsak. mtttmm LJdooIs ll .t..llla-jl.hUVl Wfctr Pmart. ll III is s I N sm I 8 14 us b ) M pa Arrive. 1 7 06 am a l is pm a 414 pm b I aa im bW M im s S 54 pa .11 U pm s 410 pm ill 16 pm B 1 40 pm a 1:14 sa a I M aa 1'4'ieaa a I U pa bll:B4 la I 64 pm 1 4 au aa all 41 aa s 4 OS pa sll 44 ia a 1.44 aa B wi pm 1 k..K.Mi m.ib Mills. Mkm- Ukua an. mmmkittgitm :i. pm IMitlr.. Had toss sod llr.nl lalani) I 4 II pm POTvor-'lilorsla 4 Kl pm HaMtns-lrao4 IsUod ...... pal 1 . 1 . . 1 . a 1 la u. ! C'lr.4a-l.llluniia, Nurts- ,m( Alraat Nunl.ni .11:14 Ba I LINE BAST. Chlriio sod Illlaxia il liia loa Uml 1 I 11 ia HlatinuoiM b-r.otno Pla.ilarooutb-1'aolll. Craatou IMral ... Jun B 6 M om Jyoo....ll H pa , b I a pm B I 41 pm I'hloaio EprM. .... rxilcaeo Llsill.4 (bloase sa4 llllnola I I M pm a 1 IO am HOL'TH Cltr-m. .uoosb I 11 am loula. M. 4 an pm S.aaaaa tr- Jmnb .11 44 pu e Billy, k oaJlr uoopt Maslar. W8SBaJTEfl ITHK8T STATIOIf llf. leaath mm4 'Weketer. thlcage, St. rami, Mlaaaasialls 48 O sua ha rmp.it. Arrive Twlo ntr raaoaosar b 4 K am b l li pa kluu Cur KioroM b 8 IS pa bU It .a lias Cltr l.aaaa.ar a I sm gmarmai Latl b I 44 pa b 8:14 aa B dsllr. b 4a tlx .ic-ept gu.d.i. 7 M 8841 7 Ui im u n 1 74 n its r ?5 7 7 84 im in 7 So Sl 7 4.1 8 8A 7 44 8 M i MB :l , S 114 I w I ix T M rr Mil m 4 i 1 sn 14 4 it ii;ii ; n 10 list 4 KHl 10 II HIT M 1 If 1 IS I4 I 74 1 1 M 1.4S4 8 St ym 8 m li iu 8 4. STKKItS AND HK1 FliKJ. M Ml I M til t 74 4 MO T 10 It 7M n V M III M MO I M a iti iu 14 lies I l it ;t i is HKIFER8. 8 si N 8 1n 1 8 iu ID i lott t a I hi in 8. W IS 4 f1 19 IS 7S 8 4 HI IK 'ALVBS. 4 x-n 4 s t ne t es I M IM 8 8 '"- I i,e 1 so 1 14 f 8 51 7 ft 1 ll 1 no 7 M STOCK ERS AND FKEDERfl. 11 700 1f 81 817 7 44 4 7 m IUM.Ii As conn re. 1 with most recent seeks, loony's supplies were; only fair sums 148 cars, or I0. head, being re ported In. This brings the receipts fm the first half of the week up to J8.14; head, which Is ROW smaller than a week ago. hut a gain of 8,0 head over the oorrespondtng dsya a year ago. Shippers, while being fsltly liberal buy era, were not ma strong aa they were yes terday morning, and their pumhaeee were made largely on a weak to 8c fwer ba-ls. Most of the shipping sales landed at 87.M1, with .julte a sprinkling sround 87.46. snd tops as high aa 87.68, a nickel under ynwterday's high price. The moht of the packer hogs sold at 17. Ktf7 4t. with a good sprinkling toward the close around 87.85 Hulk of all the sales wss quoted at 87.3ftfT7.Au, the som as yesterday, while tnps ahowed a nl-kl decline, landing at 87. M. Today's prices for killinu bona are hardly as good as at last week s cJnse, but shipping grades are soiling stronger than they were Sat urday, and average trade Is practically unchsnged. Itepresentattve galea: Sn. Av. Hh. rr. II Jf.j 4e T M m t?4 w 1 m 4 Ill ... 