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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1915)
s BRIEF CITY NEWS Jltaey Waton.a at Ea holm's. klevo Boot Trial It Now Beacon Blaotrlo rasa Burgeaa-Qranrfen Co. 41ata Bffiol.ney .The 25c plata dinner served at Behlits hotel. Boy-ton's ramona Ylrrlnla Itm wilt to served for lunrh at the Katstaff Huffet Saturday. A. Oraad.ll nnniincn removal of hla dental offle to aulte J42 Brandels theater bulWlnf. Phone Douglas 43. Crook Boat Ma. -.a Friday oenrre Crook post. Grand Army of the Republic, No. M2, will hold lu regular meeting thla enlng. Xaaaody to Talk at KoCook Hon. John I Kennedy (toes to McCook, Neb., to dallver the Hlith school commenoemein tbero thla evening. To Protoet SonLvards -Commissioner Hummel has introdnred an ordinance for tha prohibition of automobile on boule varda or parkways while rerTlvIng ser vice from gasoline filling; station. today's Oomplata MotU rrotTam' elaaalflad aectlon today, and appears it The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha various moving picture theatera offer. Br. Jamea T. Ooaaolly, Bantiat, wlnhes to announce the removal of his offices to 200-01 Brown block, 16th and Douglas Sta. Formerly In City National bank. Anna Murphy Waats BlToroe Mrs. Anna Murphy has brought suit for di vorce against Frank J. Murphy, alleging non-support. They were married August ). im. To Sail Lido at Xanaoom Park A. C. Flothow of 1548 North Nineteenth street, haa been granted concession privileges at Hanscom park for this season. The con sideration is $S28, which Was the highest bid. Will Try to Ouat Tnam Tha city legal department haa been directed by the c;lty council to ouat Theron D. Mentor and Lydla Mentor, mid to be occupying public property on Clark street west of Eleventh street. Two Vaw FolloomsDV Andrew Melo lepejy of 2S22 Elm street and John W. Shean of 1809 Cuming street have been appointor by the council as members of the polic department, with the usual six months probation. To Arras Cass at Moos: Falls At torneys for the Union Pacific railway and for Attorney John A. Moore, who secured a personal damage verdict against the railway for X8.760 in federal court, will have to go to Sioux Falls to argue the motion f the railway- for a new trial. Ordered Traeka Pared A resolution adopted by' the city council directs the street railway company to pave between its traeka on Dodge street, three blocks west of Forty-sixth street. The Missouri Paclflo company haa agreed to pay 12,000 of the expense of tills paving and the city will bear the balance, which will be Wtat te Boeate Two James F. Ulchoy of Boone, la., haa ached the Omaha polloo to try to locate 3. O. Una, who ts being sought because consider able real estate baa been left him by a recently deoeaaed relative. C. If. Ham iron of Springfield, 111., also desires that an attempt be made to locate Nellie Hsmmon. who wu last heard from In this city. May Take Bell Over' attfnwsy Maybe old Liberty Bell will make the trip to the coast over the Lincoln Highway. The Lincoln Highway association haa asked the mayor and officials of Philadelphia to route It over the Lincoln Highway and have promised to have a specially con structed car to carry It. The Omaha Com mercial club haa sent word. to the Phila delphia officials endorsing this request. Grain Reports Show Seed Corn Rotted Reports of excessive precipitation over all of the grain growing area of the central west, on - the Omaha , market, kold wheat off 2 cents per bushel, corn up V of a rent and oats down 'A of a cent. These reports Indicated that everywhere the rain continues; that from B0 to 16 per cent of the corn planted In Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois haa rotted