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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
run nKK: omaha. TiiriM'.w, .u nk 1'.M.". Nebraska Nebraska GOYERNOR ISSUES FLAG JAY EDICT June Fourteenth Specified by Chief Executive at Time for Honor ing Stan and Stripes. CALLED TO SCHOOLS' ATTENTION (From a Staff Correspondent.) liINCOLN. June 2 (Special. )-.Iune H bas been designated as Flag day by the governor of Nebraska, it being the USth anniversary of the btrth of the nation's emblem, and that the day may bo fit tingly celebrated Governor Morehead hits Ineued the following proclamation: The observance of Flag day Is twins : more and more recognised a the years . pass, n Is of especial interest to the ' children and youth of our land, and af- fords nn opportunity to Impress on the i Minds of all the significance of our ban- , br. ! The stars set In the field of blue keep fresh In the mind the union o' states in the formation of the republic, and Its thirteen stripes reeall the heroism of out forefathers and mothers In their effort to establish the government under whl h we have lived and prospered. I, therefore, as governor of the Stat-, Vrge that Monday, the 14th dnv of June, 1 of the present year, be et apart as Hsp ciav, and aak that the flag be dlsplsve.l ftom the state capltol bulldlne. school bouses and various tst institutions throughout the commonwealth rind bv citiaens at tlieir homes and olmes or business; that fin? drills be -ondnoted by thB schools where convenient. Htm that a general display of the flag be seen everywhere, that a wholesome and genu ine, respect for law and obedience to nr be cultivated In the nearts ot our l'Vherei,'no more healthful slen of the f erpetuation of the republic and its in etltutlons than the fact that the people cf this country, of all classes, whether native or foreign born, honor the flog tind pnt their lives and property In Jeoi erdv for its defense. "The Star-Spangled Manner. Long may it wave. 0r the land of the free And the home of the brave. ElkhornValley Editors to Meet at Long Pine Saturday LONO F1NH, Neb., June 2. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Elkhorn Vol ley Kdltortal association will be held here Saturday afternoon. June 5. The address of welcome will be by H. M. Culbertson and the response by President George A. Mile cf O'Neill. Papers will be read by Be A. Brewster of Chodron, A. H. Back haul of Pierce. K. I Howell of Wood Lake, CharWa H. Brady of Oakdale, W. U Kirk of Bpeneer. 8. W. Kelley of Atkinson and, W. 8. Barker of Valentine. In the evening the editors will be the guests of the Lionf Pine Commercial dub at a banquet. Would Make Clean Sunday Closing HABTTN08, Neb., June 2. t8peclal Telegram.) Aa a result of Mayor Mad setfa enforcement cf the Sunday ?los Ing law against barber shops and the conviction of two clothing dealers for running their atores on the Sababth, pe titions war In circulation today for the cloning ef garages and cigar, drug and candy tore on Sunday. 1 Beatrice Grows, And Business Men All Pull Together (From a Staff Correspondent.) BFATRICK. Neb.. June J.-(Hpertal) Few cities In the fnlted States of the else of Beatrice have a prettier or more up-to-date athletic park. This fair little city on the Blue is up to date In every way and going for ward at a pace that will astonish tin state. With three railroads running through the city, with some of the finest resi dences! to be found In the state, with severs! excellent store buildings tha,t would be a credit even to the metropoli tan city or the rapltal city, with all of Its busineg streets paved and many of them extending out into the residence portion for many blocks. Beatrice may well be listed as an Ideal city. Its park Is a beautiful sight at this time of year. Nestled on the side of a hill which has been cut down and filled In on one side, a retaining wall of ce ment holds the lower portion of the park and extends six feet or more above the ground, almost entirely surrounding the beautiful place. A grandstand and pretty grass-covered diamond at one end, with the nides of the park covered with green grass and shrubbery completes the pic ture. The park was presented to the city school district by D. Y. Cook, the Kilpatrick brothers, R. J , 1. 