Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1915, Page 12, Image 15

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ill "ir -V" llv' 'Niwu- SVX: 15"r"llj)iiC'r5-'"
Friday, May 23, 1915.
THE similarity In liken of Miss Mildred Chapman, the house guest
of Miss Lucy Updike, to Miss Joan Sawyer, the beautiful danrrr
who waa the headllner at the Orpheum cloning week, ha been tho
canee of many Interesting and amusing experience for Mies
At a reception glren the first of the week for Ml Chapman, Miss
Eugenia Whltmore, Mr. George Harcourt and two other of Ml Sawyer'
gentlemen friend came In hnrrledly from the Country rlub to be amor
the guests. All remarked the striking reemhlanc, and Mr. Harcourt
claims to hare received an upsetting shock on being greeted, a he says, by
hi erstwhile dancing companion.
At another affair of three weeks art Ml Joan Sawyer was announced
as' being among the guests, and her personality was the subject of discus
slon for some of the guests during the afternoon. Later they met Mls
Sawyer a Miss Chapman.
On numerous shopping expeditions Miss Updike's guest has been re
ferred to and approached for Ml Sawyer.
MIT! nD1711 UAWflD I"
Three Thousand Pupils of the Cath
olic Farochial School Gather at
the Auditorium.
Betrothal Announcement
Mr. It. Rontock innirancH the en
gagement of hr risutiiter, Fanny, and
Mr. tXvan T. Becker of Mitchell. 8. D.
No data hu been set np for the wV
dlnar, but It will probably ba celebrated
tn tbe aarly tali.
The announcement waa nia1 Thursday
afternoon at a brlds party given ' by
Mis Ttnaenetork for twenty of her
Mlaa Rnasnstonk la secretary for th
Assoolstna Jewish. CharlUea.
Entertain! at Luncheon.
Mrs. Georf Darla entertained at lunch
eon at her home Thuradajr. Klllarney
roaaa were used tn the decora tlntia for
the luni'lieon table and th afternoon waa
pont at cards. Those present werai
Meedamee Mosdsmo
. Oh I. n. now.
RorXJannla. ' ' OcOrr. Trancla,
T T. Podln - Jawea Fhis-h.
T. Anwa, Bert Wnnchard,
W, Nltsrhe. Frank ITocha.
R. NotiK,
Mis Mary Muhihlll.
Theater Party.
The O-Atk club gave a theater party
on Saturday evening at the cloalng per
formanc of the Boyd Stock company.
Those peasant war:
V Isoss Mfaaea
Maris fltelger, Marl chHon,
Mary Hayra. lUiaa tlurtli.'
Hulda Ellison. ' l.lrtu fiheeta.
Katherlno lawless, t'arrie Hansen,
Hoae Shoeun, Rlhel 8hw.
MM rod Hansen, Lnna Caaael,
M'Jrtal Butlln.
To Honor Visitor .
Mr. Eugene Imval and Mrs. 3. D.
Rahm entertained at luncheon at the
rontenelle Wednesday for Mr, Framp
ton of Chlcaso.
Mlaa Ruth Blahaugh entertained at
brtdga 'Wedsmsdsy afternoon for Mlaa
Mildred Marr of Kanaa City. Two tables
of players were present. Amerfcmn
Beauty rosea ware used for decorating.
For Bride-Elect
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Powell entertained
at dinner- Tuaadar for Mia Maurlne
Lehahoff, a June brtda.- The centerpiece
was a basket of aprtng flowers. Covers
were placed for! . '
Mws. and Meadainea . ,
Pr-4 Uehnhoff, M. O. Powell.
Mrs. Oetea, Newton, la,
Mr. Miller, Newton, la.
Mlaa Mautina I-fhnhoff.
Mr. I'- Lynn Kliaore. '
Hew of ExoeUior Springs.
Mr. , and Mrs. Will Burne have re
turned from a two weeks' atay at Ex
celsior Springs.
' Mr. Joseoh Ilayden and Mr. and Mrs.
John Maiklea are at tlis Kims tn Ex
With the Visitors.
Mrs. Frampton of Chlcaso Is the gueat
of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Rahra.
Mr. T A. 8e of Kearney la the guest
of Mrs. Norrta Mrown thla week.
Mra. Host ClarU of New Tork City
arrived th first of the week to via't
her mother. Mra. Kile Biulrea.
