Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
THE UKK: OMAHA. TIT.SDAY. JI'NH I, ' 1!M.. Bringing Up Father 71 Copyright, iws. international saw service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus a" 1 ri" r i , , &YCU-Y! ltLODUTlN J COU.Y.' 1Ti FINE cinp it hdav, ME PPE IS STOPPED I THE KITCHEN I v JUtT WHAT PIPE. CLEANER.! I I Hrtt- DRvinS UP-I Wish HAD rT" r I WANT f IT'r" t : J I UKE A FORNACg Lju I ;EdJ-ry I tkdlp-p I Mr-r-j-- ; I ES3 ( ' ' lv ' ' l 1 - I fl RODRKES WIH ORE; SECOND GAME TIED Sioax City Pitchers Topple in Hom ing Game, bat Fight in the Second. Tydemsn. cf 4 Rspp, Kb., Charles, rf. Henry, lb. , Psker, p. .., Oelst, p Total ... LAST ONE FOR 13 IKOTNGS HIOWC CUT. la.. May'str-Omaha ami Htoux City battled thirteen Inning this afternoon to a to tic. The fame wa ullwl at the end ef tha thirteenth to e!low the Omaha tram to ratcli a train, 'ittrry Caspar worked ail tha way for tho Jdlana, while Johnson and Closman were lilt hard. Blodgett started in the eighth nd ndd the local ecorelcss for tlit re. mainder of tlia game. ' Osaaba tVlne Mornlaar Oiiiilia treate d four Sioux pitcher alike and won . tha morning game from the ChsmrHons by a soore of 1J to T. Ever do'n waa hit hard, but wa tight In tha t.inclio. HI tram mn'.n batted well and fielded wall hark of him, ' Omaha took tha lead In tha aacond In ning with two nma on one hit, a walk and an arror. Tha Indian tied St up in tha third on two hit", a walk and a. ntnT. In 4h third two walk, a alnela und an error cava Hloux City a ono-run lead. The Rourke made three on aa many tits, a dead ball and a walk In tha fifth and drove Oyer and llallman off tha mound In the sixth. In thla frame Omaha, inado five hlU, two of which went to Kverdon. The hming we a, weird one and eleven, men faced the, S!ous City pitrheim. The Indiana made two earh In tha alxtli and seventh inninga. hut Everdon tight ened vj in the lat two friimea and held home club hitleM. Omaha mado one in the ninth. Mcore, morning game: IOC it C1TV Pa aw, ah rox, ir. , Wtfaon, rf It. Patterson, lb Brltton, lb William, Cf. ... Ewnldt, aa. ..... White, c Brown, p W. Watterson Flannsgen, p. . XI 4 8 BT. JOSEPH,' -AH, It. H 4 e i o I 0 0 I i 17 O, 1 8 t 1 0 ft 0 0 A. u 0 Raaea on haJIa: Off Miiaaer, 1; off Welde man. . Hit by pitched ball: By Welde man. Hawjrer. Wild pitch: Weideman. JiouMe playa: Hartford to Hiwyir to JoMia; Jackaon to Boatwlok. Time: 1:3ft. I'mplre: Myere. Ralih Mulford out of the race In hla Anderson atopped for gaa. oil and two i waa drlvlnc tha car 0 0 0 ! 0-4 TntaU Batted for Brown In fifth Ft. Joeeph 0 0 0 0 I Wichita ii l l v l Two-baae hit: Fox, Ware. Kafirtffc' hiU: Fox, Ware. Ha PP. lUnlen baaea: Warea (ii Itouhia playa: Flannaaran to While to Prltlon; Kwoldt to Sataon. Hlte. Off Urown, 5 In five Innlnaa. Ptiuck out: tljr Jtrown, 2; by KUnnagan. 2; by Haker. S: by tletfft, 8. Kane on halln: Oft Itrnwn, 8; off Klnnnaain, 1; olf tlaker li off leiat. 1. Hit by pitrhed ball: Uy Prown (NUholon. Wild pitnhea: Prown, FlHnnaen. Left on (.bjx-b: "Wichita. 