Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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3 B
Women Are
Doing in th e World
dab Calendar.
8VNDAT-Vpf wrvtcti at Young
W'omea'l Christian association, 4 30 p.m.
TUF.8DAY Old People's Horn, board of
trustees. Young Wumro'a Christian as
sociation, 10 a. m: Dramatic club play.
Young Woman' Christian association.
WEDNESDAY General Lawton auxil
iary, Memorial hall. 2:90 p. m.; Hij
day observance, Memorial hall. It p. m.;
8iiffr association. Lyrlc building,
t 3 p. m,
THL'HSDAY Benson Woman's rlub,
Mrs. O. S. Brooks, hostess; Omaha City
federation; Child Conservation league
of America, Young Women's Christian
asnoilntlon, 10 a. m.i Baptist Missionary
BfM-lety, Mrs. Bark 8heffer, hostess;
Benson Foreign Missionary society.
Mrs. F. B. Young, hoetesa; West Side
Women's Christian Temperance union,
Mrs. Hans Netlsen. hostess; Emma,
U,l.n.l irtrwr tnlanlon twentv-fl
annlversarv; Woman's club; Social bet
tlement. June party; Chapter E, P. E.
O. Hlsterhond. reception at home of
president, Mrs. W. B. Woodard.
FRIDAY Dundee circle: Child Conser
vation league of America, nlcnlo at
Elm wood park; Benson Women s Chris
tian Temperance union, Mr John
Speedle. hostess: Mrs. C. J. Roberta,
travelogue on England. Mrs. . B;
Howard, hostess; Bemls Park Mothers
club, Mrs A. F. Hawklnson. hostess.
PATl'RDAY-Junlor day at Rrownell
hall: South Plde Mothers' club, picnic, at
Rlvervlew park; Association of Cone
slate Alumnae. Miss Elisabeth Fry.
hoetcss; West Omaha Mothers Culture
club, picnic at Elmwood park; opening
Fummer Hill Farm. . .
(Notices for this column should be
mnlled or telephoned to the club reporter
before Friday noon.)
1 I'ilWOMKN all over the coun
try ore Interested In th blen-
c c-ounc!! meeting of tho j
Oencrnl Federation of Women's
clubs which opens a four-day
s.sslo't In J ortland. Ore.. Monday. In
addition to the officer direr-tors, com
iilttre ir.eTr-K-i a. state prer'-1-nta and
ticnct-il Federation rtnlc secretaries.
1ti ml red s of delegates from Individually
federated clubs will bt In attendance.
Thlt 1h the mc.lng :it which coinnilttee
clialrnep. and fedemtlin secretaries are
siven m-re time and attention.
Nebraska's delcpnt-'on to this meeting
Includes Mrs A.- O. Peterson of Aurora.
Mill' JTIIIW-Ill
v Walt hi 11. One
Vt-rrctur-; Mtr
I rhulinsn civil
trite prcrldcnt; Mrs. Hurry I.. Kecio or
Ciencial Feileratlon recording
tr. F. It. Cole of Omaha,
service reform committee.
Oncral Federation; Mrs. T. J. Utrt or
Falls City. Orneral Federation state sec-j
letfiry, ar,d Mrs. K. rt. J. Kdhnlm, state j
henlth chairman. !
The board of trustees of the Old Peo
ple's Home will hold their regular monthly
hdSlners moetlntr Tuesday morning at JO
o'clock ht the Younrt Women's Christian
aipot laticn,
The Otnahn Suffrage association will
hold an Important business meeting
Wednesday afternoon a 2:30 o'clock In
the Lyrlo building. Discontinuance of
meetings for the summer and matters1 of
finance will be discussed.
General Henry W. I aw ton auxiliary.
United Kpannst: War Veteran, will hold
Its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon
at Memorial hall. In the evening at 8
o'clock the auxiliary and Lee Forby camp
will hold services In honor of Flag day
In the same hall. The observance la
earlier than usual In order to avoid con
flict with other Flag day programs.
