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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
THK I IKK: OMAHA. TllliKNUA. JLS 1 i '.i, 191.7 DIARY OF GERMAN President Wilson Sends a Solemn 2 OFFICERJS TRAGIC Cptain Writei of Awful Effect of j French Artillery Fire at j Lorette. MANY DEMANDS FOR HELP fM:l.S June i An nrrnnni of the fiM- i in lr. tb vd Inlty of Nnti Panic I- j l.nrrtte. an written (town by a Ornun office- nnmrd Ottdin Slrvrrt In Ws nole- 'wnk Ik Blvrn out today In th rental of I ho "rye-wltnoM at the front." The pur lin."" Ik to wni aa a comparison with the I'rrnrh offi-la1 etatemr-nts ronrcrnlnir i ombitu in thin vicinity. Captain FW-vort. the author. wn klllml. Mi body ns onf of 4.0" foiin1 on lh- lopes of Rrttc anil hts notebook rovers the flehttns; from May 10. the day after Ihn French attack, up to May 30. the day the curtain waa killed. An order lasued on the evening- of May provided for the hotdlnir or the position on the plateau of lrette and alone the Ahlain-Carenry line. To carry out theae instructions Captain SU-vert had avail able only one battalion of 2T'J men, or one third of Ita normal fighting strength be fora going Into .battle. Ilia notebook con talna repeated demanda for help. Calls for Aanmaaftlnn. "We absolutely need a supply of hand Brenadra" la an entiy In the diary under .'ate of May 11. The number which rap tain Hievcrt had waa Insufficient and he could not oar'y out hla attack. Further more the lack of ppojeotllea prevented all i ha nee of succef. loiter there waa more trouble for the captain. Ordera were badly given and onfuaion of sectors made necessary marches and rounter marchea under French artillery fire. "The wav from Souchrg to Ablaln la Impracticable." the artain WTote. "expoaing is to Incee aant artillery fire. Ablaln. like Bournes, li nothing but a heap of rulna. Our guide la unable to lead ua further and wet with t.weat wn grope alonr. The aitiiatlnn la Iraperate. Our mon deeamp at each ahell lileh falla and It la neceaaary to threaten them wltit court-martial." rtelnforcementa ttlled to arrive, further ilfllrultiea aroae nnd Taptaln Sievert HTcfte that the altuation waa hopeleaa. Artillery Fire la Awfnl. The last page of thla dairy waa written at 10 p. m. of Slay . In It the captain aald: "The lombardment today completely deatroyed what remained of our Irene hea. Tha men have been without aupport for three day a. It la Impoaalblo to hold thla poaltlon with such ft feehlo force. 1 aak that an offU;er be aent here to repoit on the altuation. I aak again that the Fourth cimpany of the Eleventh regiment ba placed at my disposition. Artillery fire of the enemy la frightful, eapectally that of the heavy guna. We can hear tha projeo tllea of thla artillery coming slowly thiough tha air. Kvory man la watchful and tenae; ha wonder where thla par lioular ahell la going to fall. Tha parapet tremblea and a cloud of earth and pieces of ahell rain down on ua. How long niuat we remain In thla rat trap? I believe now that my nerrea are gone. Tha fire of the enemy haa attained Ita greateet violence. Indescribable" Here tha tresis note of Captain Bievert . come to an end, Thia dairy, a ay a tha eye -witness. Indt catea tha "great success of the French artillery and Infantry." At the earn time it ahowa the super human efrorta Oermany la obliged to demand of Ita army, and thla even b rore the participation of Italy, which on a new front will hereafter take part in the alege of German and Auatrlan fort resses. ' TWO MEN ASPHYXIATED IN WELL AT LEO LA, S. D. ABHKDKRN, B. D.. June 3.Speclal Teleram. While dlggln a well on the ' farm of Jacob Cnlum, near Leola, B. D., Jacob Colum, aged 23. and Jacob Glaeler, aged 3, were overcome by gxa when at a depth of olghty feet and both were killed. The men left the houaa at noon to work on the welt and discovery of the nccldent waa nwvdo at 4 o'clock. It la aiippoaed one of them waa overcome and the other went flown to reaou htm anJ also loat hie life. In drawing him to tha top tha trap pling hook caught In Ooium'a ahoe, and when he ncared tha surface tha ahoe came off 4ud the body dropped tho eighty feet to the bottom again, but wu finally recovered. Colum waa married laat January. Glaaler waa single AMES WILL SEND TWO MEN TO ILLINOIS MEET Alll'A ).. June 3 Heclal Amea, having tied with rraka for the high hon or In thi luwa atate meet, winner of e-ond place In the Mlaaourl Valley onn- fcrance at Columbia, Mo., laat Saturday, mill send a team of only two men to tha meet of the Western IntercullcnUte con ference meet at L'rhana thla coming Saturday. Coac h Merriam waa not altogether satia- fli-1 with the st -twine his rr.rn made nn thrt muddy M'fSAurt track. 