Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 6-B, Image 20

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Tha B Publishing Company. Proprietor.
; Entered at Omaba poetofflce seoond-class msttar.
1T carrier Ry mall
per month. per year.
. rrr anfl Sunday o
r!ir without !iiTK)r....'
Fvenln and Sunday c '
Evening without Bunday I J.flO
Sunday Be only 1 ?
, Fend notlr of rban- of idres or eomplalnte of
Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Ba. Circulation
Remit hr draft express o- portal order. Only two
rant poatr atampa received in payment of email ae
roonta. Personal check, except on Omaha and caatarn
eichange. not accepted.
Omaha Tha Be" Riilldtns.
outh Omaha 23111 N etreet.
Council Bluff 14 North Main street.
I.lnooln M Lltlla Building.
Chicago Wl Hearwt RulMlng.
New Tork-Room lies. & Fifth avenue.
Pt. Louie oa.'ew bank of Commerce.
Waehlifton i2t Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
Addreaa communication relating to new and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Ltopartment.
gtat of Nebraska, County of Douglae, aa. :
Cwlght Willieme, circulation nmn)rr, eeys that
I tha average ftuoday circulation (or tha month of May,
1 IMS. waa ,(".
DWIOHI WIIXIAMfl. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed la my tTnc and aworn to be
me, thia ad day of June, Mi.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public
Sobaerlbera leaving the city temporarily
should hay The) lie mailed to them. Ad
dre will ba changed aa often aa requested.
Thought for the Day
SUcfdk,J. W. CVarA
"Liberty it ti flU.l opportunity for a man
to b and do th very bit that ti possible for
him."rhillii liro k$.
Ready for Ak-Sar-Ben? All aboard!
Tha 115 June bride crop la starting- oft
fine. . v
With all thi call for farm help, no excuse
remains for tha ablebodJed panhandler on the
At any rate, those BOO Omaha inhabitants
who Toted "No" on consolidation will not brag
about It very long.
The supremacy of Dame Fashion will not he
fully vindicated until men axe brought to copy
women's styles la shoe.
The merger of the Omaha and South Omatia
I MA.tfsffUa. whlxh waved the war nif DOW ba
yU.lVt ft V U V . .V. - '
considered a closed Incident.
The location of a transcontinental aviation
station here glres assurance that all the high
flyers will stop off in Omaha.
1 -
If this bombardment of graduating essays
and orations does not put the war lo rout, the
belligerents will hare to fight it out to a finish
In the trenchss.
In spite of our Justly celebrated facilities
for spreading the news, the shrlnksge In the
price of flour has not yet announced Its arrival
at tha bake shops. '
The fresaa-to-Ui -payroll officeholder who
plants himself on the track In front of the train
of progress takes a long chance on being ma
over by the locomotive.
What's this? More ugly rumors about
framed-up damage suits in our courts T Now,
who could have prompted any Innooent "client to
such downright perjury T ' .
Eweet Is the music of prosperity wafted
from the lute of Charley Schwab. Ke has the
goods at Bethlehem and warring nations are
shelling out for the shells. .
The man with the garden hose can afford to
be more generous with his lawn sprinkling now
that the long promised 'steenth-of-a-cent water
rate reduction has actually gone Into effect.
i t
The Illinois State Public Utilities commis
sion has ruled that so Jitney, shall travel a route
parallel and competing with a street railway
line. Maybe that doesnt please the street rail-ways!
The War and the Rainfall.
Twenty-five years ago, when the west was
overrun by "Rainmaker" Wright and his disci
ples, one of the dogmas set up was thst bom
barding the heavens would produce rain. In
support of this It was cited thst the battles of
the civil wsr were invariably followed by rain
fall, and the greater the battle, the heavier the
precipitation. Against this claim the scientists
et up that no bombardment possible to man
would disturb suufflclent atmosphere to produce
even a slight rainfall, and that all storms that
followed battles were but coincidental. The con
troversy Is now likely to be renewed, for the co
incidence Is again visible. It is a far cry from
the plains of Galicia to the plains of Nebrsska,
half way around the globe, but it Is a fact that
the fall of Pnemysl was followed in Nebraska by
rain of a torrential nature. Science will boo at
the thought of connecting the two events, but
the rain fell, Just the same, and the bombard
ment of Przemysl was on a scale never before
vndertaken. Two hundred thousand shells
exploded in an hour by the attacking side alone,
without counting the replying fire from the de
fenders, makes a display of fireworks exceeding
all previous experience. Thst certainly ought
to set some waves of atmosphere In motion, even
If it didn't reuse the deluge in central Nebraska.
