The Omaha Daily Call Tvler I00O THE WEAXHER. Showers Teei m to Talk to Thm tW Aaron Dmiur(ii fme OnnertMl wtlh Tbe Be. VOJ XL1V NO. .T01. OMAHA, FIJI DAY MOllNINU, JUXK 4, 1 !U 5 TWKLVE PACKS. Ob Train and at Hotel Msw Btemds. 6. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee GOVERNMENT IS i BEATEN IN COURT BY 'STEELTRUST' Tnited States District Court it Tren ton Holds Great Corporation Need Not Be Dissolved. AN INJUNCTION IS REFUSED Foreign Trade of Company Declared Not to Be in Violation of the Sherman Law. PRICE FIXING RULED ILLEGAL TRENTON. N. J.. June 3. . The derision In the United Slates Steel corporation suit was filed In ' the United States district court this afternoon. It held that the corporation should not be dis solved. The principal points in the decision are: It refuses to issue any injunc tion. It holds the foreign trade of the steel corporation ia not a vio lation of the Sherman law. It holds certain price fixing agreements which followed the 1 Gary dinners, but which stopped Wore the bill was filed, to have been unlawful. It allows the government to move to retain jurisdiction of the bill if such price-fixing prac tices are renewed, but suggests matters may now be controlled by the new trade commission. Wkat Opinions Are. The opinions, twoln number, are largely a discussion whether the steel corpora tion monopolized the steel trade or dealt unfairly with competitor or purchasers. . The opinion says: "This case, a proceeding under the Sherman anti-trust law. Is one largely of business facts." It says all the trust cases thus far de termined settle down to this, that only such combinations are within the Sherman act aa) by reason of Intent of those form ing them, or the Inherent nature of their contemplated Act. wrong the publlo by unduly restricting competition or Unduly obstructing the course ' of ' trade. 'It further holds the questions of fact for the court to determine whether, when the bill was filed, the steel company was unduly restricting competition or unduly obstructing trade. In the horn market. Whether It was restricting competition or unduly obstructing trade la the for eign market; and lastly, had the steel corporation these objects In view when it was formed In 1901 T The opinion holds the proofs show, when the bill was filed, the competitors of the steel' company were doing 60 per cent of the country's steel and iron business. Not Rise bat Power. The text of majority opinion says It is not the slse of that which Is acquired, but the trade power of that which Is not acquired. In the ten years since the steel corporation "was formed It "has Increased Its business about 40 per cent. Nine Krcat competing steel companies hsve Increased theirs more, the lowest one A3 per rent, the highest 1.700 per cent. With the completion of the Erie canal, Lake Superior ores can be ' brought cheaper to New York harbor than to Pittsburgh. This meanH, the opinion says, blast furnaces on New York harbor waters. On the basis of the actual Iron units In ore, Cuban ores can be delivered In Philadelphia at one-half the cost of Lake Superior. Facts and figures show that there Is no possibility of Lake Superior ore monop oly. . . The Cambria Steel company president, the opinion said, showed that the United Ftates Steel could not put It out of bus iness. James R. Garfield, former secretary of Commerce, according to the opinion, showed the Steel corporation got no freight rebates. Two Rallaara la Case. There were two opinions filed In the rase. Judge Bufflngton wrote the opinion, which was concurred In by the other three (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity thower, not miuh change in tempera ture, v TensBeratare at t-maia Teateralar. Hours. 6 a. m.... 6 a, in.... 7 a. m ... Deg. .... 3 .... 64 .... 64 9 a. m no i a. m 66 ! 