Mrs. W. C. Ooodenow of Minneapolis,
Pan-American exposition Tueedav of Oil
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mr. Myror learned haa returned from
lxs A nudes and Han Frsnclsco.
Mr. tieHan T. Herker of Mitchell, 8.
r., arrive Pal unlay to upend a few day
In the city.
Mr. and Mra. A. C. Crnsaman left Tuee
day to spend a week In Atkinson with
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mr.
Raymond Croasman left Wednesday for
Atkinson to spend the weak end.
Mr. an1 :r M. t". Ilork and daughter
of Minneapolis rtopped n Omaha on their
way to the coast expositions. They ex
pect to eiiend three months on the coast
and In waetern rltiea, returning via Brit
ish Columbia. - .
Personal Mention.
A son waa born May IS to lr. and Mrs.
R. R, HollUter.
Mr. T. A. Cuaraden underwent a slight
operation at Bt. Joseph' hospital Tues
day. Miss t)lna Ilxnni'lf will
E, for Lexington, y to vlst Mr. and, ob"rv"" r ,ne Ky at ,n Au"lr"n
Mr. W. K. Freeman I ,he ""noon.
Mr. and Mr J. M.' Gilchrist and their I R r"thr J C' n,",klor nt h Ben"n
daughter, Myrno, expept to spend the I c,,urLT' w'" ,,pen th" prf,rem w,tn "
summer at Ik OkoboJI. I 'n'it'jn. ' wed by the lord's prayer.
Mr. Oeorge Ithrop. nephew of Mr. and ' ,,'"n " wh,l
Mra. I. M. Davla. 1. home for th. sum. I 'tending. -Atrerlca." The Star Bpnnsrled
Three thousand children of
Greater Omaha' twenty parochial
school will observe Memorial day
with special exercise at the Audi
torium Monday morning, under the
auspices of the Knights of Columbus,
as ha been done each year for the
last five years.
With patriotic songs, led by a largo
choir, a prayer for the soldier dead, ;
Lincoln's famous Gettysburg address
and an appropriate address by Nel
son H. Loomls, solicitor general of
the Union Pacific railroad, the big
meeting will be a notablo one among
the various gatherings planned to
observe the holiday in fitting style.
t'nder the guidance of pastors of the
Catholic parishes and slater of the school
faculties, the happy ymtngnter will go
to the Auditorium In sprrlal street cars,
sfter attending Memorial day masses In
the various chiircliea. There will be keen
rivalry among the children of the dif
ferent schools, and each (rroupvwlll carry
pennants and banners of Its school and
will Indulge In school yells before the
niumorlal services beitln. In past year
the parochial school celebration of the
holiday has been a most Inspiring event
The general public ! Invited to attend.
To March hy Schools.
Pron'Ptly at JO o'clock the exercises
Will heirln, with W. C. Fraser presiding.
The doors will he opon at o'clock to
allow plenty of time for the school child
ren to march In by schools and give their
yella, anJ for the public to take Beats In
the boxes and balcony. Th committee
of Knivhts of Columbus has arranged to
share the decorating of the big hall with
the Grand Army of the Republic com
mittee, which will have Its usual public
- ( 1
t.m I ' , ; t 2 II I I
I . , 1 'A , K...,;. '
it't im ttjU 23sn9$ hart at
mcr from Kearney Military school
. I'.anner'' and "(Vlumhla. the Ucm of the
m.,. .r.,.u n -,v,- i... i " .1.. Ocean" will be sung by the rreat assembly
Hi-it of ftfends for the week, returned:". rn'"1' c ' rroi. i neoaore huh.
Keese and n 1 lariie consolidated choir from
th Catholic churches and an orchestra.
this mornlnii to her home In Pe Moines.
&lr. KAlKonm DllVel mtt tnr V'u. Va.W
Btinday to visit his son. tlalr, who la In Ne,,",", the chief speaker of
Fort Totten. He will return tomorrow. ! !h occaHl' ". ' mko address on the
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Oberst left laat I II "na c"";v'men ot uenernl u. B.
vraoi. nn, rmnrr r. Mannon, paaior
of Bt. Patrlck'1 church and editor of the
True Voice, will offer the prayer for the
soldier dead, while the children stand
with bowed heads. John J. Cordcs, a
student urator of Crelghton university,
will repent Abraham Lincoln's Gettys
burg sddresa, which was originally de
livered at the dedication of a national
cemetery for civil war heroes on the
great bsttleflcld.
H W. Klmcral, matter of the fourth de-
Thursday for Chicago. On July 1 Mr.
