TllF, TIKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1P1.V 3 : c Nebraska i r I NORRIS DOESN'T SEE NEED FOR SESSION Nebraska Senator at Lincoln Thinks Diplomatic Controversy Will Be Handled by President. HARMAN ENFORCES TWINE LAW (From a Puff Correspondents LINCOLN. June .(Pperta1. United Ftatca Senator George W. NorrU is In the city today. Penator Norria la to de liver the commencement day address to morrow before the Temple High achool of the University of Nebraska. The senator doea not believe a special islnn of congress mill be called unless mar c'ompllcatlona should present them selves, which In his opinion are not likely. He thinks the situation Ik being handled in good shape and that the assistance, of congress will not be needed. Many Brldaea Damaged. Assistant State Engineer William fctecklcberg of the Irrigation department returned this morning from a trip up the Elkhorn valley. He aays there has been much damage to bridges on account of the high water and that the bridges at West Point and Wlsncr have been damaged seriously. Much repair work is scheduled for this summer. Thomas Mnltea Speeches. State Superintendent Thomas returned this morning from Wahoo, where he de livered the commencement address last night at the high school graduation ex ercises. Tonight he speaks at Ulysses and tomorrow at Tlldcn. On Saturday afternoon he will make two addresses at county eighth grade graduation exercises, the first at Wayne at 1:30 o.'clock and the other at Wanton at 1:30 o'clock. Twin Mast Be Branded. All binding twine coming Into the state must be branded according to law, ac cording to the opinion of Food Commis sioner Harman. wbo has charge of tha weights and measures department of the state and tha enforcement of the law overnlng that department. The law has been on the statues for fifteen or twenty years and the enactment tf the weights and measures law puts it up to the de partment to enforce It. The twine must be branded with the name of the manu facturer; number of feet to the pound contained in the ball, material, tensile strength, percentage of oil, date of manu facture. The penalty for failure to comply with the law la fine of 10 cents per ball. Grand Island to Have Sunday Fourth Fete GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Junn l.-8pe-clal Telegram.) According to present plans Grand Island will this year have the first Sunday Fourth of July celebra tion in its history and not unlikely the only one In the state. Thonuur Brad street mill hold automobile and motor cycle races, state-wide as to entries, hanging up fine cash prises. It was first planned to have the races, jj i celebration., on the Id or tth, the Fourth falling on Sunday, but Mr. Brad- , btreet was at the time depending upon the Commercial club entertaining- the nowda in the morning and evening;. The Commercial club declined to participate to the extent of thus providing enter tainment or to any other extent, and the venture, a purely private one, has there fore been' fixed for Sunday. ' The celebration will take place three- m'.les' from this city on what is said to be the only two-mile track In the state. Heavy Rains Send River Out of Banks CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. June l.-CSpedal Telegram.) Tm-o Inches of rain fell here today. Four Inches fell In certain dis tricts. Medicine creek and the Republi can river are out of their banks. Toams and men .were busy today protecting- the grade to the state aid bridge. - STATE TREASURER SHOWS HOW MONEY WAS USED (Krom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 8. (Special.) Accord ing to a list prepared by State Treasurer Hall, from April 1 to May 30, warrants to the amount of IP44.6t6.S5 ' were paid by him. During the month of May bonds were bought by the state for the trust funds as follows: Msv 1., X20.000 school district No. S, Kimball county, i per cent, for the per manent school fund. May 13. school district No. 2. Holt count, & per cent, for the agricultural college endowment fund. .May 15, 116,000 electric lighting bonds, village of Lyons. 