Tim BEE; OMAHA. ,V.V' J, 1915. if Does that furnished room of yours seem to bo unrentable? If so it might bo well for you to call Tyler 1000 and ask for tho Free Furnished Room Bureau and let us help you find a desirable tenant. I I t. I - f t WANT ADS i Wnt d received at any time, but to Insure proper classification murt be pre- ented before 11 o'clook noon for evening led it ion and 7 80 p. m- for morning ana irdHV edltlona. Want ads nwlTd lauch hours will bo under tba beading. '"loo Lata to Cleeairy." CASH RiTIta Seven consecutive time, 1 east a wl isaaaj-tn InaaatlHM I Thre times within oM weak. f4 eent a wort each Insertion. ' One time, I eanta a word. CHARQat RATES- Seven consecutive time. S cents a lm) a-h Insertion, . . . . . Three tirnee within mm wx. 10 cent 'Una each Insertion. One time 15 cent a Una. Ceurt lx average wurti to a Una. Minimum charge. 3 cant. An advertisement tneertea to r ,ntll discontinued must ba stopped X 'written ordox. All elalma for arroro tnnet ba marta within fifteen dey sfte- tba laat Inaef Uon of tba advertisement Ton ran place yonr want ad la Tba Ba by telepr-one Unclaimed Answers to the 'Swappers' Column." Answer to Swapper ad will ba held for a period of three weeks. Advertisers ara requested to kindly claim aoina be- ifora that time. Tba following tut ia within tore weeks time limit; No. Ana. Nn. Ana. (M - J P47,,. ,..., . f 9iatiiaatM 4 r m i w 1006, . 1 1 vn 1011 1 iu J 1018 101T 1 II4. 1471. .... l tM... to s i ... ".,.....,. .....it 61 i 8T 1 84 1 W7 1 C 1 II 1 us a a 1 M4 I 2 Kl 1 1 LODGE NOTICES. All Msster Masons ara requested to meet with Capitol lodge No. a, A. V. A .A. M.. at tha Maaonlo building on Tuea day. Juns 8, at l. p. ra.. to attend tha funeral of our beloved brother, John lOnnt. liy order of tha UuUr, William P. Wherry- IIKA Ttl AN U KtNCRAL MOTIl'ES. WARS Harry P.. June I, 1914, aiad 40 vrari 2 montha 9 daya. Funral awvlce Tuaaday, Juna i, I p. m., at Uralley Uorranoe'a chapel. Nlna tcenth and Cumlna; atraeta. Intannant at Urlawold, la. BIRTH AND DEATHS. Blrtha-Frd J. Prllliifa. 1570 Tata, Ulrl: Henry Brr, lau North Nlnalaanth, ftrl: Harry and IxuIm FYancls, 37 Houth irtnth, boy; John and Kthel QalllRhar, Klorenoo, fjrl; Hon and Mlnnla Nrlaen. Zlifit houth Thirty-fifth avanua, lrt; . F. and Uraca RodRrra, 24M Mandaraon, boy; Mas and Motley Binder, South Omaha, toy; A. and Klin Thllllander, hoapttal, Blrl; John and Mattla Tlnald. 171 Botith havmtrcnth. boy; F. J. and Camilla Wet land. IW7 Ontar. girl. Uratha-Karl 1'anderaraf t, II, hoapltal; Carl A. Paaraon. I, i Oantar; Maria larngfallner. 2. 481t North Twenty-fourth; Guar K Klllaon, W. IKM Charlea; Oladya lone Cowlham. 14. J0J7 California. MAURI AUB LICENSE". Permit to wad have bean issued to tbe following: . ... Name and ReaidancajL Age. Harold T. Cater, Omaha U Ieona Ilgerton. Omaha 10 Manuel Schneider, Lincoln 23 Mary Mlchaoi. Linooto. 18 Alton J. Dollnaky, Omaha SI Allua A. DoUnaky, Omaha a Pav-td 11, White, etouth OnJia 2 Margaret HrooJuniller, OmaJia. 18 Thomaa A. Wilbur, Lynchburg, Va.... S5 Kante M. Spenoer, Malvern, la M Patrick J. Doran, Omaha 33 Jane B. Fmith, Omaha 24 Jamee Havelka. Bouth mail Josephine Bates, Omaha OiovaJnnl Samppuaruarov Omaha 24 Rosa Plazxo, Oinaba 1 Letter Earl Myere, Plalr TJ :Il)dred ttte Kuas. IHaJr 27 Kenneth II Patareon. Omaha, over.. 21 Margaret EUsabeth ltckena, Ontaha, over U Anton IMvmea, Houth Omalia 4a M'ilhelmlna Dragoun. Houth Omaha.... 40 HUILDINO PERMITS. National Refining company, D2S Corby, auto filling atation, PO; C. Nelaon, W70 t:iirl. brick dwelling, 18.600. TODAT7I C7DMPLKTB MOVIK PIUKiRAMS EicluaiTcly la Tba Hew. LANTERN Hides (or mortee. Band your copy to ua. Wa can reproduce photos er will prepare your copy. Wa will color aa directed. Bee Photo Dept. Iflt Baa Bid. Dewatewa. F.L1TB NO. 1. Ulg FARNAM ST. fcotty Weed's Alibi. 1-rael Kalara drama. The Other Olrl, Eaaanay drama. 'the Trouble Maker, Mlna comedy. FAKNAat, 1MB DOUULAa. farnajo Theater Special Mutual mas terpieces a week, Tburedy and Smtday our apectal aaya HHrt lUJkATaat, UiU AUk UAiUiaiF Home of Paratnouat Ptcturea. lDhlAL. - Tnelr Hour, t-reel O. CaL M altar of Parentage, Powers. "U'wr etniyaoua Daughter. Jokey eem. PARK" at MiMIK i4TUi l of the rhlldrvo, t-rl Blaon. It 1!U Owu Terme. fclg U. T?kltig Her Meaeurea. Neator comedy. PAKlUU. 14US DOUGLAS. With Bridges Burned, t-reel Edi. The A trs and the Cheese Hound. KaL PRINC EHB. 1J17-1 DOlIfLA T tiary l'ulr and Matt Moore In a t-reol i leaiure, A iaugbter of the Nile. f i.m.i . m ret rwr rumedy, Aeria. ALAMO. 