Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    tut: bftr: omaita. ftuday. may 28, m.
Thursday, May 27, 1915.
CANINE guardians belonging to the feminine set of Omaha arc the
. Important thing of the moment. Their trick a, their a Ira, and evei
their, whims are considered quite worth while for discussion aul
comparison at tea and dansante.
Mrs. Gould Diets does not limit her affection to one, but has four to
hold her interest. "Patricia the Fifth" and two Boston Bull pups have
the admiration of all eyes in the neighborhood of the Diets home, but oil
"Spud" holds favored place with Mrs. Diets. Spud Is quite the most
original dog tn Omaha. He has Journeyed miles and miles with the
Dletx's, and has made three trips to Chicago. Just now be Is waiting to
bound for another place at a near date. He is quite old and has lost some
of his sporting pep, but by no means will he allow himself to be relegated
to the shelf.
Mrs. Partington's two handsome Boston Bulls art Just now causing
the Farrington family and friends much alarm. They wandered off yes
terdHy and from the last report at the Farrlngton home they are still
rambling. But this Is an old-time trick, so Pat and Mike are expected
some time In the course of the day.
Miss Louise Dinning possesses a very up-to-date Scotch Terrier,
christened Peter, but called Pete. He Is her constant companion In aer
touring car and electric and considers It a personal Insult to be left at
Miss Charlotte Callahan favors a Pomeranian. Just now he quite
alone, while his mistress Is travelling In the east. He goes through Hfi
mith the romantic name of "Joll Le Coeur," conferred upon .him by hi
Shower for Bride.
The Mlas FYma and Mad KtMha.m
gave a ahower at their home on Wednes
day evening In honor of Mlaa Mildred
Ho, who will ha married to Pr. I C.
Myers of Blair on June The decora
tions were tn pink and white and ths
gueets present were:
Mlaae Mleaee
Mildred Foe, Rue Mawnrth,
Mary Ooedeche. KthH Kerr.
tlrace Northmp, Lola Mnnie,
Hee Morrla,
Mads rHIdham,
Edna, Oaliewey.
IHI Tcmilton,
Ermt Htl'lnam.
Mr. C. C. How.
Mrs. M. Qoedeche.
Attend Clnb Council.
Mrs. K. R. J. E1hrlm and daiishter,
Camilla, left this afternoon for Port
land, Ore., where Mrs. Rdholm will at
tend the biennial council meeting- of the
Oeneral Federation of Women's clubs.
Mrs. Edholm la state health chairman.
Mrs. F. H. Cole, .general federation
chairman of cMl service reform, left
Tueedsy to attend the earns meeting.
Pratt-Lyon Wedding.
The wedding of Misa HaaefI..ron and
Mr. FJwood Pratt will be celebrated this
evening at s o'clock at the home of the
bride. The Rev. Rowland, pastor of the
Flret flaptlet church, wilt perform the
ceremony In the preaence of the Im
mediate family and S few close friends.
The brldea only attendant will be her
atater, Mrs. M. C. Ruok, of Waterloo, la.
Mr. Frank rmnnlgan will be the beet
The ceremony will be followed by a
reception to ISO gueata. The decorations
will be In pink snd white. Quantities of
peonies will be used with pink shaded
candles. Mlaa Hwsneon will give harp
The Creche Party.
Th Creche party, which la always the
looked for event of the year, will be
given tomorrow afternoon In the hall
room of the Htel Fnntenelle.
Well known brldse pis vera are sharp
ening thlr wUe to do their best to
morrow. All the winter's bridge dube
liave eectirrd tablet and plan to play to
evening. The committee on ariange
mente la composed of Meadames B. F.
Marahatl, N. H. Ixximla, Caspar - Toet.
C. U Bradley, W. F. MUroy snd C. M.
Seymour Lake Country Club- .
The club will be formally opened Fri
day evening with a dinner dance. On
account of this being an unusually large
The committee In charge of the ar- party me onicera ana a.rwr. v..,
tx.oments are planning to make this club will compose the reception oom
party a very gay and charming affair. imlttee for the evening and will be ss-
Mra. John A. M.Khane and Mra. J. n. ' slated by Meaara. and Meadamea A. J.
