10, illK OMAHA MMMY l;ih: MAi :v:. I'.m.i. 4 V TP1 W 1 lllfilgl (If l hi I lWatches I &f J j t "''I'll i ; best value In Brarelet : Cj'-J U, rr "iTl i i Watch. In Omaha. Her. jo ft Vfl ( ' 1' 'I t ; tf Small '.I.e. 15 jewe!. "j l 1 " ' r 1 14k aolid pold, with gold :n !j U " 11 7 Xyitfll dial. 25.oo. V IJ'I II1 V" )! 16 Jwel, small .!. . f tjtf : gold filled, warranted : 5 : (Vlfl! ' J : year.. 115.00. : ll 0 VI II ThM6 nr th HaU" -,; wj i II : mark production and are if:. I II C . I ) : heautlea. ! i n U v N. ' A," ,are "tork of ; lTi . w 5 : higher priced watcheg. k I 7 . Come in and let us y, fvS. v, "v : .how you our graduation : a IMX , - tin.. y ''IPOI lC. B. Brown . llT Company I yS jV jl S IMamond Merchant, ' j T IfVj-if' I f Jeweler. ! ( i iAT A' 4 : ' W. Corner 1 6th and ; . " 7 5 " 'arnajn (its. ; T ' ; 1 I The Woman's Exchange NEEDLECRAFT SHOP Lobby of the Dee Building Suggestions for June Brides The follawlng Is an Itemized Hat of what we have to offer as a auggeotlon to the June bride: Beautiful hand made Table Runners. Piano Scarfs, Luncheon Sets, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Towels, Dollies, Center Pieces and Hand Painted China. Big Sacrifice Sale Starting TOMORROW 83 to 50 Lower Than Department Stores Ask. TABLK niXXKIW Imported linens, crochet Insertion and ends; two yards long 87.50 Imported linen crochet and fringe trimming SlO.OO Mnen (able runner with crochet cluny S4.50 Piano Scarfs, crocheted 6-lnch butterfly edge $12.50 Lt'XOI CIOTIIS Handsome 58-Inch round lunch cloth; 8-Inch hand crocheted linen cluny edge S25.00 43-lnch square lunch cloth, In cut work $15.00 4S-Inch square lunch cloth, beautifully embroidered. .. .$12. 50 . . IMLLOW CAHKS , r ; l.nrge assortment of follies, center pieces, pillow cases and towels. Beautiful Night Qowns, crocheted yokes and embroidered, S2.50 up to $0.00 Hand made Ded Spread, crocheted strips set together with linen strips: actual values $90; today $00.00 BAIIV C1X)TIIF MOTHKItS SKK THKSK. Dainty hand embroidered Slips and Dresses . . . . -90 to $3.00 Flannel skirts; crocheted, tatted and embroidered caps, nighteo gales, bootees, hand made felt shoes, towel and bib. MRS. C. S. MARSHALL Shop Phone, Doug. 3879. Residence Phone, Walnut 830. ADDRESS ALL MAIL TO LOBBY OF BEE BLDG. MID-SUMMER OPENING;;;.:. Tlie very latost in Laco, Lcgliorn and Panama Hats.' All the now Bummet ma terials that make up the hat for the Juno', bride and graduate. An excellent as-, Kortment. . ' $3:50, $5.00 and $10.00 liadell &. Co. 1522 Douglas Street. F.M.Sc a. MlAl and'lVdividual iTPPl I OiVp I GIFTS FOR THE oP I Tnflnillne an almost unlimited variety of rare Oriental Pieces. Embroideries, Porcelains, Brontes, etc. We have. Just received some very beautiful embroidered Jap anese Silk Kimonos which make very appropriate gifts -for the June , pride. You must see 'these to appreciate their worth. ..The Alia Shop I NloP 211 CITY NATIONAL J VoPj sK BANK BUILDING. y Wedding Ringo and Gifts Make the gift which you wish in jewelry, silver or cut glass, if the nairie lien ricks on is on the box it will be more appreciated. Our stocks were never more com plete tor the selection of wedding . gifts than 'now. ' ' ; - .lust the gift you want to give at just the price you want to pay. . John Hcnrichson The Ijojal Jeweler, Motel tayal ltldg. PARTY DRESSES and EVENING GOWNS Let us clean them; we make a specialty of them and do more of them than all the other cleaners iu Omnhn.. If you want your fine clothes cleaned right, send them here. ' ' -We guarantee satisfaction. Prices $2.00 to $3.00. 5 : THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers." , GUY LIGGETT, Pres. 1515-17 Jones St. Phone Doug. 063. HEMSTITCHING AND .PICOT EDGING The Heal Button & Pleating Co. Over 107-9-H So. 16th St. Tel. DoiSf. 1936. GIFTS THE JUNE BRIDE a nnnrni 1 tpo ' nd please the .fyJA !lng gift aug- t$Xff-:y tern Honeymoon breakfasts all your life Buy a cn of Paxton Gas Roasted Coffee today, make your coffee the usual way and let your husband be the judge. He will say the coffee is delic ious and want more. Think of the economy of a perfect coffee at only 30c per lb. Only in 2-lb. Cans, 60c Each Paxton Gas Roasted ("V") Coffee .iking a lire long impression a reoitileut i what any of the folio gerttons will do. WE SELL AT RETAIL Many people do not know we 11 at retail. We wish to Impress this fact in your mind. You are cordially In vited to visit our beautiful salesroom. Adj of These Will Please nkoMrt Stationary, Omuiif Cards, iBpaTtd Cards. D.sk Beta,' keif CloaiBf Ink SHsBds. l.uarUt D..H Limpi Wttnoiu YvautMA ItMl asi C'sbtMta for th Hen Z.OOS. Trm.t s.mo BukL m Saasisle aa4 Mrvtosakto. Omaha Printing Co. Corner 13 th and Farntm Su. 1 J fan . 