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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1915)
ft 5 -fR RF.XT ? PRT A TV imrw?v .- ft . i . I t -. . "1 ..1 " - - - ...... .n Li '" "iimii i- ... - av- nr..iii tir liii. rn i ill itt nnAtttAn ' Hears. MOPF.RN. well furnished mm rni r-i .i. r '". isrge In art. private y. rhone Harney 2"", XrvJ"8T :v4-mItt., furnished "room. "IS-J HNAM-Ore floor. 4 nl.e modern rooma. chen p. . , THE KRIlyOOO Omaha a NKH'KST snd PRflT. strlcily modern, six blocks from business district, porch, gardens. J4,4 HirncT CC" b"lf"l front rooms, large pwvh. halo, fir.a for summer; rrrnls if de sired; (-erase Si. M. jd I-AROK front rocm. Podge llaincy .V. furnished. S'.li ST. MARY S AV .... rl Nicely furnished front room, modern, good location. I inning 44.12. "ralaaed llnorkn nine Booms. TWO new, rooloni, nicely furnished rooma. Ideal for couple. ?15 N sth Ave. Harney K7, TWO modern. nlcAiy' furnifhed huunr Keeping rooms. i AVchi-ter DAVENPORT, 3-10-1 modern apta., com rlete 1.1 V t HollfkMlllaM knnmi. COOt. rooma, with alcove, kitchenette ! furnished. Oldea Hotel Co.. Council Bluffa. la. N. llST, X-2 2 rooms, il'wct, pun try. I bath; fresh paint. paev and furnish- Inge; 3d floor: ?H. Webster ESl, It-H'.. CAI.IHIRMA-! and ..-room. inoTi". ! furnished cottage; nice yard. Mar. 4on. t FARXAM PH-Two nice housekeeping- j rooms; electricity, saw ran. . 8. HTH PT . SJaljRht hou.ekeening ! rooma, strictly modern; also sleeping rooma. Harney 1787 N. iTH. J14 C'ool. airy rooms for housekeeping, single or en suite. Doug las 4M. Hoesrs aad Cot lose. North. UOOM. modern house, located at Decatur St.: will be vaeant .day l; r month. Phone H 431 WK8T FAR-NAM. 7-R., H6. 118 N. 38th St., near Dodge. Very choice, handsomely finished brick. Sleep ing porch and sun room. ARM9TRCNO-VAl,Sr COMPANY, Tyler 1M8. 8TATK HANK ni.lH.o FOR RENT 7-room bouse, all -nodern. .43. Tarker Bt. FOP. RENT Elsht-room, strictly modern house. 2628 Chuiea St.; suitable for two families. Tall Webster !tl. 8h-V..N rooms, all modern, Bern is Park. Phone Harney TOW. Soatk. FOR BENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38 th St ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-L Benj. S. Baker, Phones D4 32, 11317, WEST FARNAU SPECIAL 106 South Kth St., S rooms, beautifully decorated, first-class condition- through out; garage equipped for either sua or, electric car. Price, $11.50. FAYNQ ft BUATER CO.. 1 Omaha. National Bank Fld-. .23 S. MTH 8T.-r. all modern house, MO; TM-ajit Juno 1. Rasp Bros. D. ISA. Barns ssi Uatsfsi, SMALX. rarage on West Harney, (4 per month. Phone Walnut -340. Mtseellameoas CEB th Central Furniture Store. FKS1 RENTAL. U8T. oa, " moving. Jl. Kfcfl Packing 4c storage. . A UL, aies. to per month us. nvt faxton. Maggard's j Vaa and storage ; Co. Call ns for e Umataa for mov IB. pacj-uig. Douglas im. Inc. pac&intf. alupolas. iiU Wabatev at Gordon VanCo.S.5 tl N. Utb 8t TeL D. IM or Web. ISNl GlobeVan&Storage Storaa, mover, packs, ships; l-tiorse vaa and 1 man, fl.K per hr.; storage U per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 43i Ty. m ' FIDELITY vTSij THEE Pbone Donglas 2SS for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. 18th and Jackaon Sts. TTnrtaoa Cretan Bona Co.. Dm Bldg. MODERN l-room cottage, $& per mo. &M Pratt Omaha Realty Co.. Red 4-2. 417 V-rm. oottag-.; water rAI.OV pali Owner. 2066 Evans Kt. Web, im. FOB RENT Wa have a complete list of all booses, apartments and flat that are for rest. This list can be aeen free of charge at Omaha Van tk. Htorage Co.. lot 8. ICtb St tores km ttle. iNEW modern storeroom. 603 North 16th street; low rent. Conrad Youug, lit Brandels Theater. Doug, lilt. . Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Bupar.ntendent'a Office, Room 103. MODERN office, opposite Loyal Hotel; low rent. Q. P. ftebblns. SUMMER KEHORT8 RIVERMG0E A SELECT COLONY ON THE SOUTH SHORE SCITUATE, MASSACHUSETTS This lovely shore resort Is located at the end of the road on the aoulherly end of Third Cliff, bcltuate, Mass. It is alout a mile from the station and toe town, directly on the ocean front, and commands an unobstructed view up and down the coast and out to sea. There are grasxy uplands all around and hills n the distance. Iloatliig, batbuig and fishing may be enjoyed and cano.s and motor boats are used on the North river, whero trlpa up the river for fifteen miles may be taken. A branch atore and post office are located here, and many of the cottages have telephones. Ihe town has good stores where all sup lies may be obtained. Fresh fish and t obatcra ran be bought at anv time. bummer train service gives a train evi-iy hour and the livery stable service is good. All the cottsges are new, vtith modern conveniences, including excellent toan water, baths, fireplaces, sleeping porches and garages. The houses are large, with large rooms having windows on two and three sides All floors are of the best hard pine, well finished. The room are fully fur niahed except for bed and table linen and silver 'Ihe furniture Is of the plum mis sion type. All leds are of plan while Iron with best National springs