and that many of the fields are under water. Omaha receipts were unusually light, the fact being attributed to bad country roads. There were ten car of wheat, twenty-three of corn and nine of oats on sale. Prices on wheat ranged from tl.M to I1.41H; oorn, 71 H cents to' 73 cents, and oat 4Mt cents to 4sH cents per bushel. Till: HHK: OMAHA. Fill DAY. MAY , I'.M.V S. 0. PLANTS RUN SHORTOF WATER 0'Hearn Ttlli How it Wat Nfrmnrv i - - - j to Uie Water from the Fire Reservoir. PLANTS ARE OFTEN SHUT DOWN DRUGGIST AND OFFICER BOTH TO HAVE HEARINGS A, T. Danlelson, druggist, at M24 Cum ing street, and CP. Flmple, policeman, arrested In a raid at the Danlelson place last week, will be allowed hearings be fore the city council on Thursday morn ing, June 3. Panlelson'e license to eell liquor as a druggist haa been revoked by the su perintendent of poll", on a charge that beer was sold. Policeman Flmple has been suspended and wants a hearing. Cap tain Dempeey has fllod written charges against Flmple, alleging that the police man was In Danlelson's drug store on May 1 and IT, and at rested there on May 23. Flmple la charged with being an Inmate of a disorderly house and fail ure to report this alleged disorderly place to his superiors. MEMORIAL SERVICES OF WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS U. 8. Orant post and woman"s relief corps will hold memorial services for the unknown dead at Forest Lawn cemetery Haturday morning at :30 o'clock. Sunday nimlni t 10 o'clock the Dost and corps will meet at Twenty-fourth and I-olhrop atieets and proceed to the North Side Christian church, where a memorial serv. ice will be held. Both organizations will also attend the Young Women'o Chris tian association vesper service at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. NEWLY-MADE FRIEND TAKES ALL THE COIN AND A WATCH I E. Speed of Pleasantvllle. la., met a atranger at the stock yard In South Omaha Wednesday, with whom he became eo well acquainted that Wednesday night he shared his room with the man at the Schllts hotel. About midnight he awoke and found his acquaintance had departed as had also 1125 and a watch belonging to him. Speed has furnished the police a good description of the man. Astonishing revelations of lack of water In the various packing houses of South Omaha and the I'nlon stock yards under the regime of the Omaha Water company j and later the Omaha Water boar! were made In federal court by John E. O Hearn, superintendent of the Armour plsnt for thirteen years prior to 191J. anJ now with the same company In Chicago. lie was a witness the suit of the Omaha Water board against the city of touth Omaha, tho lnlon Stock Tarda company and the packing planta to prevent' the defendant corporations from continuing tc use the streets of South Omaha for the mains of their water plant, which they built after they were unable to get sufficient water from the Omaha water works. "We often had to shut down the plant entirely for lack of water," said Mr. O'Hearn. "At such times we sometimes had much live stock on hand, anJ this had to b0 fed. Sometimes the water gave out entirely when washing of the carcasses was going on and they '.sd to be put In the cooling rooms without washing. fee Vp Fire Water. "We even used up the water In our fire reservoir. We used to draw all the water out of this during the day for operating purposes and then fill It up at night. Of course we were supposed to keep thla reservoir full all the time, and If the inspectors of the Insurance companies had discovered the practice I don't know what we'd have done for water. "I remember one occasion when alt our water waa gone and there was no pres sure at all from the city mains. We connected our house pumps to the city mains