'The two men he will aend are Packer, hurdler, and Dickinson, aprlnter. Packer, providing he I hi i;ocd luck In drawing a track at I rlu and I' In It la top form, should maka tha big nine hurdlcra wet rtsht u and move in the 13) litgha. thinka Mer riam. Mareer Will (nark Ature. ' A.MKH, la.. June 3.-t8paclal.)-Charlea W. Mayaer, now foot ball couch at I'laliklln Marahall. -n waa elected by lie Amea athlttlc toai.cil to '.nkc th iein of the yclono varaity fuot ball uuin, will leave Franklin & Manrall the middle of Auguat, to come out to tkke hultl of the Am a altuation, waa the ktaterrenla aiven out by Chairman Clyde Williama of the phyal-al de)arinient t tcday. MabI liak Hellvtril. I r UeU'a Ptne-Tar-Hoaey eaaea your cough, oothee the luima and Invltea l ieep; only . All drulte Advcrtne uient. Drimrtanl Order. WASHINGTON, Jun t (Special Tele gram.) Nebraake poaxmaatera appointed: Ailnji, i 'ion county, burling Au-wa't. vl'-e l. M rVh.ackelfrd. reeiirtied: XeJU. Keith county. I'. Grant Wuulaey, vie K J. Stone. relni. The pnetcfflce at DunlaD. Brule cauntv. Roulh lukitu. haa bet ii dUKSxtitlniwd ; nnil to I'iatte. N'ebmaka l.etmmns ' anted Nancy- K iHtwaon, etaiViun tit. e-arah Walker. Omaha, f!.': .l K. tirlvaa. West I'olnt. V wr White. MHcy, ii Tue oiiii i I'.llr r .f the currency n Kirt:xJ iir;er In the Kir el Nationl lnk of Vljltl!u-. K. I'. ltal. .'. J. lltt'l-. I J ckiilt-fii : A. W. Hul- . iraMi'et : u. -'! M i.i i.- Male hank WASiiiNtiTON', .hine 2 In a aiatpment to the American people to day President Wilson served notirp on the factional leader- of Mexico that ltnloan within "a very short time"' ihry unite to net up a govern ment which tbe world tan recognize the fnlted Rtatea "will be ron fctrained to decide whnt means ghotild he employed by the t'nlted StBtea in order to help .Vexlro ave Itself and WTve Ita people." Notet a Chang in President's Policy. KlgnaluinK a change from the "watchful walling" policy, which haa Riilded relations with Mexico for more than Iwo year, the president' titatement was regarded everywhere In official and diplomatic quarters as notice of a new and vigorous policy to restore peace below the Klo (Jrande. Kverywhere It was Interpreted as a warning that the patience of the T'nlted Ktates is exbausted. What steps the president is prepared to take if his warning goes unheeded are not disclosed in the statement. Tn high official quarters, neverthe less, no doubt existed that he Is pre pared to proreed. The statement, which goes to Car runza. Villa, Zapata and Garza, the principal leaders, not as a diplomatic note from the United States, hut as a declaration of President Wilson's attitude, expressed in a statement to the American people, as as follows: "For mora than two years revolu tionary conditions have existed in Mexico. The purpose of the revolu tion waa to rid Mexico of men who Ignored the constitution of the re rubllc and used their power in con tempt of the right, of Its people, and with these purposes the people of the1 GERMANS CAPTDRE 300,000RUSSIANS Kaiser'i War Office Reports Fur ther Successes in Rusiian Poland and Eastern Galicia. PRZEMYSL FORTS ARE TAKEN BERLIN, June 2. (Via London.) The German army headquarters announced today that more than 100,000 Russians had been captured during the month of" May. An nouncement also was made That further Russian entrenchments near Prxemysl had been captured. The statement follows: "We shot down a rtrltlah flying machine at Rlncoote. Tha occupants, one Bel gian and one British officer, were taken prisoners. "The sugar refinery eaat of Bouchea. Into which the French penetrated yester day afternoon, haa been recaptured by ua. An attack be run by the French aaalnat our positions and south Af Keuvllle during j the ovtnlnf was repulsed.- Only a small aectLm of a trench on the other side of the high mads from Keuvllle to Kourle was occupied by the enemy. 'KUrhtlnr at close quarters In the for est of La Pretre for the poaaeaeloii of cer tain portions of the trenches continues. Raaalaae Are Defeated. "Kaatcm theater: Successful eiiRagn menta occurred apUnat minor KuaMian dtvlaloua at N'enhauaen, fifty kilometres (about thirty mites) northeaat of IJbnu, and at Shllll.l. alxty-nlna kllomctrea (about 10 mileaj southeast of Itbau. The aame thing happened further south In the dietrfct of Hhavll and on the lhibyaa aoutheaat of Kleltny and between Uglamy and KJarcula, At Shavll we took 600 prisoners. 