and combina tion mat tresses. Klankets, guilts and Mllowa are supplied. The pantry and kitchen are generously furniahed, the range is a CaUnei den wood, and the china a set of matched willow ware. There are no Iiuuki to compare with these in cleanliness, equipment, comfort and convenience. Rentals ranee from $J0O to ttitti, for a four montha' lease. No dissatisfied trnsuls have ever sum mered here. The houses will be shown at aay time. Apply to the Owner, GEORGE F. WELCH SCITUATE, MASS. o - 1 . tgBrngBUMB,gJl-llsllg'l i ii i . ivnuira n mi vniiiii i .h m n mt at i Your Money Is Safe - If Invested In Benson Garden Acres LUd you vpr stop to think, that It Is a good idea to hv at least rart of your .Money Invested In Innd, close to a growing city like Omaha? A sure as Omaha continues to grow, your money Invested In Benson Oar den acre, will also Increase In value. Acreage property has proven to be the safest and beat Investment of any kind of vacant property, for the reason that your taxes are rery little compared wfth vacant property lo cated within the city llmlta of Omaha. . Ton .hould loyk over Benson Garden Acres as soon as possible, as It Is the finest Subdivision ever placed on the market near Omaha. iimae tering as low as $10 Down, $10 Per Month on An Acre $10 Down, $7.50 Per Mo. on Half Acres Benson Gardens is located on West Main Rtreet, paved road. Just est or Benson, close to school and aionK me norm side or the tract Summer and Winter. Half hour service mornings and evenings and hourly during the day. Call or write for more particulars about Benson Gardens. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HAtlNEY STREET. J.7 Acres On Paved Road Owner has Instructed us to sell J.T acres, located on Hcnson main street pave. raad at 11,2 A If sold at onoe. If you want a real bargain, vou should be' sure to look this over at once. "jSTlNO mml-.N. 1M4 Harney t. REAL ESTATE FARM A IU.MH l.AU4 FOR HA Lis. t'allfornla. CALirOKMA LAND. All counties; catalogue free. Write C, M. Wooater Co., Thelan Bldg.. San Fran Cisco. Established 30 years. tlv Oak Coloniea, none natter. W. T. Pmlth Co.. 818-14 City Nat. Bk. T. ZStt. (oloraao. SPKCIAN 1AND BARGAIN. ltia SCrea In Che'nna ennntv ( 'nlnrnln 60 acres broken: II mllea frnin t'. P r' R; price only 6 par acre. Terms, M cash, balance flu per month. If all cash, S per cent discount. Owner may accept a car as part payment on balance. OTTO B I EM SEEN. KIS Bee Bldg. c HAVB TOU A FA KM iroR SAIBT WriU a food description of your land and send it to the Bioui City. la., Journal, ;"' Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five worda avery Friday evening, Saturday morning: and every Saturday evening and Sunday moraine for one month, giving alxteen ada on twelve different days for U; or W words. H: or TO words. It. Le-rreat clrculatloBi of any low news paper. 2M,0m roadera daJly to faur great lllasiesota. 80-ACRFJ Improved farm, miles from Pine City, on a irood road, rural route and telephone; fair set of buildings; 36 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and meadow. I'rlce $;',6fl0. m acres, un improved. 1 mile from Mne dtv ! mi l atrea; t miles from Pine City, rood soil, no roc. i acres under oultlvaUoa, 12.000. 40-acre Improved farm, nearly all uouur luiuY.uun, mnes rrom town; good buildings; price $1,600. Many oth. ers; send for list, J. U Kopacek, Pine City. Winiu , . o 10. SO OK M0 ACRES, good heavy oil. la well aettled part of Todd County, Minn.; good roads, sohools and churches; price 116 to 1.0 per acre; terms, fl per acre cash, balance 11 per acre a year until land la paid for. S per cent Interest SCHWAB BROS., toa Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. CAN locate SO homesteaders on 320 aeres each. Nice smooth land, close to tim ber and water. Price of locating, ISO each. Fur particulars address, K. U. Farns worth. Dillon. Mont, , SteairmalUi, COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. tll.OUO buys a highly improved farm, consisting of about acrea located oa one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-nulnute'a ride. Uood water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tarn har, nice large beautiful shade trees and all kinds of shrubbery and bout 10 acrea of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This is an ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock at any kind. Living spring In pasture. C. R. COMB-, lit Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. D. IMC REAL ESTATE LOANS WB ARE always in funds to make good farm and city loans. PETERS TRUST CO.. 16.2 Farnam Bt FARM LOANS. I PER CENT. TOUAND TRUMBULL. Bee Bldg. flu TO 110, Ouo made promptly. F. D. wen a. weaa ma., win ana ramam nua CITY and farm loans, i, IW. per cent i. If. Dumont Co.. 414 feists Bank. A homes. Kast Nebraska tar ma. O-KERFB REAL ESTATE CO.. Mil OmaSa National. pbene Lioualaa 1711 WANTUD City loans and warrants. W. Farnano Smith ft Co.. 1X20 Farnam 8t BffEl us first for farm loans In eaatera Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberfc I10-31I Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. w. tl. Thomas, Z-K Mate Han. ttldg. MONET oa hand for city and farm loaaa H. W. Hinder. City National Rank lildg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR BALE or exchange fine south (75 ft.) front lot on Underwood Ave.. Pun dee, or will exchange lot as part pay ment on comparatively new, modern, eight-room house, erected on good lot in choice location. Address J 457, care Bee. INVESTMENT. Have a lot In Casper, Wyo., will trade or sell; none but Omaha people bought In this addition. Address M 4ti0. Bee. REAL ESTATE WEST 8IDE Bemis Park . 