10 a. m 67 i 11 a. m 70 i 12 m 68 : 1 p. ni 6X : 1 p. m 64 : I p. m 7o 4 p. m 7 t p. m 7S 6 p. m 72 T p. m 71 Comparative Loral Record. iir. 114. im isij Highest yesterday 73 W 76 76 f ...... . IV lowest yesterday 61 70 64 68 I Mean temperature 6 7t 70 6H ! l'rwcipltaUun a: .U) ,u .wi Temperature and precipitation depar- I tures from the normal: INormal temperature M ' .excess for the day u Total -deficiency since March 1... . ti Xormal precipitation 17 Inch 'fli lency for the day 15 nch 1 Total rainfall sln-e March 1.. Inches I Wfl. lcnry since March 1 W inch lteflctency for cor. period. 1K14. 3 63 n hes iwr iw. penuu, a.ei Inches Reports front Stations nt T P. M. Station and Ktate Temp. High- Rala 1 p. in. ct. fall Cheyenne, cloudy.-. J'av-nort. tloudv lnver. rain les Molnva. cloudy.... Lander, clouily North Piatt, cloudy... Omaha, doudy Rapid City, rain alt Ijik City. tain... hanta re. part cloudv Khnridan. part cloudy Hiuii t'uy. cloudy.... Valentine. rn . 4i . it . . 74 . M M .32 Ml .! fx) ..VI 7 T .02 8 .1! 71 Mi 4 ,ti M .01 l . 4 .42 74 .01 .Ml .. M .. 62 '' 'l IMPi I'JJTSIIOII. ' l A. WLEH. Local ForecasUr. ITALIANS FIGHTING FOR FRANCE General Riciotti Garibaldi (on crutches), only surviving son of the great liberator; next to him i3 his wife; Sante Garibaldi (with cane), who has been fighting for France in the Argonne, and Joseph Garibaldi, colonel of the Italian legion. a.1"" INQUEST THROWS HO LIGHT UPON MURDER Coroner' Jury Finds Ada Swanion Killed by Some Party "Unknown." MRS. SYKES ON WITNESS. STAND We, the Jury, find that Ada Swanson came to her death as the result of blows from a hatchet in the hands of some unknown party in the basement of the J. S. Sykes residence, 2023 Spencer street, . between the hours of 12:15 and 5:45 o'clock Friday, May 21. We recommend that a reasonable re- ward be offered, and that officers make a vigilant search for the ; guilty party. This la the verdict of the coroner's Jury following the receipt of evi dence, at the. inquest held yesterday inquiring Into the mystery surround ing the murder of , Ada SwanHon, domestic in the J. S. . Sykes resi dence, 2023 Spencer. The verdict was returned after short' delibera tion. , ' 1 . ' tr. R, W. Connelt, family physician of the, Sykes household, was first called to the stand, and offered no 'evidence that had not been known and worked out by the authorities. Dr. 8. M. McCleneghan,. coroner's physician, described the wounds and the general condition of th? body, stating that there was absolutely nothing to warrant the possibility of the girl hav ing been outraged. Mrs. Srkes on Stand. . Mrs.- J. 8. Sykes took the stand and related leaving 1 the house early the morn ing of May 21, and in answer to ques tions put by County Attorney George A. Magney, told of the various establish ments she visited downtown In the order of each visit made. With Miss Florence Osborne of Mis souri Valley, who came to Omaha to at tend a session of the Klester Sewing school, she spent the forenoon shopping and after luncheon the pair went to the class. Miss Osborne was with Mrs. Sykes throughout the entire day. Returning homo a little after 6 o'clock, she called to the girl and not receiving an answer went out to the garden to await her husband. At S o'clock, no signs of the domestic being apparent, she went Into the house and prepared the evening meal. At 6:30 Mr. Sykes came home and at dinner timo Ada's ubsenoe was discussed. Finds Her Bodr In Basement. Following the meal, Mrs. ykes went to the basement and finding the door to the furnace room closed, she opened it and discovered the body lying halfway Into the coal bin. , Mrs. Sykes told of Ada's having a num of men friends who called frequently, but never heard Ada mention having (Contlnud oen Page Three, Column Four.) Norse Steamship is Torpedoed and Sunk LONDON, June S. Tho Norwegian steamship Cubano was torpedoed and sunk yesterday off the Flannan islands. The crew was landed In the Hebrides, a group of Islands oft the coast of Scotland. The Cubano was formerly the British steamship Strathmore. It was 2.S0G tons net register and built at Qrennovk in 1912. It was S7S feet long, fifty-two feet beam and twenty-five feet deep. Hood Will Command Dreadnought Texas WASHINGTON, June S. Secretary Daniels, today designated