-J. A. C. Kennedy will give the principal
address. Others on the program will be.
Ltiella Perry, C. F.. Mapes, Mr. Anna C.
Miller and May BlacketU There will be
tongs and ritualistic services In memory
of deceased sisters and comrades.
'. The Omaha City federation of . the
Child Conservation League of America
will hold Its monthly business meeting
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the
Young Men's Christian association. Re
vision of the constitution will be the
principal Hem of business.
Mrs. C. J. Roberta, president of the
Frances Wlllard Women's Christian Tem
perance union, will give an Illustrated
travelogue on England to the Chautauqua
study circles of the city at the home
of Mrs. W. B. Howard, Forty-eighth and
Capitol avenue, Friday evening at 8
o'clock. The proceeds will be used for
.temperance work. The Chautauqua clr-
cles have been studying England during
the last year and Mrs. Roberts has bat
recently returned from an extended tour
through England. ,
' Arrangements are being made for the
picnic which will be given Friday at EHm
wood park by the members of the Dun
dee circle of the Child Conservation
league for their husbands and children.
. It Is planned to bring the lunch to the
school house by 4 o'clock and have It
taken out in automobiles. The ptcnto
dinner will b served at 6:80. Mrs. P. J.
White, 50M Chicago street, is chairman
of the refreshments committee.
The West Side Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Hans Nielsen,
S?7 South I Kty-flrst street, at o'clock.
Mrs. E. Grover is president of this union.
. The Benson Woman's club will moet at
the home of Mrs. O. 8. Brooks Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Charles Haffke will lead
on a review of the year's work, and the
work for next year will be planned.
Mrs. Morton of Dundee will give a
luncheon demonstration at the close of
the session. The new officers elected at
the last meeting will be Installed.
The Baptist Missionary circle postponed
its meeting last week to be held this
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Park
The Benson Women's Chrtstisn Tem
perance union held Us regular meeting
and program Friday at the home of Mrs.
John Speed In.
- The Benson Foreign Missionary society
will meet at the home of Mrs. F. E.
Young next Thursday afternoon.
A special meeting of the Association of
Collegiate Alumnae will be held Saturday
afternoon at the home of Miss EUrateth
Fry. Initial work on the activities which
this organisation plans for next year
will be reported.
Mrs. R. A. McFarland was elected
president of the West Omaha Mothers'
Culture club Friday afternoon. Mrs. P.
T. Barber Is the new vice president and
Mrs. P. F. Bonorden Is the secretary-
treasurer. The president will appoint her
committees tn the near future. With the
exception of the annual picnlo which the
club will hold for their husbands and
children Saturday at Elmwood park.
there will bo no more meetings uatl; the
'ourth Friday In September.
Chapter K of th P. E. O. sisterhood
a ill celebrate Its twenty-sixth b'rthday
anniversary by holding a reception to
guests at the home of the president, Mrs.
W. B. Woodward. X North Fortieth
stieet. This will be Thursday afternoon.
Nebraska Delegates to
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A musical and literary program will be
given by Miss Dorothy Arter, Miss Ocrt-
rude Alkln, Mrs. Dean T. Smith, Miss
Grace Slabaugh and Miss Kathlne Talbot
Chapter B was organized by Miss Clara
B. Mason, principal of the Park c'lool.
at the home of Mrs. F. B. Bryant, Both
these ' women still retain their member
ship In this chapter. Mrs. Bryant will
not be present Thursday as she Is visit
ing In California. Other charter members
of the sisterhood are Mrs. Jay Burns,
Miss Mary Fitch, principal of the Lake
school, and Miss Sadie Pittman, principal
of the Webster school.
Mrs. Regina Atwater, who ' Is now In
London, England, and Miss Ltllie Cham
berlain, who Uvea In Bait Lake City, axe
two charter members who have made
places for themselves in the musical
The opening of Summer Hill farm, the
summer camp of the Young Woman s
Christian association, which was an
nounced for this week-end, has been post
poned one week on account of the bad
The meeting of the Bemls Park
Mothers' olub, which was announced for
last Friday, wa postponed one week on
aocount of the weather. The olub will
meet Friday with Mrs. A. F. Hawklnson
to elect offloers for the coming year.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Today being Memorial day. Rev. T. M.