Hcoble have charge of the game end as- Randall. H. O. Windhelm. Oeorge H.
slating them will be Meadamea Joaeph Brewer. William Berry. Charles I. V oil
Barker, Marry Jordon. F. B. KlrkendaJI. : mer snd J. Dean Ringer. Pinner will
Samuel Burns. J. T. Rtewsrt. W. A. C. be nerved to the various parties at :.
Johnson. Harry Tukey. Howard Baldrlge. J:M and 7; p. m Ppeclal Interrurban
ArtWur Oulou, A. O. Rceeon, Fl B. West- (car service haa been arranged to acoomo
brook, A. I.. Reed. W. R. MoKeen and: date the dancers.
Moahler Colpetaer. j Mr. snd Mrs. E. Buckinghsm will en-
Numerous attractive nrlaee have been . tertaln:
donated for the trophies. Mr. and Mrs. Meaara. and Meadamea- PTr4T
A. t. fmith have given silk hose and a W. B. Cheek, Oeorge H. Kelley,
... ..... um Mj.r'iiiAiiffh. J. I). Foster.
strikingly -nanfleome mar ana wnue , tj Mra J. Kern Ringer will hare
paraaol; Mrs. flouts C Nash, a large
French tapestry voille box with compart
ments to hold different small linen pieces;
Mre. J. E. Rummer), a bird In a very
attractive wicker cnge; Mra. W. K.
Mathewa, two garden atlcke holding
birds each -about five feet high; Mrs.
Thomas Kimball, s panel mirror and a
Jloyal Balton pitcher: Mlaa Arabella
Kimball, a panel mirror elaborately dao
orated with gold trimmings; Mr. Milton
Jarllng, a tapeatry tray; Mrs. F. A.
Nash, a china baaket; Mrs. Gilbert M.
Hitchcock, a Florentine vase with trim
mings of Dresden rosea; Mrs. John A.
McShane. a pink silk vanity bag trimmed
with gold lace; Mra H. P. Whltraore,
hand carved ploture frame; Mra. Bernard
Canon, a book with prints of the world's
most beautiful children; Mrs. J. C. Iahl
man, a Porto Rk-an basket; Mrs. Arthur
'Rogers, a Viennese Jardiniere; Mrs. O. C.
Alllaon, an emboeeed gilt basket: Mlas
'jesale Millard, a silver filigree baeket
'with roes pink glasg lining; Mrs. Thomas
Kllpatrlck. candy. Others was have
selected choice gifts are Meadamea I F.
Ifrofoot, Louis Clarke and Mlaa Frances
with them:
Mr. snd Mra. W. W. Ftaher.
Mtra Heaa Htnaer of Lincoln.
Mlaa Mary Hlnger of IJnooln.
Mr. snd Mrs. H. O. Windhelm will have
as their gueata:
Meaara. and Meadamea
P. f. Andrewa. A. J. Htuben,
P. t. T. Rlepen. Martin.
With Mr. and Mra. A. J. Randall will
Mr, and Mra. R. C. Beavers.
Mlae Madae Cleaver.
Mr. Fred) Randall. .
Mr. and Mra. J. J. McAllister will have
with them:
Meaara and Meadames .
B. V. Blench. W. K. Bolln.
Pining together at another table will
Meaara. and Meadamea '
Claude Orchard, R. M. Iaverty.
C. H. Marlins. ' N. K. Bryaon.
JU K. Bt hlndci, ' W. F. Bravlnger,
W. B. Tags,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge H. Brewer will
have Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Courtney with
Others who will entertsln parties are:
Meaara. . Henry . Nygaard, four; James
Corr, four; Allen Pudley. four; E. O.
Furen, four; O. A. Dribble, four: W.