Captain John Hood of the naval general board to cpm mand the dreadnaught Texas, to succeed Captain A. W Grant, recently sslgnel to the command of the Atlantic aulimarlmt flotilla. Captain W. L. lingers, at pres ent commanding the battleship Delaware, will succeed Csptaln Hood as a member of the general board. BERLIN WILL REDUCE PRICE OF BREAD JUNE 7 BERLIN (via London), June I. As an Indication that Germany's flour supply Is not Insufficient ths authorities have an nounced that the price of various kinds of bread will be reduced all over Ureal I irlln June 7. Beginning on the same sy ths balling of small loaves of hlt flcur again will be permitted. f H fx id x v. s y. : , . : . w -. no. .eY - - 1 1 Mr The Day's War News PHfKMYSI. II AS BKK.X HKTAKKV by Aostrla. Offlelnl announce ment was made nt Vienna that the arret Galletan fortress won by the Rnsalnna ten weeks aaro after n Ions; strnaatle had been recaptured. noi'MiKU AND HtmsiA appar entlr hare been nnnble to com pone their differences, concerning; nn adjustment of the Roumanian boundary linen. Roumanla's en trance Into the war Is aald unof ficially to be conditioned on anch n agreement. A Milan dlapntch states that King- Victor Bmniannel has offered his service aa Inter mediary between these natlona. ITALIAN RRPORT of atendy proa reaa In the Invasion of Austria, are dlapnted la Vienna. The Austrian war office announces that Italian., offensive operntlons have been na. ' successful and that ao material damaare has been done , by the . Italian artillery. LITTLE REPUBLIC of Ban Marino, with an area of twenty-two square miles, which . Is surrounded by Italian territory, ha approved It aly's attitude toward Austria and declared Itself to be In a state OFFICIAL A'KOl CEMEXT was made la Leadya today that a Brit ish submarine- had torpedoed 1 a larae (terman transport la the Wen of Blannora. ..'..i TWO ITALIA Jf TORPEDO BOATS are said to have annk two ' mer chant vessels and damasred an Anstrlan eralsrr In the Gulf of Trieste. BRITONS SINK BIG ' GERMANTRANSPORT Submarine Operating Near Constan tinople Torpedoes Teuton Ship in Pandama Bay. ITALIANS RAID GULP OF TRIESTE LONDON, June 3. A British nub marine operating in the sea of Mar mora torpedoed a large German transport In Pandemia bay yesterday morning. This announcement was given out officially In London today as having been received from the vice admiral In command at the Darda nelles. It Is aald also that this sub marine was one of several operating in these waters. Italians Raid Gulf of Trieste. ' GENEVA, June 'i. (Via Paris.) News dispatches received here de clare that two Italian torpedo boats early yesterday morning entered the Gulf of Trieste, sank two merchant vessels and damaged an Austrian auxiliary cruiser. Colorado Guard is Ordered to Be Ready i to Mobilize at Once DENVER. June I.-Adjntant General John Chase of the Colorado National I Guard today received orders from the War department In Warhlngton to be prepared to mobilize fpon an hour's notice, according to re! Utile Information. The order. It U said, was acroir.ranled nun a requ promomng aiscusnlon Of tlie communication. i Election Workers Demand Their Pay TVta iv:irt iru -ui meeting wss to be held today by mora) thsn !,' elictioii woikeis, men and worr.en, w no alter storminK the head quarter cf the Business Men's com mitUc, demanding their pay, jnarchel last night to the police aUtion and marie formal complaint. They Intended today to appeal to the district attorney. They asserted they had been employed In the Interests of Frederick J. Whlffen. I who was defeated l.y Charles E. Stbastlan for mayor. It was alleged they were to receive ti ll If Whiffen was defeated, and double that amount If he was elected. Managers -of the Whiffen campaign dis claim sny responsibility fur the employ roenl of the workers. i . N. i if i ;rs 1 1 7 AMERICANS QUIT MEXICAN CAPITAL Special Train Arranged to Carry 150 Foreigners Out of Southern Metropolis. VILLA TROOPS CAPTURE SILA0 WASHINGTON, June 3. The Brazilian minister in Mexico City to day