v TUB BEK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1015. S'L. .!- -Jl 9 '. HEWY0RKG0YER110R filiROUTETO COAST Whitman fiajs Republican Party Kertr in Better Sliipe Than at tbe Freient.Time. IS ACCOMPANIED IT HIS STAFF "I bad hoped to m weetern Iowa, Omaha and Nebraska la fair weather," said Governor Charlaa 8. Whitman ot New York, who waa at the Union station twenty minutes Friday morning, "but I suppose thla raia la Just what la needed for the crops, and so I ought to be content. ' I bava bnan much of Omaha and the oeuntry tributary and had wantad to ae the etty aiid the f arena and stock ranch sf that have beea atfrertiaed until thy flTC beeeme a household word all through thu east With us the name of Omaha Is muah mora famOlar than the name ef ame ef the neerhy elttea. We under. (Und that Onh la one rf the treat cttisa ot an Inland empire and 'that out here people hava not felt the depression that hae been ao renerat In bualnaea clr ctaa In many parte of the country. Then. ' too. we andorwantf that the country around and about Omaha la the moit far I tllo ef aay In the world. Ttwee thing, i all takes tocether have created a moit I fsiMMhi, ImnMuiM rfth mtnv mrtA with ' many fend anticipations 1 had been look ing forward te thla atop." The Cevrraer't Party. In the goi-ernor'a party are the follow ing: Governor and Mrs. Oiarloa ft. Whitman, i Mine Olive Whitman, Major J. Man ley Mcore, Mrs. Edward rtrhon neck, Mrs. Em It. Brown. General and Mrs. f.ule W. Rtotnehury, Senator and Mr. Oeorge M. Whitney, John R. Tela, Mr. and Mr a. Thaddeus C. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge A. Olynn. Major Henry J. Coofctnham. ir.; Major Reginald U. Foeter, Lle-jteaant Commander ioula af. Joeepthe-l, MJr John Franklin Dun aelth, Cairtaln Walter F. Olheon, Captain rheren n. ftmna. Captain Henry E. i3reene. Ceptaln William R. Johnson. First IJeutenrnt John T. Danlell. First lieu tenant Jchn W. Ooff, Jr.; Flret Lieuten ant Harold C. Woodward. First lieu tenant I.or1llM Spencer. First Lieutenant Thomas FaJrservIs, Flrat lieutenant Maunaell ft. Crosby and First Lieutenant Alvan W. Terry. Greeted ly Omaha ne. Notwithstanding the rain that fell due tng the entire stay of the New Tort exetutlve In the city this morning, fully 1W persona called at the station to greet him. There were city and county of ficials, iwrnVrS of fhe Commercial club, railroad nf finals and buelneee men. Dur ing his stay the governor waa the re cipient ef a huge bouquet of American beautlea and carnation, sent by Treat dant Mohler of the Union Pacific, "This trip has no political significance." aseerted Governor- Whitman. We are out te see the country and learn mora of venditlona In the central and the Paclflo coast west. It la the first time that X have ever been eut here and I wanted te see for myself If all of the wonderful atoriea X hava heard are true. I have seen and now I am ef the opinion that even the whole of the truth has not been told." O. O. P. te. Plae Shape. Asked as to political corvfllUone la New fork, the governor replied: : . "The republican party waa never In batter shape than now. It te practically united, and in IMS there will be no doubt about carrying the state. With us tht le aa eft year, and aside from soma local elections nest fall, there wilt not be much dolag politically. However, you are te understand that the polltloal pot te now boiling. In New Tort there are politics all the time. Te the suggestion that he might be a presidential poeelblUly In Ul, the gov. erner answered. "Tou may any what you please relative to this, but understand that you are not te quote me la