24TH AND FORT BT. .itu-ya Duke, t-real Vlou?r. '1 hy We on Their Huuaymoon. Nea. C '1L 1'iimo IaohiiuI. ALiUMbHA, DO N. MTU e)T. A lan for Ail That. 1 net. hha Waleth Alone. AoMMicaa drama. Home A sain, t omedy. CL1TN Ml.lUry Ave. and BurdetiaT : it, i ,utuw s-r-n. 4.hj m. orama. Tin ProntoUve Spirit. Hal draota. Ivauty bunglert. Keystone comedy , DIAMOND. Ki"LAKH AT. lJy 1 w lor of Grlaaly Ouituh. Joker oum. It.e (MJ Doctor. t-ree Big u. rie Kind of a Frlond. Laemmle drama. IalAMlIN, 4TU AND FRANKLIX The lady of the I Irhthoua. t-r. Alia. 1 u J T.unejrCasalbaJ, t.X FKOUC, UTH AND avPIiAOUB atTSr iMDiie rift. !iu urmuia, ldy licUira of (inuir, euUeviii, g ypii. f.YKI '.'. I.i7 VINTON. A:iiieid Weekly. 1 tie ijui'lnn v vi uxjr Laetumla Dnuna- ui ce vt t.a.iiij'la. ilex. TODAT'R COMrfiETB MOVIK rROOUAMS ExclnalTelr Id Tha Ilea. Nartfc. GRAND Thaatar Baaullful, lth A Blnnay Chaa Chanlln In Hla Mnalral Carar. Tha Man From Nowhere, 2-raal drama. Mutual Weekly No, H. idpPODROMB, 2BTH AND CUM1NO Mutual Weakly. Tha Old. Chamlat. , Fair Mana or Foul, Komlo Com. Ford Weakly, Currant Bvonta. IVY, MTH AND BCRDETTB. Olive' a Pet Sterling comedy. Mavia of tha Oian. -ral tiemmla dr. JMXAU $ CALDWEUa Nothing Rvar Happen Right. Joker com. From Italy a Chorea, t-raal Laemmle dr. A Ftranger In Camp. Victor. LOTHROP. J4TH AND IXrTHROP STB. The Portrait In the Attlo. EdLaon dra. Who Violataa the Law? t-r. Lubln drama. Ptrlotly Neutral. Vltagraph comedy. PALACE. "ian DAVENPORT Tha Bomhar Ruddha. 1-reel Imt. A Mled-Up Elopement, Neat. Com. (H-RITIBAN. S4TH ANT) AUE8 Tha Cla rvoyant Pwlndlara, l-r. Kai. A Iurky Strike, Li lb. The Honor of the CVunp, Bel. ftoatb. AlTtDOMH FA1TORITRI. 1T1 VTNTON. 0atan McAlllater'a Heir, 1-reel Pom. Anil Ma Never Knew. Frin. love In Armor, Kayatona comedy. APOLU), 2W4 LEA VKN WORTH ST. The Ooddeaa. Vita graph. An Arlaona Wooing, Hell. A Lily In Bohemia, Vltagraph. ARiibn. CD A ARBOR Eiaaoay Tha Lady of tha Snowt, 3-r. Drama. Mra. Murphy'a Cooka, Bellg Comedy. COLUMBIA, 1710 8. 10TH BT. In tha Daya of Famine, t-reel Vltagraph. The Club Man. Luhln. COMFORT, 24T1I AND lNTON' Tha Altar of Ambition, 2-r. Am. Ortdglay Wire. Rellanoa. Daughter of Klnga, Than. FAVORITE, 1716 VINTON ST. A Child of tha North Fart. -r. Vltagraph. Tha Fable of a Night Olven Over to Rav el try, Kaaanay. Hla Concert, Kdleon. OEM. . Vb 8. UTH ST. Park Johnnie, L-KO comedy. Heart of Cerlee, 8-reel Ret. CfRIC, IMT VINTON ST. IHouae of a Thouaand Bel at lone, 2-r. Vlct. Taymaker of Leyden, Power. Heart of Cluba, Joker. PASTIME, 23 RD AND LEAVEN WORTH. Father Money, Victor drama. Ttoaea and Thorn. Big U. Wanted, a Chaperon, t-reel Netor. VeNUUA, UU BKJ. UTH X Four reala of MatuaJ ptoti Waat. MONROE. 265S FARNAM. The Black Ring, t-reel Kal. The l'rofeorT Palnle Ctire. Vita. BENSON THEATER. M35 MAIN BT. Black Box. No. It special serial. Hiram's Inheritance, Joker comedy. Nature'a Triumph, Iemmle drama. 4anelt Diatfe- EMTB No. l" 64f BROADWAY. The Know-Humer, S-r. aoay Drama; The Co.-ivoraion of Hmlllng Tom. Hellg Drama: Boohley' Pahy. Vltagraph Com. NICHOLAS, fc7BlUADVAr. Tha Deatroyer, l-teel KaJem Drama. Tha Vanlahlng Vault. Vltgraph Comedy. ROPER, 437 BROADWAY. Orlm Messenger, S-r. Big V. Artist and the Vengeful One, Victor. Two Heart end a Ship, Netor Comedy. Soata Urn a km. BErtSK. TW FJNTT-FOURTH AND N. Patay on a Yacht. Lub. The Clned Door. 2-reel Kal. Tha Bachelor' a Burglar Eaa. MAOIC. TWENTY-FOURTH AND O.' Animated Weekly. A Ufa In the Balance. 1-reel Imp. vaaaarlile. ORPHEUM, Uncle Bam at . Work. 14TH AND M. In nine reala ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourbelf anti Fumisli Comfort Tor Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Office Room 101. TRUSTKES BALE. I will aell at private aala th atork and fixtures of tha BJSLMONT RESTAU RANT ct 1511 Dodge street to tne blg'iest bidder for caalt, on Tuesday. Jjne , t t o'clock p. m., to be sold in paroel oi at a whole aa to the trustee may aeetii moat dealrable. WILLIAM I RANDALL Trietee. M0 First Nat. Bank IUg. 'nveetlgate t.U.O.A, out g park, summer. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by ray wife, Mra Estelta M. Banner. Frank Banner. AUTOMOBILES NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all etylee. open or closed, always on band. Our price wilt save you money. See Johnon-Dnforth Co.. Ui-ll-a No. lata. IIAVB 2-cyllnder Rambler: four good Urea, engine lust overhauled; Just the thing for a truck; traded real eat at for this car. Will trade for real eatate or make me cash offer. Will consider lady s diamond ring. Address K Ha, Bee. I1M REWARD for any magneto we can't repair, ion repa. ttayaa orfer. lit N.U. e H. ELSAUtTER, eipert radiator and lamp repaire. y. o. nui iitnwinu. AUTO Clearing Houee, t Farnam. buy and aella used rare. Phone DougiaastlO. Overton for leaky radiator. Sue, dealer. Want aa auto. C. J. Oaoan. McCague bldg. lpdutriai Oarage Co.. Hvih Harney Bta t-PAHSK.NUfcR Overland car, tip-top condition, brand new Urea; excellent family car a bargain for Jitney buaiaeee; tju takes It: need the money In my bualneaa. Call Monday for demonstration, r Bromley Bldg. NKURAiKA Bulck bervxa Station, 114 Fainam bt Phone Dnugiae "it Metareyelee, BARGAINS In used motorcyclee. FleaoUer Motor Cyole Co lu Capitol. AMUSKMENT8 U ANTkD-MEURV-GC-R.UND AND Bia OTHKK OONCE10N FV)R CiuLi.it RATION Saturday, July t, at Pleroe. Neb. First big celebration n yaara. Adlrea Adoiph Maatalir, chair man eoiwoMun eumtnittee. WANTfcl Attractlona for Fourth of July celebration to ba held the id. n.