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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1915)
THE HKK: OMAHA. itrMUV, 1, ilUJ. BRITISH YIEW OF GERMANY'S REPLY Attempt' to Blow tJp Mejantic Can not Be Explained on Pretence Ad vanced in Lusitania Caie. NEW HOME FOR DESTITUTE FAMILY Appeal made by The Bee raises $353 to re build home of Joseph Mecher, which was destroyed by fire. Hungarian carpenters do nate their services. Home and barn to be completed next Sunday. THOMPSON, BELDEN (COMPANY- 9 KAISER IS FIGHTING FOX TIME LONDON, May .31. Commentir!! on the German reply to the Ameri can note concerning the Lusitan'.t incident, the Manchester Guardian aya: , "We do no( Tcnow how long the war will last, but it Is clear, if Ger many haa its way, thai, its end will find the negotiations with the I'nltfn States over the submarine 'blocKado' Kill dragging out"1 their interminable length. , " ! ' ' "Jhe Gt rnut-n hote does not even rejly iJire tty to the Ainerlcen request that such actions an the sinking of the Lusitania ohniild hr dianvrrwed and that they louM ) .dseontinut-d. The note actually has Hm' effrontrjr to mid that paweenrei a probsbly would have been saVrd hud It not' been for the explosion of ammunition which. It .alleged, waa rarnet aboard the I.tisitanta. 'as though the' submarine lmi torperlowl the iThlp'wIthout internum sruially te'nk It. . '-. ' i - "Almost as offensive Is the sugirestirin il at before the submarine ran be con oVrnned for not having r'vrn the tree nJ paswnarrs time to earape It miit he ahown thiu the l.ijaitania was "duly equipped with life sarin apparatus, ss onlered Aiy tie UtMiia eon f eruiu-et ( "In a word, the United Puaj if of fried tliV nmapict of a prolonaed controvcriy over point of detail, but no disavowal of Vhif has tieetr done; no acceptance of the 1nr1pi s of naval warfare which II tvaa assumed Germany would be ana Ion to uthold, snd not a word as t6 auv i:hnf. or'mhid or policy. "The submaiino war !s td "bw pursued as before and ArmT I'.Hn ahlpN and citizens may take the ri." ' z i ( at Mea-aatlr. TV.e Pall Mali Oasette says: "If tlifl I slsnthter of the Luaitaniu passengers la to be defended by tho assertion that the xessnl was carrying- ammunition w won Or what' excuse is 'Available for Hetur oay'a attempt on tho steamer Mogantlo nt the White filar Im. That liner, which was oittwATd . bound, cannot b worked Into any theory of contraband pit whloh Germany may base tho right of murder. Nope of the ouaaMoKlrat rilngvlH-s f"r f rlghtfulnoaa"-' will etrrtli ' from-. cnc''ot tf.eac examples to the tlhoT, 1 ",' '.:" I. The Westminister Oasette sayev "WhaU ever virtue thoie inlgh I'.are been. In the German plea that the Lugltama was sunk because It was believed to be carry" Ing' ammunition, Is destroyed in' advance by tho attempt to yt'ip the Megantlc on Saturday. The Megantlc waa , outward bound from Liverpool ' and rierUintx It was not carrying warlfke supplies In that direction. It escaped S-ecause If 'Its superior speed and not because of "-any Herman qualms bout (finding an Innocent passenger shir' The Oerhian reply to the American, niesange'' JK'Jexaefcy-. What wag eapected, II avolifs ,'ny direct answer to the spm.tflc Questions aaknd by lhS United Bteles.