Dancing in the- Public Parks.
One festure of the program of the new
recreation board that deserves attention Is the
provision for dancing in the public psrks. It
hss been debated a little, and opposition has
developed in some quarters, although the objec
tions do not seem to be especially well founded
or put forth with much seriousness of purpose.
Dancing is a peculiar form of enjoyment, uni
versally prsctlced, and common to all ages and
all races. The movements and figures of the
dance are expressive of the emotions, an indica
tion of mental exaltation as well as bodily ani
mation. Dancing has been In all times and
among all peoples a recognised factor in all
sorts of social functions, religious as well as
secular, and it sttll has Us part in the religions
of some tribes of men. That dancing in Itself
Is inherently harmful has never been estab
lished, but Its benefits are easily understood by
any who may be Inclined to thoughtfully con
sider the matter. Thousands of Omaha people,
old and young, continually seek the pleasure of
moving through formal figures, rythmlcally ad
Justed to the measures of pleasing music, as a
reasonable and desirable diversion. No good
reason appears why dancing, under proper
supervision, should not be permitted in publlo
parks, while much csn be said In support of the
Missouri Riyer Development. '
A report from the colonel of the United
States Army engineering corps, in charge of the
work on the Missouri river, adverse to the plan
of making a survey of the river between Kansas
City and Sioux City, Is to be vigorously opposed
by the Omaha Commercial club. The reason
given by the army engineer that the 120,000,000
needed for the construction work between Kan
sas City and 8t. Louis had not been appropriated
is not sufficient to warrant utter ignoring of
the upper reaches of the river. It may be that
no money will ever be set aside to make the im
provements suggested, but that Is no reason why
the needed preliminary steps should be neg
lected. A comprehensive survey of the Mis
souri should he made and definite and complete
plans for Its Improvement to meet the needs of
navigation worked out by the government engi
neers. Whatever system of inland waterway
navigation may eventually be adopted In the
United States, the Missouri river must be reck
oned on, and competent authority should deter
mine what must be done to make It serviceable.
Work of the Civio League.
Omaha has lately been given several con
crete Illustrations of the activity of a body of.
enthusiastic citisens who have In mind the bet
tering of conditions of life In this city. They
are not cranks, nor advocates of the impossible.
but are zealous men- and women, who have sane
and definite notions, which are practically pre
sented and as practically carried out. So far
the Civic league, which now has a membership
of about 4. 500, has dealt with the smaller
things that have usually been neglected fa the
rush to give attention to the larger.
One of the practical manifestations of its
usefulness was in the campaign against the dan
delion. In this the boys sad girls were enlisted
by the offering of suitable prises, and as a re
sult some 28.000 bushels ?f the pest, torn up
by the roots, were destroyed. The activity of
the Garden club is under the general direction
el the Civic league, and Us share In Improving
tbe waste spots of the city is enough to Justify
the existence of the league, If It did nothing
else. The peony show, Just over, at which thou
sands of magnificent blooms were exhibited.
was another of the league's achievements. .
o The lesfue hss many suggestions to offer
for the beautifying of the city, all along practical
l.oos, and it purposes an active campaign for
keeping the city clean, which it hopes to make
effective by such means as will accomplish the
result without giving offense even to the rltlsen
a bo negligent and require admonition
Civic pride and love of order aod beauty pro
vide tbe Inspiration for the league, and Us
officers are devoted to these ideals. Its work
ht already been productive of good and it
I romlaes much for tbe future-
Ttit on National Preparedness.
Between the alarms of militarists and tbe
Insistent protests of pacificists there Is a vast
middle ground on which, may stand the multi
tude of Americans who , undoubtedly favor
reasonable preparation for national defense.
This ground is defined by William Howard Taft
In the Saturday Evening Post.
Mr. Taft Is not an alarmist nor a pacificist.
though leaning more to the latter side if Inter
national conditions afford promise of world
peace. Ills experience as secretary of war and
later as president give his discussion of ade
quate preparedness the weight of authority.
Tbrse lines of defense against invasion Mr.
