TITFi OMAHA SUNDAY REE: JUNK fi, 1915. 80 IlKAL ESTATt SCBITIB.N Iwainetl Hlufls. FOR SALE On and one-half story house; wren fM room; elenrlo lights: good well; Ifull cellar; solid cement storm cellar: 4rhlrken house; flv full lots, 44xl ftt; II fenced and cross-fenced; cherry, apple and plum, trees, grapes, atrawberry, gnoeebt-rry and currant bushes; food gar den; all In Just one-half hour from th time you leave the house until you a re In the business renter ot Omaha, Price tiood terms. A. F. BMITH CO. (Fay smith). 18 Pearl Streot. Council Blaffs, la. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Fine Fruit Farm Near Benson, Pavement and Car Line Rlf h, ' sightly lying plera of around, early level, sloping neatly to the oust. Improve with all necessary buildings, which are In excellent rendition through out consisting of a good 8-story J-rooro modern house, flnlehed In oak and hard pine, having hot water heat-, cistern water ror laundry, storm save, to.; fine ea-rn, nrnrt with cement fleer, three largo chirken house with runs, good well and windmill with complete water system op erated by air pressure, bearing fruit of nil kind, beautiful shade trees, fine lawm cement sidewalks; only thru or fenr minutes walk to car line and con venient to good school. This place must le seen to be appreciated. Prloe and terras on application. George & Company Phone D. 768. W City Nat. Hank Rid. -ACRES Some very attractive bargains In acres, loom $'3fl0 to $250 per acre, on easy terms. W. II. CRAltY" & CO. W faston Plk. Tyler 8K3, Fruit Farm $2,500 $300 $25 Month 6 -room house, electric lights, gas, wall, 44 cherry trees, apples, plumbs, pears, (rapes, gooseberries, shrubbery and hedge fence; on boulevard. This Is a bargain. .American Security Ca Douglas WIS. to ACRES near Bellevue. 1160 an acre. Harrison & Morton Omaha Nut. IXink Blig. SEVEN-ACRE PLACE). Four miles of Council Bluffs. A nieo little place, all good, rich garden land. Comfortable 4-reom cottage. In good re pair: about one acre bearing vineyard, a little other fruit 12,000. $u00 cash bal ance easy payment M'OKK REAL ESTATE! CO. 1 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. RE AIi ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE APARTMENT In Lincoln with Income $7,200. Price. (70,000. Will trade for good 'farm or ranch. , MO-acre farm near Osmond at $100. O-vner wants Omaha home for half. leO-acre Hamilton County, Nebraska, farm, close to town, well Improved, 1J. Clear. Wants hltfh-elaaa farm In Eastern Nebraska or Iowa Have ranches, Otmaha Inootn (anna and deals of all kind. Have party with 141,000 new bouses, fust built and being built, or-to-the-minute, Mortgage about $20,000, Will trad aqulty for good bod ef ohaaat Uod at cash ToJue. See ma for trade ef all Mnds. - - 4M Btate Bank Bldg Close-In Exchange For home farther out either west ome farther out eitner west or set, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, all in good condition. FREE OF IN- southwest. modern. In a t CUMBRANCE. For a good residenoa of 6 or 7 rooms well located not to exceed l. WO. Glover & Spain Douglas 8962. W8-80 City National EJXSEIANQB t modern brick flats and frame dwel lings, close In, equity $14,000, for clear income or land, Beautiful cement stone mansion, on boulevard, equity 113,500, for clear prop erty of any kind. 4 eight-room modern brick flats and t beauurut south front lots, well located, equity ta.OOO, for what have you. 160 acres fine farm land. Beadle county. South Dakota, $8,000, clear, for Omaha Income. 160 acres, Keith county, Nebraska, best of soil, $4,ooo, clear, for Omaha residence, SIUUI ROBBINrt. la Far nam St . Room IS. Douglas )!!. FOR SALE OR EXClIAfGE A large warehouse with railroad track age located on one ef the best business streets In Omaha; rented for five years. Price, .$25,000. vThere is a mortgage of $11,600 oa this property running eight pears at 4H per cent. Owner will take good unimproved land la Nebraska at Its fat cash value for hi equity. No sand hills or undesirable land considered. .... J. IL DUMONT & 00.. 1-1$ Btate Bank Bldg. Douglas 690 WILL exchange four business lot en the southeast corner 34th aod be war J for acreage r other property. 3. H. ROBINSON. Douglas-MOT. 4! Bee Bldg. FOR BALK OR TRADE $40 aorea of choice wheat land, five Miles from Venango, Perkins Co, Neb.; no Incumbrance; about loo.aurea In cul tivation! poor Improvements; good well water and windmill: prioe. $12.ftu: aooC anil, no sand; will oenslder tholce rest dance property in Omaha or Lincoln, or a small Improved farm near Omaha: if any equity will carry back on laud et lew rate of Interest for long time. Ad dress Owner, Box 821, Fairfax. . D, -e itKACKB farm, eastern Nebraska !