Tllh HKft: OMAHA. KKIHAV, .lliNE 4, l'Jlo. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE POUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. " VICTOR nOBEWATER, EDITOR. The Pee P-aMishtng Company. Proprietor. mt.U BU1LD1NO. rAftNAM AMD SEVENTEENTH. gntaced at Omaha poetofflce as eccond-rt matter. TEKJdfl Or SUBSCRIPTION. By carrier By wall per month. pee yar. itaflv and Sunday , c M o Iaily without Sunday... 5 4 00 pvenlng and "iinday., n Kvwnlng without Sunday . 4.40 unday Ie only c J (onl notice of rhtnx of address Or rotnplslnts of irregularity la delivery to Omaha Be-t, Circulation Department- REMITTANCE. Bemlt hv draft, express of postal order. Only two. cent stamps received tn payment of email -ervunts. I'ersonal rheeks. except on Omaha and eestern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha-The Be Building, gnuth Omaha Jil N street. Council Bluffs 14 Nnrlh Male street TJncnlne Little Building. Chtraro-aoi Hearst Building New fork Room 111, - Fifth avanua, t lywils n New Rank of Commerce. Wsohlnxton T Fourteenth M-. N. W. CORRERPONDENCB. 'Address eommunleatlon relatlnr to mwi and edl to rial matter to Omaha, Bee. Kditoriai Department. MAV CIRCIXATION, 53,345 Stale of Nebraska, County of Douglaa, as: Dwlaht Williams, rlrrulatlon manager of The Bra PubNehlne- company, being duly morn, say that the average circulation for the month of May, we W.34S. DWIOHT WIU.IA1M. C.roilatlon Manager. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me, thla 3d day of Juno, lso&. ROBERT Itl'NTER, Notary Public. ftabecrlbere leasing ttM cf temporarily should bT The Bee nailed to them. Ad dress will b changed aa oftea as reqaosted. 9W 4 Thought for the Day 5eecf eat by Mr. W. . Hitckftk ''Going through a good book i$ Ma w&'.king in a garden ofJUnner$; tven if you bring away mot on bloitom you will tarry 4U fragrant on yovr garmtnti," Uncle. Earn to Carranxa, Villa & Co.: Get together or fet off the earth. The allied Teuton evidently intend to annex the bear'a hide as well ss the tall. It takes nice Juggling to praise the president and the kaiser In the same editorial, but it can be done. It Is not what war censors tell, but what they suppress, that constitutes news of the first magnitude. " . ' ' - The annual crop of diplomas grows with each passing' year and dispenses more Joy than any other "product of civilization. ; J - J. Resumption, of train service In the west, indicating a resumption of travel, -ought to be reckoned, as a proof of resumption of business. i (As a vendor of rare days, June has a repu trtion' to sustain. Imitating the ' weather tan going of May Is most unbecoming' 1b the bridal month. , , If J. G. Blessing prill shout as bird for Greater Omaha as be did for Soutit Omaha, an tiexatlon will have gained us 1 one rellsble booster. . (ln the treat world series for the champioD at.lp pennant, Austria appreciates more' than any other bush leaguer the value of a first-class batter In a plnoh.'- v. . Attorney Oeneral Reed Is going to let his deputy look after the routine board meetings, while he attends to the business' of his office. Which Isn't bad plan. r "According to press dispatches, the French armies are to be served with beef on the hoof during the summer. . No trouble In getting the animals killed Is anticipated. I 1 .Urgent necessity calls. upon inventive skill for' a safeguard against asphlxlatlng gases on the firing lines. Herein lies hope of an effec tive' muxzle for gaseous Jingoes. Constitutional Government for Mexico. Prenident Wilson's new policy Is one that ought very soon to end In the establishment of a stable and responsible government along con stitutions! lines In Mexico. The president pro pose to recognize no faction, but to require all to unite. If possible, and among themselves form a government. This will require an adjustment of differences among them, the abandonment of certain personal ambitions, perns pa, end a gen uine spirit of unity. Failing in this, the United State wilt take steps to set up a government for Mexico, regardless of the wishes of the factions now disputing for control and doing only dam ace to the country. The incapacity of the several leaders for any of the serious business of government has been thoroughly- demonstrated. Their pretensions to patriotism have proven as empty as their claims to real ability, and they are no longer entitled to confidence or respect. In the last two years they hsve demonstrated roost conclu sively that no one of them has such qualifica tions as fit him for responsible duties in connec tion with government. Neither has any of