Tin: p.kk: omaiia. s.TnjiAv, .irxi: i!i:. SAYS' ROCK ISLAND DEAL OUTRAGEOUS Untermeyer" Intimates ' Director Aiked for Heeehrer to ManiDU- I g late Stock Market. IT DROPS AFTER THEY UNLOAD WASHINGTON. June 4. Ap pointment of a receiver for the. Chi cago, Rock Island & Pacific railway was taken up before the Interstate Commerce commission today at the investigation Into the road'e finan cial affairs. Robert P. Lamont, president of the American Steel Foundry com pany of Chicago, testified tals com pany petitioned for the Rock Island receiver not for fear It could not collect $15,000 due It, but because SUas F. Strawn, a Chicago attorney, whom Mr. Lamont presumed was acting for Rock Island attorneys, requested him to do so. , Robert Walker of New Tort, connected with the Rock Inland in arloim legal capacities, testified he asked Strawn to iret some creditor to sign the petition, which he hlmaelf had drafted at th direction of W. II. Moore, T. M. Schu macher and F. L.:.Hlne. other directors of the company. Counael Folk, for the commission, asked If the board " had authorised Walker, as counael, to file the petition. Mr. Walker responded that he did not consider that necessary, because a great majority of the director Individually ap proved the action. Mr. Walker denied that he had consulted Daniel O. Reld. Market la Manipulated. Samuel Untermyer,' representing- N.-M. Amster of Boston, a 'director, led Walker to tell how the Rock Island on .March 31 borrowed tt.50Q.000 of the. Bankers Trust company on collateral plus the personal guaranty of Daniel O.'Reld. Ogden Mills. William II. Moore. James McLean and Arthur C. James. Walker said the money was borrowed hi hope of carrying the road along until after the dlrectora" . meet ing. He prepared a petition for receiver ship on March 29, to as to have it ready. If the loan did not go through. "Why did you take that collateral away from the receiver, If U wa not to rlg up", the stock market and take up the stock from 29 to 39 in ten days, and then let It drop to 21 In a single day7" asked .Mr. Vntermyer. . .'. Mr. Walker denied that was the pur pose. "Did you ever hear of any mors out rageous deal than this?" demanded Mr. t nterrnyer. .... "You have overlooked the fact that four new directors were to be elected on April li, and we thought it but fair to allow them a voice In meeting the situation, responded Mr. Walker. "But you, sold your own stock for $38 about this time," suggested Mr. Unter- myer. Mr. Walker testified that he did. Under cross-examination as, Jo those responsible for hla position with the' Rock Island Mr. Walker said that ha "regarded W. H. Moore, F. I Heine and .Daniel O. Raid "and, thers" as in control. He told of being paid 130,000 a year, as gen eral counsel and chairman of tYt xecu tlv board. "I was their work horse and 'driven as . they desired," waa the way Walker de scribed his work. '-.. As to who was responsible for his filing the petition for a receivership Mr. Walker said he talked with Directors Moore, Hlne end Schumacher, who assured him of the position of other director. HEAVY RAINS OYER ALLOF NEBRASKA (Continued from Tu One ) fuller: l'islri of ti'lrty minutes. The Klk horn river rcc rapidly, snd he water from the stream came uo hnd surrounded the depot at the foot of the main street. The river Is one-half mile from town. Be tween the town and the liver the country was all under water and a number of cat tle are rei orted to hv been drowned In pactures along the stream, both above and below town. .The I.lkhorn river la reported out of Its bank nil the way from Stanton to Fremont and In many places a , mil wido. Farms are flooded and It la as serted that thousands of acre of wheat and corn will be totally destroyed. Damage at Rattle Creek. At Battle Creek, situated on a Mnum bearing tha same name as the town, there waa considerable Aimua done to business houses and residents. A lnrge portion of the town waa flooded bv cloudburst, mere than four Inches ef rain falling inside of an hour. Hera the track of the Northwestern were considerably washed, but will be repaired within twenty-four