- level, good Soil, prloe $100 per aote; will exchange for general merchandise ; must be well located, doing good business, pre- r o irsa- wwn owner. J. A. FLTNN, 116 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha SALE OR TRADE. Combined farm and ranch, situated tH miles (rem Fairfax, county seat of Greg ory Co., 8. V., 1.410 a ores; tuo acita ef hoice farming land In high state of cul tivation, balance rolling pasture Ian I noli watered and good grass; no snl; lmiTovements fair; , incumbrance, J13.0J0; price, $;& per acre; will consider chol-e evidence in Omaha or an Improved farm in eastern Neb. This ranoh will run !W0 head of cattle. An exoellei.t opportunity for a stockman to exchar.re $130 acre farm for a ranch that wlir produce as tnui-h corn and pasture $00 head of oattle latdea. Address Owner, Bog $26, Fair fax. S. D, o WANT LAND Will trade gar Omaha flat; rent for $102. UJ per month. permanenUy rented. Price 115,000. Mortgage $4,00' straioat loan, due in i yeara; equity W.oOO; prefer rbeap western land. Want quiok deaj. a am leaving rlty. Piefer dealing with own ers. J. A r'lynn. 11 15 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Red. tm 4j cottages in Omaha, cloar; all) exchange for olear farm. east. Neb., or western la. TO LAND 4k TKUMinTLL. 44$ Be Bldg. Douglas t70T H or exchange, deatrable Loup county laud, suitable for ranch fciir poeoa. 12M at re a, aome ia cultivation, and tiow being farmed; small house. 4arn and otKer l:i provaiusota. W. CbamberUn, HEAIi KSTATK FOR K.TCIIAXGK 'MKIiCJIANDJStt IX) TKADK FOR LAND A fine, up-to-date stock of ireneral mdse. and fine ste building In Niioklee county, imuthenstern Nebraska. Mdse. stock about $l.Vf: stnre building about Vi.0. Wants cajh; but If a good, cheap ranch of equal value end priced right, land must be binder 10 per acre, might consider a trade. IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE AND FURNITURE About an $18,n0 stock of Implrmenta, hardware and furniture, etc.; two main store rooms; on good corner; machine yards 10(xia6; tS-room modem residence, all together 135.000k Write for full In formation. 0 EN. MDSE. FOR SALE S4.0 atoek central Nebraska? want clear land. $4.0CO slock south Kf bra ska; Want acreage. Improved, near good city. Small . shoe stock, southeastern Ne braska, and store; want about $4,000 In Franklin county land. We have about 30 more stocks of all binds of mdse. to sell for cash or trade. List your mdse. with us. ROLLER MILL FOR SALE OR TRADE A TO-barrel water power mM, building1. B44, 4 floors and basement; store ream attached, 24x5!; also two stores ana basement; latest Improved machinery; located on the Smoky river. Sal Ins county, Kansas; prlee, 15.000; clear. Will exchange for clear farm land If ell lo cated. Full partlonlnr on application. ROLLER MILL FOR SALE i OR TRADE An 80-barrel roller mill, about 80 miles from Omahat all new machinery: man Who owns controlling Interest will sell or trade his Interest for land around Rroken Bow or North Dakota wheat land. Full particulars -en application. XV. M. NASH & CO., Real Estate Special Land Dept. l Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. . For Sale or Exchange An A-i-nom, strictly modem house with oak woodwork and oak floors m first story, pine with birch doors "pats Irs, full cemented basement, floored attlo, hot water heat, south front lot 60x120 feet, paved street and cemented sidewalks A very de sirable borne in a good neighbor hood oouvenient to street ears, public and parochial schools, churches and park. Price. $6,600. Owner leaving the city will ex change this property clear for good eastern Nebraska land at lis fair cash value. Would prefer land near Omaha, T. H. Dumont & Co. 41A-1 State Bank BWg. Phone D. 890 New Brick Flats For Sale or Exchange Double brick flat on a paved street, on block from car line; new and strictly modern. Price, $7,000. Mortgage, $4,O00i Owner will take clear land or a small cottage In Omaha for equity. J. H. Dumont & Co. 4.4-18 Btate Bank Bldg. Phone P. , FOR SALE OR TRADE 190 acres, Tripp county. South Dakota, 6 milos from Dalle. 00 acre under plow. Will consider good drug stock, Williams Drug Co., Wakonda. 8. D. A BARGAIN if taken at once; all mod ern S-room. Jhouee; maple flooring In living and dining rooms; large shade trees, bearing cherry trees; other shrub bery; one block from car line and school. Phone Web, H8. o A GOOD TRADE Will trade Casper, Wyo., lot for ladies diamond ring or A No. 1 Remington typewriter and cash. None but Omaha buyers in this addition, the lot Is worth J0u or more. Taxes paid, no Incumbrance. Address L 644. Bee. WILL take good auto up to $1,000 a first payment on fine 4-room, nearly new, modern home; on west side. No other trade considered. Address S. S3, Bee. FOR Kxchanrie Quarter section eastern . central Nnask land. Level, smooth, no waste, alkali or gumbo. Six miles county seat. Main line Union Paclflo railroad. Want merchandise) or Implo ment. Postotflc Box 718, Central City, Neb. RBAJi E3TATB FARM RANCH LANDS FOR MLB, AJrkaisaa. LITTLE) River