Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tin: r.KK: omaua. khiday. .nwi; 4,
Weflalaa; BUnrs at Xdholm's.
eve Boot FrUt I Now Bsacon Prsss
lectrto eas Burteea-aranden Co.
BartUtsa BttloUaer The He plate
Sinner served at Bchllta hotel.
ttta Park Coneaestoa Karl A. Con
nolly haa been awarded the concession
In Elmwood park thla seaaon, hla bid
beta tlM.
Oltjr to Buy Auto The city council
authorised tha purchase of a runabout
automobile for the city sewer department
at an expense of MT&.
Dr. Janes 9. Ooaaolly, Dentist, wlshei
to announce the removal of his ofrire
to 100-01 Brown block, 16th and Douglas
GU. rormerly In City National bank.
Taaay'B Ooaaplste Merit rrorram'
classified aectlon today, and appeara Is.
Tha Bea EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what
tha various movinc picture tlieatera offer.
T. W. O, A. Olrla to IMonlo The
Tounc Women'a Christian association
"avm" girls will have a picnic Saturday
afternoon and evening at Seymour lake.
Wading;, boa tin it. golf, tennla, volley ball,
base ball and supper are mentioned
among the attractions. j
Look for rreaoh bad A French
youth, who goes by the un-French nam
of George Nelson, is being sought by the
police, as hla sister, Mrs. C. Plies of 223
SouUi Twentieth street, Lincoln, writes
that she Is very anxious to locate him.
Nelson Is supposed to be working in a
local chop house.
peotal Train tot Students To en
able students of the Peru State Normal
school to reach their homes by Sunday,
toJay, ailor the cmne in tho coitMiiiv -ment
exercises, the Burlington will run
a special train from Peru to Nebraska
City. At Nebraska City the students will
catch main line trains tor destinations
out in the state.
Christian Endeavor la Iowa Th
twenty-third annual convention of the
seventh district, Iowa Christian En
deavor union will be held at Shelby, la
June i-10. Miss Mary E. Mcpherrln of
Omaha Is president of the union and
field secretary. The Rev. Charles E.
Cobbey will be one of the speakers at
the Thursday evening session.
Great Western, Illinois Central and
Northwestern- from St. Paul to
Turn Over Cars.
Plain Clothes Men
Find Place to Get
Free Beer at Night
T.n-t tt excusable to "give away" a
bottle of beer when men plead pitifully
for It and say they are as dry as a bone?
Th's puzzling question watt pi oo.mlcd
to Judge Foster in police court by Mrs.
Josephine Ryburn, keeper of a restaurant
at 808 South Eleventh street, who had
been arrested on the charge of selling
llauor without a license. Pollca Officer
Coffey and Dolan, specially delegated by
fnmmlssloner Kugel to sit on the lid.
nroved to bo tha "dry" individuals seek
ina- an oasts In the after-eight-o'clock
Mrs. Ryburn, who said she had been
tivln to. support six children and her
self by running a restaurant. Just hap
pened to have some beer on Ice, and she
felt sorry for the plain clothes men when
they begged for a drink. She admitted
giving them soma, bear,- but said she ac
cepted no money.!
"You have no business either to give
away or sell any beer." the Judge de
cided. "Thirty days, suspended sentence,
and don't get caught again, or you'll hava
to serve it ut"
Jack Kaplan, arrested on tha charge
of keeping a disorderly house at the
Berlin hotel, was fined $20 and costs, and
he appealed to the district court.
Keturn Valuables
for Reward and Are
Promptly Pinched
After returning some stolen Jewelry to
Mrs. B. O. Eeperson, i39 lorth Thirty
fifth avenue, two men who had a
quantity of other small Jewelry and ex
plained that they had found It. were ar
rested by Officers Emory and Wheeler,
and are held in Jail while the matter is
being Investigated.
They gave the names of Charles Clark
of Chicago and Louts 8trauber of Read
ing, Pa. They found Mrs. H person's
name and address In the back of a locket
' among the goods, and secured a reward
from her for returning her valuables,
which were stolen from her house re
cently. Postoff ice Shows a
Big Gain for May
The business of the Omaha postofflce
Is growing by the well-known "leaps and
bounds," according to tha report for May
lust lesued by Postmaster Wharton. Re
ceipts leaped and bounded up 10 per j
cent this May, over May of 191. These
the figures:
Receipts for May. 1915. 1122,740.27
lieoelpts for May. WW IU.3W.W
Increase ".. U
Postmaster Wharton gets all kinds of
Odd little odd Jobs to do for peoP1- E.