any particular, and you can't quote me very well, as I hava noth ing te say." Beatateea. la Iaarvlnar Relative to business conditions Governor Whitman asserted ."W note a decided Improvement In the lest als months. While business Is not booming, ft la decidedly better all through New Terk. There are fewer Idle men In the eiUee and towns, and everywhere J here aeems to be a better feeling and more ef a tendency to launch new Indus tries and start up those that have been Nile. le the receiving lino in the observation ef the governor's car Mrs. Whitman met all who celled upon her husband aid be twaen time she found time te eaH ' laeereoted la faff froare. "Is Nebraska going to vote auffrxce te the women when It cornea up again? ' addles. "We vote on the question In 1911 and it is going to carry. I an an ardent suffragist, net of the militant kind but one who aoliovea that the ballot should oa placed in the hands ot the Ameiicaa women. "I believe that all of the political per- tloe la New Tork want our vote, and this being ee, e-hen the question comes before the people ae a constitutional amendment the majority of the vuters are going to get In line, enabling ts to win by a laige majority." The governor listened to bis wlf j glv e dissertation on suffrage, smiled end, winking at the men gathered a Unit him, n marked: Voles for Vtoatea am lsa. -She's a pretty good politician, and 1 would not be surprised if she Is rbout right la her conclusion. At any rate. DR. FRANK J. G00D NOW, formerly adviser to the Chinese government, newly installed president of Johns Hopkins uni versity in Baltimore. V ?.-,"?i I : ft ' . . II AeflC 1 V 1 : "" in ibbi in bm ies i sa MeaaweaHMMBMeaMMaB Dope Fiends Get the Drug, but Must Pay Higher Price tope find are buying drugs In Omaha notwithstanding attempted enforcement Of new laws prohibiting the traffic, ac cording to M. Andreaaen, who for years has been engaged In assisting fallen men and women. Certain physicians and druggieta are conspiring to evade the laws, he asserted, with the rvsult that hardened drig ueers are obtaining a constant supply of opium or Its products, but at prl?ee about three time higher than formerly ruled. "Men with whom I am every day coin In In contact," he snld, "are lining drigs regularity and are experiencing little , trouble in securing dope, especially cum I opium. Their physical cond'tlon shows , this to be a fact and mary have ad- mltted this. . ' "It Is chartolerlatto of them, however. I that they wilt not reveal the aource of t their supi lies. J have learned that cer tain physicians and druggists sre con , plr'ng to carrj' en a drug trafflo by means of praaurtptlons. More dope la being sold by thla method than by ped dlers who mvii amugglod supplies." ' - tt 3 Eagles Decide to Build New Home on Lot on 18th Street The Eagle lodge of Omaha la to erect new building as their home at Eigh teenth street and Capitol avenue. They have for some time owned the property at the south went corner of this Intersec- i Hon. The structure Is to coet between tr.,00) ond M.ouiX Wark on this la te start' very soon. The decision wss reached Thursday night in a long busi ness session st the Harney street headquarters. The' building campaign Is to bs handled by 1 a committee composed of President Charlea A. Rata. Trustees Mike Me Carthy, L. O, Boye and H. Jacobsen. and Members Fred Hansen, O. Raegorshek, O. U. Bohofleld. P. C. gchrooder. Hugh Bartaon, Judge C. W. Brltt and Charlea A. Grimes. ' ' The money .necessary for the projeot Is said to be available at once. Hub committees have been appointed te take care of the details. The new building