Valley lands, rich and cheap, on railroad. Session Co., Wlntli rop. Ark. - e OeOlxoraiaw Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 1$-14 City Nat. Bk. t. SO. Colorado. CATTLE RANCH Forty-four hundred acre near Oranada, southeastern Colo rado. Good improvements; lots of grass and water. For prloe, terms and descrip tion write R. S. Liggett, Stanberry. Mo. Florida. LAKE HIGHLANDS CO. 60T Paxton Blk. laws, HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALBT Write a good deaorlption of your land and send H to the Sioux City, la,. Journal, "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning - and 'very Saturday trvenlng and Sunday marning for one month, giving sixteen a4s oa twelv different days for $2; or (0 words. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper jku.uuv reaaers osjiy in xour great states. TWENTY-ACRE PLACE. Four miles of Council Bluffs: $ acres alfalfa: 4 acres orchard: H acre small fruit, balance of land In cultivation. Good, new house and barn, Cost about $2.6X). A good place worth the price of $4,200. $1,000 to il.V0 cash will handle. M'OEJC RJSAL KdTATU CO. 1 .Pearl Bt. Council Bluffs. 40. 0 OR lbO ACRES, goodTeavy soil, la well-settled part of Todd county, Minn.; food roads, schools and churches; price, 15 to i per acre; terms, $1 per acre cash, balance $1 per acre a year until land Is paid for; per cent Interest. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. ARB YOU OOINQ TO BUT LAND? If so you should first get a copy of the Farm aad Real lLstal Journal. It ha lands advertised 1 It from nearly every stats, so that you can find )ut what yeu are looking for in Its column. It keeps you informed oa laud oppor tunities In all parts of the country, gives you personal help in finding land. Sena ;;.o today fur a year's subsc.rtL.tioa. or loo (or three months trial. It will be stopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and ileal Estate Jourinaly Tra, Iowa. a Mioalga. $8 PER ACRE June ttth ONLY. Great opening of 8 marts Dlckeon Townsoip 'iraul' of k.Ouj acres in Manistee county Mich. No land reserved or for sale until exoupslen arrive on ground. No leas than 40 nor over 1M acres to one person, because of eoloniilng; M down and $7 montuly en each forty or annual payments. No land at this opening prloe after cheap rate excursion, which leaves Chicago Tuesday, June 15. 11 W a. m. Round trip. Chics ko Wellsion, $&.S0, rebated on purohas. En tire expense from Chloago, luuludlng board, about $tf. Write iminedlately for mao-clrcular giving all particulars. Thas are choice (arm land, adapted for sen- -rai oro;e, siock, nairvinic. poultry, truck, fruit; near town, railroads, mar kets and adjoining good farms; quick transportation by boat or trail to Chi cago, Grand Rapids, Detroit. Oppor tunity of lifetime for wage earner, farm renter or farm hand to get a farm home. GC.ROK W. KWIG4RT. Owner. vUUZ First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chloago. IlL Apartments, flats, nouses ana cottage can be rented quickly aad cheaply by a Bee. "For Beat" Ad nv.u, FSTAATR FARM A Rt H I.AM rOR I.ffl MISBMSIS, OR RAT variety of Minnesota corn farms offered, and at prices that will save yon money. Kree fare to buyers. Come now. Peo ho crop. Write for lists. Hlghfrt references. St. Croix Valley band and Ixxin Co.. Drawer II, Hush City. Minn. - Mlaaoarl. "Meadow Brook" Farm 800 Acres. Newton county. Mo.; 80 afcres In cultivation; balance fine timber and pastuie; well fenced; house, barn, out buildings; orchard, small fruit; tine run ning spring water; school houae on land; fine neighbors; telephone; R. F. D.J splen did road, near railroad; county seat I miles; splendid farm IrW stock raising and grain: a fine chance to live at ease at moderate expenditure; low price; easy terms; account l-elng In business at Omaha. v'A. M. Longwell Owner. 211 S. th Ave., Omaha, Net. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. 111.000 buys a highly Improved farm consisting of about la acres located on one of our boulevards out from the City, only a 40-mlnutee' ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay; nice, large, beautiful shade trees and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres ot natural timber, making a beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stuck ef any kind. Living spring In pasture. C. It COMBS, (NS Brandela Theater Bldg., Omaha. D. 8914. FOR 8ALK 640 acres of goed land in Dawson county, Nebraska; 1!0 acre now in wheat and-' corn, Valance raw. Good stock farm. No trade. Address Owner, Box H Lincoln, Nee, DOUG LA 9 COUNTY STOCK FEEDING FARM A fine SJ7-acre stock farm loented only twa miles from Valley and Waterloo, town on the main Una of the Union Pa cific? railroad and very handy te the south Omaha market. This la a splendid toek feeding farm and is an A No. 1 com, email grain and grass farm, with an excellent set of