Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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Dutch Fishermen
Make Large Hauls
fCorreapondonce of Th Attttv-Uted TTm.
VLAARTMNGEV. Neth.rianae. June 8.
Th flrat herring caught thd season
by a'Putch flahlnlr smack waa rrnis;ht j
Putoh fishermen lime crn rartirn- istrorm. lilrh have uaen ttrm tnta wmrti must refialrt from any ml favnr-
ruins and regulations for Interstate shl:)
niini of ll Mock wore advocated ly
W. P. Tbci, of Omaha In an address to
d.T i.' trv convention of the Nation il
Lixe siork exchange In aeaalon her.
into this port during the thlnl werk of i larly hanitleeppcd lne the North P'-a
May n1 gave promise ef a reduction In ' waa declared a war sonr. Thr tinnier
tiormnn ports ami flrtlnl thrlr rrr "M" ol "nfiivnrat.le to any of the brill-
on rlmrRod of rSplAnaa. The hlf In-;
Srrein natlona.
the price cf fish, for It was aocompanlet; have been brought hom( n the spectnr of tnitch fisheries. In order to ! U A M IIDPCP IlklirnDH
by a larre hauL The retail prtoee have Netherlands ptihllo by frequent report of prevent eurh occurrences, haa levied n UmArlAIM Uhbtj UNIrUKM
oared recently beyond any prerloua limit the blowing tip of Dutch smacks br et of regulation! requiring that In com- LIVE STOCK REGULATIONS
nd there has been conaldcrable deprive- ! mines, attack by aeroplanes and the p.- phan. e with the declaration of neutrality .
tkn among the poor. I cartonnl seliura of the boats by Oerman by the Dutch government all Dutch fUh- ! IVP1 ANATOMS, Ind .. June S.-fntforni
Apartments, flute, nouses and eottagef
can be rentei) quickly and cheaply y
pee "For Rent" Ad.
British Officer Describes Effect Pro
duced by Chlorine Gas Used by
the Germans in Battle.
SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1915-
. Latest Beeorda for Jnns
Complete lane of Tlctrolaa.
The Tamoaa Cbjckarlng Fianoa
bars at Bnrgaaa-Itaah oaly.
THK OMAHA SUNDAY .11 NT. ti. I'll.').
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
ir. j ukk, May si. a letter fomn
Ifa'or Oonernl Edward Stuart Wortley, j!
commander of a British army corps In j
T'ranra. In made public here hy hla i
brother. Ralph Stuart-Wortley of New ,
Tork. giving thla dietlngnilehed officer '
tribute to the behavior of a Canadian I
division in France, and describing the : j
horrors which resulted from the use of i i
asphyxiating gases by the German.
''The effect of these gases upon the
men who inhale them," he saya, "haa
been to turn all the tlssuea of th lunga
into liquid, and during the two daya that
it takea for the men to die the victims
are the most hopeless, helpless, sicken
Ing sight imaginable." The letter foU
Kffeet of the Gaa. ! I
"You wilt of course have read of the
fighting that tins' been going on round
Tprea Just lately, and of the msnirf
cant behavior of he Canadian division.
Jo their attack on the Yprea salient tha
Germans made use of asphyxiating gases.
Thla gaa is disseminated both In shells
and bombs and also from cylinder which
are hurled in the trenches with tnelr
nowles pushed through the paaptsi
Tho tap of the cylinders are then turned
on and the gaa. which is, as far as we
know, chlorine, la pumped out. The gaa.
which la heavier than air, and la i
blown hy the wind acrosa our lines, sinks ;
Into our trenches and kills or incapart-
tatea any men who happen to be In them, j
"The affect of the gaa can also he felt
as far back as five or six mllea and pro
duces headache and a amartlng of the
Tlefease nf Acta.
"The Oerman papers as well aa falsely
accusing us or making use or poisonous
fumes, apparently defend their conduct (
by stating that the dissemination of this;
gaa results in a swift and painless death
for those with whom it comes In contact,
and consequently Is leas barbarous than
subjecting men to an inferno of shell
fire from which great physical and vnen
lal torture must necessarily be endured.
