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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
TflK OMAHA, 1HI KSDAV, .JUNE 3, 1015. Bringing Up Father Copyright. 111V InMrnatlonal Nw Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus MrVaSOE-'Yciii UMMrT THAT ROVf Cy-PeKN TOVWX IM FACT N"0O DONT LOOK VfLL! I r WHY - HOW r0 TALK -DO I KCAULV LOOK OAty MOV THAT NOU SFtAJK C IT- I DO FtEt. Vf n I'VE NOTICED IT 0THE UAVT TWO rAY, rVE PCCIAL.1 T -HL BE HEf Am NOtCNT. a wax vrm IT! YOU MUST Sf TOTHC COVJHTRY IMMTOtATeUY FOR ARtOT YOU ARE. IN A VERY NEKVOU- VTKTZ. -YOO LCT ALONE r I ' HOW YOO T Awv mmpm-p r ' I STATF -vni ) i-'lf iicri or-t I fY U r TALK -DO A -I f MU-TML rSAVtCCN S, i awa w i i - ii i v ry, y lcftalome! a.tck,,0uc. f 'u j-J l- u--un RSHT-DOC- SjOCIAL. FOMCTIOHs VAVE GALEN A4Yriie. STRAIN! I'VE BEEN OJUCUTO KriV JUST SEE HOW HE LOOK AFTTR Tit - DO HOPE HE. lfN'T LOMEOME: SAX- JlS-iP I LOtE. TONK5HT- M ,OIN. TO CHAkGE. YOU FOR TWfT call: WELUCXX YOURiALL fVf-OOC: VILL YOO POLL THAT ChA ON Hi VIFC N.EXT WEEK? r GROYER SHUTS OUT ROURKBSQUADRON Good Pitching- of Topeka Hurler Givei Kaniani Second Vic tory of Striei. OMAHA IS ALLOWED FOUR HITS Standing of Teams TOPEKA. Kan., Jnn 2. Grover'a good pitching iihut out Omaha and Topeka r on H a-ond btory of t terle. Orover did not walk batter and held Omaha to lo lilt up to the ninth. fcore: OMAHA. AH. n . 1 0 . 4 . S . 3 ' ( . a . 3 i . 2 0 . S 0 . J 0 . 1 o Htnlth. If Htffli, Sb Pomythr rf.. Kafora. c Kruic. 2t Thnmaann, if. K hllebiwr, lb. Whrlan, (K...., Ftlodirstt, p.... kiurner II. t I 1 u 1 It it II 0 n A. it 3 a t, l o o 4 4 Total f'othian. 3h... Boatwlck. Mayrr, rf Lattlmore, Zb. ,.la-kaon. rf.... liorha. If...... Monroe, c.,... Happ. lb Otover, p. Totala 2 U TOPKKA. A H. n. ...37 . 1 2 , I 4 3 1 4 11 0 ti 11 A. I 4 1 3 0 0 0 I) 1 Hatted for Hlodcatt In the ninth. Olnaha 0 0 0 0 0 9-0 Toika 0 I 0 0 0 0 t Three-baa hit: (Jrovrr. Two-bae hlta: ltapa, Hoatwlck, Tomytha. Ioublo plav: IjttUmore to otwlrk to Rappa. stolen baara: Mayor, Kappa. Danva on ball: Off HlodKntt. J. Btruck out: Hy Uiovn, 1: ay iilodirett. 1. Wild tltih: Orover. Tlm: 1:4V. , I'mptrea: Parent and Cualck. iorx win opkseh or hrhikh Bvat tfc Bnarh lllta aad Wlrkra. WJCllITA. Kan.. Jnn !-Plou City run tn openlnir game of tha aerlra h'ra i,'T burK-hlna hlta. Lejeun. with a homa i!in n tlia aavanth, rnrl two. A fant double lay In tlia ninth to the plrte stopped a rally hy VI-hlia. Hcora: niviuiA. AH. K. Warca, 2b , N'lcholaoB, If.... lMp. a Ortffith. c 'I daman, cf.... llapp, M harlea, rf KUhor. lb 't'orhran, p h'.illlvan, p O. 4 1 4 M 0 1 I 0 A. K. 1 0 Totala SIOUX C1TT. 11 IS t'ouiiey. 2b..... lavldon. If.. Kam, lb euiuiie, cf.... t ailalian, tf . .. lUncl'ns. Sb... YouiiK, 'rlp, ti. t'Urk, p.. Keily. T itala Youna cut, nioux t.vy u-Mta AU. 0 ....II II. o. 1 K. 0 1 V It tt I M 0 W F.8T. IaV.A fl I ' K. I NAT. I.KA'H T. V.IP't.i W.Ul'il ! Moinea.23 IC .4Ti,hl'ano i: U . Topeka 1M 1 .r.7 Hoinon ' Omnha 17 1.', .Ml Krooklyn ...fl HI. Jowph. lK l! .WK) St. Uuula.... 10 Denver K, IS .iV I'hlla 31 21 I.lnroln IS .Win Pllteburah ..It J .474 Sioux City. .14 IX .4l;'ln lnnHil ..15 Ml .4'f Wlrhlta .... 7 fl.2.NfW York. ..14 20 . 411 AM Kit. I.i:ACll K. I STATE IKAHIT,. W.M'rtl W.I.Pct. (!hlno ....27 IS .Ml flentrli ... 4 .; IX' 17 .anft York h 4 M Hintnn m l.i .t:.H' Norfolk 6 .HIS New York. .11 17 HacMnan ....7 6 .WH WnnhlnK'n. 1l l .C7 KHlrtuiry ....7 7 .fl l li-velHiiil ..17 21 .447l(d. laliind.. 7 .4i.' H. Irfiula. ...17 21 .4J Kearney 4 h .XVt I'hlla 13 27..rjf.iColilinbii ...3 11 .214 KKO. KKAOt 'K. I A M Kit. AHHN. W.UI'rt. W.IIVt PltthiirKh..24 IH Indlonapli!.2X li -IW4 Newark ....?! .MKan. 1fy...22 11 .079 kan Clty..23 17 .n7S.,iivllle ..MH.S.Ii ri.trag ii II .Wl' Milwaukee ..21 IS t. lfula....U 17 .SU N. Paul 20 1 .Ml Prnnklvu ..17 3 .4-': I'oliimhiia ,.IH22.4il Halllnmre ..16 24 .W.;i leveland .14 21 .4i lluffalo ....12 27 .30" I Mtnnea.p"ll.l4 ti Iralrrdai'i llrnlt. WBSTKItN I.KAOl'K. Hi. Juneph, 1: L,lnroln. 