Improvement. It Is a bargain at $is per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block. Omaha. BEST CATTLE RANCH IN NEBRASKA, 4.20 acres ( hard land, without a rod ef sand on the Place, aentlv rolling, a lit tle timber along the oreek for winter shelter. Kevses a good quantity of first class hay, and there t no better pasture In Nebraska, it i the kind that cures on the ground and I just a goed feed in winter as summer, improvement con sist of fine H-roora bouse, good cellars 64xuG. good eorrala. five wells ana wind mills and a running at res m. There sure two other seta or light improvements on the plaoe. It Is only fourteen miles from one of the beet towns In northwestern Nebraaka. Owner lives In Omaha and will e ohange for good farm In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. ware liioo.x Omaha Farms Farms Farms All within on hour automobile ride of Omaha. BARGAINS. Let us show you the goons; an sixes, an prices, au terms. Belling tarms is our specialty. ORIN 8. MERRILL CO- N. El, Cor. Md and M Sts., South Omaha. WESTERN NEBRASKA Continued evidences of prosperity in western Nebraska, in May, I inone rainfall. Some rare bargain In land that are sure to do nolo in price In th near future. Here Is a section, for In stance, at much less than praient ralu. with only a third cash and the balano at 4 per cent for 10 yeara. In the same vicinity the best part of Kimball county. a quarter and half section at $11.50 per acre on very easy terms.. Get further particular. GEORGE Q WALLACE $14 State Bank Bldg " BEAUTIFUL DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM Her I a real anal If takaa at oao. ICS aorea, only a short distance outf roro Omaha, with paved road nearly all the way. It I only mile from Millard. Soil la first oiasa It Is located In a splendid neighborhood, where land I advaVulng rapidly. It 1 a bit speculation at $140 an acre. , PATNB INVESTMENT CO.. Ware Block. Omaha. Oregoa. FOR SALE or trade tt section $30 aores of Oregon land; 240 aores plow land; 80 pasture; Improvements are house, well and bam: railroad IS miles; store and postofflce three miles; school 1 miles; on mall rout and telephone, By Owner. Address Box 7. Florence. Neb. Soath Dakota. $8 TO $1$ PER ACRE. Deeded Indian lands, dlreot from th government. Finest lends In northwest. Kasy terms. For particulars address GOODMAN, UNITED PTATBrt COMMISSIONER, w FOR SALE Improved 480, Hand Co.. South Dakota. $60 per acre. Terms. JIM WRAY, SIOUX CITY. Bargain Quarters I have a few snap quarters of cholc deeded land where eaulties can be bouaht from $10C to $600 cash. Full information on request. Address, John MrPherson, Fort Hlerre. 8. D. WFOR SALE-140 So. Dak. rloh soil, near railroad, schools, churches. Price $2,500. $2S0 down, balance ten year. JIM WRAY. BIOUX CITY. AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A FIRST CLASS SOUTH DAKOTA FARM. NA section or less of land I miles from Seneca, Faulk county. South Dakota, for sale, will Uke part In trade. Will sell only on or two quarters If ns more de sired. - Good level land, black loam soil, ne sand. Buildings cost $4,000. Corn, wheat and alfalfa country, too acres cul tivated. ' Rented for this year. Price $35 per acre. Terms: $3,000 cash, W.0U0 mortgage at 0 due in 120, balance of $10,400 taken la trade er aeeond mort gage at 6 for 10 years. The quality ef tills land and the price asked are guar anteed to be right. Write er call on Arthur J. Eaton, Faulkton,' South Dakota, owner. WORK and win on a Tex Gulf Coast farm. A penny postcard will bring our big free book. You can begin farming at once by paying $7.60, first monthly pay ment,, Rata strawberries oranges and vegetables and roaUe J0 to $1,000 per sere. Two and three crops a year. Texas Coast Development 0., R. 1114 V: 111 Broadway, New York. kiloellaaeea. I TRADE cattle ranches for Improved farms, large or small ; I also have city Income and business properties ranging In Price from tiO.ooO to $MO,000 to ex change for farms and ranchea. L. Davis, First Nat. Bank Bids.. Omaha, Neb. o. '' ' - - - FARMS WANTED WANTEX Farm land. Owner and Aent writ Realty, U0 Hearld, ollet. 111. FOR RKNT FOUR aorewrtll N. Wth, I room. $11 th, I room. $11, 7ts and Spregua, DOUGLAS lU. unimproved in so. JOHN N. riiBHtiiM, FOH REJTT Aar4saat asl Flaiai. nm DouGiAa bt rooms $a i u. A VERY choice $-room, td floor apart ment In t Hollywood near tftll Har ney. Two large clothe cloeeta, large awnings; everything first-class. This apt. will certainly please you. Prio only $J Be sure to see It. ERNEST SWEET, Offlc mi Harney Bt. Douglas I471. THE HELEN. 