Attend White Shrine Meetin.. fur: , i k
Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent leave " "7 'ZT-Z ;n
Monday for Milwaukee to attend ths " JL', .' ,r
meeting of the supreme White Bhrlne. tw,0i CJ C' 8h'm'r' 1:U T
which will be held the first three days in '"T7' "' . ! '1 .
! June. Mra Vincent will repreacnt Malva
eelectlons during the rer mony snd re- j
ception. i
The yowng couple will taHe a ahott j
weddln trln end will be et home after
June M st 4011 Fsrnarn Mreet. I
llton sill entertain at dinner this eve
ning at the Fontenrlle. Tnoee Invited to
meet Mlaa Pmlth are
E.llth Hloan
of New Tors
For Miss Hanchett.
Complimentary to Mlae Mope Hanchett,
who will be married to Mi. Thonvxa Rtit
ledge on June , the Umaha Woman'a
Preaa club entertalncl at dinner laat
evening at the Fontenelle. The table
centerpiece was a large mound of Kll
larney rosea and Fyrlnga bloeaome and
small vasea of pink roaea marked the
rlaces for eighteen gu"ite.
On the Calendar.
The Original Cooking club will be en
tertained Thursday of next week, Inftend
of today aa waa first planned.
Mlaa Fannie Roaenatock entertained In
formally thla afternoon for seversl visit
ing young women.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. John F. Dale retimed thla morn
ing from two montha vlalt In New York
City and Hartford, Conn. In Hartford,
Mrs. Pale was the gueat of her duughter,
Mrs. Sydney Ia Smith.
Mrs. Ed Oeorge Is visiting In Denlnon,
Among- the Visitors.
Mlae Hedwig Roaenatock baa aa her
gueet Mlaa Jeaale Oreenwald of New
Tor Qty.
For Mist Sloan.
Complimentary to Mlas Edith Sloan of
New Tork City, who is the houso guest
of Mlae Harriet Smith, Mr. Charlea Ham-
Ann t:rtnrA
Kleanor Mackay,
Cuthbert Potter.
Hen (iallnglier.
Kr.hert H'lrna
linrrlM Pmlth.
Franrea Hochaletler.
Mcllora Ial.
John I 'aldw-ell.
VrtA I tatiehfrtt.
Charlea Hamilton.
Mr. and Mra. Ward M. Hurgeaa.
Restored tw novel Health.
"I was sli-k for four years with
stomach trouble," writes Mrs. Otto
Oans. Zanesvllle. O. "I loet weight and
felt eo weak that I slmoat gave up hope
of belnu cured. A 'rlend told me about
Chamberlain's Tablet, snd since ualng
two bottles of them I hsve been a well
woman." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
Decatur Men Will
Meet Julia Here
About forty btnlneite men of Decatur
are to come to Omaha on the occasion
of the arrival of the Julia, the liver
barge, which la expected from Kansas
City In a week or ten days. The boat Is
to ply between Decatur and Omaha,
which is the occasion of the demonstra
tion the Decatur men wish to make on
the occasion of the boat's arrival In
Union Organizations Say They Will
Not Play in Parks if Nonunion
Bands Are Hired.
praiast Action Will Step Year
Pr. King's New Discovery . will . atop
your cough. The first dose helps.. Oood
for children. 2Sc. All druggists. Adver
tisement '
Summer music In the parks has
caused a note of discord In the of
fice of Commissioner Hummel, who
says he wants harmony among the
land organizations of the city. Tha
Omaba Musicians' association ad
vised the park commissioner that its
members will not play In the public
parks this summer If non-union
bands are engaged.
Eaaara PropaalHoa.
When Mr. Hummel put the matter up
to the city council, the commissioner
unanimously Indorsed the proposition of
making no distinction between union and
nonunion bands in the park music
schedule for the season. Ths council
adopted a resolution which gives the
park commlaeloner control of the situa
tion, as well ss approving the policy of
dividing the concerts among the local
bands, regardleaa of unionism.
On behalf of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen band, A. W. Falvey
aald: "We resent the charge that we
are amateurs. We are willing to put
our band against any band in this city.
snd we would like our shsre of the con-
W weld ot Ureelr Harmony.