3320 Myrtle Ave. This hoiipe now vacant, and nonresident owner writes to cut the price and sell. Thifc is a 7-iootn, 2-story, modern house, with fireplace, electric lights, furnace, with good south front lot on paved street, one blx-k from Harney car line. Kasily worth, but we want an offer. Believe t. will buy it and easy terms can be arranged. Investigate at once while tho house is vacant. Glover & Spain '.IS-J0 Cltv National. UK A L KSTATK XORT H WEST HOI SK & LOT IN CLAKEMONT. .V. Lesa than the value of tne lot aloiie. Can you realise your opirt unity ? PAYN1S lNVIt.TMl-NT CO., Douglas 1'ikl. Ware Ulook. MEDICAL AKMANO Really helps get rid of that pain In the back, toucn of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and brings bark that loat appetite, purlflea the Lloed and builds up the entire sys. tern. Just send a poktcard to tbe gbells barger Co., -ifg. I bar . West Liberty, la. PILLS. riSTL'IA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, futula aad other rectal diseases without surgioal operation. Cure guaranteed and ao (no nay paid until cured. Write for book an rectal diseases with testimonials. LiK.. t. It. TARRV. 240 Lee BUg. car line. Jitney automobile service KEAL EHATE INVESTMENTS Special Harney Street Bargain lt Mix 100, and two dandy good houses of I rooms each. One hss a new hot ws ter heating plant and the other a new hot air furnace. These houses are al ways well rented and will carry the prop erty. Nw buildings are ' going up all along Harney street, and this - property Is bound to grow in value. Price ,000; convenient term For location snd fur ther particulars see Payne & Slater Co. Ill Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE A BARGAIN In West Hanscom Park, bungalow, I rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, pine and birch finish second floor and fireplaoe, house all complete with storm windows and screens and lighting fix tures, for U.600. Make an appointment with owner and builder to aee It Harney 7S1. . 4 REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $ BUYS a good three-room house; electrlo llRht- Call after 1:30 p. m.. or 8unday. 3015 Hnrdette. REAL -"XTATH MISCELLANEOUS Money to Loan Hava beautiful building lot which I will furnish the money and build a modern r m i u. , . . I . ii mi . . . . , w -i,i. ciii-.ii in-, immfaii pat anca oa easy monthly terms. itt. P, WRIGHT. Telephones: Doug, tm. Walnut 182. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK FOR BIDS. The undersls-nsd will receive at his office In the City of Atkinson sealed bids for prices on AM feet of A No. 1 flra hma. 1 combination nosslea and 1 hose cart. All bidit to bo accompanied by a certified check for J-6.00 as a showing of good faith to furnish good No. 1 material at the bid der's price made. All bids must Be In the city clerk's office on or before the 7th day of June., 1916, at I o'clockn. nv a., 'V-V vv City Clerk. Atkinson. Neb. Mi(td7t Coffee Market. market lor coffee future opened un changed to I points higher on a little scattered mvafIii- - ... - . . cllne but as there waa no important de- yr-"m iair easea oil. unaer selling which was accompanied by reports or lower offrnfri .f ... -.1 ShiDinents. Tha rlni mjmm n. ,,nr.t,A to 4 liolnta lower. Hales. 10 era h.: June. 540o; July. l.4Rc: August. a4c: 8n tember. .5lc; October. 1.64a; November, opic; -xcemwr. .!; January, l.flfic; February, .70c: March, 1.76c; April. .80c. Spot, quiet; Rio No. T, 7c: Santos No. 4. "c. It Is reported that Eantos 4c for forward shipments have been offered at K.fiOc in tha cost and freight market. VI i 1 p 1 K-i.,-- . i . i i .... . ..ii.. m. I'. t -fl ,u iiian-r ai ivio ana l.iO rels lower at Mantos. Rio exchange on -vnuun waa i-c-u lower. : Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, May 24 -"RAfRJR Jt AT- Cho.-e upland. tliOO; No. 1. tll.00inl60; No. I, I8.0uMO.00; No. I, 14.007.00. Choloa midland. 11- 60; No. 1. Ill.t0-il2.00: No. 2. I7.0OB9 00; No. I, 14 004317.00. Choice low land. VlO.fiOVU.W; No. 1, 110 004)10.60; No. X A0Ov00; No. I, I4.AQ.00. v u 'r u a L' Trt.i u . k 11 II . V, ALFALFA Choice alfalft Is auotaJ-la at l f614.0O; No. 1, l-2.neu.0O; No. I, J Metal Market. NBW YORK. May 17. M ETAUS Lead. I4.-7VMt4.43Vs. Spelter, unchanged. Cop per, firm; electrolytic, I18.7W1.W. Tin, quiet; five-ton lots. 137. 006.37. Ml Iron, qclet and unchanged. At I-ondon: Hpot copper, 77 6e; fu tures. 71 Is. Spot tin. 1: futures. 