-'.The German gowrcmeht. In short, sekea to 'gala time.' " - . i .. . . ' '.' ( .1 jfe-se I'srn af PlslmuMf. . . The Evening Standard says:' "Germany has discovered a new form "of diplomacy. This consists of glaring- Itiientatenxmts so readily capable of disproof as scarcely to lxi worth thtf: trouble, of, eluutloi.r Tle not to America doclaresf that ta.Xus. tanla -had 'Suns roneealed nw. It deck and carried trained .gunners, Apart from other evident te he oonVrary I'realdent Wilson la i not iiheiy to, aocept thla, in fa- of the official statement of the col lector of th port t Kew York ,tbat no uns. mour,Ud or, otherwise, were. . on board. ...r . . . "It is 9ilM that Germany, thinks to KtKK-eed .lu till . gigantic gume. or biurr, t ut, that onU. lutllcatcs the. meaau-e of Us., oclf-decpption. Wben' .Washingtqn wants to dlarurs submarine attacks on neutral vessels n the cjiuie Of an Inter national policy,', Purlin replies' ty ' argu- iienta and technicalities." ' , ' It... ri t : i - 4J . PS I .....y. V Although they have answered many calls to lessen the suffering of their fel low countrymen on account of the Euro pean .war, local Hungarians have not overlooked a aplnndld opportunity to help some of their countrymen In Omaha who are In distress. By next Bunday night the family of Joseph Mecher will not only be provided with ,a new home, but wilt have a 'barn, the house furnished and a garatn planted. ''.'.,, i ' When the home of Joseph Mecher waa bumod a couple of weeks ago and the family left destitute, the children not even having any clothing left, Henry Tollack started a subscription in The Bee to raise funds to replace the home. To this appeal local Hungarians' and others have donated over H60. Sunday thirty-five Hungarian car pentnra, mora than needed, were on hand to build the homo. As the place la located on the bottoms north of .Locust street. It . was Impossible to haul more lumber To ftleepiWelt la ttataaaeit. ' JV-fM Inflammation of 'the1 bronchial tub-.' causes a Ulirtrrwlrig cougn and malHl refreshing sleep lmiKMeible. Foley's Honey arid Tar compound orre raw, ln flamed. Irritated surface wtta a eoolh Ir.f. f oaling coating and stop that an n.(? Iiik u kiiug, retterlng.' the racking, lliing oouth. Take, this spWndlJ oough tiiVdln'nc with you on aummar trtPf. , ,lt i 4 jeood for cough, ootda' croup. lipn?Mal .iffoclions and la grippe, coughs, Sod it: very where. Ad vert iaemeat, , ; , WILSON STUDIES' V. : KOTEOF KAISER tContlnucd from Tage One.i ' fier.ta'l to the American protest over Ihc Ocrman method of conducting submarine Warfare, snd is not as vital from a legal point of vUnv as the' torpedoing without warning of ' the Lualtanla. Oerrhany's contention that the IsUsltania wa bulitf as an auxiliary cruiser1 and waa on the Uvftlsh' naval lint, and that it waa armed with cannon,-' wag me with tho statement in official' quarter 'that' the merchant shlpa of ali-tiathne they , be fcommatideirre'd by the respective toVern mrhts in times of war.' but the change from1 'a '"'peaceful ' tnerchantman 'td an armed' auxiliary naval 'vessel la a ' pro ceeding of such a distinct character "as to leave -no doubt ato when 'ltf will Uke pla,. Great Britmin'g -prae! always hag eeeti',,')t ia pointed out. place, a oorrtiniastoivd , naval officer. In, command of convert! mnrchantmeo, which are commandeered only tn home porta, and to equip the vessel with g-uns. Acojrdtng to report of an official Investigation by government officials before tho Luettanl w-as granted clearance ' from New York the ship carried no runs, mounted 'or un mounted, ' Moreover, there' haa been an agreenient for several months between the United tftatea and Great Britain that no British Ships leaving' American porta shall carry any runs. 1. ." The argument tn the German note that the Lusitania carried Canadian troops and ammunition la regarded by officlala as irrelevant for they 'declare It ia well known that no Canadian troops' eould pass aa: an organised body over Ameri can soli,' and the sailing of a feW un armed individuals does not constitute an armed expedition under International law. Neither) ' It is contended, has traffic In arms