Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
THK i.F.K: OMAHA. TliXDAY, .IKXK 1, liUo. 13 HIHl grade hstd nk wood i-e frliscriitor. capacity oo pounds. onl iiumI stunt tirie. and lour-burner llchpse p-is rsnce. Whut have you? Address S. . Iil9, Ree. I'lANliS fwD for or n n MUto or lot or lot: will pay difference; If you have anything ft In tourh with me, as I nave other stuff to enrhangc; give com lltf description. Address S P. W, Bee. PIANO New and excretion! bara,na n slightly used pianos that have to ex change on a atsmlard piano of the best manufactured Address H. C. 1W1. Hoe. PKt.MO camera 6x7. complete with 8 - plat holders, stand, carrying case and supplementary lenses. Want typewriter. Address R. C. HH4, Bee PIANO Good upright Mueller piano val I'.ed at $125. What have you to trade fot this? Address S.C. H7. Ree. iiwmi.mi nouse, it. rarnam tt., to trade for an automobile, lxive ud with fuui car nnu nrnnn m ejoi' le u'ni. THl'CK BODY Have a ood covered truck body for Usht delivery. Will trade, for a biiKiry or what have you? Address, B. C. l41.Bee. TRUCK iOUY Have aood Ford deliv ery body, enclosed; good condition; ealc or trade. What have you? Address B. C. 1040. Bee. ONE Ueflance pay roll check writer; jrood condition. What have you? Used two months. Addrepa W. C. 104. Bee. WANT to exchange show card wrltlnfcT for anything I can use. Address t. C. 104B, Be. VVILJy exchange ftevens shotgun for phonograph. Have large com popper. sndy milking outfit and instructions. Will exchange for phonograph or what have you? Address, B. C. lfrt". Bee. WIL.I, trade 150 vacuum washers for something; can use. Offer, what you may have. Address P. f. l'3. Bee. WILL trade In my ifc curat diamond on good light car. Stone must be seen to be appreciated. Address S. C. 10t0, Bee. FOR KlCNT AMirtmenta tnd Flats. 76 WlKlLAg ST., rooms 12 M up ST. OEOHQE-i-ruom apartment, redeco rated throughout. 113 N. list Ave., se lect West Farnuru district. Phone Web fcter 174. TWO glx-room. modern- steamheatod flats. Can be rented separately or to- f ether- Ul) summer, $.tt winter. Conrad oung. tit Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. (-ROOM heated apartment. The Chula Vista, anth and Poppieton Ave. Vacant June L Conrad Young, 322 Brandels thea ter Douglas li'l. . . COOL ROOMS. U week. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. 5-ROOM heated apartment. The Mason. 31st and Mason 8ts. Reduced rent. Con rad Young, 32 Brandeis Theater. D. li7L COOL. APARTMENTS. Choice 3-room apartment, dandy soreened porch; oak finish; large rooms; nicely decorated; everything first clas, la nearly new apartment house building. Also four-room apartment, samo building. Very reasonable rent. Call office for ap pointment, i r SCOTT AND HIT.L. CO., i Douglas llX. FOUR nice rooms; clone In: $10. Red 4SHK CENTRA 1Nc equal n price or quality; 1-room bouse: 4-room flat. 22u N. Ud. THREE rooms and bath and toilet; close to car line.' I1AS0. . T. BUl.LilVAN. 215 Brandels Theater. FOR RENT 6-room fuinlahed apartment during July and August. Tel. D. 737, or call Helen apartment office. Bachelor Apartments. WANTED to hear from one or two young men desiring to share high class bache lor apartment near business district. Must offer credentials. Phone Douglas 2502. Board and Boom. BOARD and room ;n modern, private . home for two young men. Web. 6344. Walking distance, good meals ; meals 14, at 1220 Howard St. BOARD, large cool rooms, 546 So. 26th St. D. 4477. Deairnhle rms. with board. la ). 1.4th M. Para tailed Khm MODERN, walking distance, plenty of -hot water. Phone Tyler 15U8. FlR. room. W. Farnain dls. 131 N. 31 Ave, N. 21ST, CM Modern, . furnished . room. Douglas o26i. LA ROUS front room, furnished. 2C14 Dodge. Hai ney 7W7. : ST. MARY'S AVK., 2ft3. Nicely furnished front room,, modern, good location. Douglas 4432. MODERN room; gentleman; private family; breakfast if desired.. Walnut 22W. Nicely fur. front room. 1413 N. S4th St. WANTED to hear from one or two re fined young men desiring to share l.lgh class bachelor apartments near business district. Must offer credentials. 1'hone Douglss 8602: ' ' MOUKKN ROOM Gentleman, private family, breakfast if desired, West Ktar nain. AValnut 2V. OOOH, beautiful front rooms, large porch. shade, fine for summer; meals if do sired; garage. 321 N. 22d. FINE furnished room In private resi dence. Desirable location. Web. &i. Faralahed Houses. A NICE, clean, all modern south room In private family; suitable fori young men; $U a month; breakfast if desired. 