Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1915, Page 6, Image 8

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    THK RKE: ON! AHA. THUIfSDAV. JUNK 3. 101.".
T;e Fee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Cmthi postofflce mi roBd-fUn matter.
By r arrter Br mall
per month. pr year.
ijnr and Sundav e t
Teiiy without Sunday....' . .. 4fl
ITvenlr.g and Sunday. "c 'T
j;vnm without Sunday to 4. 00
Sunday Boa only 2
Send notice of charge of fir complaints of
Irregularity to delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
Remit bv draft "press or pos'sl order fniy two
cent stamps received In payment of small ao
emunts PersonsI checks, except on Omaha and essterm
exchange, rot accepted.
Omaha Tho Bee Building
Routh Omaha 3iS N street
Ontin--ll Bluffs 14 North Main street.
Lincoln MttV Building.
Chicago il Hearst Building
Nrw York Room 11. r Klfh s venue.
ft. Louis-6 New Bank .if Commerce.
Washington 7 Fourteenth St., N. W.
'Address eomnvunlrstlons relstlns to nr and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, 7dltorial Department.
Arr.iL cmciLATiox,
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as.l
Dwight Williams, circulation mansger of The Bee,
Publishing company, being duly sworn, aars that the
average circulation for ttia month of April, 1914, was
DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Bubacribed In my preeenca and aworn to Defore
me. tola let day of May, 1915.
ROBEHT HUNTER, Notary Public
BulacrlbT I earing tile city temporarily
thoold have The lice mailed to theru. Ad
Areas will tt changed a often a requested.
oas 3
Thought for the Day
Ssecf eef by Mr. Franc Smith
Study to thow thy ml approved unto God: A
workman that needed not (e b asHamctt, rightly
dividing the word of truth. II. Timothy, t:16.
South Omaha, evidently was ready for annexation.
Still a little, abort of the 200,000 mark, but
watch ua crow.
June la making a very fair Mart, especially
as a month for weddings.
Dundee voter at least stuck to the senti
ments they had openly avowed.
Shirtsleeve diplomacy la a product of self-respecting-
democracy, and that Is why It Is so
little understood In Europe.
Now, let us make It Greater Omaha in fart
as well ss In name. It will take a little team
work, but that ought to come easy.
Messrs. Diets, Haverstlck and others who
worked so consistently and tirelessly to accom
plish the result are also entitled to warmest
! . LI !..;? . .. .
The Dee feels It really was a factor In bring
ing about the consolidation of Greater Omaha,
and Is especially gratified to find that it was on
the right side with so large a majority.
Saving money at the expense of the Janitors
end the charwomen Is another triumph for the
lata democratic congress. The longer Us record
Hands, the more fragrant it becomes.
Carranza, Villa & Co. may not be able to
read English, but' there's a quality In the presi
dent's note that will not escape their attention,
even Tthen It is done over lnto) mellifluous Cas
tdllan. '
The way for the electric lighting company
to prove the good faith It bas been professing Is
to heed The Bee's demand for a reduction of
rates to patfoha to the extent the company has
already indicated its willingness to go, not next
year, nor next month, but now. .
Blowing up a Nebraskan at home la quite
different from, blowing up the Nebraskan 4,000
miles away. As a local Industry the action puts
pep in the pastry. Foreign imitation ruffles
state pride and violates the law against adul
terated goods. It Is up to Premier Bryan to
vindicate bis state.
Lincolnltee profess to be wondering whether
- .William J. Bryan or "Brother Charley" Bryan
,wlll be a candidate In the election next year.
'Brother Charley" Bryan has Just accepted em
ployment as mayor of Lincoln for a terra of
three years, and It is our guess he will stay on
the Job the whole length of time.
Troubles multiply for the merry baggage
roan. Heretofore he lent, an unwilling ear to
the swears of travelers. Under the new law
effective June S he must put the swears In writ
ing, especially the value of baggage which th-i
owner Is required to sign. Thus by force of
law the aanctuary of trunks and things will be
profaned by tongue and pen.
Meeting Situation Firmly.
I President Wilson Is proceeding with a dlffl
j tult and delicate task In a spirit of deliberate
firmnem that Is most sssurlng. He bas been
suddenly confronted with an extremely critical
fituatlon in the relations between the I'nited
ftates and Germany, while the perplexity he has
endured in connection with the Mexican trouble
has been brought all at once to an acute stage.