and ammunition been regarded as warranting the destruction of any un armed merchantmen without ' prsvioua visit and search. " ' steamer Dlxlana, Brunswick and Savan nah to Havre and Tort Talbot, with a cargo of cotton and gteel billets haa been sunk off the French coast near Ushant by a German submarine, according to tele graphic advices to the agents of the Dlxlana Steamship; company here today. The captain and crew are reported eared. Hob) ef a Confederate. HARVARD., Neb., May . (Special.) Union memorial eervices were held at the Christian church in this city this morning. Rev.; J. J. Langston, - pastor. preached the sermon from the text. "And this day shall -be unto you a memorial. TheiSpeaker, m son of a Confederate veU erani born and reared south of Mason c(vtd Pliron'e line, gave votoe to a paean of rejoicing over the results' of the great struggle and gave unstinted praise to the "boys in blue" who wort the battle. There were eighteen of the "old boys" tn line and a goodly number of the membershlji of ' the auxiliary socletlea. t i . ; -... .... . .. I.;'.-., Veteran Plea at Graad Ialaad. , , " GRAND fUAND, Nelw May 3L-t8pe. cla(.) FVederlck pttomiiler, a member of the soldiers' home since 1MB, ' when he was admitted from Thernberg, -Neb;, died Saturday night, at the age of 79, of grn-i oral infirmity. -lie was bona In Germany tn 1R38, enlisted In the On Hundred. and BlKty-slxth Pennsylvania infantry as a private and waa mustered out at Harrls burg. He leaves one gone, In Pennsyl vania. - . r daring last week, but the balance will be taken out thla week and the carpenters will be on hand next Bunday to complete their labor of love, to finish the house, btatld the barn, plant the garden and fur nish the house so that Mr. Mecher and hla family can move into a new home, free from all incumbrance. Some of the carpenters were on hand thla morning to do what was possible with the lumber on hand. Henry Pollack and J'eeph Mecher are wi the foreground. KAISER'S. SUBSEA ..CRAFT DESTROY ; .: MERCHANT SHIPS (Continued from Page One.) . j Saunter Tsarist. Exearatoae. Ef.cct(e June 1, Nickel Flu to road will sell .reduced, rata tickets to various east ern points. Confer with local agent or write John T. Calahan. A. O. P. A., S w. 4lama St., Chicago. ' ' ', ' j ' The Bee Want Ada Are Beat Business j Boosters. ' twern June and 10; Germane outside Germany aa soon aa possible. - Geramaa Official giepars. . . TERUN. May Jl.-(Vla London, )-At the war office today the following state ment waa given out: - . , . . Western theater: The French attempted yesterday, north et Arras and in the foreat of Prate tn heMlr thMiivh American government that another vcf-' our front with strong forces. At Arras w-F-the Ivc braufcan-hna beeri torpeloed ; the enemy worked forward on the night without warning while the dlplomutle ( before last by means of sapping. An llscussloa waa id 'progress and umeiit attack a our lines on the Neuvtie-RooU iniulr'. It is thought, will be made aa Incourt, front was expected alnce the et to what effeetlve measures Will be takutv . temnt ef the eneniir to force ua out of On Cnticora There is no n t-i ; i auer-giow When you blow out a Safe Home match, it is DUT. And it stays out. Every S af e H ometnatch s chemically treated to . prevent after-glow. Safe Home matches are extra long 'and extra " t strong. The extra length means extra service. e Safe Home matches are ' . non-poisonous. They c are safe to have in the " ' home. Alt grocers, 5c a box. The Diamond Match Company immediately by the fJerman government to prevent tke further destruction ' ef Amertcan- Uvea and property.