and pumped, but there was no water at all In the malna." Lewis Branstad. master mechan'c for Swift's, gave testimony to the same ef fect Charles W. Martin, an Insurance man, told of the protracted negotiations be tween ; the packing companies and the underwriters regarding the water famine and the final Installation of an inter locking water system in the yarda ao that all the pumps of the several packing plans could be used to supply pressure In case of a fire In any one of the plants. Liver Complain Makes Yoa Unhappy No Joy tn living If your stomach and liver i don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King's New Life Pilla. 26o. All drug- gists. Advertisement Rain is Cause of : Heavy Damage to Streets of Omaha Commissioner" Hummel of the park de partment estimates a cost Of 11,000 to repair damagea eauaed by rains . this week along the new ftoulevard from Thirty-fourth and Maple streets to Fonte nelle park. In some places clay slides have marred this Improvement and sev eral washout will be filled to. The street department Is busy answer ing calls of cltlsens who have 'reported damages tq streets, sewers and curblngs. Lake street, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth streets, la almost impass able.. A washout ts reported at Sixth and Castellar streets. At Thirty-fifth and Center streets a sewer catch basin waa mashed out and a section of curb and gutter dislodged. Another washout oc curred at Forty-sixth and Lafayette avenue. On Myrtle avenue, between Thirty-first and Thirty-third streets, crotarwalks were left suspended and gas and water mains exposed. II Daily Bathing ! With KIRK'S Soap Is a health clvlnst habit which you will enJoy. Because this pure soap lathers and rinses so quickly, only a few moments are needed to -Start the Day Right" Vou enJoy your break fast and -feel fir for the day's work. Try It for a week. You'd see. y Your Dealer Sells it U j i ' "" ' " "' " ' "" " IS 111 H High Grade Pianos ( j Ceai saty 4urMr Of flee Open Etrslssi. The county awsor will be at his of fice nights from 7 to 10 p. m. of this week. May 24 to 2. for the purpose of considering notices of proposed raises Of personal assessment schedules for tha urrent year. H. O COCNSMAN. County Assessor. High Grade Pianos For Rent $3.50 Per Month Free Tuning. Insurance, Ptnol and Hcarf. Kent allowed if purchased. Kpeclal rental terms on iranrt t'lsnoe. SCKMOLLER & MUELLER I I A no cw. 1111-11 raraam. Doug. 1M1. FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1915.- BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. -PHONE D. 137 Burgess-Nash Announce for Friday Their Semi-Annual O) TCT JJ TsT A TXT Embracing Every Section of This Big Service Store Values and Range of Selection Bigger and Better Than Ever Before T"OXT lot anything keop you awny. Make your plans to bo here bright find earlyrain or shine whoa tho doors onon at 8:C0 if possible, for in U most instances tho bigst values nro in tho smallest lots too small to advertise. It's our half yearly e.leanup of short lengths and you are tho one that will benefit most. Those listed here are guide pots to sure and safe economy. Remnants of $1.00 Up to $1.50 FANCY SILKS Friday at 69c Yard QHORT lengths of the most favored weave 14 yard to 7 kJ yards, black and all the new shades are represented, Including 3Mnrh chiffon taffetas, UA-inrh black meallne. K'J-lnch natural pongee, 86-tnch black chiffon taffetaa, v-incn si IK itopllna. plain; 82-Inch stripe tub silks. JO-lnch crop te chine, 21-inch figured foulard silks, Sfl-lnch black teau cle sole, 8A-lnch gtrlpe mesaallne. Bargess-iraah Co. Xsla rioor. 