Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK HKF.: OMAHA. FimAY; MAY 28, iyi.
Kailrotdi Are Having- Coniidergble
Difficulty Bcauie of Urge
Knmbcr of Washouts.
. Rsin continues to fall over all Ne
braska, Kansas, , Iowa and South
Pakota. awl .without any Indication
of cassation; though. there la a rtft In
the clouds In eastern Wyoming and
Colorado, where It Is asserted tha sun
tii shining yesterday.
Th continued and heavy
I spinning ta have an effect upon th
(Deration of trains. On account of
soft tracks and nuraeroua small wash
outs, many trains are badly off
schedule, while others are feeling
their way over miles of bad roadbeds
and weakened bridges orer stream
and low places.
reports are turning In to railroad head,
quarters that all over this and adjoining
latre that atreame are out of their bed
and ravlnea filled with water. The
gr n-nd I thoroughly snaked and, farmers
ar unable to get Into the fields to take
ere of their corn.
v Alone the fcurllnsten Wedneaday and
"rt'elneenay night rain waa continuous
ttwi the MleNimlppI rlvr. Serosa Iowa
nhit Nebiaettu and well out Into Lolo--rada
and up on the Hillings line nearly
1m OherMen. Wye. The, precipitation
rahged'frtim one to three Inehea. On
the west end of the McCook division
-trains weiedtiayed by hleh water, and a
hnrt distance east of Benkleman. In the
nTiblicaii ValU'T, the track fr a 'dls
linrf of SOA fett.wae auhmereed under
Tne t tmo feet of water. . ,.
; Trala Servlee A lied.
On the l!jf( braneh of the North
.wfsteni. trim service was annulled.
Nt-rth of Verdlgre three mUe of track
had been washed out and nearly half of
It carried off the dump. The main lino
I I etlll In tart, but the entire country up
the Elkhorn ralley la reported flooded
wetween rremont and' Wanton. In aome
plates the water has apread out for miles
n either e'Je of the road, covertnn
farms and mining the fields on the rk-lt
botlon lands.
' The TIsrtlngton, Crofton and Plalnvlew
hrencbes of the Northwestern are still
nut of commission. The storm damage
was partially repaired yeaterdar, bit the
rain of last night washed out all tne new
work, besides taking out several stretehee
.of eld grade. '
rtowej at tfertlagtaa.
.' ITAITTTXOTON. Neb.. May1 27.
fSperlal Telegram.) -This locality was
visited Tuesday nlrht by a rain
which was of floodlike propor
1 Hn "and did aa 'Immense amount "of
da'mege throughout the 'county. Base
tnents were flooded, houses swept away,
sewes of hoga and chickens drowned and
si number of pnojA barely escaped with
Thatr lives. '
tt is estimated that many o the bekt
rldge In Cedar county have been de
stroyed, ad of railroad track both
"nerth and south1 of town have teen
.washed out.' so that there will be no
'train' arrng for ' many ' hours. Three
and forty -one hundredths Jiichee at water
iTull In the space of 'two or three
hours," and the rain was acoom
-.rented by a violent wind.
' Cleadawrat at ' Waau.
WAT.SA, Net.. May fl. (ApeeUU-Tfte
worst storm of raoent years swept this
Juertlon Tuesday nlrht A heavy rain
that amounted almost to a cloudburst
(fell, and was snipanied by a great
amount of electrtogt disturbance. . Im
; mediately after tha rale the wind, wblch
had been blowing a, gale, worked Into a
- hurricane, and,, small eutbullJlnre, trees
and tenet were .blown down. It was
the heaviest storm for years and the
damage to growing crope le hard to es
timate, JUany com fields will have to
he replanted. Quite a lot of stock was
. killed by lightning. In town all base
' tnents were flooded and store fronts
'filled with water, resulting In great dam
'ne to tlie stock a.
V Daataae la Mlaeearl Ksteaelve. .