3514 Cass St. ParslaBfd Haew nine- Roosaa. TWO modern, nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 201 Webster. NICE7LT Fur. Hskp. Rins. and sleeping Rms. Phone service, nice lawn ani shade. Wob. 51S6. DAVENPORT. 2510-2 modern apt., com plete. Ltarht Hsswketslsi Bosni. COOL rooms, with alcove, kitchenette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. X. 23D. 2U-IK81RAI3LE airy room; use of kitchenette. 312 N. 27TH AVE., 4 rooms part modern, $10 per month. Phone Harney 5I5S. N. 318T, 22 2 rooms, closet, pantry, bath; fresh paint, paper and furnish Ings; 3d floor; $11. Webster 6f'iO. 3iv CALIFORNIA-! and 3-room, mod. furnished cottage; nice yard. Har. 4txil. 1 S. 17rH Two rooms for light house keeping, modern, newlv papered. atoaaea aad Coltages. Nortk. UX-ROOM, modern house, located at 1710 Decatur St; will be vacant May 1; S4 pr month, .'bone H M31. FOR RENT 7-room bouse, all nodern, f4(K Paiker Bt. 8KVEM rooms, all modern. Be in Is Park. Phone Harney 'XK9. Soatk. . FOB RENT-$65.00 nw4?llirifff 4H So. 38th St.; tiled i ' 1 I 1! 1 11 e - ' vosuDuie, recepuon uau, iroai and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. 6. Baker. Phones D482. II317, -KGOM 2417 Jones SL, strictly modern bouse, large lot and shade trees. Call Douglas 9K7. J. I. KEMP. West. WEST FARNAM District. 7-room rood ern hou . lob S. 3oth at- Mlaeellaaevas. fFK the Central Furniture Stores. FRE9 RENTAL LIST. ' for ri:nt Wi have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rest This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co . au4 a. (Mb St 'H-r'oom modern coltaje. 1U p7uTHt J.CReedS tuuving. storage. Au. a , o pr moi.iii ui,. IIoUbCS Cr'sh Buns 4k Co.. Bee Bldg. in. ail parts el the city. Hill KKXT Mlirfllari). Maggard'sE, Sloraia ' i mov tng. packing, shipping. 17U Webster fl. lougiaa HSU. Gordon Van Co.B P W nth Bt Tel D. 8S4 or Web. IM Globe Van&Storage Stores mover, pa oka, shlpa; I--hore van and I men, $1.75 per nr.; storage $2 iwt mo. Failf,tctton tunr. P. 4,ti A Ty. MO. F1I)HLITY FliEE Phone fHiuKlas JSs for roniDleta l'.st of ' " niimnjn, .ur, eastern .-nenrasaa. nave other business storage, moving. Win nnd Jnrkson Pis. Ho l.iok after and will sell or trade for jncuiKN s-room cottage, rs per mo.; as-i rrait. Omaha Rexlty Cn.. Fed us.'. PARK AVE, V 4,-hi-eiJul. rleht-room residv'nty: clnn. n-wly dotorated; bt'Kiitlf ill Imwh. lni(tlas is;. Slum snli otrieea. KSW modern storeroom. SOa North WH treet; low rent. Conrad Tounf, 321 Brandels Theater. Dotia. 1671. Nice Cool Office With Vault Nenr flip KlVvntnr nilH SStjiifH lAcm tur i-iievuiur ILIIU OUUITj i Jlylectnc Light Free The Bee Building Go. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. A nice office In a good location, make your buninepg plans pticceisful. TUB DEE BUILDING "THE BUIUHNrt THAT IS AI.WAYH NII'iV" furnishes Just such combinations. Office Koom 103. nrna nnd l.arsaes. SMALL garn;e on West Hsrney, $4 per month. Phone Walnut 2?.4. WANTED TO KENT WANTED Suite of rooms in private home in WeBt Farnam district by two refined young men; must have sepsrate beds, two meais each div and modern In every way. Address K 418. Bee. WA.TEI Room with private family. West. district, near car line; references. Address 8 6SS. Hfce. WANTED TO BUT A SADDLE and bridle. Address A 600, care Bee. Tale beys everything M hand. Tyler 141A OFr'JCa, lumiturn bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 9i7 Karnam rini.g g!4K WANTED To buy an invalid chair. Charles Sthwenek. R. No. 3, So. Omsha. W'ANTED A wheel chair in good condi tion. Hsrney RWKl. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 2017. REAL ESTATE LOANS a,) first mortgage, 7 acres fruit farm, close to cur, H acre fruit deeded as premium loan. Money for improvements and mortgage. Address Li 4i5, Bee. WE ARE always In funds to make good farm and city loans. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. K. M. PENNEY, 9J0 City Nat l. Bk. Bldg. FARM LOANS. F. M. PENNEY, 920 Clty'Natl. Bk Bldg. Farm loans bought and sold. FARM LOANS, S PER CENT. TOLAND ft TRUMBULL. US Bee Bldg. K TO I14.0D0 made promptly, r. D Wead, Wead Bid.. 1lh and Farnam Sta CITY, and farm loan. , ev. cer cent. J. H. Dumont Co.. 4i State Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnair Smith Co.. 1320 Farnam St CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. I2S State Bank Bldg. McCoy &0'Doherty REAL ESTATE FARM AND CITY LOANS. INSURANCE RENTALS. 