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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
1!M LINCOLN HIGHWAY ! CHIEF STOPS HERE I president of Association Comei , LET'S ALL GET IN BAHDWAGON--DIETZ i PRESIDENT H. B. JOY OF THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY STOPS IN FRONT OF THE BEE BUILDING-Mr. Joy is en route to the Pacific coast to give the new twelve-cylinder Packard car a tryout. Mr. Joy in front, with blue glasses; be hind him is Horace F. Orr, local agent; next Advertising Manager Bement, and next the mechanician, who is making the trip with Mr. Joy. GOLD W TCH FRBE FOR A NAME Dnifsrdow Sayi that Only by the Help of The Bee Could Bill Have Been Pushed Through, VOTE SHOULD DECIDE ALL Through Omaha on Hii Trip to the West UKES PROVISION FOR TOURISTS TUF, I IKK: OMAHA. Tllt'Ksv. .U'NK Ttenry B. Joy, prudent of both the Packard Motor Car company and the Lincoln Highway association, arrived In Omaha last night In one of the new Packard TwIn-flUes en route to 8an TTanclsco. Mr. Joy Is scrnmpnn1e1 by Krnest Elsenhut of the experiments! force of the Packard factory, as well as A. Y. Bement. who la also an official of the Lincoln Highway association. The party left Detroit last Thursday afternoon and arrived here at :15 o'clock lat nlffht. being the flint tourists through from the east since the heavy rains of the last twr weeks. While the trip is more to test the rew Packard product It Is also Mr. Joy'a intention to prepare a Octal led report of the road ountlttcms felons the Highway with a view to In fectlnf enthusiasm where It Is lacking tnd. encouraging thom who have been fry much interested. Road Condition t.ood. Mr. Joy la very mii-h pleased with the road conditions thus far and the mere fact that such progress was made during the extremely had neat her la an Indication that the Iowa illvlsiun of the X4ncoln highway has Gone much good work. The party carries a complete "umptng utflt and had a good opportunity ti tue It the first night out when they pitched camp near Le Porte, Ind The aSeoond night u spent in Clinton, la., And Saturday night nt Belle Plalne. It required all day Sunday through a con tinual blinding rain to negotiate forty tniles of the road between Belle Plalne and Marshall town. Mr. Joy waa very enthusiastic In li If praiae of the Fontenelle hotel and com pared it with the most exclusive eastern clubs, stating that certaintly there waa no eaatem hotel that could outdo Oma ha a newest. This ia all that caused Mr. Joy and his party to remain In Omaha ever night, as they are accustomed to and very fond of outdoor and camp life, and aa they get farther west will no doubt spend many nights In this manner, phis la not Mr. Joy'a first transconti nental trip by any means, as ho was Selected aa president of the Lincoln High way association largely through his knowledge of the route and conditions trained by numerous auch trips aa this one. The party plans to reach Cheyenne by Thursday night and then push on through to San Francisco. While it has not been definitely settled as yet. It is possible that the return trip will be made oner the same route. Mr. Joy and hie party were entertained at the Omaha club last night by Mr. Orr of. the Orr Motor Sales company, local Packard agent. Ernst Says He Will Sign Warrants '. Before Board Meets Aa to the salary warrants for the teachers of the Omaha schools. President iDrnst of the Board of Education asserts that by Saturday morning they will all be signed and delivered to Secretary Bourke. It will be up to the secretary to deliver them and take the responsi bility of their legality before the approval of the payroll that will come before the board at the regular meeting the follow ing Monday night President Ernst asserts that it may be possible that a special meeting of the Board of Education to approve the pay roll may be called for Friday afternoon, bat up to this time no action looking to this end has been taken. As the matter now stands, the secre tary of the board will have the warrants In time so that he can deliver them Sat urday morning, thus permitting the teachers to get their money and get away on afternoon trains. If they desire. Omaha Invited to Cody Celebration Business men of Cody, Wyo.. want the Omaha Commercial club to be repre sented at the opening of the automobile road from Cody to Tellowatone park Au gust 30. A formal opening is to be cele brated on that day. A few representatives will likely go to Cody for this occasion. Another Invitation has come from the Alliance