"I am aure the public cannot have as
yet tha slightest idea of this last dam
nable effort on the part of the Germans
to disregard all laws of humanity and
"I have seen our men In hospital after
having been brought back from the
tranches. There la no need to ask for
the ward In which they are, aa their
groaning Is quite sufficient a direction
of itaelf. In one ward there are eighteen
cases. They are ell Bitting bolt upright,
or awaylng back and forward, gasping
for breath; their faces, hands and nesjaa
a shiny gray-black color, their . ayes
glazed and unable absolutely to apeak or
feJ. ' ; , ..;. ;
Dylnar for Two Daya. j
"It takes two daya for these men- to
die. During these two -daya Ihey are in
the moat acute agony, and If by the
slightest-chance they recover from j the
pnisou they will In all probability be ren
dered useless for life, aa tha effect of
the gas Is to turn-all the tissues of the
lungs into liquid. The doctors and nurses
aro working day and night in the at
tempt to give some rollef. But there Is
nothing to be done. It Is the most hope
Iras helpless, sickening sight mag
Inable. Our medical officer, who haa
had a targe experience of the habits of
African and Asiatic natives, tells us that
Ir. all hla life he never haa had to deal
with such an example of scientific tor-ti-re.
At first T, was inclined to disbelieve
the accounts of the ill-treatment of eur
prisoners at the hands of the enemy and
to put them down to the Inevitable ex
aggerations of warfare, but now that I
have come face to faoe with Oerman
methods in the field my optnlona have
undergone a gradual but permanent
change." , ,
Eitel's Captain
Used Kites to Help
Catch the Wireless
fCorreapondence of the Associated Press.)
IJVERFOOU May 24 -Some li.terest
Ing particulars as to how the captain
of the German raider Kronprlns Eitel
l-Medrtrh. which la now interned In the
L'nlted States, Intercepted wireless mes
sages and avoided the rttentlon of the
British warships, la given by the cap
tain of the British ship Invercoe, one of
the Kronprlnx Eitel'a vlctlma.
The British captain said: "They
rigged up an eight-foot kite, used the
thinly drawn wire of lord Thompson's
Bounding machine, made thla fast to the
kite and 'attached to 't the wireless re
ceiver. Every night they would send up
the kite and catch every bit of wireless
pews that was going. Their own wlre
lrsa could send only MO mllea, but by
the kite arrangement, they could hear
up to. 2,600 miles. The news that waa
picked up In thla way v as written out
in German and put up on a bulletin
"These kites had to bo flown against
the wind, and on sending them up, the
course of the ship had to be altered so
as to bring the wind ahead. They lost
sixteen kites during the time I waa on ' i
board, due to the wind auddenly shift- j
'ng, but they had' material enough to i
make aa many jnore as tliey wantaa.
Panama Canal One
of the Money Makers
Correspondence or the Associated Press.)
PANAMA, May The Panama canal
will have etmcd In the first year of Its
operation sufficient to pay all lt run
ning xrensea and probably lesve a amall
aurplus, according to the figures now be
ing compiled in the offue of the canal
auditor. The loss r.ow I about 5 per cent
as sgalnt 20 p. r cent at the. end of Feb
ruary. The deficit of about M per cent
Incunvd duii-.g th. first eight montha
of t'.e witfrway operation haa been
nearly eliminated and will he completely
wipei out 'y June ), when the first
year of oteration will encV
Nearly ever muiitli of the last nlna
has shown an Increase In the tolls earn
ings. Tolls for April, however, ware
slightly lower than those for March,
Which were a record. H la declared tha
tolls for May will equal If not exceed
those (or March.
Every CLOTH SUIT and SILK SUIT in Stock Goes Into a
Radical Mark Down Sale Beginning Here Monday Morning
This Is What This Store Aims At
rT9HE greatest $ervice to the greatett number"
to make such
an get ot service
modities so as to serve as perfectly as possible all who
do business with us, and t earn a small profit from
many rather than a fete, that we may thereby have an
increasing business, which always lowers the cost.'
W could have gone along and not made the Improvements that
w hay and are now making, but we believed It our duty to insure
the safety and convenience and healthfulneag of our thousands of cus
tomers by converting our Fourth Floor Into a salesroom; the Installa
tion of three safety elevator; tha remodeling and enlargement of our
basement aalesroom; the new Harney Street Entrance with access to
the Main Floor or Basement; the new Show Windows; the rearrange
ment of many departments; the new fixtures for the Main Floor; the
new 16th Street Entrance now under construction and so on.
These conveniences which have added to our experts in some
ways and greatly reduced them in others are all for your benefit.
Your approval and satisfaction is our
best compensation.
Work on our new 16th Street Entrance is progressing rapidly and
the new fixtures are well In position, but while theso 'little inconven
iences exist we respectfully ask your Indulgence.