711 STATE BANK BLDG. TEL. DOUG. 101 OMAHA, NEB. MONEY on hand for city and tarm loana H W. Binder. City National baiiK Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. (YKEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO.. Ill Omaha National. Phone lMjuglaa 2711, 6EE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. act CITY LOANS. C O. Carl berg, u i 310-&2 Braudela TheaUr Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST real estate and rentals with ImjN ELSON R. E. CO., 301 Cmi. Nafl Bank. REAL ESTATE FARM UANCH LANDS FOR BALE. Calltornta. 'CALIFORNIA LAND. All counties; cataloguo free. Write C, M. Wtwster Co., phelan Bldg.. Baa Fran Cisco. Established SO years. Live Oak Colonies, none Detter. Smith Co.. W3-14 City Nat. Bk. W. T. I ). tsi. 1 Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM tm SALE? I Write a good description cf your land and send it to the Sioux City, la., Journal, i "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad i Medium." Twenty-five words every Friday livening, cauraay morning ana every ' Saturday evenina and Sunday mnmlnt for one month, giving sixteen gJs oa twelve different days for 12; or 60 words. t; or 11 worda 14 Largest circulation of aar Iowa news paper, iM.UU readers daily lo four great statea. 4D, M OK lo ACRES, good heavy soil, la well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches; price (la to $j0 per acre; terms, II per acre cash, ?olance X per acre a year until land is paid for. ( per cent Interest SCHWAB BROS.. 102S Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. srsrsalia. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA, $11,000 buys a highly Improved farm, coiialsilng tf about 61H acrus located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-n.tuute'a ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa. nice large beautiful shade trees and all kinde of shrubbery and about 10 aci-es of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This is an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughored stock of any kind. Living spring in pasture. C. R. COMBS, flK Brandels Theater Bldg. Cimaha. D. 391. I. 1 1 1. Kll. .1 !,,. I, I 1 ,1- 1 ed,um-wic.5 11 llttlo muuuy required. C. Bradley, Wol bsch, Nsb. MUST BK SOLD. 273 acres, tt miles from Petersburg, Neb., and l't miles from ltaevllle, Neb.; 9-rooiu house, all mixlern throughout, with elec tric light; burn, S,'x4, with abed, 16xloo; t goixt hog houaea. all floored and dl Vded Into ixiu; double cnb, 1ox4a. with driveway, 16x41-. granary, mxlfc; machine Mind, 16x100; some good fruit trees:, 01 acres wild pasture; 70 anus alfalfa; 20 acres timothy and clover: land Ilea slightly rolling, but not rough; good crop and good soil, price, $4ii,0iai. P.N. McCoy 711 State Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FINE HALF SECTION. Near Petersburg, worth $.100 r acre, will sell for $Vj. Ijbi us show this to you. McCoy &0'Doherty 711 Stale ONLY $325 t.-uys i,e acres, ne-ing a slate se:hol land lease In Ixjuo cuunty: least runs vaui: soinetKHly will get a bargain. Write 1. C. crandall, a 44 tXH-ust bl . IJncoln. Keo. FARMS WANTED IP Vol' have larni lands lot sale ru 1 V. 11. A., fc H..-laM, Jollet, ID . jllKAL f", ST ATI) FOR KXCHAMJK For Sale or Exchange ' A -ver y desirable 7-rooin house and lata lot, on paved stet. In good neighborhood, rrlc? K Will ex- i h niKe lor lend In Nebraska; with aood aoll or for a smaller house : In Omaha. J . 11. JLUIUUI1L OC V(J. 4W-1S state Bank Bldg. Phone IKlUg. TWO inodein vrn-rooin houses, well lo,.ted. erh.n,e for H.n Pieao. Cal.. property. I N. Meniniond. ! Hrown Hlk. tVRTY-AfMK apple orchard. Film Im- provemonta. Near RO'd town in aouth- eiKhty-acre farm In southeastern Ne braska or residence near utate university. Address 1S4J Poplar St.. Uneo'n. Nob. JRKAK.WWHTrl SIDE A BAKOA1N In West Han: com Park, bungalow. B rooms and enrlosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finlfh first floor, pine and birch finish se.ond floor and fireplace, . house all completa with storm windows and screens and lighting flx lures. lor ,ni. . Mh rpoltitment with owner and builder to see It. Harney 761 ;6-R. HOUSE. Just finished. Modern, oak 1 finish. Big native si ade trees. On 1 boulevard. $." cash, bnlsnce like rent, i Call O. A. Kcklea or J Paul F. -klea. LEA VINO THK CITY. T have a new, modern, S-room bungalow In the Hann-om Park district. Am