2 164 Harney St. Very choice 4 and s-ronm apartments; very reasonably price. Call Doug. snw. NFW, s'rlctly modern apa rlrnenti i rooms; 2d floor; located 1 41 a Pouih Uiiy,- lis. Douglas 4ilu. E. It. Branch. FOH RKXT Apart Meats aad .Flats. Move the Gordon Way 'You need hv no worry about moving. dy. .Our compfitent mploy gt-hoolM In carefulnrsg will plnce your goods In your new homo without sign of bretVtRe or mar. Piano Moving' in Autos Jut as rou prefer the comfort and speed of an auto rid to the Jolts and Jars of a lumber wagon so your talk, would fling the prttaea ot moving. How About Storage? It is ofte preferable for the safe-keeping of your furniture, ho- hold eoeds. pianos, trunks, boxes, etc.. mense ftreproaf warehouse with its lute security. JUST PHONE Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Company S IB North 11th St. The Colbert OMAHA'S FINEST APARTMENT 39th and Farnam Ready Oct. 1st klake yeur selection now. Flan on request. D. V. KHOLES 00., Agents rvnigla 49. 1S City Nat. Bwnlt Pldy. A Close In, 8-Koora Flat . Extra Choice Four large bed rooms, nice location, newly decorated. !Really something better. $50 to A-l References. 2223 Capitol Ave. A. E. Woodman sf6bERf fiaU loth and Webelsr. R. SstC t ROOMS. . HUDSON, 107 8. Mth Art.; new: walking (list.; beautifully decorated; nuut-in oa; HABTTNOfl "H13TDHJf, 11 Harney Kt COOL ROOMS, V week. Ogdsn Hotel. Council Bluff : -ROOM apartment, fin location; front and baok yard, tefa Harney. $18 and upl modern apartment, near postorpoe, ( f. MKDDins. rufjAni l tmoin ano dsiii erimenc. walking dlstano; newly decorated. 404 N. Z4tn. CENTRAL No eaual In price oroualltyj T-room house j 4-rootn flat. 190 N. 13d. UM&il flat, strictly modern, alii' Cass. walnut ymt. 8T. OEOfVGE 4-roonj apartment, redeeo raUd throughout. 11$ N. Ilt Ave., e leet West rarnam distrlcL Phone Web. tr i4. kOR. Rfi NT Fire-room apartment In th Woodland. Call Harney 414. NEW, neat and nifty room Apt, all raedem. MengedohyT War-. $71$. 0 $03 M 17th -r ; all modern apt., $27. $0. BASF tougla 13. FIVK-ilOOal steam Mated" apartment. Vmv desirable location. (Thill a Vista. loci SOth and Popnieton Ave. Conrad Young, Brandeis Theater. Douglas loci, FIVE-ROOM steam-heated ops rt ment. Very deairtibl. Th Uason, gst and Mason Sts. Com ad Toung, $Z$ Brandii Theater, uougia mi. NEW modern (-room steam flat, H?.t Leawn worth Bt. Conrad Toun'g, Sis Brandeis Theater. Douglas 1571. Rent $30. FOR REN"T -room apartment In West Farnam District. Price $cSQ. D. Mi7. 4 ROOMS. HARNEY, $005 Harney: tenant will sub lea; new; has sua parlor built-in bed; Ideal spt.J $37 .M. jUASTINOa HBTDBN. 114 Harney Bt. IF' yen want a desYrabla $ or 4-room modern apartment at a moderate price see thoee In the Wright Block. $18 N. 16th. CREIOH. RONS 4V COMPANY. Douglas m V Bee Bldg' $50 00 Very fine, large room apt. In th Normandie, snn Ave. ana raoino ml; first-class, elrgant srvlr-e. d. v. eiioLEa co.. iDeugla 4. (1$ City National Bank THE highest rlaas and best located room apartment In the city In the Mae wood at Wll Harney. Be sure to see this before looatlnc. Price only 127.60. ERNEST 8WE1CT, Office U Harney St. Douglas 147$. CHOICE APARTMENT." 100$ Houth $0th Ave., $ rooms, strict ly modern and up-to-date, acellent ar rangement, private front and rear en. tranoe, private laundry, private poroh and flrstrclaas restdvnoe district. ii . v k c m. at uu r $1$ Omaha National Baniu ELEX5ANT 4-room aportnient, eleepineT porch, ga stove, heater, strictly all modem, oomnaraMvely new, splendid lo cation. $U Davenport Ht. Rental tSU O. O. CARIBimO, Sli Brandel Theater IBdg VERY choice 4 or -rooi steam hatd apertmemt en Wrt Karnam St JOHN W. ROUK1NS. 1SG2 FA UN A M BT. FOR R E7N T 4-room apartment, nicely furnished, coolest In city; big lawn and tennis court close to business center; fossoesinn st oho If desired; reasonable. Phone R $l64 ELE-1 A Nl'" I-room, strictly modem, de tohd apartments, Imludlne ianltor ssryioe, $il and $J0, Wbster $718. s2-$0 S. vth. -r and bath. tl4 to $l.l newly remodeled; else s tors room. $U4) Six Room Flat Three bedrooms, at ffVll Oharlea St New brbk. oak finish first floor. wMte enamel bathroom, with porcelain fixtures, good shsdes. elect rlo fxture. newly deo orated. Key at ofnoe. TKAVr R BROS., Pouglse ll?. 706 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg 4 RfiOM ROYAIj, $18 S. Xlth: close ta; new) walk ing dlst t built-in bed; sun room I screened porrh: $40. HASTINUS at HEYDEN, 114 Harney St TWO flve-rom flat, facing BemU park. Walnut . MODERN apartnkeitta of i rooms; svery improvtimiil; gas ranes and lautor; to only small families; HIM to $14.60 each. THoi. W. HAZKN i7 McCague lildg V. uoo JXVTt MR XT Apartmrata and Flata. piano and furniture, if they could In the GORDON padded auto vans. to store them for a time. Our Im clean, ventilated rooms afford abso- DOUGLAS 394. W. W. KOtiajR, Mgr. TROY apartment, $00 Harney; room; every Improvement. THOa. W. HAZfCN, $OT MoCaaru 13ldg, u. tau Cool, Comfortable riomw. STANDARD FLATS Tiro ooon apartments ' . FOR REASONABLE PHICE BU drslrsble rooms, fin woodwork, decorations, heavy walla, good light and ventilation. Free hot water. Janitor. Steam