5 rer cent, for the per manent school fund. May 19, Kt.000 school district No. M. Knox county, S per cent, permanent school fund. May . f-'O.OGt achool district No. 8. INance county, i per cent, permanent h hool fund. Notes from Beatrice. PP1ATRICE. Neb.. June I. (Special.) Announcement waa received here Wednes day of the death of Albert H. Miller, for many yeara employed as a conductor on the Burlington road, which occurred at his home at St. Joseph. He was also a former resident of Lincoln. Tha body mas Interred at Blue Springs today. A packed house greeted the senior clsss In its p'.ay. "The Htubbornneaa of Geril dine," by Clyde Fitch, at the Gilbert theater Wednesday evening. All taking 1 art acquitted themselves with credit. Floyd J. Patton and Miss Florence O. Wlneland. two well known young people of Blue Springs, were married Tuesday at the borne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. 'Wlneland. Rev. Mr. Rounds officiating. Mr. Patton Is as sistant cashier of the Bank of Blue Irlngs. Medals Awarded at Pera Normal. PERU. Neb.. June I. (Special.) The tneda'a for debating were awarded y ester flu y. Joseph Boyd, Trenton. Neb., was awarded the medal for tha beat debate In the Junior class and K. E. Erl'son. Oak dale, Neb., the medal for beat debater Df the aeniora. Mr. F.riraon also won the Moore medal given by Superintendent C. B. Moore of Osceola to the best debater In the achool. The debating pennnant waa won by the seniors. Ir. Bell's Plav-Tar-lfoaey. Get a i&c bottle today. Keep It for your cough or cold. Good for children. I adult and aged. All drugglsta Advertise- W-nt . . . WAKEFIELD BARKER HONORED BY BELLEVUE STUDENTS "The Indian." the annual published by the Junior class of Bellcvue college, will be dedicated this year to John IX Has kell, a banker of Wakefield. Neb.. Mr. Haskell became interested in Bellevue about two years ago. Later he was elected a trustee of the college, and now he is one of Its most loyal support ers. He has given large sums of money to endowment; maintenance and gym nasium funds. Lincoln Youngsters Capitalize Bad Road (From a Staff Correapocdent.) LINCOLN, June 3.-(Speclal.) Twelve I resourceful Lincoln lads made several autolsts going to Capital Beach pay tribute yesterday by steering them into ' a carefully prepared mud hole and- then ' appearing at the psychologcal moment j and lifting the machine out for $5. i One "stuck" motorist asked a friend in a machine to try to pull him out and the boys volunteered to aid aim, but ' when the rope kept breaking. It was found the youngsters were pulling- instead j of pushing. - I Finally some of the wiser drivers in-1 vestlgated the usually traveled road and ; found It in perfect condition and not a ' boy In sight. I RICHARDSON COUNTY MAN SWINDLED OUT OF FARM STELLA, Neb., June S. (Special.) John Howater, who lives with Charles Smith south of Dawson, has been swindled out of a Kinkald homestead In ' Thomas county. It la alleged. He proved up on the MO-acre tract, but owing to 111 health de cided to leave the sandhills country. A. man grving the name of Willis and pur porting to be from Seneca. Neb., talked him into trading the homestead for a residence In Grand Island supposed to be worth $3,000. After the deed was made and delivered another man came along and described a splendid timber tract of 260 acres in Washington county, Georgia, and induced Mr. Howater to exchange the Grand Island residence for the Georgia timber land. Mr. Howater then having his borses. Implements and potato crop on bis hands again met Willis, the man who had traded him out of his homestead. Willis, so he stated, had 250 acres which joined Mr. Howater's nerw Georgia land, and he traded this to him for the horses, Implements and potato crop. Mr. Howarth became suspicious and a few weeks ago he took: two warranty deeds for 200 acres each to F. P. Page, a real estate agent at Dawson. He found the deeds faulty but the. abstracts ap peared genuine. He wrote the men who gave the deeds, and the lotters were re turned undelivered. At last the agent wrote to the treasurer of Washington county, Georgia, who replied there waa ho such land in the county as the deeds described. Mr. Howater Is nearly SO years old and unable to do any manual labor. An effort will be made to see if there is some way whereby he can recover his loss. Tree Has Hard Lark. Birdie Cree of the New Yorka Is to date the only American league player to he laid un with a broken bone In mhlch respect this league ia luckier than tha aenlor major league, which has suffered eight such accidents. Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest, sturdiest, safest matches in the world,. They light almost anywhere. These are real safety matches. They don't spark. They don't sputter. The beads don't fall off. The sticks are unusually strong. They are non-poisonous and conform in every respect with the new Fed eral law. Sc. All groomrs. Ak for them y nam. The Diamond Match Company . I .. fe ' fry;.' 