KA.NSAg CITY.- Me.. May XT-Many of
the flooded atreamS In thla vicinity are
lecedtng today, but reports from a num-
t-er of points In Kansas and. Missouri
Continued to tell ef high wster and heavy
.... -.:
I i springrieia. -mo., workmen ' were
' over tooay clearing tne streets of up
j rooted treee and other debris which 'ac
j mmulattd laat night when a heavy storm
mrucB ine csiy. -
.A s-)-ear-old child of Charlca Jones.
firmer living near Km. Mo., waa allied
A' hen the storm demolished his home.
irntKri. n.n.. ... i ......
end Osark, Mo.
l ' Reports of dtstreas wete received. here
f today from Muacotah. a email tovn In
f Atchison eounty, Kansaa, which is said
lo be ent4rely surrounded by flood waters
' ff the Delaware sad UtOe Oraeet.oppef
rivers. , . . .
... i
I vtaaaaarat la bags Caaatr.
- tEATRKB. Neb.. May J7.-4 Special
A cloudburst visited this aecft6n-o the
tit Wednesday and at Rock ford and
Wymore nearly flv inches ef water felt
l:i a leer hours. The Bock Island and
Burlington tracks at Hoc k ford were sub
i.urged and the roadbed damaged to such
sn extent that trains wert unable to get
through for several hours after the
sttrnv A piece of the Burlington track
et of Rockferd was washed out At
t store eenatderabie hail fell, breaking
out windows ajad deatroylng the electrte
light globes en the iujsni. During the
ttoj-m the eieeple on the Methodist cl.urch
st Wue gprtngs was struck by lightning
and damaged to the extent or UOO. Crope
era damaged oonsiderably la th low
Imds by the water.
CINCINNATI. May Jf.-DeegaUa te
the eoaventtons of the International As
sociations of Chief of Police.. Sheriffs
sod Railway Special Aaonta, which are
meeting here, were Interested today In
the eutoome ef a meeting of committees
from the three organisations whe were
t" discuss tha forroaUogj ef the yVdere
t'on of America a peace officers.
as explained In the conventions, the
federation was to form a more perfect
organisation for the prevention and de
tection ef ertnM. One ef the plana, eut-
llwed was the location of a Beetinion
d'-partment at some central point. la
charge of a eupertnteadent whe would
divot, his entire, time to the oc! lection
aod ' Unification of picttiree and tecords
tr n rninala throughout tbe worid.
ANTI OERMAN RIOTS IN LONDON Immediately after the Lusitania disaster there
was a huge mas meeting at Tower Hill to protest against alien enemies being allowed at
large in the British isles. After the meeting mobs all over England demolished German
property and attacked German nationals, and for a time the police were powerless.
N l.ssjr.wvtKBis
V , . 1 ,4 . NOON .
I ; ! j TjTrwwtNt
1,L... f vjl( 1
-:f ' v-w ; i't.. v;- -j 1
V- ' ! -. -R-Vt- ! !
Pan-American Solidarity is One Ben-
' efit that it Crowing- Out of the
European Conflict
J ' i . . J
test of the good that the present Pan-
American financial conference has
don will not come for a year,: ac
cording to John Barrett, director
general of th Pan-American union
of the apeakers, today -at a general
session of the conference. '
"If," said Mr. Barrett,'"ther Is a
silver lining to the war cloud, it, It
the development of the Pan-American
oliaarity, No great metoncai even',
since the declaration of the Monroe
doctrine la 1828 baa done more, to
awaken the ' governments and tha
peoples of North and South America
to .a true appreciation of their com
mon interesta."
.. . i ,
Marakala Pereee ef Peaee.
Joseph B. Davlee. chairman of the
federal trade commlsflon, in a speech for
the conference said:
"The genius of Europe Is addressed to
war; . the spirit . of the Americana is
turned toward peace. This council of the
Amedicas Is held to marshal the great
forces of peace into conditions that make
for mutual helpfulness. 'V'
"It Is suggestive of great promise that
the. expressions from the nations here
represented ell contain, the recognition
of the tact that the permanency of our
future relationships and the profitable
ness of them to. us all must depend upon
the degree not alone of mutual profit.
but of mutual confidence which we have
In the Integrity of the motive of the
ethers- Trade like confidence between
men must be founded upon good faith
between the partlea.