These problems are grave In their every aspect,
and fraught with the Imminent possibility of
most serious consequences. Advices from Wash
ington, which are very likely anticipatory in
their expressions. Indicate that the president
and his advisers have practically determined on
the course to be followed.
Germany Is to be asked for a frank state
ment as to Its Intention with regard to the ob
servance of established international law. On
the reply to this question will turn the immedi
ate future of relations between tb two coun
tries. Mexico Is to be pacified. The bandit lead
ers down there will be advised to co-operate In
composing the situation In that country and will
be solemnly warned that their failure to agrej
will be followed by such action on the part of
th's country as will establish a stable and re
sponsible government for Mexico.
More than thla the president cannot do; less
than this would be short of his duty. His firm
ness in these critical dealings Is supported by
the deepest sentiment of his countrymen.
Greater Omaha Problem..
While the unification of Omaha and its
suburbs into Greater Omaha enlarges our oppor
tunities, it also Increases and complicates our
problems. The government of a city of more
than 1 75,000 Inhabitants must be on broad and
far-reaching lines. Its varloua activities must
be re-organized and re-systematized to answer
the larger requirements, and we must remember
that the population addition from South Omaha
makes the community more' cosmopolitan than
But It is not only In official and public af
fairs that the new elements must be taken Into
consideration, they should also be brought
Into closer relations with our commercial, civic,
religious, educational and social organizations.
While the geographical demarcation has noi
heretofore been strictly drawn, it baa oftaa been
used as an excuse for holding aloof or dupli
cating various machinery and work for which
no such excuse will from now on hold good. In
a word, all of our community activities should
be co-related. If not completely merged. There
are plenty of Greater Omaha problems ahead ot
us to be tackled and solved by intelligent plan
ning and well directed energy.
A pleasant party was given laat evening at the rtai
denre of A. Polack, Nineteenth and Kb r num. In honor
of bis niece, Miss Iollie Itoeensuxk, who left today
for Be Louie, wheme, aha will proceed to UaltUnom
and other pulnta east. About thirty Invited friend
were preaeat fur a muni enjoyable lime
The new boat club propoaes to buy a four-oared
and Slx-oared shell. to elnsle sculle, a working boat
and a barge to start Ita fleet and will probably build
a boathouae) on the southweat aide of Cut-off lake.
The annual ejection Of Capitol lodge resulted In the
choloa of the followins olfurri: 1. r. Wlleon. m af
ter, N. C. Natllnr. senior warden: F. M. Whlta,
Junior warden; II. Ilelmna. IreHSurer; John Damford.
TUa marriage of Millard F. Fuukhouner and Mie
iliriain Franklin, foimeily or Urown.ll Hall, took
Place at the reslri-nv ot the a family In Hlirb
tJiy. N. J.
Laenman Thompson U putting- up l.ia I'nile Joh
Whitcotnb" ehow at the Hoyd. ,
Peter Oooa was celebrating hit forty-seventh birth
day today. Ilia twins were I vcar old also, lie d
tiaits June t Is tl.a luckiest day of the year.
Must Deal with Lawlessness.
Attorney General need has discovered a
moBt startling condition of affairs in Loup
county, where a murderer Is permitted to go
rn tried by law, because the county commission
ers object to the expense of a trial. He also
charges that this astounding attitude of the
county officials Is tentatively, at least, sup
ported by the Judge of the district court, who
expresses doubt as to the effort to enforce the
law being of real service!
, If this were in some uncivilised country it
might not be wondered at. but that auch a con
dition can exist in as highly an enlightened a
commonwealth as Nebraska Is beyond under
standing. Governor Morehead should proceed without
delay, and with all the machinery of the law, to
establish order in Loup county, to see that per
sona guilty of crimea are brought to trial, and
that everything la done that needs to be done
to en a condition that Is Intolerable.
A German Balance Sheet
As conveying the German estimate of
achlevementa up to April l, we take the follow
ing balance sheet from a German press buresn
bulletin, which pronounces It "the sanest be
cause the most categorical account of the past
and present phases of the war." having been
contained In a public lecture delivered In Berlin
by Prof. Peuk, the eminent head of the Royal
Geographical aoclety:
Territory eoniered In Belgium and France
(acinar miles)
Population '.. !.!,' K
Conquered districts Include the moat Important
Iron and coal mines and Industrial sections
of our enemies' territory.