telegraphed Secretary Bryan that he had arranged for a special train to remove 150 Americans and many other foreigners, who are leaving the capital because of the famine. Consular Agent Carothers at Chihuahua report. I today that Villa troops. In a flank movement, captured Bilao and put Carransa's cavalry forces to route. Obregon, the Carransa commander, ha said, Is surrounded at Trinidad, by Villa tnfsntry and has lost trains awl large quantities of supplies. Eltseb Arredondo, head of the Car ransa agency here, today Issued the fol lowing comment on, ' President WUson'i Mexican statement: "I believe that President Wilson's note la largely due to the lack of relations between the government of the United States and the constitutionalists govern ment of Mexico and that this has given room to the many falsa reports which have victimized General Carransa, at tributing to him acts and omissions of which he is lncspable. Mr. Carransa lately has ordered the ad vance of his troops toward the City of Mexico; which he will undoubtedly take before the week is over, and I understand) he will - Immediately establish there a provisional civil administration until he can wipe out the remnants of the reac tionaries and convene the people to the election of officers of a constitutional government. "There is no danger, therefore, that strife may prolong Itself In Mexico and cause greater calamities for the people, which I am Inclined to believe Is the only thing that worries the government of the Tnited States.'' Widow Driven from Claim by Jumpers CHEYENNE, Wyo., Juna .(Special.) The meanest offense ever charged against defendants In ths United States court for the district of Wyoming Is that of which Orln I. Htenger and Orln A. Zinc of Van Tassell were convicted by a Jury last evening, after a trial lasting two days. They were found guilty of having conspired to prevent Mrs. Alva Pierce, a widow, from homesteading a claim in Niobrara county. The evidence was that they , drove her from her home on the claim, moved her buildings and sold them. Sentence has not yet been pronounced on the pair. Jane Addams Sees Swiss President GENEVA (Via Paris). June 8.-Jans Addams of Chicago, accompanied by sev eral of the women delegates to the recent Internationa! congress at The Hague, has been presented at Berne to M. Motta. president of Switzerland, by P. A. Sto vall. the American minister. Miss Addams spoke of the position of neutral nations .toward the war and of the attitude of Swltserland toward the ef forts of securing a quick and durable peace. President Motta replied he did not think the moment for this was opportune, but that Snitxerland ready to aid neutral states in any peace steps when ths right time arrived. i r ! TME'tiAT.-ciTY-OHHftS Omaha has something doing almost all the time in the way of wholesome sports. Golf, tennis, cricket, boat in and track athletics have active devotees as well as baseball, football, etc., in their season. V r A DERNBURG WILL RD N SCANDINAVIAN PRESS BUREAU FOR KAISER Repmentative of Emperor on Re turn from United States to Have Charge of Publicity Cam paign in North. COPENHAGEN HEADQUARTERS Pro-German Propaganda Will Be Started with Renewed Energy in Viking Newspaper. ALLIES' GIVE SATE CONDUCT LONDON, June 3. A dispatch from Amsterdam to the Exchange Telegraph company, says that, ac cording to Berlin telegram. Dr. Dernhurg, on return to Europe from the United States, will be given charge of the press bureau organ! zntion fnr Scandanavian countries with headquarters al Copenhagen, A pro-German campaign In the Scan dinavian press, the dispatch adds, will then he started with renewed energy. ' The announcement made at Washing ton that the Britlsih government, In con Junction with the French and' Husslan governments, has assured the State de partment It would give aafe conduct to Bern hard Dernburg, former colonial sec retary of Germany, when lie leaves the United States was confirmed here today with the additional statement that this arangement had been made at Vr. IVrn burg's wish. The Intermediary through whom the request wss made has not been disclosed. City of Mexico is Near Starvation; Outlook Desperate WASHINGTON. June $.