'Southeastern theater: further IUia elan antrenchmenta altuated. around liun koklrskl (near Prsemyat) were taken by storm yesterday. After the victory at Ptry the allied troopa advanced yeeterday In tho direction of Melenlce. "In the month of May Skj officers and 368.SAS men were taken piiaoners In the aoutheaatern theator of war. while 251 cannon and !' machine (una were cap tured. Of these numliera the capturing of K) officers. Including two generals, lfS,SM men. 160 cannon. Including twenty tight heavy ouea. and 403 machine (una is to the c nil it of the troopa under lien ! eral Mackeneu. Including prlmera j taken la the eaatcrn theater of tho war, j a well aa those annouiicoil yeaturday, , the total number of Itusaiann who have ftllcn Into the liandu of the Uenuanle allied troo.a during tue month of May amounU to about l.uou officers and inoie than 90u,0u0 men." I'rrarh Official ItriHirt. I A RLS, June 2. -The Kreiich War office thla afternoon (ave out an official re port on the progreM of hoatilities rending "In the sector to the north of Arras the fighting continued laat night. In the labyrinth tu the southeast "f Nedvllle j we octupl. J kvw rul irencliea ami made j f unh. r ;rii.uiii y. The total numVr nf i pt'lauiivia made at I nil point alnce Moti- uuy night ia over it. At Neuvllle itaelf wo look KHteMtiii of u rfruuu hourei where we maintained ourselves In aptte ot avvrral counter attacka. "On the other parts of thia iirovlnoe, tartlcularly at l.rctta. there waa fticht nc veatcrday. Along the remainder of tlie front there ' r:cth!iij to report, with the rxcvitliu vf tu bombardments of Hhtlma, and i artlculaily of the latl.udial In that lty." TWO MEN ARE KILLED BY ACCIDENT AT CHARLES CITY j MASON 1TY, la.. June :.-8pe.ikl Telegram ) Arthur Rcgel fell from t tree while cutting hint's and was in I aunlty WIIU1. Walter T'arnry'a nr uu : -t and V.e waa Vl'led Inktantly Roth ac- (.litcii'.a ocxuiri'd at tlmrlea I'lty ' Apartments, flnta. iinne ami cottar' ran be rented quickly anil cheaply by a le ' For Hent" Ad. Warning to the Mexican Factions I'nitod States instinctively and gen erously sympathized. Hut the lead ers of the revolution in the very hour of their success have d'Hairreed and turned their arms against one nn cther. "All professing the same objec tive, they are nevertheless unable or unwilling to to-operate. A central authority of Mexico City Is no sooner set up than it is undermined and its authority denied by those who were expected to support It. "Mexico is apparently no neiarer a solution of Its tragical troubles than it whs when the revolution was first kindled. It has been swept by civil wsr as if by fire, its crops are destroyed, Ua fields He unseeded. Its work rattle are confiscated for the use of the armed factions, its people flee to the mountains to escape being drawn Into the unavailable blood shed and no man seems to see or lead the way to pescn and settled order. There Is no proper protection either for Its own citizens or the citizens of other nations resident or at work within its territory. Mexico is starr ing Hnd wHhout a government. United States Mutt Take Some Hand. "In these circumstances the people and government of the United States cannot stand indifferently by and do nothing to serve their neighbors. They want nothing for themselves in Mexico. ICHHt of all do they desire to settle its affairs for it or claim any right to do so. But neither do they wish to see utter ruin come upon It, and they deem it their duty as friends and neighbors to lend all aid they properly can to any instru mentality which promises to be effec tive in bringing about a settlement which will embody the real objects BEENSTOEFF HAS HALF HOUR TALK WITH PRESIDENT (Continued from rage One.) ( t'lnn"nftha merchantman wlthAme"ilcan ' Uvea. The questions of fact raised by Ger many were regarded aa Irrelevant at thla time. The trend of opinion waa that tha t'nlted Htatea must Inquire and obtain an early answer whether Oermany Intends to recognise the hitherto accepted prin ciple that neutrals may travel anywhere on tho high aeas On unarmed merchant ships, even if carrying contraband, and that merchantmen which do not resist capture 'must be visited and searched anl the passenKcra