them the confidence of a sufficient number of Mex icans to give him enduring support aside from bis "army," in event he should be elevated to the presidency. In the natural order of things all activity, save that of the guerilla or bandit warfare, In Mexico has been suspended. The people are starving, 'and we are treated to the sptac1e of one of the self-styled liberators of the country seising the corn sent there for the relief of the helpless. It Is the purpose of the United States to end this condition. In doing so It may be necessary to send armed forces Into Mexico, but only when all other means have failed, and then on a mis sion of mercy and to establish constitutional government, that the people of Mexico may have peace and prosper. Opposing the Merger. City officials of South Omaha are reported to be In favor of entering suit to test the legal ity of the merger of the municipalities as de- Lclded by the voters on Tuesday. If they are reany serious in tms intention tney snouid not delay the action any longer than Is absolutely necessary. It should be determined at the earliest possible If the lew under which annexa tion is to be accomplished is flawless. As it stands, the course of the bill through the legis lature is known to be regular, and the verdict of the people Is affirmative. The only serious objectors are the city officials, who will be dis placed when the governments are consolidated, and, some others, whose Incomes depended on the separate governments being maintained. All visible evidence Is in fsvor of consolidation, but If the law Is to be further tested, action ought to be taken at once. Without the stimulus of a war order, makers of galvanized Iron products boosted prices (10 and 114 a ton. The news combines the symp toms of prosperity and the uplifting power of a galvanised pipe cinch. "is destiny a result of the reasoned processes and ethics of finite minds, or Is it something beyond fh reach of reason and the human will?" demands our esteemed double-ended con temporary. We'll bite. Is It? Professional crooks of Chicago are disre garding the mayor's ordera to leave the city, business is too good to admit of a hasty exit, ttesidss. their social relations render them lm nune to the dust of political new brooms. The last of the ldVt mualcal rerltale for the a- mn pruved exceptionally enjoyable. Thoee contributing to tha program Include: Mr. C. E. Squires. Mr. Nye, Mi. Labrok. Mr. saurr and the Mlaaea Offi cer, Jtufttn. Boultef, ftolhachlld. Market and Ptull. The Thomaon-Houaton Ktertrtc Uvht company liaa tMkeri tl.e leaae on a brie- bulldlna; between 4'apUol avenue and Podse, where they will place their u4 cUtwry. " 1 The number of old houaea belna moved about ti make way for new bulldlna lndu-ate a growm- boom. alUr Dal of tbe Union Pacific general freight dtf.aj-tBieat waa relieved of a M gold piece while b&lTtiiif at the Nautorlum at Uie doom hour. Ti. Omaha Waaei club la arranglna; for a great aporl prog-iaru for July i. Including a teo-mlle nut for u. chsmptooahtp of the northweat. in which H li.'d-k wtll be the Omaha entry. It A. llaakeil of The Bee left for Big Kaplda. Mich., and will return In bout ten day, bringing with him ),t wife, who has been viaitlng there. ;Tb Ciiineae Mother" waa put ea at Oelghioii col ! se hall aa an amateur pei-furmauce by the Hum Mrv .vfitTihy, Km-I la Heelan. Nellie l-avb, JrV. Urimvti Kila Crelgtiton, May DtVinn. Kliey farlin ami o l' ci A Notable Feat of Arms. The retaking of Prxemysl by tbe Austro fjermsn' armies will rank a one of the most notable military episodes of the present war. When thla great Austrian fortress fell Into Rus sian hands a. little over two months ago. after aBieee of several months,. Its garrison being Vctually starved out -by tfie Russians, It opened a way for Invasion of southeastern Germany, and seemed to Indicate a triumph for Russia. To be'sure,(Germany still had a word to say about this, and the event proves-that It was no psrt of the Raiser's strategy to permit the czar's krmles to run unhampered over, that part of the world. The Russian dah over Qaltcia, and the campaign In the Carpathians, was soon met by what experts say has been the most tremendous offensive movement of the whole war. German and Austrian allied armies have relentlessly at tacked and driven back the Russians, step by step, mile by.mlle. day after day, until Prxemysl has succumbed to a twenty-day bombardment, and I again held by the Germanic allies. The importance of this victory is only un derstood when the relation of Prxemysl to the wheat fields of Hungary and the great