Territory conquered in Russia muare mllea).. as.!
Population thereof O0uO
Minimum loaaea of our foes in the west
eight months! ; I.fvvi
Minimum Irstas of our foes in Ruasia... l.MMM)
Total round I v i.avtmi
Constant average monthly loss of all our foes ,VO,fi.
Orman fleet a:l.l undeuroyett.
England's "fctarvailon plan" collapsed.
I'nlly of Herman nation In arms and realisa
tion tha' it Is fighting "for great Ideals of
humnnltv. "
Hostility of neutral countries due to German
violation of IVIgl.'.n neutral ty
Oerman territory o cti I d hy foe iai'a-e mil Ik
Austrian tctrltojy on up!, d by foe aiiaie
intlrM 2I.J--,
Population thereof ti.(fl(Vi
Our liopo of Ia k of M iua and ammunition on
the part of our alius realised
Our colonies and epcrl trade,
lirltich sea power so reduced that it can no
louKi-r claim absolute command of tha sea.
According to this same source of Informa
tion. Prof. Peuk in his lectures declares that
Germany Is Justified in expecting that "In a few
months France will have bled to death, an I
Russia suffer military exhaustion."
A study of this exhibit may help us in
America to maintain a neutral wind.
Can Europe Withstand
The Economic Strain?
XTsw York Xveainf a oat.
STF'.P by step along with the movements of tho
Klllrerent armies In ths field, there hss proceeded
an equally striking and equally unusual movement in
the financial position of the fighting nations. In some
r'spects. the accumulating perpleittl which surround
each, and whrh fairly baffle even expert prediction,
are rimllMr. The problem of the armies, conaldered
on the hypitheels of a protracted war. Is how long
the phjslcal capacity of the several belligerents, their
supply of able-bodied citizens, will lie able to maintain
a conflict marked by the present deetmctlvenese of
life. The unparalleled w-aafo of resotirce and wealth.
In maintaining the armies and conducing active
hostilities. rales the same q-iestlon 1n regard to na
tional resources of capital. It might, from one point
of view, be arsued that ths considerations aria ng from
the waate of life are moro formidable than those aris
ing from the waate of treasure, because the number of
soldiers available at the call of a fighting state la de..
terminable, where the total sum of capital subject to
its requisition Is not. But to this it will be answered
that the problem of keeping the ranks filled, even under
circumstances of prodlglotie loaa of life. Is fsmlllar to
military history, and that the problem of n-eetlng such
expenses as are belnp Incurred today Is new. Which
ever view of the matter Is correct. It Is certain that
the present flnsncial and economic aspect of the war
Is one of the utmost perplexity.
New York, as the financial capital of the greatest
neutral state. Is today tho real money center of the
world: therefore. It la tha rate of exchange at Nkw
Tork. on the various belligerent countries, whlcl
should messure. more accurately than anythlnr elsa.
the severity of Europe's economic strain. Asa mstter
of fact. New Tork exchange on all of those countries
stands today at an utterly abnormal discount. Tha
rates on london. Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Rome and 8t.
Petersburg, are In esch aa expressed In figures which
would be wholly Impossible In time of peace, unless
under conditions of momentary financial panic or of
currency depreciation.
Berlin exchange, which is now some U per cent
below the normal minimum, undoubtedly measures,
ss sn economic fact, a depreciated currency in Ger
many; Russian exchange on London, which stands at
a discount of 24 per cent, gives an apparently similar
indication for that country. It is at least debatable
whether the 4 per cent depreciation In French ex
change, and the 12 per cent deprec'atlon In the rate
on Italy, may not have Indicated similar, tough less
aggravated, conditions: at a'l events.' the cuirency li
those countries does not appear to be today redeemd
In gold.
Of exchange on Iondon, which ha Itself sold it
a discount of perhaps 14 per cent from normal figures,
no sdverse Inferences as to the British currency can
very well he drawn; thla for several reaaons. Unlike
the currency of the other Kuropean belligerents, the
Bsnk of England notes are today freely redeem -ahlo
In gold. Enrland, moreover, la the only
tlghtlnr state which Is regularly exporting- gold
to meet an adverse foreign balance. But beyond even
these considerations. It Is well known that the current
depreciation of Merllng exchange la due primarily, not
to tho pressure of London's own foreign obligations
but to the assumption by that market of the outside
burdens of Its allies.