-j. aa Mrry-go-roiirul. balloon, small ahow,J eio. uurrH r 1 lA'ous. decretary, Cluirtar Oak, la. HI BIXESci CHANCES lO i.FT In or o Jt of b.i, OANGKSTAD. v Be b.cg. Doug. tH. HLBIXKHH CHAXCr.8 JHEA1KRH buy, laaaa or all your tna ater, machine and auppllee through Theater Fluchanga Co., 140 Far nam at. 1'ouglaa 17. sTONf. ahow carda. Clark Rrn. D. IffVS. Col N'T V aeat newapaper for aaJe, aouth entral Nehraaka. Kxcellent fielJ, good plant, little cnmpetltion. Takea ti" cah to elng deal. Addrew. V 147, Bea. WHY RENT7-WIII eert ISO-ecre ferme IA Red River valley (Minn.), ereot build Ings, supply cows and hoga on payment of tTiOn, and 40 year In whloh to pay balance. This offer not good after June 10. W. O. Temple ton. Cut Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MANUFACTt'RF.R wanting Illinois lo cation and financing men with money wanting sound business advise wants and get mr assistance. T. 1 O'Neil, Ot tawa, in. FOH SALE Large enrage In a thriving Nehraaka city; equipped to do extenalve repair work; splendid location; on Lincoln high way. Adrireee Y 12. Bee. LUMUKK yards; t In 8. E, Neb., doing a Business from s,ooo to H&," eacti per year. Arthur O'Connor, Bryan Hotel, Atchleon, Kan. NEWSPAPER Country publlahera, lis ten: I have soma Omaha property, but am thinking of re-entering country newa paper work: moderate plant. How would exchange milt you? If interested, write Fred Gillette, 1641 Willis Ave.. Omaha. FOR SALFPeit millinery and fancy work took In r1endld business center. Will sell at eacrirtce if taken at once. Addreaa, Y IR7. Bee. FOR SALF The very beet up-to-date confectionery and cafeteria In the atate. Cost to equip over 110,600. Fine, new, boat or prospects. Kenson lor selling. Act quick. A6drea, Y 608, Be. REAL estate Business placea supplied or handled; ail atate. F. V. Knleat, Omaha. SALE OR EXCHANGE Leaving Norfolk. Nab. Will sell my cigar and billiard parlors, known as ths "Rest Haven;" this Is ths finest leyoat In tha atate: don't Inquire unleaa you tnean business. Through Cltlsens Nat l and Neb. state Hank, or direct, m. Miller. eVrop. FOR BALE Up-to-date blacksmith shop and toola In town 400 pop. Good Qer-men-Amerlcan trade. Muat be sold soon. Add rem A. J. Thloaaen, Jensen, Neb. DRI O STORE FOR SALE; BNAP. AD DRESS Y-660 BEE. Roomies; 11 onaa for Bate. FURNITURE of T-room flat for sale. Room all full. Bargain. Leaving city. Beat location. Call Douglaa 704s. ROOMS, roust sell. 1X0. 181 Chicago. EDUCATIONAL FOR aal tha following acholarahipa in a firat cla Omaha Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand couree. One unlimited atanogrsphto course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. Will ba sold at a discount at tha office ef The Omaha Bee. Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete business course,' complute shorthand or stenotype eourse, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time, Wrlle, phone or call for 1915 catalogue. BOYLES COU-FX31!. 11. B. BOY LEI, President. Tel. D. U. Boyles Uldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR BAIA DT'ITR and sold. J. C. Read. J'iemOlat, Farnam at. D. 14. FURNITURE BARGAIN W beds at $1 each, tablea, kitchen and china cab Inets, 54 Ice bc-xss. He gas stoves. 26 dress ers. 1KW N. 24th St. Webster faff. ECLIPtiE gas range. No. 108, two ovens and a warming oven, perfect condition, one. oven never been lighted, coat 140, will ell for tin. Harney 4467. Hers , Vehlelee. BOLD. FARM wagons, !. btroud. Kith A Amea. Maaleal Instrument. BOURK'IUS MUSIC STUDIO. LAU 2471. DOUO- Pvattrrt Esrca hi s applies. STEREOTYPE metrics make tbe beat and cheapeet lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inohes, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, vftc a hundred at The Be offio. Small heat. 100 lb. $2 28. Wagner. Kn N. 11 Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold, rvnted. repaired, central Typewriter Exe. IMS Farnanv M laeellaaeeae. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleya and aoceaeoriee; bar fixtures ef all kind; easy payment. The Brunswlck-Balke-Coliender Co.. 407-40 8. 10th Bt. ONE Edison standard and 40 record, perfect condition. 