Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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111 e fje es Mo mm e Ma
"The leg of the stork are. Ion, the
logs of the duck are short:' you rannnt
make the legs of the stork short, neither
an you make the leas of the duck lon
Why worry?" s,ys the Chinese philoso
pher. The world is not at all aa moat of us
would have It. In suinmrr we who work
In groat cities must face long stretches
of hot days when we drag through our
toll in sweltering discomfort.
But what do we accomplish If when the
first hot day of July arrives we begin to
worry lest this be the beginning of a "hot
pell?" Neither heat nor cold is any the
easier to bear because we worry about
our ability to bear it.
Do you know why an aching tooth
troubles you most at night? During the
day your tooth has ached a bit, but you
have been busy about your tasks and
have bad little time to spend in consider
In the pain, or If you did consider it
at all It was to dismiss It with the Idea
that If It got unbearable you could run
In at your dentist's office for a minute
and seek relief.
At flight how different the case of your
tooth versus you! You lie down in fear
lest It begin to ache and thus cause you
Buffering. Tou worry yourself Into a state
of weak rerepttveness, where pain and
Jangled nerves may have full sway. Tou
Imagine how dreadful the pain will be
when it comes.
All worry has aa poisonous an effect aa
,thisl Never was there wiser motto than
thla one. popular a few yean ago: "I
have had many troubles in my life and
moat Of them never happened."
Troubles are always worse In ant1dpa
tion thin in fact. Sorrow, suffering, pov
erty, ahame any evil that befalls you
can be endured when the time cornea for
faclnr It. Strength is found for facing
reality or else one goes under and la
finished! But for the waste and wear and
leaf and silly foolishness of tilting at
shadows, there la no remedy except Just
to atop.
Worry brings trouble nearer, makes It
happen sooner, clouds hours that might
wel) have been aun filled, weakens the
power of enduring when real trouble ar
rives. Worry nets you no gain, gets you
no power! There Js never an' antidote for
worry in action of a useless sort. It
never sanely works out methods of avoid
ing evil". It Is Just flustered fright that
cannot take proper precautions to prevent
harmful happening. " '
Why worry? There are many things In
life that cannot be changed and 'that
must be endured. Winter la bound to have
Bead It Here See
aa Tommy Barclay
' m The (toddse '
Written by
Gouverneur Mom's
(Oae ef toe Koit JToteble rig.
' area ta American Ultra tort)
Dramatised Into a Photo-Play by
Author of
The Perils of Pauline"
Til Bxplolia of Elaine"
, (Cepyright, 1915, Dy Btar Company.)
Copyright, 1915. by The Star Co. All ITor
eiga Kiihts lleserved.
g mops is f FroTloaa Chapter.
After the traglo death of John Ames
bury his prostrated wife, one of Ameri
cas greatest beauties, dies. At her dVath
J'rof. Stilllter, an agent of the intercuts,
kidnapa the beautiful t-year-old baby girl
and brings her up in a paradise where
ahe aeea no man, but thinks aha ia taught
by angela, who instruct her for her mis
sion to reform the world. At -the age of
It ahe ia auddenly thrust Into the world
where asenta of the Interesla are ready
to pretend to find her.
The one to feel the lose of the little
Ameabury girl most after she had been
spirited away by the interests aa
Tommy. In a few days, however, he
found himself living amid luxurious sur
roundings aa the adopted eon of Mr. Bar
clay. Time In Ita flight bringa manhood
to Tommy and great expectations to Bar
clay, who has planned to have T jmmy
marry into wealth. But Tommy'a lack
of interest In Barclay's businesa affairs
change matters. Barclay meets with
success In breaking up the match he had
really planned. Turned down by the girl
Tommy goea to the Adlrondacks to forget
the affair. While there he meeta by acci
dent Celeatia.
He returned in ten minutes, paddling
quietly', and' found Celeslta playing with
the aand aa if she had been a little child.
Her eyea were bright with animation,
and she had rotten sand on her forehead
and In her hair. Perceiving Tommy, she
tossed a double handful of sand into the
air, and aa the sunlight caught the
myriads of bright surfaces, she said:
"What ia it? Oh. what ia It?"
"Sand," said Tommy.
"Sand," cried Celeatia.
' ' .- -m,.,.,.v ... t -.,-- - r
"Didn't you ever play In the aand when hi, heels, f med and lighted hla pipe, and '
you were littler' closed his eyes sS if In deep thought.