-An appeal to the Ked Cross from the International re lief committee in Mexico City, sent through the Ftrailllan minister thcrcV was made public here today, it follows: "We appeal for starving Mexico. Gov ernment supplies nearly exhausted; no prospect of relief. Condition of disorder. lark of seed, men snd animals, and In security of harvest prevent planting. The alttiatlcn In this city Is desperate on account of shortage of food and medical supplies. Regular railway service be tween city and border, Aguaa Callentes and the coast suspended since February. Imperative need everywhere la corn.' Also urgently require beans, flour and medi cine. Only hope is from United States. Wa are doing all possible, but resources entirely Inadequate." ; Distribution of American' Hed Cross re lief supplies haa. ' begun In ' Monterey, Mexico. Consul General Hanna today re ported that one car of corn, one car of beans and a ear of flour had arrhed. The people ara not allowed to buy more thsn two or three pounds of either at one time. The Jted Cross will push on supplies to other interior points as transportation facilities are restored. Zogg Says General Otis Hired Him to Promote Revolt L08 ANQEU08, Cal.. June S.-N. a Zogg, self-styled Mexican revolutionary general on trial for issuing a worthless check, declared on the witness stand In the superior court today that he had been engaged by General Harrison Gray Otis, owner of the Ins Angeles Times, and General B. J. Vlljoen, a former Boer leader, to organise a revolt In Lower California. General Otis" son-in-law, Harry Chandler, recently was Indicted on a charge of having conspired to violate American neutrality by supporting such a revolutionary scheme. General Harrison Gray Otis declared in an Interview he had never heard of Zogg. General Otis Is at Tehan Rancho, near Hakersrieia, and was reached by tele phone. "I never authorised him or any one else to organise an expedition to lower Call fornla," he added. 'The man Is not tolling the truth." Harry Chandler also said he had never heard of Zogg. "The story, 1 think. Is a fabrication for the purpose of excusing his offense of passing vslueleas checks," ha said. Zogg was convlrted. Greek Steamship Sights Submarine Off Harbor of Volo PARIS, June I. A Haves dUpatch from Athens says that the captain of the Greek steamer Anatodla has reported to the port authorities at Volo that he met a German submarine which came within a few yards of the Anatolia. He im mediately bolsted tbs Greek flag, where upon the submarine turned and went off. A Chios dUpatch says that Greek peasants have arrested three Turkish spies who were watching the movements of the allied sVJadron from a sailing ship. The spies were banded over to ths British authorities. The Turks have suffered heavy losses In the recent fighting al the Dardanelles. A great number of wounded have been taken to Alvall, a Greek town In Asia Minor and have been Installed In the houses of the Greeks, the hospital being overcrowded. SUBMARINE K-8 MAKES TWO PERFECT SHOTS LOS ANGELES, lune 1-The submar ine K-S, In battle practice off San Pedro, hit the monitor Cheyenne, moving at an known speed, at a rangs of Ifm yards, with two torpedoes out of a pos- sihls two. It was learned todsy. Offtoers snd men of the K-l appeared confident of receiving the naval tro hy for perfect core In battle practice. It bow Is held by th H-L PROMINENT CITY OFFICIAL OF DES MOINES COMING. IV;'- Y V V' , - J V .. Hi H II i I FLOYD P. MILISfl. Floyd F. Miles, city treasurer of Pea Mnlncs, secretary of the Press clu'.i and formerly city editor of the Capital, whe hit .the trail In the Billy Sunday cam paign In Ies Moines, siMk at the Voting Men's Christian association Hundsv at 4 o'clock June 6. for men only, on the sub ject, "Hcoopa, or Things I Know About You." Mr. Miles has been promlnt nt In Hip gospel team work of Dcs Moines busi ness men, WILSON WORKS