going to move to California and must sell this rroperty before I go. If you ant to buy the cheapest home in the rlty tele phone me at Harney 2'fil. REAL EHTATK WKST SIDE BEAUTIFUL -KO()M BUNGALOW EASYTEiniS located i h'ocfc from car line In one of Omaha's prettiest snd best located new residence seitions. House Is new and modern in every respect; is furnished in oak in rooms and eelge sawed hard pine in balance of rooms. Furnace heat; flreolace; cemented base ment: lawn staited; young shade trees. Everything ready to move in. Don t Pay Rent Another Month $.s0 cash and halance like rent is the way you can get this house. Telephone Walnut 8S5 today. E. P. WRIGHT 1702 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE NORT1TWEST $5o0 BUYS a good three-room house; electric llirht. Call after 6:30 p. m., or Sunday. 301K BurdVtte, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dander. Dundee Lot Bargains tUlM, paving all paid, SOth and Cap itol Ave.; cheapest In all Dundee. $1,275, Elst and Cuming, high and sightly; cheapest 'lot In this district. $1,800, fizxus, overlooking Happy fini. low paving lor street ana alley paid In fu 1U $3 000, 100x13.1. south handy to car line available corner In front, corner lot, and the cheapest Dundee, consider lng location. Glover & Spain Sl City National REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO., Paxton v Blk. Doug. 2107. Lots I'oi- people who want to start a home of their own, or Invest money In the path of Omaha's growth. Wearne Park Lots Can be purchased on easy terms, the purchase price including all of the following Improvements, which are now In and pair for water gas. trees, cement walks. Roulevarded streets. Cemented gutters and established grades. Car line runs right by addition. There are building restrictions, which put light enough to Insure a good grade nf houses. Terms $3.00 to $10.00 Cash; and $5.00 to $10.00 per Month T'-plione Walnut S2 and arrange leave the call with auto today or any day or evening this week. E. P. Wright 1702 FARNAM STREET. to Bargain 8-Room House Fine Location This house, Icated right on car Hue, on high terrace, is modern throughout; has hot water heat; shade and wide lot. $300 cash, balance like rent. Telephone Wal. t3 today. E. P. WEIGHT, 1702 Farnam Street. FOR eA L.hBrlek building, new, mod ern: office rooms below, living room above; rents for $46 per month. Invest ment will net better than 8 interest Addraas P ttf. Best. CARTKR LAKH CM B oottage and kT Phone Webster i7w on lot 1(8. o MEDICAL RUPTL RK cured In a few days without pain. Call or writs Dr. Wrav, $. Bee oing., ummi. r.aisuilanea 1114. A KM A NO Really helps gel rid of that pain In the back, tr.ucn of rheumatism. 1 nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and brings back that lost i..,riei.. ' uiuoa mna duiios up me enure sys. I sm. Just send a postcard to the Hl.afla- bargsr Co., Mfg I bar . West Uberty. Ia. PILKB. FISTULA CUBrD. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without iui.1,.1 operation- Cure guaranteed and no inonty puiii uni.i cnreii. Write for book on reUal diseases ith testimunials. tilt ii. R. TARRY. iX Lee Bldg. UKVL KNATK 1MKMTMKNTS I . (hie of tin1 I"t llivi'stini'lit Oppoi tunitifs in tlu Citv Todiw. . ST. IH'IS FLAT I Thi huililltis l. built And fliiKI i'J i KiibatHnlliil mnnei. Is lo atd clo,. to t'riiahton tiniversltv and loe to cm line, walking dletanrv froii down fown. artil Ib tlioriore in a lo.m,,n whl h in In ronMnnt demand iimnni! nartmeni rent rra. haViVoon' "rinUH " , V , e.T V ,., ' ' 1 vl tionrda. hot water l ' t. li build ma ta nioih ni t hnvmhout . owner will cll for rr ioiiioniti(. pr'ce at this time. Call by ption- or write terms. for I'lii'i'i and Hrinkpi-v Realty lnv(.tiutit Company, liroiind Floor Hee IIiii.IIiik Telephone :i;"4. ll you telephone todav iSiimbivi Walnut l.n:l, call REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE NO CAfll IH)WN 6-ROOM MOUIMtN RUNilAUtW NEAR MILLER PARK. Also near Miller school, almost new, full lot. $-H.4 per month. I in nut sell. Am lentlst In Omaha and m.isl .,..1 .11 lh ill o nn v . rsv Aaei, n, .,.... .,, vn.. . . - ... rani-u where I am starting tnv box very soon. Tel. Walnut a.1;. Possessloi. HAVE YOU sK0 TO PIT LNTO A HOME! Living room, dining mom. be.1 room. kitchen anil Imntiy on first floor: hvrge floored attlo with ample spaiw for two moro rooms and bath room; city water, olertrlc lights, cement basi-mrnt; sink In kitchen; nice lot, located 4416 Spalding (4t. and 4ulH N. 44th St.. Just south oT Fontenelo ark. Keys at ;i734 N. 44th Ave. Price, $l,s"i. il 0. CAHLBKIUi, SI2 BRANDEIS THEATER RLDd. LEGAL. NOTICF.H NOTICK FOR BIDS. The undersigned will receive at his office In the City of Atkinson sealed bids for prices on 6oO feet of A No. 1 fire hose. t combination ncxsles and 1 hose cart. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for $3A.M) as a showing of good faith to rurnisn goon rso. i material at the bid der's price made. All bids must lie In the city clerk's office on or bei'ure the 7th duy of June, 11C. at ft o'clock p. m. C. V. WICKS. City Clerk. Atkinson, Nob. M2Wd7t Polls Close at Six in Omaha and at Seven in S. 0, and Dundee Polling places in Omaha will close at ti o'clock this evening for the merger election. In Couth Omaha and In Dundoe the polling; places will remain open until 7 o'clock. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Bank Clearings Bank clear! nga In the United Plates for j N. the week ending May 27, as reported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, atigre- 1 :ia---gate $3,002,201,000, against $3,3i.9,14,IOO last l! ---week and $2,8fM,2o,OUO in tills week last ! ?J "" year. Canadian clearings aggregate $1(W.- IT.; "" wn A (UWl - - Sl-.Q .wk I . ... 1. .. ., 1M,v.u,0oO in thta week last year. Follow ing are the returns lor this week and last, with peroentagca oC chauge from this week last year: I Cltlss. Amount Inc. j Dec. New York Il,71.24,000 7.1 Chicago ,.. JW,7at,0H) ! I Philadelphia 14,bK..OOOI 1.4 ' Iloston lits.XKi.mi) 2.4 St. Louis 72,104.000 Kansas City i4,;-U.imi 34.9 Pittsburgh 51.46,000 3.4 ! Pan FrEiiclsoo...... ' 47.r.f.,iXS) 11.8 i Baltimore Z!,722,OHii 34.7 i Minneapolis 17. 771. OK. D.9 I Deu-ott 2ii,riii,o0.i 10.7 Cincinnati L'.1,tl29,OoO 1.9 Cleveland 24,.1.000 23.9 Los Angeles 1S.4M.0U0 8.7 I New Orleans 15.412.uOO 8.1 , OMAHA 17, 14.4 Milwaukee 14,i:i0,iio 1.8 I Atinnta ll,078.imo 10.0 ! Ixiuisvilte 7.4 ; Seattle 12,4-Ti,oimi 7.3 Buffalo 10,lli;.0ool .2 Ft. Paul lii.Hnn.oonl 3.2 Portland, Ore . 104,000 23.0 Denver .6 Houston 6.2K7.0001 14.5 Richmond .E!i2.000j 17.0 Indianapolis 7.219.000 0 Providence ' 6,rA2.o) 7.7 Fort Worth 7.W,0ii 32.9 Washington,. D. C. 7,Ki.Xio 3.2 Memphis 4.KsO,000 16.2 St. Joseph 7,447,Oih) 9.3 Columbus S.OM.noo 3.2 Nashville 5,120,Mi 11.4 Albany 4.7:H.OHii 13.4 Halt Lake City 5.3-V,,ooo 3.8 Toledo t.TWi.Oio 14.1 Des Moines 4.7(i,0ol S.8 Hartford 5.412.0HO 18.0 Duluth 2,si7,0(n 10.8 Roe heater 4,O7S.00o 7 Savannah 3.S36.000 i. Norfolk 3.3H7,OuO 8 8 Spokane S,2hg,Oiio t. Wichita 3.413.0 6 Macon I.OM.noul 1.7 Oakland 3,0.,l"0 .1 Scranlon i.H.iUi 6.1 Peoria 2.MO.OO0 26.3 New Haven 3,.4,Oi) 5.6. Sioux tlity 2.t!,oiD 9.3 Grand Rapids 3.01, Ono 1.0 Syracuse 1.. 2,rii.0ii0 4 7. Jacksonville, Fla... 2,7W.Oiioi 17.1 Birmingham 2,ooo.0ii0 19.3 . Lincoln J.3K3,"') 21.0 Fermnnt I 84O.0on( 7.1 CHICAGO LIVU HTOCH V1HKKT Cattle Are strong to Higher lloa" Irregalar Kherp Bteaely. CHICAOO, May 81. ATT UK Receipts, 11,000 head; market, ttromr to 10c hlgh.u : native beef sloers, $7.1iy!j0.SO; western steer, W.!.1); cows ind heifers. $3.wi 175; caJves, lower, $7.itKHl.60. HOs-JS Receipts, 30,000 head; market, ir regular, closcel 60 lower; bulk, $7.nu7.0; llaht. $7.B0k7.(: mixed. $7.WXa7.8n: hes-y, l$T)rr7.75: rough,,7.8h; nigs. $rt.OOy7.40. I rillUEP AND LAMHK -Receipts, S.0l) 'head: market, steady to 10 higher; sheep. itHftilH: lembs, r.W'10K; aprliig. ; $7.fu 11.50. fit. Iools Live UtitfU Market. j HT. IiOCIH. May Sl.-CATTIJ--Rt- j I eslnts H Ma) : n.Hrk.. lower: iintlvs I beef iteers, 8i.tiKiM.a; lows and hellers, $0 Oo'i'O.IO; stockers and feeders, $!.onVl.a.; southern steers, $'8.i'6; cows and hell ers, 4 0iii.Ui; native calves. Io.0ntiSl.7S. IllXJIi- Ret elpts, 1A.800 head: market, lower: plgn and lights. $i.:;'ii7.W; mixed and butchers. 7.7b7.Vi; goo.1 heavy, $7.Mii7r,. Hi I UK P AN1 L.A.MI1.S Re.eipti, 3,3 l head: market, higher: clipped muttons, li.mxib.Oii. clipped lambs, ,)Anu:iii1 spring ' lambs. $10 1 i lO.ri. ! Kauaas 4 Ity l.lve Htoek Market. KANSAS CITY. May 1.4"ATTLK Re ceipts. t.hiO head: market, steady; prlni.i fed steers, $.7.V0.X; drceeed, beef steers, $ UA70; weslero steers. $7 1(8 SO; stoi k ers and feeders,; bulls, $-1.0o4 7.: esives. K6i'4Hui0. HOG 1 Receipt-.. 