58; one Edison Fire side, new, lio. Brandeis Vlotrola Dept., Pompellan room. tf-hand machinery. H. Qroaa, 21 and Paul. TOOLS, shovsla. plcka. lackscraws, win dow glass, 2 cerieiitr benches, L each; It match machines, fruc each, 1 hot water boiler complete, $10; combination alectrio fixture 2So each; Iron bed Complete. 22; fine aaddle and bridle, J. C. ISH. Tel. Harney tiX Tl 8. 21 st Ave. 1X)R SAhB-RL'CEKH-TVPU AD DHEBSUURAPH AND MQUIPMRNT. Machine with one 27-drawer cabinet a taobed, and 2 extra cabinet with M drawers each and about t.oo holdera. Everything In first class condition. Will aell at a bargain for caah. Address C 602, care Bee. SAFE, double flat-top desk. ruga, art metal filing cabinet, oak filing cabinet chairs, NO DEALER. 4SS Slate Bank BldgJ New 2d-hand motors, dynamo, magnetos, etc., mechanical rDire. La Bron Eiertrta Worka.alt-20 B. 13th St a ELECTRIC VI HliA TOR-Perfect condi tion, cheap hammer and maaaaga move ments. Harney 10S4. lit No. Slat Ave. ITELP WANTED FEMALE Ilerleal Offloe. BOOKKEEPER. STENO. AND QEV ERAI. OVFICU WORK, PERMANENT ri,Ai.M, r. STENO. MUST BE RAPID, I.VVM0. CO-OI'EPATIVH REFERENCE CO.. 1016 CITY NATIONAL. Attests and Saloewoaaea. A SPLENDID opportunity for eollritore. A line of toilet preparations that apell wuaiiiy. Bona rnoice territory open In Nebraska. Call at 1612 Cliicago St , or address Hlkall 8aJea Agency. 420 First Rational yank Miflg HeaMkmatH 4 Uaaaeatle. RELIARLR colored woman wanta work of any kind; acrubbing and cleaning a yeiany. 4.,ou le a.M. aii r-i v oman coo a. uetention Hoa pltal. Teiepnoa Heailb Office or Dr. Cnnncll. WANTED A girt for general housework Mrs A. T. Hanchett, llu So. ih St. li'uhoii ri u ( i . COU1RED girl wants position. Call If . ohamherxaaid WANTED A firat claaa, reliable girl for general housework: arnall faiuilv. Wal- nut nX AN experienced white girl fur general houeework. Hmall aparunent : three In ramuy. t none n. or lt H. i!ti Bt WANTF.I Emperienced gn fur general houeework; ne laundry aork. 11 tiuutn ein et rtarney swi. WANT gill to do houeework; no wash ing or truiuag; good aragee. Call 6ir avay rat HELP WANTED FKMALK Iloaaekeeaiera aad Doaneatlra. WANTED" A girl for honaework. 1H0J N ?th Ave. Phone Harney WANTED-Good white girl for general houeeaork, family of three; wea Ua a month If aatafartory. Mrs. Oeorue Horke, Ji., & lAfayette. Walnut 246.V WANTED A competent nurae maid to care for young baby; referancea re quired. Mrs. Tom MoShane, 141 N. 41st 6t. Harney 2241. WANTED White girl for general house work: no waahlnar or cooking. Call Webster 4W1. i26 N. lth t. WANTED t'ompe.tent white inaJd tor general housework. 1010 8. list til. Harney 7000. BEST wagna paid to girl who wants good place and la competent to do gen eral hoimework. Wal. 32f9 40R2 Itard. WANTED A young girl to aaalst with the car of two children. Phone Wal nut 0( WANTED At once, middle-aged woman for general housework: no washing. Telephone H. 710. WANTED A competent white woman for general housework In boarding nouse; no cooking, lias Hurt WANT a neat appearing, middle-aged Km!.. WBwt - w. A K ...... 1.1 0 ...r..... " Ull 1 .11, W'. WA, U BIIV1 . w. IH. Couth 10th Bt. WANTED Olrl for general housework In family of I. Rto Po. 22d Pt. D. 2125. CAPABLE white girl for general house work; three grown persons In family. Ref. required. 604 Bo. Wth Pt. H. 4.1M. MlaeellaaeoMB. WRITE Motion Picture Plays. $V) each. Experience unneceeaary. Details sent free to beginners. Producers League, 182 Wainwrlght, 8t. Loula. WANTED A few refined, neat appear ing ladles, to work under Instructions. Permanent position. No money required. Fair salary. Addreas Utopian Supply Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. YOUNO woman coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary'g Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to ultable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station. TTELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Offloe. fTTCIH-QRADB commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'SSN. Ttl Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ageata. Saleaxaesi aai Solicitors. Auto Owners The Auto Tube Bplcer Co. will demon strate "Splicer," the new lnventlpn. at 1U2 Capitol Ave., Omaha, this week. Home office, 413 Fourth St., Bloux City, la. Agents wanted. WANTHD Experienced traveling shoe salesman for northwest Iowa who Is acquainted with the merchant In that aectlon. State ago, experience and refer ences. Addreas Noyei-Norman Shoe Co., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED Corporation stock salesmen for Nebraska. Address E 472, Bee. TO $10 PROFIT dally selling our new household article; 2M premium with each II. 9 sale makes quick proflta. Mum ford A Larson, m Walker Bank Bldg., Bait Lake City, Utah. Very Desirable Spaca for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor eerrlce tree. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in Nebraaka. Call or write, liutiu; Benefit. Health and Accident AeaociaUoa 4ft-28 City Nat ! nk Bldg. REIaL estate Business nlecea aunolled oe handled; ail atate. F. V. Knieat. Cmaha, COLORED boy with wheel to deliver and work inside. References required. 14u4 Douglaa icaetorr a4 ttwelea. Drug store snaps; Joba Knelst Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber Collsg. Tuition lb, on account of big trade. Wages for and 10 cent work. Kleotrlo maaaaga taught Hydrauu chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglaa St. Omaha HOR8EBHOHR wanted to work at fire and floor. Muat have recommendation from good firm; absolutely no use for boose fighter. Addrees Y 665, Bee. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 6S Farnam St.. OMAHA. NEB. WE need men; had to turn down two Jobs per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Oet one of these Joba f. I,. 1 1 A 11 ft fpu VT . r. . W . A ,,..- mobile School, 1417 Dodge St WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. The world conatantly needa more bar bers. Our graduates earn good wages. Few weeks completes with us. Prepare now for coming season's ri'ah. Write Moler. 114 B. 14th Bt. Omaha. SANTED AT ONCE Two first-claa linotype operators for book work. Par union acale to tha right man. Mllburn A Pcolt Cck, Heat Hoe Neb. Mlscollaaevaa. WANTED NaneM of men, 11 er ever, wishing government Job. K5 month. Ne pull necessary. Addreas Y 40, Bee. WANTED Railway mall clerks. 5V6 a month: Omaha examinations coming; sample questions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2U1, E. Roches ter, W. T, WANTED 1.000 men to eat ham and .as, 'w. v bum juna. inn and vaiioi. COOK with reference; American plan: wurre eeconix ana peeiry are emp oyed Arlington Hotel, Sheldon, la. ABI-BODIED MEN-Good eye sight for firemen, brakemen, 2120 monthly Experience unnecessary. Railway, T sot. Bee g SITUATION S WANTED AMBITIOUS young man wants to go to work; a good education; good at fia- uros. also good penman; experienced in general ortv-e work. Telephone Doug 81. Addreee. I tit. Bee. THE t-ervant G1H Problem bolved. The Bee will ri,B a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the deaired results. This applies to realdenta of Omaha, South Omaha aad Council Hlufla Bring ad to The Bee offloe or telephone T lor louo. A WELL educated, ambitious, ateady. hard working married man, temperate, best of reference, lih wide range of mercantile experience, with buolne and executive ability, dnairee a permanent poeuion ai iix uig aaiary. r or Interview add roe (114 N. 57th Ht.. Benaon. Neb. HArtJiutM e.u yaung man wanta ateady work la private fanuiy houee oieaning or gardening; Dorter t&nitor: houeat, aober and willing to work. Ad- areaa, a nee. POSITION wanted by trustworthy and energetio young mm Beat reiereneea furnished and not afraid to work. Phon Douglaa 8461. ' LADY ethnographer, P. B. X. operator; general office girl; t years experience. References H. 61o7 In ENGINEER attending the state university wishes to reltuve or assist om county surveyor or engineer for the summer. Addreas O-Ml, B , WANTUD-Job aa .ouauffeur. A fvM. He. Addres SITUATION aa head miller In 7 to j6 bbl. mill: over 20 ar eapeHrnce; beat or rvferencee. P. O. Anderson. Im cnarles St. Cituaha. Neb. SITUATION'S WANTED EXPERIENCED colored trl wsnte posi tion chambermaid. Webe'er t7i. LADY living in the vicinity of 2Kth and Farnam desire to rare for children during the afternoon or evening or to read to Invalid. Phone Red "2 CHAUFFEUR want rosltton: I years experience. Phone Web. 47ri2. MAN and wife with two children, aged lrt and 2 vear. want- noeltlnn on farm. Experienced. Adilreaa M. Pa. WORK wanted by k" colored woman; scrubbing; and cleaning. D. 6TT2. WANTED Farm work by an experi enced farmer with good team: wages. IS per day and board for both man and team. Add rem K 646, In care of letter to The Omaha Bee. - LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraon having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to reatoro them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4X. SEVERAL days ago a aum of money was found on one of the cars of this company running between Omaha and Lake Manawa. same will be returned upon proof of ownership. Apply to office of auperlntendent of transportation In Merchants National Bank Bldg. Omaha. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Bunday night between 24th and Brown and 41t and Jarkeon. a brooch of pearl; half moon ahape design; finder please call H. 46. Reward. PERSONAL YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ere invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. REFINED young man keeping beauti fully furnished high class bachelor quarters within walking distance of busi ness district would like to hear from on or two young men desiring to shart same. Room 104. Bee Bldg. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga clnes. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 418S and our wagon will ca'l. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. S CI V For God's sake writ. I can't k . vj. x . ,tM(J ,t y-e j, mily forgive you. OPPOSITE BOULEVARD. GORDON, the Douglas Tin. Magaslne Man. Phone SWAPPERS' COLUMN ANQELU8 PIANOLA, with ?-reed oigan in It, also over 100 reoorda; will trade for Vlctrola. Phone Harney 2304. lnjft S. th Ave. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see tha "Automobile" classifi cation. A PEN of Buff Leghorn chickens, "prise winners," want a good ball-baring lawn mower or 150-egg Incubator. Ad dress S. C. 1078, Bee. BOYS! Here's your chance! Have two S-ft. steering sleds, both alike. Will trade for bicycle. Addres 8. C. 1079, Bee.' FINK bay horse, weigh about 1.100, fine driver; afraid of nothing; buggy and harno If desired; would trade for cheap auto or truck. Tel. South 1494. F1RST-CLAS8 upright piano; might put In some oash; want lot not to exceed 2300 or smsll cottage equity. Address S. C. )Ks. Bee. DIAMOND-68-100 karat diamond In ladies' Tiffsny mounting, gold ring, platinum head; price, 2150. Want motor-t-ycle or piano, or offer. 8. C. 107i, Bee. INDIAN" motorcycle and new aide-car; late 1914 model, twin cvllnder. two- Tluufl n m 1 . t . aIaa! pin .ni,lnn.s,i lailt ImprovAt kick starter; new tires; all per- jeci conuuion. coat xxjo. want f ord ur licht roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Address S. C. 1072, Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1916 model 12 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle in A-No. 1 condi tion. ad baa been run leas than 600 miles. Will trade tor Ford or light car- Address 8. C. 1063, Bee. lll MODEL Overland. Will trade for single or tain Indian motorcycle. Ad dress, 8. C l'H. Bee. OLIVER Typewriter (vleible), worth 210 cash for motorcycle aocesasorles or any thing of equal value 1 can use. Address 8. C. 107L Be. ONB ldu-aore farm, one 220-acre farm, Dotn m south Dakota, both 112,000: ten acre and two lots in Francltas. Tex.. 81,600; thirty aoree In Sacramento valley, California, on the state highway, lnter- urnan railway, and fronting on mam line Southern Paclflo railroad, tS.OuO. This place ia thres blocks from station and has a great future. Ail above property Is dear. Will trade for good olear Omaha prope.-ty. Addres F-540, Bee. PHONOGRAPH Kdlon, 60 records. , in good condition. Will swap for chickens, ducks, stc. Address. 8. C. 1070, Bee. PIANO One new mahogany upright piano, beautiful case,- bench and scarf to match. A bargain, or what have you to offer me. Address. $ C. 1074, Bee. PIANO Fumed oak rlayer piano, used one year, cost fUM; 50 rolls best music. Would trade this for automobile, or what could you offer and could use. Addres, 8. C. 1075, Pee. PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or Iota; will par difference; If you have anything get In touc'i with me, aa I have other stuff to exchange; give complete description. Addreas 8. C. IMS. Ben PIANO A dandy Decker Bros, square piano, fine for starting to learn, what could you offer me for this. Make offer. Address. 8. O. 107C, Bee ROOMING house, 22:1 Farnam St., to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. PIANO Elegant piano; swap on auto: will pay rssh difference for good trade or will awap piano for a lot or equity In a well located lot Addreaa 8, C. l'i.2. Be. REAL ESTATE contract, H.iwO, for lota or auto and lota. Wen. 41H3. ROTARY. Neoatyle copying machine typewriter, accounting ayatem comput ing acale. Will trade for grocertea. meat, or what have youT Address S. C. 10o9, Bee. BABY BUQOY Large wicker buggy and reversible wicker top, rot thirty-five dollara, uaed one year; fifteen dollar, or what have you? Addrri s. i0. iVe. T PEWRITER Have nex.ly new v iMirl typewriter to trade for ainall ra'o. typewriter deek. braaa nrri-e ralilnit Cr curtain railing 1V diameter, or will pay cash. 8. C. 1081. Bee. WILL swap t& gilt edge security for Ford car or roadoter. 8. c. 822, Bee WANT to swap diamond ring for house painting. S. C, ICl, rare Bee. 9TF.NOTT I B Practically saw, used lets than a month. Will trade for anything of equal value. What do you offer? Ad ore . H. t . nee. . UNUSED American 134 adding machine for trade. Will aell cheap. Address Y-i4. Dee. WILLtrade U14 twin cylinder H P. motorcycle. In A-l condition, for prop erty or diamond to value of 2u0. Ad ore 8. C. 10j7. Be. FOR RENT Ar4aaat mm Slats. Kt IiOUO LA g ST.. rooms WW u. COOL ROOMS, tt week, Ogden Hotel Council Bluffs 4:1 U and up: modern apartmeota. Bear AOoatofffce. G. P. Siebblna CENTRAL-N equal In price oroualiiy; I-room houae; 4-room flat. 228 N. 22d. T-ROOM" flat strictly modern. tU2 Casa Walnut Met. 2&S-J0 8. 