7; fct. J5eih, 2 . Time: K:iJ. fmplrei Van Hlrkle. Ikora aecond airt: WICHITA All. R Ware, lb 8 o i b Ts'li'hnlaon, if......... t limp. aa... Tydeinan. tt Hupp, to Charlea, rf.-2b.. linry, lb O.'IKt, p Kulllvan, p Total.. BT. Pat. 2b Kox. If..... Watson, rf. ....... II. Patterson, lb. Prllinn. b v:im.Mri ft ... . I Kwo'ldt, tTnnnninan, :.,.... Wllley. p Total. joerai'H. AH. 11. II. I It. 0 0 0 1 1 1 e l o o o. 1 1 1 & 8 1 0 0 A. E. LinK TAKE TWO FROM BEAR Grlaallea Itrop Betk Gaaea t the DenblIteider. , i DF.NVTJR, Colo.. May 81 IJncoln took both a- me from Dwnver today, the flrat by a xnore of JO to 1 and the aecond by that of i to 4. Score, ftrat game: LINCOLN. AB. R. Wolfe. If M.ilaifluan. aa Wllllaina, lb... Mrlntyrn, rf... Hilly. 81) 8hiclher, rf... Uovd, tb Yanta, e i::imtui, p....... . . . 8 4 ir. 3 4 z 1 3 8 1 A 0 O. 8 4 10 8 0 8 I 8 1 Total. penopr, cf..,. I Ml. vf , Khtcldn. lb Oiilioway. Sb., Col fey. If , Kfllt'lier, .., Whelnn, 3b..., Slirxt'tk, c... An'llanea, p.. ' W 17 27 14 DICNVKlt. , AH, R. - t .a.- 4 V.'.Y. 8 8 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. o 1 1 4 0 i 1 , 3" 14 R. 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 'fc. I 1 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 4 1 o. 4 1 1 8 8 ft : 0 It 1 K. 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 ...:;r ii i n YGiinR, a ! .. vlrtiKin. if.... Kane, lh t.ejciine. rf Mcferml'-k. rf.. ( 'nllntmn. 2t..., H.tiV.ln, 3b...,, l'rlcf, e l'--er, p........ l!.'Wi.i.n. p...... fcdiy. P I !;uk, p.M Toula AH. i 4 3 . 4 4 . 8 . 4 , 3 , X , 0 , 1 . 1 II. o Smith. If bieen. ! f,i rvihe, rf.. K'riii irer. c Kroif. 2b Tlinaoa. cf. SrUfbor, lb. Yhlfn, .... K't-rdon, p.. W 7 OMAHA. Ail. It . S I 3 1 X 13 1 (I A. H l U u u t i 1 17 A. y 3 1 i 1 0 1 3 1 ! (Culled aeventh by aKreement.) K. 1 Wichita 9 0 0 0 0 6 00 j I yt. Jo.'h 1 4 1113 -ll (I I T-o-hoe hit; Pane, Ewoldt, . Fox. 0 Pilttr-n, Wlllieina. htolen baa: rox. 0 1 Wat. hi. 0 ! r'.woidl. Iruil Uritton nlava: Toineman to to I'e trt Patterson. t ; Hits: Off Ht. In four lnnin. Mim n 'nut: Hit AV I lev. 1! l tl. i: DV rUH Ktutes on ba s: Off Celt. 6 I.Ml' It V. llvan i bv S V llly 6 a A llvelt. I BttONTKRfl bv Sullivan, 3. Hit by i lt.Mied ball: Uy wild purn: ntu- Van ttiokle. (iiv. Hnnry. Wild Tint'.: lau. Umpire: TtVKB BEAT KtWI Boatwlok. aa. Mayer. If. 113 Hm'lK, r(M.. Totals 40 li 14 37 14 Ki.i.x nty o o t i o i 2 o 1'mnhe 1 0 0 8 7 0 0 Two-bae hit: Kvardnn, Thomaaon. I Jackson, cf... l(-nlina. Threo-haae hit: Prli-e. tsarl. J 1 honiei , cf-... Iks hits: 1'avldnon. Hensllng, IMillsb-' 1-aUimoiu, 3b tir, krarirer. .stolen base: Yourr. ; il'P". la...... Si hlfbner, Krueger. innlnaa pitched: Hy , Chru, lb... lever, five non out in alithl; by Hall- 1 Monro, C man, part of inning; bv Kelly, three;by ! laahner. p.... Ciark, one. Hits: Off Otver, off Hall-I ' ,rov"r' p man. 1: off Kelly, 8: off Clark, 1. Haas i ' lu,,(n- P o 111: Off Uyer, ; off Kelly. 1; off McCoy, p. lark, J: off HJverdon, . Htmck out: Hy .... ever, ; y ieiiy, j; t.y Clark. 1; by Kverdon. 8. Hit bp pitched ball: By rer. Kruerer -'). iaeed bll: Price. I,, . ' Time; 8.M. I'mplrea: Cuslck a ad Parent. ! 