1H P's. Antimony. i;U0a'U3. Lead, 2(1 Is Id. epeiier, art jus. WANT THE OMAHA BEE. Enclosed find $ advertisement for quoted below: NAME AND ADDRESS COUNT AS PART OF AD. dive nama aod address on a4 if poaelbla, aa beat results art obtained thlg way; If, for any reason, you do not wlah your nama to appear In tbe ad.' we will ad key number rare of Bee. ANSWERS FORWARDED TO YOU WITHOUT EXTUA COST. RATES ..... On Insertion, in Dally or BundAj, 2 Cent Word. Three Insertion!, iya Cent a Word. Seven Insertions, 1 Cent a Word CASH OR STAMPS MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS Trade in Wheat Light, with Price Two CenU OffCorn Market it Firm. LITTLE DEMAND FOR OATS OMAHA. Mav if. IU. Trade In cash wheal continued llaht toila. The receipt wer ten rats and there were onlx two cars reported sold at a decline of J.-. The corn market was fltm. there helms a fair drmand for the Mte and yellow aiadcs. the whit corn commanding i,c trcmtum over the yel low. Corn sold unchanged to o higher. There was very lluU demand for oats snd the market sold lower. The pe- vi inn- vf.-ai were ngiu. a total 1 oi nine cats helng reported In. I Those who lav. studied the cash nheat t situation closelr regard It In the meakeel j condition for mnmi.a. Niwoulatore who have the ash wheat taken in on Mav . PurchaA. in im. i ;. bought around II and 1 ave a profl'. But j lth no demand from exporters or mill- er at lut-aent their position is not re i aaided as sound. ' v "'"rn'''": Wheal and (lour equal to 3.(Ki bushels, corn. 2,tXi bushels, and oats, 8M,.I bushels. f'rlmary wheat recsipta were TS0M0 bu. and shlpnlenls of M,(1 bu.. against re celpis of bM.neo bu. and slupmcnta of j:!.0M bu. last year. I Primary corn receipts were 19t,w hu, and shipments of 8Ji,oo. bu.. nuniiiat ys "f ,u-' b,' ( tilinienta of ! t.l I--it K.i I . a rnmary oats receipts were STl.fl bu. and aliipments of ti.(W bu., agaliit re tlpta of trnuvu bu. and shipments ot T., bu. last year CAKIiOT nKrEirTSt heat. torn. Oats. (Iiicago 71 Minneapolis Huliiih :t lo hi 10J fo m . i imana ' Kansas City r . . rt. trills -I Winnipeg No. 2 haid winter: I care, II.40H. No. 3 hgrd winter. 1 car, 11.40. RvaNo. -; 1 I - SJ ll ,..- K' - r I ' , " n-i-o. 4 wimr: o cars, I ro. .i wmi.: i mr, Tar. No. 1 vel ilow; I csrs, ;.c. No. 3 yellow: I care, ?; I car, 7-Vc No. I yellow: 1 car. '7-c; 1 ar. 7-V. No. 4 yellow; 1 ear, I -. t - - ?it.. V I ii a 77V,c. No. t mixed: 1 car (near white), 7-c: 4 cars, Cl . No 3 mixed: I rare, 71 So; 6 rare. TlUo. No. I mixed: I car. Tin. Oats-Standard: 1 car. 4c, No. I white; Z csrs, 4e. No. 4 white: 1 oar, 4tic. .Sample: car. Cc; 1 car. 47c; 1 car, 4fV. Omaha Cnsli Price-Wheat: No. 1 Turkey, I1.41fll.4m; No. S Turkey. U.40U 41.41; No. 3 hard. ll.MMr;,40U: No. J li .1 1 ' . , .... . . . - . . ..,. ,i.u..( ,.,w, v naxn, si.M'ti i no. J spring. l.V'rtl.401 No. 1 durum, ll.Sffl 1.8S; No. J durum, fl.37lcrl.-K. Corn: No. 2 white, 721it)7.1c: No. I white, 7l.p7c; No. 4 white, ;ifl711c; No. S white, 70r ino. 4 white, .IflTlHc: No. S white, 70(fp nc No. ii white, twkrric: no. r yei- low, 7-V0T2c: No. I yellow, 72" 7'A.c ; fi7lc; No. mixed, TV70H.. 0tn: No. i a nniir, i-rtf X O wnilff, W'Sfl Rlirl-V VCl. 1 1 Inar 7lC, KT. 4 a sg Barley; Mulling. 70fi72e; No. 'l feed 'smi Jtye: No ' I1.0.MM.M: No. I. CHICAf-O GRAIN AND PROVIIIOIVI Feat a res of the Tr4iag aad Claalas Prleea an Board at Trade. CtfTCAGlO. Mav IT V.lrhf en w today In the price of the May option at tracted much more notice than anything else regarding wheat, although business centered to a far greater extent on July and September, both of when aenred gslna. Absenoe of any urgent call from exporters or millers left May virtually TT..MUUV a-iipurx. i ne maraet, nowever, closed steady, at He decline to lc ad vance compared with last night. Oom rose a to l&Vtc net, oats a shade to o and provisions fie to y. May wheat at the low point of the ses sion today touched 1.4'. nearly Ko under the high record price nf Urn war, February 8 and shsrply in contrast with entliuslsstlc bull predictions then that quotations before the and of May would climb to 13 a bushel. The offerings of the Msy option today war said to hava been largely of a stop loss character, but were not of sufficient volume to be at all exciting. News that the setback of about lfco In forty-eight hours had led to export sales of 1.0wS,000 bushels at the seaboard came too late to hava much effect on today's market here. Heavy rains that were aaid to have caused serious injury to crop prospects and to have renewed fears of rust damage were what lifted the price of July and September wheat. Comparative firmness in quota Hons at Liverpool tended also to favor the bulla Complaints that much replanting would be necessary In Iowa sent the corn mar ket upgrade. A big reduction of tha estimated surplus In Argentina counted further against the bears. Osts were In fluenced by the action of corn. Crop reports, though, were favorable, and tha volume of buying small. Higher prices for hogs helped provl slona Besides there were reports of fair sslea of lard to Kurope. Futures ranged as follows: Artlclel Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheatl May. 1 4V4 1 60 1 Ji 1 V 1 let 1 45 1 10 1 " 7ST4 M 44 M MIS 14) BT W K July. I 271 Corn. I July Hept, Oats July. 7M, 77m "tw, 7r.i 77 7sj 60S 77 60 Sept. 46 4'A 44 41k pork. July 1I17W 18 2B ii m II 1TMJ 1 - S'Pt- 11 M M 10 06 u to m 10 06 Lara. July. s7Vl 7 Sept. Ribs. July. Bept. 10 10 io ir. 10 riTHI 10 60 10 10 I7HI 10 K 10 171 10 2 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, ll.44ai.4.; No. I hard, 1 441.441. Corn: No. -3 yellow, 7ViUWie; No. 4 yellow, 76'tc. Oats: No. I white, &3'4d63o; standard, tsWJt'c. Rye, nominal. Bar ley, 78c. Aeecls: Timothy, ti.00A1.IO; clover. W Provisions: Pork, 117. K; lard. -.7.ri; ribs. I-.ST. K.3T'. POTATOES Steady ; receipts, 26 rases; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, tft&itc; white, 40470. KU'LTRY Alive, higher; fowls. lKc. BUTTER Lower; creamery, 23r7o. EGOS Higher; recelpU. 