State Stockmen's association, which Is to hold Its celebration at Al liance June 16 to 18. South Omaha stock men are expected to attend this meeting In large numbers. WHEAT TAKES A DROP AND CORN GOES HIGHER Wheat on the Omaha market, on ac count of the reports coming in from all over the country of a big crop in s'ght, bumped off 1 to 3 cents from the prices) of Tuesday. The high mark was 11.30, with more sales made at around 11.29. "Receipts were light, there being but eight carloads offered. Com was in better demand and (.Irons, being up of a cent, selling at 70ift?2 sent. The receipts were twenty-six cars. Fluctuations In the oats market were narrow, the cereal selling at 4C47 cents, these prices being Vi up to "4 down from thoee of Tuesday. ELECTRIC LIGHT MAGNATES TO BE IN OMAHA SATURDAY Saturday the electric light magnates Of the cities of the eastern section of the country are going to be In Omaha fifteen minutes. There will be 125 of them on a special train, enroute to the Pacific coaat, traveling on the North-western-l'nlon Pacific aa a section of No. t. going through here at 10:90 o'clock In the forenoon. It la expected that here the party will be Joined by several from Omaha, Kansas City. St. Jue and Sioux City. A Mistake Made by Hair, Ikjo'i wait for rbeumattam to Indicate diseased kidneys. When Vou suffer pa'ns and aches try day and sleep dis turbing bladder weakness by night, feci tired, nervous and rundown, the kidneys and Madder should le rcetored to healthy, strong and regular action. It Is a mistske to postpone treatment. Foley kidney pi'U put the kidneys In sound, healthy rendition and keep Uiom active and strong. BtKlri taking today, 'iood remilta f .'Umw the fiiKt dose. Bold every where. Advertisement. 10 CHANGE POLICE AROUND Commissioner Kugel Wants All to Become Familiar with Greater Omaha. MOTOR COPS TO HAVE STATIONS A Dundee town marshal walking a beat In South Omaha, a South Omaha gen darme directing traffic at Sixteenth and Famam streets and an Omaha copper ab sorbing packing house aroma, are among the possibilities of the Greater Omaha situation soon to be confronted by the city officials. T'ntil the governor's proclamation has been received and the consolidation has sctually been declared in effect. Superin tendent Kugel of tlio police department does not want to bo precipitous in his re marks. He has, however, some ideas along the line of his prospective enlarged duties. For one thing, he says he will change the policemen around, so that men now working In South Omaha may become familiar with Omaha proper, and be even believes the Dundee policeman would be broadened by having experience In Omaha and South Omaha. Under the present Omaha system the policemen are changed every month, both as to shifts and beats. - South Omaha poltcemon now work un der a double-shift system, while under the consolidation they will work under a three-shift system. There are now eighteen members of the South Omaha police department Mr. Kugel believes that the introduction of the three-shift system in the south teriltory of Greater Omaha will require more men. With reference to the proposition of establishing a substation In th north part of Omaha. Mr. Kugel declares there U no necessity at this time for such an addition. He is Inclined to believe that It may be well to place motorcycle men at some of the outlying fire houses, thus making these places substations to a limited degree. Coroner's Jury Judges Suicide in Davis Death A coroner's Jury returned a verdict that James K. Pavla took his own life while mentally dnraiiged, the result of over work, Mr. revla was discovered I" s. barn at tho rear of his residence. 4702 North Thirty-alnth street, Tuesday" morning, suspended by a rope. Ed I'etceau. night clerk at fhe Prexcl hotel, at the lmjuest testified that Davis appeared at the hotel at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday morning In a dazed condition; that he was i-'nced on a street car and that he did not engage a room. BOAT KEEPER AT CARTER LAKE HAS REAL BOOSTER There's tricks to all trades, the old timers say. hut who'd ever think that tow-headed htoper of boats for hire on Carter lake could have aught but the weatlu'r man to conjure for hi in? All Juy long, under the shelter of a dumb of trees, sits a man In a boat, pulling out two-poundcrs every five min utes. Occasionally h rows back to the boat house for more bait, and there he accidentally exhibits his "thus far" string and causes a mad rush for boats, bait and poles The string of fish Is a