1I1UIIWI, v..... .tones, lb.. : Hills. If A. E !ayer. 3b i lUrlf.v.d. aa.. Tsnuehill, Sb.. Timely liittla t Dn Molaiea Clvea ' IKuiila Vlctnrr. ' DKJ WOINKS. May 81. Timely hitting u bv tue lorsl rhvo them a double victory a I over Topcka tortay, lit to 1. and I to 1 X'JackMnn of Topeka. after announcing In Jit1:? third tnning that he waa playing the U'tirst Kme incir protest wa put out of . the gni'in for arguing with the umpire. TiHioro, nrat game: t TOPEKA. All. H Total 81 1 6 27 Lincoln l 1 Q 8 8 a 1.010 lenver ,... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Two-hose hits: 8chrelher. IMIIV. lfrln- tyre, M,j8ffigatx, Spenoer. Thioa-aj hits- William. HrhrciW. Btolea hut: McOafflran. Btrticlt out: By Ehman, 8; by Arellanrg, 2. Ioublo playa: Lloyd to McOnffigan to Williams, shields tunas nixtedi. Hit by pitched ball: Wllllama. K-hrelJier, IVIf. Bscrifii-o hlta: Hhrel tr. lell. Time: 1:31. Umpire: Oeinel. Hcore, second game- LJNCOLN. AR. R. . 0 . 4 1 .8 0 . S 0 :5 I . 8 1 one hundred and twenty-fourth lap. Van llaa'te who waa flagged by the Judgea when ha came around without hla, hood, which he loat when he skidded off the track, wa VMrnlttod to' re-enter the raco after he had run balk to the scene of hit acldent, got hla hood and adjusted It on hla car. He had crawled back Into seventh place at the eld of 3 miles. Get Fly lit gtart. With Carl Flher, preaidant of tho need way, leading the ftrat lap, the twenty-four automobile racera started at 10 o'vlnck thta morning on their MO-mile race. The first lap around the two and a half mile brick track does not count and It I intended merely to give the drivers a flying start. The skies remained clouiW. Cox' car wa declared out of the raoe after completing fourteen lap. A broken connection, wa given aa the cause. Hla waa the first car to leave the race. Hlir car went out of the race on the back atretrh on Its twenty-first lap be cause of engine trouble. Boon after the fifty-mile mark waa passed a number of cara were forced Into the pita. Wilcox and De Palma being among those who had to change tires. Kcsta. ulled Into the lead soon after Wolfe, If McOafflgnn. Sl. Williams, In..., Milntyre, rf... Dully, lb Hchrelber, cf.,.. I.lovd. lb McAllister, o.. Morse, p...,"... Yanta, rf...... ,! f 4 II. I 1 , 0 J i I 1 8 ( T 1 A. fc. 0 0 tires and waa leading at the 100-mlle mark. He waa cloaely followed by D4 Palma, and Wilcox and farther back Cam Cooper, Porporato, RJckenbacker, Van Anderson, Grant and Burman in the order named. The time waa 1:09:3C.4S, an average of 88.88 mllea an hour. Mala car was disqualified In the twenty-fifth lap for leaving the track. Interest in the race la usually keen on account of - the excellent showing of American cars in practice arid the great speed displayed by all entrants. Ameri can cara won the first two EOO-cnile con- testa and foreign cara finished first In 1913 and 1914. ' Ralph De Palma Is tha favorite In the betting. Howard Wilcox, Darlo Resta and others, however, have large following. The cold rains which caused postpone ment - of the contest chilled .the brick paving of the