Taft regards as essential the navy, coast forti
fications and a mobile array. An adequate navy,
constituting the main line of defense, he would
base on the naval program '. ot ltOS, which
called for the building of two first-class battle
ships a year, with the necessary complement of
scout ships, destroyers and submarines. Had
this program been followed the nation would
have forty-eight battleships in 19 Is. The re
fusal of past congresses to adhere to it leaves
the navy at present five battleships behind.
This deficit In defensive power, be contends,
should be made up as quickly as possible, with
such alteration ot naval plans as the lessons
ot the European war teaches.
Mr. Taft regards present national tortiflca
tlons as adequate defense for their immediate
localities. They are first-class in construction
and caliber of guns, the latter requiring only
changes In elevation to equal the range of the
largest guns of modern navies. The urgent
need in this line Is fortifications at all landing
ports, and these could be had w'thout Increasing
the national budget if the political logrollers of
congress would permit the abandonment of use
less navy yards.
The third line of defense should, in his
opinion, consist of a mobile army ot 71.000
effective men In the continental United States,
exclusive of the artillery service, and the reserva
system suggested by Secretary Garrison, these
to be supplemented by doubling the capacity of
West Point and the establishment of a military
school in the middle west.
Mr. Taft's suggestions for adequate prepar
edness are conservative and must commend
themselves to cltlsens aa signpost of the safe
middle course.
No more fitting place tor curing heartaches
could be chosen than the Douglas county court
house. The surroundings are impressive, the
court rooms imposing, and the age and exper
ence of the Judges in soothing palpitation, makes
It an Ideal sanitarium
r TxcTom aonviTia
WHILE the achievement of any big thins afforda
glory enough to so round, we may aa well have
the hlMory of thla Greater Omaha movement
atralahtened out before It sets too badly twisted,
outh Omaha Omaha waa laid out aa a townalte by
Omaha people who had not tha ellshteat notion of
eatabtlfhlns a separate city except for development
purpoeea, end the abaolute neceaalty of anneiatlon wo a
clearly foreseen years ago. How the consolidation
movement took Ita Inspiration and secured Its momen
tum la clearly recalled by a latter I have Juet received
from Attorney E. F. M or arty, who has a good mem
ory, and who aaya:
"Now that the people have voted for annexation
by an overwhelming majority, and realtxtng the great
benefit that will cccrue by reaaon of auch a de
cision. It might be well to take a retrospective view
of the past that we may be able and willing to glvo
credit to the one, or ones, moat deaarvlng of such,
for having brought about final annexation. Not
wlahlnr to detract from the Commercial club or Mr.
Diets any of tha credit due to both, yet I feel that
I can frankly and truthfully state that to no higher
or greater source can be traced the original and
steadfaat champion of annexation than to the lata
Edward Roewater, founder and 4a then editor at
The Bee.
"Whlle my personal and political relationship with
this great man wre not at all tiraea of tha moat
friendly nature, yet It waa at hie urgent request
that, twenty-five year ago, aa a member of the
Omaha olty council. I prepared and Introduced a
resolution In that body which called for an election
in tha city oX Omaha for the purpose of annexing
th two cit e, that of Omaha and South Omaha;
thla resolution, having the unanimous support of the
council, waa paared; following thla. Mr. Roaewater
and myeelf proceeded to South Omaha, where we
secured like action on th part of the South Omaha
olty council, the election waa held, and Omaha voted
almost unanimously for the proposition, a majority
of tha voters of South Omaha voted for It, but In
the count of the ballots, and by the free and eaay
system of handling the ballots aa obtained at that
time, the ballot box had bean manipulated by a few
disreputable ward heelers and tha return were
made to show that tha proposition waa defeated by
leaa than 100 votea.
"Yet smdtacouraged and undaunted, 'the paper
which he UMlahed. Inoeaaantly In season and out
of season, sad at time without aid or assistance
from any source, persisted In the fight, until victory
finally perched where it justly belongs. In the edi
torial aanotum of The Bee."
As here Intimated, it waa plain all the time that
consolidation wma eventually Inevitable aa a step In
th upbuilding of Greater Omaha, and that the longer
It was deferred the more costly It would be to all con-eerneO-whloh
will soon be mora fully realised by
many people, who wUl then wonder why . they did not
wake up to the fact and help put It over long before.