Rlegel, 430 East Monroe street, Spring
field, IU., writes: "Please do me a favor
and call up one of the leading morning
papers and tell them that I would like
to bare a sample copy of their paper."
In this connection the oatmastet calls
attention to the fact that mall adddressed
"leading newspaper." or "Best dry goods
store," or even "A newspaper" or "A
dry goods store" Is undcllverable. The
postofflce Ir not allowed to deliver such
mall to any one of the newspapers or dry
goods stores. Mall, to be delivered, must
be addressed to one particular person or
firm at one particular address.
Beginning at eoiue date between
June 16 and SO, In connection with
the Union Pacific, the Great West
ern, the Illinois Central and the St.
Paul brauch of the Northwestern,
will Inaugurate through car service
between Omaha and the Pacific
The move upon the part of the Chicago
Great Western and the Illinois Central,
It Is asserted, comes by mason of a pro
tost upon their part that special favors
wero granted to the Milwaukee and the
Chicago lines of the Northwestern and
the Burlington. It was contended that
the Cnlon Pacific was hauling the curs
of these lines from Omaha and Denver,
while the protestants were completely
shut out on account of not having any
westbound connections at Omaha.
Haaled West y In Ion rarlfle.
Vnder the new plan tnot will be put
In operation within a few days, the Chi
cago tlreat Western, the Illinois Central
anil the fet. Paul and Minneapolis line
of the Northwestern will bring sleepers
Into Omaha on their regular trains. Here
the cars will be held unci run west as a
scrtlnn of No. 19, leaving Omaha just
after midnight.
Unless there should be a radical change
ir. the running of the trains on the three
toads that have formed a traffk- alli
ance with tha Union Pacific the passen
gers will all spend, several hours In
Omaha. In the three roads Joining the
Union Pacific in the traffic arrangements
the trains reach Omaha early in the
evening and will remain here four to six
hours, or until the departure of thj sec
tion of No. IS.
No Local Business.
The new train on the Union Pacific
wilt be a counterpart of the regular No,
19, carrying nothing but sleepers, diner
and observation and parlor car. No local
business will be done.
At Ogden the train will be split, San
Francisco and western California passen
gers going through to the coast on one of
the fast trains, but still occupying their
own cars. Those ticketed for Los An
geles and southern California will have
their cars attached to the fast train on
tho San Pedro line and over this road be
ccrrled to destination. The same plan
will be maintained In connection with
eastoound business.
Anheuser Says Crap
Game with No Stakes
Poor Entertainment
- Is there a man with soul so dead, who
never to a friend has said, "I'll shoot you
a quarter?"
Evidently there Is. at least two, and
they are Officers Coffey and Dolan. who
wander about the city in plain clothes
axter dark, seeking whom they may
arrest for tilting the lid or otherwise
violating the law.- They .chanced to see
dlos rolled on the prescription counter
In . Dr. Rot art O'Reilly's drug store at
Sixteenth and Webster streets, so they
arrested him and four customers.
When the men wero arraigned In
police court, the policemen declared
they had been shooting craps, but. ad
mitted that no money changed hands in
their presence. The officers thought
craps could be played without any stake.
Prosecutor Fred Anheuser Informed them
that "there had to be something to shoot
for," and the case was dismissed.
Friend of Unfortunate Women for
the Last Nineteen Years to
Take Needed Rest.
Prizes Given by Mrs, A. S. Smith to
Be Given to the Winner This
An Italian wedding will be celebrated
with much ceremony Sunday, June 20.
Anna M. Bova, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P. Bova, will be married to Joseph A,
Morlnelll, a Union Pacific employe. The
wedding will occur at 2:30 o'clock at Bt.
Phllomena's church, Tenth and William
streets and the reception will be held In
the evening at Hackle's hall, Nineteenth
and Harney streets.
The war against dandelions, waged
by Omaha boys and girls for the last
month, has ceased. Four bright,
shining $10 gold pieces, offered by
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith of the
Civic league committee, will be
awarded to the children who col
lected the most basketfuls of dande
lions, roots and all, and the "yellow
perils" may now raise their heads
without fear of attack.
In all 15,808 baskets of the yellow en
emy wer destroyed by youthful fingers
and deposited In designated fire stations.