farming regions of eastern Prussia 1 understood. Hold ing the Russians back from Jhla part of tbe country means the Germans will be able to ralae and harvest another crop before their farms cau again be aerlously menaced by the army of the csar. This Is the prime advantage of keeping back the Invaders. It postpones Indefinitely the day of short rations in Austria and Germany. tfo More Duplication of Plants. The Nebraska Railway commission is about to issue an order that may have the effect of determining to what extent it controle the erec tion of public utility plants. It Is forecasted that the order will be against the establishment of a second telephone plant in an interior town, the commission being opposed to the duplication of plants. Thla conclusion 's sound in principle and practice, and, had it been observed, it would have resulted In Nebraska in the saving of a very considerable sum of money to Inves tors. It Is the function of the commission to so control and regulate the service of the public utilities of the stale that tbe patrons will have little, if any, cause to complain. With this pro tection, the public Is assured of all advantages tbat might come from the existence of com peting plsnts. and is relieved of the annoyances tbat duplication certainly provides. In the tel ephone Industry particularly, the monopoly of service la to be desired, but it must be always under publle control. It is so in Nebraska, with resulta far more satisfactory to the patrons than ere possible a few years ago, when competition between rival companies resulted in duplication, annoyance, and additional expense. Tbe prosecution of a London newspaper for printing uncomfortable facts is not a proceed ing peculiar to war, though related to war news. In peace times in England and on the continent proof of the truth of a publication is not ac cepted as a defense against damages. "The greater the truth the greater the damage" is I be rule of the courts, especially In the cases of Individuals pilloried by newspapers, A steel boat on its wsy from Chicago to New Orleans with a full cargo, stopped at 8t Lcuis long enough to start a little more talk of navi gating the Missouri in its upper reaches. The , Missouri Is just as susceptible of navigation to ( dny as ever It foes, the only thing lacking being i the freight. 4'tils puts lb matter squarely up to tb shippers. Why Italy Went to War y Caesar Begasai. OMAHA. Jun 2. -To the Ml tor of The Bee: Let m preaent some facta regarding- the entrance of Italy In the war. Auatrte now bold Trent nd Trieste, two dlatrlcU geographically Italian, and whose population In mnlnly Italian. They are both on the rojtli aid of the Alp, and would eaelly give command of Venetla, and of the Incomparably fertlt Po valley, to an army, Austrian or otherwise. Invad ing Italy from the north. Northern Italy tiaed to b the battlefield of every contending European nation, na Poland la today, and the beat wsy to prevent repe tition of thla, and to hold off any poeelble enemy, is for Italy to have It natural frontier, th Alp. No on miiat lose sight of the fact that the Italian want th Alp a, frontier much more than they want to nnlt to Italy the Italian uhjeot to Aus tria, not to sneak of eome Teuton In Trento, and aome Hlavs In Trieste. The Italian government, of course, through the preaa, the sehool arid ether agen cies, represer.ta to th people that the aim af Italy to unite to Italy th Italian subject to Auatrla be cause In this way it I more likely to arouse en thusiasm tn th common people, who would hardly appreciate the strategical Importance of th Alps for the defenae of Italy. Austria waa willing to give up a very small slip f territory between the Isonso river and the present frontier, but the Iaonso raort of the year la either dry or can be croeeed without any bridges, therefor its value to Italy for defensive purpoee would have been smalt. According to th Italian note to neutral countries, in th TrenUno. Auatrla would have ceded territory up to a line run nine from wet to east, and paaaing about aeven mllea to th north ef Trento. "thereby excluding aome parts Inhabited by Italians." Th statement of the German chancellor, "part of Trento Inhabited by Italian," tallle with the foregoing. Such a proposition would have given to Italy a boun dary of no strategical value, aaya the Italian note. Alao, according' to th report In th newspaper In the day In which Italy decided for war. General Ca doma. chief of th Italian general ataff. repreeente to Premier Balaodra that, accepting th Austrian con cession. Italy would stUl