23,37. casos; at r784r; No. yellow. 7l(37!o; N. J mUrnl, ?mf7lUo; Ni. i mixed, TlfSmV-; AD ORDER BLANIC Omaha, Neb. in payment for publishing the following days in THE OMAHA BEE as per rate COPY nmik, ses Inrludcd. IMC'V. otuinsrv Imta, l.Tjlt.i.v; ilrsts. 4Mtll t.KNr.Rtl. MtlKKT. RtiTTKR-NA t Mb cartons, lie; Na I -lb tubs, ' t il. .KSHV-lmiHirtM nwiss. -2c; Amer lan Cwlss. .V. blotk Haiss, , twins, lc: aalsies, liHc; triplet. tiVre; .oung Anierl. a. lav; blue lshel brn k. lii'c; llm burger. J-lh. v; New York white. IK; muirted len b Konuefort, 40c. Hull-Trout. 14c, large irspples. 14c; ksllbut. 13c; cllannel rsti'lsh. He. herrlim. lc, oKlflKh, 14c; mackerel, hc. salmon lc. 8H KT PtlTATOK. Kanaas, M 7b bbl , Wholeaale prb-aa of beet cuts etiedive April m sre ss follows; IttiKK TT-lli; No 1. lc. N . 3. I si-: No. I. lc. Loins: No. 1. 21,c; i No. J. :Pc; No. , -! Chucks: No. I, HVtC; No. 3, lie; No. x, llSo Rounds. No. 1. IIV; N" I. 1RVc; N". 3. 16'4--I'latrs: No. 1, c; No. I. V; No- ;i-c t VOVLTRT-Brofters. 50c; spring ihlck i ens. lie, hens. 4c; cocks. IV: roosters. I ISC. stag '-VC; ducks. 15c. geese. It; i turkeys. ISt!M; pigeons, per ool.. Hk-: ' diMks, full feathered. lr; geeae, full ' fenlliered, lc; tituaba. No. 1, 11.60; No. i. Fruit and veyetaMe prices furnished by Gllltnnkl ."rult company; KRCITH rangee: I-'sncy Csllfornli Nsvels. 80s, i.M per hn: fancy Cali fornia Navels. :. J.7."i per box: fancy CalKornlu late Valencies, I7a. 0Ts. 1ii. V4s and MM. W W per box; fancy I'sltfornla late Valencies, fl to 10-h. lota. X per box; extra Inncv ABC. lain Valencies, MOO per box. Lemons Kxtra fane) tlolden Howl, Jrlfc, , tV per box; feucv Bilver Cbrd. ie. ."Woe. II 00 per box: extra fancy Southland Beauties. JiiGa, 8. ISO" per box fancy Justrlte, .M"s. SHOs. 14 00 per box. Oraprfrult: Cele- brsted Chase brand. 14.00 per box; (elebvated Chase brand, tf. M 3& per box; jcelebrsted Chsse brsnd, i4a. 4 M per box: Irelebratel Chase brand, Ms and . It 10 rer Ihix. rineapples Kxtra fancy t'ubs i Z4s. , 3. 12. i (er box. Bananas: Medium alie, 2 OiVuS. 3 per bunch; Juvjiln. fruit. Chsnguinola and Port Union. I: per lb. Strawberries: t'xtra fsncv Mis sourt, quarts. 1si per esse. Csllfornta cherries! lo-i. boxes, prr bo.. 1-iJKTAItl-K.S -California new cab bage. ( to list P'S., Sc per lb.; ' celery. Jumbo. S0c a dos ; peppers. We a basket; head lettuoe, a dos ; tomatoes. fsnc, H per crate: lesf lettuce. 40c a dox. ; artlchokea, 1.6" a dos.: endive, ftc per lb.; onions, yellow, ir per lb.: onions. Texss Bermuda, white. It W per crate: lxaa Berinuils. yelloa-, I.'J6 per crste. Tomatoes: Choice, Kefl per crate, ripln ach: SO- per dos. Parsley: tor per dox. lieets: hai per dos. Potatoes: Minne sots white, TOi'lfTfc per bu.; Texas Triumphs. lOa-lh. sack, 4tv per Ih ; Florida Triumphs, in hampers of to lbs, U.kl per hamper. Cocnanuta: U.50 pr ssck; per dos., Nuts: No. 1 Cslt- fornls wslnuts, 1- per Ih.: filberts. Vie per lb.; Hrsstla. llc per lb.; pecsnn, I. c per lb. ; sigsr walnut dale, 1 ) per box; almonds, 20c jvr lb. M18CP:LLAN.Xl'H Shelled popi-orn 4c per lb.; ltmas. 11.71 per box; Crsckor jark. WW per rase: Checkers, S.h) per oaee; Craokerjark. 11.75 per H case. Pea nuts: Raw, 7c per lb.: rossted, le per lb.; raw, sack lota. Jumbo, lc per lb.; salted. 11.60 per can. Asparagus. Iloiun grown, V4 lb. bunches, 10c per dog. bunches. , Kin Verk Uesrral Market. NEW YORK, May r.-BI'OAR Raw. wteadv; ccairlfugal. 4S-; molasses, 4.1'. Refined, steady. Futures were dull and unohanged early today. Bl'TTKlfc-Mteady: receipts, 8.-M1 tubs; cresmory, extras, (W a'ore), axtiSnWc; creamery, 'higher scoring!. Llaitc' firsts, r,bGir, seconds. Ski'ire. tineettled: reee4p4s, 1A.U0 rases; fresh gathered, extrss. Sif!J-; stores nacked, extra firsts. tlMlUu; llrsts. -U iiilMjc: regular pscked, extra firsts. Slrtf IV firsts, 41e: nearhy hennery, whites, fine to fancy. 4--c: nearby henneiy, brown a. 131 34c. CHERPK Bteady; rKelpla 11.M-1 boxes; whole milk, fresh specials. tHW llc: average fancy. ViV- I'UlTRT Dreaaed. dulL unuhanged; western fro sen roasting nhlrkene, 17r 2e: fresli fowls, iced. 14orUe; fresh tur keys. lcel. 1MW7C. Live firm; clih-kena, broilers, mglimfowls. 17Vtylitc. Kaasaa City tlrala aad Pravlslana. KANSAS CITY. May !7. WlfBAT-No. hard,; Na. I red. l.l; May, II. 41; July. il.lUs: September, 11 15t. CORN No. 1 mixed. 