2. 1 ea Mninea, 3; Invor, 3. iimHlia, o. Toeka. 2. Bloux flty, h; tYlrhlla. 4. NATIONAL. LiKA'Il'K. New York. 6: Honlon, 6. (Callrd end of ixl h, daraneaa, ralnl. Philadelphia. 3-3: lirooklyn. 7-4. chliaao, x; PlttuburK, 'X. iltalni. I'liKlnnatl, 4: Ht., S. AMKHK'AN IjUAOI'E. Helrolt, 4; t'hlaa;o, I. Ht. I.oulii. 4; Cleveland. 0. (Called . n.I of alxth. rain). Philadelphia, x: AVanhlngton, x. tRaini. llnnton, 7; New York, I. NKBRAH1CA HTATK I.KAOI K. Ifearney, 4; Orand Island, 2. Kealiiie, 4: Kalrburv, J. York, i; llaatlnaa, 1. Norfolk, 6; Columhun, ). PKDKMAI. I.KAGl K. Ht. lxul. 2; Chlrago, 1. , . PlttaburKh. 0: Kanaaa City, 4. naiiimore, i; mewarK, . ; HraWyrn-Hwffalo. rain. iamra Today Weatein league St. Joaeph at I.lnroln, Ilea Molnea at Henver. Omaha at Tu peka, Htoux 1ty at Wlihlta. National Iveaguo New York at lloaton. Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at St. Loul. Amertoan league WanhlnBton at Phil adelphia. Hoalon at New York. Federal league St. Ixiula at Clilrnuo, Krooklyn at iiuffalo, PlttaburKh at Kan aaa City. ' state League Kearney at Norfolk, Cliand Inland at Columliiia. York at Be atrice, HaaUnga at Kalrbury. TY COBB IS CAUSE ! GIANTS AND BRAYES OFCHICAGO BEATING! PLAY TEN TO A TIE Tig-er Cruh White Sox in Final Conteit of the Seriei by Four-to-One Score. Kew York and Boston Go Extra Inning, but Fail to Break Five-to-Five Deadlock. BENZ WORRIED IN THE SEYENTH CllIi'AiKi. June 2. Ty Cobb re hponallile for Chlrago'a defeat tod:y In the final game of the Detroit aeries, De troit winning over Chlrago, 4 to 1. tfeni pitched a good game up to the aeventh, when Cohh Hingled. He worried Beni un til the pitcher became unsteady and al lowed Crawford, Kavanaugh and Young to bunch hlta, forcing Hcnx to retire. Cohh added another run for the vlalt ora In the ninth when he alngled, stole, net ond and third and scored on a scratch hit. Coveleakle pitched well throughout Score: PKTIt'MT. All II II A r. CHICAGO. A 11.11. 0. A R. tl'ieh. I t VIII. Sh 4 0 I Col, rf I I 1 rpawrnrd. rlt t 1 Veach, If.. . J 1 1 KaaiKt', lb. 4 2 1! Yuona, 2b.. . 3 1 S M Kn. r ... I 1 rovelMkle, p 4 t Totala. OQiiinlan. rf. 1 10 0 0 1 oitoin. cf 1 5 UrlrhKlk, c... 4 113 0 0 flK.Colllna, Sb 4 t 0 0 OKournler, II I I I I 1 6 01 l olllna, rf. 4 I 1 0 0 3 OHIarkbrn. aa 3 0 I I 1 1 UHrlvf. lb ... ) I 0Hrton. lb... 3 f I V Hem, p 3 0 0 t M 12 ff IS OHcotl, p 0 0 0 0 0 . Ilil.T t 0 0 0 Kuaaall, p... 0 t 0 .M 4 37 M 3 DARKNESS ENDS THE BATTLE I103TON, June 2. New York and Hus ton played ten Innings to a 6 to 5 Me in shivering weather today. The gams waa railed because of darkness. Six New York runner actually eros.sed the home plrto, but one run was lost In an unusual manner. Hums, from third base, had raced for homo when Moran caught j Doyle's fly. Tlie Boston outfielder threw the ball toward the home plate, but Captain Doyle of the Olanta Intercepted it at first base. U waa his contention that the ball waa too late to catch Burns at home. The umpires ruled that his Interference re tired the base runner and the score waa lost. Crutcher pitched well for Boston, nil of New York' runs being due to er rors. The Braves hit Tesreau hard, but were helpless before the pitching of Stthauer. Score: NEW YORK. AB.H.O A.g UOKTON. AH. H O. A F. dav. but two wild pitches In the ninth followed by a paaaed ball by Thompson, gave the home club the game by X to 1 Score : LINCOLN AU. it. II. O. A. K Wolfe, ir 3 McUaffiKau, aa ... 3 11. W II llama, lb ... I 7 27 17 V 04 hit by batted ball. . . . i . e v w . v a ....I ! M 0 0 3 1 Loft on bases: Wichita. 