Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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niK m .maha. wkjni-iav, .h'm;
Official Statement Sayi Strong Aus
trian Position Which Dominate
Rorerto ia Captured.
CDINK, Italy. June Via Parta, i
3:10 p. m.) Italian troop bare or
t inpled thirty-seven villages err
? rounding Cortina In Ampbemo rsHcy.
I The troopa which occupied thee
towna constitute the Italian smiy
j which Is invading the province of
Trent from the south and Mat
j atmuItaaeouEiy with he Invesiout
from the south and west. The town
; of Cortina, occupation of which by
: the Ttaliana wag announced yester
: day. Ilea alxty miiea northetet of
; Trent.
I ROME. May 31. I Via Parla, June
1.) The following ofucal statement
I of the operatlona of the Italian mill
tary forces wre Issued tonight by
t General Cadorna, chief of the gen
j era! auff :
I "The advance) of our trocpa beyond
the Tyrol-Trentlno frontier continues
t and we hare occupied the Important
height of Zugna, about four ml lea
; north of Ala. which dominate Ro
r vereto. Upon thia height the Aua
; trlana some time ago ordered t
: fortreaa hnllt.
5 Artillery Decides Actios.
"Our vtgorooi anlllerr eclem upon the
: plateau being follow up, tba fit ef the
Austrian front at Belvedere diminishes In
; Intensity and our Infantry la solidly ee-
tabllahed upon the field.
"Our front advance in Val Bngang has
arrived within five mllea of Borgo and
1 1s supported strongly en two alopaa of tbe
' valley. The mountain of Belvedere,
; which dominate Flera TH Prlmteii In
the Claroon valley. Is also In our hands.
"A battalion and half of Aeetrlan
' with machine runs attacked our Alpine
troops In a defile of Monte Croce, on the
. ('unit frontier. May - The Alpine
troopa repulsed five spirited attacks, fle
; llvered one after the other, after which
they took the offensive In a violent rain
. end thick foe. putting their assailants to
' flight Our losses were light.
"The rain continue en the Frtul! f ran-
tier and th water courses are swollen,
but our troops advance In enrene con
fidence to overcome their difficulty."
. Stratt eI Krwlu fleeed at Wight.
; WASHINGTON. June l.Navlgatlon in
' t lie Ctraita of Mecalna between half an
: hour after sunset and half an hour before
: sunrts haa been prohibited by the Italian
i government, whloh haa so edvteed the
' Amricn embassy at Home.
DEMONSTRATION Gabriele D'Anunxio and at the right
Signor Marcora, president of the Italian Chamber of
Deputies, marching at the head of the great procession at
the recent dedication of the Garibaldi monument at Quarto.
-1 1
1 n
Baaseaer Teertet Eirenioai.
Effective June 1, Nickel Plate road will
atell reduced rate tickets to various eait
' rva points. Confer with local agent or
write John T. Calahan, A. O. P. A., U W.
.'Aden-is St., Chicago.
(Continued from Page One.)
Tpr Greater Omaha. Ced by Tee Bo.
theme who have worked hard for this
ecMevement fel. that their labors hate
ben. rewarded and that Greater Omaha
will bo great in fact as well aa In fony.
South Omahana are feellna jubilant end
those who were against the propoetPtm
i ow erpreee a williognesa to Join fiends
vita their new brothers and they hew
declare they are read? to work tegwOtar
in upbuilding the consolidated community.
Mswtwr Dies Hard.
A) coterie ef officeholders in Mouth
Omaha died hard, Purmg the day
Tiomaa Kootor ecoured the north and
west preetneta ef Omaha In an automo
fc He with eards purporting te imanate
from aa Omaha source. One set of cards
reed) '"Our city has not been lb1 te
irovtde for needed Improvement already
aaked for. WW It help us te annex South
Omaha, and IuiwWr ' Another card
read: "OmeJia 'ha now a bondel debt
of tit.oeo.oin. Why load up with South
Onahe'a tXKtt.Ooo? Vote no." But Qmait
lople did nt fall for this ".advice. ,'
Geveraoe, leawee ITvelaaettaa.