mere theatrical "prop," and the finned beauties that he pulls out regularly are not hooked, but tied on. One fellow yesterday wore part of his Jaw away repeating " 'S funny I can t ketch 'em a tall, an that feller there' pullln 'ini in regular'n clockworks. It beats mc, brother. It beats me!" And about that time the "shlll" would "catch" another fish, and the surround ing flock of envluus fishermen would sigh and try It again for awhile. LIVE STOCK MEN GO TO LIVE STOCK CONVENTION W. R. Bock of the Milwaukee road has gone to Chicago, accomiianylng the dele gates of the South Omaha I-lve Stock exchange, some thirty of them, who aro going tn the Nattrmal Live Stock conven tion, held In Indianapolis. The Omaha men have a car over the Milwaukee road, and at Manilla are Joined by tho Hloux City d'.k'jfttle", S'jine twentv. V - r -1 1 Quinby Tries to Register as Soon as the Vote is Counted "I want to rcgiater," came a voice over the counter nt the pIpcIIt com missioner's office at 8 Tuesday night. "At this unearthly hour of the i.lght, and election day at that?" asked the clerk. "Where do you live?" "Dundee." "We only register Omaha peoplo here," said the clerk. "But I am a part of Greater Omaha now,'' persisted the man. "Not yet." "Look at the returns your own re turns," the anxious Dundee voter per sisted. "Am I not a part of Greater Omaha now, with the vote going seven to one for consolidation? I want to, have the honor of being the first to register from Dundee." "Sorry, friend, but we can't accom modate you Just yet not until the gov ernor Issues his formal proclamation de claring the cities consolidated." And Senator Laurie J. Qulnhy stroked his wavy gray hair, smiled, and walked out of the office. Kansas to Harvest Biggest Wheat Crop Director McBrlde of the state labor de partment of Kansas, from Topeka, has written a letter to Rock Island officials here, asserting that there la no truth In the Hessian fly wheat damage stories that have been so current about the grain markets of the country. He states that while the fly has appeared in some Isolated sections of the state, after a careful Investigation, ho ascertains that little. If any, damage has been done. "Kansas will harvest one of Uie beat and biggest wheat cropi In the history of the state," writes Director McBrlde, "and tho thing that is troubling us at this time It Is the question of help. Our harvest will start June 15, In the south ern part of the state and to secure our grain we will need 35,000 more men than the state can furnish. The minimum wage will be 12 per day and board." BANKERS HAVE SPECIAL . CAR TO AINSW0RTH MEET Twenty bankers from Omaha and east ern Nebraska left over the Northweetr crn for Alnsworth, where today will ho held a meeting of Group No. 2 of the Nebraska Bankers' association. The Omaha bankers had a special car and between here and Norfolk a numtwr of bunkers of the towns along the tine will be taken aboard. The R02I Suffrage Thought of Women Motherhood Is the thought uppermost In woman's mind. And with It, of course. ,W9n.-nj comes the question 1 1 tf comiorc, 01 neiprci Vi- V al(1 aru) Influence. . Amor ins bast r thwe is a well koowi external reined , "Mother's V T I e n d." It Is gently sppUcd ti tlie surface muscle. Tl.ese are lubricated, toned, made pliable they stretch as natuij requires without th? ttrain and pain 01 ord and ligaments Tl,l. I S,,...,... (trough tbe myriad of noires to deeper sur f.ues. the internal orgsni. And thus a period of rspose must reflect Itself not only in tbe mind of the mother, but upon tbe bAhe to come. A point upon which all experienced people agree is the accepted fact tliat whatever an expecUot mother mar do for herself that is cafe snd harmless Is bound to enconrace confidence in hrrself. And as she applies "Mother's Freed ' with her owa hand when ever required and Just where needed, she sooa lesrns to forget those apprehensions so often Irasji native. Young tnotheis who have need 'Mother's Friend" have wrltlen to iy I ott rejoice I ; extreme nervousness, and other dlstrrtses of I which they had bsard and feared. Get a ' bottle of "Mother's mend" at any drug store. Simply apply It over the stomach mus cles and rest axeured of perfect safety and comfort day and Hiil.t. Writs t UradaeWI Regulator, 71 Lamar BM- Atlanta. Ga, for tbclr handsome and ir.structive book. FESTIVAL OF OLD SONGS IS TO BE REPEATED Complying with requests from many sources, the Walnut Hill Methodist Kplscopal choir will, on Friday evenltur. repeat the larger part of Its proem m of old