73c: No. I white, 7Rc; No. I yellow, feHTPi-c No. X 74e; May, 78c; July, 74VtHHc; Heptember, 7l.c. OATS-No. I white, 484j'4c; No. 1 mixed, 4HNTc. BlTTTER-t'reamery. 2c; firsts, 14; seconds. UHc; packers, lVc. KOOS First. lGHc; seconds, llio. POITLTRY Hens, 13c; roosters, 10c I turkeya. lie. t. Loala Grain Market. ' ST. I-OUI8, Mo.. May 17. WHFIAT No. t red. 1.; No. I hard. I1.48VWP1 ; May, 11.41; July. lUti. OORN-No. I, TttV-O; No. 2 white. 77c; May, TSc: July, 7Sc OAT No i. lc: No. I white. Mr I ' Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, May r.-WHItAT-No. 1 Manitoba. 14a; No. i. Ua 7d; No. 1 north ern Duluth, no stock; No, I hard winter, Us Id. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, la Id; La Plata mixed, its 12d. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 37 WHEAT May, 11.64; July. 11.47: No. 1 hard, 11.66; No. 1 northern, l.(uV&l.Kl; No. 2 northern, tl.4el.9l. 13. FLOUR Unchanged . BArlLK.Y 4W74C. RYB- BRAN-I2L60. COKN-No. 3 yellow. 73h7c. OATSNo. I white, 43u3c. rUAX-tl HHtH.H. Oottoa Market NEW YORK, May 27. COTTON 8pot. quiet; middling uplands, 1 .66c. Bales 2,300 bales. Cotton futures opened steady; July, l.ttc; October, )": lieoember, 1.10c; January,; March, ai0c. The eottoa market closed steady at a net advance of I to I points. LIVERPOOL. May r.-4'OTTON-Bpot. easier; good middling, S.48d; middling, SJ4d; low middling, 4Wd. Sale 4.M) bales. Dry Gaada Mark-it. NBW YORK, May 27. DRY OOOI Raw silk markets were unsettled and eaay today. Cotton goods were quiet and easy. Yarns were dull. Additional orders ware offered for uniform cloths for France. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET iHetry Receipt AH Around Cattle Steady to Lower Lambi Slow and Lower. i NICKEL ADVANCE IN HOG TRADE! : ...-f,. 7...... .... ' Retelnta wera "i j.i.-ha. siay si. i:i .'atlin. lioise. Mini T. Ofi'iclal Mon In, Ofll.ial .. 'J'fi.lsl Wednesday P'Stlniate Thuiartay , .. 4i,lll I,!4 .',tll , .. : iii v :i", ..; .. i r: ;.: x; . . 4.i 14 :I..V 0 . our dnv this weelt.1s.Jt J7.-: 1- "v- INamei'uys Isnt wtck .. lg,I 47 w; !.':;. i .seine days t wka ago.l7.l71 :'.I4 I !.!. , Same days 1 t ks. aao.21 7P0 40.W7 hi.' Same days 4 wka. ago. l". Ms 4. :M '.'".'t; rame days last ear..l.t,!l W,K Its '23 The following table s ,. leceipi of cattle, hog and sheep at the io nh Omaha lic to'k market or the year to date, aa coinperod with last year: 101V litis. Ine. Pei-. ttle tfit:';' ,144..tS7 . 7.i h" i.t...o7s a.a,ou Sheep !.. 4!; !M.2;1 W.T.Vi The fclloalng table shoaa m aerwJ price for hogs at the Month Omaha II e stock market for Ihe Isst few dss. with comparisons: tste. li."7iil. 'i'll. 9it. 1 1l VimT''!'T May 111 7 st; 1, )4 t b W 2t. 1 "I ' May 13. 7 3I, I III I 16 T 441 i. i ; 7 04 May 14.1 7 4.-i H i! k :-i 7 k.i i ' May 15.1 7 4l'k I 2Xi I a; 7 W 5 ' 1 7 II May Id aU(4 iMIn :, Msy ir.i t r: iiwiiMiiiwewiM May IM.' 7 J7' I ! I 7 w I S4i 4-i 7 r.t May 1.4.1 7 I HI I I I 71 HK I 2 Msv ai. 7 I I i! I sx; 7 S0 B 73 j I ' Msy 31, 7 3V I S4, I M, 7 4it II HI 7 01 Msv 33.1 J 3V It 1,1 I 7 i. 4, i 1 ' Msy 'S. I lb . il 7 4S R fn 9 Msy 34.: 7 I3 1 I 33 7 V. I 3 r I'." May . t , 4 IM , a a m S I ' i I" Mav 2ti.l 7 U 7 r. H 47.1 I & H3, 9 It 7 14 ; May 27. 7 y I 01 14- 7 JfrlJMi! 9JT. ' j 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition nr live atooa at the Union Htock Yarda. South Omaha, foe twenty-tour hours ending at I p. n. yesterdsy; nioCKlPTs CARS Cattle I togs. Sheep Uses. C. M. "t. P S abash 4 1 Missouri Pacific .... U 1'r.lon Pari. in M C A N. W.. east... II in C N. W.. west... h C. . P.. M. O.. JR 111 1 C. H. AV Q., east... h I C. Ft. VI.. west... 4S t 1 I'., It. I. P., east, lil I C. It. I. P.. west. .. I llllr els Central 4 4 Total receipts ,...4S m 17 . 1 DISPOSITION-l t SA 1. Cattle. Hogs. Shern. Morrla Co W t.tWw 2'2 twirt A Co 1.2.13 .1.0.7 1.N42 Cudahy Packing Co I.W4 2.41 7f Armour Co 117 11 " rUhwarta Co 421 .1 W. Murphy i ro Omaha Packing Co.. 10 HI. Clair Packing Co,.. IM Cudahy. Fort Worth.... Cudahy, Kanaas City 219 Hwlft. Kansas City H2 Rentnn. Vansant I. 17 ..... ..... Hill Ik Ron 7U F. R. la-wis M J. 11. Bulla... 1 Roaenstnck Pros 15 ..... Mccreary Kellogg.... 12 ..... ..... H K. Hamilton .13 Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... 1S8 Hlggina Longman ft Ilro 3) Pat l.'Uay. 43 Meyers 10 ..... Ool ilberg 77 ' ' Psker, Jones ft Hmlth.. W Tanner Pros 12 (.. John Harvey 97 Other buyera 190 7 Totals .1,725 11,181 CATTLB! Receipts were tolerably lib eral this morning, about 4.MW heed being reported In and the quality ef the offer ings was better than it has been ful some time. Market conditions, however. Were generally bearish and trend of valuea was lower right from the start, A few very choice cattle both heavy anil light sold well up to Wednesday's fig ures, but on tha general run of steers bide and sales were right around ion lower and trade was very alow at the decline. Prime yearlings would probably sell close to the .0 mark and best of the heavy beeves brought IH.7&, but at a lata hour In the forenoon the bulk of the offerirgs had not changed hands and undertone to the trade was verv weak. Cowa and he! f era were Id fairly liberal supply and demand was rather slack. Hids were usually all of 10a lower than Wednesdsy and It looked as If the offer ings would hsvs to sell on that basts If they aold at all. Veal ralvea, bulls, stags, eta., ruled steady to a shade lowsr, and were rather slow sale. There was nut much doing In Blockers snd feeders, as supplies were very lim ited, and country demsnd slower thsn it baa been for a long time. Choice giadea of all weights were quotably about ateady. but on the odds and ends they were lacking In quality. Prlcea were very uneven, with the trend decidedly lower. Volume of business In this line was slow. yuotstlons on cattle: (lood to choice yearlings. .4O00; good to choice corn fed beeves, S 2f.iftl.7S; fslr to good corn red beeves. t.lfit tf: common to fair corn fed beeves, 7.