The nest formality .of . the .Qreatar
iMoaiie vote will he the official canvaas.
which will be ooiui-Uted this week. Then
the election bommieeloner will , certify to
the fovemor, who will leeue a proclm
tlon officially declaring the' ooneoUdated
territory te few Oreeter - Ovtahe. Thta
proclamation will be filed, with the city
Herk of Omaha and after a lapse' of ten
tlaya the consolidation wilf actually be In
effect and the preeent Omaha city offi
cial will have authority to take over the
of t vox, record and .books pf South'
Omaha and Dundee. At th eearoe time
the eperation ef the existing Omaha city
(.barter end ordinances will be extended
uver the annexed territory.
What Effect Will Be.
There will be many details for the
Omaha officiate to work out. The merger
law provide that the South Omaha, police
court. Jail and notice judge shall remain
also the library, the high echool and aab-
treury. Th preeent police judge in
Xouth Omaha wtll hold hla office until
Jaunary 1. 117. Next year at the regular
fall election the consolidated territory
1U elect two polios judges end - than
Greater Omaha may be redistrfrted and
on ef tbe police Judgce must serve within
th territory annexed, the underetandln
being that South Omaha territory will
have an peltc judge, although It la gen
erally believed that the line dividing
theater Omaha will be extended aome
distance north of the preeent north
limlta of Fouth Omaha, after January
' 1917. . , . .
('leg I froakt stales.
Members of the polioa. tire and acheel
departments of South Omaha and Dundee
will com unicr tbe present rule and reg
ulation of thee departments la Omaha.
It will mtaa lnrceaed aalsriee for these
city meploye. Th city official of South
OmtU will Ctaee la b and various
board will autou'ieUcelly be eliminated.
A companion bill to the merger law
provide that the South Omaha High
krhool shall be maintained ea Its preeent
basis of grades and tetma. ; i
fcoutb Omaha prcarnls a flOkncUtl sit
vation whUh w mrt la the mergvr law,
ly allolng the officials ef Greater
'niaha to lu ii.teieet bearing war-
taut for Ue laet fiv. meatha ef Uili
,-wu VvNV
" -
Attorney General Takes Step to
Force Loop County Authen
tic t to Axt.
(from a ttaf Oorreiiondent.)
I.INCXJLJs', June 1. (Special.) Attorner
Oeneral Reed has taken the Ioup county
authorities severely to task for the fall-
itire to prterute RcnJmln Gjilbreath, the
, fclle?eit murderer of Roy Fox. In a Ict
, ter to Qovernor Morehead he pliLce .the
blame for the Inactivity of the authori
ties upon "a eelf-conetltuted vlgllanre
committee." wlio. "for tear of putting
j the county to expenee. have become
j themeelves tlx groseeet uf law vlolatore,"
and who "are threatenins another mur
jder." He direct City Attorney A. H. Moon to
i proceed Immediately to pronccuto and
'notifies him that ho lias appointed Fred
jo. liawxby of Auburn hb epeclel counsel
to anelst him in the trial of the caee. lie
'ief)uct the county Bttorncy to join In
' a roquost to Judge llanua, calling for a
' grand Jury, or In lieu thereof, to
j operate with Mr. lUwxby In having the
j defendant bound over to the district
j court.
The attorney general was moved to ao
lion bv a rjctltlon signal by ninety-four
residents of the county snd directed to
the Judges of the district court In th
first instance, It was referred by them
s per requeet of the petitioners to th
.wi h ettnrnev aeneraU The
!petltlc,n was uhdor the following date
line: "Taylor. Neb., January, 1!15."
I Woodmen of World
Appeals Its Case
(Kiom a ritaff Corespondent.)
1JNCX5L.N. June 1. (8peclal.)-Supreme
Forest, Woodmen Circle, has apealed to
the enpremo court from the adverse
iudgmciit of U.Wt rendered Mlnt
it and In favor of Rose II. Rice by the
Dougla county district court. The plain
tiff altered that aha wa duly elected eu-
preme physician of the circle for a term
(Continued from Page One )
fronv Athens there Is a party In Hie
Turkleh capital which Is demanding the
oreninr of the straits and Immediate
reace overtures.
f'rraeh Resxtrt More tlelorlen.