have had on It northern frontier a constant menace. Another report atd the minimum demands ef Italy were: Trleete, Capo d'lstrla and Flramo to be free clllee, the frontier In the Oulf of Trieste to he brought as far a Na brealna aome ten mile from Trleete; Italy to have some Islands lm the lower Dalmatla, nd In Trento to et a frontier th border of the kingdom of Italy In 1811. This border would run eloae to the ttth parallel, and would give Botsen to Italy, leaving to Austria Meran and Buxen, together with the upper reaches of the Adla-e valley. Clear-minded peopl in Italy see that Austria cannot, and must not, be made a land locked country, and with this arrangement Austria would have kept nearly all Its present aeeooaat. Tiscte would still have been Its commercial port, and many more Italian would have been left to Austria than th Teuton In and around Botsen, who wouM have come to -Italy, A for agriculture, there la not much to he had around the crags of the Dolemltes. But th central empires evidently didn't want to give up the atateglcal part of the Adige (EHsch) valley, thla huge Austrian wedge eet Into Italian territory, which would have enabled them to have the beat of Italy In any question arising by. having It at an over whelming disadvantage. Italy Is alao at great naval disadvantage In rela tion to Auatrla because, while the Austrian coast 's full of splendid natural harbors, th Italian coast In the Adriatic Is devoid of any except Venice, which Is not much adapted for a naval base, I am told. Thla Is the reason for which Italy asked some Islands In lower Dalmatla, Islands, which' aa well as Dalmatla, belonged to an Italian state, the Republic of Venice, from the sixth to the eighth centuries, and have only belonged to Austria for the last hundred year, and whoa population 1 mostly Italian. Tbs Adlge valley Is of great Importance t Italy for its defense, to Auatrla only for offense. Had Austria acceded to the Italian demand In this quar ter, I have no doubt that other differences would have been settled In some way. - The fact that th treaty of the Triple Alliance pro vided for compensating Italy In certain circumstances hows thst Italy never gare up its aspirations to Trento and Trieste. Besides thee under Austrian rule. Italy has lorot other vnredeemd land, but either they belong to now mflltarletlc state, and the Italian nationality there la scrupulous!? respected, or euoh lands are not aa vital aa Trent for the defenso ef Italy. Soma peopl will say that there is no precedent for a nation that turns an It own eiliee. I think ther I om such precedent, excluding, of course,' the esse of the Balkan states, and there Is record even of a whole army going bodily over to the enemy's side during a battle. But even if there Is no such precedent, should Italy be much In need of being, able to point to a precedent, while Germany, itself, these very days Is making its own precedents, as we see In case of th Falaba and LsisltauilaT Could not Italy have had Trento. Trieste and more somewhere else had It gone ( war against PranoeT Tea, I say. But after the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, and Germany's rejection ef the British media tion plan, the Italians became convinced that Ger many and Austria, unprovoked, wanted war.. Some body retaed the cry, "Remember W Any other consideration apart, a war with Franc became Im possible because against the national wilt. As Italy was bound by a defensive alliance, I do not think many will question Ha clear right to atsy neutral. It Is easy to say that Russia started the war. bijt not easy to prove It Th csar sent a tele gram U the kaiser proposing- arbitration, and aa an excuse for not printing It In the German White Book, Germany stated that only document af Importance could be printed there. The principal scheme o? Pan-German lam la the "Prank nach Oaten." a German empire comprising Germany, Austria, the Balkana. Persia, Afghanistan and India, and Servla had to be subjected because it held th key In the realisation of this plan en ac count of Its geographical position. The murder "f Yancla Ferdinand juat made it possible to gtye some color of right . to the way la which the war was started. - Ilerr Delbruk ahould be thanked for' saying that Auatrla demanded conditions which would have placed Fervia under Its permanent control. Ex-Premier Glol llttl In the Italian Parliament aaid that tn August. 