I to Include a bowling alley, gymnasium and billiard room. - ' i: ir Omaha Wheat Price Holds Better. Than on Chicago Market; Vkii rVt..t n th nilcaea miu-ket ! the price dropping only l1 rente, sell- j Ing at ll.36.ttl.HiH. The receipts for the, day wer sixteen car loads, moat of i which waa taken for milling purposee. j Corn remained steady to unchanged, j eelllng at TWWi rente per bushel, with i U the demand strong, ilecelpta war thirty- i elgh carloads. I 'jl Oats were WSI'rf lower, the prices being : V 40Q4ilH cents per btuliet, with thirteen carloads on the market If the wet weather' crnttnues several daya longer, local commission men ar looking for a bit bulge In corn, asserting thst a targe area of the Kansas ?orn belt is under water. j' votes for women Is going te be one of the Holiest of the live laauea In the ll ".anpelgo." . TheNetan, who ai with the New York governor, with the exception of the reaa taper correspondents, a re membra of the executive staff and all are rieatly njeylag the trip across the rountr. this belag tbe first time most of them neve teea t ef the Mississippi river. FESTIVAL OF OLD SONGS PROGRAM T0JBE REPEATED In spite of tbe Inclement weather, a large crowd greeted the Walnut Hill Mttbediet pieopl choir Thursday alafct, at its presentation of a "Festival of Otd Keaga," under tbe direction of George W. CojnpbelL Compirnvg with many reqnosu. the ehotr will repeat part ef Us program on Friday evening. Juno . M connection wit a the lecture of I t. Oharle M. Shep herd of t.ncoln. who la corning, under lis fitoict. to sesk on "The Genesis of m Anwry aa." ED WALKER SAYS GRAPES WILL YIELD A GOOD CROP f; t'reapecis axe guw im iwa , 'i : crop, according te Kd Walker ef Flor-, fJ enoe, who has one ef the largest arapa j farms In Nebraska. The grapes are Just ir. Moon, ne says, ana wniie ie ram-1 stornia have Watcn off many of the 1 jj" blossoms, he says the prospect looks good stilt The wind and rainstorms hava i j broken oft many shoots also, bet Mr. U; Walker believes that unleae unusual storms or frost still overtake the crop there will be an abundance ef grepts. RAILROAD WANTS PAY FOR ICING CAR OF CABBAGE The sum of lit W to asked by the Chi cego, it, . Taul. MiunoapoUa Omaba Hallway company from Joseph B. Ptum pier of Omaha, in a suit fU4 In district court. Throuifh a a oversight, tt la eald. the railroad failed to collect this sum fir l.ing h iarld f cabbage shipped tf tli.t M, iidsnt from U Vi1teh uf Kt. Il, Minrt , In nVptrmher, l!t. STORES Our New Boys' Department on the Third Floor Special Featuring of Palm Beach Fabric Suits for Boys Saturday A very pclect assortment of new styles and new patterns that are iplen lkl $0.50 values. New fancy stripes in tans, prays and Mack and white effects plain shades in tan and grays, black and white checks and various other patterns. Every ae, to 17 years. Saturday, $4.50. Palm Beach PanU In jrrays and tans and fancy stripes. Pair $1.00 A Saturday Blouse Sale $1.00 Value Blouses at 50c HeauUfiil noisette fabric blouses, in plain white and neat atripe effects. Every color. All splendidly tailored with French cuffs. Every age, 6 to 16 yearn. Boys' Shirts A splendid new assortment of 75c shirts. Collars at tached or separate collar styles. Plenty of neat stripe ef recta as well as plain colors. Every size, 12 to 14 neck. 8peclal 50c fmkm Extra Special $6.50 Blue Serge Suits, $4, Different models of splendidly tailored suits that hare been eelllng at $0.50. Very special Saturday 9iXO In Our Large Drug and Toilet Goods Store Pond's Vanishing Cream 2 So alse Canthrox Dhampoo tOo else package tijer-felaa Talcum Towder