C. Birmingham is to speak on "Amer
loan nMtlnv' at the vesper service, tak
ing as his theme the past crises In the
hlHtorv of the Unltea eiaies ana inn
vrr nresent one. An invitation nil
been extenaea to ail tne memoers or in
anl Armv and the Woman s Keller
corns and all others who may be In-
All class work In the educational and
household art and gymnasium depart
ments has closed for the summer, ex
cept for the tennis and swimming.
which will continue through the summer.
Bummer 11111 Farm Is open and regis
trations can be made at the general
office of the Young Women's Christian
association at any time. Places can
be held only by paid registration, which
should be maae a few flays oeiere.
The dramatic club will give its an
nual play on Tuesday night, June 1, tn
tha auditorium. Tills is tree xo mem
bers of the association, and 26 cents fur
non-members during the program.
Miss Elizabeth Doud and Miss Moore
have left for their vacations during the
month of June. Miss Helen insurance
Is also to have two weeks of her va
cation during June,
the first two weeks.
She will be gone
(Continued from Page Two.)
ceremony will take place at the EpwortQ
Methodist church.
To Attend Commencement.
Cxarina M. Hall leaves this morning
for Galeaburg, where she will attend
the commencement exercises at Lombard
college, after which she will visit at Oak
Park, Chicago, Hoopeaton and Danville.
She Is the daughter of D. D. Hall, and
has taught the last two years In tho
High school at Blair.
Pleasures Past.
Miss Madeline Meta entertained infor
mally at her home on Saturday afternoon
In honor of Miss Maurine Lehnhoff
Miss Cornelia Cockrell gave a musical
at her home on Wool worth avenue Sat
urday evening. She was assisted by Miss
Olga Eltnsr, violinist. About sixty guests
were present
I Bummy Club Party
I Mr. and Mrs D. E Ix.vjoy ntt rtainel
'the members .f the Rummy club an 1
their husbands cm Fi-May evening t th-lr
home. The rooms win uuIih-ih wlt!i
American Beauty roses Following
game a tuff-( supper was st.-rtil.
Tie i
prizes t ir th- rsul (.-hiiio wi ro ;iv o d-- l
to Mrs. D. Ii. Lovcji y, Mrs. I'. Melitriis,
Biennial Council, Federation Woman's Clubs
MRS. 11ARRY L. KEEFE. . -v : , '-.'V-.
Mr. Alex Jetes and Mr. Frank O. Browne.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Zlpfel and Mr. and
Mrs. R, M. Browne were the guests Of
the club Those present were!
Messrs and Mesdames
W. A. -Smith, P Mehrens,
W. I Ioree. Alex Jetes,
H. L. Underwood, Frank O. Browne,
M. M. Kline, P. EX Lovejoy.
Tama Tama Club.
.. The Yamo. Yaraa club was entertained
Friday evenlnff at the homo of M!sa Vara
Keating. The rooms were decorated with
yellow roses and ferns and the club's
colors, orange and black. The prises) for
the card game were awarded to Miss Ruth
McKeon and Miss Elisabeth Hall. Th
member are:
Amy Fltswllllam,
A del a Crane,
Ellen Erinulst,
Constance Stone,
Gale Qlenner.
Fllsabeth Hall,
Vera Wesln,
Mamaret stlckham.
Ruth MclCeon,
Vera Keating,
Berjman-Weinberg: Wedding.
Tho marriage of Miss Lillian Weinberg
and Mr. Clarence L. Bergman will be
celebrated Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock
at the- residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weinberg' Rabbi
Frederick Cohn will perform tire cere
mony In the presence of the Immediate
families of the bridal couple. There
will be no attendants. .
After an eastern wedding trip the
young people will be at home In the
Harlan apartment
Surprise Party.
