Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    8 A
Not Since the Birth of Hit Industry
Km He Stood Still, Sayi
Elmer Apperion.
Record Perform an oe Hade Without
Demonstrating Car by the
Local Agent
"The Isat order we took for the
new Packard Twln-8lx waa Batnrdar
morning before o'clock:, and this
made four complete carload ship
ments." satd H. F. Orr of tbe Orr
Motor Sales company.
tt la Interesting and Terr encouraging
1ndee4 to know of the enthusiasm the
new oar haa created throughout Nebraska
erer the rout which Mr. Joy drove last
week on Ms wejr to the Paolflo roaat.
Inqolrtoe hare been pouring In faster
than we aa Packard dealer eer e
pertenced, and since ther eme largelr
either from those who have thua far
narer owned a motor car, or from those
who are alreartr driving other makes. It
la rery evident that thla year mow than
ever we are going to hava a big Increase
In our business from aouraea outalda of
the regular Packard family.
t onf!:?ce t " Twin .
"The confidence ahown by thoee who
hava already placed their ordera for tha
and the rt porta wa iret dally from the , P'"" " 11 wiu u moT9
factory Indicate that thla feeling la gen- Interost'ng than , ever to watch lha
eral throughout tha country. To sa changes from now on.
that we are disappointed at not recelv- "To me. thla energetic progress la ea
Ins our demonstrating car la probably a ! pvrlslly pleasing, for when I look bark
very mild atatcment. but we could not j over tha twenty-two yeara X hve been
have expected It ao early. I In the business, ! cannot help but tnar-
"In explaining thlr reaeona for making ' vcl at the wonderful cl.angee In tha In
an early announcement of the new ' duatry and how happy 1 am to think
models, the lackard factory advisee ua , tha. I Mvr In thU ore and am given
that ao many rumor were going . the ; tho privilege of adding my mite to the,
rounda all over the country aa to what development of thla wonderful Industry.
tha new product would be that wo thought
'It an Injustice to those .who were waiting
for Packard rare tg keep thorn In aua
penae fAy longer.
"The automobile manufacturer la
never aatlafled." say a Elmer Epperson,
president of Apperson Brothers' Auto
mobile company. "By that I mean It
baa not stood atlO a minute alnce the
Inception of the Industry. He la con
stantly aeeklng ways of Improving hla
product and It la evident by the progreea
made that ho ha a been constantly active.
The keen rivalry between companies for
leaderhlp alao has a tendency to bring
out the best In the shortest time and
ve are ever on tha move to give to the
purcliaaer every refinement and meohan
Iral advantage available. f
'Every Improvement made waa un
doubtedly Important at the time It waa
brought out. but todav, how crude aeem
the things of years ago, how emaJl In
comparlaon with later aehlevementa.
"We were the first to bring out the)
double opposed motor. We thought It
quite an advancement at the time, but
It waa not long before thla type gave
wav to the fi.ui -f yllndcp vertical Jc
Mirn and now the six la dividing honors
with the four. And ao It haa been with
nif.ny thlnga since tbe clays of .the aln-lc-yllndcr
cor. I aupp'a ten years
from today we will have discarded Ideas
,-Electric Starter;
Increases Business
TV. C. Marsh of the Industrial garage
announced .last week that he had con
cluded arrangements with Gray Iewt
to represent them here In the Omaha ter
ritory In tha sale and Installation of the
Oray Darls electric atarter and light
ing system, Which haa been brought out
APedaMy for Kord cats. In view of the
fact that It la possible to make tha In
eUtlattou la one day.1 the new devtea
wni prove attractive to farmers, who
can drive her In the morning and be
back homo the seme night. Borne Idea
of tha success or tha new system might
be gained from the number of cars that
are being equipped. While thla system
tnaa been designed espeolnlly -fee Ford
cars. Mr. Msrsh haa had tha foresight
:to prepare himself to attach it to all
Imakea of care. Tha market In and ad
jacent to Omaha la praotieally unlimited,
ithe pi-tee being wttbin reach of any car
(owner. Tbe same shortage In the supply
,of these systems la being experienced
I by Mr. Marsh that automobile dealers
along the row are having with the care
it hey handle.
Auto Tourists
Stop Off in Omaha
Life of Auto Tire
Depends Mostly on
Care of the Owner
Auto tout lets ere now stopping off In
Omaha in Increased numbers and are ;MDinB . thooe enemies of mileage
-Borne tlrea run . mile, some run
S.000 to S.ftno miles, it looka to me aa If
the difference In mileage Is more often
due to the attention tlrea reoelve than
to any other cause," aaya J. M. Dine,
branch manaer of Tha Ooodyear Tire
and Rubber company.
