Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1915, Page 8, Image 10

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Wednesday, June 2, 1915.
THE vogue for Tarns bits arrived.
They seem to be indlspensible for the autolst, maybe'a that'i
the foremost reason for the rush. But, reason or no reason, they
are here, and they seem to be going to stay.
The popular shades arc coral and blark velvet.
Mrs. William Lcet and Mrs. V N. Chambers were the first to launch
the reigning fad.
Both of these young women are enthusiastic autolsts and drive their
own cars.
Mrs. Leet la wearing a very becoming Tain made of coral-colored aatln i
and Mrs. Chambera' la of black velvet, which Is most becoming to her
Titian tresses. Mlaa Bara Davidson of Dcg Moines, a recent visitor, favored
the white corduroy Tarn with pin stripe of black, and Miss Mamie Sples
berjrer i wearing the all-white corduroy.
tTP.m, TinoJiii t dents met at the ct.o.jl and alkd
An Unusually pririiy w-u'Jm - 'lire
bra ted Wedneeday artrrnoon at o riot
t Bt Prter'a church and was that of
Mlaa Grace lyftiigilnn, daughter of Mr.
4 lid Mrs. Martin Langdon. and Mr. John
MiX'reary of Hyannla. Neb., son of Mr.
rnd Mra. Frank McCreary of Omah.
The church waa attractively decorated
with palms, potted plant and p-wnles.
end Rev. Father McCarthy, pastor of St.
rater's church, performed the cerefxmy
In th presence of about fifty gueate.
Miss Eloiae West played the Ixhmarln
wedding march, accompanied by Mlaa
Madge West on the violin, tnirlng the
ceremony Mr. John McCreary sang Ouy
d'Ardelot'a "Because."
The btlde. who given In marriage
by her father, wore a beautiful (own of
white ihuntUtv la re drained over nt ami
rnnd vtrv short. Her tulle veil waa
crught wtth orange blossoms and she I. Mlaa Hmlth's guest will be:
rtie evening was spent In muslo
and ginic. Those pns"n'. wi-re:
Misses Misfot
' !ne Herjti r. I w.rothy rVott,
Florence luiw. fieien .loimsv.n.
Kit a, Kur.imtun, Kuth Htiiidland.
Annetta Noiirnt, Vlnlficd tianaebln.
Sylvia orlnfr. fw.rot,y Mr M urray,
fc.ffle (.lelland.
Air. v. I.. Waters.
Messrs.- Moaar r. -
Paul Helhy. IMatn Hells.
KrflKsr fimt, Vlrtor Joraenwn,
I'loh lilrharos, U illlnm lioherla,
William Thompson, Hobeft lltighrs,
Joseph Weinlerf. H'y OreeMng.
To Honor House Guest.
Mlaa Harriet fmlth will entertain at
dinner this evc.iing at the Country club
In honor of her house au.-et, Misa Kdith
Sloan, of York City. A large baa-
kot of pink peonies, tied with tullu bows,
will le ut4l as the table rente rpleca, and
, . v y
r i. i
s ' W'- ill
V js
carried shower bouquet of bride's roees : Mia.iea
and orane blosnnia.
Mlaa Irene twigrton. sister of th bride,
wore a mown of pink chiffon taffeta e'ab
crately tilr.r.ied with polnte de venlao
l:ce. With this waa worn a pink and
white chiffon hat and she carried a baa
ket filled with Klllarney roses.
Mr. Ot tald McCreary. a brother of the
irroom. waa the best man, and the tuners
were Ir. J. Frederick Ianadon of Bntte,
Men?., brother of the bride, and Mr.
Genre Buehman.
Following the ceremony a buffet supper
waa aorved to the Immediate famll'o at
the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. McCreary left laat eve
nlng for a short wedding- trip and they
will be at home at Hyannla. Neb., after
July . The out-of-town guests InolJded:
r. and Mrs. Charlea Crowley of t)es
Molnea. Mra. K. Oreen, Mrs. Hanlel Fee
ley and Mlaa Elisabeth Ryan of Jollct,
III.: lr. Frederick Iangdon of Butte,
Mont, and Mrs. M. O. Daion of Nellgh,
The wedding of Miss Mautine Telinhoff
nid Mr. Karl Ivynne Kllgore was cele
brated last evening at o'clock at the
North Side Christian church.