11: Hlnux City . r-ac-rlfi- Inta: Xlchulvm, Tydcman, Itapn, Charles. Cocnii. Two-baae hlt: I'rtao. Nicholson. Kr, Griffith. Thi-ee-bare hit: Wir Home run: Ueteune. stolen liaaei: Henallng, Wares. Hits: Off Clarke, 11 In etht and one-third ln nmaa; off Cochran. tn seven Innings. iHublo play: le)rtiiie to Kelley to Crlap. Struck out: Ity tlarke, a; bv ochrau, 4, oy Ail!van. I. i'Mina on balla: CKf 'larka, y oft Cochran, ti. Wild pitch: illiy. Hit hy pitched ball: Cooney and itm l Co-hraii. Time: ; U. L'mplie: Va.iSlckle. ' Molntyre, rf Daley, Jib .. Hchrelber, cf Lloyd, 2b ... Yanta, c Powell, p .. Totals 3 S 3 1 I II. u 0 V 0 1 0 1 0 V Page, 3b Kox. If Watson, rf ... Patterson, lb . Brtlton, 3b .... K. Williams, cf K.wolt. as Tonneman, c . Vance, p T. JOSEPH. " AH. K. 11 S Tot a la . 'Halted fur Root I In eiatith Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 14 Chlcagi ...0 fl 0 0 0 0 1 0 0--1 i rwo-h.ise hit: Crawford. Three-base : hit : Crawford.. Stolen bases: Cobb (2). I Karned runh: Detioit, I; Cldcago, 1. Sae- rlllce hits Union. Youiik. Double I plays: I'ush to Vltt to Kavanagh, Bretr.n to i;. C olllns to Brief. Heni to E. Col- . .Uh ta BUvf. J-ft ,oa baaeg: Chicago. I 4, Detroit, o. First base on errors: De- troll. 2 Usse on balls: Off Bens. 3; off Scott. 1 Hlta- Off Bens, 10 In seven and one-thl", Innings; off Scott, none In twn-thlids Inning; off Kusaell,. 3 In ono Inning. Hit hy pitched ball: Brief by Covelcskle. Struck out: By Bens, 1; by Coveleakle, 2. I'mplres' llildebrand and O'IoukIHIii. Red Hoi Trloa Yanka. NEW YOIIK, June 2.-Boston hit War hop and Pleh briskly today and made It two atraignt over the New York Amer icana by a score of 7 to 1. Ruth pitched a fine game for the visitors and helped win his own game with a home run Into the right field stand In the second In ning with Thomas on base. It was Kuth'e second home run off Wsrhop this aeasnn. Oardner singled four out of five times up. Score: BOSTON. NBW YORK. All II O A C tB.ll.O A 3 llooMr. rf . S 10 0 VMtlMl 3b... 4 14 1 0 I Waaurr. :b . 3 0 1 1 m-arkuuia'. aa 4 0 1 4 0 I Bp..k.r .!.. 1 0 4 0 Oi'no. rf 10 10 0 I l-ewla. If . . . . S 0 0 0 OPIpp, Ik 4 110 efa A llnhllti.l. lb 4 2 10 0 oi'ook. rf I 2 I 10 V , H.oU. 4 1 Cllartaell. It., 4 0 3 1 1 'Oardnar, lb. I I I I OIIoom. lb... 4 0 15 0 0 Thomaa. c. . . 4 I 4 0 ON'un'makr, c I I 0 0 1 0 HutH, p S 10 1 vWarbop. p. .. I 0 0 0 0 M PI'h, p I 0 0 3 0 ft, Tola la so II rf it 0 i ,, Totala..,. M 8 27 11 1 - , Boat on I 3 0 1 4) 1 0 1 17 "" New York 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--1 ! I nrce-i fine nit: .Maine). Home run: I Ituth. Stolen bases: Cook. Sneaker. Hooier. Ktirned runs: New York, 1; P.onton, 7. Sucrlflce hits: Wagner, Si'ott Lett on haea: New Y'ork, 8; Boston. K. Buses on bulls: Off Wat hop. : oft Pl"h. 3' off Btith. 1. Hits: off I YVarNip. M In five and one-third Inninrs; lotf Pleh. I In Hire., and two-thirds ln- "'iil'iga. Hit bv pitched ball: Thomas hy " niiioo. cnnK iv iiotii Hirurk nut JinrtM, If ... lloy I. 2b ... 4 lyibert. lb.. 4 Klalrbrr. aa. 4 ItolMt-tan, rf 4 MarklP, lb. MMmd, e. ((rant H. Smith, r lurray. cf Taaraau, p Hnodarasa gcaauar, p 110 OMoran. rf.... 4 I 4 0 1 I 1 oriup't'k. 3b 4 0 ti 1 113 OlVmnolly. If. 4 1 0 0 13 1 IMum. cf.... 4 13 0 0 3 0 OrVrhmidl. lb. 4 3 0 17 1 0.1 Hmllll. 3b. 4 1 1 4 0 0 4 0 OMaranvll, as I 3 I 3 0 0 0 OWhallns. f . 4 I 4 I 0 0 7 0 ni'rulchar. p. 4 1 I 3 1 020 010 Totala 31 " 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Batted for Pallce In the eighth. i. u i ir tttiKKin in the eighth. Cincinnati n l D 0 1 " 0 1 0-4 St. Ixiui 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 5 Two-base hits: Dolan, Clark, Heck. Stolen bnse: Miller. Earned rims. Cin cinnati. 2. Hacrlflce hits: Griffith. Ktl lifer, Mollwitz, Hugginn, Beck. 1eft on bases: Cincinnati, 8; St. l.onts. 11. Bases on balls: ntf Sallee, 2: off Benton, 6: off Dale. 1. Hits: Off Benton. 7 In seven Innings tnone out in the eighth); off Dale. 3 In one inning: off Grlner. 1 In ono inning; off Salle, C In eight Innings. Struck out: By Benton. 