songs, as rendered. Thursday even ing. May 27. The bad; weather of that evening kept away many people who otherwise would have attended, and aa Dr. Charles M. Rhephord of Lincoln le coming Friday night, to lecture on "The Genesis of an American," the singers have consented to repeat their program on that evening. In connection with the lecture. The public Is Invited to attend, the admission Is free, although a silver offering will be taken, the proceds of $2,6oo Packari POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPACT - THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPAftf j c CIMlSjU M r Si3S2' I 3 U The Paotsl Telecrapb-4 sbMisMjisst tr 306 CH W 120NL 9.40 P M Detroit, Mich., Juno 1. 1915. Orr Mtr. Sales Co., Omaha, Neb. . In selling twin six cars I wanMo again emphasize that they should not be sold because of their reasonable price, but on account of their exceptional high quality. Mr. Joy, who is well on his way to San Francisco behind one of the twin sixes, tele graphs their performance makes them worth ten thousand dollars each, the actual prices as now officially announced for all open car types are twenty-six hundred for jthe one twenty-five and twenty-nine fifty for the one thirty-five. I think you will agree with me that these figures assure us a tremendously successful season from now on you are at liberty to sell twin sixes and at the prices herein stated, best wishes. ALVAN 1TCAXJLEY, Vice President Packard Motor Car Go. which will be used by the choir, a volun teer organlxatlon, in the purchase of robes. MAGAZINE BOOSTS STOP OFF AT OMAHA CAMPAIGN The Midwest Magaxlno for June, pub lished In Omaha, la off the press with a long article on Omaha and the "Stop Off nt Omaha" campaign by K. V. Par rlsh of the bureau of publicity and a long article on "What to See In Nebraska," by the editor. Will Maupln. Twenty-five hun dred copies of this issue are to he dis tributed throughout the east besides the regular distribution through the normal circulation channels. Bee Want Ads Produce Result Twin Six BM4, I ClIMISCt M sum SCCH. W k NIGHT TELEGRAM IlllllimillslMsMBSM II III Hill I -LS-' smlUsaSSeliTsrs Wight Hesssyf ssajert le the tsmtaasd falhwpTfctes sa tae aact sf this Mask. fceivcf ml i js Ftrnmm Rlrrrl, Omsis Oriental Rug Sale To reduce our tremendous stock of fine ori ental rugs we are greatly reducing prices. An extraordinary opportunity to anyone who contemplates purchasing an oriental rug. Khive-Bokhara, 10x8, $125, Now $100 Mahel. 12x0, $185, Now $145 Royal Serook, 13-9x9-6, $400, Now $300 Hundreds of others greatly reduced. Beaton & Laier Co. Tha Hm of Btamtiful Furniture. "f hope alt will set In the band-: wagon now and pull together," said Gould Diet, chairman of the Greater Omaha committee, following; the; election which consolidated the cltlenj by a vote of more than 7 to 1. "The! men on mis committee deserve a whole lot of treilll, for Hiey did a lot of good work. The South Otnahii members of the committee especially, .Toe Koutsky and T. J. McOulre. are two that hardly slept during the last days of tbe campaign. We got a littla discouraged the morning or election day when we learned that Mayor Tom Hoctor of South Omaha was distributing a lot of anonymous cerds through the north part of Omaha purporting to come from OmaJja people and urging the voter to vote against consolidation, but we soon found the effect of this was very Uttle." Vote NhnwM Meplile It. George Ilaverattck. who was one of the persistent workers at the state house In Retting tne Greater Omara bill through the legislature, said. "I think nerhsn the less said now the better. We will have a great city If everyone pulls to gether now. I think tne large majority vote for consolidation In South Omalm alone will effectually forestall any further action any Individuals from South Omaha may attempt to take In court against consolidation. "Yos, it has been a loms fight, run ning over many years. The Omaha Bee has been consistently for consolidation through all the years and has been the greatest help to the committee Give Credit Tho sVmi. State Representative Robert C. Druese dow said: "The Omaha Iks certainly de serves great credit for tie bringing about of the Greater Omaha consolidation. The liee gave great assistance In the legisla ture in getting the bill through, and has always been consistently for consolida tion. Nobody but the members of the legislature knows what a fight wa had down there to get the bill through. At the last minute Charlie Bryan of Lin coln and the "Little Giant' Billy Thomp aon of Grand Island got their noses Into it and said, 'Toil mustn't do this. It Is undemocratic to do this.' The big ma jority given consolidation In South Omaha yesterday shows how undemo cratic, the move was. It shows that It Is Just what Houth Omaha wanted, aa weli as Omaha." Prices "1-35 $2,950 IMCftM. 