-0fi.; good to choice heifers. I7.UU44I.I; good to choice cows, . . .... - J, . . J . . . . -Bl ail. common to fair vows, tS.7fHg&.7: good to ehoica stickers and feeders. t7.0t 10; fslr to good stockers and feeders. IT.eOrP lAe; common to fair alockera and feed ers. I4.0uy1.li0; stock bslfera. I6.004ir7.ti0; stook cows, !S.7-ti1.7-: stork calves, MM tW: real calves. tl00al-.7: tat bulls, stags, etc., tai.; stuck bulla, .M 7 10 ' ' HEIFf-RP. Ms. Av. Pr. Ms. Ir. 4 41 I M II Hi I tt I M I It CALVES. ITS I M 1 I IS M IM I 00 1 MM. ' HftxVtfiKrt AND rEKDRUS I ni IN . " 7 4 in i 7 m 11 ll IM Hut-S There was a liberal run hete this morning, some csrs. or 14.WM head, being reported In. Tha total for the week la 37.61 head, being a shortage of 10,uu0 head as compared with last weak, aad about 600 hsad smaller than a year ago. Today's run wss the largest of the week to dste. In spite of the fact that receipts were so large, trade opened out In pretty de rent season at prices that were just about a nickel higher. There was a fair degree of competition between packers snd at tha best time quite a number of hogs moved on a b'alOu higher basis. This strength did not last long, however, snd values soon went back to their early basis, that la, just a nickel higher. Move ment of the early arrivals wss fairly lively, but the late arrival of several trslns made the wind-up slow. Towards the last end of the trade prices eased off a little, but the general market waa fully a nickel higher. Heavy hogs continue In disfavor and there was quite a sprinkling of these left after the bulk of the offerings had sold. Most of the sales were made at a spread of 7.!7W0'7 .46. with quite a sprinkling of the weightier grades at 17.10 ;.. and tops as high as $. 7V Co . en. rr. No. av. hu.. rr 47 till M IX 4f . Kt 7 4tS in Ill lis 7 s IT Ill .. Tin, m im ... 1 rs m iso- T 44 H J4 ... 7 i l ... 7 44 in 4 W 7 III tl 1 1W T 17 47 40 7 4(1 HHHKP-Thii lievieat run of sheep and lantba of tho week showed ui this morning, some fourteen care, or 1,(00 head being reported in. The total for the four dtys fools up 12.&4 aa against 4,637 last week, and la,.-- a veai atjo. This week's supply Is the hesvleet since three weeks ago, when IM head arrived during the first four d -Vs. Most of this morning's offerings were nf shorn lambs, and the trade took a bearish turn, i ackers' opening bids being quoted ss a quarter lower, fellers fought the decline herd, and up to a lata hour only a few bunches I sd ben cashed, but these showed anyway a luitc doullne, and by most tradsrs wsre quoted aa a flat c. lower. Several bunohee of springers were received, but tbe only bunch sold up ta a late hour waa a Utile package vf natives which went at 111.60. Hupiilloa of clipped ewes were the heav iest of the week, but at that did not amount to more itian a cmiiue of full decks, and a few odd bunches. Quotations on shtiep snd lambs: Lambs, shorn, light. I.utv0io.ut; lainffa. ahorn, hvavy, fi.twnLW: ewes, shorn. 5.5iat.j. Ilepresi-ntitlve sales: mi cull Ismbs 74 I 73 H native spring laroue. ., u u h tt shorn eYes Iu6 i a 1.1 m .as CMIf AliO I.IVK KTIM K mihh.:t tattle Weak Unas Klreaa her a Klrnsg, IIICAtlu, May .7. - CATTLK-lte- rcintP. 4 0111 heml' mar-.l m-Wi .. .. 1 1.- beef steers, 7.l)o'i!i western sterr M V.i Iluiii.ts. "(MIS ItsPelpts, JO.OOfl hesd; M.irket srcng. jv ntsher; bulk. 17 SMI 7. at); light. I '"iii.n. .; mixed. 7..07 ..; Iiesvv. ,.JI "'": rough. 17 yfu i:x: pigs. U0Mi7.e. t.w: rough. $7ifu7.:t,"i: lgs, 04i7.e read, market weak: sheep. ir.OO'lVltl. Iiimlis, n.,Hil0.4O. t. I.onla Live Stock Market. ?T. l.otl.o. May 27. - fATTIiV-ll -iclpts. I.) head: market steady; nntlv lr steern, $7.:ti'i .:,; yearling steers and beifei r. s i9t4r9..m: cows. K(Mfi'7.;4: ''., . err and feeders. KOftfiM.2.; Tesss aid In- , man steers. K. ;:,! r.; cows end lieuer. j 14 X)iiR ; native cub es, innti9 7:i I'D) lit-Receipts, t.TOrt head. mail;ef pt higher: pigs and llehla. i7 S"; inlsul land butchers. !.".itr7.W; Rood hravv. r.K. ' MIIOKf AMI I.AM IIS Itecelpt.. .1 head: nuirket steady to loaer: rllnv .1 , mi. t Ions t';.;V,tT;..Vi; lliifd lambs iXi) ( li.2.'i; Bpring Inmba, tlO.Wii l.'.."-. ! Kansas ll Live Slnek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mav 27. t ' ATTi.l-' - IlccehdH. 