J. J. Mangel, for tne tetter carriers'
band, made this statement: "Our band
doea not want to rauee any dissension,
but If the music la to be distributed we
would like to he remembered."
"I am for engaging union men when
poeaible. but In this caae I feel that alt
of our banda ehould be patronised," said
Mayor Dahlman.
The flrat concert of the aeaaon will be
given next Sunday In Hanscom park by
the letter carrlera' band, which la not
regarded ss a union band. The union
playera have eerved notice that If this
concert Is held they will not participate
in public park music this season.
oMtrlbatora to Fawd.
Commlsaloner Hummel announced that
the street railway company snd brewers
have contributed $1,300 toward park music
for the season, and under the law the
city may appropriate an equal sum.
Max Foster and John Boh an, address,
lodging houses, were sentenced to sixty
days In the county Jail on a charge of
vagrancy. The men were seen to strong
arm and rob an Intoxicated man In the
alley south of Fourteenth and Dodge
streets by C. H. Swan, SS28 Avenue B.
Council Bluffs, and C. B. Clegg. 124
South Nineteenth, who followed the pair
until they met Detective Ftamk Williams,
when the arrest was made. Aa the
drunken man could not be located to ap
pear - against the felVows the vagrancy
charge was forthcoming.
IHhrlne, whUh was organised here last
February and which already numbers
over 100 members. Mr. and Mra. Vincent
will also vlalt In Minneapolis and will be
gone tea days.
Give Surprise Party.
Mr. snd Mra. J. N. Jorgenaan enter
tained at a eurprlse party Wednesday
evening In honor of Mlaa Emily Taylor.
The evening was spent In music and j.
gamea, pruwvs being awarded to Mr. 1
Arthur Taylor, Mr. Jesse Sercy and Mlas 1
Kva tlfnaley. Those preeent were:
Meaara. and Meedamea
J. N. Jorgeuacn,
Beklns. five, and Mlaa Stacla Muivthlll,
Plrasnres Past.
Ths Central High School alumni gave
a very enjoyable plcnlo at Klmwood park 1
Sunday, May 2S The time waa spent in i
playing games and taking pictures. Mlaa j
Lorena Douglas and Mr. Ray Tllson took '
the prise for snapping the two best plo
turee of ths day, which happened to be
Hie two alumni base ball teams.
I va Hcnrley.
Kml)y Taylur,
Mllm l4iae.
.Tense her
A. Slernert
J. P. Htraaaer.
Anna Jorgenaon,
Halcyon Hensley, .
Marv llenaon.
blinor Htraaaer,.
Pavld I.are,
Arthur Wah'etrent,
Klmer Wahlatrom,
Arthur Taylor,
Ruilih llclgren.
Harry thert-
To Honor Brides.
Mrs. R- A. Dodge will entertain this I
evening at her home In honor of Miss j
Msurine ,Lehnhoff and Mlas Henrietta
Prtns, who will be married the flrat week f
in June. ' The rooma will be deoorated ;
throughout with bridal wreath and the.
gi'este entertained will Include:
Mra Charles Finks of Cavenevllle, Kan.
M laaea M uuaes
Maurine Telmhoff. Inea Voenerg.
CMlrtte Hlsslna,
Oayle Thompaun,
Madeline Mats.
F. Drown,
1L C, Ruffler.
Henrietta I'rina.
Mary Oiaae,
orinne Jcutee,
l ltiel Kerry,
T.ynn Kllgore.
R. t'.rVlta,
Alvln Forney,
Kdward Rogers,
f.ert uregg.
Farewell Social
A farewell aorlal will be given la the
parlors of the Flrat preabytertan. church.
Sevententh and Dodge streets, on Fri
day evening. May 2S, at S o'clock.
Thla will be the laat purely social af
fair to be bald at the old church, aad
ail rmrDlmra, Including all who have been
at any ttme Identified . w Its the cburvh
vr eongregeUoa, are Invited te be pree
ent. .