hixirs. At MndlHon considerable damaca ws wrought by high water and crop on the low land flooded.' With the 'storm vas a ha-v rind, but no damage from It la reported. . The rain waa heavy as far ntrthweat as Alliance, hut, from that section of the state no damage to property la reported. ; Rallr-jnd mm coming In trom the east aesert'that the heavy rain did not mxtmnA over Into Iowa more than fifty miles. Bomn, nowever, 5t extended below the central portion of Kansas doln rst damage to crops. - Barllnirtoa Track Washed Oat. For a long distance around Broken Bow the rainfall of the night la asserts to have been from 'three to , five Inches, completely washing away crops on the hillsides and on the lowlands. In the vicinity of Broken Bow and to I he east the Burlington lost 1,100 feet of track and one bridge, and as a Teauit of this train are being detoured over the Union Pacific. :The rain, which asaumed the propor tion of a cloudburst, covered practically all Custer county, and to the farmer will cause lots that will amount to many thousand dollars. The stream are all out of their banks and the water is running down very slowly, owing to the fact that before the present rain came the ground was so thoroughly soaked with water that It could absorb no more. lou la River at Snperlor. SUPERIOR, Neb.. June 4. (Special Tel egram.) The Republican river I out of Its bank here and is the highest It has been for several year. The contractor buildln? the new cement bridge acrosa tha river, lost mest of his lumber and form and the pile driver tipped over and went down stream. The, dam was threatened for a while, hut workmen succeeded In filling In the gap and saved It for the lime twlng. t.lalttntasr tinea Damage. BEATRICE, Neb., June 4.-!-perlal Tel egram.) A heavy rain' and electrical storm vUlted this section this evening, j The home of R. Delay was badly dam-' mwA hv - Vsilt nf ll.hl nlx K... th fan. ily escnpeJ unhurt. Tho field hae been In such shape for tfio lat two . week that farmer are unable to work lit them. loadbarsla Da Daaiaae. . KF.ARNfcT. Neb . June 4 (Ppeclal Teieirram.) I loridbursts at points aiona the Kearney-Callaway branrh of the Union l'nrlflo and on both the lines of the . Burlington played havoc with rail road ervlee here. A a rrsrilt of thei Washouts which occurred, tire branch line! service waa completely closed down, while through train operating over the southern main lino of the Burlington and the r.llllngfl line were both routed over th Union Pacific line. A cloudburst was reported at Eddyvllle and many culverts and bridges were washed out there. Two Ini-hea of rain fell In thia city and the Immediate vi cinity and the small streams and creeks are rushing torrents. It la expected that some damage will result through these flood waters. Report received here from 1-exlnnton are that that city is under water frofn a cloudburst, which also occurred Thure day nlglit. . ,' ' . ' Littlo Child at Colon Is Mado Cripple by Tubercular Milk Raiu Interferes with i Alumni Festivities' Duplicate Phone Line May Be Built (From a Staff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN, June 4. (Special.! - The State Railway commission has . derided to permit the People's Telephone company ct Sterling to Issue 121,(00 worth of capi tal stock for the building of a duplicate plant The Lincoln Telephone add Tele graph company now has an exchange, 'of 419 subscribers in Sterling This Is th case which " T.. U Hall, a member of the commission-, made capital nut of when he urged the legislature last winter to frasa a law enabling the com mission to bar the construction of oti pli cate planta except upon a Certificate: of public neceaalty. , , Th opinion In the present caise la by ! the other two commissioner. Mr.- Hall has not seen It yet and doe not know whether he can concur. . ,The opinion take the ground the statute as 'It now is doe not permit them to stop the Issue of any but "watered'' stock; that the province of the commission Is to see that the money I actually spent for construe, tlon. . ' ' ' ' ' (From a Ktaff Correspondent.) I.l.Vni.N. June 4 8cc1al.)