Members of tha Rotary clvb were not long ago
asked for opinions aa to what that organisation could
and should do to supplement Its activities and make
itself more useful to the community. It had already
joined in promoting the garden rontent, and had held
out a helping hand to local charitable Institution. I'
gave President Welter a suggestion for a more con
centrated effort for beautifying the city. XV have a
fine example of Individual Initiative In what la knovn
as "Tha Prettiest Mile" out on the north boulevard,
and I believe that with properly directed energy aa
equally magnificent showing could be made by taking
a stretch of tha Lincoln Highway going through th
residence districts of Omaha and out through the
suburbs, and providing? for Its uniform treatment from
tha standpoint of landacape gardening. This would
have to btf brought about by associating for the pur
pose the owner of the abutting property with a
measure of assistance from the city authorities and
Interested civio bodies. The merchants of the "600"
blook Inaugurated an enterprise of thla kind along
business line by contributing a common fund for
ornamental Illumination and street cleaning, and In
the same way tmiah better results eould be scoured
for embellishing yards, putting In flower and shrub
bery, matching op shad tree In parkway and keep
ing Itwnt In trim, by having th work dona under a
single supervisor directing a orew of gardener than
by each person looking after hie own premises In tils
own way and at hi own time.
Tbe chief obstacles always met with hr in
Omaha in any plan of city beautifying have eome
from the vacant Iota, and from the occasional moss-
back who will not do anything himself nor help anr
on elae do It. In any auch schema, therefor, It must
be expected that some who ought to do their shares
will either wantonly refute or have perhaps some
legitimate exouae for .holding" back. This is where
the publla authorities and outside asslatano would be
necessary to carry the project through. The city
could furnish' th superintendence, and th improve
ment clubs or business leagues could par the assess
ment for the vacant lot; th Rotary elub eouid put
In a flower bed wheal, th Elks a B. P. O. B. clock,
Ak-SarBen a replloa of Its current years' Insignia,
etc. at tha conspicuous points; and being an tha ma'n
highway of auto touriat travel, evaryon would aea
th exhibit, and tha talk about It would apread ever
th country, Th plan certainly I feaatbl, although
It mar be to lata tor practical execution this year.
The time Is ocminr In fact, 1 already bare when
we must consider tha lasting effect ot the first m
praealoa which our city makes on th stranger, and
must takai advantage of th wonderful opportunities
supplied to u by the natural beauty of Omaha's
Tbe latest old.tlrnr to pass away Is John Grant,
although In length ot time here he was net In th
eame elaas with th pioneer, dating hi reetdenc
back only to th erly 'iff a. To uaa aa expressive
phrase, John Orant was "a good, old scout" a staunch
sad loyal friend who could be depended upon to do
a he said h would. H had eome to Omaha orig
inally to attpertntentl th first bit of asphalt pave
ment ever laid here It waa oa Douglas. I think, be
tween Thirteenth and Sixteenth Street-and nearly
every man. wemaa and child In the town was a con
stant Inapeotor on th job. It was John Grant wh?
Introduced tha first steam-roller that ever put In
it apnearanos In thee parts, and. when th aurfao
waa completed It was throw open to the youngatar
for blcycl riding and roller skating, and for weeks
thoa two or three blocks of pavement formed the
most popular pleasure resort In the burg, vntn in
last few year John Orant used to celebrate "h' birth-
day annually by giving a party at hi houaa to his
friend ataa of course Including putMO oniciai.
Orand Army of th Republic eomrad. personal
frtanda and Masonlo brothers, unique as aa elaborate
feeet. and for the scintillating humor and good fellow
ship. John Orant was always boosting other popi
Into office, ir nvr held any offlo hlmaelf except
to fill a vacancy In the aounty eommiaelonarahtp. for
accepting which ba waa profuse In his apologia. As
county oomrolaaloner h renaerea tonscisouoiu aerv-
to, although evea then he waa beginning to grow
feeble. '
mmml eM MAM
Th demands of Omaha tor a new cemetery are to
he met by the roreei Lawn Cemetery eaaoctatloa, re
cently incorporated. The it for th propoaea puriai
around has been selected and purchsaed from J. U.
brackln as truatea, Conalatlng of W sores, almoat im
mediately west of the town of Florence and Just four
mile from th pcatolflc.
Lord Thomas Hatkset, Senator Sharoa's English
soa-ln-law, accompanied by his wlf and chUdreo,
paaaed through Omaha la a special car en their way
t Van Francisco.
Tbe marrlag of M. J. Doane of Boston and Stlae
LUU Dort took place at the raaldenoe of the bride's
parents. p.v. W. J. Haraha officiating.