8., W. H. and J. M., and J. 3. Collins of .New York. The first fixe are among the most Influential men of the city, and it is said that the park represents an ex-j penditure of neatly Mmo. Beatrice has a commercial club that will take rank with any In tue state. A luncheon Is held every week on Tuesday, and the business men of the city gather there at that time and after Joining in a social time go in a bodv to some busi ness house and tnsipect it- They are keeping closely In touch with each other for the good of the city as a whole. Nebraska Patterson of Harlan Is Bank Examiner tFfom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June i.-fflpeclsl Kvldence being shown to the governor by the State Banking board, of which he is a member, that the sserk of examination was run ning behind. Governor Morehead today appointed P. M. Tatterson of Harlan countv as bank examiner, being the ninth on t.e list. No examiner had been appointed to take the flare made vacant by E. 11. Mul'.oa ney, who resigned to accept the office of cashier of the City National of Un-o1n. The number of examiners remains the sam. I Mr.. Patterson represented Hsrlftn county in the last letis'sture and Is a cousin ef Ram Patterson, recently ap pointed auditor for the Vnlted States treasury. Ita was born In Cass county, but has been engaged In the banking buMneas In Alma the last few years, lie IS a democrat. GENERAL MORITZ VON AUFFENBURG, former AuBtxo-Hunifarian minis ter of . war, who com manded' an army early in the war,1, has been arrested in Vienna, according to late dispatches received. i i LEXINGTON MAN HEADS WESTERN BAR ASSOCIATION LEXINGTON, June 2. (Special Tele gram.) The following officers were elected at the meeting of the Western bar association this morning: E. A. Cook of Lexlngton. president; J. J. Hal ligan of North Platte, first vice presi dent; Fred Wright of Scott Bluffs, sec end vice president; J. V. Romlgh of Gothenburg, secretary; P. R. Halllgan of North Platte, treasurer. The next an nual meeting will be held at North Tlatte. Judge Hostetler of the twetfth district. Judge Westover ot th sixteenth district and Judge Perry of the four teenth district were voted In as honorary members; also Senator Wm. V. Allan. Senator Allen gave an address on "Judi cial Reforms, and Reformers." Hundred Diplomas Presented at Kearney State Normal School KEARNEY, Neb.. June 2. (Special.) The commencement events of the State Normal school In this city closed this morning. The address to the class was by Senator George W. Norris and diplomas were presented to the class of 100 seniors by President George S. Dick. Sunday the class sermon was delivered by Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church of Omaha, the normal orchestra of sixteen pieces and a choir of forty voices furnishing the musical numbers. Tuesday evening the senior banquet was held at the normal school dormitory, to which the alumni of the school and a number of Invited guests were present. In the evening a public reception was given In the normal school main building, which was largely at tended by the citizens of Kearney, a Urge number of alumni and the entire student body. June 7 the school opens Its summer term, with prospects for a very large enrollment. Warrant Clerk Busy Paying State's Money (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 1 Special. -That the warrant clerk In the office of tSate Aud itor Smith has bfen earning her princely Sftlarv during the month of May is evi denced by the number Of warrants Issued by that denartment. As shown bv the auditor's report of the little Joy slips were written out. The total smount of these warrsnts amounted to 4.r.""fc.l, or about 1112 to the warrant. BALANCE IN TREASURY GREATER THAN PREVIOUSLY LEGISLATORS GUESTS OF BEATRICE BUSINESS MEN BANQUET TENDERED TO THE GRAND MASTER HASTINGS, Neb., June t (Special Telegram.) Members of the A. O. U. W. from Carleton, Grand Island, Glenvllle. Hansen, Ayr and Holdrege and the local lodge last night tendered a compliment ary banquet to Grand