113. Austria Informed Italy of Its intention to Invade Serbia, (no archduke had been killed then, and that Auatrla was informed that In such a caae Italy would stay neutral. So In 1U the central empires knew they could not count upon Italy. If Huron was a federation. In some way like the t'nlted States. Italy would not care if Trento nj Trieste belonged to Austria just aa Nebraska duean t care much If eome atrip of land on this aide of th Missouri belonged to Iowa. If this country was divided like an armed camp as Europe Is, even tn times of peace, and aome state wanted to force Its domination or Its culture, or both, on the others at the point of the bayonet. In many quarters there would soon arise the determination to changw even by war aonve of the me rt dan a tn order to make them correspond with aome natural obstacle to the paaaing of an army. Nebraaka, too, would claim all the low territory on the right aide of the Missouri. Europe rould, and ought to be. united. But aeelng what is sTotng on, who can blame the Its Haas, because they don't hope that nl union will soon come? At thla Isst moment I see a map In the IJLerarv Digeat In which the whole south Tyrol aa far aa the Brenner la represented aa having been offered to Italy. No! lOven Italy's minimum demands, accord. Ing to the report I have spoken of. were just two thirds of the shawled territory, and Italy, according to official Information, was offered ene-thlrd of It. Kaseraeaey Prayer. Owe day. while Willie and Harry were playing la a field they disturbed a bumble bee's nest and basest running, with th bee after them. When they had run Tor a few yard. Ilarrw breath leaaly panted. "Willie, we ought to pray while we are running '.' j To which Willie reulted: "I know It, but I can't 1 think of but one iiraer." And Willie. t'RfS admonished, called out between gls: "Oh. lx)ruJTfo.r what we are about to receive, luaka us truly thankful V National Monthly. rfcaT'ir? Blessing Give Ills Blesstaa. HOXITK OMAHA, Jun X.-TO the Edi tor of The Bee: I. not by this morning's Be that a majority of the citizens Kouth Omaha by their vot yesterday fa vored consolidation with Omaha and Dundee, so I ssy "nmen.":and. whll I stUl Insist th b!l was unconstitutional, I acquteac. as I am now satisfied a ma jority of South Ovnaha cltisens wanted to he annexed to Omaha. I congratulate Omaha .ion it wisdom ef annexation to Its already "Great city," on of the greatest Induatrial cities in the weat, and for its sge the "Msctc City" wss th beet In th United States. nd while I voted against the merger yesterdsy and should have don so as long ss I wss a eltlsen of South Omshs, I will now bury the hatchet and "cure all aor spots" and be a "booster" for Omaha, on of th very best cities in th United State, and hope it In turn will do all in it power to help the south part of Omaha, o w will all feel like working for the union of two of the best cities In the world. Sincerely yours, J. G. BUDSSING. Sooth Stdere Rejoice. SOUTH SIDE, OMAHA, June 2.-To the Editor of The Bee: With an overwhelm ing vote In every precinct of South Omaha In favor of consolidation with Omaha, we who have stood for the con solidation for a number of yeurs past, feel that we ar fully vindicated In our claim that th peopl wanted to annex to Omaha and whan a fair vot could be taken. It Is shown that the people of South Omaha are ready and willing to become part of th great city of Omaha. With practically no organisation among the friends of consolidation, the victory for consolidation Is the more pleasing and decisive. It does not seem to us that sny of the antl-annexatlonUts win have th nerve to take th matter into court any more. It does not look aa If tbey would have much standing in court in face of the tremendous victory for an nexation. I have been accused by some ef the antta of being the cause of th sentiment down here in favor of tb consolidation. Of course I would be proud to claim that distinction, but It seems to me that th peoplo o? South Omaha wanted a change and they were bound to have it, for they feel that things are bound to Improve now. Ws rejoice In the fact that such an overwhelming majority of the resi dents of thla part of Omaha voted for th consolidation and rejoice that Instead of being called South Omaha, we can from thla time on forever call ourselves residents of the city of Omaha. I pre dicted a two to on vote down here for conaotldatlon last Sunday. F. A. AG NEW. eUlIasr Some) "gtatlatlos." SAN FRANCISCO. May St. To th Editor of Tb Beei Much pleased to find The Bee of the ftOUi and news from home at the newsstand here. I note therein a communication from your Des Moines staff correspondent ef the 1Mb. announc ing that a certain circular is to be freely distributed through Iowa, the