1 1 i i i a t The June Bride Hobby is to have a very rare coUertion Chin and Cut Glass. Ini a trine her mixer when ihe start to unpack; those pre cious things aud find lJt of them broken. This might not have happened if they were packed by an eipert. We hare such men In our employ. MOVING AND STORAGE Don't Forget The Groom Faraday mild Havana CIGARS juat one size 2 for 25c TRACY Brothers Co. OMAHA 1415 Douglas Street GIFTS FOR EVERY BRIDE If 1 Bridal Decorations and Bouquets Nowhere will you find such a fine assortment for wedding decorations and gifts. From Ameri can ' Beauties on down, every flower cut fresh. Let us handle your deco rations and save, time, money, trouble. L. Henderson 1510 Farnam Kt. Phone Douglas 1238. Surprise your bride! Put Piano, PUye Piano or VlctroU In her flrnt home. Munle appeals to a woman's sonl and helps make your home a real home not Just a place to lire In a many homes are, that have no music. Pleasure, education, refinement found In homes where there Is music. Getting Married is One Thing Making Good is Another How nMiny young couples tire of each other when they hare no home amusement? Remember it's cheaper to hny a piano and have a few friends come to play, sing and dance than to Rive thea ter parties. A Rood piano i beautifying to the home, also a very good business asset. New Pianos as Low as $190.00 Full size cases, either in oak, mahogany or -walnut, fnlly guaranteed up to the very highest grades, in either grand or upright pianos. SmaI1 Pftyment9. Player Pianos from $298 to $750 Player Pianos from the boudoir style at $298 to the greatest of Player Pianos the Apollo at $750. Our Terms Are Your Terms. Every Bride Should Have a Victrola Gifts from Art Dept. Framed pictures In hand-painted coloring-, aa well aa the finest prints, ready to hanir on th wall, from the famous Hoipe Dollar Price and up to $100. French and Colo nial Mirrors In Koman gold frames, . f Horn 9.00 ap. The Victrola Is the entertainer for the home, with orchestra and band records, with song's from the most celebrated male and female stars of the earth. With the little Victrola at iio, tne dir one at $200 and many dif ferent styles between tlS and S200 and the records as low as 2 for 75c the double faceA 10-inch nothing- bet ter for bride or. groom. JLHOSPE CO. 1512 Douglas St Phone Doug. 18S Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rentedquickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" The most important event of your,, life being a brideis surely worth a portrait to exchange ' with friends to keep the memory of your happiest hours. . "On the Best Portraits, in the Best Homes, You'll Find Our Nairn?."; RODSTROM STUDIO 1811 Farnam Stret. Phone Douglas 5622 IC EITNER THE PHOTOGRAPHER - . . f Now Does Home Portraiture Res. 4112 Nicholas St. Call Walnut 1940 for Appointment. Phone Douglas 394 f 1 Si! : : WEDDING BOUQUETS of diutinetiv deaign JOHN H. BATH FLORIST 1804 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 3000 OUie J.Kaneff is Dead from Injury Sustained on Knee Aa th. result of a severe bruise on his knee, sustained while getting out of an auto at the funeral of his brother, James, who committed suicide a month ago, Ol- lle J. Kaneft. saloonkeeper at 8C4 Far nam street, contracted blood poisoning and died at Ciarkaon hospital early Sat urday morning. He mad his home at 2834 Dodge street with hla wife and - year-old son. Jack, and had lived in Omaha since coming from Qalesburg, III.. In 18S. Funeral aerrlcea will be held Tuesday morning- at o'clock at the Heafey chapel, with burial tn Forest Lawn cemetery. The Fraternal Order of Eagles, of which he was a life mem ber, will hav. charge of the funeral. TWO TAiLOR SHOPS ARE VISITED BY BURGLARS Th Paris Tailors, UT South Four tentn atret. and the Capitol Avenue Tailors, 