. 'The statement of the grealest propon
ent of peaoe In tha world, the preetdent,
made at Mobile, Ala., a year ago. be
spoke, tee spirit of America in denying
the desire of the United Ptates to attain
by conquest a. fraction of land In this
continent other than what It now pos
sessed, . , ,
'"The PMendtd service, the generous
spirit and .uaaiilrulty of aotlon of Argen
tina, Braall and Chile In the Mexican
mcdisUnn conference end the enactment
of peace treaties, give pledge of the sin
cerity and good faith la the common pur
poees and ends of the repuhllca of this
homlephere In their dealings with each
Ureat Develeanteate Isaealaent.
"Great Industrial developments are tin
mlncnt la the nation a of .this hemisphere.
They will and should be foetered. But It
is fortunate that In the republics re pre
aented In this conference there Is Identity
of attitude as to ths relations of govern
ment tJ Industry and to Ita cltlsens-
Every republic on' this ' continent holds
private monopoly to be Indefenaible and
Intolerable and antagonistic to the splnt
of republican conceptions of government.
"In the financial developments arising
from International relations there le
promise of permanent relatione through
the establishment of dollar 'exchange.
Dollar exchaaee differs from dollar dip
lomacy. Commercial advantage for the
benefit of all now aervlce to the advan
tage of the few is the end nH uunnu
of govertuneut panfi ipatloa in dollar ex
Three Are Drowned
In Bad River Flood
PIERRE, 0. D., May 7.- Special Tele
gram-) H. W. Klrkpatrick and Mrs.
Harry Bmitn and an adopted daughter
were drearnod near Ortadatone In the
flood Thursday night from the cloud buret
en the north fork of the Bad liver.
Departajieat Ureters.
WASHINGTON. May t7.-(rpcla! Telo
grmm Ovll service examination will be
hold on June M for rural letter carriers
at Maywood and KpauMing. Nab.
Poetofrtoe at Kaude, b kasha oounty
Iowa, has been tiisronlinuvd. malt tu
Jacob O. Thonipeun of Cox, g. D., lias
ten appointed assistant foreet rangrr
st Camp Crook. eJ. !.. and W. O.
Kultorlon of Park county. V otning, t
Cody. Wyo. I
Pope Prays for Those Who Have
Fate of Nations in Their Hands
HOME (Via raria), May IT. "The hour
which we are traversing is painful, but
our piayers will go eut more frequently
and more fervently than ever to those
who have In their hands the fate ef na
tions," Is a declaration made by Pope
Benedict In a letter to Cardinal Vannu
telll. published in. the Onaervatore Ro
mano, the Vatican organ. The pontiff
recalls his first encyclical, In which he
urged the ' belligerent nations to make
peace, but points out that his voice was
unheeded and the war continued until "the
terrible conflagration has extended to
our beloved Italy."
'The pope says tie wanted to hold a con
sistory early In June to discuss with the
sacred college matters of Importance
concerning the government of the church,
but, unfortunately; the distressing events
made this Impossible. ' J , v ,
"While our heart bleeds at the sight
of so much misery,", the pope writes, "we
Squadron of Eighteen Aeroplanes
Drops Many Bombs on Big Chem
. ical Plant at Ludwisshaven.
PARIS, May 27. A French aerial
squadron,' composed of eighteen
aeroplanes, each carrying, fifty kilos
(119 pounds) of projectiles, this
morning bombarded a chemical fac
tory at Ludwlgshafen on the Rhine,
opposite Mannheim. . '
Fire broke out In several of tbo
factory bulldlogg. as a result of this
bombardment.. . . . .
This factory lg one of the most
Important manufacturers of explos
ives In all Germany. The French
aviators were in the air for six hours
and covered more than 400 kilo
meters (140 miles).
Thla expedition against an Important
German military establishment was the
French reply to the attempts of German
aviators en the city of Paris.
The Information was contained In the
French official statement given out by
the war office this afternoon.
Keppella Raid In Raalaad.