Mrs. Charles F. Krelle was honor guest
at a surprise party given Thursday after
noon at her home. Several musical selec
tion were given by Miss Erna Krelle
and Master Everett Kunold. The guests
present were:
P. Feigclmler,
W. Kunold.
M. Pchmltt.
W. H. Krolle,
P. Kunold,
C. H. Krelle.
W. Kunold, Jr.
Charles F. Krelle,
Augusta Krelle,
Autruata Schmltt,
Everett Kunold,
Erna Krelle.
Andrew Krelle.
To Honor Bride.
Mrs. C. K. Bmlth rave a 1 o'clock lunch
eon Friday st her home In honor of Miss
Maurine Lehnhoff, who will be married
Wednesday. The table centerpiece was a
mound of daisies and daisy place cards
market the places for:
Mesdames Mesdames
Jessie M. Saunders. Mary F. Miller
A. M. Smith, of Newton. la :
L. A. Gates F. W. Lehnhoff,
of New ton, la : C. K. Smith.
Gere 1. T.ebnho'f
Miss Maurine Lehnhoff.
Wedding Announcement.
The wedding of Mss Margaret Weaver
and Mr. Harold Hull Grlswold, son of
Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Grlswold of Meriden,
Conn., was celebrated Thursday evening.
at the Hsnscom Park Methodist church.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Dr. McCasklll In the presence of the
family and immediate relatives. A wed
ding dinner for twenty guests followed
the ceremony at the home of the bride.
Mr. Grlswold is a graduate of Williams
college and has spent a number of years
studying arch nocture abroad.
The young couple will reside In Omaha
at the St. Clair apartmenta
House Party.
Miss Lillian Dtckjnaa will give a- house
party this week-end at her cottage at
Carter laka The guests will be students
of the state university, and will Include.
Bertha Keppel,
Itnma Rush,
Lillian Johnson,
I Mr -Vigor,
" --h Hnydi-r,
Stewart Iees,
i .,u Petite,
Marie Robertson,
Julia Qulnbr.
Annette Kelaer,
R. Westorer.
' Nlaon.
SHrter Qutnby,
Betrothal Annonncements
Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Ramer announce
the encasement of tlielr ditUKhter. Emma
to Mr. Norman P. follow, son of Mr. and
j . I-'. W. t'nliow of t'! c'ty. The wed
julnt will tae place Monday,
June 14, at the home of (he bride's par
ents, with only relatives present. After
the wedding the couple will take a trip
to Denver, Colorado Springs, etc., and
on their return will make their home tn
Wedding Plani. .
The wedding of Miss Grace Langdon
and Mr. John 8. McCreary will take
place Wednesday afternoon, June t, at 5
o'clock at St. Peter's church. The Rev.
jr. P. McCarthy will pel form the cere
The bride's only attendant will be her
sister, Miss Irene Langdon. Mr. Gerald
McCreary will be beat man, and the
ushers will be Mr. George Mushman and
Dr. J.. Frederick Langdon of Butte,
Preceding the ceremony, Mr. John A.
MoCVeary will sing. The wedding march
will be played by Miss Elolse West, ac
companied by Miss Madge West on the
buffet supper for the immediate
mm . ii -j i i -
TIP TOP TABLES, oval and round, plain edge and pU cru$t edge
$16 to $30.
CLOCKS for the Boudoir, mahogany frame, $5.
ARM CHAIRS AND ROCKERS, Jacobean oak fini$h with twitted
poets, tap t try upholttered tides, cane back, $16 and $18.
TEA CARTS, in oak and mahogany, mp from $10.
MUFFIN STAND, like illustration, solid mahogany, $5;
other patterns $6. 75 to $16.
MARTHA WASHINGTON Sewing Tables, solid mahogany, like
illustration, $12.50.
DRESSING TABLES make ideal gifts, beautiful new patterns in
mahogany, single mirror $19, triple mirrors, $33 and up.
ORIENTAL RUGS in beautiful colors, as low as $8.