2,tii head: market lower; ;ir n I fed steers, . W. n 9f, : dreseed beef stcr:, s miiw.T.i: western steers, I;.t54i-4.t4l; Mock i cts and feeders bulls .J. ,7 2'.: calves. IrtMHiliirtl , IIIMIS-Ue. elpts, ..Vi Lead: inurK j ''Pber: bulk. 7.rVu7.h7,; heavv. ''S: liackeis and butchers. I7."tu7 ".; , IlKht. l,..V4l7.7fl; pigs. lii.SVH J.M. , KIIKKl' AMI I.AMHS-Heceliu.. S,(t:i i 1-ead: lambs, 1'i.otVifil M; vearllngs ISro. !.-.; wethers, M..!vij7 ; ernes, tilKHW 75; St. Joseph Live Stock Maeket. ST. JOsi:r'H. May 17. CATTI.K R leipt... ,10 head; tnaiket steadv; eteers , 17. v 4Tu; cos and heifers. 4.:.-e)v re' : I hives. Sll.Wldlft.OO. i IIIMIH.-Rereipts, o.tim ln'-sd: 'marks high. r. top, 17. .0; bulk of stiles. 7..-.0'i i HMKKI AM lAMHSlteceli.ts 1(V) bend; market steady: lambs, 10.0iifi l2.o''.' I'lvaparated 4pplea aad Dried Frail -tV-Jf' M"'r tf--KVAPOi...TKI Alrl.f.K KHsier. Kill KM l-IU ITS-Prunel. aleady. nrl quM ,K,,'', nd easy. Rusins. High School Girls Exhibit Cooking The girls of the domestic science de partment of the Central Mis-K xMu-i held an exhibit in the south hall of the scnooi Wednesdsy and more than li had samples of cooking and sawing. Miss Turner, In direct charge af the exhibit, railed it a -Mao catching stunt" because it gave the bova a nh.-. ascertain what kind of rooks the girls were and ir they could make their own cloth ea. foma of tha dresses and other wearing apparel exhibited would da credit to the dreaamaklng art and the erain, -.. . pleasing cornmanta from th boyg. vme ooy succeeded in earrytnr a big coooanut cake to his locker, to Which It wad traced by tha c rumba It was re covered by one of tha janitors and re stored ta the weeping baker. After school tha girls who brought eatsbles were permitted to Invite their friends to help eat tha good things. Packers Leave the Matter to Embassy WASHINGTON. May Sg.-H.Ugfled that Justice finally will be accorded thorn by Great Britain, representatives of Chicago peers today resoprad for tha present to leave their interests In detained cargoea, of meat products In tha hands of .British embassy officials hare. They left tonight for tha west. A tentative basis of settlement for ehlpmente held up by tha British fleet valued In all at mora than lla.OOO.000, has bean framed and cabled to London. Word aa ta whether tha arrangement is approved by tha British ew.r-.1 t. axpoctad soon and la tha meantime the "this w" not be made public. s Oldfield Will Not Be In Hoosier Auto Run CMdrieid. dean of American race driver., will not app, ln th. loo-mlle eonleat at the Indianapolis motor speedway Bat- which nMe,'f!.n0UnC, t0ni- Th which Oldfield union- .1 . . " revue was damaged beyond repair In predict. Tha veteran driver then was offered, a place on a number of teams, but tha cars did - v ana na reruaed tha offers. PRINTERS ELECT THEIR DELEGATES AND OFFICERS Omaha Typographical unlo xr ... held Ita annual election of officers yes terday, casting Ht rotes of Kg member ship of J00, Tha chief Interest waa over me eiecuon or delegates to the Inter national Typographical - - - wiivvmiuu. to be held at Log Angeles In August. niigm oanaiaatea entered the race, two to be elected. . William H. Shaw of the World-Herald office raoalved tha highest vote and B. P. Lyman of tha rtaiiv va. office waa second. for tooal offices all nlanea w.M. .... contested, aava that of recording sec re tary. for which place tha re vara two candidates. Tha new off , e w- union are C. A. Vichera, president; rred j. nuiuvan. vice president: Ahdrew Boott. recording secret sry; R, o. Hln- man, secroiary-irsaaurer ; j. h. Colllna seraesnt-at-arms: Oscar Anft.i..n H. Kellogg and R. P. Tuten, board ef trustees. Culls from the Wire The H. C. Flick Coke company ot tVn nellavllle. fa., fired MO Id's ovens, mak ing 1.100 ovena fired within the last week There are now lt.Sis. ovena In operation In the t'onneltaville region, all of them on six days a week. The National Association ef Manufac turers, In annual convention at New York, adopted a resolution extending to l K. Low and eompnuy. the conamt- lulatluns of the assoclKtlon for having oh- tainea in ute unitea Btates supreme court a verdict over tha Datihury hatlers In the firm' g boycott action. 1M slim n ewes. . .IM hern In tubs Warren Olner, Jr., and Prank a. Drum. California lecelvers for tha Western I'u olflo railroad of Collfornia, were ap pointed by the federal court at New York to act ln the same capacity for the rail road ln this district The request for tha receivership appointment was made bv the Equitable Trust company, which alleges that .,o,OU0 hss beeu defaulted by the railroad in Interest on gold bonds since March 1, 1.1a. The Importance of adopting an ade quate oriental policy for the I'niud States, the fundamental principle ot which shall be "the just and equitable treatment of all races." Is urged in the report of Prof, rlhaller Matthews, deaa of tha divinity school of Chicago univer sity, and the Rav. (Sidney 1. GulKk. 1). D., who composed "the Christian em bassy to Japan," sent to that country tiarlv this year by the Kedsral found' of Churches of Christ in Anieilca. to fos ter a better understanding between ti e two countries. The reKrt wag Made) public In New Tork. f I i f i ; '