and crew transferred to a place of safety before the vetael Is destroyed. What It Mould Lead To. An unfavorable answer to this Inquiry would lead. It was predicted In official quarters, to a severance of diplomatic, relations on the ground that the United Htatea could not continue . Intercourse wjth a government which repudiated these principles. Steps then will be taken to Inform Americana ot the dangers to which they are exposed as a result of this action and such meaaurea as necea aary adopted to safeguard the Uvea and Interesta of cltlsens of the United Mates. Should Oermany accept tha principle In a way that would constitute a guar antee for the future, the American gov ernment would reiterate Its demand for "atrlrt accountability" for violations of thla principle nnd the killhuc of Americana In the torpedoing without warning of tho I.ualtHiila. The decision to baae tha American noto on the principles of International law te obtain an affirmative or negative reply. and not enter Into a technical dlaousalon of details, raised In the Oerman com munication, which avoided tha main Is- j sues, waa the single development ot the cabinet council. View of Some Members. One cabinet officer tietleved the Amer ican government should enter into an In vestigation ot tbe points raised by the German anawer. submitting its proof and giving the German government an op portunity to do likewise. Others, how ever, declared that auch a proceaa would enly mean delay, and. In the event ct a deadlock on facts, would leave the t'nlted States, which had already as aured Itaelf of the authenticity of ts in formation and whose d faith waa at stake, without remedy for the preaenA and In the future for attacks on Amer ican vranela. The opinion waa general that the I'nitod Ktates would restate dur ing the course of Its note that the Lual taiila waa unarmed and would ignore auch questions whether the carriage of ammunition is a violation ot American law. British Steamship Saidieh Torpedoed; Seven Are Drowned LONDON. June 3. The Brtttalt steamer. .'tdich, from Alexandria, b.gypt. for Liverpool, wu torpedoed yesterday In tho North 8ia Seven members) of Uio orew. Including a stewardete, were drowned. Vorty-one survivors were landed tody at Chatham. The Kairtleth had a crew of forty-eJght Greeks, a British commander and eight paeeensjers of different nationalities. The Iih of life was the reault of the Jam ming of davits while cue of the hoata waa bring lowered. The occupants of thla boat were thrown Into tho water. These u the other boats were picked up by a trawler. They assert that no warning was given before the reeael waa tcrprdled. U aank fifteen miauUe after the explosion The Saidielt waa owned by thX Khe dive) eiaamahlp romiany of London, ft waa formerly the atnantrr Pretoria. It waa built In tmmbarton, Scotland. In is. tfci'f-rt tons anl .-f 1 St net lirr Want A'la Tropin Hfmilla of the revolution constitutional; gorornment and the rights of the people. Patriotic Mexicans are sick at heart and cry out for peace and for every self-sacrifice that may be i necessary to procure it. Their peo ple cry out for' food and will pres ently hate as much as they fear everv man in their country or out of It who stands between them and their daily bread. Peace Mutt Be Had Without Further Delay. . "It Is time, therefore, that the gov ernment of the United States should frankly state the policy which In these extraordinary circumstances it becomes Its duty to adopt. It must presently do what it has neither done or felt at liberty to do lend Its active moral support to some man or group of men. If such msy be found, who ran rally the suffering people of Mexico to their support in an effort to Ignore, if they cannot unite, the warring factions of the country, return to the constitution of the republic so long in abeyance and set up a government at Mexico City which the great powers of the world can recognize and deal with, a government with whom the pro gram of the revolution will be a bus iness and not merely a platform. I therefore publicly and very solemnly call upon the leaders of factions in Mexico to act, to act together, and to act promptly, for the relief and re demption of their prostrate coun try. I feel it to be my duty to tell them that if they cannot accommo date their differences and unite tor this great purpose within a very short time this government will be constrained to decide what means should be employed by the