2; by Bailee, 1 I'mplres: Byron and Orth. caryerIlamps lid on islanders Holds Third City Batters Without Hit Until Eighth Inning, When Wavers. Prohlhs bunched thelia. The feature waa the fielding of Haley. Score: HASTINV.S. YORK. AH H O A R AH H O A C KEARNEY WINS, FOUR TO TWO KEARNEY. Neb., June 2. (Special Tel egram.) Carver never allowed a hit until the eighth Inning and was replaced then after he gave two walks. Carrig and thow were the big actors with the stick, landing timely hlta that won the game. Score: OKAND IRlJtNll. All II O A. E !rnek, Sh... 1 ltihen. 2h... I llowney, If. Varnfy, cf. Crnabr. c... Poaan, rf... 2 i Clair lb... 0 I Rlrk. 3b... Manaor, p.. KEARNEY. AB.H.O. A K. O. 2 -I II :t 3 4 II 4 II O. 0 2 0 It II 1 3 S 0 o 3 0 t 1 1 12 E I'.v ... . " "r-ioji. oy num. a. nun puon: Kiitn. 1 6 24 3 0 1 iprra: Dlneen and Nallln. when winning run scored.!, Hronna Trim lodlana. ? 2 J J iTKN-KUXIi, O. June 1-Wlth llam- O ft 0 0 1 0 0 O 01 I III. in n tchiiis: hrllllanllv Kl IjiiiI. rf.. 0. today, the game Totals . j "None out Lincoln . . . Ht Jnaenh Double play: Daley to Wllllna. btulen 'elc,j i levo'ur.d, 4 I Totals. .',.. 7 34 I J t . Patted for"Metea'n'1n seventh. " '" Batted for Tesreau In elhth. Burna out because of Doyle's Inter ference. New York .......0 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0-5 Boston 3 03001000 03 Two-base hlta: Magee, Merkle, Moran. Schmidt. Stolen base: Connollv. Sacri fice hit: klagee. Ieft on base: New York, 2; Boston, 8. First base on errors: New York. 3. Bancs on balla: Off Tes reau, 3; cfr 8rauer, 1. oil crutenrr. lllta: Off Tesreau, 9 In aeven Innlnifs; off Bchauer. none In three Innings. Struck out: By Tesreau. .1; by Bchauer. 6; by Crutcher, 4. Wild pitch: Schauer. Vm plres: Quigley and Kason. Phlla Beaten Twice. BROOKLYN. June 2 Brooklyn won both games of today's doublo-header with Philadelphia, 7 to 2 and 4 to 3. Coomb played an Important part In winning the first game, scoring two runs and figuring In a batting rally In the fourth inning. Sherrod Smith returned to the oox in the second game after several weeks' lay-off. holding the visitors to six hlta. three of which were bunts In the first, when an error by O'Mara with an easy double play ahead paved the way for two runs. The hitting of the Brooklyn In both games was hard and timely. Wheat's catches in left field featured the second game. Score, first game: I'HIUAHFI.PHIA BKOOKI.YN AH II M A K AH II O A It Panrratt. as. 1 0 0 i do-Mara. aa..l 1 I 3 1 Innia. Sb... 3 0 1 3 c! .4 0 ODaubort, lb. I rt .l 3 lWbai. If.... 4 0 Ofutahaw. lb. 4 Ilaokar. If Oravath, rk, I Nlohoff. 2b.. I IjUdarua, It. 3 rf. .. I K Miliar, c... i liiuv. p.... i Adama, c... 1 Tlnrup, p., . . I Uuraa 1 0 1 I 1 0 0 3 3 1 II. 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 IKieti. lb. 1 OMIIIer. a.. 1 (HWnfta. p. O 0 Tola la 0 0 4 I 4 1 3 0 3 I t 1 4 3 1 2 .12 10 37 10 1 Totala IS 1 24 II 1 i 'Butte.l foi lineup In ninth. 'Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 Brooklyn o 3 3 l 0 0 0 oreaJia. aa... 4 0 13 0 0 3 1 0Jon tad, lb.. 1 t 11 1 1 4 0 1 0 0t.'arrl. If.... 3 2 2 0 0 3 0 3 0 OCampbsll, e. 2 0 4 0 0 4 0 3 3 OShaw. rf ... 4 2 3 0 0 4 111 lMerrall, rf.. 1 0 1 0 0 .4 0 10 inellaw, lb.. 3 0 110 .3134 OEMrrt. 2b... 3 0 1 3 0 .3 0 0 3 K'arror, p.... 3114 : KlontI, p... 0 0 0 1 Totala 27 3 24 14 3 Totala 27 27 13 1 Grand Island 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 Kearney 0 0020110 4 Earned run: Kearney. Two-base hlta: Shaw (2), Carrig. Bases on balls: Off Manser. 5: off Carver, 5. Struck out: Hy Manser.' 1; by Carver, t: by Klonti, 2. Ift on bases: Grand Island, 5; Kear ney, 4. Sacrifice hits: Jorstad, Carrig, Campbell, Synek, Rohcn. Stolen bases: Synek, Varney, Carrig. Time: 1:47. Um pire: Muir. Beatrice In Corn Again. FAIRBCRY. Neb., June 3. (Special Telegram.) The battery of the Beatrice Mllksklmmers reversed the defeat of ea terday and took the game from Falr bury 4 to 1. Catcher Buster drove a homer over right field fence In the sixth frame and again covered himself with glory In the seventh inning by driving out a three-bagger, scoring two men. McDonnell, hurler for Beatrice, held Kalrbury at hia mercy throughout, only allowing three safe hits and these were well scattered. Beatrice knocked Pitcher Bowhay out of the box In the sixth frame. Then Bishop lasted until the middle of the eighth frame when Man ager Bhaner succeeded him In hopes of holding down the visitors. Beatrice reg istered nine safe hits off three Kalrbury pitchers. Score: BEATRICE. rAlRBt'RT. AB.H.O A t. AB.H.O. A E. Brawn. 