contents of which should not go unchallenged. It is to tb effect that SO per cent of the penitentiary expense, 68 per cent ef the cost of maintain leg the reformatory and feeble minded institutions and 0 per cent ef tb expense of lnean hospitals -and "all other Institutions" (whatever they may be) is due to Intoxication. Such ex travagantly fictitious claims (I will pay 11.000 to anyone who can prove that even one-tenth thereof Is true) ar constantly being circulated by th Antl-Ssioon learu and ar merely a pert ef their well-defined plan to pojsxm tho source of pub lic Information with false statistics, a fact well known to every publisher. The statement referred to Is In line with ex Congressman Hobson'a assertion In con gress last December that alcohol kills 700,000 American cltisens every year. Al though that mendacious fabrication, no doubt credited by millions of readers, was denounced by th unprejudiced press of the country, U bobs tra persistently from time to time and waa reproduced only this month m the Modern. Woodman ef Rock Island through an article by Walter Allen Bice (whoever he may be), and favorably commented on as "the truth about King Alcohol." One would think that a reputable Journal published In the Interests of tbe many members of tbat organisation would be extremely careful and conscientious in selecting articles for Its columns. To show the total absurdity of Hobson's claim I will quote from th United Kates census, which give th annual total deaths In the United States aa l.xuo.OOO, of which 700,000 are males, so that Hob son' claim that 700,000 eltlsen ar silled every year by alcohol, mean that each and evciy death of' mates of all ages, babies Incladed. is due to alcohol. The fact that nearly 60 per sent die under 14 years ef sge would eliminate -some 430.000 deaths from the possibility of be ing du to alcohol, leaving only about 40 per cent, or 280.000 deaths, amongst males of U years and over. Now th vital sta tistics of the' government census classify the causes of deaths by percentages, showing that about 00 per cent are due to a great variety of diseases, many of them contagious, such as typhoid, ma laria, smallpox, diphtheria, cancer, etc., which cannot possibly be du to alcohol. In fact, carefully compiled statistics show that out of s,000 deaths In 191!, within- the so-called registration at). a. there were less than 11.800 CSatha with even a remote history of the probsble excessive use of liquors . This means that Instead ef 709.00 deaths as Hobeon claims there could not pos sibly be more than 1&.O0O case a th total United Stats where alcohol may poaaibly - have shortened Ufa, or one fortieth of hat eur "kissing here" would make us believe. Th prohibition propaganda - depends largely upon such and similar mtarepre sentatloua. The professional reformer realise that with taking away such fic tion they will have ne ground to stand on. With there It Is a remunerative busi ness which thrive on Ignorance and su- perstitt'jn, but what excuse has any re putable journal for Imposing upon its readers by serving out to thein such glaringly false Information. Real tem perance has nothing to gain by such tactics. Th United States census bureau sta tlst lea ahow for the twelve years from mm to 111 that although the consump tion ol liquor taoreaaed St per cent th death rat during that same period de creased 14 per cent. Bcientlflo Investiga tions of the most thorough and reliable sort by eminent medical aathortties have shown that the strictly moderate drinker 111 outlive the total abstainer. In an at tempt te prove the opposite certain lrsur a nee siatlstlciaas and physicians try to fare their figures inli lite strait jacket of their prctmclrd notion and inva riably charge up th results of xcestve use to th moderate us which neces sarily leads to deceptive conclusions. Monotony, grief, worry, anxiety, laek of Innocent pleasure and wholesoms di version cause ever so many more prema ture deaths thaa vn the excessive use of liquors. A. L MET Kit. lOBTHFUL REMARKS. At ths close of ths forenoon session ef a mlrlsterlsl conference In Phllsdelrhla. In announcing- the opening subject for the afternoon, the presiding officer said: "Elder Jones will present a paper on 'The Devil. " Then he added earnestly. Please be prompt In attendance, for Brother Jones has a carefully prepared paper and I full of hi subject. "New York Time. 'Our neighbor certainly works hard on Ma lawn, yesterday he was cleaning away all the dead leaves." "Well, you know he Is a profssional grafter." "What ha a thst got te do with his work ins so hard na his lawn?" "Why, naturally, he sees a rskeoff in It." Baltimore American. KABICaE KABARET VtAesy 1CrIIS MEM Sfif ON THE JVtd AND XHOi HC sVtWTKfM tWTCD an juncs yyfts prfTffTTP'. 