- ' s fegal officers of the United BUte ov erriment say the American point of. view n the legal nuestlnns involved has never been disputed in the past by (Germany or any ethr nation of the world in aay' our - position further north had failed. Thl attack waa made yesterday after noon after several hours of artillery prep aration. Owing to the bravery of the Bavarian-and Rhine regtmenta the at tack failed - In complete defeet for the (jinmy, Hla loseea were extremely high. in the forest of Le Pretre' the only of the essential features. Analysing the, BUPC(.M ,ain by the French waa the (tariuaa reply. It waa pointed out hat , Iwnetratlon of a few advanced trenches, tho Oerman acceptance of responsibility whJch wer, uy defended. Otherwise for attacks on the American ships jlf- lM enf mjr-, tUck at tn pomt uli. bght and the Cu.hlng with expressions of Al 0.un1 (Belgium) a coast battery regret and offers of reparation, could , hot Aomn M .nemy ,vlator. not aid materially la clearing up tho j r.,i-v viaduct of Demmarklrck ntuntloa. since It waa declared In -he 1 waa again destroyed by our artillery with American note such promisee do not ie- ! t,w ,hoU Th Trwcnl ,Ucded only inovu a dangerous practice. Thla view. , (pw Q,V, , mtLkln ,t j, for It is l eld. is proved by the attack on the UM mfr month, of ubor Nbrskn and the absence of any ae- .Ea.,.rfl th.u,: Nothing of Impor ,u, ance- that Americana on unarmed mer- ; ha, occurred." chant ships of ahy flag In ' the 'future ; . will be transferred to Jlace of safety I British Uteaater Ulsana itak. Ufore such a ship la destroyed as a prho f LONDON. May a. -The British ,C vkTi j steamer uixiana was torpeaoea oir ushant Saturday last, while on Its way from Savannah. Ga., to Sweneea, Walea. SAVANNAH, Ga., May Sl.-The British ToCareforli HaSr andS WlniQ? Shi.BS ClsansJ MIDWEST SHADE FACTORY Kaaafeeiatera aa4 Olsaasm ISIS Vanaam aH. , Soaclag SH AMHl'lEMEKTIi QRAHDEIS Today: 'B niiiM ax.!, wasx !oo LnaSsTki Chrijtian Dally Hata, loci Brgw 10e an soe. Meat Week BUaTOS OLITt TTNMBa MtlKI The Soap to cleanse and purify. The OintmeBt to soothe laid heaL Samples Free by Mall Coutluucd attacks on American Veaaels( rVeu thoukh hostile Intent may be dis avowed In each case. Is regarded by American officials as cTonetttutlttg tn to 'al effeot a hostile practice. - The d!bculon In the German note of the sinking of the' British' steamer Fa lun, ou which leon C. Thresher, an rr erica n ciliMn,' lost Ida life, was net hrpriaing to officials, for there has been a controversy in the reports ef Uerman it I oils and affidavits of survivors over il l. length of time given the Falaua to liaiiefer Its iKnrri-i point that lias n ii i"Ticwn-srlaf'i.-torMy "eelabtHhed. ')'!, J'Uvj caae, however, is only IirI- Caeeara at as i aw LAKE MAN AW A NOW OPEN Arthmr Smith's Orchestra ta Kail Boom, (toed Beetlag, Boiler Oeaater, aferry-Oo-Jkooaa aad Maay Otke AttraeUoaa. 100 MXbBB A.BT BOUB SIX MOTORCYCLE ' RACES AT STA-DITOg mssWaY BAST OICAHA Wedaeeday 1 , atarday XTKXmrO) S M. -Saaaay , . LEGAL NOTICES NOTICU TO CONTRACTORS. Bifta will be recetvad for the erection of Ht. patrlck'a ehajcli. Imoaane. la., au- lunling to plans arid specin.-allona pre- j i-arvd by Harry Lwrie, arclilect, M 1'esiun hlv W. on or before II o'clock noon ; June tU lMo. hUU to be addresavd to !