Drake O' Riley. Richard O Riley and Harry Meet-as
started oa a tnre month' vlatt t Europe.
Mis Elisabeth Poppleton left for the east to attend
the annual meeting of tha Vaaaar aluiaaaa.
Dr. O. X. Crowe!! U back from a trip t Philadel
Oval water pipe are lee liable to
burst when frown tha round one.
Ther I potash enough for the United
Plates In the kelp bed of the Pacific
roast ot Alaska and the coast state a
According to an EnglUh oculist, diges
tive troubles hav an important affect en
disease of th eye, whil eye weak
nesses hav but little effect upon diges
tion. Standard clock In th Paris nbaerva
tory are kept ninety feet under ground,
where the variation In temperature has
been leaa than one degree In several
Scientists hav established th age of
a pine tree In New Zealand at LS00 years.
The farther the waters of tbe oceans
get from the equator the l aalt they
According to a French authority per
fect linoleum hae twice the wearing qual
ities of tiling and mom than four times
those of hardwood floors.
Leading chemists believe that tlie war
may shift th drug manufacturing center
to this country. The raw materials are
plentiful, but synthetic skill Is call to be
Vanillin la the active principle which
make vanilla lea cream so popular. It
occurs In the roots of oats and the leaves
and root of a number of plants. II baa
been found to ba polaorou to clover,
wheat, cowpeas and otlisr plants.
Hindoos venerate the common marigold
and frequently adorn their idol with
wreaths of It golden flowers.
Th United States Hay Fever associa
tion for more than forty years has held
an annual meeting at Bethlehem. N. H.,
In August, Bethlehem being out of tha
sneese sons.
Hick Colgan, the famous wolf catcher
who lives near Atohtson, Kan., ha cap
tured a total of T2S wolve. 11 receive
a bounty of S5 for gray wolves and 11
for coyotes. Since the first of this year
be has captured thirty-nine.
A house at Stratford, Conn., is prob
ably to ba demolished because of the
noise made by alleged ghostly vitltaat.
The house dates back to revolutionary
time. Cannon balls rolling downstairs
are heard and also th swish of skirts
snd click of military heel.
A meteor which fell a few day ago
In front of th home of Charle Solraon,
who live near Prescott, Mich., went to
an unknown depth and water came up to
the surface In tha hoi It -made, although
Solmon had been unable to strlk water
at a depth of eighty feet
The close connection between Cupid and
the culinary art wa Illustrated by three
marital suit lately In New Jersey, on
woman leaving her hushand because ha
refused to give her turkey at New Tear's,
a husband accusing hi wife of monotony
In th menu of kidney stew, while still
another complained that his wife cooked
his pork chops in soap.
Dr. Ivory Low ot Canaan, Me., th
oldest physiolan in Somerset county, is
using a wagon which has been In use
continuously for torty-tiv years, ur.
Lowe ays the wagon ha mad on an
average of twenty miles each day for
forty-five years, thus making the wagon's
total trip about t,00o mile. It still has
its original wheels and Its original tires.
Montreal hss the largest flour mill In
the British empire; It turn out 6,000 bapj
rels a day,
Th war hsa been responsible for th
establishment of the first successful
barium Industry in th United State.
The first factory in the United State
for the manufacture of bensol from coal
will b atabbahed In Pennsylvania,
Halt for commercial purpose Is being
extracted from ses water on an exten
sive seals by a plant in eouthara Cali
It has beaa estimated that nearly 100,-
000.000 feat, or more than St.OOO mile, of
film are used up yearly to satisfy th
world's demand for moving picture.
In th twalv month ended April SO,
ther were 177 merchant vassal built snd
officially numbered In the United State.
Th gross tonnage of these ships wss
Up te Mar 1. 142 foreign built veawele
of t09.70 groae tons, valued at 132, 000,000,
hav been reglatered under th American
flag to angage In foreign trad, under
th act ef August II last.
For Ugnt duty on of th largest loco
motive worke In the United States is
turning cut a looomatlv that resembles
th coal burning typ tn outline, but Is
driven by aa internal combustion engine
with ell or gaaollna fuel.
(t Is estimated that W par cant ef the
LTCO.O0O automobiles la ua la th United
Stat are owned by farmer, and th
percentage la tnorastn each year. It la
estimated that th par cant ef th IS It
output will go to the farming communi
ties. New Jersey has bean materially lro
pravlng lie housing eondlUona through
Ita board of tenement house supervlalun.