All this, however, is only to state the problem net
to solve It. or to Indicate what later conditions It will
lead to. There ars two separate factors In the case,
each of which will hsve Its bearing on the outcome.
One haa to do with the attitude of the American mar
ket. Tills country Is for the present not only ths
banking center of the world, but by far tho largest
exporting state snd the largest creditor on current
International account. esterday's foreign trade ra
tuma for Aprl show an excess of merchandise ex
ports, during the four last months, of SSM.COO.OX)
wheress the largest excess In any previous eorreapon-l-Ing
period of our history wss SOOJ.OnO.nO; and to thl
in reckoning our market's International advantage,
trust bo added the saving of, sar. of re
mittances usually made In tha period to Americans
abroad, and the remittance, to New York, of very
large sum for safekeeping during war time.
In the normal machinery of International exchange,
such a position would always be adjusted either by
greatly Increased Import of foreign merchandise, or
by wholesale redemption of our own secvtrltles from
Europe, or by Urge advances of capital to the Euro
pean markets. Increased shipments of merchandise,
war-rtdden Europe cannot provide. Tt bas either ex
hausted Its available supply of American stocks and
bonds, or else the owners of such securities are cling
ing to them as 4he surest form of Investment at this
time Thei-a is left the recourse of lending great
sums of our own capital to Europe. In one from or
another whether through the granting of "credit
balances" or through purchase of government aecurl
tlea that Is the quite Inevitable result of the existing
The outcome of f nanclal Europe's home position
rest on other considerations. It is not easy to see
how some st Iraat of the fighting ststea, In ease of
a long war, can avoid relapse, for a good while to
come, Into a currency of Irredeemable and depreciated
paper. There hss been soma Idle talk of "repudiation"
by those governments a phrsse whose meaning has
apparently not been clear, even to thoaa who uaed it;
and Wall street has caught tip the notion. In some
vaua conjecture as to whether the "war orders" and
the grain exports will be paid for. The answer, it
answer to such a question should he needed. Is thst
payment for the shipments is provided for when the
orders are placed, snu Is made In cash by Amerlcsn
banssrs when the goods are shipped.
All this la apart trom the larger problem how tho
machinery of Bi ropran finance ran bear the enormous
burden of the war exivndtture, at a time when, ex
cept for the I'nited states and HoRsnd. every Im
portant financ al nation of the worm la entangled In
the war. At present aa In the twelve eara of the
Napoleonic conflict. End .nd Is largely sustaining Its
elites; and England's rese rve resource, now aa then,
are enormous. The problem aa tt appl'ea to Germany
Is apparently one of astonishingly expert use of Inter
lacing credit, whose longer scope of operation it Is
not easy to pted rt.
Twice Told Tales
As .an industrial barometer the steel busi
ness la unsurpassed. In a recent address the
head of the Steel trust. Judge E. II. Gary, cheer
ily noted two welcome signs of business better
ment Increaaing ordera for structural steel and
improving relations between business and gov
ernments. United States Steel corporation ia
not affected by war orders, confining its busi
ness to structural steel and kindred manufac
tures. Hence Its business growth more accu
rately registers the nation's advance to normal
Industrial conditions.
With ihe thief detail ot the union settled,
lriendly courtesy requires that Miss Benson and
Miss Florence be Invited to front seats at the
final ceremony. An advance Up on the joys
ahead makea for a at ate ot preparedness.
P-rauWIj tesaltted tt.
Senator William Hughes of New Jersey smiled
the other evening when refeienre s made to the
bes ity of fiankly admitting facta, ar.i said he was
reminded of an Incident that happened In Trenton.
Soma lime ago a charming Rordeniown girl went
to the Jersey capital to apend a week with a younis
wonen friend. While there she u Induced to take
part In a church barer, and was g ven chsrge of the
candy booth. Eventually a middle aged man waa led
that way.
"They tell me I must buy some andy." entiled
the victim, picking up a box from the booth. "How
much ta thla?"