BOUTHKND, England, May .-An-
other Zeppelin airship raid was made
upon thla town. li)st night and one person
was killed and several Injured by bombs
hlch were dropped. Tne victim was
Mrs, May. Fsbin, who was here'' on a
visit. The entire town waa illuminated
by the bursting of shells dropped by ths
aircraft. .
Some reports say that two and ' others
that three Zeppelins took part In thia
raid. It Is, however, Impossible to give
this number accurately, because of the
heavy, clouds. .The. noise of the pro
peljere of the airships waa first heard
shortly before 11 o'clock. . Then came at
once the shock of the explosion as the
bombs ratped down from above. rVmte
of the missiles were Incendiary and threw
eut bright flares of .light.
Crowds .assembled In the streets of
Route Epd to view tbe raiders. The only
fatality, the .killing , of Mrs. Fabln, oc
curred wlilie the woman was leaving a
st.-eet car. . It Is recalled that on the
previous raid the only ' victim ' was
woman, n ,
Miitlsh aeroplanee went up In pursuit of
the raiders, but ware not successful In
overtaking them torn tint later two
Zeppelins were seen ever Burnham-On-Crouch,
aevrn mites to- the northeast of
fteuthend. but no more ' bombs' were
dropped. '
'' Admiralty Says Twe Killed.
IjONDox, May n.-m a. ra-Tha
secretary of the admiralty has Issued a
statement on the Southend raid, which,
contrary to the dispatches, says tare
wom-ui were killed.. It reads:
"Lets last nUht a Zcppelia visited the
east coiat aud.boniba were dropped on
Southend, The laai.ajtlce reported today
are two wemea killed and one clil'd
badly injured. Very little llam
as waa clone. Aeroplane and seaplanes
have not neglected to continue our work
for relief and the dlmunltion of the de
plorable consequences of war."
The holy father then recalls hia efforts
for the exchange of wounded prisoners
unable to fight again. The needs of tne
soul, he writea. especially attracted his
fatherly attention and exceptional fac.ll
ltlea were consequently afforded all chap
lains called under the colors or attached
to the Italian army In any capacity.
The pope then exoru all Catholic to
practice with him for three days a strict
ecclesiastical fast and he accords a
plenary Indulgence applicable also to
soula in purgatory .-
Continuing,, the pope writes :
"I wish that the echo of voice might
reach to alt our children affected by the
great scourge of war and persuade all of
them of our participation In heir troubles
and sorrows. Th-K ta tt-ot the grief
of the child that V not reflected in the
soul ef the father." ' ' '
pursued the enemy, but the Zeppelin es
caped In an easternly direction.
Southend, which le a municipal bor
ough and popular eeaslde resort at the
mouth of the Themes, forty miles east
oi London, has been the target of Bep.
peUn raiders several- tlmee In the last
six montha. On no nravioua mmbii
however, have the results been serious.
PEADWOOD, g. D JUy i7.-(8Declal.
Over two Inches of rain has fallen in
tnis section thia week and the total fall
during thla spring has fsr exceeded that
of any spring for years.
From all reports the late froet did little
damage in the northwestern part of the
state, some vegetation In the hlsheat
point being killed, but alfalfa and ether
crops suffered bus slightly. The amount
or rata and snow this fall has virtually
assured at least two good crops of
alfalfa and native hay and grease, and
with a fair amount of molatura lata In
June and through July, this part of tha
stats will show better croDa than to
many years.
A Baltimore doctor suggests this stra
p's, but reliable and luespenatve, borne
treatment for people suffering with
ecsetma, ringworm, rashes and similar
Itching, bunting skin troubles.
At any reliable druggist's get a Jar of
iwalnol ointment and a cake of reslnol
soap. These will not . cost a bit mora
than, seventy-five cents.. With the-rea-
lno soap and warm water bathe the
affected parts thoroughly, until they
are free from crusts and the skin la soft
ened. Dry very gently, apread on a thin
layer ef the reslnol ointment, and cover
with a light bandage-lf . neceasary to
protect the .clothing. Thla should be
done twice a day. Usually the distress
ing Itching and burning stop with the
first treatment. ' and 'the sktn soon be
comes clear and healthy asala. Adver.