"Alt of which bears on tha new, pres
ent era of tire merchandising. It Is no
longer true. If It ever waa true, tbat In
telligent tire dealera strive to sell as
many tlrea aa possible to a few custom
ers, and that dealers delight In seeing
tlrea go wrong quickly. The new Idea la
to aell Urea to as many ouatomara as
possible, and to make thoee auatomera
aatlafled customers, so bat they will
come back to the aame place regularly
for their requirements.
"The Ooodyear Tire and' Rubber com
pany haa capitalised thla Idea for the
benefit of tire users, In the establish
ment of service stations, In the Urge and
small cities of the country-
"A Ooodyear service etrxtlon mcunn
just that. We are tire doctors. We can
help tires keep well In the beginning, as
well aa doctor them when nsgleot haa
made them alek.
"We find that tire mileage la Increased
urprlalngly by a little rare and fore
thought. We advise on air pressures
snd point the dangers of under-lnflation.
We often obtain thousands of miles of
tire wear by the timely application of
quick iepw gum to a little cut, thua
.Tincnng xne uinun nuio hum ana n mtrf an(J
Various hotels anxious to extend tne
hospitality of the Oate City. The fol
lowing nutor parties hava rrgletered: jmarcb.nt and
w u ran tne taai aay or vwa in eum
club' a headquartera at the Hotel Fonto
nclie: Clark Patton and family of three.
Grand TrUoida to Spencer, Neb.; C. It.
7onaT and party of two. Twin Falle,
ldao,toKew York: M. H. Kellogg and
'party of three. Battle Creek to Pan
Frabdaco; John Herforta and party of
four, Cincinnati to Ban Francisco, Ar
thur I Brown and party of two, Cin
cinnati ai'd return; A. A. Breed and
Mr,M-mhm Wl, - TPeifln !'
Mr. and Mrs W. H. Krhinldt and Mi
and Mrs. W. U Trletney, New York, t
1'aoirtc eoat.
In thousands of ways the new mer
chandising era la helping, both tho tire
hla customers, and the
Idea has come to atay. Tire users come
to us for advice, for help, for service
ar.d that exemplifies the finest kind of
lelatlonshlp that can exist between a
merchant and hla customer."
Rome Miller, who has returned from
attending tha National Congress of Hotel
men at Cleveland, waa re-elected chair
man of that organlsstton while there.
The chairmanship la tha only executive
office and correepondeoto president.
Second Omaha Girl
Goes to Europe to
Be Married There
Omaha boasts a second International
romance, intimately connected with the
Buropean war. Mr. and Mrs. Morltl
Meyer received a cablegram Friday an
nouncing the safe arrival of their
daughter, Minna, in Norway, whence she
sailed to Join bar finance, Mr. Felix
Bchradter of Oermany.
Miss Adah Blanohe Roe, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John P. Roe, plans
to sail June U on the "New Amster
dam" for Oermany, where her marriage
to r. Herman I.ommel of Munich, Oer
many, will be celebrated.
Mlaa Roe la now In f ine ha, the guest
of her slater, Mrs. A. F. Tyler, and Dr.
Tyler, having Just returned from fllmp
Mn college, where she haa been teach
ing. Miss Roe Is a graduate of the Omaha
High school and later attended Rryn
Mawr, In both Instltutlrme distinguishing
herself for scholarship. Mlaa Roe won
many honors at Rryn Mawr, Including a
traveling scholarship In Oermany, and
ntiio taught for awhile at the same
Castellar School
to Hold Graduating
Exercises June 16
The Eighth B. graduating clasa at Cas
tellar school will hold Ha rlaaa day exer
cises on June 16 at the school. A feature
of the program will be the preaantatlon
of scenes from Dickens' stories. The
program will be;
Part 1 Charles Dickens' people: Talk
ing about Mr. Dlckena' wotk, playing
clo-t he-boy s-hall, showing David Copper
field, visiting Mr. PeggottT's boat home,
selling his waistcoat, arriving at the
home of his aunt, Mlaa Betsey Trot
wood; rslllng at the Mlcawbers.
Part t Vlctrola music.
Part 1 Presentation of diplomas, class
song. -
Part 4 Piano duet In the hall, May pole
Members of The class are;
Joeephua A. BriKKS. Ocorae Lanaer.
Loula J. Chleborsd, Fthel M McUuire.
Eva M. Davis. Mahel Miohaeleen. .