Th law creating this board has been la
operation tan year. During this time
11.US "new law" tenement hav been
Topeka threatens to ls th local peat
efftc for taa. Rocking th boatt
Kansas City reports nine mysterious
disappearances ef women since April t
New Orleans reports that 70,000 build
ings in the city, one-halt et the total
have been made rat proof.
New York bss just paid ITtie.aSl for
fifty-six acres of land condemned to form
a part ef East River park In Astoria.
Salt Lake City authoritiee turned down
alt th bid for 1300.000 of city bonds be
reuee th bt bid ottered, with com
mlsaton deducted, ran th Price below
Pr- ' , .
Chicago's health department bints to
undertaker that advertising their "wear
ing apparel" as "fashionable drea aults"
Is a grave breaoh of professional pro
priety. .
fct Louis has losf condone ta th
boosting value of a directory census. The
latest roster of resident eatlmate th
population at itt.100, a come-down of 1.100
from last year.
Sioux City put up a lone pull and a
strong pull for population and pulled the
census total up to U.7XT when the polls
cloeei jua 1. It is believed non ef th
Sioux tribe eaeaped the bustler.
Comparing eeadttions in Brooklyn new
with thoa of t'nty-fi year ago.
wbea annexation took place, th Brooklyn
Eagi show th tax rata, on th ratio
of value, la unchanged, while the popula
tion has grows 141 par cant and its) death
rate dropped from a 17 to H i per 1.000,
Detroit Frr Press: A Pennsylvania
clergyman who died recently at th sg
of II had married l.OM couple, dot: that
should not be held against him.
Brooklyn Eagle: Dr. Charles II. Park
hurst, censured by th Presbyterian gen
eral assembly for an antl-prohlMtlon Tet
ter to a friend In California, can sym
pathise with I'nlon seminary. Minieterial
liberty and academic- liberty hav much
in common. '
Springfield Republican: A touch of in
humanity make the rt ef the world
kin. The American Jelh committee
notes' that th persecution of the Jew
ha entirely ceased In Palestine and that
the great sufferers there at present are
the Roman Catholic religious order. Th
Turks, however, have long been more
friendly to the Jew than to th various
sects ot Christians.
St. Louis Republic: Th revival ot th
rid fashion of street preaching, accom
plished by the Church Federation of EL
Louis, will head off a great deal of more
cr less aimless and hopeless talk about
the weakness of the modern church In
"reaching" men. The way to reach men
la aimpllcjlty Itself; it is to go where they
are. That's the way any other sort of
live animal Is reached.
Boaton With forceful enlty
ot deelalon the Unitarians, now In eon
ventlon in Boston, have determined te
stand by their time-honored name. Ther
have known that the liberal spirit could
not be harmed by a Word apparently
narrow In what It denotes yet truly,
broad In what actual practice has made
It to signify.- Retaining all the values
which past association and tradition have
built round the name, the Unitariane
have surely net lessened its worth for
tha future.
"MADE IN V. S. A."
Washington Post: When Henry Slen
kiewlcs refers to . this country as ths
"conscience ef the world," It's eneugh to
make us shell out in a new and better
Pittsburgh Dispatch: The president ad
vise his countryman in these troublous
war tiro to sit tight, and think hard,
and not talk. Marked copies, please,- to
our distinguished fellow cltlsens, the con
queror at Syracuse and the spellbinder
ot the Chautauqua platform.
St Louis Globe-Democrat: Rather dis
concerting truth has come out that' tbe
eulogy of tha kaiser in his youth which
appears in the speller used In the pubUal
schools of Chicago was written by Mrs.
Ella Flagg Young herself, though seme
years age before the present war waa
thought of; the kalaer Is the only in
dividual singled out for praise. Now It
stirs Bohemian. Peliah. Serbian, French
and Italian parents te pretests. Isn't this
neutrality business a caution?
Washington Post: The money t the
world will flow by hundred of million
of dollar thl year into the pocket et
the farmers of the United States, snd
with our great manufacturing plants snd
this assured huge foretga demand the
billion-dollar balance of trade be
Shown at th close of the fiscal year,
June 80, 1915, should have another billion
added to It by the close of the next year,
bfever In the history ef the United State
were ther In evidence uch convincing
proofs of record-breaking business along
all lmes. r ' -
1 . .
"My d.iushter l having her vole
trained," said Mr. Cumrox.