BUNDHAR WILTON RUGS in a great many beautiful patterns
and many sixes, 27x54 size, $5. 36x73 size, $7.50.
BOUDOIR LAMPS, tiny lamps, some with shades and some with'
out. $3 to $60. The new painted lamps with shades to match,
$7 to $29.
KALO SILVER JUGS, fish sets, and odd serving spoons, up from
MIRRORS in gilt and mahogany frames, $10 and mora,
TEA SETS of English Bone China, from $7.50 up.
And hundreds of others.
families will fellow at the home of the
bride's parent.
The weddlns; of Miss Mabel Clark an.l
Lieutenant tllenn P. Wllhelm of the
Fourth Infantry will be celebrated Wed
nesday, June X at the home of the bride's
sisters. Mrs. E. P. Kills. In the finish
apartments. Lieutenant Wllhelm ar
rived laet evening from Galveston, Where
he lias been stationed.
Buffet Luncheon Tuesday.
The Prettiest Mile Laillea' Oolf rlub
will Kive a 1 o'clock buffet luncheon
at the homo of Mrs. J. II. Cutoff Tues
day. The hostona will he assisted by:
Meailames Mesdames
T. J. Crccdon, N. J. l.ucea.
Frank trc ! n, J. c. I.ielcka,
1.. D. llopkln. ;harles Thatcher.
Honor Bridc-to-Be.
A inlacellnni-niis showt r i given III
honor of Miss Jennie Llljevall Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. It. Dick
son. Her wedding will take place In
the near future. Those present were:
H. Nlelson.
11. l'eteren.
f. t'lu IxtUnson,
8. Danlelson,
M. raultion,
I, . Paulson,
P. Anderson,
P. W. Anderson,
F. llernliloom,
F. Nupsent,
J. Iirents,
J. Johnson,
II. Lll.levall,
It. Dickson,
! l.liuleruile,
dirt: nnwn,
A. ltctlnnd.
Ml." MI'S
Tlieoilcru l.umlKitn
Dora Dickson,
Jennie Llljevall.
Creche Party.
The annual Creche bridge part
given Friday afternoon in the
room of the I'ontonr lie. One hundred
and eight guests played during tho alter
neon and the highest score, which was
I.ra, was made by Mrs. .1. Egan. Others
Tinning prises were:
Cora Wolfe,
J H. Martin.
H F. ( rummer.
Curl Furth,
C. R. Weller,
Barton Millard.
L. J. Nelson,
Charles Kosewater,
Hurry Chapman,
F. J. Wearne,
W. J. Hvnee.
Charles Meta,
M cO II ton.
Nan Hpauldlng,
Chad wick,
(Verge Hrandols,
M. (.:. Cameron,
Gladys Peters,
Menle Davis,
Graduates with Honon.
William Osterberg Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Osterberg, 701 Park avenue.
nd Edward D. Coons, son of Mr. and
M rs. C A. Coons of tot South Thirty
fifth avenue, will graduate from the Ne
braska Military academy at Lincoln on
June 2. with honors. Mr. Ostenberg Is
captain adjutant and Mr, Coons Is a
sergeant They have been attending the
academy for the last two years. Osten
berg has been chosen secretary and
Coons treasurer of the senior class.
For the Future,
The North Side Progressive olub will
give a card party Tuesday evening at
Its hall on Twenty-eighth and Fowler
Mrs. Bruce Moffatt, president of the
Omaha Woman's Oolf association, will
entertain the board of management and
the chairman of events of the different
clubs st luncheon Thursday at the Field
Newi of the Wayfareri.
Mr. O. W. Wattles Is In New Tork City.
Mrs. Clement Chaso, who attended the
convention of the Missouri Bankers' as
soclatlon with Mr. Chase at Kansas City
this week. Is . now the guest of her
daughter, Miss Carmellta Chase, at Hull
House, Chicago. From there Mrs. Chase
wli go to Pittsburgh to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Clement EL Chase.
Among the Visitors.