Johanna M. fCkelram ICmlly I. Mulflngnr,
Mablo Klingulut, Agnea H. Pedcreen,
Carl L. Klsaseer, Oeorge Pillicnn,
Frieda M. C. Funk, Adeline K. Hchoesaler
Maraaret HarrlngtcnRaymond F. Stryker.
John A, Hesa, H. I,n M. Kvoltok.
Charlotte L. HuntlejKathlyn Rwlokard,
Yenia Jacohaon, Georgia Tuma,
Lillian K. Kavan,
Good Weather is '
Driving the Prices
to a Lower Level
The return of good weather to the grain
belt of the central weat and tha reports
of bGmper crops In prospect sent grain
prices still further down, wheat ou the
Omaha market losing 4 cents and selling
at t.Uel.U per buahel, about tha lowest
since the first of the year. Receipts wore
liberal for a Saturday, there being twenty-three
carloads on the market.
Corn sold off 1 to t fents, price being
r'0T0 cents per bushel. The receipts
were 104 cars.
Oats followed the other grain aad went
down to l'i cents per bushel, selling
at MHtftfl'ir. The receipts were twenty
three carloads. .
The first arrivals of summer tourists
' te go through Omaha were drlvlrur ;
'BArioka. Seven carloads passed through I
'the dty during the last week and were I
'high tn their pralae of the mm Kie ac
corded them by both the Omaha Auto
club and the Buk branoh. They ail re
ported heavy roada, but say that within
'a wecke time they will again be In
'good cond't'on.
W. U Trlettey of New Tort City U
driving a Butck six from New York,
jla going to ship the car to Hawaii and
; motor through the Ulanda. ale expects
'to travel about fourteen month.
Fred Patutiaa. from Hot PprlneTa, Ark.,
'drove through on tho way to hta sunv
smer home In Canada
A. V. Miles of Ogrden. Utah, kt tnaklng
I a record run with e IM Bulek K" to
iNew York City. Obnaldatrtng tha roada;
lis la making wonderful-tame.
Ceorga H. FuCler of OolurrWbua, O,
passed throua on the way to tn expo
j atUoo. Mrtag a maal C-A
, R. H. Davis ol Toledo, O.. left that
city Buoday evening and arrtved tn
Omaha Wednesday momtnaT, He aay
nothing but Bulck could have made It la
that time, considering road conditions.
Mr. Drefsoa. aervlo manager for tha
Nebraska Butck Automobfla company,
ajeo says that they are tnrw anxlovs to
iglva these thrmirh Omaha tourists the
oct he haa in the way of service.
Bailey eervloe means upkeep.
Dr. Bainuel Mcf'hord Crothere, paator of
the First I'nltarlan church, of Cambridge
Max., who Is to deliver his lecture, "A
l.ltitary clinic," In the auditorium of
the Central 1 1 lull school on Friday even
ing, .Inn,- 11 ia known In the weat and
middle west because of his Raymond T.
West memorial loiture.
Although lJr. Crolhers comes hore under
the aucpices of the Omaha Unitarian so
ciety, his lecture here la to be nonseo
tarlan and of a purely educational nature.
William F. Ourley of Omaha win Intro
duce Dr. l' rot hers and the Harvard men
of Omaha who have attended Dr. Oroth
fie' church at Cambridge will ant ai
ushers. Tho lecture will bo open to the I
public and no admission will be charged. I
i A noon luncheon la being arranged for.
Friday at which time the Unitarians of
Omaha will have an opportunity to meet i
Dr. Crothera
H. S. Cadets to Use
Burlington to the
Cadet Encampment
tn going to Mslvern. Ia., where they
will hold their annual encampment, the
high school cadets will travel over the
Burlington, Instead of the Wabash, aa
originally planned. Owing to the washing
away of the track In the vicinity of
Gallatin. Mo., the Wabash will be unable
to get equipment to thla end of the line
and consequently company orrn-lsla have
been obliged to cancel the contract.
Over the Rurtfnxton the cadet's will
have a special train that will leave Coun
cil Bluffs at about o'clock Monday
morning. From Omaha to Council Bluffs
the, boys will go on npei-lnl corn of the
street railway company. The distance to
Malvern la about thirty-seven miles and
the run will be made In little more than
n hour.
Thursday at the camp will be visitors'
day and to accommodate parents and
friends the Burllnifton will run a spin la I
train from Omaha, leaving at about
o'clock in the morning and returning will
leave Malvern at 6:30 o'clock In thf
To Lay Cornerstone
Sunday Afternoon
The oomeratone of the St. Joseph Cath
olic church, a new structure which la be
ing erected at the corner of Sixteenth and
Center streets st a mu of Jts.ono, will be
land Sunday afternoon with appropriate
ceremony. The services will start at 1
o'clock and Blihop Hcannell and Father
Cannon will apeak. Rev. Paclflcus
Kohnen Is the pastor at the ohurch.