course and the result will be It !s declared by many, that fewer tire changes will be made and consequently greater speed can be maintained. Rene Thomas, who established the record of 8:03:15 In lilt, drove on an average of K. 47 'hilles an hour, John De Palma, brother of Ralph, waa forced out of the race with a broken fly wheel In hla forty-third lap. De FaJma which Rena Thomas won tha race last year. D Palm Leads Half War. De Palma, with an average apecd of 89.77 mile an hour, waa still leading when the race was half over (250 mile). Hi time was 1:47 :06. At. Resta, closely fol lowed In aecond place and Anderaon was not far behind. Earl Cooper, Porporato, Wilcox, Van Raalte, Burman, Babcock and Carlson followed In the order named, with the- others behind. The average for the distance last year was 82.84 miles an hour. At the 300-rtills mark De Palma, who continued In the lead, had Increased hi speed until his average waa a little better than ninety mile an hour. Ilia time, aa announced by tho Judges, waa 1:19:3137, an average of 90.21 miles. Reata was still running in second place, with Earl Coopor in third and Johnny Altken, who replaced Anderson at the wheel, was in fourth place. ' Van Raalte' a car skidded off the track on the rear turn, but did not turn over. Ho and hla mechanician, Copple, shoved the car back on the track, , minus its hood, but It was flagged at the pits by tha Judges. - More cars ' began to drop out In the early afternoon. Rlckenbacker was both ered with engine trouble and quit lit his 103d lap. Babcock's car. out with engine . trouble, was pushed off the track onto the grass at the north end of the course In its 117th lap. Reata and De Palma BeeSav. " -Resta took the lead from De Palma soon' after the 300-mile mark was passed, when the later had to stop for tires. .Greeted by another great ahout l Palma regained the lead In tha 136th lap, after Resta had struck the wall at the north turn and burst two tires. The favorite was still leading at 350 miles, with the other leaders following in this order: Resta, Altken, Earl Cooper, Por purato, Wilcox and Burman. De Palma average waa 89.48 mllea .an hour. Juat before Resta hit the wall De Palms' manager lodged a protest with the judge that Resta was xlgzagging on the back track to prevent De Palma from passing him. ... High School Boy Drowsed. MASON CITT, la., May 81. (Special Telegram.) Harold Pratt, aged 15 years, high school pupil, was drowned in Lime Creek today. He was testing a boat he, bad Just made. Tha body has not teen recovered. 0 ifi'iA.- !tViv Total cf. Bp ncer, 1 ell rf r-hlelds. lh Galloway, 3b Coffey, If K el in her, ss Whelan, 3b c Hurrlngtnn, p..,, -naiuiews 4g j DENVER. AB. R. 8 t 4 S U .SS ' 15 a aa 1 O. 15 A. . 3 1-3 8 II. I 1 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 tt 1 T Vk'H MOINES. AH. R. II. 0 Hear, aecond game: BIOL'X CITY. AB. R. H. O. -oi iii-y. Sb a . o 4 l'nWon, if S o 0 0 Katie, lb J 0 1 1 Jrf-x line, cf 4 10 1 I'ullahan. rf ( 0 1 II ins. 3b J a a Voung. as 4 3 3 1 rip, c ( 0 4 4 '.Jmr, p 4 0 18 Total 44 I II SI OMAHA. All. H. II. O. Hit It h. If 7 1 O i t' r. eii. .'b i I 1 Kafura. c 4 3 1 Kius. SO 8 1 t 1 ThiMiiax.o. cf 0 0 3 & 1 liet.m-r. lb i 0 1 30 I alen. a 1 l J"hnon, p 0 0 o 0 l ayna 1 1 1 ,0 t'Lwman, p 1 0 a Krurgt-r I 0 0 . 