'Tes. he's one of our leading cltisens. He certainly has climbed high In a few years. Why. he holds our best federsl Job!" "Indeed" How did he get It?" "His brother-in-law is our leading poli tician." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I have money to burn." said the great heiress with due aplomb, or whatever It was "I shall not make light of your for tune." he ejaculated. "You ttet you won't," retorted shs, and with that the butler ushered him Into the delightfully cool summer's night. Philadelphia Ledger. - Eileen Viola Is to be married la July. She always said ah meant to be a Jun bride. I wonder how it happened she wasntf Eleanor 1 think It was the fault ef the man. who negleoted to ask her in time. Brooklyn Cltisen. "I told my youngster thst if he was a good boy I'd take nlm to tbe circus this summer." "Did It work?" "No. He said he tried that last vesr and the circus wasn't worth it." Waah Ington Star. Editorial Sittings Pittsburgh Dispatch: One Nebrassan immune from torpedo or mine, cn or otf th sea. Is William J. Many's the time he's been hit, fore end sft, but to no ef fect. Serenely he sails cn his way, now and then dropping In to some port to discharge cargo. Boston Trsnserlpt: "The submarine H, still in an experimental stsge'-fecre-tary Daniels. Yes, we havs noticed thai the Germsns sre espertmentlnsr with it on American ships, while the Turks art conducting some very Interesting sxpsrl ments In the Dardanelles. Baltimore American-. ' Arouse to In dignation by Roosevelt's fighting talk. Some Louisiana villagers wired him thy would supply him with a gun and free transportation to the camps of th allies. This tnsy explain the recent commend bl silence at Oyster Pay. New York World: On her arrival In Berlin en an errand of peace. Miss Jan Addatns remarked: "It seems as though th wbol world had gone craxy; ther must be some little spot left where reason will rule." There is such a spot In Swltserland, a little state entirely sur rounded by warring nations and - witlu practically every one of Its own fighting men under arms. There Is a larger pot en th western hemisphere, but we heat tat to name It. THE TIMID GIRL. Los Angeles Times. When Cella was a little maid . Of darkness he was enr afraid;' She besrgvd us always for a light To give her courage through tbe night. Thi dread clung to her as ah grew; It was not maks-belleive, we knew. She suffered much, and so we tried By shaming her, to rouse ber prM. Our various ffort wer in vain. Outlandish f ancle ruled her brain;. She trembled If the evening found Her with no nice young man around. . She's all right now. Last month young Brown, Who'd been away, returned . to town: He's strong for Celts, and no far Assails her when that fellow's near. I can't explain why this should , H'd net give confidence to me. In fact, I've more than onoe suspected Young Brown by Cella is protected. Well. I don't car. Perhap h feel With that great ninny at her heel. Each terrr she must overawe Lest Brown it should devour raw. rn?sv Avn n wwn liVU IN ROYAL BMIT& POWDER 1" The Gup that cheers eveiy home 50c, 60c, 70c' and fl.00 per psesd Q, --- , i II. J. Hughe Co., Inc., Wholesale Distributors, Five More Pairs Free This Week for the five boys that bring us the most picture! of the stilts before 4 P. M., Sat urday, June 6. This picture of the stilta will ha la The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pictures in their paper for you too. See how many pictures you can get and bring them to The Bee Office, Satur day, June 5. i The stilts will be given Free to the boyi , or girls that send us the most picture! be fore 4 P. M., Saturday, June S. A small choice but very choice offices There are only a few from .which to choose, but if any meet your require ments, you vfill he more than satisfied. Talk to any of our tenants and you will find the great satisfaction tltoy all feel in . having an office in THE BEE BUILDING "Th building that it always nu" Wo often ' 222 Choice office Suite, north light, very desirable for doctors or dentists: waiting room and private office; 530 square feet. . . .$45.00 322 Choice office Suite, north light, very deairable for doctors or dentists; waiting room and two private offices; 530 square feet. . . -845.00 601 Nice cool ofttce with vault, near elevator and stairs; electric light free. 210 square feet for 818.00 Apply to Building Sup't. Room 103. THE BEE BUILDING