ON NOTE TOGERMANY All Statements in Kaiser's Reply Save One Will Be, Regarded as Irrevelant. WILL STICK TO THE MAIN ISSUE WASHINGTON. June 3. Presi dent Wilson worked most of today on the new note to Germany. The situation had developed to a point where, although the visit" of Count Ilernstorff, the German am bassador, to the president yesterday was believed likely to enlighten the lierlin Foreign office on the attitude ot the United State. The American government is unmoved In Its Inten tion to determine promptly whether German submarine commanders will hereafter respect the principles of International law. The fact upon which the German gov ernment asked agreement, tt la now practically certain. ' will be treated by the note as irrevaleat with on excep tion. It is understood that tha note will restate that ths LwsUsaU swea a peaceful erutae, did not reetst capture and was unarmed. All the other points raised by Germany aro deemed Irrevelant under ths law of natlona. The purpose of the United States In the new not will be to dlseever whether Germany will In the future, on encoun tering vessels of any nationality that are unarmed, transfer passenger and crew to places of safety should a vessel, rar rytng contraband, . be certain of con demnation In a prtie court, and therefor subject to destruction. Lasltaala No Armed. It Was reiterated at the State denart. ment today that whll affidavits filed mere Dy the German embassy, contend ing that the Lusitanla was armed, had been carefully considered, the proof of the United (dates that the Laialtania was unarmed was beyond queatlon. None of the signers. In the oelnlon of officials, could have made as searching an investigation aa did customs inspec tors, who wor official y ordered to as. amine decks of vessels and thslr holds for fhe one thing the presenoe of guns. Had there been explosives aboard of ficials say clearance would have fen refused. Before ths InsHanla sailed all such facts were In possession of the American government. Count Bornstorff. the German amh... sador, conferred briefly with Secretary uryan today and would not discuss tha subject of his visit. Burglar Says Easier to Be Crooked Than Straight in Gotham CHICAGO. June I. Nathan Rtelnhera-. the burglar who says he does not smoke, drink and dissipate and nrava dallv and who admits that In ten years he stole snu disposed of 11,000.000 worth of prop erty, resumed the witness stand In tha so-called police graft case today and underwent cross examination. "When I ram from Austria, mil h. to get work In New Tork I was iu. . clean-handed kid with no other ambition man to uv an honest life," said Stein berg, witness for th state. "Whet mad you obanra?" aakarf At torney Charles Erbsteln of counsel for th three former police officials on trial. "Nw Tork. Just llttls old New Tork," replied th witness with an abrupt ges tur. "It is easier to bs crooked than straight, and a great deal m profitable." Th cross-examination ' was rflrort.ri largely to the purpose of trying to show thst Steinberg and other offenders who win appear for th state conspired whll In prison to get in th good graces of RUte"s Attorney Hoyn by giving evldene against th pollc. WOMAN LOST AT SEA , DECLARED LEAGALLY DEAD DECATITR. m.. June a-Mra. Oeorg A. Keller wss today declared legally dead by Judg J. 11. McCoy In the Macon county court and her estate, valued at 1200.000, will b turned ovr to her hus band. Mrs. Kaller lost her Iff almost eight yaars ago when ah and her three daughters want down with th steamer Columbia In a storm on th Pactflo coast. George A. Keller waa formally president of th Orest Western raolng circuit and Is known to harneaa horseniee In all parts of th counttT. A son. RdwaM Keller, living In Portland, Ore., wtll also shar ia the aetata, k PRZEUYSL CITY SURRENDERS TO AUSTRIAN ARMY Russian Garrison is Forced to Capit ulate After a Bombardment that Lasted for Period of Twenty Days. FIRE OF BIO GUNS TERRIFIC Teuton Allies Saorifioe Thousands of Men and Tons of Ammunition During Siege, BLOODIEST INCUENT OF