2b... 3 3(1 Ultiabrnri. cf 3 1 0 0 0 3 1 0lmb. lb ... 4 3 3 Oronlrr. lb.. 3 I 0 niirown. If... I 1 0 OSbanar, rf -p 4 I 0 01'ayton, .. 1 1 OConbojr, Sb.. 3 t I lHnothe. c 3 1 4 0 How liar. p.. 3 Olnnn. ib ... t 1 1 I OK!.-, lb 4 3 4 3 0 Kulllran. . 4 0 3 2 ?Fla. aa ... 4 301 Pniram. lh. . 4 2 OTntten. Sh . 1 0 0 0 Mr'-ab. If . 4 2 3 0 lMurphr, cf.. 1 I t 0 0 Hlch'rrti'O, 1 1 4 t OWetral. If. .. 1 0 2 1 0 Obat. lb 3 1 S 1 nwatflell. lb.. 2 0 10 1 0 Moore. tf... t 1 OPIerr . rf.... 4 t 1 0 Oetarhal. rf. 2 0 1 0 ORalnea. a... 4 0 13 0 Hmllh. p.... 3 0 0 3 OUalev. B 4 110 Riley 10000 Totala 36 7 27 14 1 Tntala 32 ( 34 11 I Hastings 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 York 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 x-5 Two-bane hits: Rice. Home runs: Olson. Stolen bases: Moore, 2: Ulce. Double plays: Smith to Sullivan to Drumm; Moore to Smith to Sullivan. Sacrifice hits: Richardson, Moore, Wet lel, Wledell, Totten, Murphy. Baae on balls: Off Haley, 1; off Smith. 5. Left on bases: Hastings, 9; Y'ork. 6. Struck out: By Haley, 7; bv Smith. 4. Wild pitch: Smith. Time: 2:00. L'mplrc: Monroe. Beaver Peerless mn pitcher. Ccl.CMBrS. Neb., June 2.-iSnecial Telegram.) Norfolk took revenge on the Pawnees and whltew-irhel them, scoring twice In tl.e first Inning. Kemper's home tun with cne man on base made victory easy. Kirchner substituted for Y'ork In the t'Hrd Inning and Conple was put In aa raicher in the fifth, 'i he Pawnees en draared to start a rally In the tevcn'h, but a double play destroyed tlTbir efforts. Beaver's erfess pitching with good sup port won the art. me. Score: NORFOLK. COt'MBV9. AB H.O A K AB.H.O. A G. Brodrlrk. 2b 4 0 I 4 OOrlmni. rf..4 0 1 0 0 Pre. aa 5 2 t 4 OMrOrath, 2b 3 0 t 0 1 ' Campbell, rf 4 0 I 0 OWhtte. 3b... 4 11101 Kemper. If . 4 3 1 0 OMrhmldt. lb. 4 0 I 0 0 I Milker, lb . 4 1 0 0 1 Topple, lf-c. 4 0 13 0 0! B. Brown, lb. 4 2 3 0 lPurham. r-lf 1 0 0 0 1 IR Brown, rf. I 0 t 0 OOutimor, as. 3 0 i 3 0 J Olllla. c 4 2 I 1 OSnmmars. c. 1 A 1 0 0 Bearer, p... 4 0 0 4 OVork. p 0 0 0 3 0! Klrarhnar, n 3 3 0 I 0 . 13 lThleman, rf 3 0 1 0 0 mortgage held by the Field Columbian museum. The women have a year In which to redeem the building. gerhlan Is Easy for Stechlcr. FREMONT, Neb., June 2 (Special.) Joe Stecher. the lodge heavyweight wrestler, made quick work of the Serb Ian, Tlljo Govedarlca. at Tierco Mo"d!?y evening Stecher pinned the Chicago man to the mat twice in less than aeven minutes. Con at l.ratnr, At San Francisco: " Tt.H.E. Loh AiiKcles 3 Ii Snn Francisco BIS 1 Uatterlea: Relsigle and Block; Burns, rerritt and Boles. At Los Angeles: " R.H.i:. Suit Lake I Venice 1 4 4 Batteries: C. Williams and Hannah: From me, Relger and Mltse. At Portland: R.IT.K. Oakland !...,. ,2 fi I'ortland 1 ? " Batteries: Klawltter and Elliott; Evans, Higglubotham, Krause and Fisher. Totala. . : J Norfolk o Columbus Stolen bases Brown (3). B. Branntaa. 3b. 3 Buater. c. . . . 4 Blank, rf ... 4 Naff, ef 3 Ux-khart. It 4 Bokawltl. lb 4 Kortum. aa.. 4 MrUunnal. P3 Totala Thlaaalng, cf S 1 11 1 14 0 0 1 0 10 3 3 3 0 13 0 4 3 0 2 3 0 0 0 I Totala 30 3 27 11 1 ..2 0 1 0 0 2 0 il fi ..0 0000000 00 F.roderick, Milker, R. Brown. Sacrifice hit: Kemper. Home run: Kemper. Double flays: Dye to B. Brown, Broertck to ye to B. Frown. Innings pitched: By York, two and one-third: by Ktraohner, six and two-thirds. Struck, out: IV Beaver 6; by Klrschner, 9. Bases on balln: Off Beaver, 2; off York, 1; off Klrschner. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Mc Orath by Beaver. I mpire: Shuster. Kearney Franchise May Go to Aurora GRAND ISLAND. Neb., June . (Spe cial Telegram.) President Mills and other officers of the state league are In Aurora today negotiating for the transfer of the Kearney franchise In the state league to that city. The Kearney difficulties have never been settled and the franchise, ac cording to re porta here, haa been surrendered. ft S3 27 II jMlallop, p . 0 0 0 1 MRS. VANDERBECK WINS WOMEN'S GOLF PRIZE PHILADELPHIA, June 2. Mra. C. H. Vanderbeek of the Philadelphia Cricket I club won the championship of the Wo J men's Eastern Golf association at the l I Marlon Cricket club today, playing In a J J heavy rain. She turned tn a score of 32 for today's round of eighteen holes. YOUR figure in the hands of our skilled designers shall be come a positive asset your personality shall be 'indiyidualized fully.' And ..this we shall , accornp'Tisli . with exclusive fabric at. from $25 to $50 ' MacCarthy-Wilson Tailor ing1 Company, 315 South IStb St. Beatrice 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 Falrbury 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Bases on balls: Off McDonnell. 5; off Bowhay. 2: off Bishop, 1. Struck out: Bv McDonnell, 4; by Bowhay. 3: by Shatter. 1. Home run: Buster. Twj Iimbc lilt: Kortum. Three-base lilt:, Buster Stolen bases: Brown. Buster, tl 0 02 McDonnell. Time: 2:). I'mplre: Woods. Yesterday she took M. giving her n Totals 31 8 37 S3 3. total Of 10 for the thirty-six hole. Mrg. n. rim arivw. .uenon'i tiui. inrea time winner of the championship, made a total of UK. 1 o o -7 n. . T a . . . ,-v w f j 1 a flI11aB - ... Ii. . I o. r-tnv .l..mM.f h. 1- - L T I I0-DHM IlllPT t .MtlU, lirn. ..iiii-r. DftaV: I Ilia. nirut a out n, i - n . : m i -- lain m mn vitmii. iji ( nf ' (;tnAn I ltiitw-rt Fat n 1 riinn by Yance.!.. Base on halls: Off Puw- seventh inning. A. the slorm continued ,.m ,.' ' L klvn 4 Sacrif" e ell, tl; off Vane. 2. lilt by Pitched bull: ee,,d game could not be played. ,X y n n:AI ,T I 1 auln i I Double By PowelU l; by Van., 1. Wild pilches: La van . triple waa responsible for three ,"", : 'Touraii to (TMara to iaubert. Vance. 2. Passed balls: Tonneman. 2 lof M. Iul runs. Score: Mv.- i Milieu vieh.iff tn I.iiderua. Vsn.e. I'mplre: Myers. Time I.4a. 1.41 UK Tl HO04IKH4 of Many PLANK PITCHES THE WHALES TO DEFEAT Ilea Molnea Wlna In Hollo r.rrore Made. I DENVER. Colo., Jiimi 2 Although lea ! Moines flayers S'tire.1 almost aa many riora as I. Its by tallying a run for every . . l it. Ies .Molnea non from lienver tiwlay, , to y. The jim k won in the rust Former Mackian Hurler Bests Pren ii.iioK i.c.t a a .n'.L'ira aeuiru lour runa off (. jiiitwell. Hcore: CI.KVKI.AM1. 8T unv,m AH H 11 A E. All H O A E .1 . 3 0 0 0 ttShmion. If.. 3 o 1 a a 0 lAuatla. Sb... Iltio 3 1 Pratt. Hi.,.. I f 4 t 4 0 0k' Walkar, .11 I M 3 1 OWIIIlama. rf 3 I 1 0 0 1 0 OIarr, lh ... t 0 I 0 0 1 0 0lvan. aa... I 3 I a a 3 4 ls.erotd, a.. 1 0 4 o o 0 0 Ollaojitlton, p 3 0 0 0 0 Turner, sb - I 0 rbapinan. aa) 3 0 W.kkI. l . .. I 0 lirauar. If. . . 1 0 Smith rf ... 3 1 Barbara, .lb. . I 1 l Salll. r. . . 3 0 llaaeriuan. p 3 I DK.N''i: AB. It. II. tl. A. E. ' penrrr. cf i. . I u I HI!, rf 4 113 10 Shields, lb 4 1 I In ...... Galioaay. 2b 3 0 1 ' 1 t I Cnffev, If I M 0 0 a Ke'lelier. aa 3 u t i I i ! Wlia en. Hi...,, , 4 1 0 1 10 Spah-. 3 0 2 I 1 t an: w II. 4 0 I a j u , f StMdlak 10 0 0 0 0. Totals . A". 3 7 27 12' "t I I I B MOiSKJ. I AB. 11. H. O. A. E : Helm, if 2 I I 0 Hunter. f 3 2 1 lull lenea. lb 4 1 1 :n o e 1 Hills If 4 I 2 I Ml H i ver. 2b 4 2 I t 0 I Hartford. s 4 2 2 2 T mnehlll. 3b 3 0 a 1 3 l Graham, c ...4 I 1 i I ' The ma. P i I i 2 I Totala 21 14 ' dergast, and Terriers Crush Tinker Crew. DEAL DRIVES OUT A DOUBLE ...Total. -.31 I II S I Total. II I II ( 0 t lev. lxn.i o , u o o 0-0 I SI. Ixilila 1 0 0 3 0 114 ine-r.aae l it: lvan. Bases on balls: Off Hatreruian. 