PARIS, June 1. The French war office !
this afternoon guve out a report on the
progn-es of hoettlltlee which reads:
"Violent fighting took place last nlaht
in the region tf the north of Arr a.
"To the eaet of the road from Alx
Noulette to touches we made our way
Into a grove, and here developed a hand j
to hand fight In which we haa the ad
vantage. "On the plateau to the eaut of Notre
l'anie De Lorrtle w took poeeeeeion of
a Herman works.
"A very viulr nt flpht developed around j
the utrr mill at Houchez, in tie course 1
of which wo took fclout nixty prlKoner. i
"In the VoeaKe neur Jmtenelle, nfrth ,
of St. Jde, during the r.ea'it of May 30-S1, '
a Oertnan attacK In whi.-h two companlea
particlpoted. was repulsed by us with
heavy Ices for the enemy."
Mexicans Fire On
American Launch
BAN DIKGO, Cat., June l.-The Amer
ican fishing launch America arrived
here today speckled with btilletholes re
ceived, the crew ealil, at Ptmta -Ilanda
bay, twelve miles sotitheaHt of Kneenada,
Lower California. Bullets also tore the
clothing of the crew.
Owners of the boat said they believed
It wss mistaken for a launch attempting
to land Chinese.
The firing began from ambush when
the America dropped anchor snd con
tinued until It was out of range.
U)VEUANI. Colo., June 1. "The aP-
of four years, beginning In 1908, but that portlonmcnt of funda to educational In
i0 Li. v..e vet to serve, she etltutlons, approved by the general as-1
It twix wavsa m - - -
was deposed and her place taken by Dr.
Charles a Brown. Bh wa given a ver
dict for the 1911 salary.
rPram a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCO UN, June.l. ( Special .V-Henator
I John Mattes of Nebraska City was a
I rtate houee caller today. He had business
with the attorney general concerning;
! litigation that Involvea a cement patent
1 v. i. intaMiitMl. it waa also
I whispered that the Otoe county senator nter.d the ministry
I "f"i ' ...ii, two con- I!'1. Inclusive, and tl
errtbly of the t'nlted Preehyterlan church
today, provldos a maximum of Pi.COO for
the cxrenses of the hoard of education
and J2.0CO each to Pittsburgh and Xenia
seminaries. The balance of tho educa
tional fund, e&timated at HI .(XX), will cto
to the following college: Cooper, Mon
mouth. Muskingum, , Tarklo and West
minster. Under the termx of the apportionment
three-fourtha of the fund due the five
colleges will be on a comparative ba(s,
including tlic afnrregate hours of religious
instruction, tlie : service rendered the
ch'trch by the number of students who
between 1905 and
the board's estimate
year, because South Omaha's fiscal year
ends July a, for the further reason that
the mergwr will cut out the South Omaha
lvy which otherwise would be made In
July and would be available to the extant
ef M per cent in August.
Money ea Offset.
To offcet much - of thia deficiency th
consolidated Tidal will hajve (for use
unearned salaries of floutb Omaha offi
ciate during part of June end all of July,
also pnhlla service corporation royalties
for the last' quarter of the year arid
etlier mlH?ellaneous collections, making
th situation. It la said, not a serious
ene. r '..
The nest Omaha lev will be declared by
th elty council during the last of July,
hut will not be available , until January
, navt year. The city council ef ratr
Omaha, may lvf up to th aorsaent Omalia
charter maximum of, and aa
much of th eBouth Omaha charter maxi
mum ae msy be necessary, In this mart
eer providing for tag collections next year
to, meat wsrrants which msy be Issued
to tanry South Omaha territory during
the Inst five months of the year.
Manley Member of
River Terminal
i Conference Board
R.- H. Uanley waa made ono ef a com
mittee five te make arrangemonte for,
the river terminal conference of repre
sentatives, ef a half dosen states to he
held some time la October.