Gregory Wakefield, 7727 Meredith ave
nue, Is champion long-dlstsnoe annlhl-
lator, having ploked 1,404 baskets. Greg
ory won the prise in the northwest sec
Little Marian Wllmoth, 8711 North
Twentieth street,- won the prise In the
northeast section of tha city. She picked
1,899 baskets of dandelions.
Ralph Bonacol, 1018 South Twenty-sev
enth street, brougnt 1,808 baskets to the
fire station In the southwest district, and
thus carried off the prise there.
Otto Mohr, 612 South Seventeenth ave
nue, collected 919 baskets In tha south
east section.
. Little Harriet Stanley, 2814 North Twenty-fifth
street, collected 1,089 baskets, but
Is not eligible for the prise In her district
Vecause of her good work, however, Mrs
Smith Is going to present her with a spe
ctal prise.
The goid pieces will be presented Fri
day afternoon after school In Fire Chief
Salter's office.
More dandelions were picked In tha
north part of town than the south. Mrs.
Smith accounts for It by the lack of
temptation offered by amusements.
"The children are farther away from
downtown and there are not so many
moving picture shows on the north side,"
she said. Mrs. Smith is enthusiastic about
the good the children derived from being
In the open air while picking the dandelions;
Mrs. Jennie McTherson, friend and
counsellor of thousands of unfortu
nate women, has decided to resign
her position of matron of the Poug
lns county Jail, which she has held
for nineteen years. A statement by
friends that she will make known her
ntentlon to Sheriff McShane as soon
as he returns from a trip to Indian
apolis was confirmed by her today.
'Mrs. Mar," as she has been known In
the Jnll during all the yeara she has been
In charge of the women s department
there. Is a kindly hearted Scotchwoman,
who hits never permitted one of her
charges to leave the Jail without urging
the unfortunate to quit the ways of sin.
8oore have taken her advice, many
others have been indirectly helped by
Moat Desire to no night.
Has your experience rauaed you to
lose fa!h In human nature?" Mrs. Mac
wns asked.
Human nature," she answeted, "Is
the same Inside a .Tall as outside. It la
partly gooC and partly bad. I always
have txlievcd and still believe that most
men and women desire to do right.
"Lack of moral virtue In women goes
with tho loss of their self-respect. That
is why to few women who become crim
inals lone- retain personal morality. They
are not Hke men who may be criminal In
some n'Otlves and actions, yet keep for
themselves a standard of some sort which
Is the messure of their solf-respect-
Majority Reformed.
It Is not true that most unfortunate
women descend lower and lower, as Is
generally believed, until they die In mis
ery and disgrace. Many reform and be
come wives and mothers, or make honest
'Of the few women who have been In
mates of the Jail whose later lives are
familiar to me, more have reformed than
have not done so. One exception Is a
woman who has been an Inmate at In
tervals during the entire nineteen years
I have been matron. Yet even aha comes
here must leas frequently than In former
years. She may yot die an honest woman.
I am more than W yeara of age. I
need a rest," was Mrs. Mao's reason
for retiring from service.
Steals Drugs from
the Medicine Case
of Police Surgeon
A dope fiend who rifled a medicine case
belonging to Dr. C. B. Folts In order to
get the drug his system craved. Is being
sought by the police. The physician, who
la one of the city police surgeons, found
that somebody, evidently driven to dee
perate means to get dope, had oat a hole
In the leather aide of a locked medicine
grin left by Dr. Folts In his off loo In
the Crelghton block.
Maney Again Ousted
as Chief of Police of
Benson by Default
James Maney, chief of police of Benson,
whom the dlstrlrt court said Mayor
Mather could not discharge by casting the
deciding vote In the vlltsre council, was
ousted a second time Wednesday, when ,
the mayor played another trump card In i
the ime. i
The council held a meeting. "Regarding
Jnmea Maney, the chief of police," Msyor
Mather remarked, "ho failed to qualify
within ten days as provided by law as
an officer holding over from a previous
term. I hereby declare the orflce vacant."
A hurried search of records and law
books failed to reveal a flaw In tho
mayor'a Ingle. No successor to Maney haa
yet been chosen.
There's only one Easy
way to use Soap.
There's only one Easy-Way
The city commlsswners accepted an In
vitation to Join In the parade to be given
on June 14 In connection with the annual
convention of th Travelera' Protective
"V Soap to use.
:t a
I in
1 1
1 1
withS-in-One. Blots
out scratches. Sends
stain and finger marks
to limbo. Brings back
bright new look. Wipe
with damp cloth and
3-in-One. Polish.rubbln
with (Train of wood.