Master F. A. An derson of Holdrege. More than one hun dred were present. i . News) Notes f Geneva. GENEVA, Neb., June 2. (Special) Win F. Flory, cashier of the St. Edward First National bank,, with his family, came yesterday evening to visit his parents; Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Flory. W. F. Flory goes to Omaha and from there to Cali fornia. Charles Allen, a veteran of the civil war, la very 111 at the present time At tho a'umnl banquet Inst Saturday night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Fresldent, Albert Held; vice president. lxra Bolton: sec retary, Grace Hadsel; treasurer, Koscoe Mohrlnn. r Deha Speaks at Havenna. RAVENNA. Neb.. Jure 2. (Special.) Eugene V. Debs, socialist, addrcsted an audience of several hut drf d people at the base ball park vot, relay afternoon. The eveut had le?n freely advertised, but coming right aftr Decoration Day the crowd was not at all that had been hoped for. At the conclusion of the speech a game of ball was played be tween Ravenna and Ashley, the result being victor)' for Ravenna, to Z. Stephens fieka at Hooper. FREMONT. Neb.. June 2. (Special. Congressman Dan V. Stephens was the principal speaker at the Memorial day exercises at Hooper Monday. The c-iera house was filled and many were turned away for lack of room. BEATRICE, Nob.. June 2.-(Speeial) The Gage county delegation In the last legislative session. Senator A. D. Spen cer and Representatives D. S. Dalbey, G. W. Steinnieyer and T. E. Oonley, were guests at the Commercial club luncheon Tuesday. E. M. Marvin presided, as toastmoster. The speakers were P. A. Barr"we, Lincoln correspondent for the Omaha Bee; Superintendent W. S. Faat of the feeble minded institute; T. ' E. Conley and E. P. Mumford, private aec- reiary 10 uovernor mooreneaa, wno rep resented the chief executive at the lunch eon. Mr. Narrows spoke of the good work of the Gags county delegation and Superintendent Fast stated that through the efforts of the Gage county represen tatives appropriations for a number of Improvements at the Institution hod been secured. G. V. Stelnmeyer sen word that ho was unable to be present. GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION IS FORMED AT TECUMSEH TECUMSEH, Neb.. June 2 (Special.) The Johnson County Good Road asso ciation was organized in this city Mon day evening, at an enthusiastic meeting of farmers and business men, following lunch at the Tecumseh Commercial club. C. V. Douglas was named as presi dent; P. S. Nestor as vict president and J. C. Moore as secretary-treasurer. The rpeakers of the evening were Mr. Moore, Frank Liphardt and Hon. D. S. Palby of Beatrice, president of the Nebraska Good Ro.ids association. The county or ganization will be by districts. NEW LIGHT COMMISSIONER APPOINTED IN FREMONT FREMONT. Neb., June !. (Special. ) L. N. Jenkins, formerly with the Omaha Light and Power company, has been named to succeed L D. Wright, light artd water commissioner of Fremont, who re signed. Mr. Wright, who has been in charge of the Fremont plant for eight years, will go to Chicago, where he will enter the employ of a large engineering company as consulting engineer. HASTINGS DRUGGISTS AFTER STATE CONVENTION Frfm a Staff Correspondent. i LINCOLN, June 1 -(Special ) The bal ance In the state treasury for the montli ending May 31 is 142,11027 greater thin at the close of business the month previ ous, according to the monthly recoil of State Treasurer Hall given out tills morning, the balance the pre1 ions moh'li being U. '.61. 17. X ahd the Inst $I.1S.V.;.". The receipts for May were iVl0, and the payments IHIS.Ssm.i.-,. The money Is shown to be Invested as follows: Cash on band 1 12 1 1 1 Cash on depoelt flo,M),:.4fi Gf petal fund utr- itnts htld as cosh.. X.iJ til University warrants reia as cesn s,sis.4.t Normal . school war rants held as cesh .. !M (H7.;'.t-tl .llV.l'T.fci TltCST FI NDS IXVKSTF.D. Permanent school fund S.840.611!7 Permanent univer sity fund 22.3.W Agricultural college endowment fund... !),:. flu Normal endowment fund S1.26O.OI-Jh.706,91fi.ST Bonds on hand total t,70o.l15.97 OLDEST NOTARY ASKS TO CONTINUE IN OFFICE (Ftom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June .