I used to play with diamonds and Stilllter began to show signs of lmpa
rubiea." aald Celestla. "Oh, but thla is tlence. but one of the guides aald:
wonderful. See, you csn write In it and -Better leave him alone; he's got a:
draw pictures. Look. I am making the hunch, likely as not " ' 1
man Stllliter. j Sot until he had finished hie pipe did I
And. Indeed, with her fore-finger for old Wan m-lk-go xl give any algns of
pencil, ahe made an excellent caricature a hat had been rolng on In hla head,
of hl"- j W hen he rose to his feet, he said simply.
"Who taught you to do that, Celestla?" , "Ve find tint joon," and started off In
"An angel," she said, aitnply. ! the dlie. ticn of the lake.
"Well," bald Tommy, "I've heard of I Fifteen rrlnutes later he knelt aud
people who could oris like angels but denlv and appeared to bury his long,
oh. Celestla, aren't you a little tired of hooked noso in tha ground- He roe
Playing this heavenly oilfc-lti business on sfu- a moment's snlfllng and said: "Me
me? I don't take any sum k in It." i got um, sure." Then he ordered one of
She looked at him with a sudden grave the guides to remain behind with the
wonder. 'idogs.1 '
"When I tell you that I come front! And then he went forward, pretending
heaven, you don't believe me?" I to follow a txaij. pointing to marks which
"Why, Celestla." he said, meeting herth other couldn't see, for the simple
gase with ecUal gravity, "you're Just a fact that they didn't 'exist, listening, pre
regular girl. Why there's blood on your lending to hear sounds that couldn't be
cheek, where a deer fly has bitten heard, sniffling, kneeling, and poking hla
ou" long nose into the ground. Onie bo
"Vou've got to believe ine," she said, poked it into a ground hornet's nest.
billiards; summer Is sure to have
scorching sunshine, but against facta ef
climate and natural phenomena, against
strong physical reactions and fatigue1 and
pain and hunger and thirst, worry will
not avail you. ' ' '
Suppose you have not been sleeping
well; suppose you have an" tincom'fort-
able habit of bluahlng, suppose you are
tongue-tied in company: none of (hese
things (or others even more annoying)
will -work on you any great harm. fen
have lived to be. 80 and have been sound
and urtlve in spite of not sleeping four
houre a rilght on an 'average for thirty
years. 1
People who blush or are tongue-tied
and awkward in company often win
friends through their Very simplicity and
shy sweetness. ' " 1
I know a man who for ten years was
"merchant prince." 'During all that
time ha made himself miserable' worry
Ing about the possibility that he "might
starve In a garret" some day. Recently
he met with financial ruin. His worry
ing had net Impelled him to take pre
cautions or save for "a rainy day." But
his worrying had clouded the ten years
that might have been happy. ' 1 ' W
Why worry! There la no force for
good in worry; no Impulse to ward off
evil; no strength to .combat danger.
Worry makes nerves and wrinkjee; It is
the traitor who opens the citadel of your
personality to avtl; it weara you out an
ticipating suffering, so that you are not
strong to combat it If come it should; it
creates an atmosphere In which calamity
flourishes. .
When you have trouble that . can be
met by action or warded off by ' fore-
atght, by alt means act and plan. When
you suspect or ' Imagine . an unpleasant
possibility why-breed over It untWyou
have manufactured you own little "old
man of tha sea'" to carry a e a burden?
When you face facts of 'nature,' of
society, of your .own personality, ' why
worry about the way they art going tu
work but? .:,.
If you coma ever to some swift current
over which there la no bridge perhaps
you can' turn and go some other way.
If not there may be a ferry to carry you
over or perhaps you will find you can
swim or even ford the waters. The evil
you -can Imagine the way out you may
not bo clever enough to conceive. Why
worry? . i -
'""The legs of the atork are long; the
legs of the duck are short. Tou Cannot
make the legs of the atork ahort; neither
can you make the legs of the duck long.
Why worry? 1 ' ' . '
It at he Movies.
and. It seemed to Tommy aha waa tryiag
to piaster him with, her eye. '
"What are you try Ing to do to me?" he
said. ''Hypnotise me?".
And then he laughed, and looked ao
brown and handsome and good natured
that Celestla had to smte at him. "
"Now, Celestla," he saldf'-rm ftolnf to
I take you for a' poa( rl)e. But you've got
to alt atUI-mlghty still. Tou pretend that
! you're back in heaven Jtateniag to Israel,
'accompanied by ' Spheres." ' '.
! But she spoke wth a audden sternness
; that made him very uncomfortable.
I "la there nd' reverence 'leYt 'oh earth?