13,000 head; market, higher: bulk. I7.5'ra'7.70: heavy. $ packers and .Dntonera, $7 fCsU7.' Ught, $; pigs, fi. few?. nil. H IbEP AMD I-AM11S tteceliils. I-AWHS ru-.celpla S.aiiO irher; lamlis. $9 2W11 'M: hvad: market, higher; lamlis, tniAllio yesrllnt-a r(ni '.. welheis. r.7'n.0i; ewes. t..'Vj.76. Sluai 4 1ty Live Stork Market. BIOUX CITY. May 31. CATTLB Re ceipts, 1.300 head: market, 10c higher: na tive steers. 7.V"u9.oo- butchsrs. tbfeHfei; cows and heifers, $4 .3fi7 .hi; calves, $7.00: 10.00: bulls, stsga, etc., $&.5nfr7 2S. HOIW- He. eli'l. .H) head; market. Be lower; heavy, $7.42'4i7.6o; mixed, $7 4n 1 light, t7 Jj7.4; iiuik or satrt, 1 ( H. r-HKKP 4.r i.A J! ItS-Ru' eipts ' h. d. I'fl OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET i Cattle Steady to Strong Shcfp Ave i Qnotftbly Steady on Very Lijht Receipts. HOG VALUES GENERALLY LOWER .-ul Til OMAHA. Muv ifi. lSUi. !;-. pt won - I'aww. il. Hheep. Mrii. lav.. ;,Jii J funic .t:( iat i vl, . . . fi ; '..'I7 1 J-ainr day .M-k h.i .m; 1 1 - .1 . :"! Miiik- in ,; uvk .ig, 4 i ,.'.i m- .1 iv 4 w.-. ks iiko iliwi ii.v.1 I.KJ'.' l-nil.i. day l.-ist Ji'ur... In!.' 4 411 .T44 Th- lolioeliig tit-i shows thu receipt a Pf f-attle, Iioks ,in,l sheep at the houlli oniHtia 11 w I stock niurki t for ttie j i onipn-Isons; . list l!'i.. ilit.:ifti:i. ii:'. mil. May 14, 4ii,i i I1' s ; tm i H iM, 7 OH ; M) l&.i J 4M.i . J. gi, t 5i !W 7 11 ' li). H 1 8 21 Iiini'.i " May K. 7 SMi' I :H 7 ti 6 Ml Si 7 0$ Jisy l. I s SO I l 4 Ml ll I r- May l'i. J 25 i 2.1 8 ' T'i D 3S. M Mhv . 7 81 S 1 S .7 Sol d 73i :3 $1 g 1, S , 7 50' M'tt 8 Hi 8 34 7 t.H A av 17 sjtui a t 7 01 i I "", i ? 8 Pi ' ! ?'l - .J (.... .xi 1 t m. - a . (ft . t I 1 w l l w is if, v 7 r, .,'1. 'I A i .,, .- n. r - .' - u n ... - u., . a- ' , t- . ... . , . . . . r'"rr I V 1 ' ''. May J. , -, X .n , 7 6 '.ui H b: I May 2ii. Mny T,. 'Mhv 'Jh. . I f.! a 40 - IU HI I It 7 4P. R 01! S 42 7 So I sll S7I T 1 stoi-k i'irkei for tho year i .,,. k,,,.- i..,. m.. Toesils alien ii. i oi, i-..,. r,n nn o atc. a. coined h '',, f TVu ":1 top. on wool.-,! st.K-k v-nl :it tin V.. A nt "ip refugoea nnd especially the little i.y'"' l,3,.i.:M l.l4N.i)i .-J..HM. fr(V oM 1)rsds of -llppe-s went m t '., ones. He told of an Infant who wns tZ fVliowinrtahi.. -hows ' -TV': " T.- 'few s'hoiTeii wr"1' rnly This so Pi for lioKs at the Sot. n. imnha live . 1 1', ' ' . , ',.-.! ""-he.l Hie hearts of local women that . . in m ( m 7 02 I Mav So ! Mav 81. xiindav CATTI.K Tnc week opens out with a very nutderate run. about J.4rt heail. as compared with .i.iMl head on last Mon day. The genetiil quality of the offer inga was much the same as last week. Trade opened nut very slow, hut this was due lo I lie fact lhat sales- men were comparatively bullish in their views and aKked nulte a little higher prices than i resnlleil nt Hie Hobo of last week. In the main slues were steadv to minim tor both lightweights anil hoiivies. good yearling selling ss high as $i so. nnd best of the heavy cattle around $H. 7y.) . Alter once under way trade was fslrly active and a comparatively early clearance effected. Cows and heifers were In very mod erate supply and found a very good out let al prices that were steady to and In some cases aa much as 10c higher (Ttan Friday. Both local TWKene and outside butchers had very fair orders to fill, and I he very limited offerings were all picked up In good season. Veal calves were fully steady at last week's doollne, and the samo was true as to bulls, stags and rough stock generally. Business In stock cattle and feeding steers was very light. There were only a tew loads on sale and anything good enough lo attract competition nold fully as well bk last week. Medium and com mon etntt of all kinds waa v?ry slow sale at uneven brioes. quotations on est He: Good to choice yearlings, $8.4OH0O; good to choloe oera fed beeves, I SMI8.75; fair to good corn fed beeves, $8.l!Mj.3ti; common to fair cornfed beeves, $7.bO'u8.flO; good to choice hellers. $7.01x08.00; good, to choice cows, tii.MXiW.OO; fair to good cows, $i.7.'u" SO; conuuun to fair cows. $17i(i.7ii: good to choice stickers and feeders, $7.HVrf.l0; fair to good stockers and feeders. fi.oOif 7.60; common to fair stockers end feed ers. SS.00rir7.00; slock heifers. $H.00W7 00: stock cows, (&.7tVu4.7s; stock calves, $4.K0 HIW; veul calves, H ftKjjuO.76: fat bulls, stags, etc. $e.&0ra 7.23; stock, bulls. ii.Otitf I 7,00. j Representative sales: BEEF STK1SRS. Av. Pr. No. .4.