-(Speclal.)-D, C. Cole has written the secretary of state king for a blank that he may secure the necessary freeholders In order to be commlslsoned as . notary public. Mr. Cole was first commissioned by Governor Alvln Saunders In 1(W when the state was a territory and has continued ss a notary public ever since, having been commissioned elghf times. He desires to continue as long as he is alive and hold the record In the notary public race for longlivety. Aatnmohlle Rarwed at RaTeana. RAVENNA, Neb.. June. 2.-(Speclal.)-Er Stsndage, a farmer living south of Ravenna, loat a Ford car by fire under unusuil circumstances. He wss on the road' home from' Ravenna last evening and ran orer a pile of straw lying In the road, The straw rolled up under the car, caugjit fire, and soon the gasoline began to leak. The result was total destrt ctlon 1 " I! i ii 0 NERAl. VQH. AUTTENBERG STREET RAILWAY PROBLEM PUT UP TO COMMISSION TURKEY DAY PUT BACKJJPON MP Referf ndum cf Missouri Vallr y Con ference Schools Reinstates TTianlsjriYin; Garnet. IN EFFECT HERE IN YEAR 1916 LINCOLN. Neb . June 1-tSpe.lsl Tele gram.) Voni ball gsmes In the Missouri Valley conference will be permitted on Thanksgiving day. It was announced to day by Chancellor Avery, who made pul -lie the result of e referendum taken among the members of the conference. The role prohibiting th playing of "tur key day" game as rescinded by a vote of 5 to I. Nebraska. Ante. Drake, the Kansas Aggies and Missouri voted In favor of receding from the rule, while Kataa and Washington opposed It. The two schools voting against It took the ground that the action could not be legal except at a regular conference meeting. Cnanoellor Avery said he had little doubt as to the legsllty of the referendum and the situation resolved Itself Into thee schools desiring "turkey day" games plnyli.g them, while those who did not would not change the present policy. Nebraska will not have a turkey day" game next year, because Htlehm has sl ready ci mpletod the s hrdule, hut in 1flll" It Is likely the Corrhuskers will return to the old eystem. Postmaster Brown Given Salary Raise (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June (Special - I'.i t- niaster Francis Hrown has been notified bv the postmaster geneml thst beginning July 1 his salary will be increased lrV This Is caused by the Increase In Imsl ness at the Lincoln postofflce which amounted to JfiT.coi) over that of the pre vious fiscal year. This will make the pay of the Uncoln office an even M.'nM a year. Fremont l'eaplr in tlarr), CHICAGO. June 2. (Special Telegmin Luclua R. Hammond and MIsh Gertrude Robinson, both of Fremont. Neb., were licensed to marry here this afternoon. HYMENEAL n an, on a ttHte i .it tie w lid l en In i rtntpH ,i ii h lure t.x.i y on n fStanlry ( (vritv of nullum lies s given: Music by Johnson's nrehes- Inpp. d fi' in ljintiy tin song lo mixed quartet: ' The Sum- Ihi'i-. w is coinitictircil mon." Martha Smith: "Response," TXwi- ihiiiKe nf venue from sell 1 ,1ml Ixrg , "Testlmonv,'' Llllle llnd. The :itt! ill ricM Ion ; ocal solo. worn stopped nt Mol.t .';. ,,.! returned to .Makeerr: the ptoper os net s. Minimi II ixlon in x ( e on i STimMSltrilO. Neb.. .Tune .-(Special.) The alumni reception for the clni of l!M5 of the Stroinsbuiu MikIi school was held Tuesilnv ewnlng In til Scott nnd Mrs hnll, at whb h the follow lug program nnd ttensniicr. F.mll Olson; rending, lvs Iiims song, duns of 1T. "When Dt earns Come True," Emm Wcsjtonliis and Myrtle Hockman. A class of twenty-six graduates was admitted to membership. The following officers wer" re-elected: Fl. A. Hoostrom, president: Miss Muririiret 11'ickley, vice president. W. Fred Johnson, secretary mm A TRUNK or a BAG Which? The trunks: w aro offering In our woek-end sale have hppn sold In the host stores rverywlipre tip lo $10. They contain one tray with two cninpartnirnts. The eiitsltlo Is steel covered, nnd the trunks Hfe well trimmed with heavy hardware and have two large leather strapH. While they la-t. sizes :',4 nnd St?... From our best stock of small lusmtRo we have taken an assortment