-"A re flei'tton 'upon modern civilisation," 1 what Dr. t C. Klein, farmer state vet erinarian, lenna a case at Colon. Neb., the Investigation of whfc h he ha Just completed. T'iberctilasis was communicated to the aon of a well-to-do farmer through tha milk of a dtsened cow. The little boy la 2 month old and otherwise very healthy, but hla tubercular hip. aa dlaa nosed by Dr. Iyrd of Omaha, la likely to mke Mm a life cripple. Dr. Klaln say that the farmer had neglected the proper aanltary precau tions. Motion pictures were taken of the whole Incident, and Dr. Kigln will add them to his present supply of material for an extensive campaign of education. (Frcm a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN. Neb., June 4 (Hperlnl Tele gram --rialr- Interfered with the alumni festlvltle of the university planned for tonight and cla reunion, which bsd been scheduled In outdoor place here were transferred to homes. Six hui.drrd Comhusker alumni were In town tonight for the class reunlona. The altinnrl day activities will continue Satur day with a buslnesa session t th Tem ple, followed by the ortlon delivered by Dr. Mndlsnn Bentley of th University ef Illinois. Dr. Benlley waa a member of the class of 'OS. General J. J. Tershlng la another wll known alumnus expected to attend th exercise tomorrow. The Lincoln pageant will be given to morrow afvrrnoon on the athletic field In honor of the old grad and th festivi ties will close tomorrow night with class stunts and a dance at the university auditorium. Newa Nofe of Lindsay. LINDSAY, Nb., June 4.-(8pe'clai ) Mis Marie Wcidner and Alloy Brachle were married yeaterday at Omaha. There waa some opposition to the match and the bride's parents did not know of the af fair until they returned.. On Tuesday at St. Bernard's Catholic church occurred the wedding of Ml Ma tilda Huseman and Willie Schmidt 'of near 6t. Anthony.. They will make their future home near. St. Anthony. ". ' ftatoon Flh Mill tiae Oa. SUPERIOR, Neb., June 4.-(Speclal Telegram. )-Another chapter In the troubles of the local saloon applicants waa written this afternoon when the city council met to grant licenses to three ap plicants Two of the applicants are brothers of the former applicants and on Is d son. The dry forcea again filed re monstrances. Doa't Neglect Caagka or Cold. Dr. King' New Discovery should be In every home for cough and colds. Chll drn and aged like It. Wc. All druggists. Advertisement vv ny not invest your money in some- j thing mat ha proven oeronci a aonni to be not only aafe and wound, profitable aa well. "Buy a lot" but rr" Everybody Eats Some where mm witam v I life ll ill I 5 1 Jtfts Those who know the best in service, and quality the best in associa tions tho best in surroundings the best in everything go to the best place in everything go to the best place in town The Hotel "Built for You to Knjoy" Sunday tfight "Dinner du Luxe" from fix to nine at. one fifty the person. Usual concert by Clirlstman's Fotitenella Orchestra. Make your reservations with M. Charles Maynard. "The Fonttnelle Will Serve You Well" Hotel 7oikelle irvirx n rrvAi j u .1 msmWV XXWLMJd UIrlLd .-'t- , . . . - . . 1 r f aiiainmw ii u I iiswsJBww row r a irnnii ai nasi n s i Falls City Church Members Do Honor To Father Hoffman FALLS CTTT. Neb.. June 4.-8peclai.) The twenty-fifth anniversary of the residence of Father J. J. Hoffman In Nebraska wa observed here last night May 28 wa his fifth anniversary priest of the church of St. Peter and Paul in this city, the twentieth anniver sary of hi ordination aa a priest and the twenty-fifth anniversary of his" resi dence in the state. A program by the children of the con vent and addresses were given by James Noble, rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal church, John Mullen and Father Bricket of Rvlo. Father Hoffman responded With a re view of hi coming to America, and hi work. HI studies were In Germany, France and Belgium. He came from Bel glum In IteS and to Nebraska in 1900. . During five year' residence at'Rulo he built the church and residence thor and a new church in Arago and one in the Indian