69c Women's Summer Cotton Vests In cluding Values to 17c, Friday at 10c WOMEN'S low neck and sleeveless cotton vests, flna and Swiss rlhhed- rerular nrlra tn 1 Te nrle I M 39c Friday. Women's 75c Union Suits, 39c Low neck and sleeveless style, lace trimmed; some are slightly Imperfect. The usual values to 75c, Friday... Borgass-aTasa Co. Mala Floor. Broken Lines of Muslin Underwear at Exactly One-Half Price Friday Price fPHE lot consists of gowns, combinations and petticoats, all trimmed with very fine lace, embroidery, insertions, beading and ribbon. Were 2.fi0 to $16.50; sale price 1.25 to $8.26. . Crepe or Nainsook Gowns at 85c Painty lace and embroidery insertions and ribbon run bead- QC lngs, special values at OOC Nainsook Corset Covers at 25c Good quality, with three rows of lace Insertions and lace edge, sale price Bargssa-jTask Co. i geoond rioor. 25 c A Lot of Bungalow Beds That Were $13.50 Friday at Your Choice $7.50 T) VXOALOW beds with two-inch square post, one-Inch square cross LJ bar, seven -inch square fillers with brass knobs, either Vernls Martin or white enamel finish. These beds are very substantial and can be used for bungalows, summer homes and sleeping porches; regular price f 13.60, sale price ; Bargass-STash Co. Third rioor. $7.50 Odd Pairs of Ruffled Muslin Curtains That Were $1,75 to $2.00, at $1.00 SPLENDID quality of muslin, finished with wide ruffle. 2 yards long and 27 Inches wide. More than a dosen different designs from which to select. Were $1.75 to $2.00; sale price Friday at, pair Burgssa-Baab Co. Third rioor. Short Lengths of 30c to 40c Marquis- $1.00 ette and Scrims. Friday. 15c Yard THE lengths range from 7 Mi to 15 yards. In white, ecru and fancy patterns,' big range of selection from which to choose. Just the thing for bungalows, summer homes, cottages, etc, 30c to 40c Mar quisette or scrim, at yard. 15c 20c to 25c Mar quisette or scrim, at yard. . 12i Bargoss-Baah Co- Third rioor. Ribbon Remnants at One-Half Price INCLUDING satins. taffetas. - moires and fancy ribbons, In a variety of shades and desirable lengths. Friday at exactly halt BSrr Half Price Burg.aa-Baah Co. -Mala rioor. ODD PIECES OF NECKWEAR Including collar and cuff sots, jabots, etc., soiled and mussed, sale price Friday, -s r choice 1UC Bmrgoss-Bash Co. Main rioor. REMNANTS OF LACES, 25c EACH Sample pieces of laces, chiffons, nets and fancy trimmings, lengths to 2 yards long, nr each aOC Burg.sB-Baah Co. Mala rioor. REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES, 15c YD. Short lengths of embroideied flounclngs, corset cover embroid eries, nainsook tucking, fine em broidered crochet edges, tolles, Swiss and nainsook flounclngs, 12 to 18 inches wide, 1 r- yard ltC Co. Main rioor. 75c BRASSIERES, 49c Cluny lace effect, V shape top, hooked front, regular price 76c, z&nr. 49c Bargass-Baah Co. aooad rioor. Choice of Men's Hats, to $4,for$l OOD Styles and desirable VJ shapes in soft and stiff mod els, some soiled and shop worn; were to $4.00, clearaway price Friday for Bargssa-Bash Co. ronrtk rioor, fl mod- $1 - MEN'S $4.00 PANTS FOR $2.95 A splendid selection, waist meas ure SO to 60. The materials are fancy mixtures and Qf blue; $4 values for.; vaw.aO BorgMS-Bash Co. Toojrta rioor. BOYS' SUITS, TO $18.00, FOR $5.95 That's the way we offer any light weight knlckerbocker suit, for ages 6 to 18, years. The former price to $18.00, ' sale price Friday , Remnants of WASH GOODS That Were 25c to 50c Friday at 15c Yard T'HR lengths range from 14 to 8 yards, and the collection Includes nearly every favored weuve for thla spa son amhrolrfArd lace cloths, fancy vollee. plain ratines, mixed ratines, flaxons, tissues, tingnams, piain crepes, Dresden silks, chiffon llsse, etc. The most desirable patterns and colorings are included in this assortment wash goods that were 26c and up to sue, ai, yara 15c Barfs. Wash Co. Main Floor. Broken Lots and Odd Sizes of Women's 35c and 50c Hose, Friday, 25c Pair A CLEANUP of all odd lots of women's hose from our regular lines, at 35c to 50c, including black lisle, cot ton, embroidered llsles. etc., Friday, pair Women's 50c Pure Silk Hose, 39c Odd lots of black pure silk seamless hose, ravel stop, gar ter tops, also a few colors In fiber silk hose, pair Co. Main rioor. 