Oberst will go to Bonner's' Lake, nesr
Burlington, Wis., and Mra. Oberst will
go to Virginia for th summer month.
Mr. John 1, Godfrey and chilaien of
Louisville, Ky., have been vleltli re
lative for the last week. Mr. Godfrey
was called to Omaha on account of the
serious Illness of her sister, Mr. Zack T.
Mr. Philip Johnston, son of Mr. and
Mr. IX U Johnston, who I completing
The Clover club, composed cf sixth.'
seventh and eighth grade girls. ho meet
each week at the Young Women's Chrls
tlon aseoclstbm. will give two playlet In J
th auditorium Saturday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. Miss Helen Insurance, secretary
for girl- work. Is li charge and the pro
ceeds will be used. to. send a delegate.
Miss Lillian Nc'.son, to the Lake Geneva
conference thlfc summer. Miss Nelson la
a graduate from Monmouth Park school
thla June and enters high scSTOl In th
fall. Bhe ha ecn vice president and an
active worker In the Clover club and has
the leading part In one of the plays.
Mrs. Oeorge V. Gllmore. chairman of
the girls' work committee, will present
Youn iVomens Christian association
plna to club rnemb-rs who have had a
record for attendance.
Choice Saturday, Any fl
Woman's Suit in Stock
Every Silk or Wool Suit Goes in This Sale
$15 Suits for $7.6'J
$20 Suits for $10.00
Tlii is n rare opportunity
for miy woman, who needs n
suit for summer or early
full wonr. This half-price
offer means, that every gar
ment sells at less than cost.
The stock Includes every wool
and silk: material popular this
season, In all the wanted colors,
and the' styles offered depict the
latest dictates of fashion.
Muslin Princess' Slips.
$1.50 Slips for.. 95c
$2.25 Slips for $1.35
$:j.00 Slips for.... ...$1.95
Summer Wash Dresses.
White and Colored
. Voiles and Linens,
Women's Separate Skirts.
Worth to $11.00,
Saturday for
New Lingerie Waists,
Lawn, Voile, Organdie,
Four Sensational Items
Saturday in Our
Mill inery Dept.
Worth to $12.50
Stylish Trimmed Hats
Worth to $6.C0
Worth to $4.00
9 8c
Flowers and Feathers
Worth to $2.50
$25 Suits for $12.50
$.10 Suits for .$15.00
$P,5 Suits for $17.50
$40 Suits for $20.00
$50 Suits for $25.00
Spring Coats
x At Tremendous
Price deductions
15a &
Lot No. 1
Coats Worth to $17.50
Lot No. 2
Coats Worth to $27.50
Lot No. 3.
Coats Worth to $35.00
Rubberized Rain Coats,
Special Saturday
$4.50, $5.75, $8.50
his Junior vear t merlin h.. i ,ce 01 " nignts oz C'olumiHis ror th
chosen to respond to the "spade ora- n,,thwMt district, heads the committee
tlon" In the Ivy planting ceremony at the. ch" ot th parochial school celebra-
senior class day exercises, June 18. This
Is a much coveted honor always be
stowed on a member of the junior class. Assessor" Of Mra uses
The county asctsor will ba at his of
ftne nlichts from T SO to 10 p. m. of this
week. May M to IS, for the purpose of
consldeiinc notices . of proposed raises
of personal ssseasment schedules for the
current year. II. O. COUN8MAN,
County Assessor,
The structural change In the new home
of the University club at Twentieth and
Harney streets are about completed. Be
cause the building- was formerly the ex
change buildllir of thn Indenendent Tele.
who was the gueat of Mr 8. R. Rush. phoIMI compaBy a substantial building of
left for bom. Tuesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Churlcn Brownlee of New
Trk City, who are on their way to th
Pacific rosst. arrived Tuesday to spead
a few days with tnelr nepliew, John T.
Brownlec, and Mrs. Urownlea.
rietsnrcs Past. .
Mrs. J. leipter entertained the mem
tr of the W. W. clb on Wdneday
afternoon t her home. Following th
card game luncheon' was served. Th
decoratlona wer In red and whit roe
and unique place .rda ' marked the
places ot th gueaU. Mrs. C Myers and
Mra. yilsoncraft wer the guests of the
club. The next reoula meeting will b
held Bt the home ef Mrs. W. a Hampton
In two weeks. - r , '
The Ulsaes Elsie Cell and ' Fllsabelh
Vldbusn entertslnrd at miscellaneous
shower last week In honor of Mlaa
K&tnertn illrechmann, who will be mar
rled Sunday atemoon, June t, to Mr.