reservation near Rulo. From Rulo he went to Bell wood. Neb., whire he remained for ten yeara. At that place he built three churches, a school and a residence and came to this city on May 1910. In this city he built a church and residence, which complete cost ist.ouo. of which $43,000 has been raised and paid In and another S$,00) given In notea. Burt County Pays Money to Treasurer (From a 8Uff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 4. (Special. )-Burt county haa paid over to 8fate Treasurer Hull 12.000 due the state on the old in sane patient accounts. Several other counties are still In arrears. Former Auditor Howard commenced th cam paign td collect these old delits, and it la being followed up by Auditor Smith. Douglas county is paid up. DEATH RECORD. Mr, garata D. Wlnaa. TOLKDO. O.. June 4-i'rs. Sarah D. Wlnans, past national president of the Women's Relief Corps, died at her home here this morning. Mhe was T4 yeara of age. Cerebral hemorrhage was (he cause of death. Vacant Lots. A real estate Investment Into which you ran put a little nroiny ana let the conktantly lncieHning vulnet of Omaha real estate double your iitoney. If you will lake the time to look over the lot bargains in the "Buy a Lot" campaign now running In this paper you will find a lift of the best vacant lot bargain In the city t the very lowest prices. !ook them over now buy now and got goue choice Thousands of Dollars MUST Change Hands Here Saturday Wet Want the Money You Want the Drugs! At Cut Prices) We've Been Told to Move and Move by July 2d So You See the :e Sale Cannot Last Ion: Notice-to Vacat TOOTH Bell Bon, ait a e in D c D D D C C D C C D D i D C D D C C C C c B D B B B B TOOTH POWDER, Odetts' 25c elxe..-.f) ' TOLEVS B A N N R R SALVE, 25c size-12 SRf VAXlTY BOXES,. Peraian Ivory .' . . 16? VAGINAL SPRAYS, : revolving, at.79J - KJTCHELL'9 ilN I- MKN'T, 760 size at 58c and 50c size at. -34 CAI.nWElrL's' SYRUP 'PEPSIN, 60c slie 28 4 'esKAY'S FOOD, 76c size, at , 540 JUVENILE SOAP, 1 5o size at 90 Or 3 for 21t BATHA8WEET SOAP, 2 5c size INITIAL . 30c value LOOFAH kind, at KIDNEY ' Johnsoa's 04 TABLETS, ......184 MITTS, 2 5e ..17c PLASTERS, Red Cross, 25c value 164 NAIL ENAMEL, Har rjlBb 35c kind. . -lOt SANITARY WASH CLOTHS. 10c kind 40 COMBINATION HOT WATER BOTTLE and FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, qt., in wooden box; a 2 value, at SI. IS PO WJDER, 26o kind ........ 00 HAND MIRRORS, In 28cTade,n. . .'. -170 LVSTRITE Cuticle 8oftner;;26c size 160 ' KUZONE TOOTH POWDER, 2 5c value, ' for ........ . ... 100 NO. 18 ROUGE. Kahn weller's 25c'klnd. HO BABY PACIFIERS, 10c kind. at.... '..40 4711 LUXVS TOILET WATER, 50c value, for 340 DOG SOAP, J. ft J. Lister's 10c kind. 60 HAIR ' RESTORER, Goldman' $1.00 size, for -740 KIDNEY TILLS, De Bell's 60c size, 340 NAIL POLISH, Ch&r mont 10c kind.... 60 HERPICROE Sea Weed Cream. 50c kind, 2XC M A Y R8 STOMACH REMEDY, 11.00 size for -740 . FRENCH PILIiS, DR. LA Dl F.K'tf, f2 uo kind. .........81.14 NATURE'S REMEDY, 25c sire 170 It isn't a case where a FEW old time goods and second rate items are boosted for sale but it's a case where EVERY item t ' , ...--. ' , . . . t i in a stock goes at a start ling cut price. If you'vo ever known a ' greater, bona fide drug event, WHERE was it? 9 SEA SALT, fO 35c value . TALCUM, Corylopsis, for .. . MA88ATA ' in 25c size. Bradley's, ....280 Babcock'a 20c size. 'ISO TALCUM, ...:120 SOAP BOXES, in ham mered brass,. 25c klna, for ...-170 STYPTIC PENCILS, 10c kind tor... . .40 RADIUM CORN FILES, 10c kind, 50 LADIES' TOILET PUMICE STONE, 10c kind 50 IRIS ', STRAW HAT CLEANER, 16c kind, for .., 00 TRIPLEX ICE "BAG, HOT , WATER BOT TLE A IRRIGATOR, $3.50 value., .$1.69 REFORM ALCOHOL STOVE, 76c value, for .300 ACME ALCOHOL t STOVE, 60c for , PERFECTION HOL STOVE, kind value, 340 A LOO . $1.00 640 MILITARY BRUSHES, $1.00 kind, pair, 530 HAIR BRUSHES, spe cial bargain lot of 600, all varieties, ea., 580 LATHER BRUSHES. 