heated. Close In. QUALITY AND PRICE Invite oareful people's Investigation. T. 3. HOOK. 1M1 Jf. lth St. APARTMEKTtT $ ltooMa. In the NeW WAINB, located at th and Dewey Ave. I nearly oempteted; built-in bed; refrlgsratori gas rangv; drier In laundry; roof aardeni in fact. everything to make It the most aomptet small apt. in the city at a rsasinaol rental. i:i to ISO. Make reservation now. HASTINOfl 4 HBYDhlN, 1814 Harney Bt THE NATHAN apartmenU. Sherman A vs. and 8nruca Hta. Klstuit three ai four-room apartmants, nearly, new bulld Ing; lara moms. oak. flnln. artist iosjly decerated. Fine sorened perch. AU oen veniences. Splendid surroundings, very reaaonabl rent, only a few minutes ride downtonai also beautiful five-room apart- ment in nan an Apt., one-nair diook south; oak finish, - fireplace, screened porcn, very reasonable, be janitor Apt, No. L Nathan or call fflo, SCOTT 4k HILL CO.. $07 MoCayue Bldg. Douglas lOQ. 4 AND 6-ROOM apartmenU, 4oirt and rurnam Kta.. steam heat, strictly mod. $711 'Capitol Ave., J-r., all modern, $0, 433d Orand St., 7-r., modern, barn. $. 2X1$ 8. lsth St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $18. . P. B08TWICK 4k BON, 309 Bee Bldg. Tyler lBO. located, to exchange for good vacant or Improved oity property or good unet c umbered farm land. What have you? Scott &HU1 Co. Douglas VX. $07 MoCaguo Uldg STRICTLY modern -rootn briok apart ment. Mth and Hamilton. PUun Wei nut 17. FarBished Agarsaatia. FIRST-CLASS 4-room. mod. apartment. good nelfBDortieod, $. Call narney r, SPLENDID $-roorn apt,, close In, near Vll Harney St. Nloely furnished, includ ing linen, silverware and cooking uteiv slls. For rent until Sept. 1 at only V. This is a snsp. )DRNBST SWETTC, Offir Bill Harney tit. Deugla 1471 Everything furnished oamplata for housekeeping, ) The Traverton t4th and Landon Ceurt. Fl sep root and sanitary, soresn, awn Ins Lara halls, with tiled floors and mar ble Cool & Comfortable The only apartments having th com forts of th home and th advantagee ef a downtown hotel, being only a stone's throw of th business diatriuL Under th supervision of th owner. TraverBros. 70S Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 116$; Bunday, Web. 485, VERY desirable 4-room apartment In Th Thallan. Walking distance. D. 1144. 4-ROOM modern briok flat $1$.$6; 1001 Spruce; best location. Webster 43' FOUR nloe rooms, close In. Red 4A" Beard aad sVoem. ST. MARY'S, W4-THI HiuLLMAK-$ nloe single rooms; lota of light aad fresh air; hem oooktag; fentlaman prs- terreo. Lougia esse. WITH board, suitable for eounls. venter !. MeiUtrn, suitable for covinU. Web. 47 TWd Trout rooms with board, single or LARUE rooms; single or en aulte; Hans oom Park district. Private bath; good Doaro. uarnry iusv. 7 us g. 3nt hi. LARUE front room and board for two gentlemen; walking dtstanoe; private ramuy. Jones. Uougias fcLMWOOD ''PARK suburban home, block to car, cool rooms, excellent board; trees, lawn, home privileges; reasonable. Walnut IT7. Deairslile rms, with bosrd. 61$ S. 3tth rt 8CJlT7 SiXSY'S AVEalklnifTGs: tance; home oooklng; $4.60 to $6 week. BEAUTIFUL miii! with two exceptlon--ally large etosat. in a West Farnam home; large purnh and yard; good board; young men preforred. Harnoy 4IW1. Faralshed gtsaas FOR RENT Thre large front rooms: eleutrlc light; all modern; privilege ef kebse and plane; private home; rates rea- "mm. call uouglss 41W V L'RXIfillED rooma largs den or slepi-iig reum. W. m B. i4th. Crese lown oar A LARGE, oool room, suitable for 2, with brrekfeet and dinner; In private family. Webster T7i, CAiJ ST.. Jo Nloely furnished. In mod m private home; reaaonable. H. Ifi75. Nloely umlsheci rooms, close Wbi.T PRIVATE'lfamlly, beet louatlon, walking dletaao. every modern convenience. N-lu home for right partle. m N. i tit. Plume pougla 47M. PLEAivAWT, nwdern room ku eotiegreTo let to reepertahl Isdy; walking dls- priTate nome. narney sotu. NICELY furnished front room, walking distanoe: reasonable: 00$ S. th Ave. Dou la 4C4. LARGE south modern room, with board; private family; fine location. H. NKWLY furnished rooms wHh board. Private family; walking dUtanoa Tel. Douglas 7W3. 3124 CA large, cool, rooms. Porch. Iwn, garaae, ne signs n windows. sURNISH B"D room (n privei family; an car line. $407 Wirt fct ROOMS; for fresh air and eomfort call, 10$ Mala bt bsoMa U-Mim FOR RKXT Ileasee aad Cttag, Are You Going To Store Years of experience have proven to ns thas th only af way to tor hons. hold goods 1 to have thsm PROPERLY PREPARED and haiwMed by expert and placed In DRY. CLEAN. WELL VENTILATED storaa-e. If you will visit our storage you will find the room exactly as we rw wnt them and you will he Impressed with the wonderful advancement over former method In thia branch of the bualneaa. Investigate today. At least be sure and phone ue about storage today. Price very reasonable. , Are You Going To Move : If ad, as the FIIMOHTY flrt. All our Van ar heavily paddofl and wU iippHed wHh pads Ins) King your goods arafnst being broken or marred In any way- Our drivers are earefn-l. neMte aad e-snerlencad men who will do vour wor carefully and Quickly. avtng yen rnnaldxrable tlm and money. Ppeolal attention ran mvhu& Call Daaglaa t Patrons ltrtrtisUng th detail of parkin to our car anv MONET, ANNOY ANCE, and frequently sever losers. We tan save you con id arable la (ratght ehajrgea, DOUGLAS 288 Fidelity Storage & Van Company SIXTEENTH, AND JAOCSOSI STREETS. rnratshed Ron sua. TWO exceptionally nice large room In private family for gentlemen who can furnlan reference. Every modem con venlenc. 