Carl J. Phelp at W Paur Llitberaa
Mrs. Walter Wiley and Mra. Oscar
Hillls entertain th unde division nf
th rtrat Congrerallonal church at th
home of Mra. W lley thla ternoon.
About twenty-five mamboni wr preaent.
On thg Calendar.
Mlaa Kieaner Mackay will b hostess
at th meeting ef th tVbutanlc Bridge
club Tuesday afternooa of mat week at
her horn.
Creche Bridge Party.
The annual tMs party for th bene
fit of th Creche waa given thla after
noos In the ball room of ttie Fuiitenrll
About sevaniy-ftw table of player wer
entertained. The inclement weather
fcroko tip a few ef the fouraomee, but
tk devote wer all on hand, no met
ier what the element preecrtbed.
Duran-DaVii Wedding.
The otarrlaga of Mlse Margmrult Davis
and Mr. t'bde Duran of rxs Motnea was
celebrated Th'ireoay evening at the home
of Mr. Duran's unci. Mr. WUItajn A.
Tollta. and Mra Toliea. RV. W. A. MMI
ford of th Olivet Baptist church per
forfMit tlu OKremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlas Oatae war the
only atteodiuiis." There waa one out-of-town
eui, .Ms, Mary Tolles, of Olea
wood. Mr. and Mrs. Daraa will restd tn
Omaha and will wak their houta with
Mr. aa4 Mia. V; T, Gates.
Hewt ct th Vajfajer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. t. Neely. Mr. lluery
)'. l'!mUit and the Misaes Ida Walters
and M. A ludlej- weee th Omaha giiesl
at ti e of N '.it get day, hich
oiis then in the iloeteaa building at the
completely fireproof structure, th re
modelling for club purposes haa been a
slower prooese than It would have been In
a lees substantial building. It Is now ex
pected that the dub will be opened for
service some time In July,
tlon. Other memlers ot the general cc I
mitte include John A. Bennewits, John
Hlnchey, J. If. Bchmldt, John Hogan, T.
B. Coleman and John Leary. Knights of
Columbus will also act as ushers at th
Mg meeting.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
The senior and junior classes of Belle
vue academy will give a banquet Sat
urday night at the Rome hotel. The
academy faculty membera. Prof. Albert
Bnarc, Mlsa Goodwill, Mlaa Hunter and
Prof. Edwin Leon Puis will be Invited.
A program haa been arranged to accom
pany the banquet and Prof. Puis has
been asked to act aa truster of ceremo
nies. A commltte composed of Anna Rasmus
sen. . secretary-treasurer of the senior
class; Florence Weller, Junior class presi
dent, and Karl Braustnd, junior clasi
secretary-treasurer, and Jack Phelps,
chairman. Is In churge of all arrange
figs! S
e. O'JTANCfc
per gallon
per mile,
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th St.
LUGGAGE SALE Trunks, Bags and Suit Gases
At Prices So Extremely Low That No Prospec '
.. , , tive Traveler Can Afford Not to Investigate.
Right in the face of high war prices on leather, too. But THERE'S A REASON we have
decided to confine our luggage section to a few representative lines,, such as "Indestrncto"
and "Mendel-Drucker. To get our stock Into the desired, condition we have marked prices
on trunks, wardrobe trunks, bags and -eultcaaea that will accomplish this purpose, without da-,
lay Our new lines arc in, and if you do not find what you want In goods at a reduced, price,
our display of what is newest in luggage at popular prices will not disappoint you. .1 -
Ftorr filial- anl Sfl Tranlta
very special at. . . 4B-inch wardrobes, fiber and
$30.00 WARDROBE canvas covered, closely riveted,
TRUNKS, $23 "t . ?. ... S25
Full size. 4 5-lnch wardrobe, Wardrobe Trunks that sold for
Window Shades
Saturday 10c
About 130 shades made from hand-made oil
opaque shade cloth, mounted on first-class
rollers; great variety of colors. Size
17 to 36 Inches wide by 4 feet to 7 feet
long; to close, Saturday at
Window Shades, 25o and 30c
86-inch dyed, O ft." 23
And 7 ft. long 3()
How's Your Hammock?
' A Suggestion For Decoration Day.