-.. E. liayea, liiiufwit, Ia., aud plana . an be aeon at arvl.itei t's office, or st il vf'lce of H. A W tckhant Co., 1 1 K-tt M.. Couucil llluffa. la., and at the miilenca rf Hev. r-Mmuiwl . llayoav I m. ,.!.. la. The rih l reaerved Ie f: iM'''li' Without a Rival for Drunk enness and Drug Using The dUeaae) curad by a thorouah and scientific course of treattuent. which ramorea the cravlnj or necessity lor liquor or drugg, Iraparta new gtrenna to ayery organ and up the general sealth. Tha only Xeeley Institute ia tha state of Nebraska. ... " THE KEELEY INSTITUTE CorrKDdtii e' Conf M-nlil. CW; 25th aitd Cai St,., Otuaha, Neb." Three Years Ago We Originated Our June Clearance of Suits In accordance with this established custom, beginning Tuesday, June 1 WE OFFER OUR SUIT STOCK AT THREE PRICES $21 Because of the extremely low prices we are compelled to charge for alterations. Yoiuur Last CEaece To Get This 45c One-Quart Stewpan For only ISc r irzwwv -es i 1 1 wie eBjBBBBBaasBses" and Um coupon if presented on or before June 2, 1915. RACE MARK Aluminum is NOT "aT! the same." Be sure . you ict "Wear.ETer." Look for the'4Wear.Eer, trade mark -on the bottom of every utensil.' If it is not there it is notWesjr-Ever.,t Refuse substitutes. . ej VV cMTmVG3L , UtciuiU five enduring satisfaction because they are so carefully made from hard, thick sheet metal. The quart pan which regularly would sell et 45c is offered for limited time at the special price of 15c and the coupon, so you can see for yourself if you do not already know the difference be tween Wear-Erer and flimsy Alumi The nan is made in enormous quantities and has been advertised in women's maf a zines for several months at the special in troductory price of 20c. Already more than . a million "Wear-Ever" Sample pans are. in use. Now many stores are co-operating with us in this offer to place sample pans in still more homes. We know that 1 when once you have tried "Wear-Ever" ware you will not be, content until you . ace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" s aBBMSMaBaam Cot oot the coupon today. Take it to your dealer and cat th one-quart "WaewJkrer Stoerpaa t for only 15c by complying with tha condition named In tha coupon. If your dealer will not honor tha coupon, mail It to ua with ten 2c stamp (20c) and w will tend you th pan, poatac paid. It I coata ua Sc or mora to mail you tha pan. J Tha tores named below will honor tha" WearXrar" coupons If praaanted on or before Jane 2, 191 Si OMAHA num ware. Reph Down Town. . Brandeis China Department Burgess-Nash Co. 1 Orchard & Wilhelm. Milton Rotors & Sons. Outlying Stores. John Hussie Udw 2407 Cuming St. . E. Karsch Co., 1820 Vinton St. S. IT. Katz, 1418 North 24th St. G. IL Meyer, 2915 Leavenworth St. W. B. Nichols, 24th and Fort. Polan & Bauer, 1247-49 South 13th. Simpson Ildw., 2416 Ames Ave. 0. L. Wiemer, 2415 Farnam. John "Wisler, 4679 Leavenworth St. Young & Henderson, 2906 Sherman South Omaha. , Kontsky & Pavlik, 412 North 24th. Peterson & Michelsen, 2408 N St. Jos. Pipal, 168 South 21st St.- - Benson C. C. Johnson Hdw. Council Bluffs. P. C. DoVol ndw. Co. Peterson & Schoening Co. Florence. J. II. Price. Lincoln Hardy's Hardware Department, Frank E. Lahr. Miller & Paine. ; Itudge & Quenzel. Other stores located wherever this paper circulates may honor "Wear-Ever" Coupons We want you to get the pan so you will understand why so many women pre fer "Wear-Erer" to all other cooking wares. ThcAlimuDum Cooking Utensil Co. New Kensington. Pa. ' a Wear-Ever" Coupon UTt) As Mea ia HllaWeakCTa aiaalaaai Wata aar lm cab eaaaae (jtJ) D saS 1 Be la sarawat ta. aea " Weat-a" Si.,u, wWtk sail. r(.i.,lr M VTf U 1 '' nrn Ik. mm la M' i k .1 taw, Jum v H IcS'I lata wtMlaf ihama raai aaaM. aSaiaaa aa4 4au el sarctaaa. alt H A I l-Zm Ft " saa Ml. is caaiaaNi. 1m.!U 1 ll Saae m... ............. ...................m..m....m.... j I JJ Aaataas ......,...... m....m....m...,,. i V ; Dale. A, .'1 -s,W...feW 3e 1 I g d) ameeia.W,T.a.CP.Ce. i i W BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES V These ads will start you on the road to wealth r. je, i any and all urn i Jldjl. , hrwjmmMisiiiirw3SBznxvammm.' m aw. .mum i im1 -nr m