Miss Cady played the Lohenarta wed
ding march and during the ceremony
Mlaa Jeaaia Cady played Ehubart'a sere
nade. Mr. Charles Cook sang "Because"
and Miae Josephine Craig sang "l Laora
You Truly." ...
The bride waa gowned In white radiant
satin trimmed with chantllly laoe. The
akirt waa made round length and the
court train hung from the shoulders The
tulle veil was held Ut place with a eoro
tit cap of net. She war ths groom's
gift, a crescent ptn set with pearls.
Th maid f honor was Mla Helen
J'tkvU of Newton, la., and the M.aaea
Gayle Thompson and Madeline Meta were
th bridesmaida. Mr. F. Earl Qosselln
ot Cheyenne, Wyo., waa th best man
and th usher were Mr. William A. For-
tey and Mr. Carl Cln. Master Frunces
Miller of Newton and Miss Janie Lehn, cousins of the bride, were the ring
bcarera, and the ribbons were stretched
b) tbe MisH-s Audrey Kllgore and 1H
Kllgore, nlecea of the groom.
Th bride's gifts to her attendants were
f old plna aet wtth pearls. Th groom's
gift to his beat man was a gold ctlokpln
aet with aapphlrea and to th usher
silver pencils. The out-of-town guests
were: Mrs. Mary Miller, Newton. 1
Mrs. L. A. Gates. Newton; Mr. L. A.
Odtfa. Knnf City; Miss Hulen Davis,
Newton; Mr. F. K. Uoaavlin. Clievenne;
Mrs.' A. Roose, . Penver, Colo.: Mr. and
:rs. Robert Miller, Newton, an Mlaa
Krancaa Miller, Newton.
The wedding of Mlaa Margaret KeliOgg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Kollogg.
and Mr. Alfred Ulaufuaa was celebrated
outetly Wediteaday afternoon at 4 o'clock '
el th home of the bride' parents
Th -roin era decorated througnout
with ma'CJerlti a and yellow rnaea, and
the gist were the members of th Im
mediate ram II lea of the bride and groom.
The bride wore a atmple gown of whit
satin, tier tulle veil waa naught with!
lill'-s of the vui;ev and she carried an)
lii in bouquet of yellow rosea. ;
The Mlasea Mary and Sarah Kellogg,'
ta in sisters of the bride, were th brldea- I
maid. They wtre gowned alike In white 1
net and carried shower bouquets of mar-
gut rites. The groom waa attended oy his 1
brother, Mr. Kdward Ulaufuaa. After a'
abort trip east Mr. and Mra. Blaufuaa
will be at home July 1 at Carter Lk. i
Carter Lake Club. I
Tit Carter I-ake Swimming and ttowLl
Ing club gave th first of the season's1
luncheons, followed by bowling, Tuesday
at the Carter Lake club house. New '
bo ling teams and captains for tha year
were elected. Th high acor. 1.10, waa
made by Mrs. Permody'a baud. The fol
lowing will act as captains: Mesdame
Ci.artee Myers, H. B. WMtehouee. J. T.
tJimmtrk and WUIlam aouUS, Jr. Mra.
J. A. Rogers was elected secretary. Those
I resent were:
ICillth Sloan.
Janet Hall.
B ni.che l.uel,
.tmlKon Kiulr"a,
Itobovt Uurnr.
I ( 'ha lies Hiimtli n.
r red I a'ieherty.
Francea Horhatet
ler, Rleannr Mackay.
Phillip rhnse.
Hen UallnKher.
John t-'Mldwcll.
Iloben Morainan.
the coming rear will be held. All wonen
a ho are club members are eligible and
cordially Invited to attend the affair.