A musicej program and Informal re
miniauent talks will be gtvea during the
Slightly 0::d
Grand Pianos
Thla Is your opportunity
to buy a high grade grand
at a greatt saring.
11,100 ChlckerUg A Bona
rosewood cose, AntA
parlor else JaUU
f 1.200 Stelnway, mahogany
ease, excellent tfjnr
condition tpODU
900 Steger A Sons colonial
style, mahogany case a
.rA.brfr:n... $425
$1,000 A. B. CO Qft
Chase, ebony case JeW U
$H0 Weber, mahogany
new .'.r..".. $650
Terms arranged It deeired.
We will also give you the
privilege to rhaage any
one of these grands on a
new grand any time within
three years.
Schmoller & Mueller
i:Hl-l:i I'wntm St.
'Tea. so good as this cheers
and refreshes one it's
eg.,.ae.fcw- siuai mm ieaaaaaasaaaBaaweearaawe
II. J. Hugrtes Co., Luc, AV bo legale DUtrtbutora.
Women's Pants
Unbleached Muslin
Umbrella knee, muslin
band. Sizes 4. 6 and ft.
J60 values,
IS-inch; full atanderd I. I.
grade, aoft finish, eaally
bleached and laun dared
Regular to value.
Special Friday,
s yard
Bleached Muslin
86-Inch; excellent soft
finish, good quality. Full
bolts. Special,
a yara
Oxfords and Pumps
Women's. 600 pairs; all
styles, patent and
dull lea t h era.
Worth U.Stand
ti. Friday, pair.
Women's Oot'n Vests
"Cumfy-Cut" and square
necks. Regular 12 He
values. Each,
-inks of Economy
In a Chain of Basement Offerings Friday,
Bargains Distinctly Without Parallel
Boys' Union Suits
Mesh. Ages 8 to .14
years, 25c val- t Q
ties, suit Lu
We Close
1 o'Clck
Half Price
489 Beautiful Silk Dr esse
Seamless Hosiery
Women's, children's and
men's; cotton; black, tan
and white. O 1
Worth lie: see- aHAf
del Friday, palr..."
Mane, women's and ehll
dren'e feat black and
fancy colore. Fine oetten,
aeamleaa. Worth
I Sc. Special DC
Men's Suits . v
serve, fancy worstede. 1
neree and oheviote. 1 I
tailored and aerire a a
Blue serge,
well tailored an
lined. All alaee.
Heaular 11
d 111 vaJ
Values up to $15, at the small price
Brery dress la a correct spring and rammer
newest styles, women's and miaeee' si sea. We
purchased from a New Tork manufacturer all
Lis travelers' and show room samples, as well
as small lots of stoek on hand. etc. N
Deaasia of pretty a fyt aer eaesi afar, ewafee
sfyfe, military rea, tlmm tmHrJ efecta,
fmney tiitmmtd afreaaaa, efe. k44m mf fmm .
crapa dm cAuee, rree ssetewr, Uk prnplin,
fmncy figwrd pmptim anaf rata.
The greatest lot of right-up-to-the-minute
dresses every sold for so little money, right at
' the time when you need them. Fine materials, t
excellent workmanship, dosens of new styles. '
Many are samples, others la all si see and colors.
Sixes 14, 16, 18 and 20 for Miatea
Sixes 34 to 44 for . Women
Not a dress worth less thaa $7.50, the greatest
part are worth 1 10 and up to SIS, some even
more. .Choice for Sfl.OO. .
Men's Trousers
Pure all-wool ' worsteds.
In plain blues and fancy
mtaturea. Regu
lar price II ;
sale price, pair.
Dress Tissues
27 Ins. wide. Fine, sheer,
crisp quality, all the new
wanted etrtpea and "Wl
checks, feet colors. VC
UHo value, yard.. "
Wonderful Silk and Cotton Blouses, 55c
Would be exceptional values at $1 and $1.25; some even worth
more. 1,200 to choose from, every one a correct style, dozens of pretty new styles;
made of fancy .Tap silk, silkette, cotton crepe, fine voiles, etc.