A Dictionary oi a
hundred other uses
I with every bottle,
j lOc.Uc.SOo all stores.
' Three-lnOne Oil Co.
42 N. Bdwy, N.Y.
Ta Caaso of Kheaasatlasa.
Use Sloan's Llnament and you won't
care what causes It. Tho first applica
tion helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia.
26c. All druggists Advertisement.
The Omaha Crleket club asks that all
cricketers In Omaha meet at the Miller
park course Saturday afternoon at 1:80
o'clock. A match or two will bo played.
Becosaasead. C hamkerlala's Colic,
f balers Diarrhoea Heated y.
"I never hesttate to recommend Cham
berlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy." writt Sol Williams, merchant.
Jesse, Tenn. "I sell mote of It than of
any other preparation of like character.
I have used It myself antt found It gave
me more relief than anything aUe I have
over trtui for tha same purpose." Obtain
able everywhere. AdvertUement.
IGID selection of berries: skill in
Xv roasting; expert blending; pack
ing that keeps in the flavor; strength
that keeps trie cost per cup down
these things have given distinction to
Old Golden
Over forty years of experience is behind every
cup you drink, and a reputation for flavor and
aroma. That is why so many people have changed
from drinking just coffee to drinking Old Golden.
You can find Old Golden at all good grocer', in air
tight, moisture-proof pound packages either steel
cut, with the chaff removed or in the bean for those
preferring to grind it at home.
Established 1873
Miller of th Famous Tom Bros. Spic
in cool or lukewarm
water. It does away with
all hard rubbing. It works
while you rest. It saves
money, time and strength.
Fill a Co- Philadelphia.
Would Itch. Scratched and Irritated
Them. Clothing Aggravated.
Could Not Sleep. Used Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment. In
Four Months Was Well.
1324 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago. 111.
Little pimples began to break out on my
arms and legs. The skin was red and water
would run from the pimples. They would
Itch and burn and that made me srrstrh and
Irritate them. My clothing aggravated the
breaking out 1 could not Bleep.
I used a great many remedies but they
failed to help me. I had the ecxema for
five months and then I used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I washed my arms and legs '
Ith the ftoap, then I applied the Ointment.
They stopped the Itching and burning and
gave me good nights' rest. In four months
was well." (Signed) Benjamin SchedeL
Oct. 18, 1914.
Although the Cuticura -Soap and Oint
ment are moat successful In the treatment
of affections of the sldn. scalp, hair and
hands, they are also most valuable for every
day use In the to(let, bath and nursery be
cause they promote and maintain the health,
of the skin and hair from Infancy to age.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Bkln Book on request. Ad-
4ress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Bes
Bold throughout the world.
Good Chances
to Get Into Business
Good opportunities In business are scarce and you can waata
considerable time In uaeleea Investigation unfaes you can review
a number of good chances at one time. There la a wealth of
opportunities advertised errery day In the "Bustnes Chnoe"
column of The Bee.
If you have money to invest in profit
able concern, if you need a partner or ad
ditional capital in your business, you -will
find what you desire in these columns.
Look them over evry day for a short time. Pick out those)
that eeem likely and Investigate. You will aava time and money
ta picking up a good business.
TeUphont Tyhr 1000
Cswiyey Aaf fee WauU Adi
1 Mm r k k
mi i
BROOK, tricking cool and music
ally dbirough the velvety dark of
the tdkoaixck wooda. hishete
the robed Cclcatia with her newly found
protector wade, to throw her pursuer
off the trail. v
And aa vcC friend, next week watch
the-couple in this most romantic and beau
tiful morion picture episode, you will have
reason to thank Gouverneur Mecra for
, -i.i(w-wifr,f.ri:iifUj-jW'",
sod the Vsngcaph CotrMny tor tLe essiajiato.
nnw of the setxusgs. Why, it's aa good as
trip Dxho oxxmtains it's like a vacation in
cool stgnmer lands, for never tjefore wu nature's
beauty brought to the theatre ia such way aa
this. Scenery of the moot perfect artist paJra
before this erer-ckanging vista of reeJJty.
And as Anita Stewart, oaowtain nymph ta
troth fuB before you, there rouat ensne toyoeur
hs an overwhelming senat of beauty asai eaC
i - t bj a jrsr
M .1;
fZ-rsv BilZA , A Vf St T --Mk fl it J il