At Happy Hollow.
The Happy Hollow Bowling club held
Its first meeting this morning, followed
bv a luncheon. The dub will mot each
Wednesday morning. Mra. E. A. Ben
son Is president of the club. Covers
were placed for alteen giieetn.
Mrs. J. C. ChadwlrV and Mrs. C. K.
f'wutart entertained thlrtr g-i'ests at a
whist luHdieoii tedsy at the Happy Hol
low club.
Mrs. John Flack had as Iter luncheon
Meidame . .Mesdame
f'liapman of D Nelson,
St. I.oiii. Van Rensaler.
Milea Mcr'ayden.
Mrs. It. F. Hamilton will entertain
seven guests at luncheon Thurttday.
Tueatlay of next week Mrs. Charlea R
Sheirmnn will entenaln elxty women
who will be In attendance at the rta'e
Pharmaceutical aocietv meeting.
; Personal Mention.
Mien Man' K. wtlmotri, wno nas oen
fittendltig the Pennsylvania Academy -if
! Fine Arts at Fhlladelphla, 1"h., has re-
( turned to Omaha to spend her vacation.
Mrs. Charles Ashtnn leave "Ihe first
of the week for Kansas City, where ah
will Join her uncle. Dr. Kvans. and Mrs.
Evans, snd spend the summer with
them m California.
Dr. snd Mr. R. TV. Connell leave Fri
day evening for Welleiey, Mass., to at
tend the commencement exerrtaea at
Dana Hall, where their daughter Re
glna graduates. Dr. Connell wilt also
visit a number of eastern cttlea In con
nection with Ms .wot as health com
missioner. To Honor Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Render entertained
Informally Tuesday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. bonis E. Homer and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Whltehlll of New York City,
who stopped oft tn Omaha enroute t9
California. Mr. Homer and Mr. WhltenM
are opera singers In th east.
At the Country Club.
Others entertaining thla evening wrlll he:
Mr. and Mr. J. T. Stewart, who will
have alx guests; Dr. W. O. Bridges, who
has reservations for eighteen greets, and
Mr. J. T. Godfrey, elgnt.
VfS Vi. ,,,,.,... t .t .J'i,, -mi ' - '.n. -.11 ,'t i.M,,,., I. iiiii -in a ill 1H111 n in I II ii I 'li. .1 liiii.aiii ll u. 1 n 11H
ITT c''v
For Miss Stewart
Mr. K. W. Hart will give a dinner this
evening at the Country oluh In honor of
Mlas Marie Ktewarl and her fiance, Mr.
Donald McFerron of Chicago. The guest
entertained will Include:
Messrs. and keecamea
Charlea Ktewart. William Reach.
Iwrvnce Phlppa. New York City;
i?nv"; Clifford Wolfe,
Mlasea Mlssea
Marle Stewart. Floretice Hcyri.
MHdreil nutlet-. New York;
linlso Haas. Marie Htlfel,
..r'"'?""" ,,,v; Wheeling. W. V.;
hllaa bet h Goodrich, Katherino Barker,
Mrs. Wlldinan.
MenBrs Messrs
IJoyd K.vnns. John Kanka.
Arthur I,ong. a. B, Warren.
On the Calendar.
McKlnley ladles' auxiliary of the B'nai
OI.FNWOOD, la., June t. Special .)
The absence from her home of Dora Wal
ling Klley la causing her relative and
.friends In (llenwoort considerable un
easiness. Mrs. Riley la 27 years of-age,
welgha 1 pounds an J la five feet In
height. Hho la next t the yuiingeat
child of Arch Walling of Glenwood. 8h
waa In good health, and bad been making
her home th ber brother, .Sidney, In
West Glenwooo, during the slckneaa of
hi wife. flie waa married In Omaha In
January, U'l.'i, to Joseph Riley, an em
ploye of a hospital at. that place; and
I. as been In Glenwood. her old home, about
two inoijtha. Nhe left ner brother's house
at S o'clock Thursday afternoon, May Zl,
telling Mrs. Walling she was going to
the postoff ce, and has not been seen by
any one since, o far aa known.