No fafth? It'a high time that 1 came."'
He helped 'her Into" "the dugout, hla
eyes on the back of her head, enamored
with the way her dark, strong hair tnet;
her straight, white neck, ' end aa hej
paddled he kept saying, "Who the deuce
la she, and what the deuce la she? '
And to these questions he could not find
any answers that were altogether satis
factory. Just as they were landing en the
Island there came to them once more',
faintly, and from far-off the baying1 of
the bloodhounde. ' Celestla gave Tommy
a look full ef anxloua appeal.
"Don't be afraid," he aald. 'They are
milea and miles from here."
So the7 were. All or them. Stllliter,
the guides, the hounds, and the Indian
who rejoiced in the name of Old Man
Smells-good, which. If It referred to any
thing about him except hla ability to
follow a trail waa an inappropriate name.
They were all there, several f iles away;
but Old Man Smells-good waa -in the head
of an exceedingly tall pine, which over
topped' the rest of the forest, and from
which the view waa exceedingly fine an.t
expansive. Old Man Bmells-good had a
pair of eyes that resembled a pair of
teleecopes. He could aee anything that
waa In tight.
' "See anything?" Stilllter called up to
the Indian. '
"No see a damn thing" answered the
Indian without ' changing hla expreaaion.
As a matter of fact, by miracle of optics,
he had just Jiscoered Tommy helping
Celestia ashore on the island.
Smells-good dismounted the tree and
stood shaking hla head.
"No e any damn thing." he aald.
"Dog no good. Smella-good he think a
little. Think up where um moe likely to
The rid fakir. lie seated himself upon
"Old FlamesP
A. IN tf.W f
e H It 1 1 x s 1 - ?i
-.iilt Pi 0k " ;
V IS l si S I I - P f - ' . . a . 1 a .la- .. - VLaV .,'' ! . W
vmams. mpr"w ....
..a.. WW WAI
There In (he sliver (lame of (he candle I see, night after night
tny "old flames." ' Tb man with he frosty, rap to his hair and tho
Subtle Utte shadows of the years that pile up falling on his face,
smiled over his pipe and named them oft for me.
"Sure, enough, a chap who's lived '
as long as I Is beginning to see faces'
In things." And I shall tell you No. l.w
The man, with his mind gone
gladly hack, traveling a familiar road
with feet that gratefully trod the
road called boy-lane again, drew
hard on bis pipe, and I know It was
to curb th ache of tears In his throat
and brows. He lifted bis eyes and
they glittered wet.
" "It was my mother. My. little
mother She was my first love. I
adored ber with all my tiny boy
heart. I was 3 when she died. Though
I lost ber so long ago I have the
deep darkness and kindness of her
eyes the drifting away Jn' the toss
ing boat of ber arms as she swung In
a rocking chair that I possess (it Is
still fed still has little ugly yellow
flowers painted on It though ahe is
gone) the memoir that her hair
was brown aa a chestnut burr and
silky and lnff long as the time
from oae Christmas to the other (and
any boy knows how long that Is), the
golden shine of the plain band-ring
on ber finger as turned and twisted
It with idle hands and the songs
she" used to sing! The gongs she
. "Little Mother with the golden
voice' and the arms that were my
drifting sea, with the velvet cheeks
and the deep eyes above which the
brows sprang like little brown feath
ers little mother who vanished
away ao quickly and left your gay,
young fare painted a picture on
your boy's beart I would give all
meniorieg of the loves that fol
lowed all tbe realities of them
the hope of them if I
and hal a narrow and undlgniflel c si a pa
from being badly stung . .
He led them to the shores of the Iske.
and pointed quietly across at the island.
Even Stilllter could n a pals column
ef smoke coming from among the trees.
"Blmeby, swim over.' said Old Man
Smellsgood, for fi. fetch dug-out- get
ter wait till dark."
And they Halted fill dark. Then O'd
Man Smelte-tfood, having been definitely
promised an extra tZ for the wetting.
Stepped forth strk naked, except for a
newlv filled pipe, and slipped quietly
Into the lake.
IT Ue Cvuinueo Tomorrow.)
I 1 k k I r T
No. 1His Mother
Copyright, llA, lntem'1 Newa Service.
NiA', .
.f k jsa . - anaasaBBBBsr - e s'1 r, - u N n ri t . .7 . - v. J in
Hi "
. .. IS
Jr tl" at
t Hit... n
( rx.N ' .' ' .