0 biodgetl, p I 0 0 0 Total W I lj U Htt-d for Johnson In the fifth. l Mogrilse. p. I E. 0 0 . 0 0 a 0 o 0 a Total Top k a . . !- Moines . 17 0 .1 0 t O. A. K. 4 t 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 0i 01 4 6 0 t 0 8 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 1 J4 17 1 O. A. K. 1 O 4 0 14 0-0 I 0 0 1 0 4 4 3 1 1 0 8 0 0 0 4 0 r 14 "s 0 0 01 1 10 Totals 6 4 H JS IS Hatted for 'ATielan In the twelfth. Lincoln . .-1 000000101 0 deliver .,..0 1100000010 Two-base htts: McOafflsan, Morse r-pencer, ianta. Lloyd. Three-base hit: " run: nenenar. Hlolen : Coffey (1), Kelleher. Oalloaay U Sacrifice hlta: McAllister, tkmrelher (il. Mctiaffifan, nail. Coffey, struck out: By Harrington, by Morse. liases on balls off Harrington. .4: off Morse, 6. loutl play: Dslly to Wlll ama to Lloyd. .TUne: J :3a. Umpire: DE PALLIA WINS BIG 500-MILE AUTO RACE GOING RECORD PACE . 4;v:v, .ii- ...87 10 0 0 0 0 toil Two-bnaa hit: l.attlmore. Hartford. TsHtiehill, Pswyer ti. Bacrtrica C.Hhrn. MogrldsK Ktolen ba-: Bost-wl.-k Sawyer. Lft on b: Topeka. 7; M..lnes 10 lilt Off tehnr. 8 In ivw-iliinU mnnina: off Orover 0 tthree men el uaie. on 1 1, in wo" "w- , (Continued from Page One.) I 0! i ... I I A .4 ff - , ' I . . - 1 .... . .... . L Sk,u City 0 I03tl00000-4t m Ver I iL I h. A A . 1 , . a .. . I .HHlfr.' 11...... Z v. v o Ho. he, rf Two-bRse hits: Young, Kafnra. Krug.l lacl.son. cf nxp Inomason. Kaiw. bi rtfl.-e hua: I.atOnKre. ib. ' aliBliati, Johneon. Uapar U. Cxiney. i UH. lb '""'li' fly: Conney. Htoln 1...-:-,, h.... the lxt-svcatb lap and Pe Palma; oopped the lead. Until the lilat lap De i Palma ahowed hla heela to all of tliein. t.t at that atage the famous Italian made hla second change of tire. He changed all four tlrea and hla pitmen ware quite alow, taking two minute and tnenty-one aecond In performing the deration. Rssta took advautaa of the delay by shooting Into the lead, but lap 137 saw Rta In a dmilar plight. Wtill he waa changing hla tubea le Palma swung Into h lead again and mas never In danger again. But eleven cars fluUhed the race. i I'l.. .. . . 1 off Ui-Cov. 12 In Mx In- i .,iuin .w- , . i 7. m..7Ti. iw sttidva b. b - pnae winners, nut i Mrt w, 1. Bss on b.1': Off MogrlJe. n Other car, an Emden. driven by Wll- ! 1' off ihner 1: utf Orover, i. off . lie Haupt, finished, ;.rv:oUUo.rid,ge1,W.ld.l!'.!e:! other, either dropped out or we, oarldse ( Poubk f pllya: Hsrtford to ( ruled off the track. Joitea. itaitrora 10 johm i ii"i-"". 1M117 nnD arove nis jaaxwoll over I.Kitnnore to noi; "t' '- the curvea on id 1M. but nnb.w hurt, JCo alld o.'f vlu"? f. i-.-r tlc broke. Cooper, In a Bebring, rolled third intiin: .H it.ii t Bostwk-k. Passed ball 0:r.n,- 1 il I'moiie: Mvvis. fcore. second sms: TOPKKA Breen. i!Cltllng (21. Thomilotl flnlf,aH m1,..W4 Hy Jui.uaun. four; by Chmaii. three; by luixinelt, six.. Hits: Olf Johnson, (i; ott lii.aiitan. i; ofr liiodgett, 8. Basos on alsa: off Johnson. S; off Closnmii, i; off .