UsemenL ...
Washing Won't Rid
Head Of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid cf dan
druff la to dissolve It, then you destroy It
entirely. To do this, get about four
ounces of ordinary Hij'ilJ arvon; apply it
at night when retiring; use enough te
moisten the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and. by morning, moat
If not all. of your dandruff will be gone,
end, three or four mors applicative wiU
completely dlaaolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of It, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may have.
Tou win find. too. that all Itching and
Jigging af tha scalp will atop at once,
and your hair will be fluff y. lustrous,
glossy silky and soft, and look a ad fsei
a hundred times better.
' Yeu ran get ' liquid arvon at any drug
tore. It le and never falls
do the work. Advertisement.
German Mines that j
Drift Away from
Moorings Harmless
" '.VASMIXOTON. Mar r.-Count 1ern- j
atorff. the Oermen ambaeaador, preonted ;
a memorandum to the Stale dpnrt.nent i
lodajr eajlng Clernian mine were of n j
type uhlt h become harmlcsa If they I
dirt froni tlielr anf-horace. '
Count Hernetorff'a memorandum pie- ,
rented to Counsellor laneing, eald In ref
t errro-e to the icporta puhllehed In con- :
ner-tlon with tlie Nehrsrkan Incident thnt ;
only the ttrltiah government lied elvn i
the t'nltfd Htntee eifh asatirancea. that
he had bwn ndvliied afficlallv of the n-
luie of f Jer man mlnej. hut had not been
Instructed to retxu-t tiila lo tho Waehln
ton government.
'With reference to th" report that I '
read In the paper thla morning." the ,
memorandum said. 'I have to aay that,
according to official Information from
the German admiralty. Oerinan mln.-a
laid In the aea become Innocuous when
detached." I
Consul General Wgahington at I Iver- j
pool tttble.1 late today that the Nul-ras-kan
would enter the Meraey at 6 o'clock I
thia evening and probably dock before I
K. H.' Duff, counael for the company
owning the Nebraskan. who rlalted th
Mate department today, said the cir
cumstance of the affair, particularly the
damage to the how of the Nebraskan,
Indicated to hint that the rceeel struck
a mine. The atenmahlp officials, he said,
held the eame view.
Later the Rate department announced
that the consul general's nu image aaid
he would board the Nebraskan by tug
rnd cable details of its damage.
Hardware Men Go to
Pittsburgh Next
HAN FRAN'CISCO. Cal., May 2T. Pitts
burgh was rho'en today as the 11 con
vention city of the American Iron, Steel
and Heavy Hardware association and
officers were elected at the final session
of the rlxth rnnual convention. A trip
almut San Franclsro bay and the annual
banquet tonight were the remaining fea
tures on the program.
The officers elected were: President,
PesHe A. Gregg, Kt. Paul; vice president,
Henrry Bodevln. Brooklyn; secretary
treasurer. John Q. Purdlo. New York;
members of the executive committee,
Richard K. Knglchart, Iavenport, la.;
Herbert Field, Providence, R, I.; Kugene
J. McCarthy, Buffalo, N. T., and George
9. Bcovel, tan Franclecc.
Keeps Lit in a
Stiff Wind
The flame flicker," of
course, but it does not go
out. . . . . . . :.. r ..
The stick is absolutely dry
that is one reason for the
superiority of Safe Home
Matches. .
Safe Home Matches are
absolutely non-poisonous.
For that reason alone they
should be in every home in
America. ....
Sc. All grocers.
Ask for them by nam.