of lf, 18 and lH-lnch. all leather hand hags, leather lined, with pocket on one side and corners hand sewed. Originally sold for up to $10. While they last. e..h $6.75 $5.00 FRELING & STEIN LE rfSH NntSKr'ftkT (From a.Stnff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 2. (Special.) The state railway eommiSHlon spent the time todny listening to evidence, in connection with the application of business men of East O street in Lincoln for the exten sion of the street "car line from where It turns Vest on M to'o' street' direct down Sixteenth. This has been one of' the gTcat prob lems of the street car service In Lincoln and It will he up to the ( commission to settle It one way or another. The Bee Want Ads Are Beat Business Boosters. ; " ' Katrliory-e. Notes. FAIRHI'RY, Neo (June 2. tSpe ial.) The preliminary hearing " Roy. Barnes was held ' yesterday before Judge L. J. Nutzmsn. Ho was represented by ex- Adjtitant General 'John C. 'Hartlgan, who pleaded 'not guilty fop him. County At torney Rain' had preferred .a charge of assault to kill against him and 1m. was bound over to district court by Judge L. J. Nutxmsn, .who fixed his ball at tl.ono, which was furnished by his father, W. H. Barnes., city ,att6rney and prominent lawyer. Barnes ahot Ernest E. McLane, ex-city policeman: .' ' ' Miss Vaunie . lopold, a graduate of the Falrhury High school In the class f of 191.V won a prize In the shape of a ) botiiiurt of American Beauty rosos for having graduated in' the cheapest gown. Mihs Leopold .bought the material for Fallers-JMewarl. FREMONT. Neb.. June 2. (Ppeclsl.) Miss Iness Stewart of Wslthlll aud Al bert H. Fallers of Sioux City were mar ried here yesteruay by Rev. Nsthaniel McOiffln, pastor of the First Presoyterlan church. deatrecord."" ,IB " m ! iwk iiiMpiiiwifi--wwiiiMUi ilium "wX issi.sitsi,!t''SOAi;:rV"yNw' t KRUG Phons Dourlss 1889 anti have a ca sent home. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY, Distributors ISWM.MW.V.IMC. rHJTTOtwWS. . VACATI0III5TS. HERE IS YOUR CHAKCE SAVE R10SET Jitney Trunk Sale Can vou Imnglne Bitch a Wiu'? We nre inunufacttirera and sell direct to you no mlddli'iimn's prr.fil. Our wholesale department in over stocked Ve are ciitlltiB prices on all trunks (except wardrobe) and trav. ellng goods. Take advantage of our (.rent Jitney Plan. IILIlK IS I'lll': PLAN KKAD. Peter Vnsllsnr, FREMONT, Neb., June '.(Special.) Peter Vogltanc, father of J. F. Vog'tanc, superintendent of the Colfsx county schools, died at his home, four miles northwest of Dodge. He waa 74 years oi age and for thirty-four years had re sided on the same farm. Bee Want Ads Produce Results' Referendum In Dakota. FIKRRE, S. D.. June !. (Special Tele- I gram.) A petition which had been circu Itaed by lawyers was filed with the sec. retary of state today to carry to thc people for a referendum vote the law passed last winter which allows a five sixths Jury verdict In civil cases In this state. IS ""- Pet Wttk IB RrSSll laotory Prloe ta.CO ale Prloe 18.75 rirst W..k. . . .00 BmohII Week.. 1.00 Third Weak . . B OO Fourth Waek . a. 9!) rifth Weak ... .75 raotory Prloe S9.50 Sale Fries $7.75 rirst Weak . . .5 .05 Sseond Wesk . 1.00 Third Weak . . . 8.0(1 ronrth Wesk .. 3.00 rifth Wesk .... 1.70 TOTAL $7.76 Then we daUver the new trunk. It Will Relieve llseWn.he. Apply Sloan's Liniment to your back, Pain gone almost Instantly. Don't rub. It penetrates; 25c. All druggists. Adver tisement. of the car. It has been used but a few' rtr'B at.,, brgaln sale for Sl.'.'O. It month. - geaayler Votes School Bonds. BCHl'YLWR, Neb., Juns 2. (Special Telegram) School bonds carried, 2Sr fnr and 1U acalnet. was made by her mother. The prUe waa offered by the faculty of the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Fred . McKcan and i hll dten leave for Long Beach. Cel.. tomor row in the hopes of benefiting their children's health. Woman litres Life "etiteiier. MCHKEOON. Mich., .Line 2. .Mrs. Al bert Steele, foind guilty of murdering her 11-yesr-olrf stepd.iugl.tcr, todav was sentenced to life Imprisonment In the De troit house of correction. The child was stgtingled to dentil. gonnenseheta Trial