Hr. Manley .has returned from BL Louta,
where Monday ha attended th . met
trur of the executive commute ef th
Kiver Terminal ronference.
The matter of how to finance the river
terminals, 'the matter of deciding on' the
host type 'of terminals, and a lot of other
question relating to river navigation de
velopment ' are te he ' taken ur by the
river terminal conference. ' Mr. Manley
found a lot ef enthusiasm at th' meeting
at Rt. Iioula because of Omaha's determi
nation te get back Into river navigation
after twenty-five year.
Penna Said to Have ,
Made Long Journey
to Get His Victim
. : :'
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June L-fHpeclai.-Ila,uii.
tlon papers for Fedele Tenna, said to be
a member of the Italian Blackhand so
ciety, convicted of the murder of Angelo
Romanlnl In Trumbet, O., were granted
by the governor today.
Penna Is said to have followed his vic
tim across the Vnlted Btutes until he
raught him In Ohio. The chase waa a
lively ono, the doomed man seeming to
know that his life was 'a danger. Penna
was convicted of murder iri the first de
gree, but escaped, and la now In the cus
tody' of the authorities In Omaha.
lin. th- annolntment of a new in-' the adequacy of tho financial policy of
I i . a--tne W. IT. ,tho InUirtdtial rchool.
j lUrtnCf9 JUIMIllseiwa . - -
Wilson of Fremont hae been a Lincoln
Xisltor during th last few days. It 1
said that he la also Interested in the
latter matter.
(TVom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June" 1. Speclal.-For
There's tricks to alt trades, the old
timers say, hut who'd ever think that
tow-headed keeper of boats for hire on
Carter lake could have aught hut the
weather man to conjure for him?
i .. u.y i'ii. utiurr 1119 slimier ut a
seventy-five mllea along; the Monrara dumb of . trees, sits a man In a boat
there la not a paesable bridge, according; pulling out two-poundera every five mln-
Add Famous Closing
Remarks 'One Whisky'
' NACO, tionora. Mexico, June 1. -Declaring
he wa being shot to satisfy the
demands of American residents, Je
Aoero waa executad here today aa a any
In the presence of several hundred people.
! Acero stood beside the grave dug for
htm In, a cemetery where the exeeutlon
took place and asked for a drink of
whisky and a cigar. After taking- the
drink end lighting; the cigar he blew tbe
moke In the direction of the filing squad
and announced he was ready to die.
Although condemned aa a spy, Acitfa
offenses, according to th. Mexican offi
cials, consisted of holding: up thrs Amer
ican gamblers and attacking two Ameri
can women while he was a member ef
th police tore her. ...
Germany is Sinking .
. Ships by Wireless?
to State Engineer Johnson. ' Between the
town of Niobrara and Carns five bridges
have either g ne our or ro lnar'f8i'ie
by reason of the river having cut around
Mr. Johnson says that old settlers tell
hiin that the water waa the highest It
had been In thirty years. Many email
bridges were washed out also. The
damage seems to have been confined for
tho most part to the Niobrara country.
Aquitania on Rocks
in the Mersey River
NEW YOKK. June 1. Passengers on
the steamship Lapland, In today from
Liverpool, said they had seen the Cunard
liner Aquitania. the largest British ship
ever launched, which was commandeered
early In the war for use as a transport,
on the rock In the Mersey. ,
Taf t Terms German
Reply Irresponsive
NKW HAVEN. Conn.. June 1. William
II. Tuft, when asked tonight te comment
upon the German reply to the American j
note, said; 1
"I think tho reply of the Oermaa gov- j
ernment la lrrepoalve., - . I
utes. Occasionally' he rows back to the
boat house for more bait, and there he
accidentally exhibits his "thus far"
string and causes a mad rush for boats,
bait and poles ,
The string of fiah Is a mere theatrical
"prop," and the finned beauties that he
pulls out regularly are not hooked, but
tied on.
One fellow yesterday wore part of his
Jaw awny repeating- " 'Sunny I can't
ketch 'em a tali, an that feller there's
pulllti Vm In regulor'n clockworks. It
beats me, brother, it beats me"' And
about that time the "ehlll" would
"catch" another fish, and the surround
ing flock of envious fishermen would
sigh and try It again for awhile.