Cake OJr-Kiaa Talcom Powder Hok Mslorose lry Kouge 60o else box Msdanie Ise'liell's Cold Cream ton size Packer'a Tar Boap too alse cake Aubrr "listers' Talcum pow der Per can Williams' Shaving Boap Cake Llatsrine 11.00 alse bottle ; Seldllts Powders 10 in box. for : Mentholatum 25a size Jar Ltromo Peltier 11.00 slxe hntUe Tlier I4c 29c 25o 25c 29a 29c 12c 9c N3c 57c l2o ...14c 57c $1.98 irmoi Bottle Quart tlse: worth 12. RO. for.. Rubber flheetlng It inches 9Qn wide, ysrd fcU Npocial Perfume Hale Jarde de I.llac'a French Perfum Very lasting; regular price li ter epectal, the ounce . . Peroxide Boap 10c rake , Palmollve 8ap Cske , 98o .5o ...6c 6c 6c 6c Klrk'e Jap Koee Bonp Cake Physlclanss' and Burgeons' Soap per cake Hayman'a Vegetable Bo rtk . Gillette Safety Kaaor All gjq CQ styles. 16.00 kind WalsUSJ Dorln'a Brunette Rouge Box , Halo Face Powder, 60c box n , Java Klce Powder All ahndea. box Abnnlta Kace Powder BOo Vinv rnr . Cucumber Complexion Cream 1 A. a I,, lunv tnr Hancock's Toilet Water 1.00 slae bottle for te brook's Locust Blossom Toilet Water 60c slxe Prophylactic Tooth Brushes each . Oraves' Tooth Powder 2Rc elae .," I.ustrlte Nail Enamel 35c sirs ii" ;' ' Hlonn's Unlment 50c size bottle Photo Supplies We develop your rilms free when prints are ordered. Buster Brown Camera Takea rlc turea lxlH. Himple to I -fQ operate: special Saturday. Will Special sale of films (all stses), at cut prices. 26c 29c 25c 29c 33o 59o 29c 18c .123 12c 29c Subscription Special The Designer One Year Standard Fashion Book Summer One 15c Pattern 40c This combination offer giveft valuable suggestions in Smartest Styles Saving in Material Fashionable Lines Saving in Money Regular Value, $1.10 Automobile Lunch Kits-Sale Saturday , . , . . . fz js,' 'j"MM 'ji These kits are made of best air dried basswood, covered with first SeZS. . quality grained, enameled duck. Strong and durable, dust-proof Piii" and waterprooh The prices range from $3.50 to $28.50. - r Ji . . l ; Special discount Saturday of . . , Jil'x ii f j - . 3tys7c from, regular prices. ' ' ' ' ' ( -.V,' . fy j ' J" 1 Johnson Bros. 43-pieee Kelley'g Gas Irons Regu- . TSAx. I - 4 White and Gold Dinner lar price" $2.48, sale Ar7'X. S I Sets On sale, fQ aq price for CI 1Q - f- I J Ch9 set P3e70 Saturday .... apla0. 5T ' Fancy Electric Reading Lamps ' Slernau Six-Cup Alum- Handsomely finished in old ivory and French verde ' y inuml'erco- JO green. Values up to $18.50, Saturday at .$10.00 lator T" OMaa Bepartmenb Main rioor. TiCOAT HtoTFif frfcTTiCOAT They fit without a wrinkle. ' They are made with ; patent elas tic girdle and glove fastener. They have many points of impor tance lacking in ordinary petticoats. KLOSFIT petticoats are shoving now in the correct spring modes that-adapt themselves to prevailing Btyles in outer wear. The favored shades, the correct lines. All Jersey or Jersey top Klosfit petticoats with Messaline or Taffeta flounces or all silk, $5.00. Cut Flowers for Decoration Day A large quantity of Fine poses, Carnations, Peonies and Sweet Peas at special prices; also a large assort ment of Potted Plants. Special attention to Ship ping Orders. Out never Sept. KaU rieoe. Victor-Victrola New Style XI Our Price r" '-:rn..-. 