Hammocks made of seln cord, 'durable and at
tractive. Specially priced at
$1.50, $2.25, $3.50, and $5
Trunks that sold for f 17.75,
I8 and $21.
.1 6-inch fibre trunks of excel
lent quality, closely riveted.
lined and fitted with trays;
sample trunks that were rea
sonably priced at $18.00 and
$21.00. special
at ...........
$2.25, $2.45, $4.75
For rattan suitcase, with
leather corners and handle,
that sold for $3.66, $4 and
.$7 TRUNKS, $4.75
S 6-inch . slat trunks, canvas
covered, with tray, syr
at... Pe J
double trolley, woman's or
man's equipment, $23
Leather Suitcases,
$3.75, $5 and $7
Sample suitcases, genuine
cowhide, well made, some
what soiled, that were $7.50,
$10. and $13.75.
$78. $75. $70. $65, $45, now
priced S55. $15, $42.50.
840, $32.50.
Genuine Cowhide Bags, $5
Several patterns of genuine leather cowhide bags, that sell
ordinarily for $6 and $7, and a . few samples that tC
were $11.25; now on sale at PO
A large assortment of high-grade bags, priced from $10
to $30 cowhide. In Mack and brown, walrus and seal, at
redactions of H AD H AND MORE.
m wm m-AM
0U Hl M
w I
Clean, sani
tary fillings,
made in a
tubitt ntlal
manner, i n
striped and
fancy tickings.
Ileaur stitched
coifb Ination
filled m a t
tress $4.50
Cotton Felt Mattresses
In fancy ticking, tC syr
full size 30 O
Rex Felt
A very good, substantial felted
cotton mattress $Q 50
Our Special Felt
A mattress of unusual merit
and a big value
Felt Mat
tress, $10
Felt Mat
tress $12
Ostermoor Mattress
Go-Carts and Children's Furniture
Collapsible Cto-Carts, Oriole Go-Baskets,
4-50 $5, $7.50, $8, $9.75
Collapsible go-carts, with hood, $5. ' '
W ar$ s'loxinj a largt and vara J (tn; of Childftn't Fumiturthigfi eliairt
nursery e'lafrs, 6y tracers, baby yards, taby ncing, baby btdt, rocktrt, rhair
"Indestructo" Trunks
Samples and discontinued pat
terns all bearing the "Inde
structo 6-year guarantee."
130 indestructo
Wardrobe :
$40 Indegtructo tlor?
Wardrobe J00
$80 Indestructo CtCtZ
Wardrobe 00
$24.50 Indestructo
f3oV,,!,:h..T:u?k.. $18.50
$45.00 Indestructo Cf fs
3G-inch trunk...- JpHU
$25 Indestructo Ann
86-inch steamer...... 9U
$22.50 Indestructo
36-inch steamer it r r
for sDlO.OU
$26 Indestructo
40-ln. steamer. .
Special for Saturday
selling, a 4-splndle
bark kitchen chair,
hardwood goldeu oak
finish, tor Saturday
only, each
L1M0 Cut
For Saturday only
made of solid oak
wood seat a good,
serviceable rocker and
a big bargain Satui
day, each
Order Your Linoleum Early
Our layers are a week behind their orders now that
shows that people know where it pays to buy linoleum.
Your neighbor buys linoleum here because it is better
quality, and being properly laid, will last longer. It
wilt pay you to do likewise eren it you watt a few days
for us to lay it In your home.
Largo Porch
Experienced IJnoleum Layers Wanted Apply second
floor, Orchard WUhelm Co.
H-J1(MJ, 7-flxlU-, 8x10,
Wx and 9fi.
A Bargain Rugs from broken
pattern lines "Crex" grass rugs.
Japanese fibre and Kattanla rugs.
selling regularly up to $10
fine rugs for porch and
Indoor summer uca. at...
Mr TImiii tn Our Window,
Extra wide, 12-ft. printed linoleum, per square yard,
COc and 70c
Printed linoleum, 6 ft- wide, per square yard,
40c, 50c and 60o
Plae quality Inlaid linoleum, a feet wide, square yard,
95c .
Greenwich Inlaid linoleum, square) yard,
$1.25, $1.40, $1.50.
Reversible Porch Rugs,
$6.50 and $7.50
, $10- and $11.50 Rugs in 7-0x10-41 and 0x13 stse.
Saturday, because we have too many In these
sices, durable, double- ( pn i
raced mgs. at ..$o.50 and S7.50