Read the Bee Want Ads each day.
eherrod Smith Ifwrta Ankle.
Pitcher Shsrrod Smith of Brooklyn has
been laid up with a wrenched ankle, sus
tained while going after a batted ball In
practice at Brooklyn last Tuesday.
; ; MASON QITV JUNE. 15-17
MAW)N C1TT, la' June l.-peclal.t
June 15, !, IT are the days for the an
nual rart ng event for this city, a mem
ber of th Cedar valley circuit. For four
teen year this racing vnt haa com
without a single Intermission, and, con
trary te the record of some cities In the
elrtult. the weather haa been such that
they have (laid out In good ahape. Thia
year there wilt he a larger field of har
ness horse than evr before, according
to the Judgment of the management. And
In addition to this there will be several
thoroughbred .running horse and. these
race are to he featured this year, th
first In the history of the association.
Three hames races and ene running race
wilt occur each day. Four thousand dol
lar have been hutur tto In purse, and
theew will b at least ISO horses on the
track. llorsM from Texas. Oklahoma.
Kentucky, Tnnee. New York. Ohio,
Uarylend. California and Colorado are
SALT LAKE C1TT. June l.-Prof. Lewis
A. Merrill, vice president ef the Panama
exposition commission ef Utah and a
wMely known agricultural expert, died
this morning ef Injuria rwelved taat
eight, wken his automobile ran off an
embankment. Three ether persons In th
sarty were slUrntly Injured. Prof. Met-rtti
waa agricultural expart of the Salt Lak
tout at th time of his death and waa
a member ef the faculty of th stau ag
ricultural college for several years"
ATLANTA, (.a.. Jue 1. Th Georgia
Prison commutation grantsd a hearing
today to a delegation which presented
th rotosl o" a mas meeting- In
Marietta laet nlftlit against commutation
of I.o M. Frank s death entenr,e. Mary
I'liagan. of . whose murder Frank waa
convicted, formerly lived at Marietta.
LONDON,' June 1. Tho titiKteation has
been made In the Evening standard by
Fred T Jane, the naval author, that the
steamer Priucein Ijetie was blown up by
a Germux .wireless device.. .The t'llnceta
Irene, an auxiliary In the British navy,
was blown ur lat week In Sheemeas
harbor with a loss of more tnan 30"!
Uvea Mr. Jane pointed out the fact that
the baitlerhlu Bulwark waa suddenly
blown to stoma not far from the same
spoi anu snid n was a curious comet-1 u-wiiivii-rnv Jum t.Th . of
d-noe." Experiments, he ,ald, havv j lhe 'iuprem, counull of th. Royal rca-
-r I'rope.iy um . .,,., , by-law, to cha.ig.i It
t'uned charge bv wirelej from a short '
Half Dozen Killed as
Auto Truck Plunges
TA1JK, Tx., June 1. Six persons,
three f them ilii'.dren. were Willed, and
nineteen more or less seriously Injured
late tonlicht whrn a large passenger auto
mobile truck fell over a hlpti embank
ment about fiv mllea east of Dallas.
Insurance aetesamenl was upheld today
by th aupreme court. The decision Is
the culmination of a long and bitter light. ;
Harmless Not a DyeActs on
Hair Roots Makes Gray
Hair Healthy Dark.
If you hair Is gray, streaked with aray.
prematurely gray, thin or falling apply, ,
for a few times. Q-Ban Hair Color Re
storer on your hair and scalp, with the
guarantee of a reliable dealer that it
won't cost you one cent unless it beauti
fully darkens your gray hair and pro
motes its growth. It acts on the hair
roots making the hair healthy ao the
gray hair la beautifully and quickly
darkened ao evenly, naturally and thor
oughly that no one can tell It haa been
used. In addition Q-Ban stops Itching
scalp, dandruff and falling hair, and
make th hair thick, fluffy, Hoft. lus
trous, beautifully durk and abundant.