"live dollars." answered the Borden town girl,
without any visible evidence of conscientious pangs.
"I'm." thoughtfully returned the victim, glanclni;
from the candy to the g rl. "Aten't you a little dear "'
"Well." coyly rejoined the other, "tsiat's what all
tha Bordentown boye Bay " Philadelphia Telegraph.
Brlabt Salrssuaw.
The depression In business caused a local Jeweler
to discharge hla experienced man. replacing Mm with
a high school graduate a youth Just out of aschool.
He appeared very anxloua to learn. ar.J the proprietor
at the end of tha first week, was mi h pleased with
results. One day tho merchant was obliged to be sway
from the store, and upon Ma return inqu'red:
"Well. "rank, did you sell aimhin,; while I was
'; out?"
I "Yes , sir; I sold five plsin hand rings.''
"Fine, my bey!" said the Jeweler, enthiisiaaiit ally
' We'll make an Al ralesman out of you tine of these
days. You got the regular price tor them, of courre?"
"Oh, yea. sir. Tho price on the Inside waa 11 cents,
and the sits took all tbat was loft, air." Harper a
Editorial Snapshots
Pblladirhla T.edsr: When the next
Tharksaivlng day corres. this "land of
the free and hone of tha brave" wUI
have abundant reasons to celebrste It
Cleveland Plain IVslr: Prof. Benson
of California wants s congress of fathers
called to studv domesih- problems. Msv
be this will be neresssry, when the moth
ers go to congress.
Pittsburg Plepstrh: president Wilson's
address to the Pan-American congress
rsrrled a strong hint that he la prepar
ing a dose of elixir of life for the ship
purchase bill.
Baltimore American: Politics snd par
ties, aftor all, play a email role In ths
deatlny of the t'nlted Ftates; for when
crises come the people of their own ac
cord weld themselves Into a mass of
solidarity that cannot be broken. And
with tha American people behind htm no
man can be far wrong.
Brooklyn Eagle: There i sn be no
I'nited ftates of Europe, because there
can be no common understanding with
out one language to express In a new
literature the fruits of that understand
ing. It ia well to have dream', but It
is also well to wake up occasionally to
the common-sense view of things.
Springfield Republican: Thomas A,
Edison, commenting on the Lusltanla In
cident and the war in general, remarks
that In the one addition of trench fight
ing in military tactics "it is fair to as
sume thst the aeroplane has given to
the United Ftstes what amounts to an
addition of 2,eon.ono or men." This
Is a reminder thst both the aeroplane
and the submarine as practical machines
are American inventions.
Philadelphia Record: Privacy Is be
coming more and more difficult Mr.
Msrconl Is announced to have invented
a device thst makes stone walls trans
parent, an extension of the X-ray and
fluoroacope Idea. Some one else has found
that a man with a coll of wire around his
hea1 can project his thoughts sgalnst
persons who could run away from his
voice. The wireless telephone apparatus
that can be carried on the person wasi
recently announced. Pome of the new
school of psychologlHts think they can
cstch s man, fasten a mechanism to him
and tell what is passing In his mind.
The prospect is foil of gloom.
Hpringfleld Republican: America csnnot
eerspe a curtailment of the labor supply
with Italy establishing a firing line In
Europe. Tills country was affected when
the Italian campaign in Tripoli was
being prosecuted a few years ago, but
the earlier war with Turkey was trivial
compared with what this one must be in
Its demands upon the Italian population
of military age. Doubtless there are thou
sands of Italian reservists In America
today who will go home to servo in ths
army. It Is estimated at Washington that
between SS and 45 per cent of the X0,000
men of Italian birth In the United States
are still bound to Join the colors.
People and Events
The newspaper fraternity haa not taken
everythfhg In sight In Kansss, but baa
sequeatered a large Juicy slice. Governor
Capper is a newspsper publisher. Jay E.
Houae. one of Capper's desk goen. bes
been elected mayor of Topeka. Mayor
House won handily In a field of four oa
the platform of opposition to women In
politics. The women gave him a fierce
run for the Job, making a house-to-houee
csnvass sgalnst him. One of his first
acts on becoming mayor was to fire four
police women. "Women will be used at
the police station," says tho mayor, "but
1 am not going to have them patrollag
the streets, where their chief employment
hss been sticking their noses Into their
neighbors' business." Why, Jsy, you
moan thing!