7 No. Ar. h. fr t rw un 7 4:i 1 STS Sn 1 tt M. ...... SMI Sn f II rt7 M IM T B7 1JS 1 4 1 lit 7 ITU 71 I1 4(1 1 41W . . t i: i ive n 1 ii T4 l: S0 7 1 71 l? 1 7 41 7 . . 7 S II ... 1 Tl il St IM II J! 4 4 7 t'ty II IM II 1 M S4 t . . IK 8HKKI Huuulies were very lignt again today, but the clipped lamns wi re of a good deal better quality, and sold teadilv at prloes that were quoted as snvwhere from a dime to JOc higher. There wss a good deal of difference of opinion among traders as to the amount of the advsace. and some were quoting good lenibs as much as i.fi2,m up. Two decks of good handy weight lambs sold ss high as IM.il, the highest figure ever paid hare, being tOo bntter than the bl figure reached itp te today. Another bunch reached 81048, snd a bunch nf leas de sirable stuff sold down to 810.00. There waa nothing ot consequence here In the line of spring Ismbs. (Quotations on sheen arm lamb: I .a nibs. good to chnlne, r0.MfM0.TO; lambs, fair to good, r.en?ro.s;.: Ismbs. spring. 8lO0ra 11.7; ewes, good to eheloe. K.BtvrM.l. ewee. fair to good. 84 Mff4.W. Representative sale: No, . Av. Pr. 168 shorn lambs 78 10 To T native spring lambs S H 10 mill lamha Tl 8 on 1C4 shorn lamha B8 10 f. 11 ahorn ewee) 1U5 8 50 CniCAOO 1,1 TB STOCK MARKS'!' Cattle Rtreni ng t M.etiled keep) Btrenv. ClITCAOO. June 8 TATTLE Rec.lnl. 18,oao head; msrket strong; native beer steers, fe.BM79.eo; western steers, 8 Soi 8 15: rows and heifers. 83.20tia.a5: ealvaa 87.50fMO.2o. MIX rt Receipts. 88.008 head: market unsettled, light, 8c higher, others week: bulk of sales, 87.8007.75; light, r.oOOT .88 mixed, 87.4tfr7.80; heavy. 87.kff7.B; rough. 87.10W; rdgs, 84.OtW.oO. 44HKEP AND LAMB'S Receipts. 8.001 head; market strong; sheep, M.;., Kanaae City Live Itonk Market. KANSAS'CITT. Mo., June .-CATTLK Reoelpta, 4,W0 head: market steady: prime fed steers, S8.etvrr4.li); dressed b' steers. I7.8Wi4.00; western steers, 87. m 8.75; stockars and feeders, 84.50tjM.00; bul.s 8.COiu7.0ft; calves, ea.0owl0.00. HoGfcWReoelpts, 8,Ono head; market, strong; bulk, tl.KfW.Tl; heavy, 87.46r7.74; packers and butche-s. f7.tuin.ni light, 7 tr7T5: pigs. 8.767.50. riHEEP AND LAMBH ReoelntB. 7. head: market higher: lambs, $R. 40011. t0: yeartlnsa, 87.50Cr9.50; Wethers, 5.754r7.: ewes, 8S.T5C4.00. . Pt. Loete Live Stek Market. BT. IX)UIH. June t . CATTLOfr-Re-eclpts. 1000 hesd: market steady; native beef steers, 87.00ifpJ.2o; yearling steers and heifers, ts.0ntff8.a0: cows. 84.0ti7.5O; stook ers and feeders. 8d.Oi&l.25: southern steers. 86 riitH.45; cows and heifers, 84.6.oO; native calves. M.A0910.0U. HMEEP AND LAMBS Receipt a. t.OOt head; market strong; clipped muttons. t5.fM.v. cllnped lambs, 8Hl l0.3S; spring lambs. 