7 J .wsa, i t sea I mo a. Telephone 704.J ZZZ2s3T V4 ml ; J V 'V". if I How to Get One: Jnst send ns the name of a friend or neighbor who do not own a Mano or Player Piano, but who Is talking of KPttlng one. If we anil them, you get the Oold Watch for your trouble. Schmoller&F.laeller FT A NT) on. 1.111-ia Famam Rt Om&h. Phone Itoaglaa 163.1. CREAM Tomato Soup 1 Pint lomatoft. Ttaipoou baking tod. 1 7m,Nm.H hMHT Slict of mum. i Pint Cottogt Ftitft orattdMttkdiluIrt, with 1 Ptnt wtltr. 2 Tnufioant flour. l j eupotm JNfur, I Tmtpoon talk Stew tomatoes 20 minutes. Add onion, bay leaf and epriff of parsley. Remove, this seasoning. Press tomatoes through s colander. Return to stove. Scald the milk in a double boiler. Cream flour and butter together. Add a little of the heated milk to the mixture, stirring until smooth. Then add the remainder of the milk and stir until it thickens. Add sugar and salt to tomatoes. Add soda after dis solving in a little cold water. Pour toma toes Into a heated tureen and then grad ually pour In milk, stirring briskly. The success of this depends on soup not curd ling. Do not hest soup after milk is added. Soups, sauces, gravies, cakes, pies, pud dings, all cooking where milk or cream ia required is improved in richness of flavor and increased in food value by the use of Cottage Evaporated Milk in place of bottle milk. Cottage Milk is not only doubly rich, but always uniformly so. Keep a stock in your pantry always American Milk Company, Chicago. If You're Summer Tired TaksjDufty. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey In table. poonful tn water beforsj meals arx on retiring la Just the. sum mer medicine you need to rouse tha appetlt. and create sjnbltlon. It works as nearly Ilka nut are aa possible, ao that tha dlsastlva orarana ara Btrsnrta ened and toned, and In tlma do their work asraJn naturally. Ton oan avoid many aummar complaints if you start today to "Get Duffy', and Keep Well" At most druar alata, grocers and dealers, 11. If they can't supply you. writ us. Medical booklet free. Tbs Duffy Malt WUaksy Co. Koohsstsv, ST. T, Various Forms Of Headache "It Is necessary In order to treat bead- , aeh.s properly to understand tho causes wblob produo. the affection'' aaya Dr. J. W. Hay of Hlocklon, Ala. Continuing", be sayst ' "Fhyslcians cannot .Ten begin U treat ment ot a dlsraso without kuo-wtng what causes sIts rise to It, aud must ramam- ber that bead achs Is to be treated according to ths sain. rula. We must not only bs par ticular to g1s a remedy Intended to coun teract tbe cause, whloh produces tha bwd ache, but wo must also sly a remedy to relley ths pain until ths cause of tb. trouble bat b..n remored. To answer this purpose Antl-kamnla Tablets will b found a most eonTsnlent and satisfactory reniady. On. tablet, very one to tbr. hours glTescomlort and rest In ths most serereoasesol headache, neuralgia and particularly ths headaches ot woman." When we hava a patient subject to regular attacks ot sick headache, w. should cautlou him to ksep his bowels regular, lor which nothing Is better than Actolds", and when uv i.dii lu. irMi ( hi ma oncoming attack, b should tako two A-K Tablets. Much patients should always b Instructed to carry a tew Antl-kamnla Tablets, so as to bav tnsm ready tor Instant use. Thess tablets ara prompt In action, and ean bs oo, to proauco renei m e Trj l.w luluutes. Askfor A-K Tablet. Antl-aaaaala Tablet oaa b. obtained at all druaxUM. Dlvrs rout tickets to New York and Boston ara on aala daily via Chloaso, Milwaukee 6 Bt Paul Railway. These tickets, whloh permit going on rout, and returning another, are offered In great variety and include all tha prin cipal cities and places of Interest tn the East. Delightful trips by water on tha Great Laices, 8t. Lawrence and Hudson RHrera and tha Atlantic Ocean may b Included. FWsa to New York range from IBt.tO up, to Boston from 153.80, up. with final return limit of 0 days and liberal atopoyer privileges. Vol mors complete Information, folders, etc. call on or address. W. il Bock, City fassanger Agent, C. M. & Et. P. Ivy.. 1817 Karnarn 8t., Omaha, Neb. Apartments, flats, Uouaua and colt's can ba rented quickly and cheaply by a Bsa "For Rent" Ad.