WAR LONDON, June 3. After a siege cf three weeks the fortress of Prse tuysl, In Galicla, has fallen to tht Austrlans. The Russians were lo possession a little over seventy, days. This news was received in London with a certain degree of surprise. While It had been well known that the Russian position at Przemysl wai serious and that the artillery fire of the Germanic allies was daily becoming- more terrific, the announcement of an Austrian victory waa not ex pected so quickly, particularly in view of the official statement from Petrograd of last Monday saying the Anatro-German grip before Pnemysl had been broken and that the offen sive In the great Galiclan struggle had passed to the Russians. leer. Lasts Tweatr Dar. The Austrian entered Praemysl st S:X o'clock this morning after hammering with heavy guns that 1 sated, mora than twenty day. The capitulation cf Prsemysl must b ascribed to tha t feotivwoeaa of this artillery onslaught. Tha occupation of tha fortress by the Austrian wtll remove th danger of th Russian threat against Craow. Whan th Russians starved out th Austrian garrison at Prsemysl, an oper ation which brought them Into th fort res on Mamh t, they did It slowly and sywtenmticalty, conserving the lives of their . men as much as possible. The method whioh th Auetro-Oerroiuia have been employing recently to aooompllah th sum end haa been entirely different. Then expenditure In man and ammuni tion haa perhaps aaitdon anything In this war. not vn excepting tha Gr- , man rushes-for Calais and th terrible struggles along th Yser nvar. Greatest Pweilar f War. Th retaking 'th the Priemya fort ress . already has been oharaetarlaed by British observers as bn of the most r. ' mart able feature W tha war. Imme diately after th surrender of th Aus tria garrison, ttv Russian began a westward rush through Gal aria, and It ' was- predunted that thay would soon e-eerrun both Silesia and th plains of Hungary. . - i 11(123 A terrific Austro-Oerman offeneree was Inaugurated, no were r, the result of which was to drive th Russians back to th San and to nsbl ths Teutonlo allies to nc4rol Prsemysl and' attack It from th north and th southeast. Th strength of th Russian garrison within tha fortress has not been known in London. New Attack Warsaw. Another feature of th fighting on th atrn frontier Is th new attack on Warsaw. Neither th Russian nor tha British newspapers are able to aay whether the renewed battering of th Russian line between tha Plllca and th Vistula is a serious effort to break through to the Polish capital or a mova timed to prevent th Russians from rushing reinforcement to their hard pressed troops In Galicla, But whatever th motive, tha assault haa been violent and In force along a front of about twenty-five miles, tha hardest pressure being brought to bear on tlte Russians along the the Bsura and Rawka rivers. This Is th fiftieth anniversary of the birth of King George, but because of tho war no celebrations are being held. ' Th new government meets Parliament for th first time today. Aside trom the formality of passing the bill to obviate th necessity of ministers 'In the new cabinet for seeking re-election, rhlef In terest centered in th promised speech of Premier Asquith In the House of Common on th new coalition gM-rn- ment and th entry of Italy into the war. Raaslana TaJt Villages. PETROGRAD, June . (Via Locdon.V- An official statement issued last night (Continued on Page Two Col mutt Three.) THE WANT-AD. WAY. X4tl XI aa Kaiflt sat oa a serfs Aad thought of th Wui aa wav. a wa ted a low. aa a aoo itsuK.i A swTUaa- Job wtt pay. a aa raag herself a T'isna f TUlp" CASf ft$)VX Si tiwaed oat fla. so ea Btooiay at , T a dead Job a!! ge. Hundred of positions are ad- vertlaed In the Help Wanted col umns of Th Bee, and the man or Woman who wanlsi employment can find no better method of getting a tart In th business world than by reading th Help Wanted Ada In The Be eauh day. And notice. Mr. tanrloyer, wrhen you want lo obtain Intelligent help telephone Tyler '10M. PUT IT IN THE OMAHA