The Diamond Match
Everybody Now Buys Dia
monds for Wedding" and
Graduation Gifts on Credit
S-LIW rlag. 14k
SOUS seta LI'I "P.r
t.tloa" meaailni. brtU
i:. $50
eg a afoata.
liss V vaiiiw.
flB. VOltS. gOlS.
ssstae ears w
t.r. Mart sradaal.
fins Ul.nMnd : eom-
piMswita et-ee
n-is. ch.i. t
11.60 a stoata.
f t.80
is-tiu'i si. i. rut
HaloMr. belt uTt.
u ."its soie. f45
CIM ll.auaS.. e""
ga. so a acoatm.
a Month
IMS Wrist WaUa Csss sag Braeli, era
soih fia. wlal ai Uer full alrk.l
)mM. iMm t eiihw wkiug9 A 7t
sr sol Sial. Ou.rsj4 F aw-wss w
ttM a aaeata.
. Osss BeOt III r. It Sabaekp Till
Oil r wms lor illasttatsd raule aa sat.
riioM Ooa asS eur amleaaMa will saU.
rrBs,icTHE KAT,At
.71 a
Thompson-Belden S?0o-
50 Dozen Embroidered Initial
Pillow Cases, 25c Each
45x36, all initials, extra
fine quality of casing;
While they last, 25c each
Attractive Displays
of Apparel
In the Second Floor Section
Painty Summery Dresses for every
occasion, light weight suits for travel
wear; coats for motoring, separate skirts
for outing, serviceable dresses for home
A comprehensive exposition
of all that is choice
in woman's apparel
Thompson & Belden prices are as
low as are consistent with the highest
Pumps, Slippers and Oxfords
In Patent, Kid Dull Kid, Tan Kid or Calf
A brilliant exposition
of the most charming
of the new spring and
summer styles at sav
ings made possible only
by concessions on the
part of both the
makers and our
selves. $5.00 Values,
If Yon Have Good Teeth
Without good teeth It Is Im
possible to masticate your food
properly therefore your direction
causes poisoned blood poisoned
blood causes pimples, hearta'hee,
drowsiness, rheumatism, kidney
trouble and a-enerel tearing down
of your system.
Tail's Dental Rooms
Do It now with Sherwtn-Willtama Cos
which nerer falls. It roes twice aa
far as some of the adulterated brands.
4-lb. pkg., O.; V4-lb. pkg. 14
1-lb., pkg., 24: 2 lbs. for 4G?
5-lb. pkg.. lilc per lb. . .81.10
14 -lb. buckets, 21c per lb. S2.04
66-lb. .buckets. 20c lb. SjJll.20
Mail Orders Shipped Promptly per
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Omaaa. Vsb.-
In one of our new lim
ousine taxlcaba with
tha windows lower 1
aa much aa you lino
aleea you pleaty nf
rrean jr and your
Y.ot';e".arw not sollad.
At IS. OS par hour, one
four paaaencora.
" On sarrloa
Telephone Dwn. o.
Omaha Tailcab Serrica Co.
tl4 Farwana St.
The dla
course ol treatment, which removes tha craving or necessity for
liquor or drugs, Imparts new strength to every organ and build
up the general health. The only Keeley Institute in the state of
Correspondeuce) Confidential. Cur. 25th aad Case &ts., Omaha, Neb.
"ii "
Sale Price, $3.95
El O Y D rrxji. - wxbx
w kss untlaea Today, g:ao--Uist
Saaee Matlaee Today, 8:30, '
with Both Thompaea la Soaga
and Daaeea betwaea acta.
Alias Jinny Vslenliso
Xattaaa gatarsay, SSe mrata, gSo-SOa.
XmmS verforaaaaoe Saturday algat.'
Arthur (Smith's Orchsstra la -Ball
Good BoatUg, BoU.r Ooastsr. Marry-Oo-Bouad
and TKany Otnec
and all drusr and drink habits over,
come by the moat modern and hu
mane treatment known to mankind.
Call or addreaa tis for more detailed
information or referencea to cured
Omaha Ileal Institute
isoa a iota . yrsewe Sewc. TSS4.
ilake Teething Easy for Baby
Krs. Wins!3ws SccUiIns -Syir?
The quality printer argts
Ids automer ( spend
money for good engravings,
becamse it is money tstll
spent. The best printer in
the business cannot get re
sults out of an inferior cut
We make them to sort the
Without a Rival for Drunk
enness and Drug Using
cured by a thorough and scientific