Rev. Leslie W. Bprague of the Welling
ton Avenue Congregational church and
Rev. William C. Shaw, rector of St.
Peter's Episcopal church, two Chicago
pastors, have resigned their charges for
the purpose of taking a rest and seeking
less Important fields of labor. Both say
they are fagged out and that the fruits
of their labors Is not proportioned to the
energy expended. Lack of co-operation
between pastors and people is the prin
cipal complaint. "Chicago people," says
Pr. Sprsgue, "make a pretense of being
exceedingly busy. If you ask them to
undertake any task In the church they
haven't the time. But If a circus should
pitch Its tent In the neighborhood, every
body would be foot free. I don't knew
any city where cnndltloens are eo hard
as they are here."
Condensed Pointers
Real repentance Is seldom of the fog
horn variety.
The third party leader should always
bs sn optimist.
The man who has never been tempted
deserves no credit for virtue.
It is human nature to fawn upon our
superiors and kick inferiors.
There Is nothing like the verdict of a
Jury to demonstrate that things are not
what they aeem.
When asked for an opinion. It la better
to gueaa how young a woman Is not than
how old aha Is.
Exsmtnation generally proves that
there are a lot of spikes concealed in the
other men's soft Job.
Anyhow, the old maid csn derive satis
faction from the thought that she is not
slaving to support a lasy husbsnd.
As a rule the people who detlve ths
moat pleasure from an almanac Joko
never need the advertiaeii remedies.
Minna Irving, in Leslie's.
When he rouses you at dawn
From a rare and rosy dream.
To the table follows you.
Pipping in the Jug of cream,
Hwtmmlng in the coffee-cups.
Stealing sugar on the sly,
Fkatlng on the butter-plate.
Swat tha fly.
When he seeks the kitchen, there
Over pots and pans to roam.
While the damp and soapy sunk
Is his happy little home,
warming on the meat and fish,
Skipping traps and poisons by.
Multiplying oh. the peat!
Swat the fiy.
When he finds you on the porth
In a hammock, full of bliss.
From the sweetest girl on earlii
Just shout to Meal a kissi
And he busses far from shv.
Turning )ov to audden wrath,
tiwat the fly.
When he'a crawling on li e floor.
When he's sailing tlirouith the air.
When he's droning on the rsne.
When he'a tantrled in vmir heir.
When has roosting upsiue dow-n
On the telliiis snuoth and high.
Every plsra snd every 'line
Swat the f v
Nebraska Editors
J. 3. Hsydon has sold the Lions Sun
to Van Rpyce cf Adel, Is. The transfer
wss made June 1.
Brsnde Bros., proprietors of ths Pierce
Call, have purchased the McLean Herald
and have consolidated it with their paper.
F. M. Broome, one of the pioneer news
paper men of Box Butte county, la the
new editor snd manager of the Alliance
News, a weekly paper recently started
by a stock company.
The Hildreth Telescope celebrated Its
twenty-ninth anniversary last week. J.
Frank Lants. the present proprietor has
been at the helm for the lsst nineteen
E. T. snd C. J. Best, founders of the
Nellgh Leader, celebrated the thirtieth
anniversary of their paper last week by
getting out an extra good number of that
Interesting sheet. They announce thst
they will Install a linotype or intertype
within the next few' weeks.
Editor Pickett of the "Wahoo Wasp Is
sued a fine eight-page high school sup
plement last week. It Is Illustrated with
fine haif-tone engravings of the grad
uates, members of the faculty, groups of
societies snd school buildings. It con
tains much historical matter and Is a
souvenir that every friend of the school
will bs glad to preserve.
Wayne Herald: The Ord Quia was sold
recently for tlS.OCO. Ord Is not so large a
town as W'aym, nor so favorably located.
The country around Wayne la richer than
that around Ord. Wa doubt It the Quiz
Is better equipped than the 'Wayne
Herald, or has a larger volume of busi
neaa. The foregoing Is basis for the re
mark that the value of the Herald plant
has been marked up.
Tercy Bysshe Shelley.
The world's great see begins snew.
The golden years return.
The eaith doth like a snake renew
Her winter weeds outworn;
Heaven smiles, and faiths and empires
Like wrecks of a dissolving dream.