Mr. Henry Scandrett of Chicago
Gifts for
the June Bride
Orchard & Wilhelm
414-416.418 South 16th Stmt
W . .ft -v V .
Tina iloxic Clark
Mrs. Burt of Evanaton, III., arrived yes
terday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
B W. fleandrett.
Miss Rose Summer of Chicago la visit
ing her sister, Mrs. J. J. finger.
Miss Carrie Summers of Washington,
D. C, is the guest of Mrs. George A.
Mr. Joseph Burns of Ban Francisco Is
visiting friends here. Mr. Burns s at
the Fontenalle.
Miss Mildred Hale of Denver Is ex
pected next Saturday to visit her aunt,
Mrs. J. J. McMullen.
Mr. Robert Forgan of Chicago, fiance
of Miss Elisabeth Congdon, la spmdlng
the week-end In Omaha.
Mrs. J. A. Sweet of Maplml, Durongo,
Mex., is here for the summer with her
mother, Mrs. John Harte Morrison.
Mrs. R. BL L. Miller of Crosbyton, Tex.,
accompanied by her small daughter, has)
arrived to be the guest of her sister, Mrs.
II. B. Sarson.
Miss Helen Davis and Miss Frances
Miller of Newton, la., will arrive Mon
day to be guests at the Kilgore-Lehnhoff
wedding this week.
Mrs. Wllhelm C. Bonnekemper of Port
land, Ore., arrived last evening and la
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorge B. Rohrbough.
Mr. and Mrs. B W. Julian of Okla
homa, City arrived Friday to be the
guests for a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Fish.
The Harmonlen Singing society of Chi
cago, with Joel Moasberg, en route to
San Franolsoo, la expected to spend to
day here, A concert will be given In
Washington hall this
r . ".ii.uir-;.;
Co. B
How to Get One:
Just send us the name of a.
friend or neighbor who doe not
own a Piano or Player Piano,
but who la talking of fretting
on. It we sell them, you ret
the Gold Watch for your
Schmollcr& Mueller
1.11 1 -l.t Farnam St., Omaha.
Phone IHmglM 1 6311.
Dainty Summer
should be carefully Cleaned
and Pressed.
The reason we clean to
many fancy irowns and summer
dresses la becaime of the Care
and Skill with which, they are
handled by our Cleaning and
Finishing, departments.
We simply make them look
like new that's all.
pricks von nuv cleaning
Summer Dresses. gl.2.1 to $1.75
811k and Fancy. . 1.BO to 8.0O
Light Jackets... 1.00 to l.M
Waists 50 to .75
Silk (iloves 10 to .15
We guarantee satisfaction or
make no charge for our ser
vices. Why not have tho Best?
Just use the phone.
The Pantorium
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
1315-17 Jones Btreot
Phone Doug. 063.
If. JS. The Falntera, Peverers
and Carpenters are now out of
our way at BOIS rsrasm street,
where yon may leave work or
calls If more convenient.
Trunks Worth Op to
$15 Ion Priced et $10
For the next three days we ar
placing on sale an assortment c.f
trunks wertli. and always aold
here-to-fore up to tit. None of
them were ever offered, at less
than til.
The slses are moatly 14 and St
Inches and are equipped with two
itrays, the Interior being lined
with very serviceable cloth. They
are very well built, some of fibre
and others of canvas covered
wood heavily reinforced by slats.
The hardware Is of a vary heavy
quality andi the locks are tlx
most durable we can ret.
If you are not ready to par
chase now, come In and make a
selection and we will gladly holl
It for you.
"We like Repair Jobs"
We carry you for one-half th
regular taxi fare. Qulok Mere-toe
Is whst builds our business.
Try us once, you'll be a booster
too. Uniform Kates) Conrteoaa
I Typewriters
For Rent
any make you want
$1 and Up Per Month
Central Typewriter Exchangi
Inc. 4
phone Doug. 4121. Z
Fullest and timeliest sport
news and fossip in The Dee
day by day. Special Sport
Section every Sunday.
i !
i i