3: off Hamilton, 4. Struck out: Br Haaennan. 2: bv ll.minn. i ; hirst baae on error St. Iiiila. 1. l'-eft on bases: Cleveland. 7: Ht. Ixnil" 3. I'mpUwa: Evaua and Mullaney. CHICAGO. May 3 Plank outpltched Prrnd-iKast today and Chicago, losing to St. lule. 3 to 1. dropiu'd to third place t..- th. Federal league race. Ward Mll- Myers to -Miller. Nlehoff to I.uderua, Sacrifice fly: Welser. I-ft on bsscs: Philadelphia, R; Brooklyn. . First base on errors: lhlladelphta, 1: Brooklyn, 1. Bases on halls: tiff Hlxev. 2; off CSHimhs. t. Hits: oft Rixey. 9 In five InniiiKTS'. off Tim up, 1 in three inninss. Hit by pitched bull: Bancroft by iViom'J.i. Struck out: Bv Rlxey. 1: by t'oombs, 1. Passed hall- Killlter. I'mplres: Kleiu and I'nislle. Score, second game rillUAI'KI.rillA BIUK.iKI.YN. AH H H I E. AB H O A E rUn.aell. aa. 4 3 I 1 lOMara. aa.. 4 3 3 3 2 I 0 OMrera. rf. .. 3 1 3 Prohlba Take Another. YORK, Neb., June 2. (Special Tele gram. 1 Hastings was unable to connect with Haley's delivery when hits meant runs and took their second defeat by the Prohlhs 5 to 1. Although outhlt, the Month em Aaaoelatlon. Nanhvi:ie. 12; Atlanta. 2. Chattanooga. 3-3; New Orleans, Little Hock, 4: Birmingham, ti. 2-1. Women's Temple Sold at Auction. OHTCACIO. June 2 The Woman's tem ple, a sixteen-story office building, long the encumbered property of the Women a Christian Temperance union, waa sold at auction today for i3t.0,X) to satisfy a . Fashion's favorite for Spring and Summer life Vklvzr. ? WW I0. P. IDC t Co., Miioro, TROT, D. Y.' 'or tola sy tha folio lag la la i pB3V. 508-510 So. 16th. AND Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. IS4)7 Douglas Street iUVMl American At Columbus: Milwaukee Cohunbi.s Assoclntlon. RUE. 3 11 1 7 12 0 Batteries: Walker and Hushes: 1rrv and Coleman. At IniliMiiaiKill: R It E Bvrne, 3b . . 4 S Brkr. If ..3 0 KlllKar . .. I 0 Craralll. rf . 4 1 Malu.ff, tb . 4 I t.uderua. lb. 3 0 Walaar. rf .. t U.trr.. r a 1 Batnardnr, p 2 0 Ha.kait ... 1 2 I ler a home run and a single by Hoi ton and MinneaiKiita 4 7 0 'a double hy Peal ;" yxmioiiiy? XVI,! 0 I visitors' runs Only two Chlcagoans . U . jk.,- -n, Oossett. Dtmtrr, p.. 0 0 0 0 1 UlMuhart. lh. 3 1 II t 0 I 0 Osiana'l. rf . 4 t 1 I 1 1 OWhaat. If .. I 0 0 0 ! 1 ICul.haw. 3b. 4 3 0 1 (. . i n;.it. iy I o o 3 o o M.( n r . 4 1 1 I o 3 osiulth. p 3 10 10 1 a 0 0 o Tola). m anil 3 o o At l.ulavilte: RILE Kansas City 17 lii 1 Louiavllle 0 3 4 Batteries' Allison and Alexander: Dan fortli, Tavlor and Croeslug. t Totala . . 1) I II U I I Batted for Becker In ninth ' Hutted for Haumsartner In eighth ) Phlla.Velphia 2 0 0 II ! 0 I o IV-3 Brooklvn 1 0 1 10 10 0 '4 Two-hise hl: .Myers. Steith. Stolen base: iiett Earned runs: Rrooklvn. 2. j SacrllUe liils. Daubert. ttx. lvmble . (Java: Becker to Burns to Byrne; Han- , croft to Nlehoff to l.udeiiis. .tcrtflce . Iflv. XS'elaer lft on bases: Plilladel- , plila, S: Brooklyn. 7 liases on eiron . , ; PliiladelpbtH 1; Brooklyn. 2 liases n Iwlls' l.irr r'auniB'iriner, on I'rnm Waakly Cmlaaa JmIv 1 as Aaava 10 L. Chaaase Tawre. 10 p. aa. aaaMtlaae Prl. l 0.ia. " tl.t It aal. 1te am Claaaa4l 1 p. m. r. Butlalw Oaa. 110 a.m. k. BulTala " tV0.ia " Dat It Mlaw. 40 p. m. oas aa. tm. a aaalaaa W. Silo a. m. ar. Caiaaa Taaira. O s. aa. Ra.te.1 far Do'l In ninth Kea Moiues 4 0 1 0 t 1- Denver I 1 0 I a-3 Stolen baaea: Sawyer. Kolleher. Two base hits: Sawyer. Hartford. HI' bv 'it chad ball: Hhlelds Galloway. Sacri fice hits: Tannehlll. Hahn. Jonre, Thomas. Struck out: By Car well, i; bv TUomaa. 4. Baae on balls: Off Cpjitwell. ft: off Thomas. 