1 Nebraska Commencement at Chadron School CHAT RON. Neb.. June S. -(Special) The third annual comrencement of Chad ron Normal school -losed yesterday with pietentalion of diplomas and Male cer tificates. The aalres was made by Dr. A. K. Wlnshlp of Hoaton, who spoke of (rathinx as a high art. The diplomas were presented by President B parks. The list of graduate follows: Itrgular course: Plirrtow. Ray CalHine, .lainea C. t'arly. Olmence MoiTlssev. Nellie .rtionk. Ilea trice Si-huehol. l.ou O. Hcott. Klina stsrr. rSmnia A. Sturdevant, Klnia 8turrievnnt. Ruth .1. Smith. Margaret I. W!hliu:-n. .Iele Cocknll, Kuth Conr. 111; Grewe, Frances Good. Naomi Gruhb. Kffte Johnson, I .aura A. Hyaer. Kthel Krelfenbeck, K. Iiweothml, Oorge Marriott. Charles 6. State certificate: Eaten. Elisabeth Wright. Kdgar Parson, Mattle Pinch, Jennie Varlc Ppangler, Palrh O. Olllctt. lnes Oorr, Zena Ocrton, Clnlre Newlln, Jessie MecKeioerg, Matilda TuYche k, Nina , HiBh si ho il course: P.euthack, Amimda Northrcp, Kertt fieuthack, Walter i.'nrmean, Orpha Collins. Edna Fveraiill. Wrrn Fisher, Raymond Oillett. Ines Hjruc, Vivian Leppla, Madeline Pitman, anklln Sparks. Wesley Sparks. Paul Tipton. Grace Tourchek, .Vina W ortley, Melvln Wilson, Mary For a gprmlned Ankle. If you will get a bottle of Chamber lain's Ldniment and observe the directions given therewith faithfully, you will re cover In much less time than is usually required. Obtainable everywhere. Adver tisement. , if frffjij JOHN A. BWANSON. President. This Store Positively Saves You $5 to $10 on Your New Spring and Summer Suit Besides unparalleled choice of the season's newest styles besides the most wonderful range of new patterns ever assem bled in the west; this greater store guarantees to save you $5X0 to $10.00 on your new spring and summer suit at 10-15-20-25 . Compare with SIS to $35 value ehewhere Every new and approved style and model In all sizes and I report lone young men, slim men, regular men, stout, men; be yonr build what It may the thousands ' of sulta we offer make fit- tlng easy. Men's and Young Men's Trousers At an absotute saving of $050 $Q50 $1.00 to $2.50, special, at and Compare these amazing values with all others here y where value?, are a revelation, a surprise. See these fine quality worsted, eassimere, serge and flannel trousers worth $3.50 to $J.00; special at. .... .$2.50 and $3.50 Men's Straw Hats Nowhere will you find such exceptional values and distinctly new styles. All the newest metropolitan Ideas in smooth and rough Yacht shapes and soft MUM SWWOM,M Wm.1 MOkaeMMWwa, ITT li CORRECT APPAREL Victrola XI, $100 Newest Victor and Columbia Records Dally Concerts In our Bound-Proof Rooms. Write for Catalogue SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO GO. 1311-13 Farnam St. INQUEST THROWS NO LIGHTJJPON MURDER tContlnued from rage One.) quarreled with any of them Of (he girl's pleasing disposition and efficiency as a domestic she spoke and doc tared that the girl mas more than satisfied with hr place. Miss Florence Osborne testified briefly repeating the program of the day carried CUl Djr nrrnc 1 1 unit in ri. pj nrn 1111111 e.i... hen she left Mrs. Pykes at tl car. t Front Done Key t.nat. J. S. Sykea mas called and Introduced a bit of evident e not turetnfore made public, that a heavy monkeym rench which it waa customary to keep in an other part of the baaement was found a few feet from the body of the Smanson girl, also the key which she carried to the front door had not been located since the tragedy. These tmo statements con stituted absolutely the only new bits of fact brought out.. Mr. Pykes declared that the girl had mentioned occasionally several of the men who had called upon her In a Joking way, and also that she a ona time said something about man from Sweden coming to marry her. Rev. A. B. Marshall of the Pr"shvterln been placed under arrest on suspicion. Five wltnesws offered testimony as i to his whereabouts on the day of the ' murder, while Mrs. Margaret K. Field. ', t&M Cass street, who told the police she saw Lofgren near his home early tha j afternoon of the murder, was not certain . that ha waa the man she snw. I The whereabouta of the key, to the '. front door of the Sykes home, mhlch has been missing since tha tragedy, was ac counted for when Mrs. Alva Olson, sister I of Ada Pwanson. declared that she had picked it up with other artlclea when Ada'a effects were taken from the 9ykea residence a few days after the