604 St Mary Ave. Tel. Red $110 W DOUGLAS; $.M up; also boused keeping. tVsi NORTH itT ST. Uji front room, nicely furnished. Walking dlstano. tJQHgl BftH. REFINED young man keeping beauti ftdly furnished, high class bachelor quarters within walking dtstanc of busi ness district would like to bear from on er two yeung man desiring to hr aauie. Room 104, Bee Pld, .1 ,i - HARNEY, 8037-Cool room, nloely fur Blshed. 04 ST. MART'S AVE -Pleasant room; SlIO. invae remuy. rteo RTRlCTLt modern furnlsht-d room en Prettiest Mile. Florence Blvd.; private family; no other roomer; $ blocks from Miller Park. Reference required. .Ad dress Hox Dtii. care pee, ITntSw.RN ROOM Gentleman, privet family, breakfast If desired. West nam. Walnut 2. LA ROE front reern and aloov; .newly furnished; Ideal plaoe for $ gentlemen fin rianoe dirt riot ; walking dlstano! also larre, oneenui sou to roam, abla Harner . Ml Parti Ave. TriU OLAiX. lslO Ddg ful laws, ttoi i; large, oool iard if desired. room; beauts' uom aooaing, D. m, NICB rooms, qioee In. Phone Bed 4ia t. Faralabed Heasoe. A NICE, clean, alt modern south room ta W a month; broakfaat if dealred. Soil tass rn. WEST FARNAM1 home, to reliable fam- lly through summer, K so, car iee. $30.001740 fl. $7th St. 4-room, etriutiy modern, nloely furnuhad, good place, neat and clean. $70.00 Elegantly furnished O-room apart ment In th Normandie. Park At. and Paclflo St, for aununer; very fin. v. W .TCAT vol fin v v, saviwi w.. Phone Doug, at. SIS City Wat Ban. a. v EN-ROOM furnished Jsouaa tor reoT. 411 Dongs. Hamev Tin. DUNDEE home for rent. 4 lpoation, ne children, nloely furnished. Wal, lul t'INE bouse, to summer, i-r 'furnished. Wsl. irW. 401$ Niche la St Rsferetioes reou I rd, FlVIROOM cottage, partly modern. f oed location, $iu Maple. Webster mi. ! 1 ! 1 ' ' . .' rsrUt4 laaehwaielsui Rsswa ROOMS for housekeeping: strictly mod ern; for adults only. Tel. Waaler UM. DAVENPORT $U$; two a-room apart ments furnisld oompiet with gag and light DODCiH,' $w01 Nloely furnished hous keeping room, $i.M per weok. H. $"38. SOUTH, i4U St.. . Housekeeping raotna, tiaf arniahesl Heaeekeeela ft. OASS, 41$. NItw. dean. two. thra lour rooma neasonaoi. ar una. Heasekeepla Kaa. FARNAM. $K-Not daolraM keeping rooms Ua$ FARNAM Nice housekeeping rooma, reasonaoie. HARNKY ST., Houeekvng roeinal Walklng distanoe. Light HosMkMflag astws. CUOU UU1U., wit. Hiwv.w, " furnlshed. Ogden Hotel Oex, Oounoll Bluffe. Is, ' $18 N. 87rk AVE.. 4 rooms part modern, , . L rii. u lll . siw per niuuui, -nvti - . 414 S. 17TH Two room for Ugat keeptag. moaern, nw;y ppa $ as vtafls Rrtb. ALL modern room bungs low. th car line. In Floreno. 800 Maid tt. Tat. Florenoe $. WU Corby, $-r modern. Mi $uu8-10 N. 18th, 10-r., modern, eaoh, $X W. FARNAM S-tlTH CO.. 1330 Farnam Bt Douglaa ID94. Six room and hail, east front, full two story; one block to car, only l. O'KKEFK REALteSTAja CO., 1018 Omaha National. Phone PotiglaaflTJ 1-I-0O0M cottage, part modern, to food tenant, $I4.W. lV N. $4th. i-KOUM cottage, partly modern, value $l,lVX), best lo' atloa in town. 1$ N. $4tu. Take vacant lot on thia aatk- 811 8 I8th Ave. 8-ROOM houae. 8-R. BhIc"K7$li PART MOO. choice. 80M S. lMk R. 490i. lustra KM ft. MTH St. Eight rooms, strictly nvxlern. beautlr fully decorat'ei. in the heart et lb Weat Farnam rilstrirtj garage: W W FA V NM i 0 LATER CO.. fit Qmaha National bank. Bldg. BRICK HOUaA ' No. $01$ rarnam, 8 room aad sleeping porch, gas range, refrigerator, mahogany aud white enainM trim. Rent, Is). W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Joulea KM.' FOR KENT. Very desirobl modern brick house. In West Farnam district, with hall, living room, din lug room, kitchen, t bedrootus and bain; $-.G0. J. H. DUMONT at CO. 4W-1$ Stat Bark hldg. Tel. Lou. 8P0 WEST FARNAM District T-room mod em hoyee, 1"4 S. teta m- Mtaellaaa m jM POm.TyrON, $ rooms. Douglas $818. 644-C51 S. JfiTH AVl., 4 rooms, Seoond floor, ch $il. 2184 N. 14th. $ rooms, second floes, fit. ;it4 Ieavenworth, 6 room, $17 .M, aci nc . n.n, e roina, w. j ft TIA. room. Zt M. 4t N. lkth, rooma, I a 60. i N. Suth. $ rooms, to. k $103 Sherman Ave.. 4 room. 838. 