Begins. I'lLRRB. S. D.. June I. (Special Tele gramsThe trial of Herman ponnen eheln, a prominent Stanley county stoi U- i . ' A Good Breakfast Properly Selected Means a running start toward the day's work. There's concentrated TOTAL 86.75 Then we deliver the new trunk. START AT EITHER END Or LIMB OT TlOUriliH AMD PAT EA.CK WEEK. TOV WONT 1QBB THE MONET. OUR WARDROBE TRUNK LINE Cannot be eutmleil. They are not Included 1n the cut price sale, hut are h- ii cutest Values in the west. 1 o not fall to in- ' ii Eaesllo Wardrciji ");s, 835; 5-ysar rnorontes. OMAHA e..iJM FACTORY 1909 TAHNAIC IT. DOUGLAS 105tt iiiiTis tryttiiiii.t'miM v-iV'i -s-r. t! , I; , , -I . d SO. OMAHA, eEB ' ' i i BloHt Mrxlci n and HaullNrr Ilrewery in the West. Family Ualo supplit'd l: K.nitli Omaha WM. JKTTKIt, S5fh! N Street; Teh-phono Noiilli MM. Omuha IIILO K. IIILZ, 1:124 Douglas Street; 1'hoitc Dounlus ,1010. Couutil I Huffs OLD AUK UAH. 1313 Soutli Hixtb Ktteet; l'hooo ,'itl2.'l. Energy In HASTINGS. Neb., j"une :. (SpeMal Telegram. Hastings drugtriets have or ganised to make sn effort to land the 111 state convention of drurglsls at the state meeting in Omaha next week. Se-- retary H'ake of the chamber of iom merce w HI a'-rnmpany the debgates to ! Omaha. I . : GOVERNOR WILL DELIVER ! COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Wen Commissioner Named. HASTINGS, Neb'., June S. -(Special)-Attorn y f James K. Addle of Hastings hss ben appointed a I'nlted States eoin misyiitrier fur tlie district of Nebraska. Mr. Addle is a member of the law firm of n&gan Addle. (Front a Staff Correspondent ! LINCOLN. June (Special.) t'tox er nor and Mrs. Morehead left this after noon for Tern where the executive fill deliver the eommencement day address at the Peru Normal s hool. The Beat Medlelue for 1 The first dose of Dr. King's New Dls rovery helpa your cough, soothes throat. let a bottle today; 5"c. All druggists. ilvertlaemenu Kerr I Fires .Near Dalai. DIU'TH. Minn.. June 2 Two forest flies are reoorted t.i he ibclnt (n ttmKe ; northeast of Two Harbors, t senty-elght ; miles from Duluth. The flames after 1 burning two davs in the smsi timber cot beyond control and help baa beta as ' Grape-Nuts FOOD It contains the rich elements from Wheat and Barley in form for easy digestion; and so quick ly absorbed that it makes itself felt in body and brain. "There's a Reason" FOR WISE WOIIDS. A Fbyslolaa on rood. A physician of rnrtland. Oregon, hsu views about food. He says: "I have always believed that thedutv of the physician does not cease with treating the sick, but 1 lint we owe It to humanity to teach them how to protect their health especially by hygienic and dietetic laws. "With such a feeling as to my duty I take great pleasure In saying to the pub lic that In my own experience and also from personal observation I have found no food to eriual (Irape-Nuts and thut I find there Is almost nn limit to the great benefit this food will bring lien used in all cases of sickness and couvalcsi enre. "It Is my experience that no physical condition forbids the use of Irape-Nuts. To persons In health there is nothing su nourishing and acceptable to the stomach especially at breakfast to start the machinerv of the human system on the day's work. In esses of Indigestion I know thst a complete breakfast can h" mode of lirape-Nuts and cream and I think It Is necessary not to overload the stomach at the morning meal. I also know the great value of Grape-Nuti. when the stomach la too weak to digest other food. "This Is written after an exrleui e of more than 20 years treating all manner of chronic and acute diseases, and the letter Is written voluntarily on my part without any reouest for It." N'amo given by Postum Co.. Battle Cresk, Mich Look In pkga. for the famous little bonk. "The Kod to Wellvllle." Try One Can Anyway and See! Take the Coffee from Your Grocer on Trial 2-lb. Gas Roasted Ech 60c . "! l.'!,)s Better than any 30c Coflee obtainable Equal to many 33o to 4Gc Coffees Gas Roasted means quickly roasted direct in the flame like pop corn. The strength and mo6t of the aroma are saved by our quicker method. Grape-Nuts ihi -- tS- -. r-- "-. - - ..