On her right thumb Is th fresh soar
of a treatment for keloid, and over It
was a dressing protected by a red rubber
finger stall. Mho wore a tan raincoat
black wool skirt, tan waist, tan-medium
slsed hat, trimmed with ribbon bow of
the aame color, and a bunch of cherries.
and black shoes, wtth possibly cloth
tops, and rubbers. No trace of her can
be found at the depot; and the livery
stable and auto traffic aa suepended on I
sccount of bad roads.
B'rlth wrlll meet Thursdsy evening at
the Metropolitan club room to elect of
ficer. The Federal Carter Lake Bowling team
will entertain at luncheon Thursday at :
the club houee. Bled ion of officer for '
Jitney Saving
Jitney Buying
Pay 6c or 10c down and
5c or 10c additional each
week select your purchase
any time and you won't
mlaa the money. We will
ell you anything
Watches, Clocks,
Christmas Gifts
On the Jitney Plan. Articles
up to 116.00 on the 5c plan
and up to 26.00 on the 10c
plan. Special plan for
larger amounts.
Htart Today.
' f1ft vseeusv
tea evMjsMAg ev osine t
An Important Sale of
Oriental Rugs
I iii k
Persian Carpets
W iniani Gould, jr.", '
K. K. Uralley.
I. A. Iwrmodr.
Kiank ( wwnur,
K. U. linaaett.
i H. t. OolUMtrurn,
Charlea M vera.
1 H. U Cnderwood.
' Alex J(rj,
J. y. Liuuiiek,
Henry Keating,
K T. lovrlni, -If.
B. rWtiienvus,
W. J. t'attln,
arl Johnston,
K. J. lUvrman.
J. A. Rogera,
J. A. Flersoo.
J. A. Freeiand,
1L J. lUoaett.
Pleasures Past
, Mra. J. H. Montgomery gave a hinela.
pon today at ber hoov in Council Muff a
,la bouor of Mis Marl Mewert. who
.will b married Saturday veuXnc to Mr,
I ank.ld MrfTron of Chicago.
.'Jiius Klvla Orloff entertained a aura
fber of her college friends of the Univer
sity of Omaha Tieeday e retting at hr
jiione Juat north of Renson. Th ato-
PRICE REDUCTIONS that mean an unprece
A dented sacrifice, distinguish this sale from all
previous similar events.
134 PIECES Consisting: of large and small KIRifANSHAHS, SABUKS.
reduce! in price away below cost for quick disposal.
THESE ARE GOOD RUGS But for some reason or other have remained in
stock longer than our jolicy of merchandising permits us to keep them, therefore
these remarkable prices.
QUOTATIONS OF PRICES on Oriental rugs mean little to the prospective
purchaser. To see the rug, its texture, colorings and design is essential. But to
give you an idea of what theso reductions amount to in dollars and cents and what
some of the sizes are, we mention a very few individual items:
Hoyal Kinnanshah, 7-6x11, formerly $240, Bale price $158.00
Persian Buluk, 12-2x8-9, formerly $250, sale price $128.00
Kirmanshahs, average size 6-6x4-6, selling regularly
from '$83 to $110, very special $49.50
Guenje, 6x3-6, formerly $15, gale price $0.50
Baruk rugs, average size 6-6x4-4, formeriv $100,
aleFrice ." ........ $02.00
Khiva Bokara, 7x8-1, formerly $90, sale price $54.00
Because these prices are so extremely low we hnve decided all sales must bo
outright and absolute. These rugs may not be exchanged. They will not be sent
; on approval, but the closest examination and inspection will be encouraged on our
floors. a
Orchard &. Wilhelm Co.
414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street
Wp Hn
" 1
In a Remarkable Purchase of Blouses
Forffmost in the west as sellers of trustworthy merchandise and good values, we get
occasional market advantages that are rassed on to our rublic.