The new large stripes, large fancy flowered .
and figured Jap Silks with large embroid
ed patterns, in all the various colors, etc.
Nearly every style in a complete range of sizes.
A Big Sale of Boys' SuiU
Dress Percale
Fine quality full atand
erd make. doth
All neat dota etrlpes end
flvurea. ISO value.
gpectel FTtaar. TJC
yanl " -
Mill Remnant
and remnants' from amr ree
lar etooke. fine roeroerlaed.
printed batiaU al4 Ij"!
tlee. Preaa Percales. Call
com. Zephyrs, luawna. 1
Ttaauea, etc, vaiues JJC
te IIHC yard.
Every Suit Worth
$3.50 to $4.00
42 Blue Serge Suite In ages
up to 10 years; S2 Fancy
Mixture Suits. Many with
two pair of full lined pants,
to fit any age to 17 years.
Ail at one
price, Friday. .. leCeOU
Boys' Khaki Knickerbockers
Dark, olive shades, in all
ages. Regular 50c,
kind. Friday ,
Double Seat and Knee Over
alls Every age, 8 to 11 years.
Regular 60c values,
kind, pair
$1.50 Long Pants
for Boys
In neat shadea. 81ies IT
to II, waist measure.
Extraordinary Sale of
Long Silk
Gloves Friday
About 100 dozen 12
and 16-button pure
silk gloves, double
tipped, seconds of
GIc and 79o kinds;
mostly black, a few
white and pink; all
siaea; Friday, while
thev last
Fancy Dress Prints
Thouaaada of Tarda; aeat
dreaa batlate, plain and
fancy printed lawns, sins-
up to
lly ma
i. etc. Lenfthe Ol
i IS yde.i aaa. AC
itatche. yard . .
Worth 60e, for. . . -25s
Maaltary Aprons Laun
der and wear well, IS
Sanitary Belts Regular
S6e values, each. ..15s
That would sell readtlr st
11.10 modal made of cf'MI
with laoe and ribbon trim
mlns. heavy hoee auppwrtera
A no) her model made ae
tf fancy matertai. 21
i retttly trtnuned '
Summer Net and Batiste.
Reliable makes that are
guaranteed rust- ;
Special.. U7l
Shoes and Oxfords
Men's Odds and ends la
tan aad black. Worth to
$8.50. On tables St 25
Friday, pair.... X'
Tennis Shoes
and Oxfords. Every
size f or men and J a
boys. Sdoo'L nr." L
Barefoot Sandals
Every size. Soft tan
calf. Protected
toes. A pair
Boy Soon Shoes
Made from dark taa val
vet muleekln. Soft and
touch. Spe- rr
clal, pair.... PleOe7
8c Nankins 5o
Far Friday sale. S00 dos-
ea Mercerised Napkins
hemmed ready to (
use. Each O C
(One doaen limit)
Table Damask
Kxtra Special Owe ease ef
Mill Ansa ef full Meacfc!
linen flniah Table Damaak
heavy and dar- A r
able. yaras Mm. rifT
15c Towels 10c
This lot eonalsta of Unen
Flnieh Buck Tawela bem
mend ende. fancy berdera
A tewel that will A
iv. m rli II r
Bed Spreads $1.88
One let ef (t.t and Ittl
Bed Spreads In tha oroonet
and Maraelllea kind; hem
med or ecallop.
ed, cut eornera.
Kinv, neni-
Wavy Hair Switches
A beautiful two-ounce.
twenty-four-inch switch.
Theee swltcheaord- Jf
Inertly aell for It. Mr
On sale Friday, st. 'v' .
Men's Handkerchiefs
Men's plain wblte and
colored border Handker-
chlefa: alao the Inl
tlaled kind. All sood
alxrs. Soft flniah..'
Ladies' Handk'rch'fs
All pure linen pllan and
colored inltlala: alao the
new colored, rolled hetna.
ery apecia.1 at r
all for tie. or, ?5C