A brighter Hellas rears Its mountains
From waves serener fsr;
A new Peneus rolls his fountains
Against the morning star;
Where fairer Tempes bloom, there sleep
Young Cyclads on a sunnter dep.
A loftier Argo cleaves the main.
Fraught with a later prls;
Another Orpheus slnrs sgatn.
And loves, and weeps, and dies;
A new Ulysses leaves once nvore
Calypso for his native shore.
O. write no more the tale of Trov.
If earth with Death's scroll must be
Nor mix with Ln.lan rage the Joy
Which dawns upon, the free.
Although a subtler Pphtnx renew
Rlddlea of death Thebes never knew.
Another Athens shall arise.
And to remoter ttme
I Bequeath, like sunset to the skies.
The splendor of Its prime:
And leave, If naught so bright may live,
Ail earth can take or heaven ghe.
Fatum and Love their long repose,
Shall burst, more bright and good
Than all who fell, than One who rose,
Than many unsubdued;
Not gold, not blood, their altar dowers.
But votive tears and symbol flow-era
O. cease! Must hate and death- return
Cease! Must men kill and die?
Cease! Drain not to Its dregs the urn
Of bitter prophecy!
The world Is weary of the past
U, might It die or rest at last!
"Bred ren," said the Rev. Raetus John
slrg, "next ftunday the Lord will be wlf
us st tho mawnin' meeting" and de pre
sldln' ekler at tho r.lght sorvlccs." Phila
delphia Ledger.
"Ton realize that you are but a ser
vant of the people."
"Not exactly," rev lied Sena tor Sorghum.
"I can't help feeling thst I here a lot
more respect for the people than many
servants have for their employer "
Washington Star.
"Ol'm s psceable man an' hope that
Ol msv nlver be anvthlnnr elae "
"Then you don't wsnt wsr with Ger
many?" "Ol do not. But, begorry. If Jermanv
wants war wid us, Oi tinVc we ought to
be pcighlHirly an' a commodatln'.' F-os-ton
F r s
i m m -siti
I Ar
FiATTvrcf xncKi
OT. I& THIS Atsfctsua.
. 'I!
f?? J
MALTED nil Lit
The Food-Drink for a!! Agos
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infanta, invalkla ead growing children.
Purenutritksa,upbuildiiMtMvfko)e body.
Invigoratee nursing cootbars aad ta sg'.
More healthful than tea or coffee.
OnlBtm yom mmy mHORUOtTSm
yom mmy got a Suttmtltutmm
"Haven't you any larger chocks?"
' No," said the tailor, "thees are ths
largest I have."
"I fear you have not a very extensive
line of cloth."
"These are about aa large as checks
come In cloth. I might possibly make
you up a vest out of linoleum." Louts
villo Courier-Journal.
More Heart
Less Ae-h No
Smoke Ask
Your Dealers
SRhcurnatlGiTi Can Be
Why softer when the new tresstmest will poettrvely cure Rheumatism:
In tea days. Stop suffering and avoid serious oompttcatlona which maw
bother you tor Ufa. Call or write for testimonials and fall parUoularc,
814 Bee Balldlng.
Five More Pairs
Free This Week
for the five boys that bring us the moat
pictures of the stllta before 4 P. M., Sat
urday, June S.
This picture of the stllta will be In The
Bee every day this week.
Cut them all out and ask your friends
to save the pictures In their paper for you
too. See how many plcturea you can get
and bring them to The Bee Office, Satur
day, June 5.
The stllta will be given Free to the boys
or girls thai eend us the mot pictures be
fore 4 P. M., Saturday, June 5.
A small choice
but very choice offices
There are only a few from
wluch to choose, but if any
meet your requirements, you
will be more than satisfied.
Talk to any of our tenants
and you will find the great
satisfaction they nil feel in
having an office in
"Th building that it alwayt nattf"
We offer:
222 Choice office Suite, north light, very desirable
for doctors or dentists; waiting room and
private office; 530 square feet. ... $45.00
322 Choice office Suite, north light, very desirable
for doctors or denttsta; waiting room and two
private offices; 530 square feet . . . . 845.00
601 co' with vault, near elevator and
stairs: eleitrii- light free, 210 square feet
for $18.00
Apply to Building Sup't. Room 103.