H(m ' ;'T"1 "
7a 1 ...-
cou)d be back below the bending light of your face and bear you
singing again, 'Sail on, Silver-Moon!' And I cannotf "" '
"That was my first Love tbe first of my 'Old Flames' Mother
o' mine. "i NELL BRINKLEY. ' "' ' . -
is not a vacation if she has
meals in a Summer home.'' A
a kitchen whether m the mountains,
on the sea-shore, or in the city.
II 111
By Nell Brinkley
-'inn. "Ijt i. -
3r W
. 7
A V Ar
Our kitchen is your
when you loiow
, i
We do the baking for you in our two
million dollar kitchen and its real
whole wheat breadr-al! tha rich, body
building, muscle? making elements in
the whole wheat grain, eteam-cooked,
shredded and baked in crisp, brown
tasty little loaves. THere is " Sunimer
strength and satisfaction in every shred.
Eat them for brealcfast with milk or
cream. Eat them for lunch with berries
or other fruits.
Tbe Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
A Story
I He all have arqualntancea ho pras
j us to go and ass them, any time Just
, when we like. But we rarely dd like, be
I cause we fe-l that people who really
! wanted ta know us better would fl a
meeting In the Immediate future.
These vague Invltatlona, however kindly
meant at tha time thrr are made, are
not meant seriously two mlnuts after,
wards. ,
At least, that la the Impression thev
leave with ua. and we wonder whether
these furious folks who dear lo aually
with the possibility of Intimacy' with our
selves treat all their acquaintances In a
like .r.snner. 'If so, their hold upon'eoeel
Intsrc.turse must be a feeble ens.' a
Apparently they 'do r.ot consider eny
on worth a moment's concentration. I't
m It Is a mstter not of ceilcer.tra.tlrn
but" of cake? "Cake"' requires explana
tion, and v" thcrt muet be tranalated
liberally. I remember, as a erffoef glif. ,
going with some gin friends in their
linm. at the end of an afternoon walk.
hmehow I took It for granted I ahouM
be asked to tea; their mother ' had ear
telnly given ma to understand that
waa always welcome.
"Come n when' you like, dear." ehe
hedsalfl. " " '''
r that It waa with uneasiness, as wsll
as disappointment, thst 1 perclve4 Vrafl
ualfy ' that' no refreehmenta wee to 'be
efferwd me. ' After1 few mlrtutee ot
strained conversation, and trying- fit r
lor.R aa if. the handa ef the tloek
rare l
"lea ttme." I ma
nada tny departure," '"tu
k laJck- ot hopflalt in a
aleJ both bv the
kindly' woman, and the JreuhletJ "faeee ol
my rrjends. Tre younger ' one m me
Into th
""Oh, we i're sorry yeu didn't atop t
tea." she aald Impulsively. '"And U'V
so' silly 'of mother; 1 Just bseause th'er
assn't any eake:rt"' " '"' '"''
"or the moment I could hardly believe
my "'ears. It ecemed 'aovrldeuloua"that
anyone should heve minded offerlne,,"i
hungry glrj tf year bread ahd butter
j i. i.i' .. : .. w- ..Y
and 1"
' Here la
a woeful leek of atpnerity and
with pleasure to the thought of a
dear tH Jady, who fives' In two ronms.
) decidedly poof, an$ neither ehteftiln
nor' la ontertalnad In the- eoriaf eense of
Ihe word. She usually is t hornV'-hnd
I always feel JieTfectly free o run bp the
flight of atalre leading to her pretty
fitting room, knock "at her' oorJ and aay
jn - the most 1 bare-feoed fa'ehK;-8"My
dear Miiej ' Brown," I've ceme' ittf- for
tup ortei."-"- . .'i.-J.x
And riisw gladly she give It me, and
what a good eup of 'tea tf (tjwaya la!
v"eke? '70 there la not gny oake,' unlesa
you have sent a 'link to say yeu were eeml
ng. ' But here dalntfljr cut trKad'and
huttef gntf'Treiflle- chlnr there Hm 'a
"oemfy' chair" to 'alt Wr. and1. 'byc4
everything, there le a wetedtne. a 'eotei
sincere, " unostnntatloua ' wle. Of
touree, I wight have gene' Inte a tea
shop. But ' any woman who ayenda a
treat deal of her time as J do In "fettinf
boul'f and Vnows the uneesinees reul-
tnt upon constant ooiit act rlth "srai'rTS,
ill understand why I prefer Joaopt
Aear ' nrown'" standing, but not
fdle," invitation, V drdp In' Inst whe'r
like. ' " 1 ' l- ' vv" '
to cook