1K1 a 8Mth. roonui. $96. .izH Cass St.. $ rooms Ma. k'i Dodge, t rooms, $30. Kll PoppleUin Ave., $ rooma, $X, $1$ inn.y, 8 rooms, $t1. TH W BY RON R K OD CO.. n$ b. rrth st. iimk rougta $s7. IEK the Central Furcitlire tKore- FRivE KEN lAL UHT. FOR KEXT Heaeee aad Cettage. and let th Fidelity move you. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. MODERN HOTJBEa. I ROOMS-ta S. .list Ave .4VM 704 N. Alth Bt 21-tO $ ROOMS gsi$ Am Ave., ttiat ra- deooratexl. fine snap.... l$.flft T ROOM stM Lwavwn worth SL. K .09 $ ROOMA 2f Mason tit .mJA.r $ Pofrpleton Assa,...M., e0 (l) 7f-H Patrhtk Ar.,n M m . sua cN. $rth st . 30.00 r n. wth u oo MODKRN EXCEPT BEAT. $ ROOMS-N. lth St... SM a. imh st .... $.oo K. N. $Sd B 14.00 8M B. fM Pt. Jet cYl I fsfXAiSeM S. Lil St XT.00 (ill Ij,venworth Ba..tM H00 IT7V N. 7th m IS. IA 4 ROOMS SK1 Miami St lfi. $M N. tlst St 15 00 I ROOMS Kn leant Et. 10 00 FIELD CLUB KVECIAL. 4 ROOMS Port f ton Ave.. Oa nome. beawnru inntNUoa. St.OO OTH ST. BOL'LEVASLD. t ROOMS-t304 N. lrth St., Vln put in rtne oonoiTirvn. a.go.OD . APARTMENTlC 1 4 RROMS 'TVKW rLO-IAa," Stk and capttol Ave., all ooTsvenlermnx, light and wo..... ,,.$36.i 'Tllra ATLtf,, Kh an Douglss Bta, lewga room. ROOMS-'-TlIR OEofwfvr"ib'otoT- gia A vie., itgnt rooms; east front, imedy lawn....,,.. 40.00 "THE BARNARD St. and Leavenworth nsrw'ly dwio rsjed 1st floor.,.. .$42 V "THdfl ALATLVn," l7 8. 6th Bt, excellent locexta. porth of Farnam fst ia u ROOMS "THE SHFtoUN. to0 N. lsth St., larre agbt room. ty low rent... JWM FTTRNISHED JIPARTMRIW f ROOMS-1THK ALSATIAN," lit R anui 01., finely Xuraishad, let floor, rents . , , ,M!M PETERS TRUST OtJMPANTi Kg Farnam Ht Phone Doug, $9$. HOUSE AND COTTAOESi, PA RTLYJIODERW. s-r4on s. uu stT. jtio,a $-r. i Clark (for colored). um " J,Ni.ICtn.ft- or-coiorsdi.i 14.40 -rH 8K1S Indiana (for etlored). 14,M MODERN, EAXTEPT. HEAT. r., $1$ N. 17Ch St. 810 1-r. 8101 Davenport K.00 r-rJitf riougla olea U-.....$6.oo -r Csplfol Av.. $utO STRICTLY MODCkX. -r. 1810 N. $4th H.....M . -r. 8W Seward St........ ....., J0.00 ' 1 ' . tVCUl n,c,.tMI., V.'.DU i-v. b, pun Ave gar a ... $-r. H B. $6th Ave .oo fo.ll) ax-jo $ti.co $0.00 S-r. j08 Mason St.. lO-r-fo S. teth St.... 80-r.-Ju2i Howard FLAT,Hr'""" STRICTLY kODSRSf. 4-r.-Hl Howard Bt... . .tl tr7 S. oth Bt. - -1 1.1, r. nil & 8d 4H ..... v co $-r. list S. Mth St, gars a a...,,. ...Mwa.&if HEATED APARTMDKt- , mo cAntYLa w a utA t7 l-r, Avti $, summer, t.iA wtnt 4 s. "Apt isut;mr, i( winier THE LAFATETT-. 1TTH AVE AWD"jAC.SOir. $-"-- pt 8, summer 89ft Q, winter , H t-r, Apt. 11. summer mot), winter.:'1 $-T. Apt. SR. sttmiuor, MO: . later.. $Um -r.-w & $oth Av , - n..."' MMt SiAwsaa w $Z$ 4. 84TH ST. 4-r Apt. I, summer. 4X3 00; wtrrter- 8T All apartment open for lnspemion, W have others. Sa our oompiet printlila before routing. PA1TNH 4k SLATER OQ, 438 Omaha National BaaK f-Uff:. rix room 8774 tlnrt St, modem, $3T lve nome. 8820 Par ar St. modsm Me eent heat, $1$. Five rooms. ITU) Farnam St, ta4ra etxH ectt heat, US. Four roorna, MUVi 8jrarhtaa 4J aastata sroept beat, )1X Ihre room, tm K, Mh Sk, $ n aoept heai, $i( 5. Five roosna, bis 8. lltb 43t iaadaioi cent heat, lit JO. Saven rooms, lBawtsoa Jt. t a rn. . Seven room, laM 9. 88th 9 . Diodarn, $ Ihf'r.i rooma, Via fiber wood Ava, ud rn, m. Nine rooms, ttlt N,,frlh St., mv Seven room. Isju n. 4u su, tjumle. u. i-,' Ten itoom. itlt CfcSs f.. Modern, Ten rooms. , 1UH1 B. ajk A., gn usirn. 952 50. Eight rooms, a. K.4 rj $f CUfbmv f. m4U MODERN APAlVnmNT- . V Ftv rooma, 418 S. fetii Av, $K Five rooms, fcsth Ave and ttwejtaw l-ven rooms, sfftJi Ave. 1 -r it 1." wimciwi 1 jc ?Bfsor kfY-cr 484 Onutna National hmnit iC Phone IouKla I40. Nearly new, 4-r. bungalow, buU- fuUy deoorated, TM 1 B. Iitr Ava...SiO Vary, deetvalii Mwta all modoTo houae. tio H. Wth Et..,,. , . . T M $-r. mod. hou. fc-J7 CDamfiboa 8t-. KU T-v. houae, aewry paiat 1 aua papered, 121 N. JSth Pt ? 4)-r. house, K'fl N. t?h ft 1 () JOHN W. ROBB1N8, 1 FARNAM fcr. BnACTIFirL suburban home. lTVootns! furnished, modt-rn, two acres ground, II kind of fruit and shrubbery, pon lawn, block from Bnnson school houee. Phone Benson 400. tA N. 644 Av $-R65m modern cottage. Harney llt-4. MODURN 4-rm. cottage; near ear. tTM. v. fRifg.. fci; itll HuVory. I rmT ment; $&. Phone Webster 191. 11-ROOM bouse, modern, Ul S. fcj a ' 7-r, houae. trlotly modern, t'M boftge, 13-room house, modern, 4S 8 N. 84t, 4-room houee, modern, 1T.' N. lTUt Bt O. C. RbTDICK, Atty., $?4 Omaha Nat, bank bldg. Tel. Dt VP A BEAUTIFUL 10-roorn house, stxKirTy modern and up-to-date; on the weat aide of Hanaoom park; $o0 per month. Ho M for rvnt everywhere. W. M. NASH A CO. Real estate, rentals and Insurant -. Bee bldg. Sunday Ph. H. luf; oifioe Red $-!, $ Five-n n oottagw, $blh and, e tusi Ave. 818 Sla-room house, 4528 Btu-drt. ta.to LtjKht-room hou-a, newi kIrAs.I alii d-Jorated. $t N. Ult It, vfitiT'iT"1 -r - 1 Box factory wr-i tri , , VcC, H.O,. .447 OmaJJ KaW &- JutX&&jL!ZU