-. Pr. ....MSI 7 M M TIW I 44 m in 34 ..mi 1 11H 1 : 11111 $ tt urn 10 m mi 1 in; 8 o i47i 8 : urns t - 36 1 11 1W1 to) 47..... IVISJ $ SS Ml I I", IM4 8 IS llieil f 40 8TI- ICRS AND HKIFURS. .... Ml 7 10 .17 7h I ;i ....Urn I li 7m) I M 2! " 7,1 ..... 7ii t 0 II.. 411.. J7.. .. if... r... 1. ... COWS. 7 fi 4 75 t losn in t 1000 4 So M eu til I to t to 4 i SI) in w ui iue $ i . H El F KRS. 4 iW) in 111..,, .Ml T III MTU , IM 7 74 . IKO I 10 I 15 . -M7- ( 70. 1.... 15 .. 474 t M ' .... SI 70i 7 04) I.... l..1 1420 sir. 1.... .1K0 10 I 17 1417 $ M 1 ...! 7 DO I'AI.VliK. 8 MO T SO 7,......... 117 9 7 I 11 Ut till . t4TOCltKM AND FKKPMOI t 7 in I oa 7 ss !1 Hit IM 10 404 7 40 11 Tin 1 10 ji im t i 1 7i 7 30 $1 824 7 It . 1 lOOJH The fact lhat the day was a holiday fulled to have any effect on hog receipts, and a good Monday supply showed up, some IPSVers, or 8.S0O head be ing r . oi ted In., This is more than 1,000 larger than u week ago and twice as large as last year, but 2,000 smaller than two weeks sgo. On the strength of encouraging advices from other points, slilppeis put up their droves on a steady to be higher basis. Their early purchases looked a full nickel up, but toy bcuglit hog later at no bet ter than steady prices. These sales ranged around r7.G4ii7.tW, the latter figure being top for the day, and equaling the nigh flguro for the month. Packers on the other hand opened out very bearish, and their early bids were riuht close lo a dime lower. Sellers put killer hogs sold on a 6-ijlOc lower basis. Bulk of packer hogs moved at $7.40t 7.4.", aa asalnrt Haturday's long string at 7.60. On the whole tho average was not over t nlrkel lower, the high" shipper 7 40s, 8 :; h .in 7 M, 7 4v, 7 h&i a 4li 7 isv I 7 mi, d .s.1, 7 in 8 M' 7 Ti tO75J L&of yai u 1 1 -JiiExiviJ g65 The flavor, tang, strength and value of the most famous Austrian and German brews from barley-malt and hops have been the aim through out 61 years of constant endeavor of the makers of Beer These qualities won for Gund's Peerless Beer the gold medal of international award at the St Louis Exposition in 1904. Order a case by phone and it will be delivered to your door before sundown tonight. JOHN GUND BREWING CO. La Cross, .Wisconsin ,r;u',f I'm k n ti , .11 111 7 :i j IV, S' 7 j i -.: in ... ; m ; Sll KKP-Uerelpts wem n tie- i'i!I'Ih l-'lve humlird aHrnicnts for bHbies and order. N-Ing the smallest fur a .Mmi.lav . , n.n of refugees In the wnr lone were slniM the Inst woe! of .liine, I'M.:, when . , , . 0 , the week opened out w ith only . litfa.l "hipped to l.ui e, n-. hwltxerlsnd. Monds on sh le. A 1 1 1 v ii 1 s this mrrnlng amounted I by loi al women's Hiixlllarles of the Epls to only three i-.trs or .sine 7a head, ns iiopnl rhiirch. The collection wna under ag,.lie.t head ,' week, .Vf7 head , k pv M w Art "Mother" to w -eks .igo and J. 1 4 4 bead s yen- ngo. I . ... , ' . ' The ninllty e.f ...,av s off-rings nas'f 'he Milting Nnrsea HSsocintlon. upon Hie en in-. no-t seen h-v.' tor n long time, receltd of n personal letter from the dean and as tiom nt t lie .mi's fin nishe I i hnsis r ,h ):,,s..op:il church at Lucerne to for iniiking coiniiHrlson pad' w,is ouott-l , . , . . , . .boil, stead. A load of Mooleil .nil.. 1 I' """Rherty, IVhos husband. sold st fni.o.. There la ." 1 1 i n no wo. led 4 ,'. ijiiotatlons on snrep and lambs: I.hiiiIis. Shorn. Iiaht. $! 41 '; lamis. ; shorn, heavy, $ K"d.7'; ewes, shorn, $.i.L.'irH.irt l. Joseph Live aioe-k Market. ST JOSKPII. May 31-CATTLi:--i:c-.einis. I.em head: market steady: steers. i;.(Mi.0fl. i-is nnd heifers. Il.fimin.w; ...,i - ii: r.4i .on. Ullljta He. elpts. 4.e neso . llinisei higher; top. 7 7i; bulk, $7.h 7.70. SHKKP AND I.AMBK R.-crlpts. !.f- head; market slnrng; lambs. I'.o.nmll.i. Prowlers Visit Two Omaha Homes Binrlm-1 vinil'd ti" ninuba homes Sunday night. In one Instance Betting considerable valuables, and In the other being frightened away before taking any thing. While the laim'y of Dr. U. M , ... . Ponnleton avenue, was slocplnR soundly. a quiet burglar visited the house, ran- rackiiut It and taking tt'. in money, r diamond stickpin, a dlnnioml ring. bi1 other valuables. His lslt becami known to tho household only when they awoke In the morning. Mrs. Ivan Perry. 