Q-Ban la not sticky or messy, harmless
and makes scalp and hair clean and feel
pleasant. Darkens hair when all else
Only S0a for a big- 7-oa. bottle. Sher
man & McDonnell Drug Co., Owl Drug
Co., Harvard or Loyal Pharmacy,
Omaha, Neb. Out-or-town folks sup
plied by mall. Advertisement.
Thompson-Belden &(&
New Styles Just Received
Tbere is a great demand for these un
usually popular and serviceable suits fox
summer wear. It is our constant aim to
keep for your selection a complete dis
play of all the fashionable styles
$1252, $15, $1652
Palm Beach Skirts and Coats far
5.05, $0.50, $7.50
The Fourth Annual
June Clearaway of Suits
A selling: event "welcomed "by every woman "who de
sires individuality stnd distinction in dress. -Three
$1115, $141, $2111
The Most Appropriate Gift for the
team way
The Steinway is the urortd's '
best Piano, not a musical ex-r
periment, but a perfect musi
cal instrument that is honored
by music lovers the world over..
The Stein way is easily the
peer of any Piano on earth.
The Steinway is rood enough
for you. Call and inspect our -complete line of Steinway
Pianos before you select your ! 5 ,
representatives of Steinway ; also ; Weber;
end Up
HarHman StpFtfr A Sons. Emerson. McPhail. lindeman . &
Sons, SchmolTer & Mueller Pianos and Aeolian Pianola
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Established 1859.
1311-13 Faraam St, Omaha, Neb.
We Clot
Out VtUtk
NOWADAYS, when women vio with men in erery
form of outdoor aetiritT. the ric-ht kind nf snort
attire is an important consideration and correct anoea
above all else. Style alone is not enough; quality and
scientific construction are necessary for service and com
fort. Our sport shoes for women are designed to meet
the requirements of practical use and our lines are
moderately priced.
Apartment a, flat, house and cottatrea i
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Hee "For Bent" Ad. !
"Complexion Secret
Of An Actres"
In e recently Issued voluut bwiinii in
above title, th author says: "Coutlna.
line, had ruined my complexion. My aHtn
wa coiorleaa. w tinkled, coarse ana puuo-
..,,., . , .... , tured wllh targe poi.s. in b-uilajia 1
KOMI. (Ma l'arlai. June 1. An. official ,..P(. . ,h virtu.. r m.roli..i ..
statement Issued by th ministry of ma
rine that an Italian iirltb!o
hat wade a raid on th Austrian navul
bas of Pole, doing damage to the rail
road station and th arsenal.
my lirst experience with this marvelo'is
S utmtuni' convinced me It was more val
uable than all cosmetic combined. Now
whenever my complexion begins to o
wrong I k"et an ounce of tueicottxed wax
at the nearest dm store, spread on a
thin layer of It before reltrtng. washing
it off next morning. Tbe wax. after a
few such treatments, aeem literally to
HOME. June l.m. T-.rU.Atrlai. .hm mH,M maA ,nl.rtwl
aeroplane have flown over Barl and be,n using a solution of saxoliie. one
brtndlsL seaports on the Adriatic In ounc J In a baif pint witch baaul.
southern Italy. They threw bombs which ,4"-,hm" " '",7 'A '"J. ,ur .
... ....I while soon relieved the conditio most
killed on prison and wounJed two other wooderfuil Advertisement.
i ins imm mt siisjiiii wsiiiii hi ii iiiriM Ti r- Ttr 'hsIitt rmi
Honesty built oar business
te on of th larg-eat practice In
Nebraska. W tall you en first
consul tatloa Just what you nd
and exactly what coat of same
will be.
Taft's Dental Rooms
Mm wm MAM
Big $15,000 Auto Racef
Auto Row Ticket Office
Now Open
Duy Your .Tickets Now
RnAtlDEIS Today: :3
iri?53The Christian
Daily Uata, 10c) Bvgs.. lOo and aoo.
slsxt Week SLINOB GI.Tsl B
axthar Smith' Orohtr
Mail aoem.
Good Boating-, oUc Coaater, Marry.
(to.Kound and Many Olhsr