(.ir. 3. Htruik out: By Johnson. 1: l;v t loanian. 2; by liaepsr, 4. lilt by pitched ball: By OaspHr. Kihllebner. lime: S.r:. empires: Patent and Cu- Mf-nrne. Weideman, AH. 3 8 3 1 3 . 3 1 1 R. 1 0 0 I 1 0 a 0 0 H. 1 0 t I 0 1 0 0 0 Tots la JCSICS A O M It'll Kg BICtK KXKM llrsHMra sad Waive SHi Doable Btll vi Ilk (oalrit Aitlrr. T. JOPFPH. Wo.. M.y 31.-st. Joih ai.d Vil.hna tiuke ev.n in tills sitr .iMn's Ooubie-liosaVr, tlie vtcitors win Jung ttot nrat game ore tust riaiiie: t U 1 1 1 T A . AB. M. II. O. A E srea. -u 1 S ' If 4 iJ.ii.ith, v. If. 1 1 1 O. 1 1 I 32 8 !K8 MOIXEA Hahii. if Hunter, cf-.... Jonea, lb Hilla. If hswyer. lb.... Hartford, as., laui.fiilll, lb., 'iial am, c... )Uswr, p..... Total AB. 14 R. 1 0 1 t 0 0 0 a (. 3 , 0 1 4 j 4 0 - 4 0 ! E It 14 On out hen wlnnlnt run scored Topk 1 0 0 0 0 1-8 i ;! Moines V 0 8 0 10 0-3 1 Called hy sgreeinenl te allow liine to catch a train. Home runs: Jackson. Bills. 8i.-rfic hits: Mayer. Jonea. Bllia. Two-bas bit: Oraham. Atolea baas: Ittlmor btruik out' By Muaser, 7, by Weidetuan. 8. T El , , ... V, Ml ... V I vi n wii-u, dui i.Hjin ne ana 111a mectt 0 anician eacaped injury. , But a few Oijishan attended the race, and those who did were disappointed, de 0 j spite the wonderful laces driven by- le 0' Palma and Reata. v Mud covered all parte of the apeedway slid but twenty -three vara were entered. Aa only sluven flu shed and all but the first finished well to the rear there were few of tne thrills speed enthusiasts so keenly appreciate. Oit Brief Tilt. De Palma and Resta engaged in ine short ttlt for two or three lape. but did net keep It up, that In only Indica tion of real racing. Among tha Omahani in attendance Ware K-, J- McBhane. Morris Milder. Horace Boyles, Dr. E. R. Terry, len Melady and Lrm HUL Cwevrolet Uaii. Louis "lieiiotet midget csr was de clariki officially out of the lac in tt seventy -aeentU lap. It wa the arnall et ear la the race, weighing only 1,000 Pouad. A broken connecting rot put " STAR Good For One Better for Two " Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO HpHE- farmers, on whom so much of A : America's success depends,- are almost without exception, tobacco, chewers. And more farmers use STAR tobacco than use any other brand It speaks pretty well for STAR that men who fyou tobacco, many o tobacco raisers, k prefer mellow STAR Tobaccoin the thick, tasty Imagine a ripe orange in a thin skio. That's just like a plug of STAR i good " "chew ' that it can't dry out made clean and tpl that way. ; And don't confuse STAR with any of those 14 or 15 ounce "pound" plugs. Each plug of STAR weighs 16 ounces. Ask the ' dealer to let you see the revenue stamp on the box. That will tell the story or honest weight. So great is the nation-wide demand for STAR that a vfjir's niitnnr of ftiYfpn nnnrA STAR nhitrs la nual in f - - -- v w - - - a o sjv weight to 416.666 bushels of wheat. . 1 f them being plug. so full of ripe, V i i W ? JE . fc-- r. ii w ' " Taw nva m m 1 .,-,;: mm CHEWING TOBACCO LEADING BRAND OF THE ViORLD fti