Please use Harney Street Entrance.
You'll Enjoy Selecting LACES and
Embroideries in Their New Location
ORB room and better arrangement of display brings
these popular sections moro temptingly before you.
New Net Ton Iico Flouncing, 25c
18 Inches wide, also silk chantllly and fine shadow edges, from nine
to twelve' Inches wide, cream and white
EmbrotdereA Net Flounclngs, 75c to $1.50
Filet and point Venice combinations from 15 to 27 Inches wide,
beautiful selection of patterns.
Batiste), Voile and Organdy Flouncing, 59c
- 36 inches wide, fine ruffled and hemstitched baby flounclngs and
all-over embroideries.
Embroidered Organdy Flounclngs, 08c
40 inches wide, colored' embroidered wide flounclngs and alj-overs,.
27 to 40 Inches wide. -
' Silk Chantllly Lacee at lfc Yard
Also pretty shadow and linen eluny edges and bands. . ,
Bnxraaa-Xaah Oe. Main floor.
$1 to $1,25 Imported
White Goods at 59c
AN IMPORTER'S line of sam
ple pieces In a great variety
of fancy weave, sheer and med
ium weight. The usual $1.00 and
$1.26 quality. Monday at (Wc yd.
2,tc Hotted Swiss, 10c
40 Inches wide, in three differ
ent size dots,
12 He Sheer Lawns, 10c
4 0 Inches wide, with a crisp
finish, suitable for aprons or
BargeaB-irash Co. Wain floor,
AH Linen Towels, 39c
SIZE 20x36 with scalloped and
hemstitched edges, stamped
for embroidering, regular 76c. val
ues, with 4 skeins of colored floss)
for working, special 30c each.-
Prince Embroidery Flos, 7c
In rope and India, all colors. To
per dozen skeins.
Ncnrfs and Centers, 30c
All linen scarfs. 20x45 and cen
ters, size 18-20x22-inch, on ecru
linen with cut work design, Ger
man make. Just ready for use,
special 80c each.
Stamped Itaby Dresses, 10c
White and colors, ages up to
four years, regular 60c dresses,
fcpeclal 10c.
Hand Emb. Doilies, 25c
6, 8, 10 and 12-inch round band
embroidered, on tan, ecru and
cream linen tn artistic designs
with scalloped and cluny lace
edges, regular 50o values, special
25c each.
Pillow Cases Stamped, 10c
Good quality casing with scallop
and hemstitched designs, very
special, 10c per pair.
Burgess-Wash Co. Third rioor.
Marquisette Curtains at $1.45 a Pair
Are the Usual $2 and $2.50 Values
fa ifl! ;t. N
Wedding Stationery
GOOD fortune favored us in securing a
quantity of these curtains at a figure
way below the regular price. The curtains
are all made from the very best quality of
marquisette, finished with cluny edges,
inches wide and 2V2 yards long. The usual
price is $2.00 and $2.50; very special Mon
day at $1.45 the pair.
Marquisette Curtains That Were
$3.50 to $5.00 Values, $2.95
Finest quality of marquisette and some
scrim, beautiful new effects, 2Vo yards
long and 36 inches wide, finished with cluny jaco edges, splen
did selection of designs from which to make your selection,
the! usual $3.50, $4.00 and $5X0 values Monday at $2.95 pair.
nryeaa-Waali Co. Third floor,
An Offering that Affords Unusual Advantages to Secure
Your Suit Requirements for "Going Away" at Substan
tial Savings the Styles and the
Fabrics Are Most Certainly Right
Comprise an unexcelled group of ultra-distinctive
models, carefully selected. There are bound-edgo suits,
plaited back suits, belted and plain suits, straight line
and seamed suits, street suits, field suits, Biiits for gen
eral and utility wear. Every one distinctively desirable.
Materials and tyte8 arc almost unlimited in variety,
and include poplins, gabardines, check weaves, serge,
hairline suitings, satin gabardines, English tweeds and
novelty effects.
Suits were to $20.00, now $14.50
Suits were t6 $30.00, now $22.50
Suits were to $40.00, now $29.50
Suits were to. $55.00, now $39.50
Suits were to $75.00, now $49.50
Individual Suits Reduced
f UR entire assortment of exclusive suits "
v- in rich silks, silks in combination and
exquisite novelty wool, including values to
$125.00, at
Bnrg-.aa.Kasli Co. .0011 A Tloor.