20th. a-r. and bath. tl4 to I t newly remodaledi lao alacarwom. Red Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleaee the most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, 206 Bo. 17th St Phon D. MA- REED ABSTRACT CO. oldt abstract offloe in Nebraaka. fot brandeis The. Jessen &Morrell 201-1 Btate Ek. Bldg. D. 22W. Al'l'Ol i'AT. E. A. DWORA K. C. P. A... Address 422 Rame Bidg. Phone Douglns 740S. ADOl.Vtl MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6338 AMATEUR 1-l.MSIil.NU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept D. APPRENTICE CIHL. APPRENTICE glrL Oppenhelm Hair Dressing Parlor ARCHITECTS. EA-erett S. Dodds. fliTpaxton Blk. D. 1. AltTIOM.KMS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. W. R. 32SS. Nafl gale A Auction Co., 132T W. O. W. ALTO l.NSLRA.NCE. 40 saved on your gutomoblle Inaurance by patronising a home Co. Doug 2M9. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. KB Far. D.200L BAKERIES. Z. H. RF.EDER. 150 N. lth Web. J2JIT. BEDDIN6, OstAHA PILtJow"cO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglaa 24I. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. BLUU PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 202 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co . 27th and Martha Sta Nth. Fdry. A Mfg. Co.. 1125 N. . Web. 7M0 BUILDING WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 4S08. CARPET RIG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. C ARPKN TKRJ AND CONTRACTORS. STEVEN3QN, 823 8. 22d. Douglas 6620. BURRPLL A JOHNSON, general repair ing. Webster tt2i4. Harney 3634. Iard A Bon. 1908 Cap. Ave. T. 15.1t. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. W0 Pag. Blk. Red 4587. CIVIL engineers! T M. J. LACY, 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 471S. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Pantslorluni. 220-2 8. 16th. D. 6407 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION C-O.'S Western repreeentatlve of VELVETILE COMPOSITION -flooring. INVESTI OATE 811-12 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1872. COSTL'UES AND LOUUS SUPPLIES. MFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Llxben A Bon, 1614 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, clgaslc. D. 187L Try Mackie's first, lf.lt Harney. Doug. 644. DOWN TOWN REkTA CRAM'S. . Douglas lunch, day and night 1712 Doug. DRESSMAKING.. , Terry Dressmak'g college. Kith A Farnam, 4 1 tun?, gowns, in nomas. WaL 2287. Ml SB STURDY. 241 CA88. RED T320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATEDryClng. Co., 120 N. ltth. ' D. 607J. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, tit Neville Block. Evl- oenco recurq in all cases. Tyier 113. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. Ko pain. Ml W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Rooma. 1617 Douglas.' D. 218. DRUGS. - DRUG, at cut prices; freight paid on 819 craers; catalogues tree, fnnrmin sc ato- Conneii Drug Co.; Omaha.-Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nor. Co., Ill N. 15th. Terms. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa A Mender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 2055. EVfcHlTUlsa rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating:, covered buttons, ail sixes snd styles; hemstitching, pioot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. 1X4. NEW YORK ssmple store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and drssaes sacrificed. 3D N. Uib St. HEMSTITCHING and pecoe edge on all kinds of material done promptly at Sin ger Bewlng Machine Co.. 204 N. lth. .EVERYTHING FOR MEN. JOIN T. M. C. A. on special summer membership plan. Then use It. I0.6O. FIR N ACES AND TIWORK. HABER'TROH. 401 Hamilton. Wal. 287L FLORISTS. , BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. too. U HENDERSON. 151 Farnsra. D. 1354. Member Floruit Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS A EWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAQHUE. 122 Harney. Dcug. 1001. SWAN BON, the florlat. Web. . Bo. 701. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replete everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., 1230 Harney Bt. Fat. 1m. MAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. P. EUele. UM City Nat ALL kinaa hat cleaned. 1510 Harney St AMKPICAN Hat Cleaner. 151 Harney. ICB. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOWB WEBSTER 6ll Oeaeral Office, lila and Manuarsaa bis. FOR RENT Aartaaeale mmm Plata. T. OEOH1B A-rooeu apartment, redeco rated throughout lit N- tiat Ave., ae ket Waat Farnam district Paoua Wea Ster 171 VERY choice or t-rvora stnam healed apartment en West Farnam St JOHN W. ROBB1NS. lsut FARNAM ST. JEWEtCkl. LUCKY wsddlng rings at Brodegaard'g- JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. R, 7401. Notary pun., oepoemon LIVB STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN CRQ9. ACO. Exchange mug.. LIGHTING FIXTLRaiS, WIRING. , niTPTCIN Thomas. Douglas toll. UCXUVIJN 4, rumlng St. MASSl ESES. , , 1 1 I' 1 1 , J f . r i 11.111, 1 1 ' ' ' Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. Mass. Baunders-Kennedy Bldg. P. TH Open eve., 9 p. m. Sundays. 10 to z. Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. B.Brugman, mass.,203 Karbach Blk, R, f72? MASBAGE-620 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 6371 Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 870L BATHS. 214 Baird Bldg., 17th and Doug. M HALLERON. Baths. t Neville Blk. MASSAGE Cull D. 8227 for appointment MISS GILBERT, massage, 101 B. 17th St. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mra Steele. Miss Walton. Mass. R. 22. Neville Blk. MI" JACOBS, Mass , R. 224. Neville Blk. MINING ENGINEERS. WILL psy to consult W. H. Godfrey on) mining business. Z07 Btate Bk. K. MOTOR.C YCLES. HARLET-DAVIDPON MOTORCTCT,ES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roog, "The Motorcycle Man." 1702 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motloa picture macmne ana rum oargaina Wk rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchange. 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED: work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES. Harp A Piano. t05 Lyric. D. 8704. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR BALE Extra fine can seed at II per bus., sacks rOo each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, C0J Brandeis Bldg. D. aa JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. C6 Bee Bid. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH WMANUS, 417 N. 0th. H. I72H, PATENT DEVELOPMENT, AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 & Hth FATBWWS. D. O. BarnelL Paxt6 jt. Tel. Red TIM. H. A. Bturges, 3 Brandeis Theater Bldg. PIANO REFINISHING. GENERAL overhauling. SO year, ex p. References, 702 17th. Red 68S0. John Baer. PLATING. D. 6277. Acme Plating Co., Ill B. 16th St. a PRINTING. WATERB-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality prinUng. Tel. Doug. 380. 624 B. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. XXJUO. VbK DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Mil SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A T?T?0 Opened, repaired, comb. ?N M p p.iS changed. F. E, Daven-KJJ- xx t-K- port. 140 Dodge. D. 182 L SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 611 S. 12th. D.21U. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. 211 8. 14, Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.I44 SEWING MACHINES. rent repair, aell needles and parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," We NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. 161 TEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bhet Metal Company. 110 8. 11 SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Boreen Co. Doug. 4t STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahele. lug, etc. , buy, wll. Onha Flxttir and supply Co., 414-10-lg 8 Utly Sous, till TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 a 11th. P. la. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. Uth 8tk Palm Beach suits to order. 1818 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINQ A STEIN LE. 180 Farnam St TtPMWRHKRS FOR RENT. ' RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for St. Olivet Typewriter Agency. I9u Fanaii Butts Typewriter Exchs3u7e. lllS.Uth8C Ah makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington." not Just a type- writer, low rent. Call Dou, Lai; WATCH SPECIALISTS. ChrUtlanscn. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. II yr gp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug, ptg. Cev WINES AND LKgUOKh. ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. ltth St Wlnea. liquors, cigar Plate dinner. U to 8. loo. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California, wine. 1125 per gal. W rite for prlo list. HENRY POLIXXTK LIQUOR HOUiBi 16th and Capitol Are. Ten-osnt luuob. BUY your family It.iuors at Klein' IXiuor House, 622 N Ifcth. Douglaa laui. FOH RENT Apartaaeata aad Plate. FIVE-ROOM Meam-hiated apartment. Very desirable location. Chula Viata, a:m ruiMH.ion Ave. .lnrq Zoung pi.n'i.i, iivuivr. Lougla lsTl. ntw modern (-room ilium f.mt LeLTn'orth SC Conrad Yoong xa Bradela Tbaater. Douglas 1STU. Ximut $M, I Y 1 I X ;1