1 1 . - JUn' ; . $100 Thla Instrument has all the latest fea tures ot the highest priced Vlctor-Vic-irolas, Including automatic atop, tilt ing motor, Improved tone chamber, horl soaul shelves (or holding record al bums, etc. Our stock is complete. Come la and select the case that matches your fur niture. . Our Record 8ervice Is nearest perfection. Easy Payments If Desired yictrola Department Pompeian Room Candy Specials For Saturday Special Kresb Salted Peanuts Pound ;-10 Good Fresh Vanilla Marshnial lowa Pound 10t Our Home-made Cocoanut Kisses Vanilla, strawberry and choco late. Pound . . . . J.5 Old-Fashioned Taffy Pound Black Walnut 25 Special for Saturday Our Cream Dipped Vanilla ' Flavored Bratli Nuts Pound 30e? A Special Bos of San Mano Choc olates Everything that la good ia found la this package. Regular 40c grade, box 29 Our Delicious Pompeian Choco late Bitter Sweets and Swlaa Style Milk Chocolates Box 29e 0 0 0 0 0 Economics on Every Rocj Clever. New Ideas i- This Store Will Close at 1 O'clock K New Skirts So easBBfBaBawaBaasawwMaVBBaeaesawwwawess)sasi ssaaavaavaaaasawBassasaasa From XM In face of the greatest demands for skirts in twenty yeaii vt cloth and silk skirt we have ever had to soil at $1.98 to $6.98. That every hrt t$ if oun hex up in a nut shell the unutuahei tht ... H 0 At leant 73 different models to select from every one an. at $1.98 Linens Madras Pique Gabardine $2.50 Linen , Crepe Pique Gabardine $2.98 - - f Linen Oordeline Gabardine Pique A special purchase of 800 wasl ufacturer' enables us to offer cJk Pique, etc. Every good model At m i in Snappy New Summeyj New Nets and Laces, with pretty silk! combinations, at $19.00, IOIV $25.00, $35.00 and v. .'. . VV New White Crepe do Chine', made in iV effects, at $19.00 and yLDi Vw WVi?f nH Crvlored Voiles inj pretty combinations of the stripes ancA, checks, at $10.00, $12.&0 . .. fir nnd.: New Wash Dressy Frocks specially p"ricedfl in one lot, 50 different styles ana cjC QI2 colors, at eOee70t There, is a snap, newness and skill abou; the lines of every one of the frocks that is1' unmistakably the designing ss-ui ol iue w.h ous eastern makers, by whose co-operation we can njaaa taesav prices. , 1 in New Millinery : Editions foij'L Decoration Day Wear : New Rough Braid Pink Sailors. -Sl.OS., Trlmmad Panama Snort Hats . . . . 81 .OS Double Brim Hemp Sport Hats, .RI.OSjm.'', . m a. l s- A Tl.iJ 1 ana nemp uomDinauou oport nam at ....... Sl.OSS an. .A WT . 1 . Keguiar .i.nu values. . .nit; Combinations Black and white, green I m WJ.. .IJ wiA wklla ' all .Inlr I VI ana waive, ura u .unv, i. .un Navy and white, etc. . (Second Floor.) Main Floor Bargain Square 4 Untrlmmed Japanese Panamas on bar gala square. 10 shapes to f( select from. Choice for VvUj Misses' and Children's Section Untrim med Leghorn and black or Or white hemp shapes a&O 1 1: I tr 1 HI- r i If,, Special Glove Values Women's 16-button heavy quality Milanese Silk Gloves black or white; dou ble finger tipped. All aiaes. Worth fl.OO, Saturday 71- only, pair I aJC Women's Two-Clasp 811k Gloves Guaranteed. In plain white or in white and black with heavy embroidered backs in r" colors. Pair, eJVJl Ribbons & NeckwearE 25d & 0 J 0 contrasting - 0 0 & I ' it - Wk D 0 I? u 5 v 0 0 - 0 mi. Ribbon Brocade in Light s' Gronnds 6-inch fancy warp print. Special, yard Daintv collars in flat and rolling effects, lae Q H and sheer Swiss; . up from fcsiw M Bon ToriX For Comfort ai The exquisite materials and ybi Hon's models make them.f carefully dressed women, .lioi-l lectiuff your' corset in any iiuliff fitted here by one of our caretill fitting service is important-fun' " ted to the right model suitfd f will the corset mold your li?ar you correct poise, improvtv.l ke yur corset will wcr.r longer.' T, fitting service. I Bon Ton Ccrtets Fr&m Royal Worcester CoreU A particularly attractive iWF average figure is made of waist lino, medium high huw"( line with rubber gore at but kfe Molel 881 for stout figure. Ixiiifd with triile vruinlalo!.i4l luavy ccartrrs DonWTon