These Remarkable Values in SILKS for Monday will Intro
duce You Quickly To This Newly Located and Greatly Enlarged Section
THE silk section is now conveniently located along the East wall to the left of the 16th Street Entrance. The space ha
been greatly increased and the general convenience of this section has been planned for your benefit. These specials
will introduce you tq the new location Monday. ...
5c to 1.00 Fiuiry Silks at 07c
At this price we include 27-lncU chiffon taffetas, fancy messallnes,
fancy taffetas, pretty foulards, etc., in a choice selection of new de
signs and colorings, especially desirable for waists and dresses. to 2.00, Fancy Silks at 87 He
Kvmsrkahle values and a remarkable range of selecUon, Includ
ing: silk popiins, chiffon taffetas, atrlped chiffon taffetas, all-silk
crepe de chines, brocaded crepe de chines, Japanese tub silks, messa
lines, pongees, etc.. 36 to 42 inches wide.
$1.30 to $1.80 (411k Orcpe de Chines, $1.27 4
You'll appreciate the very special value when you realise that tha
material is not the light weight quality, but a good heavy grade, 42
inches wide, pure all-silk In black, cream, flesh, pink, lavender, old
rose, Nile, gray, light blue, navy, brown, tan, gold yellow, pigeon
blue, copen, reseda, etc.
arrsss-Wash Oo.
' v, . -.
v Fancy Sllkn to Me, at 47ttc
24-Inch all silk foulards In neat designs, plain and fancy messa
llnes; 32-lnrh all silk pongees, natural color; kimono silks in pretty
floral and Japanese designs; silk poplins and tub silks, la neat
50c Fancy Silks at 8.c a Yard
Pretty foulards, In neat designs and latest shades, also plain
shades in silk poplins.
Ulnck TnffetA Silks at 67c
36 Inches wide, also messallne silks, good heavy quality, rich lus
trous black.
Hluck Chiffon Taffeta at 87 He
And peau de so)e. 36 Inches wide, rare values.
$2.00 Itlnck SniUi Duchess at $l.:)7ta
Heavy quality, beautiful rich black with lustre.
aim Tloor.
YOUR satisfaction in knowing
that the Invitations, cards
and announcements are exactly as
they should be Is worth a great
Burgess-Nash imprint la an
abearance that every detail is per
fect. You can send your order to us
with absolute confidence In our
ability to execute it In perfect ac
cordance with the dictates of
fashion and good taste.
nrf aa-Wash Co. Stationary Sieot'a
TIIE values are of an unusual nature. These as an idea onlv
23c Woven Flaxon at 18o
The new novelty, fancy woven stripes, that are so
much In demand, seems to be the hardest waah
fabric to secure from tha manufacturers. All the
very latest and handsomest colorings of the o
seaaon, Instead ot 25c. at, yard XOC
1214c Hed Heal Zephjra, 7Hc
Hundreds of bolts, thousands pf yards. Red Seal
Zephyrs aro truly fabrics of quality. They are far
superior to the ordinary ginghams for dresses, chil
dren's dresses or rompers; a strong material that
washes well and wears well, pleasing pat
terns, at, yard ,
15c India Llnons, 7c
Pride of the West India Llnons,
regular lsc grade, In mill lengths,
at yard 7 He
1$H Ureas Percale, 8Hc
Light and dark colored fancy dres
percales, all are one yard wide, lOo
to 12 He values; on sale at. per
yard Hc
Muslin or Cambrics, 8 He
Bleached muslin and cambric, yard
wide, soft finish; on sale at, per
yard 3 He
rrinted Dimities, 7Hc
Fancy printed checked dimities
and batistes, large assortment of
seat styles, at, yard 7 He
lUfMi-irub Co. B nt.
34c Sheeting at 20c
9-4 bleached Vtlca Hheetlng, the fa
vorite sheeting for the home; mus
lin department, at, yard 20o
2Hc Slutting at 21c
9-4 bleached Pepperell sheeting; the
best titandard sheeting to be had;
muslin department at, yard.. 21c
Monday Morning We Will Inaugurate Our Second
NEW ERA Sewing Machine Club
Tho first one, which wo held in March, proved so successful and wo
havo had so many requests for another that we start the second one Mon-
dav, when
YOUR HOME A Jl mLJjt-kLS kJ 1 flL 1
Commencing with the first payment of 5c
chine Made, then a payment Is made each week aa follows:
Increasing the payment 6c more each week
then the machine Is yours ror lire.