800 of them, wort a 60c to $1, each, 340 CIXJTHES BRUSHES, 200 of them. In '75c, fl and $1.60, values, now at, each. '. . '580 HARD RUBBETt COMBS, special lot of 400 at, each. . . -160 Another . exceptional lot of 600 at., i -340 Another, lot' at. .480 JORDAN WAX 01L.J This excellent article' In gal. sizes, worth $2 at ......... .. 81.30 H-gal . worth ; $1.25, now at ..... . - -740 1 qt.; worth 76c, 480 1 pt. worth; 4 6c, 2S0 V4 pt. worth 26c, 160 HOUSE PAINT, all colors, In good grade; ration, worth $1.60. it .......080 PRESTON'S GINGER ALE, 1 quart. . .150 Two for 250 Per dozen. .. .81.50 1 case qts, (60), 86 PRESTON'S .GINGER ALE. 1 nlnt in Three for 250 I Per dozen 81 Case of 100 87 Gandies Reduced! Oh Yes-These for Saturday ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, 40c kind Saturday at lb . .. 29c CHOCOLATE PEANUT CLUSTERS 40c kind Saturday at lb 25c CREMi DE MENTHE, 40c. kind to go Saturday at per lb- ' 29c CHOCOLATE CARMEL;COCO D1T. TIES, 40c kind, Saturday at lb....25c GENUINE ORIENTAL PASTE, 40c kind, Saturday at per lb ... . . . 25c SPICED JELLY DAINTIES, 40c ' kind, Saturday at per lb ..... . .25c COCOANUT TURBANS, tbe 40c kind, Saturday at per lb 25c ASSORTED NUT PATTIES, 40c kind, Saturday at per lb 25c TOASTED MARSHM ALLOWS, 40c kind, Saturday at per lb 25c JORDAN ALMONDS, 60c kind, to tro Saturday, at per lb. 39 c PEANUT OVALS, the '25c kind to go Saturday, at per lb 1 4c OLD FASHIONED STICK CANDY, the 25c kind, Saturday at lb. 20c CANDIED ORANGE SLICES, 30c kind, Saturday per box 25c PEPPERMINT HUB WAFERS, the 5c kind, Saturday at 4c MENTHOLATED COUGH DROPS, 5 c kind, Saturday at two for 5 c GARWOODS VIOLET BREATH HEARTS, 1 0c kind.Saturday at 8c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES, Saturday 10c size 8c 5c size 4c WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT GUM. Sat. at 2 package for 5c IMPORTED DASKETS. for fav ors. 5c kind, Saturday two for 5c Summer Outfit For Men Who Want New Classy Apparel Straws That Show Which Way the Wind of Fashion Blows Soft ' Milans and : Leghorn? ; Sailors in rouffh and ' smooth sonnets in every 6tyle a gentle man might "wear. $2 to $6 Flannels and Light Weight Worsted In models for all sizes and figures a mirror fitting will prove.it The values are so obvious that you will not need further convincing. L, $15, 20, 25 Palm Beach. Palmet tos and KoolKlothes MADE LIKE EXPENS IVE WOOL SUITS. Pltau don't con fust them with thou madt in overall factoriet thit line is turned oat by Fint Gats A-l tailors, end will bear oat nil wt can say about them, prices $750 $650 $1250 WW ' OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. mm 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. Saturday Scarf Service Something entirely new. E? V "TliRing Scarf" OUC Displayed in cost window Going to Camp Isn't it natural, to buy your outfit at the store that caters especially to young men ? , ' " " ;, ' Holeproof .and- Interwoven Hose, 25c and. . . .r.; . . .50c ' Sport Shirts ...........$1.50 Ties, specially for tho shirts, at ,. . . .. .50c Goodknit Athletic Underwear, $1.00, $1.50 $2.00 B. V. D.. ..$1.00 Mentor, $1.00, $1.50 and. .$2.00 Flannel Shirts, $1.50 and $2.00 Soft collars, 2 for 25c White Duck and Khaki Pants, $1.50 and $2.00 Palm Beach Pants.. . . . . .$3.50 All Wool White Flannel Pants, at $5.00 M yers-Dillon Drag Compsiny At 16th and Farnam 21 Years But Have Been Notified to Vacate Store Phone Douglas 150 or Write But Make a Personal Call If You Possibly Can A small choice but very choice offices There arc only a few from which to choose, but if any , meet your requirements, you . will be more than satisfied. Talk to any of our tenants and you will find the great satisfaction they nil feel in having an office in THE BEE BUILDING "The building that is always naw" W offer: 222 Choice offlca Suite, north light, very desirable for doctors or dentists; waiting room and private office; 630 square feet. .. -345.00 322 Choice office Suite, north light, very desirable ' for doctors or dentists; waiting room and two private offices; 530 square feet. .. .$-15.00 601 Nice cool office with vault, near elevator and stairs; electric light free, 210 square feet for 318.00 Apply to Building Sup't. Room 103. THE BEE BUILDING For Results Bee Want Ads