1U0 North Twentieth ... . s street hurt an exciting srnsauon or awaiting l'i the middle of the night to find a burly prowler In the room, sta ml -Inn between the heel and a window. She nudged her husband, who lumped up and ordered the man lo get out of the house, and the Utter did so without further ado. leaving all his intended loot behind. Accuses Wife of Throwing Acid in Face Tho police are tooting fol Mm. Thomas Brown, colored. Sk Paul street, who Is susiiected of having thrown csjrboilo acid In the fare of her sleeping husband. The acid throwing occure.i Sunday nluht and after being removed to St. Josephs hospital the Injured man accused his wife. Tho Browns hsve been married eighteen years snd have four children, but have not been on the best of terms for some time. No trnce of Mrs. Brown hus been found. MRS. M'MURPHY HOSTESS FOR THE AUMITO PLANT Mrs. Harriet McMurphy has been en gaged as hostess for tha Alamlto plant to show, church organlshtlons and visitors through the building, which Is always open for Inspection. Mrs. McMurphy wui formerly state food Inspector. "In the operation of tha new plant ws have been able to score a lower bacteria count thsn e.ver before," said Charles F. Schwager. president of the company. "In all the samples taken by the stata Inspectors during their rounds In Omaha for the last two weeks none of ours hag failed to show a good count" The Alamlto company has been making Its own sediment tests for the last six months, of all the milk bought by this company from the country and has been urging tha farmers to keep their yards clean. Farmers are given a copy of the sediment teaU every two weeks, so that In this way Ihey ju-e able to tell if their milk ts not up to standard. "There U no excuse for there being anv sediment In the milk when 11 Is delivered to customers, if all modern methods are used, such us we have installed In our new plant," added Mr. Schwager. LAD RUN OVER BY AN " AUTO NOT BADLY HURT Clsrence fihelbot, jr., colored, 1U0 Cum ing street, was run over Sunday at Sev enteenth and Cuming streets by sn auto mobile belonging to Mrs. J. Jacobs. Clarence is 10 yeara old and despite the fact that the machine Is exceedingly heavy, no serious injury has been dis covered by the physicians sttondlng the case, Peerless i.-isi lew .i.s. , killers were able to buy wept at M. V.. IU..1K, .Manager Omaha Uraiuh, ld'JO-1 iavenworth St. lloug. 411 AUL FIRTH, IHsitlbuiw, 716 M. lOti Ht. I'hi. ne Ikiuir. 0;1I. Episcopal Women Send 500 Garments to Belgian Tots i IT. I iiitigliri t y. wns foi nierly connected they Iniinedlntcly set to work to collect baby layettes and children's! gnrmcnts. The Kltpntrlck store offered to pack th-' goods rcmly for shipment. It is expected Hint mi'Hl of the rlothln will go to the children of llelylnn refugees.' Many Tourists Stopping in Omaha Tourists are beginning to appear In numbers at Omaha's hotels, although, so far, they are regiirded merely as the ad vance girard of the many more expected late In the season. Most nf them are, traveling by train so far. it being some what early for the main body of auto tourists to put In an appearance. Then ars hound both east and west, and all take time to "stop off at Omaha" and I take in the attractions of the tlate CHv on ineir way. Clerks Wllhelt and Dlffee of the Fonte- I nbmt r y ter there, and the llenshsw, Rome, Pax ton, 1oynl. Merchants and other hotels also report good tourist business. Hotel Lenox LUXURY iAi.Jirt; : BOYLSTON and EXETER STREETS noeTMi BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Single Rooms t2, with Bsth 12.50 and as Double " 93.30, " "13.50 " ' (Oood Oarages 2 minutes' walk) I L. C. PRIOR. Manaoir , 1 Two tulnutss from Back Bay Station1 Ten minute frotxr-North Station There's big money nulling flonr tail small towns ami rural communities. Wallace & NVytiits, htuivln, hysay they! ciesreq .! in seven liumtns. uuliooka ITucn-i I'viMliii-e. C'et. net. 82110 a month V.OOI1-OU MliaugCo.. ut. Clem- "it m, Midi., cleared li.t0 In twelve months ana the 11 hit Oak (Klin.) Mill Ac Elevator Co., (2.&uo In eight months wnn the money-making "Midget" Harvel Self.CailsIad DIm rtM. an the most Wllllderful Hour mill ever hniil. H l-isoes paying ImMness w thin Brasoof every ambitious red-blooded man who wants to make money fast. Capacities 17J. 85 and k bbls. of finest roller patent flour a day. Writ" now forour free book, ''The Story of a Wonderful Klour Mill prices, terma, plana. Sta. lfc Will be a reveiauoa 10 you. AJIGLO-sVRERICArl KILL CO.. 40 reurta Street Osreaskera, T lbs Ol.U litrr HI0VIEW. IsmwS weekly. Is a Isrse, limsly journal nvlswlug Ksw York Stock tSxrhans activltlea from tlis amall la VMiors stanilpqlot. Issued weaklr. 11.40 a yaar. swns lor aampis eopias. f 1 New Ysrk IMty. Ply