United States in order to help Mexico save Itself and serve its people." Belgian Guns Destroy Several German Defenses HAVRK. France, June 1 The following official statement waa tsaued laat night 1-cKH.rdlng the operations of the Belgian army: . "A fierce artillery duel tnaiked the day of May 31 along the Belgian front. Bel gian guns of all calibers massed their fire, blowing up the enemy's trenches and accessory dofences at a number of potn- "All the roads beyond the Oerman front are commanded by the Belgians' fire, making It very difficult for the enemy te bring VP fresh supplies. The first - line ot Belgian troops by a continuous flro prevented German troona from adv'anc lng." AMERICANS IN URUMIAH. PERSIA. ARE REPORTED SAFE WASTTINGTON. June I. Americans at ' Urumlah, Tersla, where Americans and other foreign missionary schools recently were attacked by Turks, are reported safe In a dispatch today from American Consut Paddock at Tabrls. He reported that a relief expedition with food haJ , set out from Tabrls. i The Turkish government, at the request 1 of Ambassador Morgenthau, recently sent troops to tha scene. Urumlah since baa been occupied by Russian troops. A Trustee Should Have not only legal knowl edge, but the exper ience, resources and fa cilities to properly exe cute tho trust. Make suvo of it by appointing the Peters Trust Company to act in this capacity. Capital $500,000.00 quality printer arses customer to spend h money tor f mm engrammt, because it is money well spent The best printer in the business cannot get re sults eat of an inferior cut. We make them Unit tho $500'ooao Sra ! ti The caalltv printer or get h I iaaB his THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY - Summer Frocks for Women Dainty new ttyles in fine French Linen at $7.50. Hundreds of fash ionable dresses in Tissues, Nets, French Voiles, and other stylish fabrics at moderate prices. Separate In the fine Rampoiirchuddah Cloth, well made and stylish garments At $12.50 and $16.50 Palm Beach Skirts, Wash Gabardine Skirts, White and Colored Wash Gabardine Skirts, White Silk Taffeta Skirts. Every skirt is beautifully made to our own special order Every garment we show is clean, new, and always up-to-date. Novelties in Parasols for Graduation Bell-shirred-flare and canopy shapes, in all the new shades, including Belgian Blue, Marine, Navy, Hun ter and Emerald Green, Sand, Battleship Gray, Pur ple, Black and White Effects, and a large variety in white, including pure linen, plain and embroidered. $1.50 to $10.00 See our display before buying You and your boy or girl co-operating-ought to make a say ings account big enough In a few years to pay for a thorough education, or to pro vide cash to go into business or buy a home. i mm Real Jitney Service WHT a AT XX CESS KATXSf We rairy you lor one-iialf th-i regular taxi fare. Quick Service la what hullda our btiHtneas. Try uk onre. You'll be a booater too. Uniform Kates; Court.oaa Serrtoe. lKM filiAS 45H OKAJLA. MOTOm BUS ASS'H. A M M HEM K.T!. NEW SHOW TODAY YOUSt CASTS u. World'a Greatest Caatlna; Act. 7 ITCH COOrEB, The Kualcal Kube. WITTS fc WITTS, Moeelty Boiler Skater a. HOVOITOS k TUKBTSm, "Joat I, an dad." A Tarle4 Program of rhoto Flaya and wtts ros wmB. A Drama of the South. ADlfXSarOaT B.a.rr.4 Seats. 10c FTtra. IQc RRAHDEIS Today: TBZ1TIB AI.X. Will t.00 ir;.The Christian BaUy Mata loe; Zr-. le aaA SOe. Beart WNk-lUIOI Sim "THSII MTIIKI" 100 AST BOOB SIX MOTORCYCLE RACES AT STABIBH tmaWlT BAST O If ABA WeAaae4a7 I Satoraay XTBBIB Saaaay Skirts ?1 5jir3ATI0MlD b 'tuDllllajr lar" and RoyAL iNnnouc in IVkU L?TOS1W1 ysfj - i mmmmmP I ;4 queen without a horn V f j A hng without a throne"' K.rv5x - VJ ' 1 Snqji n.- iJ t ' ' ' " ' J-', S , Vivid in interest and gives no offense. "H. Y.' HERALD' 'Will sweep the country." THE EYE. HAIL "Startling- sensation. " N. Y. WORLD The Love Drama That Startled Two Continents U THEATER l"ept Thou. ln., j.t n, OUUsC U 4 TIMES DAILY 4 2:CD, 3:00, 7:00 and 8:30 p. m. Mtineet, Any Set, 10. Evenings, 10? and 20. Children Under 15 Years of Age Not Admitted. NOTE-Jo- VAS? "The Chrutian" Genuine Palm Beach Suiting 65 c a Yard A cool, comfortable fab ric for summer wear. Will not muss or wrinkle. Women's Gauze Underwear for Summer Women's Gauze Vests, low neck, sleveless at - - - - - 12i2o Women's Gauze Pants, fitted knee - - - 25c Wide knee, lace trim med 35c Women's Gauze Union Suits, fitted or wide knee - - - - - -35c Third Floor.- .