3. Iwuble rlay: Tannehlll lo Jones Oraham t Bawyer. Samyer to .Toraes Hartford. Pewrer to Jones. Kal 1a"er eunasotsted). Tell to Kelleiier. Time: US. rm&lre: Coloel. a-MM HOLDS .! )W tk oaaBassa Alloaa Them Bat Two Hits and Mnka Win. I.INIXILN. Neb.. Juna 2 X'ance of Ht. Joe.b l."ld the ijntolas to two hits to- i lliia- Off lti.oroMi.rf ner. X In wtan entml 4 lty Wlna Aaaln. I tnnlnge. oft Ivmarev, 1 in one Inning. CFXTllAI. CITY. Neb. June 2 iSoe- : St. uc'. oi'C Bv BiiumBartner. I: by 'clal Telearain ) Aaraln Central Cltv lint ' Smith. !. I'mplres: Klein and Hninlie. Ill over on t lie Hastings Independent team, i I arda Defrsl Hrda. reached third base while Plank scored six strikeouts. Hunford fanning three tiinra. It was Prendeigsat's first defeat after six victories. Score: RUE. St. Iiuia 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 ta-2 1 t Ktcsgo 0 elOOOOOO-14 2 liatterlea: Plank and Hartley: Prender- t auu w iiaon. Hehela. a mnlnt a avriea of two ames. The or i i.nns. Mo., lime ! Two lrgie. I KANSAS CITY. Mn.. June 2 Kansas i,m1m- i I to 4. Batteries: Central City. , double snd an erix'r cored Betsel ani ' City tle.1 pittabiirgb for the firt place Cow el a, t'otlnc- and llrant. Haalinga. I Butler in Hie elulith Inntna and nalil.Hl by winning today s game iiom tne visi- . Kelso. Dvneman smi Myers. st. louia to win from Cincinnati, score tors. 4 to 0. Jolinson, pttrmng tor Mn.' i n IS to 4 here trxlav. mi City, was steady at all times. Score: To Harp Well In sonaaaer ......... .vV..! W'lit Kanaaa I Ity ! 2 OS02-4 1 tube cauee. a distressing cough and Batteries: Barger. Dickson and Perry; 'make refreshing sleep Impossible. Foley's Johnson and Brown Honey and Tar compound cover raw. In- awark Beala Terrasilaa. j n.m.1. Irritated eurfaroa with a sooth - NEWARK, N. J. June 1 Newark 1- Ing. healing coating and stop that an- fraud Baltimore in twelve tnnlnrs loda.'. innvlnr tkkllna CINCINNATI Score: eT. IWI4. 1 n m - (It. K..nrll.l 1 . t . ... tlra.i. a . 4 Killlter It.. 4 (In 4 OrUlllO r.. 1 Olnn. t . 4 Vjiiwim tk i tlarli. a ... I relieving the rw'ktng. i SAaa. p .. 4 p a Qutnn and Ruelhach pttehed wonderful i . , .,. aLi,. fKi. , rou.h 1 bad. considering the cold wtn.l thst.,lr'nK "- nl P""hl cough. swept I lie field. Score: It H U. I ined'Cne wl1li .in on summer tlipa. Il Toiaia ra minor e v v i w u o-i i ill. void foi coughs. roup, i it Newark Batteries, (julon and Jackl'.la. h, Rus sell, ttU 'lhach and Karidrn. I broil 'hlal afftM lions and la grlpiw ceuglia. Sold erywliettt. Advertisement. II O A V A R H.O A K 1 I v 3b I 0 4 i 1 0 12 0'inuar, p... 0 0 0 t 0 a e I Hr. k aa. 114 4 1 11 OUM. har. If . 4 0 1 1 : 0 Miliar, tb-ibl 1 li 0 0 tit 0l.o. rf ... 4 I I 0 0 2 10 Obolaa. rf ... 4 3 10 t 3 I Oaataal. lb . I t 4 4) 1 m-T a,.... 4 t t 1 I 0'i.nrala a. t K.I. . p...t 0t 7 S4 I CButlar .... 00 e-ati. lb .. 0 0 0 a 'Wiiaoa . 1 0 a Talala . 31 ia .: II Han for, SnyuVr In the eighth. A WEEKS CRUISE, $40. "BST from Chicago, BuffIo, Detroit, Clevei-nd, Duiuth or Georgian Bay ports 2200 mild trip on Four Lakes on ens of the big new Cruising ships "Norlh imerican" "South American" iaT?7aaT?r?3tu7Ttl l. Ckaaja Oat. 180 p-aa. " aasvkinaa a.a. isoop.w.. tm "a" s ao p.m. Pi.wiuiiam aa.a. s o p.m, ar. DmIuiIi Tvaft, aO a.m. L. Omulh 1 OO a.m. " Tax " Waal. 1:00 p.m. M Owaa Bal. Tkara. 00 a.m. PiMUaa " SiIO p.m. " ear a. " a.l p.m. aaI.M FrI. S30 a.m. ! The Nw Ships "North American" and 4,South American" Passenger Servic Exclusively are equipped to give a service equal to the beat Atlantic Liners. These magnificent gtemshipe have many in novations for travel, comfort and amusement, a ballj room, an orchestra, children's open air play grounds and deck games. All these are free. Steamer chairs and steamer rugs available. Dining Servloo the) boat Master Steward and Chef can Produce. Either trip offers a most enjoyable week of rest and recreation - 2200 Miles of Beautiful Scenery, Shore Line, lslanda,Rivere,Baya. Slopa of KrreraJ hours made at all principal points, giving ample time to see the sights. 12 Days' Cruiso $753600 mile trip Call or w nta for pampei I aad f I informatioa about Tho Lake Trips That Have No Equal Chicago, Duiuth & Georgian Day Transit Co. 10S W. Adame St.. Chicago, lite. JF?i a ir y7tJTKmr'""6 TtCKIT OLD POK AMY PART OP TRIPS A i TT