Only Limited Xnmber of
which secures delivery at once of the Itest Sewing Mi
10c the second week; 16c the third week.
(according to table) until all payments are made in full.
Machines to He Distributed.
Kitchen brooms, heavy, 4-sewed, 35c value 19c
Old Dutch Cleanser, can 7c
100-foot cotton clothes line, regular Sc val
ue, at 2c
1-year guaranteed wash wringers, at ..$1.08
Rullman vacuum washing machine, the best
and easiest operating machine on the market,
at $10.0
Happy Day electric washing machine, abso
lutely guaranted. at $15.00
Square willow clothes basket, wooden bottom,
IS. 50 value $2.60
Large willow clothes baskets, $1.15 values,
at Htfc
Tin wash boilers, extra heavy, with 16-ounce
copper bottom, $1.96 values $!.
O-So-Ezy slip-on mop, regular $1.76 val., $1.19
Mrs. Pott's sad irons, 3 irons, handle and
stand, at 80c
Therniaj: electric Irons, guaranteed $3.60 val
ue, at $2 NO
Sink wath boards, 40c values, at 20c
100-foot wire clothes lints at 8ttc
Heavy hardwood wringer benches, at ..$1.75
Norway pine stepladders, per foot lc
Well braced fctepladder with shelf, per ft.. B2c
Curtain stretchers, adjustable pins, $2. CO
kind, for $1.78
Curtain stretchers, stationary, 69c value . .4c
5H-foot ironing boards, at 7Ac
Toilet paper, 10 rolls 2Vc
Cotton floor mops, at Me
Mop and brush holders, best on market 19c
Package of Golden Rod washing Powder at ic
$l.SO Caaaerolea, $1.00
Full else, brown and white
Inset with highly nickel
plated frame, splendid $1.50
value, at $1.00
$1.00 Hhenra, 89c
Guaranteed shears, worth
to $1.00; all sites. Choice
at 3c
$'.2ff ltaskels, 49c
Fine bamboo fernerie and
Jardlnler baskets, wall aim
vase huakPta, u nw alilpm.o'.
valiirrt to $1.25, cliolo ,..4Se
S0.05 $0.55 81.05 31.55
lit Wtik lltti Week flat Week SletWeeK
JLO MO 1.10 lToO
2nd We k 12 th Week 22nd Week I ind Week
7ir Airt 1.15 l.orT
Srd Week ISth Week tlrd Week ISrd Week
.20 .70 172 O r.70
4th Week 14th Weak 24th Week 34tli Week
725 775 125 i775
8th We.k Uth We.k 26th Weak SEth Weak
rio .so I7so
th Week lath Week 2th Weak 8th Week
735 85 lTS "l.85
Tth Wttk 17th Week 27th Weak Tth Week
Tio 7oo i.4o i76o
th Week ISth Week 2ith W..k nth W.k
7$ 5 .05 1.45 n-.i P.y7
th Week lth W.k 19th Week ' " , , . , t,
.50 81.00 1.50 1.D5
lOthW.ak 0th Week 10th Week Itth Week
A $65.00 (iilST PRICE)
Six-drawer style
chlue, lock and
needle style
-the world's best roa
chaln stitch central
I $39.00
First Pay
mmtr im
mediate de
1 1 vary
every week
pay 6 centa
than tha
previous weak'a
SAVED on as many pay
ments as you pay in advance
RKAD CAHKKl'LLY Each New Bra Member may prepay the final or last payments to fall due,
and for each such prepayments shall reoelva a cash dJvldnnd of 10c
FOR KX. MPLE, by prepsying 38 payments on your machine a dividend of $3.80 will be allowed.
10c on each of tha 3 8 payments, prepaid. If the last payment only la prepaid, a dividend of 10c will
be allowed, etc.
No IleMrirtiou as to Selection You can choose from all styles of Sit-Straight, Standard Rotary,
Including the famous "Duchess" and "Princess" Half-Cabinets at low prices.
Copyright 114. Bwress-sTash Sewtaer ataohUe Motion Third aOoaw.
Moulded Garden llose
Guaranteed, worth lOe per foot, at 15e
Wooden hose reels, at B9e
Garden trowels, at 10c
Grasa Shears and grass hooks, ea., 10c
Bur' sTasa Ca. Basement.
Bobgess-Mash Gqe-hmhy.
Crepe Paper Demonstration
The crepe paper demonstration con
tinues with Increasing Interest; services
of a special Instructor free.
nrfeas-Vask Co. Mai a risor, Bal.oay.