16S Capitol avenue, report to the oItc that their e.tabUshments were broken Into Friday night and a constJ erabla qualntjr of clothing taken. Carter Lake Club to Be Busy Monday Carter Lake club will be busy all Mon day afternoon with Interesting sport vents, similar to those which marked the first part of the opening today. Trap shooting will begin at 1 o'clock.' base ball at B, and tennis contests be tween players of the Carter Lake. Dicta and Toung Hen's Christian association clubs at 1:90 o'clock. On the water a sailboat race will be pulled off at I o'clock, rowing ma yh at 1:30 and th big- program of canoe events at p. m. The special fish dinner la scheduled for o'clock, with dancing at f. An lamination of the records of the city comptroller's of (Ice shows that two, city warrants, for $30 each and mad payable to John Lunbeck, have not been called for and they now await a claim ant. This -unusual altuation led to an investigation, as the general rule is that city employes are eager to secure their warrants and get their money aa soon as possible. Forgetting to draw -warrants la not an addiction of city em ployee, it is stated. - One of the unclaimed warrants la No. 8664, of date of May 4, Ifinued for )20 for ten days' labor performed by John Lun beck, under Assistant Superintendent Adams of the park department. The other warrant la No. 10023, datd May IS, for similar amount and service. When Mr. Adams brought In his time book Friday to have the labor payroll for th last two weeks made out, he read the nam of John Lunbeck, as he had done on two previous occasions. His attention was called to the fact that two warrants already Issued., for this man have not been claimed, -and after some questioning th assistant superin tendent admitted there might be aome mistake. The result was that the name of John Lunbeck did not go Into the cur rent payroll, which will be sent to th city council next Tuesday morning. Asked for an explanation as to the Identity and address of th mysterious John Lunbeck; Mr. Adam said: "John Lunbeck is John Lunwork and la em ployed at Fontanelle perk. I do not have the addreaa. These fellows sometimes give the wrong names." Further examination of the records and payrolls showed that there was no "John Lunwork," tut there wore entries for "Charles Lundmark" on payroll of May 18 for $21. and for "John Lindmark" on payroll of May 4 for 120. It appears that John Lunwork, Charles Lundmark and John Lindmark are one and th aams person, but this still leaves John Lun beck aa a man of mystery. The situation U said to be obviously a clerical error on tne part or Assistant Superintendent Adams In carrying the name of John Lunbeck on his time book, for a considerable period, notwithstanding- he admits now there is no such work man, although he had hla nam Included tn two payrolls and offered the nam for a third payroll. , The rlty K'6l department was asked for advice as to the best way tn straighten the records of the two un claimed warrants, and the reply was that tho warrants ahould be remitted to thn treasurer to the credit of th city and thus offset the entries rhad on th pay rolls. This will be dotie. TRAVEL TO THE PACIFIC COAST IS INCREASING General Traffic Manaaer Munroa and Assistant General Passenger Agent Mur ray of tb Union Pacific ar. back from California, wher they visited the exposi tions. Both report large attendance at th San Franciaco exposition and bright proapects for th venture being a suc cess financially. Mr. Murray notes a good locreas la the travel to California and la of tb opinion that next month It will com up to xpectaUons. MAY WHEAT TOUCHES LOWEST POINT OF MONTH Wheat continued on th. down touching th. lowest point of the month. fl.M f,p ousnei. though nwet if ales wr I to f oents Mrtte. TT carloads wr on th market. Corn was 14 to 1 cent off. aelllna- at nm TlVt cents per bushel, with fifty-four cars orrerea. Oats were weak and sustained A. clin. of to 1 cent, the prices being 47H to 48 cents per busnet Receipts Here fifteen cars. t!-. Bailey Service means no tooth troul lea, Th Be Want Ada Ar Beat Buaincig Boosters. DUPLICATE ON THE PAY ROLL' Mistake Hade in Submitting List 'of Employe of the City Park . ' ' t Board. 4 1 I . ! i ' ' : 5 AME IS SCRATCHED OFF BOLL .' -V Y r 1 1