murder. WM. L. IVOLZMAN. Treasurer. braids. $1 to $10 styles I'll J Jl i J J IS MS I J IB III If w "- 1 11 POR MEN AND WOMEN A Victrola Or Grafonola WOULD PLEASE THE Ju no Drldc or Graduate 1 Visit the most complete and up-to-date Talking Machine Department In the West. The only store showing the World's . Best, Victor and Columbia, side by side for your selection. All Styles All Prices $15 to $300 EASY TERMS The esse was glvan the Jury shortly after I flva o'clock seminary was the last witness of the morning to be questioned. liaysnr (lves NolKtua Mm. i In the afternoon Talnter John M Oar I ror. who mas working the day of the j mur.ler on the Iennls property next door to the Sks rrsldcnre, seemed slUhtly , confuseil as to statements he hsd made heretofore to the police, but adiled noth ; Ing nem- to his previous testimony. , A complete alibi was established for Axel lofgten, friend of tha girl who had l icense Issned at MHe. BIPNF.Y. Neb.. June S.-tSperUI Tele gram.) The following marriage licenses acre Issued today by County Judge Chambers: Thomss Pearce, Saratoga. Wyo., and Julia K. Flshel, IVnver: Thomss R. Jones. Cnllamav, Neb., and jp. f"l ' Gifts ..; ;'V:-; T : for the lfe-- June ' '-'1 raPsf! Bride i A FEW SUGGESTIONS: POTTERY in unique patterns, at a wide range as low as $1.00 and less. LAMPS with shades, the new painted designs, from and up. CH1FFOROBES for gentlemen, in mahogany, up VANITY DRESSERS with trip'e mirrors, maho a enameled, from $50 up. NESTED TABLES, solid mahogany, containing ating sized tables, $21. FRUIT DISHES, in mahogany, $7.50. TEA TABLES with tray, solid mahogany, $14. COUCH COVERS, variety of patterns, from $1. TABLE SCARFS, French velour and metal broc $17.50. LACE CURTAINS make practical gifts, up FLOWER BOWLS, the new pattern in pottery to $10 and as low as 40c each. TEA SETS in English earthernware and china, high as $50. AnJ h Treds of Orchard & Wilheliii 414-16-18 Feb. 1, 1840: General Andrew Jackson accompanied by f ytylii Mil W " ' II g military escort, was received at New Orleans by an 'JS2f f f "' 4 '' II immense procession, himself, riding, with his silver locks I rff" I i B h , jl uncovered, in t barouche drawn by white horses. ! fajj 11 Mj ' V"V 1840-1915 Seventy five years ago when the hero of 1812 attended there union at New Orleans, Lemp's was an established brewery the oldest in America with a national patronage. With each succeeding year of brewing effort, came the experience to make finer and finer beer the incomparable Fa flavor is evidence that Lemp's 75 years of brewing experience has been put to full use. Br It s Braad an4 bf ar msdt nl tb HtniulUli: rertm rtt.l anil waiar. birti Uiolid brr U liquid Doth art highly nourUhlnf . rnruriai.t prrrit brr to prodiu-a tnerir. build llu and ikrcaf Ihea serves. Uood beat ia tb tuair oi uia. Henry Rohlff Company, Minnie Knlp. PMney; Ira Z. Pox. Fort At to. Morgan, Colo., I KilKemater, Colo. nd Alice May LOCAL FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS AT CCLUMBUS COt-i'Mnrp, Neb. June .Speclal Telegram )-The Nebraska Piste associ ation of local fire Insurance agents Is met In a conviction In this city today, mlth hcaduuartera at the Evans hotel. Secretary Frank R. Martin registered j seventy-five members, and about !fll mora I are expected to arrive by tomorrow. The city Is nicely decorated for the occasion. U II. Stubbs of Chicago, delivered an address on "Prevention of Fires," Illus trated atcreoptlcan views, at the North Opera house tonight. A smoker and other items. " South 16th Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Neij Telephone: Doug. 876 I'ut' h lun h was served St tha Elks' hall club rooms afterward. Tomorrow a business senslon and else tlon of officers will be had, after which a banquet will be served at tha Orpheus) hall. i lastrtane T.rare Flesnnaa Valley. VERONA, Italy, June t.-The Austrian troops sre mlthdrawlng from their post tl"ns along the Flrmni valley (part of the valley of the River Avlsla, to tha northeast of Trent). They virtually destroyed the health re- sort, of San Martlno !e Caatrosxa. This village rontnlned eight latge hot) Is, six belonging Italians. to Germans and two to Join Y. M. C. A. on special membership plan. Then use It. summer o rices: from A a." - 11 n ' some M $7 to $29 W fr m $45. ny and ivory four gradu- VJ 95 to $14.50. yai ade, $2.95 to J-Op 95c per pair, jS and china, up A $7. 70 and as ' If Mw I a tIC".,, si. n0f , '5 """iIImI!' :";.).' !!'l!!liiti,.,. ..ilM,,, -jjl .....,11Mt, ... , 1.