25c 39c 75c to $2.48 Odd Lot of CHILDREN'S DRESSES at Exactly One-Half of the Regular Price LKAliAWAY of all mussed and soiled white and colored dressea for children 1 to 6 years, made of good quality materials and neatly trimmed: were $1.60 to $4.95, Friday at half price Infants' Bonnets at 25c Dainty mull and swiss finished With lace and ribbon in a vs- np riety of pretty ways, special 3C Children's $1.95 to $2.98 Coats, $1.00 niack, white checks, pongee, navy, gray and brown serges, f Aft. big variety of styles; were $1.95 to $1.98, for sPlaUU Bnrra.Wash Co. e.ooBd rioor. CARPET SAMPLES lj Yard Lengths Worth to $3.50, Sale Price Friday $1.50 Each THKRR Is but a limited quantity and at this price are sure to go quickly. They have been used during the season as selling samples. The weaves are Blgalow, Axmtn ster, Wilton, velvets and body bruseels, will make . nrt"wa-ira Co. TatM rioor, $1.50 Clearaway of Special Composition 42-Piece Dinner Set Friday $2.75 $2.75 sun, ior $595 BOYS' $1.50 PANTS, 98c Knickerbocker style, of fancy mixtures and blue serges, for ages 6 to 17 years; were QQ $1.60. sale price VOC Co. roarth rioor. nnwo different decorations One Dresden Motlff design, the ether ror-get-me-not ana rose cluster design. Qold lines and treatments. Made of very good domestic ware, but subject to slight Imperfections, Friday, set Glass Cemetery Vases, 15c and 35c Heavy, pressed glass, two shapes, special. ' Co. ronrth rioor. ' A Clearaway of the Short Lines of Women's $3.50 to $5.00 Pumps $2 BI.ACK craveuette and black satin street pumps, several models, also patent colt and dull calf pumps and colonials, at , lesst ten different models; welt and turn soles, Louis cuban, low and cuban heels, from our regular $3.60, $4.00 tj and $6.00 lines, at, pair....' i Women's $3.00 Dancing Slippers, $1.85 Pink, blue, lavender, rose and gold satin, not a pair d1 Qf- worth less than $3.00, sale price O X sOO Co. oona rioor. Remnant Sale in the Burgess-Mash Basement Men's and Boys' Soft Collars That Were 15c and 25c Friday, Each 2c 2ic 124c ALL sizes from 13 to 17 with plenty of small sizes, plain and fancy colors, also white. The materials are sol sette, silk, silk fiber and pique, choice each Men's Silk Fiber Hose, 120 Silk fiber top with lisle foot, lisle heel and toe, and double sole, good assortment of colors, pair Men's Mesh Union Suits, 39c Ventilated mesh and birds' eye union suits, ecru and white. OQ all slees. The ususl $1.00 kind Oa7C Women's 29c White Aprons, 15c Dainty bib and band aprons of white swing and lawn, reg ular price 29c, sale price 25 Muslin Underwear Friday, 15c Corset covers and drawers of good nainsook or muslin, nicely trimmed; 25c kind 75c Cotton Challis Kimonos, 49c Light, medium and dark Persian and floral patterns, reg ular price 76c, sale price Co. Bas.m.nt. Clearaway Bargains in the Base- 15c 15c 49c ment SHOE SECTION for Friday 45c i HlKtiAIN I Women's oxfords and pumps, small sites, reg- Of ular $2.r0. $3.o) and $3.50 grades OOC HAIUiAIN 3 Odd lot of (hlld's aud misses' strap pumps and Hlippers worth to $2.00, choice KAIUiAIN 3 Vio pairs of women's button and lace high t ff shoes, patent, gunmetal, tan, worth $3.60J) 1 .Ul HAltfiAlX 4 A big lot of women's oxfords from the second floor shoe department, la tan, patent and gunmetal t -l AC mostly Dorothy Dodd make, $3.50 and