810Wdll.6O. alonx Cltr Live track Market. PIOUX CITT. June 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,800 head: market stead v; native steers, 87. 25.00; butchers. 85.7KT7.75: cows and heifers, 84 50(71. 00; oanners, 84-10 r7.8fi: calves, I7.0048.6O; bululs, stags, etc., 15 004W.OO. HOUS Receipts. 11m nesa; marxet weak; heavv, .7.45477.55; mixed. 87.4u7.4: light. 87 .4WBT45. 8HEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 300 head. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. June t.-COFFEfThe msrket for futures opened at a decline of MIS points and active months sold 647 points net lower during the esrly trading : ..,.. H.,iila,lnn whlah UI1U.I mjmw . seemed to be due to nervousness over po litical connitions. ins twrniavBm iw nwmi month shorts was little In evidence at 11 W, haV4tarrl4t aHAFge SB4t i V4a aaVt. ttle IklR HI. SB I V. VM " eas.sa. ' ' decline and prloes ral' led later In the day on covering ana a nius iraoa uuiim which was accompaniea of rwir firmer cost and freight situation. The close was net I riolnts lower to 3 points higher, with July relatively firm, false. Including exchanges. el.OO bags; June. 585c: July. lc: August 480c: fceptem ber. C.8oc; October. 4 .83c: NamHoe 4 8U-: 1 . n,. i.n,.M OT! Vahruarv. 1.01c; March. 7.05c; Al. 710-: May 7 1-. Bnot. atesdy; Rio. 7Uo; f4tos. No. 4. SHc Mllreis prtoes were unchanged. n Hio exchange on . wnuuu mmm higher. Cettow Market. NKW TORK, June t.-TTON Spot, et.let: middling oolands tiialesi none. Futures closed easy. July. 8.84c; Oejrthei. 8 71c: December, 7o; January. 10.01c: McrMon0fvfures opened essr: July. 44c: October. 8.74c; oecemoer, j ":, 10Wc: Mnrch. 10.800. The cotton market "v. ste'.Vy Timod npg. a!fct2d Ii 5.43d; low middling, 4.8d. Mies, s.ti bales. Metal Market. . - 1 .uvrrilA-jAiiil NB7W I una. iaw " - - - L bU. Spelter, not quoted. Copper: Strong; eieciroiync, o-- flire-ton lots. 840.00 bid. Irou: Btead and unchanged; ,,,-. H4. Tin: 8po4. !ie8 4c: future-. 1j Antimony. IJ01. La. J- siielter. HIOS. Dry floods Market. NBW YORK. June 8.-DRT GOODS Cotton gooils and yams were quiet, w t prices slightly easier. Men's we-r dull Dress goods were steady and quiet, rtemsnd for burlau continues active. Worsted yarns were quiet Underwi and hosiery were In fair demand for apot shipments ' OaiikB lfar Market. OMAHA. June 8. 19'8-PRA'RIE HAY -Crolce upland. 8l8 5(WrH00; No. L 81V" 11718 60; No. i. 8l1O418.00: No. . tt.0( 10 (m Choice Midland. 818 W: No. I. 8H5O18.i0; No. f. 810.804P11 60; No. uonmiOOO Choice lowland. 8U.00: No. 1. III OWMI 0O; No. , $10111.50; No. 8. 87.IW8.00. Th. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Tarse. Umatr parestisas ea am. II Isvoatmant opportunuioe Is THK ODD U)T KgVIKW. loauog vooklr. 11 44 B Vasr. food for sampM oopMS. 41 BVoslo.r. Now Tors rtt.