We have purchased several manufacturers' sample and surplus stocks of the newest
blouses and the women of Omaha are offered the benefit of values that will surely set
them atalking. Let your own eyes be the judge. M,
Lot 1
Dainty Lingerie
Blouse trimmml
wtth fine laces
and embroidery.
Value to $1.00.
Lot 2
1,900 Crepe de
Chine. Jap Silk
and Lingerie
Blouses ana Linen
Blouses, coin dot
ted Jap alike, lin
gerie daintily
Valve f2.o
Lot 3
Dainty Lingerie
and Jap Silk
Blouses, Voile
Blouses trimmed
with One laces
and embroidery.
Values to $2.60
Lot 4
Crepe de Chine
and Jap Silk
Blouses, also
dainty Batlsle and
Voile Blouses
8 11k Middy
Blouses are In
cluded In this lot.
Valaes 1 93.00
Oeorgette Crep
Blouses, Crepe de
Chine and Shad
ow Blouses.
New Frill Blouses
wonderful val
ues, all new mod
els. Valaes 08.00
Clearing Sale of Muslinwear
Slightly Mussed and Soiled From Our Big May Sales
At About Half Regular Prices
About 2,000 garments of every kind will be divided into two big lots and offered at,
- Chemise
At 49c
Choice of Garments
Worth to J? 1.50.
Corset Covers,
Teddy Bears
At 95c
Choice of Garments
Worth to $2.50.
Women's Summer Skirts
la the face of th greatest demand for skirts
In twenty year, we succeeded In getting about
1,500 of the beet washable cloth and silk sklrU
we have ever had to sell at f 1.98 to $6.98. At least
76 different model to select from, erery one an
authentic style for thla aummer season.
Linen, Madras, Pique
and Gabardine.
Linen. Crepe, Pique
and Gabardine.
Linen, Cordellne,
Gabardine and Pique.
Striped Madras, Wash
Corduroy, Bedford and
Serges.. Taffetas,
Gabardines, Oolflnes.
Serges. Taftetaa,
11ns and Golfinea.
K Special Purchase of 800 Wash Skirts.
From a New York manufacturer enables us to
offer choice of fine Linen, Ratine, Pique, etc.
Every good model and style of the season
At $1.00
New Palm Beach Suits
A special showing of those warm weather
suit hi variety of atylea.
Smart Norfolk and
pleated Jacket, with
new cut ktrti.
Palm Beach material!
are especially adapted
for summer wear, aa the
cloth la a very open
mesh, does not wrinkle
and Is eaaiiy cleaned.
Sport Coats
Special lot of smart
coat in the new sport
effects, the straight box backs, large revere,
wide belts and ouffs.
. Smart golflneg, novelty mixtures, sweater
cloths, etc, in large variety of colors.
You, Madam
Are Living in a Wonderful Shoe Year
8 hoe styles and shoe
noveltlee were never of
aa much consideration aa
they ar Just now. Ton
ara aim ply compelled to
glT lot of attention
to th shoe you wear
to thttr style and
quality aa wall. And yet
jrou can buy them here
at a moderate price.
1 I .
gee fate Weaaea' Ox-
fe4a mm4 Pwaaga .Patent
or dull leather, else many
novelties. All siaea. Val
ues to 14 0.
"He CreW rsjaaga and
Oaferde All the new
atylea, combining tba
moat comfort. Patent
leather, dull kid and
calfskin. All
alaea. Pair . and ...
Imfaarta Straa
Sin(m taslala Pttteat
1m t her. tea calf, dull calf ad
aatln. All alaee.
Specially priced,
a pair
Sejw , Sbsie te Weaaeave-
Whlte buckskin trimmed will
tan oalf ec patent Lathery
white ivury
Sole; low
beet, at
Entire Surplus
Stock of Raincoats
of Rosen v.'ald 8l Weil, Chicago,
makers of the finest raincoats
in America
On Sale Saturday
at less than cost to manufacture.
J 1 '
Astounding; Sale of
982 Hif h-claa. Picture at
One day only,
Saturday, June 3.