"Is she a soprano or a contre.itoT'
"1 dunno. J f"ipl ose ah I d"clde ti
be whichever coata the moat. ishtng-
ton irtar.
'That match wa the union of natural
In what way?"
Bhe waa dove-eyed and ha was pigeon
toed." Baltimore American.
Bhe So. Mr. Jimoeon. I'm sorry! but
I wouldn't marry the best man living
He-No? Well, at any rate, you will
have the aatlafactlon ot knowing that he
offered himself. Boston Globe.
"That stupid assistant of mine loat m
a good cuetomer." .
"How hm thst?"
'He saw by the paper that she wa
receiving yesterday, so h took that op
portunity to deliver a couple of case of
beer." Loulsvlli Courier-Journal.
"When water becomea Ice," asked the
teacher, "what la the great change that
takes place?"
"The greateat charge, ma am," said the
little boy. "la the change in price."
Ladles' Home Journal.
Flatbuah I waa out shopping with mr
wife yesterday and I lost her in the
crowd. . ,
Benaonhurst You were lucky.
"No. I wasn't She found me. Tonk
era Statesman.
"Had a most enjoyable time at the den
tist's this afternoon."
"Kh! . Enjoyable?" ....
"l'ee. When I went In. another deatlsi
was filling my dentists teeth.' Ham
mere Am?rt'.'an.
"Thla scientist undertakes to prev that
Helen of Troy had a flat no."
And 1 hop ho proves it. Folks ysp
about Helen of Troy like there has t
been a pretty woman since." Chicago
Mother what kind of a shew did para
take you to see while you were in the
Hobhlr It waa a dandy show, mamma.
wRh ladies dressed In stockings clean up
to their neck. Puck.
Eda-ar A Guest, in Detroit Free Press.
Sometimes when folka come in to rail
on Ma an' Pa' away,
An' I'm supposed to be where I can t
hear a word they soy.
Ma starts to tell 'em all about Pa a fine
an' splendid ways,
An' Juet how good an' kind he Is, sn
sll th Jokes he playa;
An' how he never glvea her any reaaon
for complaint.
Until she has the women folka believta'
Pa's a saint ,,,, , j
Pa's Just an ordinary man be tells u
so himself,
He has to work all day te get bis
little bit of pe4f.
He Isn't one that's known to fame, he
can't do clever things.
He isn't one that makes a speech, or
out In public slnss.
But Ma Just makea him vut te be a man
the world would cheer
If it could know the worth of him when,
he's not there te hear.
When Pa's away Ma tells her friend
how much of him ah thlnka,
An' Just how good It ie to have a man
that never drink.
8 he dwells upon his thoughtful way,
hi patience an' hi worth,
Aa' boanta that ahe Is married to th
finest man en earth.
Sut If Pa ran t home on time, an' sup
per ha t wait
Sh give it tu him. vood an' strong, for
gettla' In so late.
Sometime when Ma I scolding Pa, an'
he don't say a word,
I feel like telinr him the things that Ma
don't know I've heard.
I feel like crswlin1 In his lap. an' whla-
perln', "Never mis.l,"
Deep In her heart Ma really thinks you re
all that'a. good an' kind.
She thinks that you're tbe finest man
there Is oa earth. 1 knew
Because most every afternoon she. tells
the neighbors so."
xcursion Fares East
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Choice of circuitous and direct routes
to New York and Boston. Attractive routes
to all Eastern Resorte.
Optional Ocean, Lake and River Trips
Liberal Stopovers
Let Us Assist in Planning Trip Affording Visit at Prin
cipal Cities and Summer Resorts in the East
Long and Short limit Tickets on Sale Daily.
Information and Attractive Literature freely furnished.
District Passenger Agent
Phone Douglas 264. ; 4Q7 South 16th St., Omaha Neb.
No Homo Is Complete Without a
Victrola or Grafonola
This Grafonola Outfit
Grafonola Leader Outfit, in
cluding twelve selections (six 10.
Inch double records) your own
Choice of Oaks, Walnut or Ma
hogany cases.
Terms $5.00 per month
Other styles $15.00 to $300
Your Is sureiy among them, t'ooie
In and select it. W wlU bo glad to
1 sri I at rt -f m satl a"i f Haena
your approval. LEADER
Sclimollcr & HucHcr Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam Street
Tha Only Store ta Omaha Where You Cats Hear VlctroU
and QratonoU Bid by Bid.