l,)liHj I'.AIUiAIN .1 An lmmenbe lot of women's whito nuburk and canvas high shoes, oxfordb and pumps. The lines are broken but are good values at $3.50, $4.00 and d4 CtZ 5.00, Friday, your choice for J)1.00 HAlttiAIN (V Misses' pumps and Roman sandals from the scond floor, four lots that have sold for $2.75 and J 1 f-f $J.50, choice of all Friday J 1 .OO Barraas-Baali Co. Boys' Wash Suitd Duster Brown style, for ages 3 to t years, were OQ 69c. for . . aSiaVl Short Lengths Laces, to 10c Yard, for 3 Vac POINT Paris, linen Torchon, French and German vals, net top laces, bands, etc., were O 1 to 10c, at, yard OgC Remnants of Laces, Etc., lc Bands, fancy trimmings, embroid ery bands, etc., from to 1 yards long, each XC Lace Pieces, 10c Sample pieces of laces, embroid eries, chiffon and nets, " "v .from to 1 yards long 1UC Bnrye-Baaaj Co 50c FANCY SILKS, 25c A big range of selection, Includ ing plain and fancy silks, such as messallnes. stripe taffetas, fsncy foulards, plain messallnes, checked taf feUs, etc., light or dark O C colors a3C Barrs-Bash Co B soman t. NOTION BARGAINS Mill Remnants and Odd Lengths of. 25c Dress Voiles Friday at 7jc Yard A 2' 5c Wooden coat banges, 3 for Oc Large bottle machine oil. He. Small band scrub brushes, each, Sc. 100-ye.rd ma chine silk, all colors, spool, 4c 200-yard ma chine cotton, all numbers, blac and white, per spool, Sc. 600-yard spool bsstlng thread, spool, 8c. Sewing needles, package, lc. Satin palm leaf fans, 12 - inch, 2 for Be. Common pins, 400 count, per paper, v. 8afety pins, all slses. 3 cards for 5c. Darning cot ton, 4 spools for Be Steel thimbles, each, lc Extra wide hose support ers for women and children, all colors, at pair, lOo. Co.- "eye r yd odts storc" 17 10c KJ'LENUID bargain. Indeed novelty dress voiles, stripes, plaids; also black and white, mill lengths regular 2 6c quality, Friday, yard Remnants of Muslin at 5c Bleached soft finished, yard wide muslin and nainsook, 3 to 10-yard lengths, on sale at, yard Remnants of Ginghams at 4c Hhort lengths various grades of apron and dress ginghams, Including hundreds of remnants that have accumulated from the regu- A 1 lar 12 Vic grade, all on sale at, yard 41: C Imported Madras Waistings and Shirting, 18c Yard Handsome patterns. They are the high cost Imported 3 2 -inch wide madras cloths, desirable lengths for waists and men's shirts, 4 q the price for Friday Is one-half the real value, yard XOC 35c Palm Beach Repp at 15c 36-lnch, highly mercerised palm beach repp skirting and suit- r lng at. yard lOC Bungalow and Curtain Scrim, 5c Those that have accumulated from the season's selling on sale f" at. ysrf OC Barf Ma-Baaa On 35c KITCHEN BROOMS, 4 SEWED. 19c Closing out of odds and ends. The quantities are limited; we sell only as long as they last. Gray enameled wash basins, good slse, 15c quality, Be. Gray enameled cullenders at 10c I to 6-quart gray enameled pud ding pans, to 25c value, choice, Ho. Ixiug handled aauce pans at 10c. Gray enameled pot covers, 9 to 12,14 -Inch slses, and worth up to 25c, choice, ec, or 2 for 15c. One lot of gray enameled preserv ing kettles with bailed handle, worth to 40o, choice, 16c Oblong stove or baking pans; 36e values, IBc. Bart", as-Baa a t and 4-quart gray enameled cof fee pots with tin cover; 40c and 50c values, 10c. Wooden salt boxes, 10c value, special, 4c. Towel rollers, wooden. 10c val. le Wooden coat and hat hooks, 10c value, at lc. Rubber bath room mats, S9e value, at IBc. One lot of tin pot covers. -lnch to 12 -Inch site, choice. So. Wooden peck measures, 40c val ues, to go at 10c Carpet sweeping compound, lb. package, 2c Pomade metal nollah. nr box. a. 6e. B aaomaat. Children's Hats Broken lots, some slightly soiled, were to $1.00. choice . . . i !