Notice of
Increase in
Mileage to
wm x. i i ! i
Follyo the Cheap
"Cheap thinfrs are
made for people who
cannot pay more;
who are forced to get
along the best way
they can.
The people who
buy goods or services
in this way invaria
bly pay out more in
the end by having
paid less in the be
ginning. The real value of
an article is not the
price you pay but the
use you get. Today
the value of things is
based on the service
rendered not on the
purchase price."
Marathon Tires
are built to meet a
quality demand and
not price com pe t i t ion .
They are absolutely
right, and while they
cost more to buy
they cost less to use. -
Hereafter 6,000-miles wiU be the hasis of guaranteed
service for all Pennsylvania Oilproof
per guarantee tag attached to each casing.
This will apply also to all Vacuum Cup Tires at present in ferHoe.
This announcement follows logically the result of The; Automo
bile Club of America Official Test, in which nine tires on heavy
cars averaged 6,760 miles, three of them exceeding 6,900 miles.
On the neu7 batU of guaranty; Vaemm Cup Tim ara lower
in cott per miU by from 17fc to 22fc than any to - called
non-skid tirm told on a 3,500 mil adjustment baU.
Bear in mind also that Vacuum Cup Tires are the only tires
guaranteed not to skid on slippery pavements, or returnable at
full purchase price after reasonable trial.
The Vacuum Cups act on the only principle by which rubber ;
projections can grip a smooth wet surface. ,
Office in all Center
Omaha Branch 2212 FARNAM ST.
Dealers Everywhere.
rSsttaaatJ eanESIfc-
Rubber Co. .
2.122 Farnam Street,
Douglaa iaM).
I1 ip in i in .i.i
L -W
lr.(lkfi gar gaek.
Htm at 14a. re.
Take ais dropa of feUoan's LlolnMant four
tl.nua a ejr snd apply to email of barlr.
It kills tbe pain. All druggist Jtdvr-
Bee Want Ada Produce Kaaulta.
Hie price $C95 tells the story. Every locality has from one to twenty-five prospects
vrho wouUl buy this car. ."NVe have some choice territory open and a money making prop
osition for men with red blood.
28 Horse Power. Electric Lights. . Electrio Starter.
Demountable Rims. 112-Inch Wheel Base. Cantilever Springs.
A big roomy car with 1916 design streamline body.
If you want to make money while the car business ia good, come in aud gt a DKM
ONKTKATINXi CAH and got into the field. More earn will be sold during the next 90
days than in any similar period in the history of the business in territory.
We can driver care. Do you know any one who would buy one? Come in at once.
E. M. Reynolds & Co., Distributors,
Omaha, Neb.
Jilj- .lias i-r!i-art stjmimrig&
2105 Farnam St.
Fully Equipped
Six-CyHnder Trp MN'( Continental Motor
Warner Tranirmwion and Steering Gean
Weaton-Mott Floating Rear Axle
Wetinghou Electric Lightire and Starting
Hartford Untrarrtal Joint
Sheldon Spring Setni-elliptic Front) Platform
Builders of High
Grade Motor Cars
for Years
Concealed SpaeMlanwter Gear
WWHe-124 incbe.
Wheel 3 4x4 Mi inches
Ona Man Too. Never Leak Material
UpllgtenwNrnUr 1 Uathar k tHd for
prtng. a
The above Is tn old story to the buyfnj pirtjc, as the greater per cent of the hirh-rrsde
automobiles J?uilt today list their virtue under these same spedficatrons. s"-.iuc
There are wveral thlnp however, that you are entitled to, with an exrendlhir rj
1495 that wa give 70a; such as soft, easy rldinr In the tonnea obUined onlTSv
absorbinr, platform sprints, liberal tires, 34x4 adhistable driver's sea? and R?Jte
Parlor Car Passenger front seat, with passage way between the two, rivrnr access to Jiihlr
front or rear seat and a luxurjousnes unsurpassed at any price in finish, uphoktefv con
venienccs, and all details of equipment. v icrjr, ooa-
It wiU cost you 2C to write, nothing to phont and thirty minutes of your time to inv,
tigate and test this car in a comparative way. Get In touch with us todav
1910 Farnam St. Phono Doug. 8602 Omaha, Nebraska